Abdel Re Him 2003

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Transactions of the IMF

The International Journal of Surface Engineering and Coatings

ISSN: 0020-2967 (Print) 1745-9192 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ytim20

Electrodeposition of Iron Films on Copper Surfaces

from Iron(III) Gluconate Solutions

S. S. Abd El Rehim, E. A. Abd El Meguid & E. M. Moustafa

To cite this article: S. S. Abd El Rehim, E. A. Abd El Meguid & E. M. Moustafa (2003)
Electrodeposition of Iron Films on Copper Surfaces from Iron(III) Gluconate Solutions, Transactions
of the IMF, 81:3, 79-82, DOI: 10.1080/00202967.2003.11871503

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00202967.2003.11871503

Published online: 08 May 2017.

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Electrodeposition of Iron
Films on Copper Surfaces
from Iron(III) Gluconate
S. S. Abd El Rehim 1 SUMMARY- Iron films have been electrodeposited galvanostatical/y onto copper substrates from
slightly acidic (pH 5. 7) solutions containing ferric sulphate and sodium gluconate under different
E. A. Abd El Meguid2 *, electrolytic conditions i.e. solution composition, pH. temperature and current density. The influence
of each parameter on potentiodynamic polarisation curves, cathodic current efficiency and throwing
and E. M Moustafa 2 power of the solutions has been studied. It was found that the optimum conditions for producing
sound Fe films are: 0.038 mol dm 3 Fe,(S04) 3. 7 H20 + 0.14 mol dm 3 sodium gluconate. current
'Department ofChemistry, Faculty of density (c. d.) of }=0.33 A dm 1, pH 5. 7 and a temperature of 25°C. The optimum solution is
Science, Ain Shams University. Cairo, Egypt characterised by its excellent throwing power. The surface morphology of the "as-deposited" Fe
Department of Electrochemistry and films was investigated by using scanning electron microscope (SEM) while the crystal structure was
Corrosion, National Research Centre, examined by using X-ray diffraction.
Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 04:57 06 August 2017

Keywords: electrodeposition; Fe films; acidic

to fix the electrodes before each run. The
gluconate solutions
copper sheet cathode was polished mechani-
cally and then immersed in pickling solution
INTRODUCTION of300 cm 3 H2 S04 , 100 cm3 HN03 , 5 cm3 HCI
Electrodeposition of Fe films has been and 595 cm3 distilled water for I min., washed
extensively studied. These plated films have with distilled water, rinsed with acetone, dried
many technical applications based on their and finally weighed. The plating solution used
desirable physical and magnetic properties contained 0.038 mol dm-3 ferric sulphate and
such as in printing plates, in under- 0.14 mol dm-3 sodium gluconate. The pH of
dimensioned steel parts, in the welding of each solution was measured with an Electronic
stainless and carbon steel as well as in the Instrument Limited pH Meter 7020; where
electronic industries u. Most of the previous necessary the pH of the solution was adjusted
work was on the electrodeposition of Fe from by addition of a solution of NaOH. The
Fe (II) solutions3-5. However electro- plating duration was I 0 min. after which the
deposition of Fe from Fe (JII) electrolytes has cathode was withdrawn, washed with distilled
received less attention6- 7 as these solutions water, dried in a desiccator and weighed.
have low throwing power. In the present work The cathodic polarisation during Fe deposition
attempts have been made to electrodeposit was measured by Potentioscan Wenking Pos
bright and highly adherent Fe films onto 73. The potentials were measured relative to
copper substrates from solutions that have a a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). Each
good throwing power. Solutions containing polarisation curve was swept from the rest
gluconate have been recently employed (zero current) potential into more negative
successfully in the electrodeposition of Ni 8 , values with scan rate of I mV s-•. To avoid
Cu 9 , Sn 10 Zn 11 and some alloys 12- 14 • The contamination, the reference electrode was
advantages of sodium gluconate derive from connected to the copper cathode via a bridge
its low cost and its non-polluting effect on provided with a Luggin-Haber capillary tip,
the environment. This paper describes the filled with the same solution as that under test.
effects of some electrolytic conditions on The surface morphology of the as-deposited
cathodic polarisation, cathodic current Fe films on copper substrates was examined
efficiency, crystal structure and surface using a scanning electron microscope (JEOL,
morphology with respect to the JSM-T20). The crystal structure of the
electrodeposition of Fe films from Fe (Ill) deposited Fe was characterised by X-ray
gluconate solutions. The throwing power of diffraction analysis using a Philips Dif-
this solution has also been evaluated. fractometer P.W. 1390 (40 kV, 25 rnA) with a
Ni filter and Coka radiation.
The throwing power (TP) of the solution
EXPE~ENTALDETARS was measured using a Haring--Bium rectangular
All the electrolytic solutions used were freshly Perspex cell fitted with one platinum sheet
prepared from Analar chemicals and double anode between two parallel copper sheet
•corresponding author: eameguid@hotmail com distilled water. Copper sheet cathode and cathodes where the ratio of the far to the near
platinum sheet anode both of dimensions 1.5 spacing was 3: I. The percentage throwing
x 2 em were used. The electrodeposition cell power was calculated from Field's formula u
S. S. Abd El Rehin, E. A. Abd El Meguid and
E. M. Moustafa, Trans Jnst Met Fin, 2003, used was a rectangular Perspex trough provided
with vertical grooves on each side of the walls TP% = L-M I L+ M-2 xiOO (I)
81(3), 79

