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GOLD 2020 Loss of small airways + mucociliary dysfunction

—feature of the disease

2011- ABCD Assessment Tool-- Multimodality Airflow limitation- measured by spirometry
assessment, symptom burden and importance Chronic bronchitis- old age + gas exposure
of exacerbation in the prevention of Symptoms precede airflow limitation
management of COPD, pharmacotherapy OR with normal spirometry findings (+airway
implications abnormalities)
Does not predict mortality and other important
health outcomes (can be done w spirometric Burden of COPD
grading) Leading cause of M and M
2017- separate it from spirometric grade Will continue to increase due to longevity and
FEV1- cannot influence therapeutic decision exposure to risk factors
making, needs symptoms and exacerbation risk Exposure + host factors
Spirometry- diagnosis, prognosis, treatment
with non pharmacologic strategy Prevalence- vary
No more ACO, but different disorder sharing the <6%- under reported
some common traits and clinical features Increase with age
2019- Different treatment pre and post (follow PLATINO- 7.8% to 19%, >60 y/o post
up) bronchodilator
Blood eosinophil as a marker of efficacy of BOLD- use spiro + risk factors (questionnaires),
inhaled corticosteroids >40 y/o- worse lung fxn
Clarify diagnosis of exacerbations with different 2010- 384 million
alternative diagnosis 3 million deaths annually
2060- 5.6 million deaths 
First program 1998
First report- 2001 M and M
FEV1- unreliable for breathlessness, exercise Inc with age- younger age if with comorbities
limitation, health status impairment OR with chronic conditions
Impair health status, interfere management
COPD- 4th leading cause of death, 3rd by 2020 Death is underestimated, reliability is
3 million died 2012- 6% death globally problematic
Preventable and treatable Inc mortality- inc smoking, inc aging of the
Major cause of chronic M and M population, decrease death from others, lack of
Die prematurely effective disease modifying agents

COPD- persistent symptoms and airflow Economic and social burden

abnormalities, airway or alveolar abnormalities, Inc economic burden- 6% of total annual
exposure to noxious gas and particles healthcare benefits
+ host factors Greatest proportion is exacerbations
+lung pathology with no airflow limitation Inc cost with increase severity
Comorbidities may impact M and M Home based care underestimates true cost
Symptoms may be underreported by patients Threat to economy by influencing human
Airflow limitation= airway + lung parenchyma productivity
abnormalities- evolution at different rates Social burden- use of DALY- 2015- 5 th cause
Chronic inflammation- structural changes, US- 2nd cause of DALY
narrow airway, destroy lung parenchyma, Mortality- limited perspective on burden
alveolar detachment, decreased elastic recoil
Decreased airway openness during expiration
Factors influencing disease development and Smokers have higher symptoms, greater
progression abnormalities, greater decline in FEV1, and
Associations rather than relationships greater mortality
Non smokers with COPD- less symptoms, mild, Other factors: cigars, marijuana, passive
lower burden cigarette exposure, ETS (inc lung burden of
Non smoker + chronic airflow limitation- less CA inhaled gases and particles)
and CVS comorbidities > (-) chronic airflow Affects fetus growth and immunity
limitation—but with inc pneumonia and mort Occupational exposure like organic or inorganic
from respiratory failure dust, chemicals and fumes
Different occupations- gardeners, sculptors,
Current understanding of risk factors is warehouse workers (more of emphysema and
incomplete gas trapping (CT scan) + symptoms + airflow
No studies have monitored its entire course limitation) + dust M=F
Interactions between genes and environment 19.2 %, 31% in non smokers
Sex, economic status, exposures, life Accounted for 10-20% of COPD
expectancy Higher in less regulated areas
Indoor air pollution- affects women- 3M
Genetics worldwide
Deficiency in A1 antitrypsin Urban air pollution- affects person with heart
Inc serine protease- mucus secretagogue and lung problems
Problem with genes encoding MMP 12 and Role of outdoor air is small compare to smoking
glutathione S transferase- related to decline in Association with PM 2.5/10
lung function Impair lung growth in children- PM <2.5 and inc
NO2 (FEV1 <80%)
Age and Sex Exposure effects still unresolved
Healthy aging and cumulative exposure
Aging mimics structural changes in lungs Socioeconomic status- poverty = COPD risk inc
associated with COPD Not sure if related to exposure also
Men = women (patterns of smoking)
Women more susceptible to smoke than men Asthma and airway hyperreactivity
More disease with same amount of smoke + asthma- 12x risk
