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National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi

End Term Examination 2020
Semester -- III
Subject Code: A109

Total Marks: 70 Maximum Time: 5 Hours

1) No clarifications shall be provided about the question paper during the course of the
2) Answer ANY FIVE questions. All questions carry the same marks.

Q.1) In the given picture identify the five parts depicted from 1-4 and explain the same from
the theoretical perspective. Are these ingrained in the collective unconscious or the
personal unconscious? What role does ego play in the manifestation of the attitudes and
functions of psyche that lead to the formation of the psychological types? [Marks: 14]
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Q.2) Murray stated, “Need is a construct which stands for a force.” Use this statement to
explain the concept of psychogenic needs. Are these needs all governing? To what
extent do these needs motivate the formation of a person’s personality?
[Marks: 14]

Q.3) Justify the statement stated in the following figure:

[Marks: 14]

Q.4) If the theoretical perspective for forgetting is accepted, how can we defend the theories
of memory that ascertain that once rehearsed well information stays in the memory
forever? [Marks: 14]

Q.5) “The whole purpose of existence is to remove this inferiority and attain a superiority
over other human beings.” Use this statement to describe all “final goals” given by
different perspectives of personality psychology. [Marks: 14]

Q.6) Identify the principles at work in the illustrations given below and explain the same:

[Marks: 14]
A. Identifying a kid as an urchin because he is associated with a group of troublemakers.
B. Using racist comments for anyone with a particular skin colour.
C. Assessing the broken half of an earthen vessel is in fact a broken diya.
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D. Assuming a red ottoman is not a part of the wooden sofa set put on display.
E. Singing along a song even after the audio has been switched off.
F. Assessing that the logo of world wildlife foundation is a giant panda.
G. Reading the second book by the same author expecting it to be as good.

Q.7) Given below is an excerpt with in-text citation. Write down the references according to
the APA style of referencing for the same. [Marks: 14]

(The details of the authors are given in the table below)

“There is little consensus regarding the etiology of selective mutism. Psychoanalysts have cited
unresolved internal conflicts as the cause of selective mutism (Cohen et al., 2006). Family systems
theorists argue that children with selective mutism are part of faulty family relationships (Anstendig,
1998). Kratochwill (1981) states that behavioral therapists “have perceived mute behavior as a function of
antecedent and consequent environmental events that vary across situation, people, and time” (p. 137).
Early theorists argued that trauma or major life events, such as abuse or death of a loved one, trigger the
onset of selective mutism (Dow, Sonies, Scheib, Moss, & Leonard, 1995). However, according to
more recent studies, children who have experienced trauma are not more likely to develop selective
mutism, and early childhood trauma is rarely associated with the development of the disorder
(Steinhausen & Juzi, 1996).”

Authors Title of the Name of the Page numbers/

article/ chapter Journal/ Book, Publisher’s Details
Volume and
S. L. Cohan, D. A Practitioner review: Journal of Child 1085 to1097
Chavira. & M.B Stein, Psychosocial Psychology and
interventions for Psychiatry,
children with Volume- 47
selective mutism Issue- 11
K. Anstendig Selective mutism: A Psychotherapy, 381-390
. review of the Volume-35
treatment literature
by modality from
T. Kratochwill Selective mutism: Publisher: Lawrence
Implications for Erlbaum.
research and Place of publishing:
Page 4 of 4

treatment. Hillsdale, NJ:

S P Dow, B C Sonies, D. Practical guidelines Journal of the 836-846.
Scheib, S.E. Moss and H for the assessment American Academy
L Leonard. and treatment of of Child and
selective mutism. Adolescent
Volume- 34,
H.Steinhausen, and C. Elective mutism: Journal of the 606-614.
Juzi An analysis of 100 American Academy
cases. of Child
and Adolescent
Volume- 35

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