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March 15, 2021

Read the following topics we learnt in the units mentioned. You will be asked about them.


1. What´s your favorite food?

a. Convenience food
b. Traditional food and drink
c. Spicy food
d. Healthy food
2. How do you cook your favorite food? Explain.
3. Explain how to prepare your favorite dish.
 Let's boil the potatoes with water and salt until soft.
 2.Heat the oil over medium heat, until we chop the onion into squares and the achiote,
cook until the onions are soft, about five minutes.
 Mash the potatoes.
 Add the onion fry and salt to the mashed potatoes and mix well.
 Cover the potato mixture and let it sit at room temperature for at least one hour.
 Form small balls with the potato mixture, make a hole in the middle of each ball and fill
with the cheese.
 Squash the balls into thick tortillas and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or until it
is time to cook.
 Cook tortillas on a flat grill or hot skillet until golden brown on both sides.
 Serve the llapingachos with fried egg, chorizo, tomato and onion pickle, avocado slices
and chili.
4. Which products are grown in your country?
Of course, coffee, babano, cocoa are exported to different countries such as Mexico,
the United States and Europe.
5. Are those products exported? Which ones?
I consume them very little because my family does not like these products very much.
6. Do you eat these products as part of your diet? Why?
I consume them very little because my family does not like these products very much.
7. What do you think about fast-food restaurants?
I think it is an easy and delicious way to feed society.
8. Why fast-food companies focus their marketing on children?
Because children have a very important influence on family purchases, for example if a
new toy comes out with food, they will ask for the same thing repeatedly until they get
the toy.
9. How fast-food companies adapt to local needs and people´s eating habits?
10. of fast-food? In five year from now, will people be consuming it?
I think that people will consume it more often and every time we are more focused on
improving ourselves as professionals that we forget to cook and this makes it easier for
us to buy fast food.
11. Is healthy foot future like fast-food?

12. What kinds of entertainment do you know? Which are popular in your country?
13. Which ones have you seen? Which do you like? Which one do you dislike? Why?
14. What´s your favorite kind of entertainment? Why?
15. When you watch a movie, what do you like the most? Atmosphere, characters,
cast, plot, performances, scenery, special effects, music/soundtrack, the ending?
Explain and set an example.
16. Have you ever seen a remake? What kind of film was it? How do you describe it?
Did you compare it with the original one? What are the similarities /differences?
17. Ecuador has many unusual hobbies and cultural heritage. Talk about one. Is
it dangerous, expensive, healthy, popular with younger people or older
18. What activities are there in your country that have cultural heritage?
19. What are the things you get done by other people? When was the last time you
got them done? Who did them for you?

20. What rules about dress codes do Ecuadorians follow?

21. Do you follow these dress codes? Why?
22. Do you wear the same clothes when you are invited to a disco or to a wedding
23. What do you think about wearing uniforms in schools? Do you think it is a good idea?
24. What kinds of rules are there in public spaces in your city?
25. Have you ever had broken a rule? What rule did you break it? Why?
26. Is it a rule that often gets broken in your country?
27. Do you think other people should have broken the rule? Why/Why not?
28. What problems do people usually face when dealing with bureaucracy, in
your experience?
29. Have you ever felt involved is the red tape? Could you explain?
30. When you want to get your driving license what documents are you asked for?
31. What do you think about people with herd mentality?
32. In which cases do people act in this way? (herd mentality) Do you agree? / Do
you disagree?


33. Which crimes are most common in your country?

34. What penalties are usually given? Do you agree with them?
35. Has anyone you know been a victim of crime? If yes, what happened?
36. What is your opinion about shame punishment? Do you believe it is a good way
of punishment? Why?
37. Do you have arguments against or for shame punishment? What three arguments
are given in support of shame punishment?
38. What three arguments are given against it?
39. What would you do if you were rich?
40. What would you do if you won the lottery?
41. What would you do if you were a scam victim? What happened? How did you
feel afterwards?
42. How do crimes are solved in Ecuador? What is the process?
43. Do people go to a trial? Where does it take place? How does jury prove if the person
is guilty or innocent? Who are the people involved?
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