consumed 20% irreversible airflow obstruction
Greater burden of small airway disease in Self reported asthma- excess FEV1 loss
women 11% lung growth decline
1st risk factor- smoking- 39% attributable risk
Lung growth and development 2nd risk factor- airway hyperresponsiveness-
Processes affecting lung growth 15%, independent of asthma- inc COPD and
Dec lung fxn via spirometry leads to COPD mortality
Presence of childhood disadvantage factors Different pathology bet asthma and non asthma
(infection)= important as heavy smoking COPD
50% FEV1 problem
50% abnormal lung fxn and growth Chronic bronchitis- + associated with decline in
Synergistic interaction between smoking, FEV1 and in mucus hypersecretion
respiratory infant infection + overcrowding by Inc COPD in young adults who smoke
age 43 y/o Inc total # of exacerbations severity

Exposure to particles Infection

Dec lung fxn, inc symptoms
Pseudomonas- inc mortality and Emphysema and airway narrowing- airway
hospitalizations for exacerbations limitation and dec gas transfer
Infections- effect on disease development is less 1. Airway limitation and gas trapping-
clear inflammation, fibrosis and exudates-
HIV inc risk spirometric abnormalities, peripheral
TB- risk and potential comorbidity and airways trapped gas causing
differential diagnosis hyperinflation—impair contractile
properties of respiratory muscles—
Pathology, pathogenesis and pathobiology exertional dyspnea, tx: bronchodilators
Lung inflammation- modified response in COPD 2. Gas exchange abnormalities-
(emphysema and airway fibrosis), gas trapping hypoxemia and hypercapnia, dec
and airflow limitation ventilator drive, inc dead space
ventilation—CO2 retention—
Pathology- inc inflammation and structural hyperinflation—inc effort to breath—
changes, inc with disease severity and persist ventilatory muscle impairment—V/Q
even with smoking cessation mismatch
Affects airways, parenchyma and lung 3. Mucus hypersecretion—chronic
vasculature bronchitis not airflow limitation—inc
Inc inflammatory cells goblet cells and enlarged glands
(chronic irritation from noxious agents)
Pathogenesis eGFR, mediators and proteases also
Modified inflammatory response not yet stimulate mucus hypersecretion
understood or genetically determined 4. PHTN- late in the course, due to hypoxic
Pertubations in lung microbiome vasoconstriction, intimal hyperplasia
1. Oxidative stress- inc biomarkers- H2O2, and smooth muscle hyperplasia and
8 isoprostane, inc exacerbations, dec hypertrophy, loss of pulmonary
Nrf2- anti oxidants capillary bed in emphysema,
2. Protease and antiprotease imbalance- inflammation and endothelial
inc protease (breakdown connective tx dysfunction—inc exacerbations and R
compartment)- destroy elastin- features heart dysfunction
of emphysema 5. Exacerbations- from infection, noxious
3. Inflammatory cells- release mediators, chemicals, unknown factors
IgA deficiency associated with bacterial Inc inflammation, gas trapping, reduced
translocation, small airway expiratory flow, V/Q mismatch—
inflammation and airway remodeling hypoxemia
(neutrophils, macrophages and 6. Systemic features- +chronic diseases
lymphocytes) Affects cardiac and gas exchange fxn—
4. Inflammatory mediators- chemotactic hyperinflation
factors, mediators and cytokines Inflammation- skeletal muscle wasting
5. Peribronchiolar and interstitial fibrosis- and cachexia, worsen comorbidities
asymptomatic smokers and growth
factors, inflammation first, airway
limitation and obliteration—

Inflammation and airway narrowing- dec
Diagnosis and Initial Assessment Widespread intrathoracic and extrathoracic
Spirometry- post bronchodilator FEV1/FVC wheeze
<0.70 Chest tightness follows exertion- poorly
Goal- determine airflow limitation, impact of localized, muscular, isometric contraction of
disease on health status, future risk of events- intercoastal muscles
to guide therapy
Treat concomitant chronic diseases Fatigue, weight loss and anorexia
Dyspnea, cough, sputum production, hx of Prognostic importance
infection, exposure to risk factors Sign of other disease
Cough syncope, rib fractures- asymptomatic
If you consider COPD- perform spirometry- age Ankle swelling- cor pulmonale
>40 y/o Depression and anxiety- inc exacerbations and
Indicators are not diagnostic but they inc the poor health status
Medical History- exposure to risk factor, PMHx,
Symptoms- most common characteristic FHx, pattern of symptom development (adult
symptom- chronic progressive dyspnea life, conscious of breathlessness, social
30%- cough and sputum production restrictions), hx of exacerbations and
Vary day to day hospitalizations, impact of disease, social family
Precedes airflow limitation x years support, reducing risk factors
Help develop appropriate interventions
Search underlying cause- if w COPD risk factors Physical Examination
