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The technological landscape often changes very rapidly. Many technologies that were
considered the most popular among people few years back might be facing extinction today. This
does not happen due to natural or human influenced disasters but rather because of the
advancements and innovations of the cutting-edge parallel and alternative technologies. In some
sense, one technology kills another. Gone are the days of floppy disk which is already replaced by
USB flash stick. Likewise, we once saw the boom of photographic film which is now obsolete in the
age of digital camera. In fact, Kodak like companies producing photographic films faced huge
revenue loss with the advent of digital camera [1]. Fax machines are being replaced by MFPs
(Multifunction printers). The future is unpredictable but, in many cases, it is more or less understood
that with the advancement of technologies, some other parallel technologies suffer the most.
Eventually, the concerned technology companies pay the price. This is even more practical especially
in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and overall Computer Science and
Engineering-related fields. Within quick time, even within a period of five years, we could see
changes that were not imagined before. We have various indicators, some we know and some we
guess but when the right parameters join together, the change occurs pretty fast. While there are
often practical latest products emanating from real products existing at the current time, in the
research arena, we are free to think (with some rationale) about almost anything, whether in future
that becomes a reality or not.



There are many factors driving the wave of technological innovation. The most
important of these are the human race’s insatiable curiosity about its environment combined with
its unique ability to both utilize tools and innovate with them. Other factors include the globalization
of increased competition for markets and changing consumer and customer demands.

Organizations now have the flexibility to restructure rapidly to suit fast changing competitive
environment and customer needs. Technology provides organizations with the opportunity to
communicate and transact business more efficiently and effectively than at any time in history

Technology will no longer be “external” to us. It will be part of the furniture, the walls, the
urban fabric, and the cloth we wear and even our bodies. Intelligent networks will link all facets of
our lives. We may soon be able to enhance our memories and learning capabilities both through
designer” mind” drugs and intelligent entities to do more managing for us; or “techno mentoring”.


Computers and communication technologies allow individuals to communicate with one

another in ways complementary to traditional face-to-face, telephonic, and written modes. They
enable collaborative work involving distributed communities of actors who seldom, if ever, meet
physically. These technologies utilize communication infrastructures that are both global and always
up, thus enabling 24-hour activity and asynchronous as well as synchronous interactions among
individuals, groups, and organizations. Social interaction in organizations will be affected by use of
computers and communication technologies. Peer-to-peer relations across department lines will be
enhanced through sharing of information and coordination of activities. Interaction between
superiors and subordinates will become more tense because of social control issues raised by the
use of computerized monitoring systems, but on the other hand, the use of e-mail will lower the
barriers to communications across different status levels, resulting in more uninhibited
communications between supervisor and subordinates.

Computers have had a tremendous impact on human interaction with other humans.
According to David Bell, reader in Cultural Studies at Staffordshire University, “technology and
society are kept separate, even held in opposition to one another: technology causes social
change.”11 Computers have created social change due to the uses of them as well as acceptance
into society by people. Media and communications technologies, or telematics, as referred to
earlier, further disconnect people from reality and push towards a virtual world. Relationships
among people have drastically changed since the introduction of the personal computer.
Interpersonal relationships are uniquely different than ever before. In most circumstances, due to
geographic location, convenience, or comfortableness, human to human interaction is much
different in the 21st century than the 20th and prior to. In particular, the use of email has been
shown to eliminate a lot of the usual visual and verbal cues we often use in communicating with one
another. In addition to removing such cues, computer-mediated communications mask attributes
such as race, gender, age, or physical disability, in addition, perhaps, to the person's social or
management status within an organization with the use of the virtual world. However, many people,
especially younger generations, are losing the ability to properly communicate in face to face
situations because of being accustomed to conversing in what has become known as cyberspace.

Development of society is recognized by the development in the field of education.

Science and technology has brought revolution in the education system and opened the new era of
education where you can learn each and every thing by the modern techniques. The present
education system reflects a system of standards from the past. Technology is being used by students
on daily basis such as web surfing, texting, email, etc. By the use of modern technology students can
listen and watch best lectures on audio and video conferencing. In modern time education system is
blind without the use of internet because internet helps us to make the education more purposeful
and more interesting. (Baytak, A, Tarman, B, & Ayas, C. 2011) [10], Students can download the
research articles, books, journals, Magazines and can check the status of their research articles, their
application forms, their results, etc. in modern time technology has made our education system
open and our knowledge is based on real facts. Science helps us to discover new techniques which
bring the modernization in education system and students use these techniques and technologies to
work fast and with accuracy. Technology helps us to calculate faster than human mind. It is also used
by students to magnify the small objects which we cannot see with the human eye during any
experiment process. Finally we can say that modern science and technology is the back boon of
education system and also government should facilitate each and every institute with such modern
techniques to make the education system more rational and verifiable. (Christen 2009) [11]

Enabling more fluid interactions between people and promising AI technologies also remains
a critical challenge in Education, which has seen considerable progress in the same period. Though
quality education will always require active engagement by human teachers, AI promises to enhance
education at all levels, especially by providing personalization at scale. Interactive machine tutors are
now being matched to students for teaching science, math, language, and other disciplines. Natural
Language Processing, machine learning, and crowdsourcing have boosted online learning and
enabled teachers in higher education to multiply the size of their classrooms while addressing
individual students’ learning needs and styles. Over the next fifteen years in a typical North
American city, the use of these technologies in the classroom and in the home is likely to expand
significantly, provided they can be meaningfully integrated with face-to-face learning

The role of technology in the world of education has been ever changing. Most recently,
technology has been a new phenomenon to help motivate, differentiate, and allow students to
achieve and excel in ways that they have never been able to before. According to Johnson (2003),
the computer and technology, if used correctly, has the ability to “invoke dream in the minds of
visionary educators who saw endless potential for altering traditional notions of teaching and
learning” (p. 2). Two past presidents saw the need for fundamental change in education to keep
American students in competition with technology with other students from around the world. In
1994, President Bill Clinton signed The Goals 2000: Educate America Act (Goals 2000: Educate
America Act, 1994). There were many parts of this bill that involved technology and education. Part
C of The Goals 2000: Educate America Act, Leadership in Technology, (a) calls upon the Department
of Education to create a national strategy to involve technology into all educational programs and
the state and local school systems, (b) foster understanding of how technology can be used to
improve teaching and learning, (c) show how technology can be used to create an equal opportunity
for all students to be successful while meeting state education requirements, and (g) create high-
quality professional education opportunities for educators with the ability to integrate technology
into their instruction (Goals 2000: Educate America Act, 1994).


The nature of work will change, and millions of people will require new skills. It is not surprising that
new technologies make certain forms of human labor unnecessary or economically uncompetitive
and create demand for new skills. This has been a repeated phenomenon since the Industrial
Revolution: the mechanical loom marginalized home weaving while creating jobs for mill workers.
However, the extent to which today’s emerging technologies could affect the nature of work is
striking. Automated knowledge work tools will almost certainly extend the powers of many types of
workers and help drive top-line improvements with innovations and better decision making, but they
could also automate some jobs entirely. Advanced robotics could make more manual tasks subject
to automation, including in services where automation has had less impact until now. Business
leaders and policy makers will need to find ways to realize the benefits of these technologies while
creating new, innovative ways of working and providing new skills to the workforce.

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