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Skills Assessment

Unit code, name and release number
CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people (Release 1)

Qualification/Course code, name and release number

HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (Release 2)

Student details
Student number

Student name

Andara Younus

Assessment Declaration
 This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source
except where due acknowledgement is made.

 No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such
collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.

 I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another
person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not
appropriately cited. No part of this assessment is plagiarised.

Student signature and date

Andara Younus 06/03/2021

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Resource ID: HCS_18_18_CHCDIV001_AE_Sk_2of2 STUDENT NAME:
Version: 20191016

For queries, please contact:

Health, Wellbeing and Community Services SkillsPoint 
Cnr MacQuoid and Buttle Streets, 

© 2019 TAFE NSW

RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E

This file can be found at Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2019, and should not be reproduced
without the permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time
of printing: 18 March 2021. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as

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Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions

Assessment overview The objective of this assessment is to assess your skills as would
be required to show evidence of the ability to complete tasks
outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit,
manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job

Assessment Event 2 of 2

Instructions for this This is a skill based assessment and will be assessing you on your
assessment ability to demonstrate skills required in the unit.
This assessment is in four (4) parts:
1. Presentation
Task 1 – Research, preparation and delivery
Task 2 – Short Answer
2. Observation Checklist
3. Assessment feedback

Submission On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it

instructions or hand it to your assessor for marking.
Ensure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of
this assessment.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy
assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment
declaration when submitting the assessment.

What do I need to do To successfully complete this assessment the student will be

to achieve a available at the arranged time to complete all the assessment
satisfactory result? criteria as outlined in the assessment instructions.
All parts of the observable task must be performed to a
satisfactory level as indicated in the criteria section of the
Observation Checklist.
All oral questions must be answered correctly to be deemed
satisfactory in this assessment task; however, Assessors may ask
questions to clarify understanding.
Up to three attempts may be made to demonstrate satisfactory
performance of each criteria for each practical skill. If your first

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attempt is not satisfactory the assessor may use their discretion
to decide when to allow you to undertake a second attempt.
However, if your second attempt is not satisfactory and a third
attempt is required, you will need to discuss this with the Head
Teacher or delegate. There must be at least 24 hours before your
third attempt so you have time to reflect, practice and improve.
No more than two unsatisfactory attempts are to be conducted
by the same assessor.

What do I need to Presentation: Any resources and materials required to support

provide? your successful presentation. This can include the optional use of
visual aids such as PowerPoint. Internet access for research,
ability to print or email completed presentation.

Due date/time As per assessment timetable

allowed/venue Part 1
Task one (1) The student should be allowed:
 Four (4) hours to complete the research and development
of the presentation
 Twenty (10) minutes to complete the presentation in
Task two (2) The student should take:
 Three and a half (3.5) hours to complete the short answer

Assessment Appeals are addressed in accordance with Appeals are addressed

feedback, review or in accordance with the Assessment Guidelines for TAFE NSW.

Specific task instructions

The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities below will be used by the assessor
to determine whether the tasks and activities have been satisfactorily completed.
Use these instructions and criteria to ensure you demonstrate the required skills and
If this assessment requires you to record information, your assessor will provide you with an
appropriate document/template.

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There are four (4) parts of this assessment

Instructions for Part 1: Task 1

Part 1 Task 1 is a presentation task that the student will complete individually.
Students will undertake research individually and present this information to the class
or group.

Task 1 will require the student to spend approximately 4 hours researching

and preparing for their in-class presentation.

The in-class presentation will be observed by the assessor

The assessment will occur during class time in class.

It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete this part of the


Other students will observe this presentation

Instructions for Part 1 Task 2

Part 1 Task 2 involves completion of short answer questions that the student will
complete individually outside of class time

Task 2 will be not observed by the assessor

The assessment will occur outside class time.

It will take approximately 3.5 hours to complete this part of the assessment.

Other students will not observe this activity.