+/- airflow limitation, +/- dyspnea Rarely diagnostic
Seek help- impact of symptoms on functional Low sensi and specificity
status, rather than basis of airflow limitation
Dyspnea- cardinal symptom- disability and Spirometry
anxiety, effort to breath, chest heaviness, air Most reproducible and most objective
hunger, chest tightness measurement of airflow limitation
Non invasive and readily available
Cough- first symptom PEFR- not specific
Expected consequences acc to patient from FEV1/VC rather than FEV1/FVC- lower ratio
smoking etc values
Initially intermittent—then daily Decrease in both FEV1 and FVC
Can be productive/ non productive Using fixed ratio- greater dx in elderly, less dx if
+airflow limitation even without cough <45 y/o and mild disease > cut off using lower
limit lower 5%
Sputum production Not inferior regarding prognosis
Small quantities of tenacious sputum
Difficult to evaluate bec px swallow it rather GOLD favors fixed ratio over LLN even if it
than expectorate causes over diagnosis and mistreatment due to
Intermittent diagnostic simplicity and consistency
Can have flare up and remissions Should repeat if value is between 0.6 to 0.8
Large quantities- bronchiectasis
Purulent- inc inflammatory markers, bacterial Post broncho dilator is required for diagnosis
infection- weak association and assessment, but reversibility on therapeutic
decision is no longer recommended
Wheezing and chest tightness Cannot augment diagnosis, differentiate from
Vary, laryngeal asthma, and predict response to treatment
Spirometric relationship between death
Role of screening spirometry is controversial and exacerbation
Screen only those who are high risk 4. Presence of comorbidities
Method of early case finding Multifactorial
FEV1/FVC predict all cause mortality Inc risk of the diseases
A subgroup of patient also increases lung cancer
Cost effective based on risk based score Combined COPD Assessment
Not effective in directing management decisions 2011 ABCD Assessment Tool
or improving outcomes (presymptomatic) Incorporate px outcomes, highlight importance
Do not screen, but rather do active case finding of exacerbations prevention
Values in asia and Africa are lower than Europe NOT for mortality prediction or other important
and US health outcomes
Based on appropriate reference values Separate from spirometric grade
Severity score are always overestimated unless Symptoms + exacerbations
predicted value are used FEV1- for mortality outcomes and
hospitalizations, and consideration of non
Assessment pharmacologic therapies (LT LVRS), cannot
1. Determine airflow limitation determine all therapeutic options 
2. Impact on patients health Clinical parameters are more clear
3. Risk of future exacerbations
4. Guide therapy Do spiro first—assess airflow limitation—assess
Consider the ff aspects of the disease symptom and exacerbation
1. Severity of spirometric abnormality
(table) FEV1 severity Group B- do surgery
2. Current nature and magnitude of Group D- treat exacerbations
a. Measure breathlessness *discordance between symptoms and
b. Measure health status spirometric findings—do CT scan, check co
c. Predict future mortality risk morbidities that may impact symptoms
CAT test and CCQ- less complicated Symptoms may be underestimated
than others May do exercise test 
Symptomatic impact- do not categorize
patients Spirometry- for prognosis and identify rapid
CAT- 8 item 0-40 score decline
SGRQ >/=25- +COPD (consider
treatment) CAT cut off point is 10 What to screen?
mMrc >/=2- separate less AATD- panlobular basal empysema <45 y/o
breathlessness from more <20% normal- homozygous deficiency
breathlessness Older- centrilobular apical
3. Hx of exacerbations/ risk- mild
moderate and severe (ARF) Additional investigations:
Best predictor- earlier treated patients 1. Imaging- CXR- not diagnostic and useful,
FEV1- lack precision as predictor of for other diagnosis only
exacerbation and mortality in patients Hyperinflation, hyperlucency, tapering
with COPD of vascular markings
Hospitalization- poor prognosis and inc CT scan- bronchiectasis and lung cancer
risk of death assessment
Inc emphysema- inc lung CA
Evaluated for surgery and lung
transplantation- distribution of
2. LV and diffusing capacity
Inc residual volume and total lung
Not essential for management
DLCO- impact of emphysema, helpful in
patients with breathlessness out of
proportion to spirometry
3. Spo2 and ABG
For clinical signs of respiratory failure
and right heart failure
Spo2 <92%, do ABG
4. Exercise testing and physical activity
Fall in a year before death
Indicator of health status impairment
Predictor of prognosis
Assess disability and risk of mortality
5. Composite scores
Inc mort- exercise, FEV1, weight loss,
peak O2 consumption, O2 sats
BODE index- composite score on
