Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0047941 A1

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US 20120047941A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0047941 A1
James (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 1, 2012
(54) WATER RECOVERY SYSTEMI SAGD SYSTEM Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
F25. I/00 (2006.01)
CO2F I/40 (2006.01)
(75) Inventor: Kenneth James, Calgary (CA) CO2F I/24 (2006.01)
F28F 5/02 (2006.01)
(73) Assignee: Kemex Ltd., Calgary (CA) F25.3/00 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. ............... 62/606; 165/89; 62/617; 210/703;
(21) Appl. No.: 13/074,283 (57) ABSTRACT
A water recovery process for a steam assisted gravity drain
(22) Filed: Mar. 29, 2011 age system for a heavy oil recovery facility, the process com
prising a flash drum and a flash drum heat exchanger/con
denser, wherein the water recovery process receives hot water
Related U.S. Application Data produced by a facility at a temperature above the water atmo
spheric boiling point and cools it to a temperature below the
(60) Provisional application No. 61/376,300, filed on Aug. water atmospheric boiling point before transferring it to the
24, 2010. remaining section of the water recovery process.






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US 2012/0047941 A1 Mar. 1, 2012

WATER RECOVERY SYSTEMI SAGD SYSTEM 0009. The objective of this invention is to provide a system
UTILIZNGA FLASH DRUM which reduces the maintenance costs of a facility by devising
a way to eliminate the high fouling produced water exchang
0010. Another objective of this invention is to reduce the
0001. This invention pertains to the field of water recovery capital and operating costs of the facility by having the pro
systems in the oil industry utilizing flash drums, specifically duced water entering the downstream equipment as hot as
for cooling water for the oil water separation process. possible and minimize the reheating equipment. This results
in less energy being used to re-heat the water later in the
0011 Lastly, the produced water coolers are generally
0002 With today's energy costs and the need to reduce multiple shell and tube exchangers. These are relatively
emissions, the release of a water Steam to the atmosphere expensive pieces of equipment. There is an opportunity to
becomes a wasteful and non-economical practice. Therefore, reduce the capital cost of the facility by eliminating this
every facility strives to recycle as much water, Steam and heat equipment.
as much as possible. 0012. Other benefits and features of the invention would
0003. In current industry Steam Assisted Gravity Drain be apparent to the person skilled in the art from review of the
age (SAGD) facilities the produced water from the oil/water following claims, drawings and descriptions of the preferred
separation first sent to produced water coolers. The purpose embodiments.
of these coolers is to cool the water to well below the flash
point (to a temperature of approximately 80° C.) before the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
water is further treated to ensure that no flashing will occur 0013 The proposed solution is to use a produced water
downstream of the coolers. After cooling, the produced water flash drum downstream of the primary oil/water separation.
is typically sent to a skim oil tank, then to an Induced Gas Cooling will be achieved by flashing a portion of the pro
Floatation (IGF) unit and finally to an Oil Removal Filter duced water stream as a result of reduced pressure with a
(ORF). These serve to remove trace oil from the water before slight vacuum. The flash drum condenser will then be used to
it is sent to an evaporator or warm lime softener. condense and sub-cool the flashed vapours. The sub-cooled
0004. There are a few issues with the current industry water is then mixed with the water from the produced water
practice. The produced water coolers in most SAGD facilities flash drum and is routed to a final water treatment unit, pref
have been found to be a high fouling service. These exchang erably an induced gas floatation unit, or alternatively oil filters
ers can cause serious maintenance issues with the requiring or oil scrubbers for further treating. The flash drum operates
manual cleaning on a weekly basis. The manual cleaning of below the atmospheric pressure ensuring there will be no
the exchangers is a labor intensive process and also poses flashing at any downstream destinations operating at an atmo
health and safety (HSE) issues. In order to manually clean the spheric pressure, including the induced gas floatation unit and
exchanger while maintaining production, spare exchangers the produced water tank.
with their associated piping and valves are generally 0014. According to the primary aspect of the invention,
installed. Manual cleanings can be minimized but not elimi there is provided a water recovery process in a steam assisted
nated through use of online cleanings. gravity drainage system for a heavy oil recovery facility, the
0005. Further the water must be reheated prior to introduc process comprising a flash drum and a flash drum heat
tion into downstream water treatment (hot?warm lime soften exchanger/condenser, wherein the water recovery process
ing or evaporator). This cooling and reheating of the water receives hot water 1 produced by a facility at a temperature
increases the capital, operating and maintenance costs of a above the water atmospheric boiling point and cools it to a
facility. temperature below the water atmospheric boiling point
0006. The process of using produced water coolers to before transferring it to the remaining section 7 of the water
eliminate flashing has been used since the first SAGD facility recovery process.
