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Mandatory minimum sentencing is harmful to the human race.

It is a form of
discrimination; many people receive long sentences for minor crimes. We should
overturn mandatory minimum sentencing rules and give judges more leeway in their
Mandatory minimum sentences are one of the worst forms of discrimination. Because
judges need to have a minimum sentence, they hand down sentences that don’t
completely fit the crime. Someone that commits a minor crime receives a harsh
punishment despite circumstances. For example, a man steals to try to feed his
starving child and gets sentenced to the minimum requirement despite his
Furthermore, mandatory minimum sentences should be overturned to create a fair
justice system. Rather than trying to meet a mandatory minimum, judges should be
able to look at all the evidence and circumstances within a case and make a ruling
accordingly. They shouldn’t just hand out sentences because they need to meet a
Lastly, removing mandatory minimum sentences could allow judges to use their own
best judgment. After hearing all the evidence in the case, they could make a
decision based on knowledge and their experience. They wouldn’t just be handing
down an unfair, and quite honestly unjust, verdict.
As you can clearly see, mandatory minimum sentences should be taken away. Rather
than having a minimum to meet, judges should be able to use their own judgment and
discretion in a case after looking at all the evidence. Don’t you think mandatory
minimums are against our own human rights?

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