6. D/D- difficult to distinguish from asthma
7. Biomarkers- CRP and procal- for
restricting antibiotics during
exacerbations, weak association, not
reproducible (SUMMIT study)
Sputum color- inc S/S
8. Other considerations- those with N
spiro but w symptoms, needs tx on
chronic basis

CHF- volume restriction, NOT flow limitation

OB- young age, exposure to fumes, RA, after
lung transplant, hypodense areas on expiratory
CT scan
Diffuse panbronchiolitis- Asian, males, non
smoker, chronic sinusitis, diffuse small
centrilobular nodular opacities and
Prevention and Maintenance Therapy Pharmacotherapy in stable COPD
1. Smoking Cessation- influence natural Dec symptoms
history of COPD, if effective- success Dec exacerbations
rate 25% can be achieved Improve exercise tolerance and health status
Pharmacotherapy- nicotine CANNOT modify decline in lung function 
replacement products—CI: MI and CVD, Treatment regimen needs to be individualized
can be started >2 wks after MI
Secretions are swallowed- nausea 1. Bronchodilators
Acidic beverages interfere with Inc FEV1 and other spirometric values
absorption Improve expiratory flow
E cig- controversial- can cause lung Alter smooth muscle tone
injury (eosinophic pneumonia, AH, Widen airways
respiratory bronchiolitis) DOES NOT alter elasic recoil
Vaping- THC, CBD, oils, vitamin E Improve exercise performance
THC- associated with lung illness Reduce dynamic hyperinflation during
No infection, only inflammation and rest and exercise
injury Changes difficult to predict
Other products- supportive intervention Use of short acting are not
Check smoking relapse and failure recommended
5 step program Given regular basis to prevent and
3 min counselling reduce symptoms
Counselling intensity= cessation success FEV1 change is flat
Give financial incentives Inc dose provides subjective benefit in
Pharmacotherapy + behavioral support acute episodes, NOT in stable disease
Beta agonist + anti cholinergics
2. Vaccinations a) Beta Agonist
Influenza- dec incidence of LRTI Relax smooth muscle
Dec serious illness (LRTI, hospitalization, Inc cAMP
death), dec exacerbation- live or killed- Wears off within 4 to 6 hrs
dec IHD in elderly, ADR- mild and SABA- improve FEV1 and symptoms
transient (regular and prn)
LABA- no additional benefit
Pneumococcal- dec LRTI LABA- no benefit in mortality and
Px >65 y/o lung function, +benefit on other
PPSV 23- younger w co morbidities effects
(cardiac) Indacaterol- LABA OD- +cough-
Only significant protection, does not improve breathlessness,
reduced risk of pneumonia exacerbation rate and health status
Dec exacerbation Others- improve lung fxn and
PPSV 23- dec incidence of CAP in COPD symptoms
<65 y/o, FEV <40 + cardiac AE: cardiac problems, arrhythmias,
comorbidities tremors in older pxs any route
PCV 13- same or greater Low K - + thiazide
immunogenicity up to 2 yrs after Inc O2 consumption under resting
vaccination condition in pxs w CHD
RCT- PCV 13- prevent CAP and invasive Dec O2
pneumonia >65 y/o- lasted 4 yrs +tachyphylaxis
No effect on COPD in contrast to Effects of low dose theophylline on
asthma exacerbation rates - contradictory
2. Anti muscarinic evidence
Block bronchoconstrictor effect of AE: toxicity is dose related, therapeutic
acetylcholine on M3 muscarinic ratio is small, +benefit on near toxic
receptors doses
SAMA- also block M2- vagal induced Arrhythmias and convulsions
bronchoconstriction HA, insomnia, nausea and heartburn
LAMA- prolong M3 binding- faster Prone to overdose
dissolution from M2, prolong + effect with Coumadin and digitalis
bronchodilator effect 4. Combination
SAMA + SABA= improve FEV1 and
SAMA> SABA- lung fxn, health status, symptoms, as well as LABA + LAMA
oral steroid requirement LAMA + LABA- lung fxn, dyspnea, health
status, dec exacerbation rates, greater
LAMA- improve rehab (Tiotropium) QOL
Improve symptoms and health status Formoterol + tiotropium- impact on
Dec exacerbations and hospitalizations FEV1
LAMA > LABA Less effect than individual component
Inc FEV1 in mild to mod COPD Greater impact on patient related
Attenuate post bronchodilator therapy outcomes
Better w long acting
AE: poor absorption: +atropine effects Better w lower dose and twice daily
Dry mouth, urinary symptoms (no regimen
causal relationship) Better in patient reported outcomes
+CVD event tx w ipratropium LAMA- dec hospitalization and
Bitter metallic taste exacerbation
Tiotropium- no difference bet respimat Tiotropium- improve rehab and exercise
and dry powder performance
Glaucoma- if FM contact with eyes ICS/LABA- if w high eo count
Less safety data on other LAMA 5. Anti inflammatory agents
3. Methylxanthines END POINT- exacerbation rates
Controversial a. Inhaled ICS
Non selective phosphodiesterase Limited response of the drug
inhibitor Other drugs facilitate corticosteroid