Trans lnst Met Fin, 2003, 81 (3) 79

Where L is the current distribution ratio (linear is present mainly as FeC 6 H 80 7 and However, in solutions above pH 13, ferrous
ratio, 3: I) and M is the metal distribution ratio [FeC 6 H 70 7]- soluble complexes with pK hydroxide precipitates 11•
w, w,
w. I where w. and are the weights of values of 4 and 13.3 respectively 11.1R. The The effect of the Fe (III) concentration on
the deposit on the near and far cathode formation of these complex species may the cathodic polarisation curve from slightly
respectively. In some experiments the values of inhibit the deposition of Fe because they acidic gluconate solutions (pH 5.7) at 25°C is
M were measured as a function of L over a wide cannot be reduced as easily as the free Fe (Ill) shown in Figure 2. The cathodic polarisation
range of linear ratios vwying between I: I to 4: I. ions. In addition, the gluconate ions may be shifts to more negative potentials on increasing
The throwing index (Tl) of each solution was adsorbed on the electrode surface and block the concentration of Fe (III) in the bath. This
considered as a reciprocal of the slope of the the preferential sites for Fe deposition. behaviour could be ascribed to the possibility
plot M vs Ll 6· Cathodic current efficiency However, Fe (Ill) can be electrolytically that increasing Fe (Ill) in the solution enhances
(~%) of the deposits was calculated as reduced from the free and complexed species the stability of the complexes formed because
simultaneously with H 2 evolution as a side of the presence of excess gluconate ions in the
~ = QF, IQ,,. X 100 (2) reaction at the cathode surface. Figure I shows solution. Consequently, the relative abundance
the effect of pH (3.3 to I 0) on cathodic of the Fe (111)-gluconate complex species
where QF, is the real charge estimated from the polarisation curves at 25°C. At pH 3.3, the increases and this is reflected in an increase in
quantity of deposited Fe and Q,., is the cathodic polarisation curve exhibits a current concentration polarisation associated with Fe
theoretical charge calculated from Faraday's plateau followed by a rapid rise in current at deposition. Figure 3 shows the influence of
Law. high negative potentials . Hydrogen discharge increasing the gluconate concentration at pH
takes place within the current plateau region 5.7 and at 25°C. The cathodic polarisation
indicating that the hydrogen evolution is under does not change with increasing gluconate
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION diffusion control. At higher negative potentials, concentration.
the rapid rise in current is ascribed to The influence of temperature on the
Cathodic polarisation curves simultaneous deposition of iron and evolution cathodic polarisation curves is shown in Figure 4.
The potentiodynamic cathodic polarisation of hydrogen. The limiting current decreases A rise in solution temperature causes a
curves of Fe electrodeposition onto copper significantly with increasing the pH value of remarkable increase in the limiting current to
substrates from gluconate solutions were the bath and so one can expect an increase in values in the region of 0.1 A dm- 2• This
investigated under different experimental the cathodic current efficiency of Fe behaviour could be due to a decrease in
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 04:57 06 August 2017

conditions. In acidic gluconate solutions, Fe (III) deposition (~) at increasing pH values. activation overpotential of the H 2 evolution

0.4 rr===::::=::::::::==;---------r-----:tll
-+-pH= 3.3
..... pH= 5.7 0.4
-+-pH= 7.6
--0.14 molcin"'
..... pH= 10.1
0.3 --0.183 moldm-3
--0.23 molcin·'
"0 0.2
c( "0 0.2

