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150 Physical Health Hazards in Construction

Purpose of this Workbook

This OSHAcademy Student Workbook Version 1.0 is solely intended to facilitate knowledge level information on
the OSHAcademy Course in this workbook. The information in this guide is provided for that purpose and is
subject to change without notice.

This OSHAcademy class is only valid if conducted by an OSHAcademy Authorized Trainer under the supervision of
an OSHAcademy Authorized Training Provider.

Notice of Rights
No part of this OSHAcademy Student Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without written permission from Geigle Safety Group, Inc.

OSHAcademy and the OSHAcademy logo are registered trademarks of Geigle Safety Group, Inc.

OSHAcademy has used reasonable effort to provide up to date and accurate information that conforms to
Occupational Safety and Health Standards and practices in the United States at the time of this publication. Like
most printed material, this publication may become out of date over time.

Copyright © 2016 Geigle Safety Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Published in the United States of
America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval
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 OSHAcademy Occupational Safety and Health Training

15220 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Suite 230
Beaverton, OR 97006, Phone 971.217.8721• Fax 971.327.6708
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Table of Contents

Module 1: Risk Factors and Hazards ................................. 4

Module 2: Environmental and Ergonomic Hazards ...... 5

Lesson 2.6: Probable Noise Levels of Construction Equipment ........ 6

Lesson 2.11: Hand Vibration ............................................................. 7

Lesson 2.13: Temperature Extremes ................................................ 8

Quick Review Answer Key .................................................................. 9
Notepad ............................................................................................ 10

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Module 1: Risk Factors and Hazards

Key Takeaways:





Quick Review:
1. Which type of health effect occurs immediately or within a short period of time?

Proximal Terminal Chronic Acute

2. What is the most common way a hazardous chemical can enter the body in a
work situation?

Ingestion Absorption Inhalation Injection

3. What determines the amount of risk form exposure to airborne silica?

The amount of The toxicity of The duration of The size of the

silica in the air the particular exposure to silica particles
type of silica silica particles


Module 2: Environmental and Ergonomic Hazards

Key Takeaways:





Quick Review:
1. At which point is the employer required to provide hearing protection for

When noise is When OSHA When noise is When the noise

above 80 dB recommends at or above an level is above 90
for at least hearing average of 85 dB for any
one workday protection dB over 8 length of time
during an hours
2. If you see a co-worker fall to the ground and have a seizure on a hot day, it is
most likely due to _______.

Heat stroke Hyperthermia Heath Dehydration


3. The extent of damage from radiation sources depends on which of the


The type of The total The average The frequency

energy amount of over an 8-hour of the radiation
absorbed energy workday absorbed


Lesson 2.6: Probable Noise Levels of Construction Equipment

The table below takes a look at the sound levels of common equipment and tools on a
construction site.

Equipment or Tool Noise Level May Exceed (Decibels)

Backhoe 85
Bulldozer 87
Chopsaw 92
Grade/Scraper 107
Front End Loader 90
Jackhammer 85
Nail Gun 97
Router 90
Welding Equipment 92

Lesson 2.10: Hand Vibration

Instructions: Fill in the blank spaces in the list below as the instructor discusses the
points to remember to make sure power tools minimize vibration transfer to the hands.

Points to Remember to Minimize Vibration Transfer

• Tool maintenance should be performed on a ________ basis.

• __________ and __________ tools ________ increases the life of the tool and reduces

• Out-of-balance or off-center grinding wheels, pads, and spindles are major contributors
to ____________.

• Some tools use auto-balancing technology to compensate for __________


• Tools should be gripped as ________ as possible while still maintaining __________ of

the tool.

• ________ hands are more vulnerable to the effects of vibration.

• Select anti-vibration __________ that minimize the loss of tactile sensitivity.

• Many low vibration tools are ________________ available, such as grinders, sanders,
and impact wrenches.

Lesson 2.13: Temperature Extremes

The table below shows some common heat and cold injuries on a construction site.

Heat Illnesses Cold Illness/Injuries

Heat Rash Frost Nip
Fainting Immersion Injury (Trench Foot)
Heat Exhaustion Frostbite
Heat Stroke Hypothermia
Heat Cramps

Quick Review Answer Key

Module 1: Risk Factors and Hazards

1. Acute
2. Inhalation
3. The size of the silica particles

Module 2: Environmental and Ergonomic Hazards

1. When noise is at or above an average of 85 dB over 8 hours

2. Heat stroke
3. The total amount of energy absorbed


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