Non bronchodilator action sensitivity in COPD
Data on duration are lacking Long term response are unclear
Theophylline- clearance varies with age Modulated with the use of
Metabolized in cytochrome P450 bronchodilators
oxidase Does not modify FEV1 and mortality
Small bronchodilator effect TORCH trial- higher mort in fluticasone
Dec gas trapping alone in comparison to fluticasone +
Inc respiratory muscle function combi
Modest bronchodilator effect Not the same in SUMMIT trial
Studies are all in standard release Moderate COPD- slower decline in FEV1
preparations (9ml/year)
Greater symptom and FEV1
improvement than Salmeterol
UK- If moderate to severe- better ICS + Oral steroids- no benefit, + health
LABA, no effect on survival, better CAT, problems, muscle weakess, respiratory
no effect on pneumonia, heterogenous failure
group, 8.4% reduction Acute exacerbations
Chronically lack benefit
ICS- inc pneumonia esp those with
severe disease b. PDE4 Inhibitor- chronic bronchitis,
*blood eo count- predict magnitude of severe to very severe COPD,
effect of steroids + bronchodilators to improve lung function, reduce
prevent exacerbations moderate to severe exacerbations,
No effect if eo <100 esp those on fixed those ICS/LABA
>300- + benefit Inc CAMP, dec inflammation
Estimates- not precise cut off points Roflumikast, OD, no
Use as decision regarding steroid use bronchodilator activity
Always check exacerbation risk >/= Inc effect if w exacerbation and
exacerbations or 1 hospitalizations in hospitalization
the prev yr (higher effect of ICS) AE: more effect than inhaled
Mechanism of high eo is ?? GI, sleep, HA, reversible, early
Other factors needs to be explored course of treatment
COPD exacerbation and blood eo= ?? Caution w depression and
relationship underweight pxs
ICS= +candida, hoarseness, skin
bruising, pneumonia c. Long term azith/ erythromycin dec
Even at low doses exacerbation x 1 yr, inc bacterial
Factors for the AE: smoking, resistance, prolong QT and hearing
+pneumonia, BMI <25, age >/=55, poor impairment
MRC grade, eo <2%, severe airflow less benefit in smokers
limitation moxi no effect
d. Mucolytics- decreased risk of
Mod COPD= ICS + LABA- no inc risk of exacerbation, modest improvement
PNA in health status
No target population
RCT- dec bone density and fractures e. Immunoregulator- long term
Observational study- DM cataract and effects?
TB- no RCT- difficult to conclude Mepolizumab, benralizumab- ok to
replace oral steroids, w
Withdrawal of ICS- different results, exacerbation and eosinophilic
modest dec in FEV1 prob inc eo level inflammation
(greatest if blood eo level >300) No effect on FEV and QOL
XX- nedocromil
Triple therapy improve lung fxn, health xx- infliximab- inc CA and
status, dec exacerbations pneumonia
Greater benefit if symptomatic, FEV f. Statins- increased risk of
<50, +hx of exacerbations exacerbation
Dec mortality also (42.1% reduction)- + effects on outcomes on CVS and
CVS respi at COPD mort metabolic patients
Survival not endpoint Vitamin D- dec exacerbation for
those w low vitamin D
Issued Related to Inhaled Delivery Exacerbations </=2 wks- dec readmission and
Particle size should be 2-5 microm mortality (meta analysis)
Extra fine particles <2.5 more peripheral Don’t do it before dc- compromise survival
deposition with unknown mechanism
Adherence rate DPI 23% Cost effective treatment
2/3- 1 mistake Dec anxiety and depression
Poor inhaler- + symptom Challenge is ignorance, sustaining the activity
Determinants of poor inhalation- old age, Inc activity, dec sedentary
multiple devices, no education Home exercise less effective
Not all pxs will improve Benefits wane over time
Change device Target pxs behavior
Use placebo or bring the device
Nebulization not superior to inhaler if done Education, integrative care, self management
correctly Only self management with personalized
education has benefit
Other Therapies Improve status, dec hospitalization and ER visits
1. Alpha 1 antitrypsin- IV slow down Others no benefit
emphysema, most effective in FEV1 35- Self management- Dephi process- intervention,
49% structured, multi component and interactive
Most suitable- non or ex smokers with Improve COPD outcomes – action plans
FEV1 35-60% Inc mortality?? Vs no impact- COMET PIC-COPD-
Evidence of lung disease after optimal tx exacerbations early
therapy Heterogenous, difficult to assess real life
Preserve it after smoking cessation- Proper health coaching- dec hospitalization and
expensive ER (exacerbation)
AATD FEV1 <65%
Recent- extensive lung dse, FEV >65, Integrative care program
AATD Needs to be structured
2. Vasodilators- worsen oxygenation, no Multiple care providers
outcome improvement Did not improve mortality
No improvement in rehab, exercise Telemedicine- no effect
capacity, health status, PAP Do not need to be structured, should be
