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Unit IG1 - Management of Health and Safety

Element 1:
Why We should Manage Workplace
Health and Safety

© Copyright Green world Group

Learning Outcomes
1.1 Outline the moral, social and financial reasons for promoting good
standards of health and safety in the workplace.
1.2 Outline the role of national governments and international bodies
in formulating a framework for the regulation of health and safety.

1.3 Outline the health and safety roles and responsibilities of

employers, directors, managers, supervisors, workers and other
relevant parties.

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GWG Unit IG1: Element 1.1
Morals and Money

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The Size of the Problem
• The International Labour Organisation (ILO) approximates that some
2.3 million women and men worldwide gets killed due to job-related
GWG accidents or diseases every year.

• This represents over 6000 deaths every single day. Worldwide, there
are around 340 million occupational accidents and 160 million victims
of work-related illnesses each year.

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The Size of the Problem
Consequences of accidents and ill health for
the employees,
GWG • Physical & mental ill-health
• Financial losses

Health issues are given less priority than

safety issues,
• Accidents are visible & dramatic
• Most health problems are chronic

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Reasons for Managing Health and Safety
The THREE main drivers for maintaining health and safety:

GWG • Moral - humanitarian reasons

• Legal or social - to avoid prosecution and compensation claims

• Financial - the costs of accident and ill-health

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Costa Concordia Disaster
13 January 2012
Mediterranean Sea, Isola del Giglio, Tuscany, Italy
4252 On board ( 3206 Passengers + 1023 Crew)
GWG 33 Deaths ( 32 Passengers and crew+ 1 Salvage member), 64 Non fatal injuries
Breach of Duty of Care
Costa Cruises Captain Francesco Schettino
Accountability Responsibility
Civil Charges Criminal Charges: Manslaughter and
Compensation : €11,000 per person Homicide Act
Environmental Damage Fine: Court Sentence: 16 years
€1 million Imprisonment
Court Fine: €1 million

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Reasons for Managing Health and Safety
Moral Reasons
• Failure in health and safety will result in injury, loss or pain to an
employee or person affected.
• Moral obligation to prevent suffering and loss of life.
• Most companies do not set out to cause harm, but they may fail to take
adequate steps to manage health and safety, with devastating results.
Moral duty of care
Employers to ensure safety of workers and others by providing
• Safe Place of Work
• Safe Equipment & Substances
• Safe System of Work
• Safe Instruction, training and supervision

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Reasons for Managing Health and Safety
Moral duty of care
• Provide Safe Place of Work: All the hazards should be controlled in
GWG workplace by conducting risk assessments, good access and egress,
good housekeeping and lay out of workstations, welfare facilities, good
lighting, ventilations and emergency arrangements.

• Provide Safe Equipment & Substances: Safe hardware and substances

which would be required to be used routinely and non-routinely.

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Reasons for Managing Health and Safety
Moral duty of care
• Provide Safe System of Work: Once reliable equipment and substances
are provided, employers must make sure that safe systems and
procedures are developed to use them.

• Provide Safe Training and Instruction: The established safe system must
be adequately communicated through trainings and instructions to
people who are expected to use them.

• Provide Safe Supervision: It is also employer’s responsibility to ensure

that the safe systems are properly implemented through competent
advice and supervision.

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Reasons for Managing Health and Safety
Legal Reasons
• Legislation sets the boundaries within which Organisations
must operate.
Purpose of law is to control
• anti-social behavior
• regulate conduct of society
• resolve conflict
• set standards for behavior.
Consequences of non-compliance
• Fines
• Jail
Levels of Statutory Duties
• Absolute Duty
• Practicable
• Reasonably Practicable
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Reasons for Managing Health and Safety
Financial Reasons
• Accidents and ill-health are costly
GWG • Can put an Organisation out of business

Direct Costs
• Costs which are the measurable costs arising directly from the accident
may be insured or uninsured.
Indirect costs
• Those which arise indirectly as a consequence of the event.
• They are often difficult to quantify precisely and may be hard to identify.

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The Business Case
for Managing Health and Safety
Direct Costs
GWG • Fines in the criminal courts
• Compensation payable to the victim
• First-aid treatment
• Worker sick pay
• Repairs to, or replacement of, damaged equipment and buildings
• Lost or damaged product
• Lost production time whilst dealing with the injury
• Overtime to make up for lost time.
• Costs associated with the rehabilitation of the injured worker

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The Business Case
for Managing Health and Safety
Indirect Costs
• Loss of staff from productive duties in order to investigate the incident,
GWG prepare reports, undertake hospital visits, deal with relatives, attend
court proceedings
• Loss of staff morale
• Cost of remedial action following an investigation
• Compliance with any enforcement notice served
• Cost of recruiting and training temporary or replacement labor
• General difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff as an indirect result
of the accident.
• Loss of goodwill of customers
• Damage to public image and business reputation.

