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Group 10
Akash Borsaikia PGP11003
Khumujam Jenish Singh PGP11027
Khushboo Jyoti PGP11028
Madigundu Jyothi PGP11030
Merciline Lalrammuani PGP11034
Caselet 1 - Situational Analysis

Barry is a 27 year old food service manager at a restaurant who is responsible

for who is responsible for supervising and managing employees at the back of
the house. He is facing challenges such as language barriers, Generational
(Age) barriers, Cultural and Ethnic Barriers, Non verbal challenges and
emotional challenges

Caselet 1 - Problem Analysis
● Language Barriers - Not all employees speak English as their first language
making verbal communication a challenge at times
● Generational (age) Barriers - Having employees in various age categories can
pose a unique set of challenges. While the younger generation is used to texting
and using shortened messaging, their vocabulary may not be consistent with that
of older employees. Work values and attitudes may also affect communication
between younger and older employees
● Cultural and Ethnic Barriers - Cultural differences in food safety practices may
be a challenge for Barry to overcome
● Non verbal challenges - Barry’s body language (appearance) is telling others he
does not care about personal appearance and cleanliness
● Emotional Barriers - Emotional barriers can interfere with effective
communication. Barry comes into work after a rough start at home. These
negative emotions are affecting how he communicates with the employees

Caselet 1 - Decision Analysis
● Language Barriers - Several potential solutions might be addressed here including
posting signs in employees’ primary language. Putting signage with visuals, not just
words. Barry might learn some simple words in the employees’ primary language to help
show interest in the employees
● Generational (age) Barriers - Currently there are 4 generations in the workforce and
each potentially has a different preferred method of communication
● Cultural and Ethnic Barriers - Barry may need to identify cultural beliefs and work to
understand the ethnic barriers related to food safety
● Non Verbal Challenges - Barry’s appearance is a nonverbal cue to employees. Barry’s
appearance is important as he is a role-model to the employees. His actions and
behaviors should be consistent with what he is expecting of them
● Emotional Barriers - Emotional barriers can interfere with effective communication. It will
be important for Barry to get his emotions “in check” prior to starting work. Having
self-awareness and potentially seeking outside assistance (ie. Employee Assistance
Programs) may be possible solutions here
Caselet 1 - Plan of Action
● Provide sincere and encouraging words when employees follow safe food
handling behaviors
● Use a communication method appropriate for an employee, so supervisor
must know a bit about the employee
● For a high schooler, maybe it’s a quick “thank you” text message or an
older employee it might be a handwritten thank you note
● Serve as a role model through verbal and non verbal communication
● It’s said that “actions” speak louder than words, so Barry can, through his
actions, convey a message to employees. For example: wear a clean

Caselet 2

Situational Problem Decision Plan of

Analysis Analysis Analysis Action

Situational Analysis
● John- a funny and popular guy who is liked by everyone and, was renowned
as ‘Kamikaze of comedy’
● Girlfriend- Nana, a lover of dogs and animal rights activist and the President
of the Philanthropic Club. PETA USA noticed Nana’s work of standing up for
mute creatures
● She was offered a job of Public Relations Manager.For offer acceptance,
Nana arranged PETA awareness conference, John was handpicked to deliver
a stand-up comedy that night
● John was a little drunk after attending his friend’s engagement party but was
confident to deliver a good performance
● His performance went well until he made this joke,”One morning a dog gave
birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering. I kind of like dogs,
but you know – I like them better in Vietnam.”

Problem Analysis
John made a joke about dogs where by mentioning ’liking dogs in Vietnam’
could mean ‘consuming dog meat’ which is very inappropriate and insensitive
to the theme of the event

Problems in communication:

● Cultural and ethnic barriers- John did not consider the cultural and
ethnic background of the audience
● Connotative barriers- Misunderstandings occur when the receiver and
sender when the context, situation and emotion behind the word
‘Vietnam” is different
● Words with different meanings- Here John didn’t necessarily try to
offend people but since the crowds were sensitive to specific topic, they
can interpret it differently
● Faulty translations- Here the crowd level of comprehension is quite
different from John’s therefore there is misinterpretation

Decision Analysis
John could refuse to perform-

● John could say to Nana since there was also his friend’s engagement party

John could throw a different joke

● Since the event was for PETA promotion, John could have refrain from any
kind of animal related jokes

John could refrain from drinking before performing

● Since John already knew that he had to do a stand-up that night, he could
have prepared himself better and not be intoxicated

John could do a background check first-

● Since John knew the cause and details of the event, he could have designed
his acts accordingly.

Plan of Action
John should perform a full background check
and be more sensitive about the context and
psychology of the audience he dealt with. This
will help him to deliver right emotions at the
right time to the right people and thus he
would not hurt the sentiments of the people

Thank You!

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