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The False Prophet Azazel

By: John of the Gentiles

The False Prophet Azazel
By John of the Gentiles

Copyright 2010-2011 JMB Productions

All rights reserved including the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
Revised Edition 2/12/2011
United States of America
Chapter 1: Azazel‘s Descent
―Behind the veil of all the hieratic and mystical allegories of ancient
doctrines, behind the darkness and strange ordeals of all initiations,
under the seal of all sacred writings, in the ruins of Nineveh or Thebes,
on the crumbling stones of old temples and on the blackened visage of
the Assyrian or Egyptian sphinx, in the monstrous or marvelous
paintings which interpret to the faithful of India the inspired pages of
the Vedas, in the cryptic emblems of our old books on alchemy, in the
ceremonies practiced at reception by all secret societies, there are
found indications of a doctrine which is everywhere the same and
everywhere carefully concealed.‖ - Eliphas Levi in the Introduction to his Dogma
et Rituel de la Haute Magie (Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual) (circa. 1855 A.D.)

And indeed it is, for it is the story of the fallen angels. And
theirs is a story of rebellion and subterfuge. Theosophists teach that in
times past: ―…an important event happened - the most important up to
this time upon our planet. This event was the coming of what the
ancient scriptures call the "Shining Ones," the "Sons of God". These
Beings have been called by many names…They have sometimes been
referred to as the "fallen angels"…The coming (descent) of these
divine sons, and their sojourn in the lower regions ("Hades" of the
Greeks, "Amenti" of the Egyptians) has been the subject of myth and
legend of all peoples since the beginning of time. This is a theme
which has been immortalised by sage and poet.‖ - The Theosophical Seal
(Arthur M. Coon, 1958 A.D.)

These words were written in reference of course to the coming

of the angels to our Earth as cited in the sixth chapter of the Biblical
book of Genesis:

―When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters
were born to them, the sons (angels) of God saw that the daughters of
men (female humans) were fair; and they took to wife such of them as
they chose. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also
afterward, when the sons of God (the angels) came into the daughters
of men, and they bore children to them (the Nephilim are the hybrid
offspring of angels and humans). These were the mighty men
(‗gibborim‘) who were of old, the men of renown (the heroes of old).‖
- Genesis 6:1-2,4
The Book of Enoch continues the story of the angels‘ descent
to our Earth and relates to us how in the days of Jared (See Genesis
5:20) 200 angels landed on Mt. Hermon amongst the Anti-Lebanon
mountain range on the Lebanon-Syrian border (perhaps upon the
modern-day Israeli Golan Heights), taking up residence amongst the
human population of the Earth, mating with them and corrupting
mankind with their knowledge:

―And they (the angels) were in all two hundred; who descended in the
days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon…‖ - 1Enoch VI. 6 (The name
‗Jared‘ denotes a descending)

This number is confirmed by The Kawan:

―…the two hundred demons (read: rebellious fallen angels) came

down to the sphere (to the Earth) from the high heaven…‖ - The Kawan

These angels were banished to our Earth after their rebellion in

heaven. It was said of these angels:

―…they (the 200 angels) have gone to the daughters of men upon the
earth, and have slept with the women, and have defiled themselves,
and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have borne
giants (angel/human hybrid children), and the whole earth has thereby
been filled with blood and unrighteousness.‖ - 1Enoch IX.8-9

In days long past these angels mated with women of the Earth.
This was in direct contradiction of the commandment of God:

―And to you (Azazel and his group of rebellious fallen angels),

according to what ye wish, there shall be upon you the mind of a man
and the body of a man (God made these angels incarnate). But take
good heed to yourselves that ye transgress not My word and break not
My commandment; and defile not ye yourselves with eating, or
drinking, or fornication, or with any other thing whatsoever; and
transgress ye not My word.‖ And straightway there were given unto
them (the angels) with His word flesh, and blood, and a heart of the
children of men (the angels were made incarnate). And they (Azazel
and his angels) were content to leave the height of heaven, and they
came down to earth (to our Earth), to the folly of the dancing of the
children of Cain…And their (the children of Cain‘s) daughters were
there, and they (the angels) enjoyed the orgies without shame…And
the men (the angels in bodies of men) did not restrain themselves for a
moment, but they took to wife from among women those whom they
had chosen, and committed sin with them…And the daughters of Cain
with whom the angels had accompanied conceived…‖ - Kebra-Nagast:
Chapter 100 ("More and more we are finding that mythology in general though greatly
contorted very often has some historic base. And the interesting thing is that one myth which
occurs over and over again in many parts of the world is that somewhere a long time ago
supernatural beings had sexual intercourse with natural women and produced a special breed
of people." - Liber Caeruleus)

―And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in
those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And
the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and
said to one another; ‗Come, let us choose us wives from among the
children of men (the humans) and beget us children.‘‖ - 1Enoch VI. 1-2

The eminent Jewish historian Josephus (37-100 A.D.) in his

Antiquities of the Jews explains that:

―…many angels of God accompanied with women, and begat sons that
proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the
confidence they had in their strength; for the tradition is, that these
men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians called
giants.‖ - Antiquities of the Jews 1.3.1

St. Aristides (circa. 125 A.D.) clarifies this for us stating:

―The Greeks…say of their gods (the Greeks worshipped the angels as

gods) that they committed adultery with the daughters of men; and of
these there was born a certain race (a race of angel/human hybrids)...‖
- The Apology of Aristides the Philosopher (Syriac)

In The Works of Philo, ―On the Giants,‖ the Jewish

philosopher Philo Judaeus of Alexandria in the 1st Century A.D. says:

―And when the angels of God saw the daughters of men that they were
beautiful, they took unto themselves wives of all whom they chose.‖ -
The Works of Philo

In the 8th Century A.D. Rabbi Eliezer recorded the following

remark in a Midrash:
―The Angels who fell from Heaven saw the daughters of Cain
perambulating and displaying their secret parts, their eyes painted with
antimony in the manner of harlots; and, being seduced, took wives
from among them.‖ - Rabbi Eliezer

Justin Martyr (103–165 A.D.), in his Second Apology, ―How

the Angels Transgressed,‖ says:

―God, when He had made the whole world…committed the care of

men and all things under heaven to angels whom He appointed over
them. But the angels transgressed this appointment, and were
captivated by love of women, and begat children who are those that
are called demons; and besides, they afterwards subdued the human
race to themselves…‖ - Second Apology

The Early Church Father Tertulian (160-220 A.D.) in The

Apology Chapter 22 states:

―We are instructed, moreover, by our sacred books how from certain
angels, who fell of their own free-will, there sprang a more wicked
demon-brood (the hybrid offspring of the angels and their human
wives), condemned of God along with the authors of their race (the
―authors of their race‖ are the rebellious fallen angels)…Their great
business is the ruin of mankind. So, from the very first, spiritual
wickedness sought our destruction.‖ - The Apology Chapter 22

―When men multiplied on the earth, the angels of heaven came

together with the daughters of men…by whose power they conceived
the giants as their children, by whom wickedness came to its height on
the earth, until God decreed that the whole race of the living should
perish in their impiety in the deluge (the Flood).‖ - Julius Africanus: Anti-
Nicene Fathers Volume VI Extant Fragments from the Chronography Part II

As Chapter 3 of The Damascus Document explains: ―Now therefore,

children, hearken unto me, and I will open your eyes to see, and to
understand the works of God and to choose what He approveth, and to
reject what He hateth: To walk uprightly in all His ways and not to go
about in the thoughts of an evil imagination and [with] eyes [full] of
fornication. For many were led astray by them, and mighty men of
valor stumbled by them from of old [and until this day]. Because they
walked in the stubbornness of their heart the watchers (angels) of
heaven fell. By them were they caught because they kept not the
commandment of God…And their children…fell thereby. All flesh
that was on dry land perished thereby (in the Flood). And they were as
though they had not been. Because they (the angels) did their own
will, and kept not the commandment of their Maker (God), until His
wrath was kindled against them.‖

The following scripture from The Book of Jubilees explains

that the great Flood in the time of Noah was a judgment sent upon the
Earth due to the following legal finding: ―…the fornication wherein
the Watchers (angels) against the law of their ordinances went a
whoring after the daughters of men, and took to themselves wives of
all of which they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness.
And they begat sons, the Naphidim (the Nephilim), and they were all
unlike, and they devoured one another: and the giants slew the Naphil
(Nephilim), and the Naphil slew the Eljo, and the Eljo mankind, and
one man (one human) another (committed homicide). And every one
sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much blood, and the earth
was filled with iniquity…And the Lord (God) destroyed everything
from off the face of the earth; because of the wickedness of their
deeds, and because of the blood which they had shed in the midst of
the earth He (God) destroyed everything.‖ - The Book of Jubilees VII.21,22-