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The Business Case
for Managing Health and Safety
Insured and Uninsured costs
• Insurance policies do not cover
GWG everything.
• Uninsured costs were between 8 and £1
36 times greater than the costs of
insured costs

Employer liability insurance

To meet the costs of compensation and £8 - £36
legal claims for death or injury or ill-health
to employees during the course of work

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The Business Case
for Managing Health and Safety
Insured cost Uninsured cost
GWG • Property damage • Lost time
• Employer liability claims • Sick pay
• Medical costs to the victim • Extra wages, overtime working and
temporary worker
• Production delays
• Investigation time
End-of-Section Quiz
Which of the following falls under ‘Indirect cost’ following an
accident in the workplace?
a) Loss of staff morale
b) Worker sick pay
c) Fines in criminal court
d) First aid treatment

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Unit IG1: Element 1.2

Regulating Health and Safety

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Role of Enforcement Agencies
• There is no harmonized global standard for the enforcement of health and
safety law
GWG • Each country has their own enforcement systems
• Enforcement action depends on the gravity of the non-compliance

• Informal - provision of health and safety related advice and guidance

• Formal
• Issuing legal mandates to comply with legislation
• Issuing legal mandates to stop dangerous activities
• Prosecution

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Role of Enforcement Agencies
• Implementation of Standards through the legal system
• Advice to Employers, Workers and the Public
GWG • Uniformity of Approach
• Target Setting
• Fostering Co-Operation between the parties involved i.e. Employers,
Worker Organisations and Government.

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Role of Enforcement Agencies
• For formal actions, an appeal can be made against one of the
following three things:
• The service of a Prohibition Notice
• The contents
• The time limit given for compliance

• An industrial tribunal can do one of the following three things:

• Cancel the notice
• Affirm it
• Affirm it with modifications

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The Role of International Standards
The International Standardization Organization (ISO)
• ISO is a network/collection of the national standards institutes in many
countries with the secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland that coordinates the
• It enables a consensus to be reached on solutions that meets both the
requirements of business and the broader needs of society.
• ISO 9000 Series - Quality Management Systems
• ISO 14001: 2015 - Environmental Management Systems
• ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System

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International Standards and Conventions
The International Labour Organisation (ILO)
• Located in Geneva, Switzerland and affiliated to the United Nations
(UN), the ILO was founded in 1919.
• It is a global/international body responsible for drawing up and
overseeing international labour standards which includes standards on
occupational safety and health, are issued in the form of:
• Conventions, e.g. C155: Occupational Safety and Health Convention
• Recommendations, e.g. R164: Occupational Safety and Health

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Employers Responsibilities
• Carry out risk assessments
• Provision of information, instructions, training and supervision
GWG • Consult with employees on health and safety issues
• Provide personal protective equipment to prevent exposure to harm
• Select competent individual to help fulfill the health and safety duties
• Write and publish a health and safety policy describing how health and
safety will be managed
• Provide workplace facilities to all employees including people with

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Worker’s Responsibilities and Rights
Responsibilities of Employees
• Looking after their own health and safety as well as that of people who
GWG may be affected by their action or inaction.
• Co-operate and collaborate with others on health and safety
• Do not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided for their health,
safety or welfare
• Adhere and follow the training received

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Worker’s Responsibilities and Rights
Rights of Employee
• Work only in places where all the hazards and risks to health and safety
GWG are adequately controlled
• Stop and refuse to work and leave the area if they think that they are in
• Be consulted on issues concerning to their health and safety at work
• Contact the local authority if they want to raise safety concerns, without
getting into trouble
• Adequate welfare and first-aid facilities

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Sources of Information on
National and International Standards
• Each country has a range of information relating to the health, safety and
welfare standards.
GWG • Employers should be well informed of health and safety information
• The Law within their own Country may have changed
• New substances and technologies are continually being produced

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Sources of Information on
National and International Standards
Sources can be
GWG • Internal
• External
... to the organisation

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Sources of Information on
National and International Standards
Internal External
• Accident/incident records • Governmental
GWG • Medical records Organisations
• Absence Records • Professional institutions
• Risk assessments • International Standards
• Maintenance reports Organisation (ISO)
• Audit (Safety) reports • Suppliers and
• Safety Committee reports manufacturers (SDS)
• Safety Inspection reports • Consultants and specialists
• Policy (HSE) • Insurance Companies
• Compliance Records • The HSE website (UK)
• The ILO website

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End-of-Section Quiz
Workers in an organization should only be concerned about their
own health and safety and not about others in the vicinity.
a) True
b) False

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Unit IG1: Element 1.3

Who Does What in Organisations

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Roles and Responsibilities
• Directors
• Middle Managers
• Supervisors
GWG • Health and Safety Personnel
• Employees
• Controller of Premises
• Self-Employed
• Designers, Suppliers and Manufacturers
• Managing Contractors
• Occupier of Premises : Joint Responsibilities

