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HLTH 2000 Study Guide Quiz 1

This is a GUIDE to help you study efficiently. This WILL NOT give you the answers or any specifics on
what will be on the quiz. The test will cover information covered in this class including, the lectures, the
reading, videos, etc found on Blackboard.

What is Public Health?

 Define it

Core Functions of Public Health

 Assessment, Policy Development, Assurance
 Consider examples of each

Controversial nature of public health:

 Read the “Why is Public Health Controversial?” pdf
 Why is it so controversial? What makes it controversial?
 Main sources of controversy? Most controversial of these?
 When can government restrict freedom?
 Market justice vs social justice

Core disciplines in public health

 What are they? (Example: Epidemiology, Social and Behavioral health)
 What do they do?

Levels of Prevention
 Primary, secondary and tertiary
 Examples of each

History of Public Health and Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century.
 How did public health begin? (Review the website link about history of public health)
 Vaccinations, motor vehicle safety, safer workplaces, etc, etc.
 21st Century Public Health Problems in U.S.
 Health care delivery, environmental health, lifestyle diseases, communicable diseases,
disparities, herd immunity, community organizing, Medicare, Medicaid, health disparities,
bioterrorism, public health preparedness, medical preparedness.

Determinants of health and Factors that influence health

 Social, cultural, geographical, Socio-economic Status (SES), etc.
Public Health Organizations and Agencies:
 Governmental health agencies (local, state, federal, and international level)
o Know examples
o Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, FDA, WHO, health departments, etc.
 Quasi-governmental health organizations
o American Red Cross is an example
 Nongovernmental Organizations or NGO’s

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