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Unit 5  Something in the water

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
access acesso noun /ˈækˌses/ the right or Many people in the
[non-count] opportunity to have world don’t have
or use something that access to the internet.
will bring you benefits
appeal (for) recorrer (para) verb /əˈpil/ to make an urgent Several charities
request for people to are appealing for
give you something money to help people
such as money or affected by the crisis.
be as much se trata tanto de ... phrase /ˌbi əz mʌtʃ əˈbaʊt to be just as important For me, the job is as
about ... as como ... əz/ as something else much about helping
people as about
earning a good salary.
bottled water água engarrafada noun /ˈbɑt(ə)ld ˈwɔtər/ water that is sold in Some companies claim
[non-count] bottles bottled water has
health benefits.
brand marca noun /brænd/ a product or group Coca-Cola is a well-
of products that known brand of soft
has its own name drinks.
and is made by one
particular company
charity caridade noun /ˈtʃerəti/ an organization that She gives $15 to an
you give money to so animal charity every
that it can help people month.
who are poor, ill, etc.
climate change mudança climática noun /ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/ the changes that Climate change
[non-count] are thought to be has made the
affecting the world’s situation with water
weather so that it is much worse.
becoming warmer
disease doença noun /dɪˈziz/ an illness, especially This disease is easily
one that is caused by preventable.
an infection
donation doação noun /doʊˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ an amount of money The bank has
that you give to promised a donation
a charity or other of $24 million toward
organization to help the disaster fund.
them do something
drought seca noun /draʊt/ a long period of when A lot of plants and
there is little or no rain animals died in the
and plants die drought.
famine fome noun /ˈfæmɪn/ a serious lack of food Another season
that continues for a without rainfall is
long time and causes likely to cause a
people to die major famine.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
flood inundação noun /flʌd/ a large amount of There have been
water that covers an floods in many areas.
area that is usually dry
hygiene higiene noun /ˈhaɪdʒin/ the practice of They want to improve
[non-count] keeping people and hygiene in the city.
places clean to avoid
limited-edition edição limitada adjective /ˌlɪmɪtədɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ a product that has You always pay more
only been produced in for limited-edition
very small numbers books.
liter litro noun /ˈlitər/ a unit for measuring You can buy bottled
liquid, equal to water in liter bottles.
1,000 milliliters
make ... worth fazer ... vale a pena phrase /ˌmeɪk ˈwɜrθ/ to make an attractive Designer labels don’t
product in order to necessarily make
sell it for a high price clothes worth the
ridiculous prices that
are asked.
market ( ... as) comercializar verb /ˈmɑrkət/ to use advertising Pumpkins are
( ... como) or other methods in now marketed
order to persuade as “Halloween
people to buy essentials”.
marketing marketing noun /ˈmɑrkətɪŋ/ the ways in which a The marketing
[non-count] company encourages manager is responsible
people to buy its for selling the
products company’s products.
purification purificação noun /ˌpjʊrɪfəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ the process of making Water from our rivers
[non-count] something clean by and oceans undergoes
removing harmful a purification process
substances from it before it can be drunk.
put ... up colocar-se phrase /pʊt ˌʌp əˈɡenst/ to allow people to Companies should be
against contra ... judge two similar required to put their
products by allowing products up against
them to try or use other companies’
both to see which they products for people
prefer to compare.
range (from … variar (de ... a) verb /ˈreɪndʒ/ to include a variety We sell items ranging
to) of things from TVs to computer
refillable recarregável adjective /ˌriˈfɪləb(ə)l/ a refillable container I prefer buying drinks
can be filled with in refillable bottles.
liquid again once it
is empty
reusable reutilizável adjective /ˌriˈjuzəb(ə)l/ something that is More and more
reusable can be used shoppers now use
again, sometimes for a reusable bags.
different purpose
tap water água de torneira noun /tæp ˈwɔtər/ water from a tap The tap water in
[non-count] the city is very
good quality.
treatment tratamento noun /ˈtritmənt/ the process of adding The company claims
[non-count] chemicals to food or its water receives
water in order to clean more treatment than
it or keep it fresh cheaper brands.
volunteer voluntário noun /ˌvɑlənˈtɪr/ someone who is not He works as a
paid for the work that volunteer for a
they do local charity.
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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
water pollution poluição da água noun /ˈwɔtər pəˈluʃ(ə)n/ the process of A lot of diseases
[non-count] damaging water with are caused by water
chemicals or other pollution.
substances so that it is
no longer clean
water poverty escassez de água noun /ˈwɔtər ˈpɑvərti/ a situation in which The charity
[non-count] someone does is committed
not have enough to preventing
clean water water poverty.
water usage uso da água noun /ˈwɔtər ˈjusɪdʒ/ the amount of water Reducing your water
[non-count] that someone uses usage is good for the

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