HLTH 2000 Test 3 Study Guide

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HLTH 2000 Introduction to Public Health

STUDY GUIDE for Test Number 2

Chapters 5-9

Films to Watch:
 The Blue Zones Project
 America’s Infant Mortality Crisis
 Unravelling the Mystery of Black-White Differences in Infant Mortality (also listed as
Unnatural Causes: When the Bough Breaks)
 John Oliver’s Sex Education
 Weight of the Nation: Poverty and Obesity You will need to start watching one part of
this film for your final assignment in this class.

Community Organizing
 Community organizing
 Gatekeepers
 Stakeholders
 Grass-roots
 Task force
 Coalition
 Community building
 Blue Zones Project
 Social Ecological Model for planning
 Assumptions of community members, methods for planning,
 Recognizing the issue – initial organizer, recognizing the problem, assessing the problem,
program planning
 Community capacity
 Empowerment
 Participation and relevance
 Social capital
 Grass-roots
 Health education
 Health promotion
 Program planning
 Priority population
 Needs assessment
 Intervention

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Components of a Coordinated School Health Program
 Guidelines of school health program
 Roles of:
o School Advisory Council
o School Nurse
o Teacher’s, etc
o School health coordinator
 Overweight/obesity in children – contributing factors, leading health conditions
 Understand the school environment when it comes to children’s health
o What are some of the factors that lead to overweight and obesity in children in
o What other health problems are we concerned with in schools
 Foundations of the school health program
o Where do we begin or how do they get started? Example: Administration
needs to be involved!
 School health policies
o Steps for creating local health related policies (steps on pages 167-168)
o Policy development, policy implementation, and policy development

Maternal, infant and child health

 Definitions for maternal mortality, infant mortality, child morbidity and mortality
 Complications and risks of teen births, unintentional pregnancies, rates of abortion
 Risk factors of infant mortality
 Risk factors of child and maternal mortality
 Leading causes of death among infants and maternal mortality
 Risk factors of genetic abnormalities and options for mother
 Premature birth, low birth weight, SIDS: causes/risk factors
 Health insurance options for children: CHIP, Medicaid
 Medical Home
 In the United States, who suffers the greatest maternal mortality rates?
o Per race - African American women have greatest rates of maternal mortality
o Per income levels – single women living in poverty
o Per age – teens moms are more likely to suffer from maternal mortality rates

Adolescents and young adults

 Risk factors for injury and death among adolescents and young adults
 Behaviors adolescents engage in that leads to higher risk of injury and death

 Definitions of the elderly (young old, etc)
 Ageism, Aged, aging, gerontology, geriatrics, geriatricians
 Aging myths
 Factors affecting population size

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 Dependency size, labor force ratio, encore careers
 Housing, economic status, living and marital arrangements
 Leading causes of mortality and morbidity
 Health behaviors and problems

Ethnicity and Health

 How does racism affect health?
 Demographics of the United States today
 Definitions of race and ethnicity
 Risk factors for higher rates of injury, morbidity and mortality among minorites

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