Because of the destruction wrought upon our Earth and its

inhabitants as a direct result of the actions of these angels, God
decreed that the Earth‘s inhabitants, which included Azazel‘s group of
fallen angels, as well as their angel/human hybrid children, be
eradicated from the face of the Earth. Enoch was chosen to deliver the

―And I, Enoch, answered and said unto him: ‗The Lord will do a new
thing on the earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and make
known to thee that in the generation of my father Jared some of the
angels of heaven transgressed the word of the Lord. And behold, they
commit sin and transgress the law, and have united themselves with
women and commit sin with them, and have married some of them,
and have begot children by them. And they shall produce on the earth
giants (angel/human hybrids) not according to the spirit, but according
to the flesh, and there shall be a great punishment on the earth, and the
earth shall be cleansed from all impurity. Yea, there shall come a
great destruction over the whole earth, and there shall be a deluge (a
flood) and a great destruction…‖ - The Book of Noah

It was at this time God charged the angel Raphael to imprison Azazel
within the Earth:

―…the Lord (God) said to Raphael: ‗Bind Azazel hand and foot, and
cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which
is Dudael (also known as Duidain), and cast him therein. And place
upon him rough and jagged rocks (Azazel was to be imprisoned inside
his cherub within the igneous rock), and cover him with darkness, and
let him abide there…‖ - 1Enoch X.4,5-6

The Book of Enoch (1Enoch) describes the process by which

the angel Azazel was imprisoned within the Earth and how the Biblical
Flood came about. A comet was redirected so as to strike the Earth,
causing great destruction thereupon. 1Enoch LXV.3-4 describes an
object, a very large comet, ―falling‖ ―on the earth‖ by which the earth
was ―shaken‖ causing a ―great commotion on the earth.‖ This comet
is the ―heaven‖ which ―fell to the earth‖ as mentioned in 1Enoch
LXXXIII.3. Its impact crater is the ―great abyss‖ spoken of in 1Enoch
LXXXIII.4. It is also this very same impact crater that is mentioned in
1Enoch LXXXVIII.1,3. The impact crater was located in the desert
called Duidain (‗dain‘ means ‗valley‘), also known as Dudael (‗-dael‘
also means ‗valley‘; from the Old English word ‗dael‘ comes our word
The word ‗Dudael‘ by one account also translates as ―God‘s
cauldron.‖ This name aptly describes an impact site typified by a
round molten hole being punched into the Earth. The comet‘s impact
caused a great geologic upheaval the result of which brought flood
upon the land (See 1Enoch LXXXIX.1-9) as water flowed from within
the Earth while rain fell in torrents from the sky. This event took place
in 4340 B.C.
1Enoch LXVII.4-7 tells of this comet strike cutting a ―burning
valley‖ into the Earth‘s crust. The excavation of this molten valley by
the comet which struck the Earth caused a ―great convulsion and a
convulsion of the waters.‖ Molten metal and rock flowed through this
great gash in the Earth‘s crust and the undermined ground collapsed.
Water speedily flowed into this molten valley imprisoning the 200
angels in their cherubim within the rapidly cooling rock where they are
now to this day imprisoned within the Earth.
Indeed, 1Enoch LXXXVIII.3 explains that the rebellious
angels were ―stoned from heaven,‖ a reference to the comet which
struck in their vicinity, and in such a way the angel Raphael ―cast them
in an abyss of the earth‖ (See 1Enoch LXXXVIII.3). From Enoch we
learn ―that abyss was narrow and deep, and horrible and dark‖ (See
1Enoch LXXXVIII.1). The furrow this astral plowshare plowed was
by some called the Valley of Death (asteroids, meteorites and comets
are symbolized as ―plowshares‖ in Far Eastern ancient Sutra texts). It
is the ―valley of the shadow of death‖ mentioned in Psalms 23:4. The
Greek biographer and essayist Plutarch calls it the ―valley of misery‖
(as does ceremonial magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa refer to the
place of the angels‘ entrapment as the ―valley of misery‖ in Book III
Chapter 18 Of Occult Philosophy). The Greek word for this abyss is
Tartaros (The Expository Dictionary of Bible Words, p. 337, explains
that ―Tartaros was the Greek name for the…abyss in which rebellious
gods (read: the rebellious fallen angels) were confined‖ (See 2Peter
2:4)). The place of their entrapment was also known as Hades. In
Mesopotamia this abyss was variously known as Irkalla and Aralu.
The Hebrews called it Sheol. The Egyptians knew this Valley of
Death as Ar-en-Tet, where Horus (one name by which the Egyptian‘s
knew Azazel), the Chief amongst the manes (leader of the angels who
accompanied him to the Earth) were thrust into the darkness of
Amenta, which is to say, into the ‗underworld,‘ beneath the earth. The
following Egyptian mystery teaching speaks of Azazel being interred
within the earth, and extraordinarily enough, being alive and well

―…the great god (Azazel), lord of Amenta…joined to the earth in the

inner part great, being laid on the earth [he is] not dead in Amenta,
[he is] a glorious being in it.‖ - The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the
Dead Plate XVI ((AMENTI, i.e., the "hidden place," also known as the "Other World" per E.
A. Wallis Budge in The Egyptian Heaven and Hell (1905 A.D.))

―Osiris (Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth); greater [is he] than gods all. I
have granted to him [to rule] in the underworld. But his son Horus
(the angel Azazel) [is] as [his] heir upon his throne within the Lake
of…Fire.‖ The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXIX

These angels were said to be cast into a ―lake of fire‖ of molten

lava, which was caused by the comet impacting the Earth, its great
heat melting the solid bedrock beneath it, in which the angels in their
cherubim were imprisoned as the molten rock solidified. This comet
impact in 4340 B.C. caused great regional destruction in Palestine and
in other areas of the Levant and was the cause of the Biblical Flood.

Behemoth is the name of Azazel‘s cherub (cherubim are named

in the same way as boats and ships and aircraft are named here on
Earth). It was at the time of the comet strike when Azazel‘s cherub
Behemoth was encased within the rock beneath the desert called

―…Behemoth (Azazel‘s cherub)…occupied…a waste wilderness (a

desert) named Duidain.‖ - 1Enoch LX.8 (See also 1Enoch LX.9)

Azazel was imprisoned within his cherub Behemoth beneath

the desert known as Duidain by the comet which struck the earth.
Duidain, also known as Dudael, where Azazel was imprisoned within
the earth is identified in Revelations 9:13-15 as being located ―at the
great river Euphrates‖ in the Middle East. For a look at the Jewish
religious custom which commemorates this event see Leviticus 16:1-

Jude 6 speaks of the angels‘ imprisonment within the earth:

―And the angels that did not keep their own position but left their
proper dwelling have been kept by him (by God) in eternal chains in
the nether gloom (encased within the earth)...‖ - Jude 6 (See also Jude 13)

…as does 2Peter 2:4:

―God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell
(Sheol) and committed them to pits of nether gloom (within the earth)
to be kept until the judgment...‖ - 2Peter 2:4 (See also The Book of Enoch XX.2)

The Acts of Thomas tells us: ―I (Azazel) am he who inhabits

and possesses the abyss of Tartarus,‖ referring to this abyss as the
―great chasm‖ in which ―that serpent (the Genesis serpent Azazel) was
swallowed up,‖ a clear reference to Azazel‘s imprisonment within the
earth. This is another reason why the angel Azazel was associated
with the serpent imagery representive of him in The Bible, as snakes
are known to make their homes underground, a characteristic
analogous to Azazel‘s imprisonment within the earth. When in
Genesis 3:14 it was said of the serpent ―dust you shall eat all the days
of your life,‖ it is because this prophesied a future judgment against
the angel Azazel, God‘s sentencing Azazel to interment within the
earth. It is the Genesis serpent Azazel and the angels entrapped within
the earth of which The Apocryphon of John warns its readers: ―Guard
yourself against the angels of misery (the angels within the ‗valley of
misery‘), the demons of chaos, and all who entrap you…beware the
trap in the bowels of the underworld.‖ (It is the ‗demons of chaos‘
whom practitioners of Chaos Magic seek to invoke)

