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Massiel Paz A01451246

A leadership crisis situation that you were involved in. If you observed someone
else handle something either very well or very poorly, you may write about that

1. What happened? (Background, brief description of events, specific leadership actions)

What were the results? (Real or potential. Try to include both positive and negative
possibilities. Even if the event seemed clearly good or bad, consider unintended

The crisis of leadership I have been involved was when I was in undergrad school, I had a
teacher that always changed his mind based on what the students requested even do he
was the authority he always tends to change the due dates for examens and homework.
The positive aspects where that we had accessibility to changing dates for examens or due
dates for homework, the bad aspects where he was not taken seriously and was lacking his
leadership values.

2. Why did this happen? (Consider all possible factors, including the people and the situation)

I would say that he did have a lack of character, he seems to be insecure, and the rest of
my classmates had a stronger way of asking for changes. It was the first time he was
teaching in that specific college, he wanted to be liked by the students. He wanted a high
school in the evaluation students make to teachers, it is a questioner that the university

3. What class concepts are relevant to this situation? (Mention at least one concept from class
and how they can be used to interpret the situation.)

Goal setting: he did not accomplish his goal setting because he always changed his mind
do to students opinions. He could get better at it by following his plans and stick to them
even though students request change.

Emotions: he cared too much of what the students would think about him and how they
would evaluate him. I think that just time and experience can help you to understand that
we don´t need approval from anyone.
4. What did you learn from this? (Broader lessons that might apply to other situations or

I learned that it is important to have a goal setting and to follow it to achieve better results.
To manage emotions in the proper way and understand that we will never be good for
everyone, we all have different opinions about topics and the same way about people’s
way to be a leader. This particular course helped me a lot to understand emotions and how
to manage them in a work enviorment.

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