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• Ensure right health & safety policy is in place
• Ensure adequate resources are allocated
GWG • The right organisational structures with clear roles and responsibilities
for health and safety are allocated and accepted at all levels
• Demonstrate clear commitment and leadership
• Approve, introduce and monitor all site H&S policies, rules and
• Review H&S performance

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Demonstrating Commitment – Top Management
Leadership is more reliable if noticeable
• Consider health and wellness when deciding senior management visits
GWG • Involvement in the day-to-day management of health and safety, e.g. by
attending safety meetings
• Taking part in safety tours or audits
• Promoting changes to improve health and safety
• Enforcing the company safety rules

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Middle Managers
This level of management has responsibility for departmental and section
• Monitoring and reviewing of policies and programs
• Implementation of safe system of work
GWG • Supplying suitable work equipment, properly maintained
• Complying with health and safety policies and procedures
• Encourage feedback and communication channels with workers
• All workers are adequately trained and competent to carry out the work
• Management of contractor work activities
• Incident investigations to be carried

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Supervisors are responsible for the day-to-day implementation of health
and safety policies and must ensure that:
GWG • Established procedures and safe working practices are implemented
at all times
• All workers are provided with necessary information and instruction to
enable them to operate safely
• Remedial measures are introduced to reduce or eliminate unsafe
acts or conditions
• Investigation of incidents

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Health and Safety Personnel
The term “Safety Practitioner” covers personnel with primary H&S functions
such as Safety Adviser, Safety Officer, Health and Safety Manager,
Occupational Hygienist, Occupational Nurse, Occupational Doctor.
GWG • Providing advice and guidance on HSMS to set up, run and
develop them further
• Promoting a positive culture
• To obtain and exchange information necessary to
implement and maintain the aims of the corporate health
and safety policy by offering suitable advice
• To assist in the identification of hazards, the assessment of
risks and development of the necessary measures to
control them
• To liaise with a range of external bodies as well as other

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Controller of Premises
Controller of premises refers to the owner of the premises (landlords)
should ensure that the facilities:
• Premises are safe to be occupied
GWG • Have a safe means of access (getting into) and egress (getting out of)
• The equipment (plant) or substances that they supply/ provide are both
safe for use and do not endanger health

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Self - Employed
General responsibilities of the self-employed under standard national
legislation (this can vary from country to country) are:
GWG • Responsible for their own health and safety
• Responsible for ensuring that others who may be affected are not
exposed to risks to their health and safety

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Designers, Suppliers and Manufacturers
• Ensure that items are safe and without risks to health when being used,
set, cleaned or maintained
• Ensure that materials are safe and without risks when being used,
GWG handled, processed, stored or transported
• Carry out or arrange for the testing and examination, necessary to
ensure the safety of the product
• Provide information on the safe use of the product
• Revise any information supplied

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Occupier of Premises : Joint Responsibilities
Where 2 or more employers share an office - each company will,

• Co-operate with other employers

GWG • Take reasonable steps to coordinate between other businesses to
comply with legal requirements
• Take reasonable measures to inform other employers where there are
risks to health and safety

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Managing Contractors
A person or organisation engaged to undertake certain work on behalf of
GWG a client but not under the client’s direct supervision and control

A person or organisation who engages a contractor

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Managing Contractors
Things you should check:
• Health and safety policy
• Risk assessments
• Qualifications and training records
• Membership of a professional
• Maintenance and equipment testing
• Previous or current clients
• Accident records
• Enforcement actions
• Adequate resources

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Managing Contractors
• A pre-contract commencement meeting
• Regular progress meetings
• Periodic inspections of the contractor’s operations by
GWG the client’s representatives
• Participation in safety committees on site by
• Provision by the contractor of written method
• Reporting procedure
• Provide adequate safety literature, including posters
and handbooks
• No machinery allowed on site until documentation on
statutory inspections has been seen, including
details of driver training and experience
• Monitor the contractor’s safety training program

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End-of-Section Quiz
____ are responsible for ensuring that the premises they control
are safe to use as a workplace and that access to and from the
workplace is safe.
a) Employer
b) Supervisor
c) Controllers of premises
d) All the above

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End-of-Element Quiz
1. The absence of risk of serious personal injury is defined as ___
GWG a. Health
b. Safety
c. Welfare
d. Security
2. The legal standards place a duty on the employer to ensure that workplaces,
work activities and work equipment and substances are, so far as is ____
practicable, safe and without risk to health.
a. Reasonably
b. Suitably
c. Appropriately
d. Sufficiently

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End-of-Element Quiz
3. Multiple occupiers of a premises are only required to share their policy but not
their procedures.
a. True
GWG b. False
4. The term ‘Contractor’ applies to people who visit the premises of others to
monitor their work activities.
a. True
b. False
5. Employer’s duty to provide safe plant and equipment means
a. Providing procedures to work
b. Carrying out inspection and repair as and when required
c. Providing training to workers on using the equipment’s
d. Providing equipment inappropriate to the task carried out

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