The Bible speaks of Azazel as being: ―the angel of the

bottomless pit (the angel who is imprisoned within the earth); his name
in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon.‖ -
Revelations 9:11. In English this translates as Destroyer. This is in
reference to the angel Azazel. Compare the word ‗Apollyon‘ to the
word ‗Apollo,‘ two names by which Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth was
known. The system of Magic encapsulated in the grimoire known as
The Greater Key of Solomon invokes the rebel angel Azazel under the
name of ‗Abaddon,‘ identifying him as ―ye who by your own sin have
been cast down from the Empyreal Heaven, and from before His
(God‘s) Throne; by Him (God) who hath cast ye down unto the most
profound of the Abysses of Hell (Sheol)‖ (See The Greater Key of
Solomon Book I Chapter VI). (In India, the word Buddha was coined
as a derivative of the name Abaddon: ―In India, the ―Great Abad‖ is
Bhudda, Bauddha, Buddha, or Baddha. There is a connection
suggested here with the ―Abaddon of the Greeks.‖ - The Rosicrucians: Their
Rites and Mysteries p.294 (Hargrave Jennings)). (Azazel is what is known as a
‗destroying angel‘ (Psalms 78:49 speaks of the existence of an entire
company of destroying angels). The Koran calls these ‗destroying
angels‘ the Malaikut al-Maut, which translates as ‗angels of death.‘
Compare the name of the Semetic god Dumuzi, who represents the
angel Azazel, to Dûmãh, the Angel of Death of the Hebrews, Chief of
The Judaic name for Azazel, namely Ashmodai/Asmodeus,
king of demons, whom Zoroastrians celebrated as Aeshma-daevas,
receives his name from the Hebrew word ASAMOD, meaning, ―to
destroy,‖ as in the ‗Destroyer/Abaddon/Apollyon,‘ as related above in
Revelations 9:11. Asmodeus was portrayed as a serpent (Vita Adae Et
Evae (The Life of Adam and Eve) also identifies the serpent of the
Garden, Azazel, as the ‗Destroyer‘). It is also of a most interesting
note the ―Sacred Word‖ of the high-degree Freemasonic ―Grand
Council of Knights of the East and West‖ is Abaddon (See The
Mysteries of Freemasonry (―as written by Captain William Morgan
(for which expose Morgan was assassinated), by George R. Crafts,‖ p.

In Tablet II of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth from Egypt it is

said concerning Azazel and his group of fallen angels: ―the Children of
Light (angels) looked down on the world. Seeing the children of men
(humans)…Down they descended and created bodies, taking the
semblance of men as their own…living in the world (on our Earth) as
children of men (incarnated),‖ that they are ―like and yet unlike the
children of men," that these angels who have the appearance of men
live in ―a dwelling place, far 'neath the earth crust.‖ Azazel and his
group of angels are therein identified as ―Custodians and watchers‖ of
men, who are ―guiding, directing the destiny of man.‖ These
angels (as well as Satan‘s group of rebel angels) manipulate people in
positions of power in the nations of our World.

The New Earth, from whence comes the angels, the creation of which is related in Genesis
2:4-25, is located amongst the seven stars of the Pleiades group. Amos 5:8 tells us God
created the Pleiades, where the New Earth is located. The Pleiades group of stars are again
mentioned in Job 9:9 and Job 38:31 as being specifically God‘s creation. The Pleiades are
located in the astrological group of stars in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is represented as a bull,
a common symbol for an angel. According to Freemasonic teachings, being derived from the
teachings of the ancient Mysteries, the Pleiades are seven stars situated at the upper end of a
great Sacred Ladder. If we assume that our Earth is at the bottom of this ladder, and the
angels move up and down it, as we esoterically learn from the Biblical parable of Jacob‘s
Ladder (See Genesis 28:12), this would show the Freemason‘s own esoteric knowledge that
the New Earth, from where the incarnated angels came to our Earth, is located in the Pleiades
group. Indeed, in some versions of the story of the angels‘ descent to our Earth, the angels are
said to descend down ―Jacob‘s Ladder.‖ Jacob’s Ladder is the name by which is known the
route traversed by the angels in their descent from the New Earth in the Pleiades group to our
own Earth. (Author‘s Note: There is a pre-Inca mythology which holds their gods had come
from the Pleiades constellation, and the name of the Hindu god Kartikeya translates as ‗Him of
the Pleiades.‘ Additionally, according to the Pleiades selection from the Gale Encyclopedia of
Occultism & Parapsychology: ―Early in the twentieth century, the leader of the group (this
group is the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society) later known as the Jehovah's Witnesses
suggested that one of the stars of the Pleiades was actually the throne of the Lord God
Chapter 2. The Mysteries of Azazel
―Many supposed mythological traditions of ancient Greece have been
demonstrated to have had a foundation in fact and history; and we may
assume that such is possibly the case to a far greater extent than has
yet been proven, and that this applies to the traditions of other
localities and people as well…‖ - Solar Biology (Hiram E. Butler, 1887 A.D.)

Azazel and his angels were worshipped as gods by the children

of men, which is to say, by mankind, here on Earth. Vulcan, one such
name under which the Romans knew the angel Azazel, was
worshipped in volcanic caves on the Aegean island of Hephaestus (an
island so named after one of the Greek titles for Azazel) in reverence
to Azazel‘s entrapment within the earth. Azazel‘s entrapment within
his cherub within the earth is also memorialized in the story of
Typhon, which represents Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, being entrapped
by Zeus, the name by which the Greeks worshipped God, who was
said to have crushed him with a mountain, an act representative of the
comet strike which imprisoned Azazel in his cherub beneath the earth.
It must be noted the word ‗Typhon‘ is an anagram of the word
‗python,‘ the name for a genus of snakes found in Africa and Asia!
This is the general location of Azazel‘s entombment within the earth.

‗Manes‘ is the Roman word and ‗mani/man‘ the Etruscan word

for Azazel and the angels who accompanied him to the Earth in 5000
B.C. In the Etruscan religious belief system, the mani (Latin: manes)
are the divine souls of ancestors (to whom they believed they were
related) who were said to be located in an underworld called Aita (a
cognate of the word ‗Amenti‘), a place referred to as being ‗hinthial‘
which literally means they are ―underneath,‖ which is to say, they are
located underneath us in the earth below us. Indeed, such ―legends‖
are present in nearly every ancient culture and religious system.
According to Freemasonic and Qabbalistic legend, Hiram, the
builder of Solomon‘s Temple, was said to have plunged through the
Molten Sea right into the center of the Earth where at that time dwelt
someone said to be the first worker in metals. This legend is in
reference to the angel Azazel, who first taught men to work in metals
(See 1Enoch VIII.1), and of Azazel‘s subsequent imprisonment within
the earth. The Molten Sea (Lake of Fire) therein represents ―God‘s
Cauldron,‖ the sea of molten rock in which Azazel was encased. The
Molten Sea, the brazen laver of the Mosaic ritual, was a major
architectural element in King Solomon‘s Temple (See 1Kings 7:25),
representing the place of Azazel‘s interment within the Earth.
The story of Azazel and his angels is also a major theme in the
realm of magic. The Oxford educated 33° Freemason Aleister
Crowley (1875-1947 A.D.) knew the story of the angels‘ interment
within the earth to be truth, it being the basis of all magical societies
such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and of Crowley‘s own
creation, the Argenteum Astrum (A∴A∴) (Latin for Silver Star). The
19th Century Freemason, magician/mystic Eliphas Levi (1810-1875
A.D.), also continuing magic traditions dating back to ancient Biblical
times, speaks of them in his writings, as does the British black magic
practitioner Dr. John Dee (1527-1608 A.D.) of Enochian Magick fame
(Dr. John Dee‘s personal library is currently housed in the Bodleian
Library at Oxford University). The grimoire known as the Simon
Necronomicon (according to H.P. Lovecraft in The Dunwich Horror
(1929 A.D.) it was John Dee who translated the Simon Necronomicon
into English) also speaks of ―Ancient Ones‖ being imprisoned within
the earth. This term was taken from the Egyptian Book of the Dead
(See Plate XI B.D. Chap. CXLVII) which calls Osiris
(Azazel/Behemoth) the ―Ancient One‖ For this reason he is also
known as the Old Serpent/Old Man). The Egyptian god Ra, who also
represented one aspect of the angel Azazel, is likewise called the
―Ancient One.‖ In fact, magic incantations and rituals and the use of
magical amulets focus on these beings either as protection against
them or in hopes of summoning them. Such magic incantations were
also found amongst the scrolls known as the Dead Sea Scrolls from the
Essene community of Qumran.