was designed. The industry has tried to tackle the high fouling 0015 The hot water 1 produced contains impurities,
issues with limited Success and has turned to trying to more Such as traces of oil. Therefore, according to yet another
effectively clean the fouling from the exchanger. The industry aspect of the invention the water recovery process further
has looked at the design of the exchangers and the operating comprises a final water treating unit Such as a floatation unit,
conditions to try to maintain the produced water stream at as an oil removal unit, oil scrubber or alike for the removal of
high a temperature as possible. The exchanger fouling has said impurities from the water.
been seen to increase with a decrease in outlet temperature of 0016 Preferably, the final water treating unit can be an
the process stream. induced gas flotation unit, or oil removal filters, or both in
0007 Processors have also looked at ways of cleaning the series.
exchanger while still in service. This has been attempted by 0017. According to yet another aspect of the invention
running a high temperature stream through the exchanger to there is provided a water recovery process having a flash
remove the fouling by re-dissolving the deposit into solution. drum, a flash drumheat exchanger/condenser and final water
These solutions have decreased the maintenance required on treating equipment Such as an oil removal unit, oil scrubber or
the exchangers and lengthened the time between shutdowns the like. During the process, the hot water produced (contain
of the equipment, but have not solved the fouling problem. ing impurities) 1 is introduced into the flash drum, and
0008. There is therefore, still a need in the industry for a separated into a cooled liquid (with impurities) 5 and a
better solution for water treatment unit, which requires less vapour 3. The vapour being further cooled in the flash drum
maintenance due to fouling, is economical to operate and at heat exchanger/condenser into the condensed liquids 6.
the same time prevents flashing later in the process. This liquid 6 from the flash drumheat exchanger/condenser
US 2012/0047941 A1 Mar. 1, 2012

is mixed with the cooled liquid 5, into the mixture 7. This 0029 FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of the typical water
mixture 7 being transferred into the final water treating unit recovery process and equipment currently employed in the
in which the impurities are removed from the water and the industry.
cleaned water 8 transferred to the rest of the process 9 or 0030 FIG.3 is a schematic process of the facility using the
to atmospheric tanks 10 for storage. new process and equipment.
0018. According to yet another aspect of the invention, the 0031 FIG. 4 is a schematic illustration of the layout of the
flash drum operates below the atmospheric pressure to pre equipment according to the preferred embodiment of the
vent flashing in the downstream equipment. invention showing relative elevations.
0019 Preferably, the operating pressure of the flash drum
is between (+10) kPag to (-10) kPag, and more preferably DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
(-5) kPag. 0032 Flash drum also known as knock—out drum, and
0020 More preferably the flash drumheat exchanger/con vapour liquid separator is a vertical vessel used to depres
denser receives the water vapour 3 from the flash drum and Surise, flash into a vapour/liquid, and separate vapour liquid
chills that vapour to produce a chilled vapour and liquid mixtures. Gravity causes the liquid to settle to the bottom of
stream 4, 6 to a temperature below the water atmospheric the vessel and the vapour travels upwards at a design Velocity
boiling point in a range of (40) C. to (100) C. which minimizes the entrainment of any liquid droplets in the
0021. According to yet another aspect of the invention, the vapour as it exits the top of the vessel. The feed to the vapour
flash drum heat exchanger/condenser receives the water liquid separator may be a liquid that is being partially or
vapour from the flash drum and the final water treating unit totally flashed into a vapour and liquid as it enters a separator.
Such as an induced gas flotation unit, and chills that vapour to 0033. The flashevaporation occurs when a saturated liquid
a temperature below the water atmospheric boiling point in a stream undergoes a reduction in pressure and part of this
range of (40) C. to (100)°C. liquidis immediately flashes into vapour. Both the vapour and
0022. According to still another aspect of the invention, the residual liquid are cooled to the saturation temperature of
the hot water 1 temperature is between (100) C. and (180) the liquid at the reduced pressure.
