Position Paper

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Position paper

Name: María Fernanda Ochoa Hernández

Country: People´s Republic of China
Committee: Security Council
Topic A: Terrorist recruitment through social media.

Topic Background:
With the technology and all the social media the terrorist has founded a new
way to recruit young people by the social media. This new method is that they
send messages in social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram,
etc. In where they promote peace by a new way of life. They wait that the
people said them that he or she wants to know more about this way of life. After
that, they now the level of debility of the person and convince them that they
are the eternal life in favor of the terrorism. Making like that a “new age” in the
Position of the country:
The terrorism in China by social medias has taken a lot of influence because it
is not only by photos, also by violent audiovisual products and extremist
ideologies. With that information.They recruit soldiers, raise funds and plan
terrorist activities through social networks on the Internet. It is also proved that a
big percent of the people that join to the terrorists by this new method is of 15%
from China. Also of more than 50 countries are affected by these problem.

Posible solutions:
 With help of the NGO Campaign Against Terrorism Foundation (CAFT)
make a program that can be able to check if there is something violent or
something that can cause that the people who enter to this page be
attracted to be part of the terrorism
 Make conscious to the young people to do not use the social networks in
bad or irresponsable way by making advertisement like:posters,
brochures, etc.
 With help of the NGO Anti-Terrorism Force ( ATF) do a quest of what
social network they use and if they have seen any violent image or
something that can provoke terrorism. If yes make a campaign for stop
the use of that social network or that the people don’t believe in that“
peace ”.

Position paper
Name: Maria Fernanda Ochoa Hernandez
Country: People´s Republic of China
Committee: Security Council
Topic B: The existent threat of bioterrorism

Topic Background:
The bioterrorism is a way of terrorism that consist in a bacteria, pathogen, germ
and virus that affect the population and low their defenses. This is also referred
to as germ warfare.The reason for these agents being concerning is based on
the availability of the terrorists by which these agents can be disseminated or
extend. Some of the viruses can be also take from nature like are the plants.
The virus can take from hours to days to become apparent

Position of the country:

China had been dealing with a virus called H5N1 or also known as bird flu. The
most worrying thing is the pandemic potential of this virus. Influenza and other
viruses are constantly changing and it is possible that this virus can become
capable of easy transmission between people, generating a national outbreak
of the disease.

Posible solutions:
 Specify a clean place where to put to the people that start to have
symptoms of a strange disease. Like a quarantine
 With help of an NGO make security centers in where the people can be
check and determine if the population is healthy
 Make posters in where you said to the population the principal symptoms
of the disease and, if they present one of them go to the doctor to see
what is passing you

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