Elias Ashmole (1617-1692 A.D.), the English antiquarian

whose collection forms the basis of the Ashmolean Museum in
Oxford, England, and who wrote books on such occult arts as magic
(which involves the invocation of the rebellious fallen angels),
alchemy and astrology and who like ―The Father of Modern Satanism‖
Aleister Crowley was likewise associated with Oxford University,
speaks of Azazel and his imprisoned group of angels in his book, The
Way to Bliss, revealing them to be a ―Nation (as defined as ‗a group of
people‘) of Wise-Men (think: Magi/Magicians),
dwelling…underground.‖ Oxford University has long purveyed the
esoteric knowledge concerning the fallen angels to the privileged and
upper crust of British society. Many are in contact with and work in
furtherance of the aims of these fallen angels. It must be noted that
Ashmole, a founding member of the Royal Society, was also a Mason.
The legends concerning the existence of the subterranean angels would
most certainly be disseminated amongst the society‘s august members,
likely oweing its very existence to the very angels themselves. It must
also be noted Royal Society members sit on British government
committees of a scientific nature. Noteable Foreign Members of the
Royal Society included J. Robert Oppenheimer, ―Father of the Atomic
Bomb,‖ and the man who made it all possible, nuclear physicist
(E=mc²) Albert Einstein.

―The Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural

Knowledge, known simply as the Royal Society, is a learned society
for science, and is possibly the oldest such society in existence.
Founded in November 1660, it was granted a Royal Charter by King
Charles II as the ―Royal Society of London.‖ The Society was initially
an extension of the ―Invisible College‖ with the founders intending it
to be a place of research and discussion. The Society today acts as a
scientific advisor to the British government, receiving a parliamentary
grant-in-aid. The Society acts as the UK's Academy of Sciences, and
funds research fellowships and scientific start-up companies…The
Royal Society started as a group of approximately 12 scientists, known
as the Invisible College, which met at a variety of locations, including
the houses of their members and Gresham College. Members at
particular times were John Wilkins, Jonathan Goddard, Robert Hooke,
Christopher Wren (Freemason; builder of St. Paul‘s Cathedral in
London), William Petty and Robert Boyle. The group discussed the
―new science‖ (Hermetic science, alchemy, Rosicrucianism,
ceremonial magic, ‗medical‘ magic, ancient mysteries such as
astrology, etc.), as promoted by Francis Bacon in his New Atlantis,
from approximately 1645 onwards…The group varied over time,
eventually splitting into two distinct factions in 1638 due to travel
distances; the London Society and the Oxford Society. The Oxford
Society was more active owing to the fact that many members of the
overall College (Oxford University) lived there, and was established as
The Philosophical Society of Oxford (most ‗philosophy‘ books are
about alchemy, magic, pagan myths/mysteries, etc. The early
Christian author Tertullian once wrote ―philosophers are the patriarchs
of heresy.‖ At any rate, England retained anti-witchcraft laws
(Witchcraft Acts) which forbade all such magic practices upon its
books in one form or another often mandating the death or
imprisonment of the offender from the year 1542 A.D. until their
ultimate repeal in 1951 A.D.), run under a set of rules still retained by
the Bodleian Library…There are currently four Royal Fellows:
Prince Philip, Prince Edward, the Princess Royal and Prince
William of Wales (Wales was the bastion of the Ancient Order of
Druids)…‖ – Wikipedia: The Royal Society A wise man will grasp the full import of
these facts. (―Paul the blessed apostle, my beloved brethren, writing to the Corinthians who
inhabit Laconian Greece, spake saying, "The wisdom of this world is folly in the sight of God"
[1 Cor. iii, 19], and he said not amiss. For it seems to me to have taken its beginning from the
rebellion of the angels; for which cause the philosophers put forth their doctrines…‖ -
Derision of Gentile Philosophers (Hermias)) (―Bro (Freemasonic Brother) Hughan, of
Dunscore, Torquay, Devon, England, ventures in the History by the 80 Luminaries (―Among
the 80 Luminaries, 15 belong to the British Empire, one is a Doctor of Oxford and Bishop of
Iowa‖), pp. 30, 31, to declare that the ‗New Atlantis‘ (warmed over Rosicrucianism) seems to
be and probably is the key to the modern rituals of Freemasonry.‖ - Luciferian or Satanism in
English Freemasonry (L. Fouquet, 1898 A.D.). Indeed, Thomas de Quincey (1785-1759
A.D.), who attended Worcester College in Oxford, England, professed modern masonry to be
nothing more than a modified form of Rosicrucianism. By the definition proffered in the
Rosicrucian work entitled Cosmology (by Franz Hartmann, Boston 1888 A.D., p.7), a
Rosicrucian is a Hermetic philosopher) The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries p.225
(Heckethorne, 1897 A.D.) states: ―In 1646 Elias Ashmole, William Lilly, Dr. Thomas
Wharton, George Wharton, Dr. J. Pearson, and others formed a Rosicrucian society in
London, practically to carry out a scheme propounded in Bacon‘s New Atlantis‖… Some of
the members of this society were Freemasons, hence they were enabled to hold their meetings
in Mason‘s Hall, Mason‘s Alley, Basingall Street.‖)

The ancient Canaanite funerary marzeah was a religious feast

instituted by a funerary cult to commemorate the interment of Azazel
and his angels within the earth. This is related to the Grecian practice
of wailing for the death of Adonis (in the Orphic hymn To Adonis,
Adonis is said to be ―much…wept for‖), while the death of the god
Attis was mourned during the Phrygian Mysteries, as likewise the
Egyptians also lamented the ‗death‘ of Osiris (Egyptian Book of the
Dead Plate XIII B.D. Chapter XVIII speaks of Isis lamenting the death
of Osiris), all of which were the Greek equivalent of the
Babylonian/Assyrian/Phoenician (Semitic) practice of weeping for
Tammuz. All of these gods were representations of the angel Azazel.
Accounting for ancient calendar conversions to ascertain its modern
day equivalent, the ritual practice of weeping for Tammuz persisted
for an entire lunar month encompassing 28 days commencing at the
time of the summer solstice on June 21 and continuing until July 19,
commemorating the day of the angel Azazel‘s prophesied future
return. The mourners fervently chanted: ―He (Tammuz/Azazel) has
gone, he has gone to the bosom (which is to say, to the interior) of the
earth‖ (See Myths of Babylon and Assyria McKenzie 1915), this being
in reference to Azazel‘s imprisonment within the earth. The
Babylonian ―myth‖ as set forth in The Descent of Ishtar also speaks of
Azazel‘s imprisonment within the earth. Ishtar is the Babylonian
name for the angel Azazel‘s human wife. She is imprisoned with him:

―…the house (a reference to Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth) which none

leave who have entered it…the house wherein the entrants are bereft
of light…where they see no light, residing in darkness…where over
their door and bolt is spread dust…Ishtar has gone down to the
nether world, she has not come up.‖ The Descent of Ishtar

Indeed, most black magic systems are based on Sumerian

teachings regarding the rebellious fallen angels. The British
occultist/practitioner of black magic Aleister Crowley alludes to this
fact when he says: ―Our work is therefore historically authentic; the
rediscovery of the Sumerian Tradition.‖ The Sumerian‘s knew
Azazel‘s human wife as Inanna. Thus, in a similar Sumerian version
of the story of Ishtar entitled Inanna‘s Descent to the Underworld, we
are told ―Inanna…descended to the underworld‖ from where she is
later said to emerge. In fact, the land of Sumer itself is named after
Azazel. Sumer is a cognate of the name of the Celtic god
Suman/Saman, a god who represented Azazel. The land of Sumer is
the land of Azazel!

In the Babylonian work, Nergal and Ereshkigal, we find that

the storm god Nergal, a representation of Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, a
symbol which is often used interchangeably to represent the angel
Azazel, went ―down‖ to a ―dark house,‖ ―to the house where those
who enter cannot leave,‖ ―to the house where those who enter are
deprived of light, where dust is their food (Compare to Genesis 3:14
where God tells the serpent, who symbolizes Azazel, ―dust you shall
eat.‖ Serpents are subterranean dwellers, hence the serpent analogy in
regards to Azazel who resides in his subterranean abode), clay their
bread,‖ ―where they see no light‖ and ―dwell in darkness.‖ The
―house‖ in this story represents Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth wherein he
resides and in which he is entrapped within the dark recesses of the
earth (Ereshkigal, whose name translates as ―great lady under earth,‖ is
Azazel‘s human wife who is entrapped along with Azazel within his
cherub beneath the earth). This story is also echoed by The Epic of
Gilgamesh, wherein is described a ―house where none leave who have
entered it…where dust is their fare and clay their food…they see no
light, residing in darkness…in the House of Dust…‖ The ―House of
Dust‖ is none other than Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, imprisoned by
God within the Earth. This story is also recounted in The Magan Text
(Magan = Egypt) of the infamous grimoire known as the Simon
Necronomicon which similarly recounts the occurrence of the goddess
Ishtar‘s descent to ―the House of No Return…where bowls of dust are
the food.‖
The Aztec god Mictlantecuhtli, meaning, ―lord of Mictlan,‖ or,
lord of the underworld, was one such name under which the Aztecs
worshipped Azazel/Behemoth and was so named in association with
the Aztec people‘s knowledge of Azazel‘s entrapment within the earth.
Mictlantecuhtli and his wife, Mictecacihuatl, were similarly said to
dwell in a windowless house in Mictlan, Mictlan being the Aztec word
for the underworld. The windowless house in the underworld within
which this god and goddess resides is Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth in
which they are entrapped. The similarities between Aztec beliefs and
Babylonian beliefs are striking-- the reason for the similarities being
they speak of the very same episode in human history.