CI: stable COPD individualized
3. Antitussives- no evidence
Supportive and Palliative, End of Life Care
Rehab, education and Self Management Control symptoms
Rehab- optimal benefits 6-8 wks Manage px close to death
No benefit if extended to 12 weeks Support QOL, prevent suffering
Supervised training 2x weekly is recommended Less in COPD than in CA
Maximize personal gains Provide spiritual emotional support, enhance
Improve physical psychological impact QOL, optimize function
Improve health status, SOB and exercise Hospice/end of life- <6 months
tolerance, health related QOL, all COPD grades Can be consulted, OPD- less common
Moderate severe disease Palliative therapies- dyspnea- opiates, CWV,
Hypercapnic patients NMES, fan blowing, morphine- inc exercise
?? acute exacerbations (</=4 weeks)- dec endurance (?px characteristics), rehab, NIV, O2
hospitalizations if spo2 <92%,
No effect- benzodiaz, music, relaxation, Not sure when hypoxemia will develop even at
counselling, support, psychotherapy air/ sea
Check comorbidities
Nutritional support- vitamin C E Zinc, Selenium- Walking the aisle- can aggravate hypoxemia
improve anti oxidant deficits, quadriceps
strength, protein, no effect on endurance NIV- dec M/M- hospitalized, exacerbation of
Low BMI, low fat free mass- worse outcomes COPD, ARF- hospital free survival
12 month intervention- higher physical activity CPAP- COPD + OSA- with benefit
than capacity Prolong time of death/ hospitalization x 12
Malnourished- improve with 6 min walk months (hypercapnia) PCo2 >52 mmHg

Panic Anxiety and Depression Interventional Therapy

Multifactorial 1. LVRS- inc muscle and mechanical
Improve with rehab efficiency
Antidepressants- inconclusive Inc elastic recoil pressure of the lung
Ok w cognitive therapy and mind body Improve expiratory flow rate and
intervention reduce exacerbations
Most benefit- upper lobe, low post
Fatigue- rehab, self management, mind and rehab exercise capacity
body intervention, nutritional support High post rehab- no difference in
survival, but with improve health and
End of Life Care/ Hospice Care exercise status
Mort rate vary 28-80% High mortality- homogenous,
Cause of death- CVS, respi failure and FEV1/DLCO <20%
malignancy Costly > without surgery
High symptom burden- families need to 2. Bullectomy- in selected patients- dec
understand the disease dyspnea, improve lung function and
Views directives and death preferences exercise tolerance
6 month survival prediction is diificult CI: pulmo HPN, hypercapnia, severe
Early discussion is important emphysema
Follow wish of patient 3. Lung transplantation- in selected pxs-
no effect on prolong survival- improve
Hospice care- additional benefit- home/ health status and functional capacity
hospital bed Bilateral 70%- longer survival age <60
Focus on disability and symptom burden y/o
7 years, 5 yrs if single
Other treatments: 4. Bronch intervention- improvement 6-
A: O2 therapy/ Ventilatory support 12 months following treatment
Long term >15 hrs- inc survival in chronic Less M and M
arterial hypoxemia (severe resting) Dec thoracic volume, improve muscle
No effect sa mild or moderate (stable resting or NO to stent and sealant- inc M and M
exercise) Endobronchial valve- improve FEV1 and
Breathlessness is relieved if mild or non 6 min walk test x 6 months
hypoxemic Better if no interlobar collateral
Air travel is ok, basta PO2 50, inc NC 3lpm or ventilation (AE: PTX, valve removal)
venture 31% Better if heterogenous
May travel without O2- Spo2 >95, 6MWT >84% PTX- occur 72 hrs after procedure-
means successful procedure, rapid
ipsilateral non target lobe expansion 6. Long term steroids not recommended
(intact fissure, no collateral ventilation) (monotherapy)
MDs needs expertise in management of 7. Ok if w LABA
complications 8. Roflumilast- chronic bronchitis, severe
Less exacerbation and respiratory or very severe airflow limitation
failure 9. Former smoker + exacerbations-
Less complications than LVRS macrolides
5. Vapor ablation- no need fissure/ 10. Opioids- dyspnea w severe disease
collateral circulation
Improve after 6 months Review
+ exacerbation at 12 months Assess
Therapy is limited Adjust
6. Coils- inc 6 min WT and FEV1 and QOL Follow up (base on dyspnea/ exacerbation), not
Inc PNA, PTX, exacerbations, ABCD
hemoptysis Group B- has comorbidities that should be
Limited investigated
Group D- LABA+LAMA- w if w symptoms
Management of Stable COPD  If both- do exacerbation algorithm
Assess symptoms and future risk of
exacerbations Dyspnea- LABA+LAMA—step down to 1 if
Pharmacologic and non pharmacologic persistent or switch device
NO smoking Dc or shift ICS if there is no response
r/o other causes of dyspnea
Let patient understand the disease and risk
factors and the role they play Exacerbations- LABA--- LABA+LAMA, LABA+ICS
