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Name: _________________ Period: ____ Date: __________________

Project Due:

Purpose: You are a travel agent selling vacation packages to tourists around the world. Create a
creative presentation promoting a Biome (Tundra, Taiga(Boreal Forest), Temperate
Woodland/Shrubland, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Temperate Grassland, Desert, Tropical
Rainforest, Savanna, Freshwater Ecosystems, Transitional Aquatic Ecosystems (Wetlands and
Estuaries), and Marine Ecosystem/Coral Reefs) using the information you gained through your
Internet research worksheet. You may also use additional information from the Internet as long as
it is approved by the teacher and cited as a source material. The presentation may be humorous or
serious, but all the data should be accurate!

1. Describe the traits of the biome in your travel presentation. Use as much information as
possible, including: climate, location (continent), major land or water features, and types
of plants and animals living there.

Step 1
If you do not already have a Gmail account, begin this project by going to and
signing up for an account. Once you have done this, log in.

Step 2
Go to and click the red “New” button on the top left. Scroll down until you find
Google Slides, then click on it. Click on the “Share” button on the top right and share this
presentation with (This is important so I can give you feedback
and grade your project).

Step 3
Begin your presentation. Google Slides works in a similar way to Power Point. To create a new
slide, right click in the left-hand column and click on “New Slide.” Take some time to get
familiar with Google Slides. Remember: While creativity and organization are part of your grade,
focus first on the information, then you can decorate the presentation! (You will be presenting
this to the class).
Name: _________________ Period: ____ Date: __________________

Project Guidelines:

a. Include at least 1 photo per slide that helps describe and

promote your biome vacation spot.

b. Include interesting or unusual facts that tourists may not know about.

c. The first slide must include the title, your name, class period, and a catchy slogan for your
biome vacation. Include a photo or graphic.

d. The last slide must include all sources of information included in your presentation, including
the pictures (website addresses, text books, etc.).

e. The other slides should be informational and convince

potential tourists to spend money on your trip!

Information in your presentation should include:

* Geographic location (include a picture of it on the world map)
* Weather & climate
* Flora (plants) and Fauna (animals). Give 3 examples. Include at least one picture of a plant and
* Ecological issues or concerns
* Human impacts/threats to the area
* Types of foods/Interesting facts
* Landforms, bodies of water
(or lack of), etc.

Grading - Your brochure project will be graded based on:

 Accuracy of information: 30 points

 Organization: 10 points
 Level of effort:20 points
 Level of creativity: 10 points
 Following the directions in this project outline: 10 points
 Classroom Presentation: 30 points

*All work must be original! Plagiarized work will not be accepted!

IMPORTANT! You will be presenting your Biome to the class and must be ready to present the
day the project is due. Projects that are not turned in on time will receive a REDUCTION IN A
Name: _________________ Period: ____ Date: __________________

Biome Project Details, Production & Recommendations

1. Remember, your Google Slides are a presentation aid! We should not be able to read your
entire presentation off your slides. USE BULLETS and KEY POINTS and make note cards!

2. You are creating a SALES presentation for a vacation spot! PITCH your travel package!

Why would someone want to visit?

3. Tour travel presentation must be about a SPECIFIC LOCATION. Then

describe the type of biome it is in along with any unique traits (animals, plants, weather,
foods, geological formations, cultures, etc.).

Internet Research Worksheet

1. What is your biome?

2. What are the characteristics of your Biome?

3. What is the climate of your biome?

4. What is the location of your Biome (continent, city, etc.)?

5. What are the major land features of your biome?*

6. What are the major water features of your Biome?*

7. What are three types of plants that live in your biome?

8. What are three kinds of animals that live in your Biome?

Name: _________________ Period: ____ Date: __________________

9. Describe a herbivore-plant relationship in your Biome.

10. Describe a specific predator/prey relationships in your biome?

11. Describe a symbiotic relationship in your Biome.

12. Draw a food chain for an organism found in your Biome.

13. Name a producer and a consumer native to your Biome.

14. What are the ecological issues and concerns in your Biome?

15. What are the human impacts in your Biome?

16. What types of food are native to your Biome?

17. What types of landforms/geological formations are in your Biome?

18. What is the culture like in your biome?

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