Consider the following selection from the Dead Sea Scrolls

from Qumran which also speaks of Azazel‘s entrapment in his cherub
within the earth. Resheph is a Semitic name for Azazel:

―A Psalm of David…against Resheph (against Azazel)…You are

darkness, not light, wickedness, not righteousness…in Hades most
deep (within the earth), enclosed in doors of bronze (a reference to the
doors of his metallic cherub)…‖ - 11Q11 Column 4 Lines 44,7,8,9

Resheph, who is Azazel, is the Rephan mentioned in Acts 7:43.

In the Assyrian work, Lament of the Flutes for Tammuz,

Tammuz being an Assyrian name for Azazel, we are told that
―Tammuz (Azazel)…the consort of the queen of heaven (a title by
which his human wife was honored)…to the nether world has taken
his way.‖ Therein he is called ―the exalted one of the nether world,‖ a
reference to his earthly entrapment. The name of the Irish goddess,
Brigid, a title the Irish bestowed upon Azazel‘s human wife, also
means ―exalted one.‖ The female consort of a god was often named
after the god to whom she belonged. Brigid was known to the Romans
as Brittania. Britain (England) derives its name from her.

The Roman Secular Games (in Latin, Ludi Saeculares,

originally Ludi Terentini) were held in commemoration of Azazel‘s
and his human wife‘s interment within the earth. The games were held
in honor of the Greek god Dis Pater (representing Azazel) and the
Greek goddess Proserpina (representing Azazel‘s human wife) in
commemoration of their entrapment within Azazel‘s cherub within the
earth. In conjunction with these games, a round altar (symbolic of a
wheel/disc shaped cherub) dedicated to the god and goddess, the
―Altar of Dis Pater and Proserpina,‖ which lay interred in the ground
at the site of the games was unearthed at the start of the games and
subsequently reburied at the end of them, an act symbolizing Azazel
and his human wife‘s entrapment within the earth and of their
subsequent anticipated release.
Related to this was the festival called the Consualia, or
Consuales Ludi, so named after the Roman god Consus. The Roman
god Consus, the god of councils, represented Azazel in his former
position of Councilor in God‘s hierarchy (head of the Twenty-Four
Elders), a position he held prior to his rebellion in heaven. The temple
dedicated to the god Consus was located underground. Consus‘ altar
was buried within the earth and unearthed during the Consualia
festival held in his honor, an act commemorating Azazel‘s
imprisonment and later release from his subterranean prison (there was
also a sacrifice to Consus held on the Julian calendar date of July 7.
When adjusted to the Gregorian Calendar by adding 13 days, this date
is closer to the Gregorian calendar date of July 19, which is the date of
Azazel‘s future release in the year 2016 A.D.). The consort of
Consus/Azazel was variously called Ops/Opis/Opus, and represented
the human wife of the angel Azazel. A festival in her honor, called the
Opiconsivia/Opalia, was held after the Consualia festival. The Latin
word ‗ops‘ means ‗riches/plenty.‘
According to Plutarch (46 -120 A.D.) in Isis and Osiris, the
death of the Egyptian god Osiris (a god who represented Azazel‘s
cherub Behemoth but who is also synonymous with the angel Azazel
himself) was celebrated on Athyr 17 on the Egyptian Calendar, a date
which corresponds to the Julian Calendar date of November 13 (the
Julian Calendar was instituted by Julius Caesar in 46 A.D.). This date
on the Gregorian calendar (introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582
A.D.) became October 31st. It was taught in the mysteries concerning
Osiris (who represents Behemoth/Azazel) that he was in fact drowned,
a legend which alludes to events surrounding Azazel‘s entombment
within the earth at the time of the Flood in the days of Noah. The
death of Osiris was celebrated on Athyr 17 during the Festival of
Inventio Osidiris (―As to the festivities, in which those mysteries were
celebrated, we find that on the 17th of the month Athyr (the month
Tammuz) the images of Osiris were enclosed in a coffin or ark: on the
18th was the search; and on the 19th was the finding.‖ - The Dionysian

Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XII B.D. Chap. XVIII speaks
of: ―Osiris (Behemoth/Azazel), lord of Re-stau, and of the great
company of the gods (read: angels) who are in the netherworld beside
Osiris.‖ Re-stau represents the place of their under earth entrapment.
Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XII B.D. Chap. XVIII speaks of the
―godlike rulers who are in Re-stau…the followers of Horus (Azazel).‖
Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XIV B.D. Chap. XVIII states the
―great godlike rulers in Re-stau are Horus (who is Azazel), Osiris (who
represents Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth), and Isis (Azazel‘s human
wife).‖ It must be mentioned that another spelling of the name of the
god Ra is ‗Re.‘ ‗Re‘ is the prefix of the word ‗Re-stau.‘ Re-stau, like
the god Ra, represents Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth (also, compare the
word ‗stau‘ to the word ‗star,‘ a common symbol of a cherub and its
associated angel).
Chapter 3. Magic
To truly understand the story of Azazel one must study the
practice with which he is associated, namely, Magic.

―I wish to explain to you whence the worship of idols began in this

world…the beginning was in this wise. Certain angels, having left
the course of their proper order, began to favor the vices of men, and
in some measure to lend unworthy aid to their lust, in order that by
these means they might indulge their own pleasures the more; and
then, that they might not seem to be inclined of their own accord to
unworthy services, taught men that demons could, by certain arts--
that is, by magical invocations--be made to obey men.‖ - Pseudo-
Clementine Book IV Chapter XXVI (The worship of demons is called ‗demonolatry‘)

One example of such a magical invocation, by definition a

spell, which relates the dependence of the success of magic spells on
such spirits is contained in the Mithraic ―Great Magic Papyrus of
Paris.‖ After setting forth what one must do in preparation, we are
told: ―I have not found a greater spell than this in the world. Ask the
god (the demon) for what you want, and he will give it to you.‖
Origen in his Contra Celsus, Book 6 Chapter XXXIX tells us
―those who employ the arts of magic and sorcery…invoke the
barbarous names of demons.‖ Zohar 3:208a attributes Azazel (Aza‘el)
and his angels for the introduction of the knowledge of the secrets of
the magic arts to mankind, as does the Book of Enoch. The Biblical
Nimrod is described as a ―great magician‖ ―who took up with magical
practices‖ (See The Clementine Homilies Homily IX Chapter IV).
According to legend, the teachings of the Kabalah were revealed to
mankind by the angels.
The rebellious angels known as jinn are also called shedim.
Some shedim are invoked during Kabalistic ceremonies such as was
the golem of Rabbi Yehuda Loevy. Contrary to popular belief, there is
no such thing as benevolent shedim. Aleister Crowley, a practitioner
of Magick, invoked the shedu (shedu is the singular form of the word
shedim) Azazel under the guise of Choronzon, the Dweller in the
Abyss. In Arabian countries the jinn, who represent Azazel‘s group of
rebellious fallen angels, are likewise associated with magic. Arab
magicians are called Muqarribun, their traditions predating Islam
itself. Through their use of magic, the Muqarribun sought to control
the jinn who they knew to be the rebellious angels of God and to
exploit them to their advantage. Spells were employed in an effort to
control these jinn and to enslave them and as protection against them.
Some of the Dead Sea scrolls of the Essenes found at Qumran
contained magic spells. The Egyptians had practicing magicians (See
Exodus 7:11), as did the Babylonians (See Daniel 2:10)). The three
wise men, the kings of the east, were Persian Magi who visited Jesus
at his birth and were likewise, as their names suggest, magicians.
According to the Italian Renaissance philosopher Count
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola writing in what is considered to be the
Renaissance Manifesto and a key document of Humanism, in a
document entitled the Oration on the Dignity of Man: ―magic has two
forms. One consists wholly in the operations and powers of demons,
and consequently this appears to me, as God is my witness, an
execrable and monstrous thing. The other proves, when thoroughly
investigated, to be nothing else but the highest realization of natural
philosophy. The Greeks noted both these forms. However, because
they considered the first form wholly undeserving the name magic
they called it goeteia, reserving the term mageia, to the second, and
understanding by it the highest and most perfect wisdom. The term
``magus'' in the Persian tongue, according to Porphyry, means the
same as ``interpreter'' and ``worshipper of the divine'' in our
language…The first (goeteia) is the most deceitful of arts; the second
(mageia), a higher and holier philosophy. The former is vain and
disappointing; the later, firm, solid and satisfying. The practitioner of
the first always tries to conceal his addiction, because it always
rebounds to shame and reproach, while the cultivation of the second,
both in antiquity and at almost all periods, has been the source of the
highest renown and glory in the field of learning. No philosopher of
any worth, eager in pursuit of the good arts, was ever a student of the
former, but to learn the latter, Pythagoras, Empedocles, Plato and
Democritus crossed the seas.…That first form of magic cannot justify
any claim to being either an art or a science while the latter, filled as it
is with mysteries, embraces the most profound contemplation of the
deepest secrets of things and finally the knowledge of the whole of
nature.‖ (―Renaissance humanism (14th -15th Centuries) saw a
resurgence in hermeticism and other Neo-Platonic varieties of
ceremonial magic...Alongside the ceremonial magic followed by the
better educated were the everyday activities of folk practitioners of
magic across Europe, typified by the cunning folk found in Great
Britain.‖ - History of Magic. Falling into this category are the writings
of German magician Cornelius Agrippa).

