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3/15/2021 Biden Coerces Christians | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics




Biden Coerces Christians

He treats their tenets as crimes.

by GEORGE NEUMAYR February 28, 2021, 12:01 AM

Joe Biden speaks on his racial equity agenda and the Equality Act, January 26, 2021
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I n 1804, Thomas Je erson wrote to the Ursuline Sisters to reassure them that the
U.S. government would not violate their religious freedom. Allaying fears they

had conveyed in a letter to him, Je erson wrote that the “principles of the
constitution and government of the United States” would permit the religious order
to “govern itself according to its own voluntary rules, without interference from the
civil authority.”

The Ursuline Sisters had been running orphanages, hospitals, and schools in French-
controlled Louisiana since 1727. They sought reassurances from Je erson after his

Louisiana Purchase that they would not su er in America a fate similar to their
confrères in France, who were then facing persecution and property loss under the
secularist measures that followed the French Revolution. Je erson, in e ect, told the
nuns that the American Revolution was not the same as the French Revolution, and
that they would not have to live under the strictures of secularism. He guaranteed
them “all the protection which my o ce can give” and concluded the letter, “I salute
you, holy sisters, with friendship & respect.”

Could anyone imagine Joe Biden writing such a letter to

nuns today? Biden’s secularism is alien to the American
In his
Revolution — “The establishment of civil and religious
conception of
liberty was the motive that induced me to the eld of
battle,” said America’s rst president, George
Washington — but very akin to the spirit of the French
Revolution. In his plans to persecute the Little Sisters of
the Poor and other Christian groups, Biden resembles
not the Founding Fathers but the French secularists
Biden draws
who bowed before the “Goddess of Reason.” They, too,
his inspiration
wanted to drive Christians from the public square; they,
not from 1776
too, thought that the claims of secular morality should
supersede the tenets of Christianity.
but from 1789
Like Obama, Biden casts himself as a revolutionary,
working to “transform” America. But to what 2/13
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revolutionary tradition is he appealing? It is not the God-fearing American one. It is

more like the coercive, starkly anti-religious French Revolution that viewed
Christianity as an impediment to progress. In his conception of “human rights”
trumping religious freedom, Biden draws his inspiration not from 1776 Philadelphia
but from 1789 Paris.

Indeed, Biden’s planned violations of religious freedom surpass even the secularist
imagination of a Voltaire. The LGBT-promoting “Equality Act” that Biden espouses,
which is working its way through Congress, would mark open season on Christians if
it is signed into law. The legislation is so outlandish that even some liberal legal
scholars oppose it. University of Virginia law professor Douglas Laycock, a supporter
of gay marriage, commented to National Review that the legislation would “crush”

the religious:

It goes very far to stamp out religious exemptions. It regulates religious non-
pro ts. And then it says that [the Religious Freedom Restoration Act] does not
apply to any claim under the Equality Act. This would be the rst time
Congress has limited the reach of RFRA. This is not a good-faith attempt to
reconcile competing interests. It is an attempt by one side to grab all the
disputed territory and to crush the other side.

The U.S. bishops, meanwhile, warn that the “Equality Act” would trigger the
following dire consequences for the religious:

forces religiously operated spaces and establishments, such as church halls,

to either host functions that violate their beliefs or close their doors to their

requires women to compete against men and boys in sports, and to share
locker rooms and shower facilities with men and boys

forces faith-based charities that serve all people to violate their religious
beliefs, and threatens the welfare of thousands of bene ciaries of charitable 3/13
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services such as shelters and foster care agencies, by forcing a multitude of

them to be shut down

jeopardizes existing prohibitions on the use of federal taxpayer funds for

abortion, likely pressuring or even mandating the performance of abortions
by health care providers in violation of their consciences, and ultimately
ending more human lives

hinders quality health care, by forcing health care professionals, against their
best medical judgment, to support treatments and procedures associated with
“gender transition.”

For Biden, “nondiscrimination” is a euphemism for violating the First Amendment,

which the Founding Fathers established not to protect Americans from religion but to
protect the religious from an overweening federal government. What Biden considers

progress — forcing the religious to violate their consciences and beliefs in the name
of his version of “rights” — the Founding Fathers would have regarded as the height

of tyranny. The worst fears of the Ursulines, expressed so long ago to Je erson, have

been realized under Biden.



3/15/2021 Biden Coerces Christians | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

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RFisher66 • 14 days ago

And this is what, a surprise? For all those Rush "haters"
out there who have for years poo poohed his warnings
about the Left what say you now? As I and many others
asked back in Oct/Nov, "do you really hate Trump so badly
that you will destroy America to get rid of him?" Well,
appears the answer is yes. The religious leaders who so
piously came out against Trump have a lot to answer for.
You were warned and you laughed. I served in Marine
Fighter Attack Squadron VMFA-251-The Death Angels-and
our squadron motto, painted on our planes, was "Ride
Nunc". Translates to "laugh now". As our fighters swooped
in to offer close air support that's the last thing many of the
VC saw. Well, pious religious leaders and supporters of the
Radical Left, "Ride Nunc".
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Trever > RFisher66 • 14 days ago • edited


”The religious leaders who so piously came out

against Trump have a lot to answer for. You were
warned and you laughed.”