It is recognised that responding to a crisis or crisis situation in a simulated or actual

workplace may have impacts on people which they may not expect. This could be due
to past personal experiences, vicarious trauma or not necessarily being prepared for

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the realities of the complexity and intensity of a crisis as it unfolds. As with any work
place environment TAFE NSW believes in supporting students and staff. Should any
distress, fear or concerns come from the simulated incident all parties affected will be
able to debrief with professional support staff on campus. Your teacher will be able to
make arrangements and follow up on the support needed for those affected

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Part 1: Presentation
This assessment is to be completed individually.
To complete this part of the assessment, you will be required to undertake a research task
and then present your information to your class group.
You will also be required to answer any questions your audience might have and display
positive communication and non-verbal skills.
Your presentation will be observed by your teacher or assessor.
Your presentation could include:
 A PowerPoint presentation that you have produced
 A recorded audio or visual that you have produced
 A short DVD that you have produced
 An interview that you conducted
 A poster or brochure that you have produced etc.

You will need to ensure that you present yourself in a professional manner
You will have 20 minutes for your presentation to provide the information. After your
presentation you will be given 5 minutes to answer any questions from your audience.
Your responses will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit.
You should refer to the list of criteria in the Task 1 Checklist to understand what you need to
demonstrate in this section of the assessment. This Checklist outlines the assessment criteria
used to assess your performance.
Once completed you will need to submit this assessment including your presentation to your
assessor for marking.


You are required to explore characteristics of diversity by choosing a diverse group

and answering the questions outlined.

From the list below, choose one (1) area of diversity:

 Culture, race, ethnicity
 Disability
 Religious or spiritual beliefs
 Generational – age
 Gender, including transgender
 Intersex
 Sexual orientation, Sexual identity – Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Heterosexual

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Task 1
Prepare and present a work in any of the following mediums: interviews (recorded
audio and visual) PowerPoint, short DVD, brochure, poster.
In your presentation you need to be able to answer the following questions.
1. Clearly identify your chosen group from the list above and present an overview of the
key aspects of this diverse group to the class.
O Outline the following:
 Concept and definitions of diversity, cultural awareness, cultural safety and
cultural competence and how these impact on work roles
 Practices of the group – the culture, race and ethnicity
 Values of the group
 Beliefs and Customs
 Stereotypes or biases
 How the group see disability, gender, sexual orientation, identity and
generational issues
2. In the work place environment, what are the relevant aspects you must be aware of
when working with people from your chosen group?
Outline the following and clearly identify what and how your group would be
a. Work practices
b. Legal considerations
c. Approaches of work including comments on discrimination, communication skills
d. Age
e. Disability
f. Race
g. Gender

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Task 1 Checklist
This Checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in your presentation. Use the Checklist to understand what skills you
must demonstrate in your presentation to be assessed as competent.

The Checklist lists the assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully completed this assessment event. All the criteria
must be met. Your demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask questions while
the demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been completed.

Next to each task/ activity performed, you have been provided with observable behaviours - marking criteria. For you to be assessed as
competent, you must demonstrate each observable behaviour outlined.

Next to each observable behaviour please signify with a tick () in either the satisfactory (S) column when the behaviour is observed or a cross
() in the unsatisfactory (U/S) if a behaviour is not demonstrated. To provide evidence of your assessment decision, record your observations
and rationale for your decisions in the Assessor Comments column on your assessment document.

Name of Student:

Date of Presentation:

Name of Assessor:

Signature of Assessor:

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U Assessor Comments
Task/Activity Performed S / (Describe the student’s ability in demonstrating the required skills and
S knowledge)

Part 1 Task 1. Presentation – Research, preparation and delivery.

Did the student clearly identify

one key area of diversity to
explore from the following:
 Culture, race, ethnicity
 Disability
 Religious or spiritual beliefs
 Generational – age
 Gender, including transgender
 Intersex
 Sexual orientation, Sexual
identity – Lesbian, Gay, Bi-
sexual, Heterosexual

1 Did the student outline in detail the

a concepts and definition of this
chosen group including:

 Who they are?