King James the First in his Daemonologie (1597 A.D) (Book I

Chapter III) informs us ―There are principally two sorts (of magic),
whereunto all the parties of that unhappy art are redacted; whereof the
one is called Magie or Necromancy, the other Sorcery or Witch-
craft…they say, that the witches are servants only, and slaves of the
Devil; but the Necromancers are his masters and commanders.‖ It
must be noted England retained anti-witchcraft laws (Witchcraft Acts
which forbade the practice of conjuring, witchcraft and sorcery) upon
its books in one form or another in the British Isles often mandating
the death or imprisonment of the offender starting in the year 1542
A.D. until their ultimate repeal in 1951 A.D. The repeal of the
Witchcraft Acts in Britain led to a profusion of occult-themed
published works as previously closeted practitioners of magic came
out of the proverbial closet. These books included the father of
modern Wicca magic Gerald B. Gardner‘s High Magic‘s Aid (1951
A.D.), Witchcraft Today (1954 A.D.) and The Meaning of Witchcraft
(1959 A.D.). Gardner‘s books as well as others including The
Morning of the Magicians by two French alchemists named Louis
Pauwels and Jacques Bergier led to the 1960‘s counter-culture
revolution in America and England. We will discuss this subject later
in greater detail.

Magical societies employing ceremonial magic such as the

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (named in honor of Hermes, a
god who represented Azazel) as well as other adherents of Satanism,
Thelemic/Theosophic Orders, and New Age movements are based on
the esoteric teachings of Hermetic Qabalah. The Hermetic Qabalah
system has many influences including Jewish Kabalism, Gnosticism,
pagan mystery religions, astrology, Freemasonry, Neo-Platonism,
Rosicrucianism, astrology, tarot, tantra, hermeticism, and alchemy.
Aleister Crowley was the Hermetic Qabalah‘s most famous adherent,
employing Hermetic Magic (goeteia) in a system he called ‗Magick.‘
In fact, amongst the most infamous members to be counted amongst
the ranks of the group known as the Rosicrucians was Aleister
Crowley (pen name of Edward Alexander 1875-1947 A.D.) himself.
Crowley‘s writings inspired Anton Sandor LaVey to write his Satanic
Bible and to found the ―Church of Satan.‖ Anton LaVey‘s Church of
Satan was founded in 1966 A.D. Anton LaVey derived his name from
the word ‗Leviathan.‘ ―The Sigil of Baphomet,‖ the official insignia
of his Church of Satan, contains the Hebrew letters spelling ‗LVYTN‘
at each point of the five points of the pentagram this sigil contains.
LVYTN becomes LaVeY anToN, or, Anton LaVey (in the Aramaic
Targum of Jonathan (Translation by J.W. Etheridge) on Genesis 1:21
Leviathan is spelled ‗levyathan‘ with a ‗y.‘ ‗LVYTN‘ is a shortening
of the word ‗levyathan,‘ or rather, ‗levyathan‘ is a lengthening of the
word ‗lvytn.‘ The Hebrew language does not employ vowels).
According to Anton LaVey: ―Satanic Ritual is a blend of Gnostic,
Cabbalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements, incorporating
nomenclature and vibratory words of power (magic spells) from
virtually every mythos…Masonic orders have contained the most
influential men in many governments, and virtually every occult order
has many Masonic roots.‖ - The Satanic Rituals p.21,78 (Anton Szandor
The pen name of the French occultist Alphonse Louis
Constant, which is Eliphas Levi, was also similarly derived, his last
name being a shortening of the word ‗Leviathan.‘

According to Levi:

―The Science of Magism is contained in the books of the Kabala, in

the Symbols of Egypt and of India, in the books of Hermes
Trismegistus, in the oracles of Zoroaster, and in the writings of some
great men of the Middle Ages, like Dante, Paracelsus, Trithemus,
William Postel, Pomponaceus, (the English Rosicrucian Philosopher)
Robert Fludd (1576-1637 A.D.), etc. The works of Magic are
divination or prescience, Thaumaturgy or the use of exceptional
powers, and Theurgy (ceremonial magic) or rule over visions and
spirits.‖ - The Paradoxes of the Highest Science (Eliphas Levi, 1856 A.D.)

Freemasonry is rooted in the ―science of Magism:‖

―The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi (the Magi were magicians
who invoked the rebellious fallen angels, the angels Satan and Azazel
included) was concealed under the shadows of the Ancient Mysteries:
it was imperfectly revealed or rather disfigured by the Gnostics: it is
guessed at under the obscurities that cover the pretended crimes of the
Templars; and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem
impenetrable, in the Rites of the Highest Masonry. Magism was the
Science of Abraham and Orpheus, of Confucius and Zoroaster. It was
the dogmas of this Science that were engraven on the tables of stone
by Hanoch (Enoch) and (Hermes) Trismegistus. Moses purified and
re-veiled them, for that is the meaning of the word reveal. He covered
them with a new veil, when he made of the Holy Kabalah the
exclusive heritage of the people of Israel, and the inviolable Secret of
its priests.‖ - The Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry by Albert Pike (circa. 1871 A.D.) (In 1855 A.D. Rabbi Isaac Wise wrote:
"Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments,
passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.")

Indeed, as Albert Pike explains:

―All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah…all the
Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols.‖ -
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike
(circa. 1871 A.D.)

As we learn from a number of sources: ―The Kabala was first taught

by God himself to a select Company of Angels who formed a
theosophic school in Paradise‖ (See The Secret Doctrine (Volume II
P.284) by H. P. Blavatsky, The Kabbalah by Christian D. Ginsburg
and The Kabbalah Denudata of Christian Knorr von Rosenroth).
Included in this group of angels were the angels Satan and Azazel.
This knowledge was later revealed to man via these rebel angels when
they descended to our Earth in the days of Jered (that 33° Freemason
Albert Pike was familiar with The Book of Enoch is evident as he
quotes from this book concerning the fallen angel‘s descent to our
earth on p.31 of his Freemasonic/Kabalah-themed book entitled The
Book of the Words).
What secrets are revealed by The Zohar, that major storehouse
of Kabalistic knowledge? It teaches of the fallen angels of course, and
how they came to our Earth, there to abide:

―…Uzza (Semjaza) and Azael (Azazel), who rebelled above, were cast
down by the Blessed Holy One (by God), and materialized on earth,
abiding on it…Subsequently they strayed after earthly women…They
engendered children, whom they called Mighty Giants…‖ - Zohar 1:58a
(See also Zohar 1:37a and Genesis 6:4) (Azazel is one of the angels invoked by practitioners
of magic. Azazel is invoked under the name ‗Azael‘ in the Greek Magical Papyrus from
Egypt [PGM XXXVI.161-77] as a spell of protection against ―every bad situation that comes
upon‖ the invoker)

The Zohar also teaches that the angel Azazel had impiously
impregnated Adam‘s wife Eve: ―…the serpent (Azazel) injected that
slime (his semen) into Eve, she absorbed it, so when she copulated
with Adam she bore two sons (Cain and Abel): one (Cain) from the
impure side (from Azazel) and one (Abel) from the side of Adam,
Cain resembling both the higher image (of the angel Azazel) and the
lower (the human Adam) (Cain was an angel/human hybrid)…Cain
was certainly son of the impure spirit…deriving from…the side of the
Angel (Azazel)…‖ - Zohar 1:54a

Zohar 2:7a tells us the gods of the nations as spoken of in The

Bible are no mere powerless idols but represent real celestial beings
who have influence over actual events on our Earth. Also, according
to The Zohar, in reference to the builders of the Tower of Babel, the
first and foremost being Nimrod, ―Said Rabbi Abba: ‗They were the
subjects of a horrible and demoniacal infatuation in that they
impiously wished to abandon the worship of the Lord for that of Satan
or the serpent (Azazel) to whom they rendered homage and glory.‘‖

Freemasonry brags of an historical association with Nimrod.