Assess, decreased risk factors (asthma), when ICS will respond
Pharmacotherapy is based on initial GOLD Eo >300 + 1 exacerbation
group Eo >100 + >/=2 exacerbation
Review ABCD Na persistent- give triple therapy
Tx effects (see figure)
No more ACO, tx asthma
Treatment: non pharmacologic
Common risk factor: smoke exposure Rehab- for group B C D
Dec smoke, dec air pollution and occupational
exposures Self management education and coaching
Policy making Goal: motivate engage and coach patient
Tobacco cessation- cost effective Patient is also a partner
Not education alone
Pharmacologic Treatments: Offer end of life care
1. Correct use of inhaler Pulmo rehab for breathlessness
2. Theophylline is not recommended Pulmo rehab- inc physical activity- internet
unless long term therapy is intervetions lack details
unaffordable or not available Time points to refer to rehab: at diagnosis, at
3. Inhaled > oral discharge, during deterioration
4. Short acting- occ dyspnea and relief Structured program
only Rehab Goal 2030- make rehab accessible
5. Mucolytics in selected pxs only Exercise + counselling- constant load or interval
Physical activity- predictor of mortality Palliative care- effective in symptom control
Exercise up to 60-80% of the symptom limited Do ff up on these patients
maximum work or heart rate, borg rate 4-6 Measure functional capacity, O2 and FEV1
Endurance- continuous/ intermittent (divide it Check symptoms exacerbations and sputum
with high intensity exercise)- comorbidities type
limiting performance Do imaging and smoking status
Optimize exercise with bronchodilators Check comorbidities
Add strength training and whole body vibration Check post op complications- impt predictor-
technique surgical site- inc risk as incision approaches
Inspiratory muscle technique- not consistent diaphragm
Outcomes should be specific Lower risk w epidural/ spinal anes > gen anes
Check exercise tolerance- ergo or treadmill Tx COPD before surgery
Shuttle walk- complete info than self paced, Major risk of complications- FEV <30-40%, VO2
easier to perform <10 or 35 predicted
Walking test- need practice session Multidisciplinary
Use questionnaires Don’t do it if w exacerbation
Palliative care
Nutritional support- amount and duration not Management of Exacerbations
established - Worsening of symptoms
Long term O2 therapy- should be re evaluated - Needs additional therapy
60-90 days - Negative impact
- Airway inflammation, inc mucus
production, gas trapping
- Inc dyspnea and other symptoms
- Not specific, needs D/D
Ventilatory support - Most common precipitations-
OSA- CPAP respiratory tract infections
NIV- daytime hypercapnia, recent - Dec negative impact
hospitalization - Dec subsequent events
- SAMA and SABA initial
Bronchoscopic technique - LAMA and LABA- before hospital
Vapor ablation- segmental > lobar discharge
No contralateral ventilation or + fissure - Steroids- 5-7 days only- improve FEV1,
integrity- pwede ang valve oxygenation, shorten recovery time and
Homogenous- not candidate of LVRS, but hospitalization
pwede sa bronchoscopic technique - Antibiotics- 5-7 days- shorten recovery
LVRS- upper lobe empysema time, shorten risk of early relapse,
Bronch therapy- improve FEV1, exercise treatment failure, hospitalization
tolerance, QOL, lung fxn at 6-12 months after duration
treatment - Methylxanthines- xx- in SE
- NIV- dec hospitalization, improve
survival, dec WOB and intubation,
Criteria for transplant improve gas exchange
Criteria for listing - Do prevention after exacerbation

1. Mild- short acting

2. Moderate- short acting + antibiotics +
3. Severe- ER/ hospitalization/ ARF poor lung fxn, poor exercise, low lung
need to seek professional help density, inc bronchial wall
Rhinovirus- longer, more severe- winter Inc mort during cold weather
months, 1 wk after exacerbation onset +use of educational intervention
PM 2.5- inc hospitalization and mortality
Inc bacteria in sputum, inc eo and Pharmacologic Treatment
neutrophils 1. Bronchodilators
No high quality RCT
Triggers- pollution, infection, ambient SABA w or wo SAMA
temperature No different in FEV1 bet MDI and
nebulize (easier if sicker patients)
Symptoms last 7 to 10 days, some may last Do not use continuous nebulizer
even longer Use of long acting, no study, but start it
20%- no recovery before hospital discharge
Contribute to disease progression Use air driven rather than O2 driven-
Cluster in time, progression to another avoid inc PCO2
event 2. Steroids
Frequent (>/=2) exacerbations- worse 40 mg x 5 days, >7 days- Pna and mort
outcome and morbidity Improve O2, risk of early relapse and
Any disease severity groups treatment failure
Susceptibility- ??- greater perception of URTI- ICS/LABA x 10 days
breathlessness Use only with significant exacerbation
