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Name: ____________________________________Date: __________

Grade & Section: ____________________________ Score: _________

Weekly Assessment SCIENCE 6

1. Which is the function of the skeletal system?

A. It gives shape to the body. C. It makes the body grow.
B. It serves as framework of the body. D. It acts as the armor of the body.
2. What bones that protect the heart?
A. scapula B. ribs C. clavicle D. skull
3. This is a bony structure from the back of the neck to the hipbone that protects the spinal cord.
A. Spinal column B. Appendages C. joints D. hinges
4. An infant has 350 bones, a child has 208 and an adult has 206 bones.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Not sure
5. What is this organ system that consists of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles?
A. Skeletal System C. Muscular System
B. Integumentary System D. Digestive System
6. It is an involuntary muscle that is present only in the heart.
A. Skeletal muscle C. Cardiac Muscle
B. Smooth Muscle D. Hard Muscle
7. These voluntary muscles are consciously controlled to move the bones.
A. Skeletal muscle C. Cardiac Muscle
B. Smooth Muscle D. Hard Muscle
8. These are involuntary muscles that cannot be controlled consciously. .
A. Skeletal muscle C. Cardiac Muscle
B. Smooth Muscle D. Hard Muscle
9. Muscles always work in pairs. If one muscle contracts, the opposite relaxes.
A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Not sure
10. The framework of a house provides the house with both support and structure allowing it
to stand.  Which system provides those functions in humans?
A. Skeletal System C. Integumentary System
B. Muscular System D. Digestive System

II. Use the word below to identify parts of the skeleton. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Bone Vocabulary
1. Skull
2. Femur/ Upper Leg Bone
3. Shoulder Joint
4. Rib Cage
5. Patella/ Knee Cap
6. Spine
7. Clavicle/ Collar Bone
8. Pelvis
9. Metatarsals/ Foot Bones
10. Fibula
11. Tibia
12. Humerus/ Upper Arm Bone
13. Radius
14. Ulna
15. Metacarpals/ Hand Bones

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