As per The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, the Freemasonic York MS.
No. 1 says ―At ye making of ye toure (tower) of Babel there was a
Masonrie first much esteemed of, and the King of Babilon yt called
Nimrod was a Mason himself and loved well Masons.‖ The Masons
identified themselves as such in reference to their building of the
Tower of Babel, it being a tower constructed of bricks. Harleian,
Sloane, Landsdowne and Edinburgh-Kilwinning Masonic manuscripts,
for instance, state as fact that Masons were employed in the building
of the Tower of Babel. The Ancient Craft Freemasonic calendar of the
York and French rites begins in 4000 B.C., the year the Tower of
Babel was completed and in the same year destroyed, at the time when
the people‘s languages were confused and their population dispersed,
as the result of this rebellion against God (4000 B.C. = 1 A:L in the
Ancient Craft Masonic calendar of the York and French rites).
Freemasonry renders homage to Satan and Azazel.
As part of the teachings of the 25° of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry known as the Knight of the Brazen
Serpent, Freemasonic author Albert Pike informs us: ―This Degree
is…devoted to an explanation of the symbols of Masonry; and
especially to those which are connected with that ancient and universal
legend (concerning the story of Azazel), of which that of Khir-Om Abi
(Hiram Abiff) is but a variation; that legend which, representing a
murder or a death, and a restoration to life, by a drama in which figure
Osiris, Isis and Horus, Atys (Attis) and Cybele, Adonis and Venus, the
Cabiri, Dionusos (Dionysus), and many another (these are all gods and
goddesses who represented the angel Azazel and his human wife)…‖ -
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike
(circa. 1871 A.D.). Freemasonry, by Pike‘s own admission, passes on the
secret teachings concerning the Genesis serpent Azazel and his human
wife through the Masonic legend concerning Hiram Abiff! No doubt in
reference to the origin of the name Hiram Abiff, Pike explains:
―Dunlap (Spirit History of Man, 94), in a table of the male and female
Deities of different Nations, gives Huram (Hiram)…(as being the
equivalence of the Greek god) Hermes, Death-God (think:
Destroyer),‖- The Book of Words (p.55) (Albert Pike) (Some members of
Freemasonry are tasked in comparative religious studies, being well
versed in Kabalah). Indeed, according to The Mysteries of
Freemasonry (as written by Captain William Morgan, by George R.
Crafts), speaking of ―Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff,‖ Freemasonic
legend holds ―the heart of Hiram Abiff was enclosed in a golden
urn.‖ The golden urn symbolizes Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth,
wherein he is entrapped.

One of the most famous of Freemasonic ceremonial magicians

(33°) was an Englishman named Aleister Crowley who is known as
the father of Thelema. One of the objectives in Thelemic mysticism is
to achieve union with the All, the successful execution of which
involves a blend of Crowley Magick, Yoga, tarot, astrology and
Qabalahism as well as employing a smattering of other mystical
disciplines. To those who think Yoga is a harmless exercise, in
Aleister Crowley‘s Book 4 (also known as Liber IV; a ‗liber‘ is a
magical book purportedly dictated by a spirit (‗automatic writing‘).
Liber is also the title of a Roman god who represented the angel
Azazel), he writes: ―The work of the Body of Light- with the
technique of Yoga- is the foundation of Magick.‖ Union with the All
was essential to ones attainment of such a Body of Light. If one
possessed such a Body of Light, one was possessed of an eternal life--
but that is a subject for another book (to explore this concept, see The
Knowledge of Wisdom by John of the Gentiles). Interest in Thelema,
sex magic, tantric sex and sexual yoga has its origin with the
appearance of the angels and also reappears later in ancient Babylonia
where sex was incorporated in post-diluvian religious practices based
on the esoteric knowledge and exotic practices of the angels who
rebelled against God Most High. What all these magic systems have
in common though, whether Egyptian, Babylonian, Arabian or any
other version, is the practical invocation of spirits/angels, a practice
which was strictly prohibited by God (as an example, note the very
profane work, ―The Kabalistic Prayer‖ in Eliphas Levi‘s The Magical
Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum). These are Satan-inspired corrupted
systems which complete one‘s detachment from God, as opposed to
one‘s regenerating union with Him as with the All, as is the professed
aim of Crowley‘s Magick.

Many systems of magic are interestingly enough based upon

Christian themes, their adherents invoking God and His band of
obedient angels which aim was to establish a conjurer‘s control over
the rebellious fallen angels, an act of total futility. These angels would
not even obey the direct commands issued by the All-Powerful God
who created them! To use one example of a magic invocation, the so-
called black magic grimoire entitled the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
(by Johann Weyer) states: ―In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
father and the son and the Holy Ghost, holy trinity and unseparable
unity. I call upon thee…that thou give me grace and divine power
over all the wicked spirits (read: fallen angels)…so as which of them
soever I do call by name, they may come…and accomplish my will…‖
(The Grimoire of Armadel is also a good example of a Christian-based
system of magic). Likewise the black magic work Verus Jesuit
Libellus (The True Petition of the Jesuits) states ―So come o ye angelic
ones…and do all that I have requested in the name of the three-fold
Jehovah, whose praises all spirits sing ceaselessly giving honor to the
all powerful who is your Lord as he is mine. Amen.‖ In the Preface
to the grimoire entitled The Magus (circa. 1801 A.D.) by Francis
Barrett one of Barrett‘s professed aims by which with his writings
he had hoped to attain was ―to free the name of Magic from any
scandalous imputation; seeing it is a word originally significative
not of any evil, but of every good and laudable science, such as a
man might profit by, and become both wise and happy; and the
practice so far from being offensive to God or man, that the very
root or ground of all magic takes its rise from the Holy Scriptures,
viz.--"The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom" (See Psalms
111:10 and Proverbs 9:10); --and charity is the end: which fear of
God is the beginning of Magic; for Magic is wisdom, and on this
account the wise men were called Magi. The magicians were the
first Christians; for, by their high and excellent knowledge, they
knew that that Saviour which was promised, was now born man--
that Christ was our Redeemer, Advocate, and Mediator; they were
the first to acknowledge his glory and majesty; therefore let no one
be offended at the venerable and sacred title of Magician--a title
which every wise man merits while he pursues that path which
Christ himself trod, viz. humility, charity, mercy, fasting, praying,
&c.; for the true magician is the truest Christian, and nearest
disciple of our blessed Lord.‖ While the title of one magic
manuscript succinctly sums up the goal of every magic system: The
Grand Grimoire is subtitled ―The Art of Controlling Celestial, Aerial,
Terrestrial, and Infernal Spirits‖ (read: fallen angels). The Grand
Grimoire (also known as "The Red Dragon") is a black magic grimoire
which also explains how ―God struck down the rebel angels…into
the…abyss.‖ This was of course in reference to Azazel and his
detachment of rebellious fallen angels whom God entrapped within the
The story of Azazel‘s and his angel‘s entrapment inside their
cherubim within the Earth is also the basis for the legend concerning
the demons said to have been confined by the Biblicaly famous King
Solomon in a magic bronze vessel as related in the 17th Century
grimoire called The Lesser Key of Solomon. This tale also has
parallels to the entrapped genie in the magic lamp of the Arabian
Nights stories, as the genie therein represents an angel whilst the lamp
represents the angel‘s cherub. The evil ifrit (‗ifrit‘ means ‗rebellious;‘
the evil ifrit of the book representing the rebellious angels) are called
the ―seed of Iblis‖ (Iblis=Satan) in The Book of One Thousand and
One Nights, also known as Arabian Nights. Arab magicians, through
the use of magic, believe they can control the spirits (jinn) and exploit
them to their advantage, by obliging them to serve their master.
In Arabian countries the jinn, who represent rebellious fallen
angels, are associated with magic. Spells are used to control them and
to enslave them or as protection against them. In fact, the magical use
of talismans and amulets goes hand in hand alongside Muhammadism
itself (as is also true of Catholicism which employs ‗medals‘ of the
Patron Saints which are likewise worn for protection). The noted
Freemason Manly P. Hall, in his Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
reveals that: ―From the Arabians C. R. C. (the Rosicrucian Christian
Rosenkrantz (Christ of the Rose-Cross/Red Cross) also learned of the
elemental peoples and how, with their aid, it was possible to gain
admission to the ethereal world where dwelt the genii and nature
spirits. He thus discovered that the magical creatures of the Arabian
Nights Entertainment actually existed…He was further instructed
concerning…the rituals of magic and invocation…and the binding of
the genii.‖ What he learned in truth was of the jinn entrapped within
the desert, of Azazel and of his angels! This knowledge he brought
with him to Germany, and armed therewith he established the
Rosicrucian Society which was dedicated to the practice of magic,
circa 1400 A.D. The group‘s publication of the Fama Fraternitatis in
1607 A.D. and the Confessio Fraternitatis in 1616 A.D. broadcast
these beliefs to the world. Indeed, according to Chapter IV of the
Confessio Fraternitatis, Rosicrucians, like all practitioners of magic,
appeal for help from angels and spirits for the revelation of God‘s
mysteries. It must be noted German Protestant Reformer Martin Luther
(1483 – 1546 A.D.) was a perported Rosicrucian, with Luther‘s
personal seal incorporating a Rosicrucian (rose-cross) motif.
It must be noted Walt Disney was a member of The Ancient
and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), a Rosicrucian order
which traditionally traces its origin to the ancient Egyptian mystery
schools who revered the rebellious fallen angels as gods (Disney tells
the story of the jinn of the Arabian Nights Entertainment in his full
length animated classic, Aladdin). As evidenced in the extent of the
influence of magic in most of his animated classics, Walt Disney was
overly obsessed with the Occult. It must also be noted that the man
who founded AMORC in 1915 A.D., Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, was
himself in contact with Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis
(See Larson‘s Book of Cults, Larson 1984 p.306), with AMORC even
receiving a ringing endorsement from the O.T.O. AMORC counts
many Freemason‘s amongst its membership. Indeed, according to the
U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis website (
―Although officially founded at the beginning of the 20th century e.v.,
O.T.O. represents a surfacing and confluence of the divergent streams
of esoteric wisdom and knowledge which were originally divided and
driven underground by political and religious intolerance during the
dark ages. It draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic, Rosicrucian
and Illuminist movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the crusading
Knights Templars of the middle ages and early Christian Gnosticism
and the Pagan Mystery Schools.‖ Practitioners of magic, all.