The moral bankruptcy that comes with leftist

orthodoxy often has a quasi-religious feel to it. The
Woke — and their insistence on ideological purity —
are an elegant example. Any person who deviates
from political correctness, however slightly, is
punished by way of Cancel Culture. That
punishment includes job loss, career blight, and
social ostracism. Damnation, so to speak.

Hence, it bears an uncanny resemblance to worship

of a false god — a secular, left-wing God of Wrath
and Retribution. This malevolent deity obviously
fascinates the “progressive” mindset, although such
people declare their atheism gleefully. The illusion
of moral righteousness that it grants removes all
guilt, enables unrestrained leftist malice, and makes
it shine like the sun. It’s a perverse mutation of
spiritual ascendency.
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RFisher66 > Trever • 14 days ago

True enough. What the Left seems to
overlook is that The God they don't believe
in gave them the right and responsibility to
choose. They are all about the right to
choose and this is the ultimate choice they
are making. No one will stand, or actually
kneel, before God ignorant of the choice they
had. As Solomon said, there's nothing new
under the sun. The things they do that they
think are "new" were being done in Old
Testament Days. The Law wasn't given
because people "might" do the things it
commanded them not to, it was given
because they were already doing them. One
wonders what Hef and Larry Flynt would tell
people if they had 15 minutes to come back
and deliver the message. Luke 16:19-31
pretty much says what I imagine they would
have to say. The Left thinks Christians hate
them when in reality if we did we wouldn't
bother telling them about Christ, we'd just
let them blindly drop off into hell Their 6/13
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let them blindly drop off into hell. Their
religion is sexual perversion and they
worship at the altar of abortion. How anyone
can call themselves a pastor and lead his
flock off the cliff into hell is beyond me.
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PolishKnightUSA > RFisher66

• 14 days ago
To build upon that theme, so many
conservatives think that identity
politics were an Obama invention or
that the insanity we see now is recent
to the left's anti-Trump wave.

I remember all this bizarro-world

stuff on a college campus back in
1987. All of it. It's like the Wuhan
Flu, resting in a bat or a lab, that was
ready to conquer the world the
moment it got on a plane and attack
those with compromised immune
systems due to vaping or age.

Like the civic nationalist, "color

blind", "raise all boats", virtue
signaling USA.

Without a strong identity, there's

little to stop it. A "color blind" culture
of corporate drones, log cabin
individualists, and consumers who
are all bystanders looking the other
way while the unopposed wolf packs
have roamed the land in the so-called
civil rights era practically put up a
sign that says "Ravage us!"

Hopefully in 2024 we can get

someone in the white house to pass
some more tax and regulation cuts.
That'll fix it!
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RFisher66 > PolishKnightUSA

• 14 days ago
You forgot the sarcasm alert at the
end of your last paragraph. We
already had a president who actually
put America first, gave us tax cuts
and a roaring economy and started
bringing our military back home and 7/13
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g g y
what did it get him. Hounded for 4
years and still going on. You are
correct that too many of us looked
the other way for far too long even as
Rush told us daily what was
happening. The Christian pastors in
America let us down by watering
down the Word and preaching a
social gospel instead of the real
Gospel. I'm still of the opinion that
the United States has to disappear as
a world power before the final
chapters of Revelation can occur.
What we have been seeing since 1948
is Bible prophecy fulfilled in our
time. Not only the return of Israel to
their home land but also the
infiltrating of the Church by ravening
wolves dressed up like sheep leading
their flocks to hell. Every bit of what
we see in the world was prophesied
thousands of years ago yet people
still don't believe the Bible. At 73 I
don't expect to live long enough to
see the final act of God but I fear my
grandchildren will. Fortunately they
are prepared.
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SUBVET > RFisher66 • 13 days ago

66...for someone who
have no faith...where do you
forget who's in control...Isaiah
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RFisher66 > SUBVET

• 13 days ago
I have all the faith in the world. As I
tell my Sunday School class quite
often, and did so after the election,
"it's going to be okay". But, what does
okay mean? For most of the Apostles
it meant a pretty cruel death. I
believe it was Isaiah who was put into
a hollow log and sawed in half. Moses
didn't get to enter the promised land.
Sampson went out blind. So, being
okay is God's idea of okay not 8/13
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okay is God s idea of okay, not
necessarily ours. I'm not "worried"
about the end result for my
grandkids, it will be okay, but I do
wish they didn't have to experience
whatever it is that is going to cause
the disappearance of America as we
have known it. But my human side
often has to let my spiritual side
"spank" me for not liking God's okay.
But, in the end, it will be okay.
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SUBVET > RFisher66 • 12 days ago

66..since you quote Isaiah you might
want to look up 3:11...speaking of
Moses it looks like we are going to
have a Exodus 14:21-22
moment...keep the faith my
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RFisher66 > SUBVET

