Introduction To - Advanced - Logic - Trainer

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Introduction to CK341 Advanced Logic Trainer

Some of the practical laboratories based in 4307 will use the CK341 Advanced Logic Trainer that is
used to investigate many of the concepts that are part of a digital electronics course. The trainer is
based around a main board in which circuits are built from actual integrated circuits (ICs). These ICs
are connected into the board, and potentially connect with other ICs supplied with voltages and signals
and the outputs viewed.

These are a number of relevant sections and associated components that should be considered for a
basic working.

The main board.

In the top left hand corner, the power supply inputs are the Black (negative) and orange (positive)
sockets theses are supplied from the QL 355T power supply by TTi set at 5V. This should have been
set by the technician prior to the laboratory so no need to set this.

The switches labelled S1 to S8 along the bottom of the board provide individual switch able 5 V digital
sources for the various gates and devices.

The light emitting diodes along the top of the board that are labelled L1 to L8 that are used to indicate
whether a logic high voltage (ON) or low voltage (OFF) is present on the various gates and devices.

Connecting leads are provided to connect between various gates and devices that comprise short pieces
of wire with 2mm plugs on either end. The plugs are also stackable meaning one can be plugged into
the top of the other. As an initial test with everything powered up connect one of the switches to one of
the LEDs and throw the switch into the two positions available.

A number of modules are included that provide various functions commonly found in Digital
electronics. These are plugged into the board so that they locate between the two parallel lines each
enclosed by square brackets, inside these two lines are written 0 V and 5 V on either side of the board.
There is some asymmetry with the connections to ensure they are inserted correctly. Once inserted they
are connected to the power rails. The ICs are housed in custom made cases that are designed to work
with the main board. A diagram is also overlaid onto the case that shows the basic function of the
circuit, that also gives guidance as where to make the connections as required.

There are other components on the board that are used for other applications.

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