0.1 0.1

-80 -280 -480 -680 -880 -1080 -1280
-280 -480 -680 -880 -1080 -1280 -1480
E vs. SCE/mV
Evs. SCE/mV
Figure I. Effect of pH on cathodic polarisation of Fe electrodeposition Figure 3. Effect of sodium gluconate concentration on cathodic
from a solution containing 0.038 mol dm 1 Fe/SD) 1 .7H,O + 0.14 polarisation of Fe electrodeposition from solution containing 0.038
mol dm 1 sodium gluconate at a temperature of 25°C mol dm 1 Fe,(S0) 1.7H,O at pH 5.7 and at a temperature of 25•c

-+- 0.038 mol <in·' 0.5
--- 0.048 mol <in·' - - 25"C
...... 0.057 mol <in"' - - 45"C
0.3 0.4
- - 6o·c
'I '1'E 0.3
E "0
0.2 c(

0.1 0.1

-80 -280 -480 -680 -880 -1080 -1280
-80 -280 -480 -680 -880 -1080 -1280 -1480
E vs.SCE /mY
Evs. SCE/mV
Figure 2. Effect of Fe_,(SO ).JH,O concentration on cathodic Figure 4. Effect of temperature on cathodic polarisation of Fe
polarisation of Fe electrodeposition in the presence of 0. I 4 mol dm ·' electrodeposition from solution containing 0.038 mol dm 1
sodium gluconate at pH 5. 7 and at a temperature of 25°C' Fe_,(SO) r7H,O + 0.14 mol dm 1 sodium gluconate at pH 5.7.

80 Trans lnst Met Fin, 2003, 81 (3)

reaction. Moreover, increasing temperature decreases steeply and finally reaches a Surface morphology and crystal
will increase the rates of diffusion of the steady state value as bath temperature is structure of deposits
reduced species. It is probable that the raised. The decrease in efficiency should be The Fe films deposited on copper substrates
temperature has a greater influence on the attributed to a strong acceleration of the rate using the optimised gluconate solutions were
diffusion rate of reducible hydrogen species of the H 2 evolution reaction by raising adherent, smooth and bright grey in appearance.
than that of Fe as evidenced from the cathodic temperature as expected from the The brightness decreased with increasing
current efficiency data (Figure 6). polarisation curve (Figure 4). Moreover, the deposition temperature and at values above
metal deposition reaction may be 40°C, the deposits tend to be dull. X-ray
suppressed by a diffusion inhibiting effect diffraction analysis (XRD) of the Fe film
Cathodic Current Efficiency caused by the amount of H2 evolution and electrodeposited from the optimum electrolyte
The effect of pH on current efficiency cl» of gas bubble formation••. shows that the crystal structure of the as-plated
Fe film deposition from solutions containing The effect of applied current density on Fe film consists of a single-phase with fcc
0.038 mol dm-3 Fe 2 (SO~ )3 7Hp and 0.14 cathodic current efficiency of iron deposition crystalline structure (Figure 10). The pattern
mol dm-3 sodium gluconate at current density at 25°C is shown in Figure 7. On increasing shows that the reflection of fcc phase structure
of 0.33 A dm- 2 and a temperature of 25°C is the applied current densities the current corresponds to a (II 0) preferential orientation
illustrated in Figure 5. In an electrol)'1e of pH efficiency decreases rapidly to approach a for the crystal grains of the deposits 20 •
3.3 only H2 evolution takes place, but above value of about 18% at I A dm-2 • The most The surface morphology of the as-plated
this pH, both H2 evolution and Fe deposition likely explanation for this trend is that the Fe films deposited under different plating
occur simultaneously. The cathodic current metal deposition reaction is suppressed by a parameters on copper substrates was examined
efficiency cl» of Fe deposition increases with diffusion inhibiting influence from H2 evolution in a scanning electron microscope. Some
an increase in the pH up to pH 5.7 and then and gas bubble formation. micrographs of the surface of the as-plated
tends to attain a steady value of about 43 %. Figures 8 and 9 show the effect of both films are given in Figure II. Inspection of the
The increase in the efficiency of Fe Fe (Ill) concentrations and gluconate content images obtained shows that the surface
deposition with increasing the pH from 3.3 respectively on cathodic current efficiency of morphology of the deposits varies from a large
to 5. 7 is due to the increase in the H2 electrodeposition of iron film at pH 5.7 and grain structure to a tine grain structure with
overpotential. Moreover, vigorous H2 at 25°C. These data infer that metal increasing the temperature of the solution
evolution in acidic solutions may inhibit the deposition efficiency decreases with (Figures II a and b). It is thought that
Downloaded by [University of Calgary] at 04:57 06 August 2017