C. with a pressure between (O) kPag and (1400) kPag. While 0034 FIG. 1 illustrates the main compounds of the water
the water 5 exiting the flash drum is at its bubble point treatment unit Flash drum 30, flash drum heat exchanger/
temperature at a pressure between (-17) kPag and (0) kPag, condenser 31 and final water treatment unit 32. Further it
and the vapour 3 is at its bubble point temperature at a presents the main flows in the system: Hot water 1, makeup
pressure between (-17) kPag and (0) kPag. The water 6 water 2, steam from flash drum 3, vapours from heat
exiting the flash drum heat exchanger/condenser is at a tem exchanger 4, cooled water from flash drum 5 cooled water
perature between (40) C. and (100)° C. from heat exchanger 6 mixed cooled water 7 entering the
0023. Further the combined water 7 entering the final final water treatment unit, clean water exiting the water treat
water treating unit is at a temperature between (90) C. and ment unit 8, vapour exiting the water treatment unit 11.
(100) C. And eventually the water 8 exiting the final water this vapour may be directed to the heat exchanger or to the
treatment unit is at a temperature of between (90) C. and vacuum system and to the vapour recovery unit.
(100) C. 0035 FIG. 2 illustrates the equipment and material flow
0024. According to another preferred aspect of the inven which is currently used in the industry to be compared to the
tion, the flash drum heat exchanger/condenser and the flash FIG. 3 illustrating the improved equipment setting and mate
drum are physically located above the final water treatment rial flow. It is easy to see that two heat exchangers “Inlet
unit to provide normal pump Suction head. In the specific use Cooler” and “Inlet Trim Cooler” were replaced with “Pro
of a gas floatation unit, this normal head is between (2)m and duced Water Flash Drum and “Flash Drum Condenser’.
(6)m water for the gas floatation unit discharge and recircu Further, the "Skim Tank” is eliminated from the process.
lation pumps. 0036 FIG. 4 illustrates the higher elevation position of
0025 Preferably, the flash drum heat exchanger/con flash drum and condenser related to each other and above the
denser is cooled by a glycol/water coolant mixture or the like IGF unit.
or air cooled. This heat exchanger fouls considerably less 0037. The produced water will come from oil/water sepa
when compared to prior known operational processes not
including a flash drum. The considerable less fouling means ration and enter the produced water flash drum where it is
that the cleaning maintenance of the flash drum heat flashed at an atmospheric pressure. The water stream is
exchanger/condenser is extended from the almost weekly cooled to 98°C. by the energy required to flash a portion of
basis to the intended annual basis in conjunction with a plant the water stream. The flashed vapours are sent along with the
shutdown for other maintenance requirements. induced gas floatation unit vent, and evaporator vent to the
flash drum condenser and condensed/sub-cooled to 90° C.
0026. According to yet another aspect of the invention, using cooling glycol. This stream is then mixed with the water
cold make-up water is directed to the flash drum for preheat from the flash drum to make a sub-cooled stream at 97° C.
ing the make-up water and reducing the amount of coolant in which is sent to the IGF.
the flash drum heat exchanger/condenser. 0038 Flashing the produced water below the atmospheric
0027 All those benefits allow use of this system in a pressure makes it possible to run the floatation unit at a higher
transportable modular system for a steam assisted gravity operating temperature with minimal flashing occurring. The
drainage crude oil recovery from oil sands, comprising a
water recovery process. design will utilize the liquid head available from placing the
flash drum on the second level of the modules to ensure the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS proper flow between equipment and to provide the required
NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) for the IGF recirculation
0028 FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of the water recovery pumps and discharge pumps. The flash drum pressure will
process. preferably be set to -5 kPag, utilizing the partial vacuum
US 2012/0047941 A1 Mar. 1, 2012

provided by the fuel gas system ejector to maintain the 4. A water recovery process comprising a flash drum, a
desired pressure. The temperature exiting the IGF in this flash drum heat exchanger/condenser and the final water
design will be approximately 97°C., which is 17°C. warmer treating equipment, wherein the hot water produced is intro
than the typical temperature at this point in a SAGD facility. duced into the flash drum, and separated into the cooled liquid
0039. Using a flash drum and a flash drumheat exchanger/ and a vapour ; the vapour being further cooled in the flash
condenser accomplishes the required cooling of the produced drum heat exchanger/condenser, the condensed liquids from
Water Stream. the exchanger is mixed with the cooled liquid, this mixture
0040 Flashing the produced water below the atmospheric being transferred into the final water treating unit in which the
pressure prevents flashing in the downstream atmospheric impurities are removed from the water and the cleaned water
equipment. transferred to the rest of the process or to atmospheric tanks
for storage.
