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Task 1. Read each sentence. Does it compare or contrast?

Write COMPARE or CONTRAST ideas in your


COMPARE 1. Ella had her hair done in style similar to mine.

COMPARE 2. That bike is the same color as our car.

CONTRAST 3. I was hungry, but I was reluctant to eat, since I didn’t like what was on offer.

CONTRAST 4. I got an A in Math, and I am doing well in other classes, too.

CORTRAST 5. I ordered steak; however, I was served chicken.

COMPARE 6. I got my homework done despite the fact that I left my book at school.

COMPARE 7. That story resembles one I read a year ago.

COMPARE 8. Hank is six feet tall, although his brother is only five feet.

CONTRAST 9. I eat meat, whereas my parents are vegetarians.

COMPARE 10. My taste differs from yours, since I don’t have a sweet tooth.

Task 2. Tell whether the sentence is comparing two things, contrasting two things or both. Write the
word compare, contrast or both in lines.

1. contrasts Maya’s bicycle is pink, but William’s is red.

2. both Those loaves of breads are both fresh, but this one is a day older.

3. contrast The purple sweater is too large and the polka dot one is too small.

4. contrast Winter is much colder than summer. Sofia has her mother’s beautiful blond hair.

6. compare Miles has big feet just like his father.

7.both Vanilla and chocolate ice cream are both delicious but the strawberry tastes funny.

8. compare Unlike Abby, Kendra completes her homework every night.

9. both Frogs, toads and salamanders are all amphibians, but only frogs and toads hop.

10. compare Mindy and Olive both bought new cell phones.
Task 3. DIRECTIONS: Jimmy and Evelyn have both written about their recent birthday parties. Read both
paragraphs. Then compare and contrast them by writing the things that they did under their names. If
they did anything that was the same, write it in the middle.


On my birthday, I went on a horseback trail ride with friends. We rode for an hour, then stopped for a
picnic lunch. We had cake, and I opened a few small presents they had brought with them.


On my birthday I had a party! Six friends came over, and we played games. Then we had cake and ice
cream, and I opened presents. I had one HUGE present, from my parents. It was a bicycle!

Jim Similarities Evelyn

During his birthday, During her birthday,

he went on a The celebrated their she had a party with
horseback trail with birthday with their her 6 friends.
his friend. friends.
She has ice cream on
They rode with his
her birthday.
friends for an hour They have cake and
and stopped for a present.
Evelyn got one huge
picnic lunch.
present from her
Jim has a few small parents and it was a
presents. bicycle.

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