diffusion of Fe (III) species to the cathodic increasing Fe (III) concentration in the increasing the temperature results in a decrease
diffusion layer and concurrent H2 adsorption solution. These results are in a good in the cathodic polarisation and an increase in
and bubble formation may occur 12 · 19 .Aiso, a agreement with cathodic polarisation data the rate of H2 evolution. The decrease in the
passivation effect associated with the (Figure 2). However, changing the polarisation leads to an increase in the
formation of metal monohydroxide in the concentration of gluconate ion has no nucleation overgrowth and consequently to the
catholyte and the accumulation of metal significant influence on the efficiency of Fe deposition of a finer crystal structure"'.
hydroxide at the cathode surface. will inhibit film electrodeposition. From these results, it Micro-cracks are observed on the surface of
the H2 evolution reaction and enhance the is found that the optimum experimental the deposits obtained at high temperatures
deposition of Fe~ conditions for electrodepositing high quality Fe (Figures II b). The presence of these micro-
The influence of temperature on the films on copper substrates are: 0.038 mol dm-3 cracks indicates that these deposits are highly
efficiency of Fe electrodeposition from an Fe 2 (SOJ 3 7Hp + 0.14 mol dm-3 sodium stressed which may be due to the precipitation
acid solution, pH 5.7, is illustrated in Figure gluconate, current density of 0.33 A dm- 2 • of Fe (OH) 2 on the cathode during the
6. It is clear that above 30°C, the efficiency pH 5. 7, and a temperature of 25°C. electrodeposition reaction 21 •

eo 60 60


40 40


( pH
10 12 14


0 0.2 0.4 0.6
0.8 1.2
• 20

0.05 0.1 0.15

]Sod. gluconMe]/ mot dm 4

0.2 0 25

Figure 5. Effect of pH on cathodic current Figure 7. Effect of current density on cathodic Figure 9. Effect of sodium gluconate
efficiency (ttl) of Fe film electrodeposited from current efficiency (ttl) of Fe film electro- oncentration on cathodic cu"ent efficiency (ttl)
solution containing 0.038 mol dm' Fe,(SO, deposited from solution containing 0.038 qf Fe film electrodeposition from a solution
),.7Hp + 0.14 mol dm 3 sodium gluconate at mol dm 3 Fe,(S0 4 ) 3.7Hp + 0.14 mol dm' containing 0.038 mol dm 3 Fe,(S0),.7Hp at
J = 0.33 A dm·' and at 25•c sodium gluconate at pH 5. 7 and at 25°C pH 5.7, j = 0.33 A dm 2 and T = 25•c

60r-------------------, 60r---------------,


• •
20 20

20 40 60 60 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.1

[Fo,(SO.),. 7H,O]/ mot dm_,

Figure 6. Effect of temperature on current Figure 8. Effect of Fe,(SO, ),.7Hp concentration Figure 10. X-ray diffraction pattern of
efficiency (ttl) of Fe film electrodeposited from on cathodic current efficiency (ttl) of Fe film as-plated Fe film from a solution
solution containing 0.038 mol dm' electrodeposition from a solution containing containing 0. 038 mol dm 3 Fe ,(SO),. 7H ,0
Fe,(S0) 3.7Hp + 0.14 mol dm 3 sodium 0.23 mol dm·' sodium gluconate at pH 5. 7. j + 0.14 mol dm .J sodium gluconate at -
gluconate at j = 0.33 A dm: and at pH 5. 7. = 0.33 A dm 2 and T = 25•c pH 5. 7 and at 25•c

Trans lnst Met Fin, 2003, 81 (3) 81

Table I. Effect of some plating variables on the throwing power TP % and throwing index Tl
for Fe film electrodeposition from gluconate solutions at pH 5.7, and plating duration 10 min.
Solutions /mol dm- 3 c.d., j lA dm-2 Temp t•c TPI% Tl
[Fe 2 (SOJJ+ [Na C6H 11 0 7]
0.038 + 0.14 0.667 25 77.8 6.25
O.o38 + 0.14 1.0 25 110.5 -18.7
0.038 + 0.14 1.0 40 98 97.5
0. 019 + 0.14 1.0 25 104 -62.5
0.038 + 0.183 1.0 25 115 -15

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