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Discussions on AI, robotics, advanced data analytics, and many other breakthrough

technologies are no longer at the periphery. Governments throughout the world are

recognising and responding with great urgency to these unprecedented technological
advances. Together, their impact on pre-existing economic and social structures has the
potential to drastically alter economies. They can reshape global value chains, supplant entire
industries, and displace many existing workers, even as they bring forth new opportunities for
the future.
Malaysia, as with all economies closely integrated with the global economy, will not be
spared from these changes. Drawing on existing work in the literature, this essay explores this
issue in the context of Malaysia beginning with an assessment of future of jobs at risk of
technological displacement before proceeding to a discussion on the broader implications to
Malaysia's economic development in the decades to come.

The world is different now. The percentages of internet users are keep rising
significantly over the years. In Malaysia especially, the percentage of the internet usage in
Malaysia has increase from 76.9% in 2016 to 87.4% in 2018 and it just in two years. It is a
great sign that internet has become I a pivotal medium in social engagement on which text
communication and visiting social networking platform were the most common activities for
Internet users (96.5% and 85.6% respectively) while WhatsApp and Facebook were the most
popular communication and social networking platform. Other than that, the user of internet
on the adults also has shown significant impact. Based on the research conducted by the
MCMC, the mean age of Internet users in 2018 increased to 36.2 years, compared to 33.0
years in 2016. Its due to means of technological usage that has significantly changes our lives
and ease of our lives in every manner. Furthermore, the extension of broadband facilities, for
both mobile and fixed broadband, has also change the way Internet users went online. Better
coverage and services are making it easier for users to access Internet at the comfort of their
own home. This has eventually led to the decline in users’ accessing Internet at both
commercial and community Internet access facilities such as at cybercafé in fact people
choose use a internet at home or by using a mobile data network that is more accessible.
The nature of the Artificial Intelligence (A.I) technologies has significantly changed
and contributed more and more than before. While the first industrial revolution saw
technologies substituting and surpassing manual labour and horse-power, we are now
witnessing technologies substituting and surpassing our cognitive abilities. As we known,
these A.I and related technologies are doing for mental power what the steam engine and its
descendants did for muscle power, and this is highly consequential as it has the potential to
displace many skilled employments. The progress of A.I itself is too drastic and keep
changing over the years. Driven by the combined exponential growth in the computing power
of machines, the creation of digital information, the network of connected devices. So rapid is
the improvement that even experts tend to underestimate it. Sergey Brin, the co-founder of
Google, admitted in Davos early this year that he was surprised by the speed of A.I
advancement despite being in the front seat of its research
These characteristics point towards a fundamentally changed future that is closer than we
think and changed the entirely of the world.

Throughout the years, AI has drastically become an essential more than the human
itself. Since A.I has been introduced to the world, it practically changed the overall
perspective of the human world. It is no doubt that A.I has significant impact to the human
especially in terms of benefit to the economic. According to research, the share of jobs
requiring AI skills has grown 4.5X since 2013 and it can be proven by number of growths of
the share of US jobs requiring skills on the platform. It was calculated by first
identifying AI-related jobs using titles and keywords in descriptions. Job growth is a
calculated as a multiple of the share of jobs on the Indeed platform that required A.I skills in
the U.S. starting in January 2013. The study also calculated the growth of the share of jobs
requiring AI skills on the platform, by country. Despite the rapid growth of the
Canada and UK. A.I job markets, reports they are respectively still 5% and 27%
of the absolute size of the US A.I job market. Moreover, Global revenues from A.I for
enterprise applications is projected to grow from $1.62B in 2018 to $31.2B in 2025 attaining
a 52.59% CAGR in the forecast period. Image recognition and tagging, patient data
processing, localization and mapping, predictive maintenance, use of algorithms and machine
learning to predict and thwart security threats, intelligent recruitment, and HR systems are a
few of the many enterprise application use cases predicted to fuel the projected rapid growth
of A.I in the enterprise. It is proven market that A.I can dominate and capitalised the big
enterprise to grow bigger and making more profitable.
To sum up it is obvious that modern technologies can be a double-edged weapon.
They have their advantages, but with many inventions, they can completely change our lives,
for better or worse. With the way in which it has changed everyday life via machine
and deep learning, A.I has become embedded as part of what we do. In fact, much of the
time we don’t even recognize something as A.I because it is so familiar, just like how we take
using the Internet for granted. Whether it is a business system, or the whole traditional
business in need of change, A.I. has proved its disruptive power, being able to redesign the
environment according to all needs. Personalization is now taken to the next level. It is prove
that A.I can no longer be ignored, nor avoided.

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