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9/7/2020 Oracle Applications

Employee Self-Evaluation: FY20 Annual Evalua Print Submit

Marwan Saad

Start with the Evaluation Topics section. Then complete evaluation with the Overall Summary section.

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9/7/2020 Oracle Applications

Employee Rating

Employee Comments

As a base for my development plan , I am quoting my x-manager (Mohamed Ashour) last year rating :-

"" Overall Rating 5-Outstanding

Overall Comments Thanks Marwan for the extraordinary efforts done last year, your efforts in
cloud cannot be unseen . "" 

This year , I have focused for areas  of Dev to be able to continue in 5-Outstanding rate as per last two years

9 of 9 commented

Employee Rating
Outstanding… 2/3
9/7/2020 Oracle Applications

Employee Comments

I am Understanding the characteristics of the changing Orgonization environment 

and aware of transforamtion from on premise systems support to Cloud

I Make sure to have contingency plans by following managment instructions :-

1) SSC service Leader for the top accounts in africa enable to handle the huge enviroment and controling the
esclations .
2) recieved posative feedback for critical accounts (MOF , STC , Ethiotel , Emirates Group  , GALFAR to Cloud OCI , Al-
Majdouie Cloud ...etc) 
3) Ability to identify and seize the cloud opportunities new and current customers .
4) Ability  to understand the new technologies .
  Hence , start train my self to remain flexible in a changing,

  Mastering Devops , Automation & Cloud  architect .

5) Guides my team through competitive environment to meet the expectations
6) Participate and present inputs in Cloud technologies events ( Internal event and Global ) 
7) as part from GVT , i have participated in Global develop OMCS and ACS new services .
8) Part and Leading ACS Cloud archetiect visual team planning the activities .
9) Presales activity and lead generation ( Last Q presales : CBE , Emirates  ).
10) Achieved 6/6 OCI certifications and Multi-cloud platform certified .

11) ToolHub SME . 

12)  Q4 FY20 Pacesetter Award Recipients

Attachments… 3/3

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