Using Multisim and Excel To Demonstrate The Effect of The Physical Aspects On Logic Gates

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Using Multisim and Excel to demonstrate the effect of the Physical aspects on logic gates.

In addition to being described by Boolean algebra logic gates are subject to actual signals being input based on high and low voltages.
This is often viewed as being a physical aspect as opposed to the mathematical abstraction of Boolean algebra.

This laboratory will look at some of the physical aspects of logic gates based on simulation.
Section 1 is based on data in a spreadsheet and looks at noise.
Section 2 uses Mutisim to simulate signal input to a logic gate.

1). a). i). Have a look at the data in the spreadsheet assignmentFirstSit, work sheet PhysicalAspectsOfLogicGates columns A and B.

ii). Plot the following on a separate graph for each.

Column A
Column B
Column A + B.

iii). Consider the signal formed from A + B how is the original signal B affected with regard to a noise margin.

2).a). i). Locate the following components and place in the Multisim design window.

Database: Master Database
Group: Sources
Family: Signal Voltage Sources
Component: Pulsed voltage (two of these)

Database: Master Database
Group: Sources
Family: Power sources
Component: Ground (three of these)

Database: Master Database
Group: Misc Digital
Family: TIL
Component: AND2

In the instrument area on the right hand side locate the four channel oscilloscope and place in the design area.

ii). Connect one each of the Grounds to the lower connection to each of the Signal voltage source.
Connect the remaining Ground to the earth (G) of the oscilloscope.

iii). Signal voltage source settings. Double click the Pulsed voltage sources to access the parameters in the values TAB.

In the table note the default values, initially set a selection of these to (leave the others at the default settings)

Pulsed voltage Source 1.

Initial value -0.0001
Pulsed value 4
Delay time 0
Rise time 0
Fall time 0
Pulse width 0.5
Pulse period 1
AC analysis magnitude 1

Pulsed voltage Source 2.

Initial value -0.0001
Pulsed value 4
Delay time 0
Rise time 0
Fall time 0
Pulse width 0.5
Pulse period 1
AC analysis magnitude 1

Connect each of the Signal voltage sources upper outputs to an input of the AND gate.
Connect each of the Signal voltage sources upper outputs to channel A (Source 1) and B (Source 2) of the oscilloscope.
Connect the output of the AND gate to channel C of the oscilloscope.

Oscilloscope settings. Double click the oscilloscope to access the various settings. Detailed information on this instrument can be seen
in the manual pages 9.43 to 9.50. These are shown at the end of the document.

Horizontal settings.
Time base 500ms/div.
Xpos (Div) 0

Vertical settings.
The Y parameters can be changed by selecting the relevant channel on the dial with the labels A, B, C and D.
Scales – channel A 5V/div, channel B 5V/div,
channel C 5V/div.
Ypos (Div) – channel A 1.6 V, channel B 0 V,
channel C -1.6 V.

Trigger – Edge (Rising), level, Normal, A>

You can also change the settings to see what the effect is.

Run the simulation and double click the scope to view the signals in the simulation.
There should be three signals on screen corresponding to an output each for the sources and one for the output of the AND gate. Have
a look at these signals and consider what they represent and how such as the outputs relates to the inputs.

b). Repeat the simulations in part a). but now with the following settings for the Pulsed voltage sources. A good display can be
obtained by selecting the view menu and then grapher. Images can be saved by selecting edit and then copy graph.

Pulsed voltage Source 1.

Initial value -0.0001
Pulsed value 4
Delay time 0
Rise time 0
Fall time 0
Pulse width 0.5
Pulse period 1
AC analysis magnitude 1

Pulsed voltage Source 2.

Initial value -0.0001
Pulsed value 4
Delay time 0.1
Rise time 0
Fall time 0
Pulse width 0.5
Pulse period 1

c). Repeat the simulations in part a). but now with the following settings for the Pulsed voltage sources.

Pulsed voltage Source 1.

Initial value -0.0001
Pulsed value 4
Delay time 0
Rise time 0.1
Fall time 0.1
Pulse width 0.5
Pulse period 1
AC analysis magnitude 1

Pulsed voltage Source 2.

Initial value -0.0001
Pulsed value 4
Delay time 0.1
Rise time 0.1
Fall time 0.1
Pulse width 0.5
Pulse period 1
AC analysis magnitude 1
Provide a review for this laboratory as described in the assignment instructions.
Information on the four channel oscilloscope.

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