Greatest predictor- # of exacerbation in the Less effective if low eo, use steroid
previous yr, moderate stable phenotype sparing agent instead
Change their frequency with change in FEV1 3. Antibiotics
Greater empysema/ bronchitis Use of antibiotics is controversial
Pulmonary artery: aorta ratio >1 Use clinical signs like sputum color
Check vitamin D deficiency Dec mortality, treatment failure and
purulence- moderate COPD
Treatment Options Doxycycline 
80%- OPD basis tx Sputum cultures are not feasible
Check O2 and assess, NIV, meds Give it if inc dyspnea, inc sputum
Exacerbation is heterogenous purulence and volume, needs MV
Severity is based on clinical signs: Give it 5-7 days
1. No respiratory failure- RR 20-30, no Oral is preferable
muscle use, O2 improve, normal PCO2, Co amox, macrolide tetracycline
(28-35%) Cover gram neg if on MV, severe airflow
2. ARF- non life threatening- RR >30, limitation/ exacerbation
+muscle use, +hypercapnia- PCO2 50-60 Use of procal protocol in ICU- higher
mmHg, O2 improve (28-35%) mort
3. ARF- life threatening- #2 + mental 4. Others- fluid balance, anticoagulants,
status change, needs o2 fio2 >40%, nutrition, tx comorbidities
PCO2 >60, Ph <7.25 5. Smoking cessation
Poor prognosis
5 year mortality- 50% Respiratory Support
Factors- old age, low BMI, comorbids, prev 1. O2- target 88-92%
exacerbation/ hospitalization, +clinical Do ABG/ VBG (accurate)
severity, needs long term o2 at discharge,
Venturi- more accurate than nasal Common at any stage
prongs d/d is difficult
2. HFNC- 8l/min infants, 60lpm in adults inc risk
Alternative to NIV Guidelines are not substitute for tx of individual
Improve WOB, gas exchange, lung pxs
volume, compliance, homogeneity
Dec intubation but not stat significant CVD- common and important
No effect on mortality 1. Heart failure- prevalence 20-70%,
Dec hypercapnia incidence- 3-4%, significant, independent
3. Vent support/ICU predictor of all cause mortality
a. NIV-success rate 80-85%, preferred 40% on MV has LV dysfunction (type 2
initial, improve O2 and acidosis, dec ARF)
RR and WOB, dec HD and pna Use selective B1 blocker
Wean- if px able to tolerate 4 hrs off Tx the same way
b. IMV- inc M and M 2. IHD- check risk factor profile
Check complications 30 days after exacerbation- inc
Lower mort than others- 17-49% myocardial damage
Further deaths in the nxt 12 +Trops- inc short and long term mort
months, or FEV <30%, other 3. Arrhythmias- common, afib is common
comorbidities, housebound after exacerbation
Hospital discharge and FF up COPD meds has acceptable safety
Early and Late ff up Caution: SABA and theophylline-
Introduce care bundles- ? cost effectiveness difficult rate response
Telemonitoring- no change but good practice 4. PAD- impact QOL and functional activity
Ok w coaching 8.8% prevalence
Early rehab (<4 weeks)- survival Worse health status
Do CT scan if w recurrent exacerbations 5. HPN- most frequent, implications on
COPD and Comorbidities (Stable) Diastolic dysfunction from optimally tx
COPD co exist with other disease HPN- causes exercise intolerance,
Has impact on the course exacerbations and hospitalizations
Its presence should not alter its treatment and Treatment is the same
treat the comorbidities the usual way Selective beta blocker- less prominent
Most frequent- lung ca 6. Osteoporosis- major comorbidity,
Most common mortality- lung cancer underdiagnosed, poor health status and
Most common and important- CVS diseases prognosis, dec BMI, + emphysema
Underdiagnosed- osteoporosis and depression +fractures, low bone mineral density
and anxiety Systemic steroids should be avoided
GERD- poor health status, inc exacerbations repeatedly
Simplify tx 7. Anxiety and depression-poor prognosis,
Avoid polypharmacy female, young smoking, low FEV1, cough,
higher SGRC score, +hx of CVD
COPD + comorbidities- impact on prognosis Exercise and rehab are beneficial
Different relationships 1.9x commit suicide.
Link, sequelae of COPD itself 8. Lung cancer- stronger in emphysema than
Should be identify and tx airflow limitation
Some are overlooked Greatest risk if w both findings
Inc in inc age and smoker
Poor outcomes and post op
LDCT- not every world does it
9. Metabolic syndrome and DM
More frequent
Affect prognosis
Prevalence 30%
Should be tx acc to guidelines
10. GERD
Independent risk factor
Worse health status (along w PAD)
PPI- dec exacerbations
Value remains controversial and needs to
be established
11. Bronchiectasis
Ct scan
Impact of dse is unknown
Inc mortality and longer exacerbations
12. OSA
Worse prognosis if overlap
More desat, low O2 and hypercapnia
More Pulmo HPN and arrhythmia
13. Multimorbidity
Usually in aging population
Complex, avoid polypharmacy, tx evidence
are from trials
Check anemia and vitamin D deficiency

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