0041 Collection of the floatation unit and evaporator 5. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the
vents with the flash drum flashing vapours captures anything flash drum operates below the atmospheric pressure to pre
that does flash. vent flashing in the down stream equipment.
0042. The main benefit to this change is a decrease in 6. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the
maintenance frequency and cost. The flash drum is less likely operating pressure of the flash drum is between (+10) kPag to
to foul than a heat exchanger and the flash drum condenser is (-10) kPag, and preferably (-5) kPag.
condensing flashed steam, which is a clean service and is far 7. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the
less likely to cause it to foul. This greatly decreases the flash drum heat exchanger/condenser receives the water
maintenance costs associated with this section of a SAGD vapour from the flash drum and chills that vapour, to produce
facility. The estimated saving will be approximately $500K a chilled vapour and liquid stream to a temperature below the
(CDN, 2010) annually. It also decreases the HSE and envi water atmospheric boiling point in a range of (40) C. to
ronmental issues associated with opening and cleaning a heat (100) C.
exchanger fouled with hydrocarbon deposits requiring dis 8. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the
posal. flash drum heat exchanger/condenser receives the water
0043. This change allows the produced water stream to be vapour from the flash drum and the final water treating unit
kept at a higher temperature resulting in less energy require Such as an induced gas flotation unit, and chills that vapour, to
ment to heat the water to the evaporator operating tempera produce a chilled vapour and liquid stream to a temperature
below the water atmospheric boiling point in a range of (40)
ture. It is estimated that this will also reduce the operating C. to (100) C.
costs of the facility by another $500K (CDN, 2010) annually 9. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the
for a 7,200 BPSD plant. hot water temperature is between (100)° C. and (180)°C. with
0044 Lastly, this system replaces multiple shell and tube a pressure between (O)kPag and (1400) kPag.
heat exchangers and skim tank with a flash drum and a smaller 10. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the
single shell and tube exchanger. This system also eliminates water exiting the flash drum is at its bubble point temperature
reheating exchanger and reduces the size of utility heating at a pressure between (-17) kPagand (0) kPag, and the vapour
and cooling systems. It is estimated that this will decrease the is at its bubble point temperature at a pressure between (-17)
capital cost of the facility by another $800K (CDN, 2010). kPag and (0) kPag.
0045. The preferred equipment used in the process, is pro 11. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the
vided below: water exiting the flash drumheat exchanger/condenser is at a
0046) a) Produced Water Flash Drum temperature between (40) C. and (100)°C.
0047 b) Flash Drum Condenser 12. The water recovery process of claim 4 wherein the
0048 c) IGF Package combined water entering the final water treating unit is at a
temperature between (90) C. and (100)°C.
0049. As many changes can be made to the preferred 13. The water recovery process of claim 4 wherein the
embodiment of the invention without departing from the water exiting the final water treatment unit is at a temperature
scope thereof; it is intended that all matter contained herein be of between (90)° C. and (100) C.
considered illustrative of the invention and not in a limiting 14. The water recovery process of claim 4 wherein the flash
SSC. drumheat exchanger/condenser and the flash drum are physi
cally located above the final water treatment unit to provide
We claim: normal pump Suction head.
1. A water recovery process for SAGD (Steam Assisted 15. The water recovery process of claim 4 wherein the
Gravity Drainage) system for a heavy oil recovery facility, the specific use of a gas floatation unit, this normal head is
process comprising a flash drum and a flash drum heat between (2)m and (6)m water for the gas floatation unit dis
exchanger/condenser, wherein the water recovery process charge and recirculation pumps.
receives hot water produced by a facility at a temperature 16. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein the
above the water atmospheric boiling point and cools it to a flash drum heat exchanger/condenser is cooled by glycol or
temperature below the water atmospheric boiling point the like and fouls considerably less when compared to prior
before transferring it to the remaining section of the water known operational processes not including a flash drum.
recovery process. 17. The water recovery process of claim 1 or 4 wherein cold
2. The water recovery process of claim 1, wherein the hot make-up water is directed to the flash drum for the purpose of
water produced contains impurities, such as traces of oil, the preheating the water and reducing the amount of coolant in
water recovery process further comprises a final water treat the flash drum heat exchanger/condenser.
18. A transportable modular system for a steam assisted
ing unit for the removal of said impurities from the water. gravity drainage crude oil recovery from oil sands, compris
3. The water recovery process of claim 2 wherein the final ing a water recovery process of claim 1 or 4.
water treating unit can be induced gas flotation unit and/or oil c c c c c
removal filters.

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