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151 Biological Health Hazards in Construction

Purpose of this Workbook

This OSHAcademy Student Workbook Version 1.0 is solely intended to facilitate knowledge level information on
the OSHAcademy Course in this workbook. The information in this guide is provided for that purpose and is
subject to change without notice.

This OSHAcademy class is only valid if conducted by an OSHAcademy Authorized Trainer under the supervision of
an OSHAcademy Authorized Training Provider.

Notice of Rights
No part of this OSHAcademy Student Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without written permission from Geigle Safety Group, Inc.

OSHAcademy and the OSHAcademy logo are registered trademarks of Geigle Safety Group, Inc.

OSHAcademy has used reasonable effort to provide up to date and accurate information that conforms to
Occupational Safety and Health Standards and practices in the United States at the time of this publication. Like
most printed material, this publication may become out of date over time.

Copyright © 2016 Geigle Safety Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Published in the United States of
America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval
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 OSHAcademy Occupational Safety and Health Training

15220 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Suite 230
Beaverton, OR 97006, Phone 971.217.8721• Fax 971.327.6708
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Table of Contents

Module 1: Biological Risk Factors ...................................... 4

Module 2: Infectious Animals and Insects ....................... 5

Lesson 2.20: Venomous Snakes ......................................... 6

Quick Review Answer Key ........................................ 7
Notepad .................................................................... 8

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Module 1: Biological Risk Factors

Key Takeaways:





Quick Review:
1. What is the most common factor causing injuries and illnesses on construction

Extreme Multiple Constant Change High Turnover

Temperatures Contractors

2. Where are molds not likely to grow and become a problem?

In areas of high In areas of low In structures with In damp

humidity humidity water damage locations

3. What does the need for respiratory protection depend on when exposed to

The shape of The The particle size The particle length

the mold concentration and level of and concentration
spore of mold spores toxicity of the of spores
in the air mold


Module 2: Infectious Animals and Insects

Key Takeaways:





Quick Review:

1. Which animal is MOST likely to carry rabies?

Domestic Wild boar Raccoon Ferret
2. What is the most commonly reported tick-borne disease in the United States?

Rocky Lyme Ehrlichiosis Babesiosis

Mountain disease
3. Which spider bite may cause severe pain and localized tissue necrosis (death)?

Black widow Brown recluse Brown widow Wolfe spider


Lesson 2.20: Venomous Snakes

Instructions: Fill in the blank spaces in the list below as the instructor discusses risks
of exposure to venomous snakes, how workers can prevent and protect themselves
from snake bites, and what they should do if they are bitten.

Risks of Exposure to Venomous Snakes

• Watch where you place your hands and feet when removing ____________. If possible, don’t place
your fingers under debris you are moving. Wear ____________ gloves.

• If you see a snake, ________________________ and allow it to proceed.

• Wear boots at least ______ inches high.

• Watch for snakes ____________ on fallen trees, ____________, or other debris.

• A snake’s ____________ distance is about ______ the total length of the snake.

• If bitten note the ____________ and ____________ of the snake’s head to help with treatment.

• Keep bite victims ____________ and calm to slow the spread of venom in case the snake is
poisonous. Seek medical ____________ as soon as possible.

• Do not ________ the wound or attempt to ______________ the venom. Apply first aid: lay the
person down so that the bite is ____________ the level of the heart, and cover the bite with a clean,
dry dressing.

Quick Review Answer Key

Module 1: Biological Risk Factors

1. Constant change
2. In areas of low humidity
3. The particle size and level of toxicity of the mold

Module 2: Infectious Animals and Insects

1. Raccoon
2. Lyme disease
3. Brown recluse


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