What makes them diverse?

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b What (if any) are the practices of
the group?
 Identify the culture of the group
 What race and ethnicity do they
identify with

c Did the student outline the values of

the group?

d Did the student outline the beliefs

and customs of the group?

e Did the student outline the

stereotypes and biases this group

f Did the student identify how this

group sees specific issues in our
community such as disability,
gender, sexual orientation, identity
and generational issues?

2 Did the student outline in detail the

following for this group in regards to
the work place environment:

a Work practices that might need to

be adapted or changed?

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b Legislation that may impact on the
work environment that they need to

c Work approaches to communication

with the group?

d Age considerations related to


e Disability considerations related to


f Race discrimination considerations?

g Gender discrimination

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Task 2
Answer the following questions in a written paper and supply to your teacher on
presentation day.

1. What effective communication techniques can you use when working with clients
and co-workers from your chosen group? (25 - 50 words).

The effective communication techniques that can be used while

communicating with customers or co-workers are being positive while talking
to customers or co-worker listen actively to what they need or talking about,
and avoid interrupting then when they are speaking.

2. How could a workplace demonstrate value and respect for diversity, inclusiveness,
and safety for its clients and workers? (25 – 50 words).

The workplace demonstrate value and respect for diversity , safety and
inclusiveness for its clients and workers through being aware of and
acknowledge a variety of up coming cultured uses its internet to help
workers and the workplace provide a PPE for workers to be safe at the work

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3. Outline two (2) benefits of each of the following resources in helping individuals and
organisations working with people from diverse backgrounds (50 – 100 words for a, b
and c combined).
a) Language interpreters
b) Cultural interpreters
c) Use of imagery

Resources Benefits

Understanding the right message of the client .

a) Language
Interpreters are bridging the language gap more
accurately and effectively while providing a space
for people and service providers to truly

Explain the role of the clinician or doctor to the

family or patients an encourage them to ask
b) Cultural

Steer the clinician away from actions or words

that might be culturally inappropriate.

Use of imagery can be used for relaxation which it

can help to lower blood pressure.

c) Use of
Use of imagery can help to reach goals such as
losing weight or quitting smoking and for
managing pain and promote healing.

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4. Identify issues that may cause communication misunderstandings in the work place. (25 -
50 words).

1. One's own sense of reality

2. Person's limited knowledge or vocabulary
3. Unclear message or pitch
4. Interfering factors such as background noise
5. Diversity of a language - the same words are understood differently
6. The listener interprets the matter differently
7. Sending or presenting your message to the wrong person

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a) How could you sensitively resolve differences with a client from a diverse
b) If you were unable to resolve a difficulty:
i) Who would you speak to about the issue?
ii) When you should seek this assistance?
(25- 50 words for entire question).

a) consider cultural differences if difficulties or misunderstandings occur. make an effort to

sensitively resolve differences, taking cultural considerations into account. address
difficulties with the right people and seek help when needed

b i) manager or supervisor

ii) when misunderstanding occurs and when the client gets angry onto employee .

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Resource ID: HCS_18_18_CHCDIV001_AE_Sk_2of2 STUDENT NAME:
6. What are two (2) of the influences and changing practices in Australia that impact on
this group? (25 - 50 words)

Cultural and social structures, such as race, religion, language, education,

ethnicity and economic status are the main influences on people's health and
well-being. The Australian people represent a wealth of cultural diversity.

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Part 3: Assessment Feedback
NOTE: This section must have the assessor signature and student signature to complete the feedback.

Assessment utcome
☐ Satisfactory

☐ Unsatisfactory

Assessor Feedback
☐ Was the assessment event successfully completed?

☐ If no, was the resubmission/re-assessment successfully completed?

☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?

If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.


Assessor name, signature and date

Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome

Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?

Student name, signature and date

Andara Younus 13/03/2021

NOTE: Make sure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of your submission before
attaching the cover sheet and submitting to your assessor for marking.

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