2017-2020 - Local Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of samar

Municipality of

Local Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan

Municipality of Motiong

1. Environment and Natural Resources Management

1.1 Encourage the sustainable use and management of ecosystems, including the
formulation and implementation of Forest Land Use Plan to reduce risk and
1.2 Implement integrated environmental and natural resource management
approaches that incorporate disaster risk reduction, including structural and non-
structural measures such integrated flood management of “Nagbak and Maydaja
River” which is found in the municipality and to include appropriate management
of fragile ecosystems.
1.3 Incorporate disaster risk assessment into rural development planning and
management, in particular with regard to mountain and coastal flood plain areas,
including through the identification of land zones that are available and safe for
human settlement.
1.4 Mangrove Reforestation along the coastlines of the four (4) coastal barangays of
the municipality will be a continuing activity and a no built zones will be
established along the coastlines of said barangays.
1.5 Construction of seashore protection along the coastline of the highly build-up
areas of the municipality.
1.6 Develop public financing mechanism for water supply infrastructure rehabilitation
and development.
1.7 Develop and network government database on water resources and uses.
1.8 Install water harvesting technologies such as small water impounding projects.
1.9 Conduct ecosystems vulnerability and risk assessment.
1.10 Conduct festivals and events which advocates the protection and preservation of
1.11 Delineate “ridge-to-reef” ecosystem-based management zones for the ecotowns
through multi stakeholder process.
1.12 Waste reduction and diversion program, intensify waste segregation at source,
discard recovery, composting and recycling.
1.13 Restoration of Motiong River.

2. Economic Development

2.1 Promote food security as an important factor in ensuring the resilience of

communities to hazards, particularly in areas prone to drought, floods and other
hazards that weaken agriculture-based livelihood.
2.2 Mainstream disaster risk consideration into planning procedures for major
infrastructure projects, including the criteria for design, approval and
implementation of such projects and considerations based on social, economic
and environmental impact assessments.
2.3 Encourage the revision of existing or the development of new building codes,
standards, rehabilitation and reconstruction practices at the national or local
levels, as appropriate, with the aim of making them more applicable in the local
context, particularly in informal and marginal human settlements, and reinforce
the capacity to implement, monitor and enforce such codes, through a consensus
based approach, with a view to fostering disaster-resistant structures.
2.4 Design and implement climate change risk transfer and social protection
mechanisms in agriculture and fisheries
2.5 Conduct agricultural vulnerability and risk assessments, impact assessments and
simulation models on major crops and livestock.
2.6 Develop, test and popularized climate-resilient crops and livestock production
systems and technologies.
2.7 Establish climate information systems and database/resources network for
agriculture and fisheries sector.
2.8 Establish and popularize farmer’s field school to demonstrate best adaptation
2.9 Reduce vulnerability of crop storage facilities and irrigation systems to climate
change variability.
2.10 Implement agricultural and fisheries waste recycling and composting.
2.11 Formulate/implement ordinances on reversion of abandoned fishponds back to
2.12 Harmonize climate change adaptation plans in local resource management and
local fishery development.
2.13 Establish early warning system for fisheries.

3. Social Services

3.1 Integrate disaster risk reduction planning into health sector, promote the goal of
“hospital safe from disaster” by ensuring that all new hospitals are built with a
level of resilience that strengthens their capacity to remain functional in disaster
situations and implement mitigation measures to reinforce existing health
facilities, particularly those providing primary health care.
3.2 Protect and strengthen critical public facilities and physical infrastructure,
particularly schools, clinics, hospitals, water and power plants, communication
and transport lifelines, disaster warning and management centers and culturally
important lands and structures through proper design, retrofitting and re-
building, in order to render them adequately resilient to hazards.
3.3 Strengthen the implementation of social safety-net mechanisms to assist the
poor, the elderly and the disabled and other populations affected by disasters.
Enhance recovery schemes including psycho-social training programs in order to
mitigate the psychological damage of vulnerable populations, particularly
children, in the aftermath of disasters.
3.4 Incorporate disaster risk assessments into the urban planning and management
of disaster prone human settlements, in particular highly populated areas and
quickly urbanizing settlements. The issues of informal or non-permanent housing
and the location of housing in high risk areas should be addressed as priorities,
including in the framework of urban poverty reduction and slum upgrading
3.5 Planting trees must be a continuing multi-sectoral activity, under the “CLEANEST
AND GREENEST PROGRAM”; wherein the LGU functionaries, NGO’s, local DepEd,
Barangay Officials and Volunteer groups and with the assistance of DENR will
initially plant a million trees using all backyards, critical slopes, river buffer zones
as planting area for all kind of trees, fruit bearing and forest trees to be yearly
done on the month of February dubbed as “Love Affair With Nature (planting of
trees municipal wide to start from February 1 and culminating activities on the
14th of February, said planted trees will be revisited and replanted on the month
of June dubbed as “A Date With Nature”. Planting of trees will be required for
couples applying for civil wedding, each couple will be required to plant 14 trees
and the planting will be supervised by Barangay Officials concerned and
certification will be issued to them for them to qualify. All of the said programs
will be a continuing yearly activity to address climate change.
3.6 Develop policy requiring integration of climate change and disaster risk reduction
concepts and approaches in medical and allied health training courses.
3.7 Develop and implement post disaster epidemic outbreak management and
disease surveillance system for water borne diseases and other health risks due
to climate change.
3.8 Training for health emergency preparedness and response.
3.9 Develop and implement program for community-based adaptation measures and
health emergency preparedness.
3.10 Implement program for community health emergency preparedness and

4. Governance

4.1 Promote the integration of risk reduction associated with existing climate
variability and future climate change into strategies for the reduction of disaster
risk and adaptation to climate change, which would include the clear
identification of climate related disaster risks, the design of specific risk reduction
measures and an improve and routine use of climate risk information by
planners, engineers and other decision makers of the municipality.
4.2 Develop, upgrade and encourage the use of guidelines and monitoring tools for
the reduction of disaster risk in the context of land use policy and planning.
4.3 Develop formal or non-formal training programs on climate change adaptation
and disaster risk reduction.
4.4 Design guidelines emergency protocols, and encourage preparedness and
risk/contingency planning in communities that are at risk to present and future
4.5 Document and disseminate best practices, including climate change responsive
indigenous practices.
4.6 Mainstreaming of CC-DRRM in local plans such as CLUP, CDP and ELA.
4.7 Identify, map and profile areas and communities highly prone to climate-related
4.8 Conduct risk and vulnerability assessment.
4.9 Conduct a study on population carrying capacity of areas and CC adaptive
capacity of various communities.
4.10 Identify most CC vulnerable sectors and population.
4.11 Conduct of CBMS with DRRM/CCA.
4.12 Increase local capacity for forecasting, early warning (including indigenous
system) and disaster risk communication.
4.13 Conduct training of trainers to respond to the needs of communities to CCA.
4.14 Develop and implement post disaster resettlement and counseling of displaced
families and communities.

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