• 12 days ago
Yeah, I just spent a quarter teaching
Isaiah and talk about "it's going to be
okay". That's basically what he told
the Israelites that were about to go
into captivity. Unfortunately the
"okay" came a few generations after
the ones he was talking to. That's
why I say okay in God's plan doesn't
always square up with our idea of
okay. We want okay "today" and
that's just not necessarily the plan.
3:11 makes you feel good that "they"
will finally get theirs until you really
dwell on just what that means.
Eternity is a long time with no
"mulligans". My wife got pretty mad
the other day and opined that "this
isn't what her brother died for and
what I served for". I keep reminding
her that it was for America not
necessarily what passes for America
today. Semper Fi (even though you
were from the "other half" of the
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SUBVET > RFi h 66 d 9/13
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SUBVET > RFisher66 • 12 days ago
ya we always transported you to
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RFisher66 > SUBVET

• 12 days ago
We may have been "dumb jarheads"
but at least we had sense to stay on
top of the water.
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SUBVET > RFisher66 • 11 days ago

you forget on aircraft carriers the
Marines were the police....dumb
jarheads...don't think so....cheers
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PolishKnightUSA > RFisher66

• 14 days ago
The problem with "America first!" is
that it included the leftists. No matter
what conservatives do, they don't
eliminate their opposition because
they treat them as "fellow
Americans" while the left use
whatever power they have to hurt
their opposition without apology.

It's interesting how the USA as an

experiment in freedom has spawned
so many death cults: Self-hating
white guilt, civic nationalist
consumerism, "give me liberty or
give me death!" patriotism, and
Christian apocalyptic(ism?) hoping
for the end of the world.

All of that is nice, but I don't want to

utopian cool aid no matter what
delicious flavor is available.

It's possible that Christianity itself

may cease to exist as China and the
rest of the world simply immigrate to
the west and take over.
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SUBVET > PolishKnightUSA

• 12 days ago • edited 10/13
3/15/2021 Biden Coerces Christians | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
12 days ago edited

pk...I see you trolling along again on

the freedom forget this is
satan's world....
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PolishKnightUSA > SUBVET

• 12 days ago
SUBVET, if I had a feelings that
would hurt. Seriously though, I may
be open minded and provocative, but
I'm not "trolling", insincere, or
deliberately inflammatory. I am
exercising my "freeloaded" right to
free speech and thought to the limits
of my aptitude.

It amuses me (I suppose that sounds

rather trollish :-) that trad-
conservatives are "patriots" to The
Constitution even as they regard The
Government as "The Problem" (with
The Constitution as the foundation of
said problem government) and
adherence to utopian ideals such as
"free market" social darwinism in
"satan's world". (I'll keep his name in
lowercase :-)

Perhaps it makes sense to drink cool

aid and wait for the Apocalypse
because, hey, whatever trad-
conservatism is up to, it's not
"conserving" much on THIS

Note that (most) Asians who

comprise the most socio-
economically privileged group in the
USA don't believe in God.
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jayme > PolishKnightUSA

• 14 days ago
Again, you have upside down and
backwards. It is the Republicans and
right wing supporters that gavels
three consecutive Republican
national economic disasters. It is the
Republicans who have caused 94.5%
of our debt, Trump was responsible
for the biggest deficit in US history It 11/13
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for the biggest deficit in US history. It
was Majority Republicans who
dragged us into the trillions wasted
in the Mid East conflicts. It was a
Republican president who's
criminally negligent incompetence
wrecked the Obama/Biden record 10
year economic expansion periods and
along with the Republicans, tootles
than four years to crash the economy
into the ground (Again!), taking half
a million needless deaths with it.
China has Christian State-Sanctioned
and House Churches Since the 1980s,
China has seen a significant growth
in Christianity, and today
Protestantism is the country's
fastest-growing religious group.
You still live in the last Century past.
Catch up.
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PolishKnightUSA > jayme

• 13 days ago
Non sequitur or argument against
RFisher, not me. I'm arguing against
neo-con, "raise all boats" economic
supply sider conservatism but that
doesn't mean, of course, that we're
on the same side.

Catch up.
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jayme > PolishKnightUSA

• 14 days ago
Wrong #1: The American's against
Trump are not exclusively "Left".

Wrong #2: Identity politics is the

practice of the fascist neo-religist's,
who try to enshrine their bigoted
hatred into law, unconstitutionally,
based on some 15th Century biblical
mistranslation and misinterpretation
that did not exist in the original
biblical text.

Wrong #3: By 1987, the left

movements of basic human rights for
minorities had entered the social
debate. The past brutal bigoted 12/13
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debate. The past brutal bigoted
prejudice, was being to decline.
Ironically the fascist right wing began
to gain political power almost as an
extreme paranoid reaction to the
threat of the wealthy oligarch's and
the greedy racist selfishness of white
privilege power. The cruel joke
"Reganomics," declared war on
reason and education. He sat idly by
while thousands were dying of AIDS
running out of control. Republicans
have this criminally bizarre allergy to
dealing with spreading deadly

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