The following selection from Egyptian Book of the Dead

Plates V and VI B.D. Chapter I speaks of the Egyptian‗s belief that it
was possible to gain entrance into the underworld where dwelt Azazel:
―Osiris (Behemoth) the chief of Amenta, the lord of eternity (the
eternally living, possessed of an eternal life)…chief of the company of
his gods; and…Anubis (yet another title for Azazel) [dweller] in the
tomb (Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, entrapped within the earth, was
considered to be his tomb), great god, chief of the holy dwelling (the
Great House, aka Behemoth). May they grant that I may go into
and come out from the underworld…that I may go forth into the
presence of [Osiris]…‖ The Egyptians falsely taught (and profited
thereby) that the living might enter and leave the underworld at will,
wherein dwelt their gods. They even wrote books concerning this

The beginning of the chapters…of coming forth from and going into
the underworld. The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate V

Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XII B.D. Chap. XVIII states:
―Grant…that I may enter into and come forth from the netherworld,‖
the ―netherworld‖ wherein was entrapped Azazel and his rebellious

The esoteric knowledge concerning the rebellious fallen angels

formed the fundamental principles underlying all modern magic
systems. The grimoire known as The Greater Key of Solomon speaks
of ―assemblies‖ of ―Evil and rebellious Spirits (read: angels) dwelling
in the Abysses of Darkness‖ whom its practitioners sought to
―conjure‖ (See The Greater Key of Solomon Book I Chapter VII.
Translated from manuscripts found in the British Museum, this
manuscript was translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, a 19th Century
magician who was head of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
The Golden Dawn, founded in 1887 A.D., was an offshoot of the
English Rosicrucian Society and consisted largely of leading
Freemasons). This work influenced many magic orders including that
of Mathers‘ himself and of those magic orders founded by such
practitioners of magick Aleister Crowley and Eliphas Levi. The
manuscript identifies the rebellious fallen angel Azazel as being ―ye
who by your own sin have been cast down from the Empyreal Heaven,
and from before His (God‘s) Throne; by Him (God) who hath cast ye
(Azazel) down unto the most profound of the Abysses of Hell (read:
Hades, beneath the earth)‖ (The Greater Key of Solomon Book I
Chapter VI).
Another manuscript which greatly influenced many magic
orders such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is The Book of
the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage (again, this is a manuscript
translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers). As stated in the introduction
to this book, Mathers states: ―The invocation of Angelic Forces…is an
idea common in works of Magic, as also are the Ceremonies of Pact
with and submission to Evil Spirits‖ and that the ―magnum opus‖
propounded in the aforementioned work is ―to obtain the knowledge of
and conversation with one‘s Guardian Angel, so that thereby and
thereafter we may obtain the right of using the Evil Spirits for our
servants in all material matters.‖ The book states that through
―conversation with your Guardian Angel‖ one may receive from him
―distinct and ample information regarding the Evil Spirits and the
manner of bringing them into submission,‖ but in order to achieve this
―thou wilt have to pass under the influence of thy Holy Guardian
Angel.‖ (The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
describes the processes and rituals involved in obtaining as Abraham
the Jew therein describes such a ―conversation with your Guardian
Angel.‖ This concept originated in the teachings of ancient Egyptian
black magician/priests). Mathers goes on to explain: ―Except in the
professed Black Magic (‗goetic‘) Grimoires, the necessity of the
invocation of the Divine and Angelic Forces to control the Demons is
invariably insisted upon in the operations of invocation described and
taught in Mediaeval Magical Manuscripts and published works.‖
Indeed, according to Book I of The Book of the Sacred Magic of
Abramelin the Mage, the success of such magic operations of
evocation are dependent upon the will of ―God, by the intermediation
of His Holy Angels, and with all Spirits, both good and evil.‖
Abraham the Jew, the author of this grimoire, was of the opinion that
many magic systems were based on pacts with devils and demons and
were in fact false and vain, these systems being based on deception for
the express purpose of destroying their practitioners. Again, vainly
enough, he thought his own system of magic to be different. He
couldn‘t have been more wrong (remember, The Bible states the only
mediator between God and man is Jesus Christ (See 1Timothy 2:5)).
His system was also based on such demonic/Satanic deception. As a
matter of fact, Abraham the Jew (of Germanic descent) was formally a
Christian who renounced Christianity and converted to Judaism, a man
whose father instructed him in the ways of ―Qabalism.‖
In Chapter I of Friar Bacon his Discovery of the Miracles art,
of Nature, and Magick (1659 A.D.) the illustrious Francis Bacon
speaks of such: ―men despising the Rules of Philosophy, irrationally
call up wicked Spirits, supposing them of Energy to satisfie their
desires. In which there is a very vast error, because such persons
imagine they have some authority over Spirits, and that Spirits may be
compelled by humane authority, which is altogether impossible, since
humane Energy or Authority is inferior by much to that of Spirits.
Besides, they (who conjure spirits) admit a more vast mistake,
supposing such natural instruments, as they use, to be able either to
call up, or drive away any wicked Spirit. And they continue their
mistake in endeavouring by Invocations, Deprecations or Sacrifices to
please Spirits, making them propitious to their design. Without all
question, the way is incomparably more easier to obtain any thing, that
is truly good for men, of God, or good Angels, than of wicked Spirits.‖

Europe itself is steeped in magic tradition: ―cunning folk in

Britain were professional or semi-professional practitioners of magic
active from at least the fifteenth up until the early twentieth century.
As cunning folk, they practiced folk magic - also known as "low
magic" - although often combined this with elements of "high" or
ceremonial magic…One of the most common services that the cunning
folk provided was in combating the effects of malevolent witchcraft
and the curses which these witches had allegedly placed upon
people…One of the best known means by which the cunning-folk
opposed witchcraft was through the use of witch bottles; ceramic
bottles containing such items as urine, nails, hair and nail clippings
which it was believed, when put together, would cause harm to the
malevolent witch.‖ – Wikipedia: Cunning folk in Britain.

Witch-bottles have been found on both sides of the Atlantic,

particularly in colonial America, peopled of course, by Europeans,
most especially those of British descent. Cunning folk often provided
their services for a price. Germany and France also had their versions
of the cunning folk (one of the most famous examples of European
‗cunning-folk‘ is the group known as the Gypsies). Anyways, it is said
Aleister Crowley was an initiate of such an English cunning man
named George Pickingill (c.1816-1909 A.D.). Pickingill is said to
have been a major influence on the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
(SRIA) as well as on the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Aleister Crowley, like S. L. MacGregor Mathers, was a
member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In his book Liber
Samekh, which has as its stated goal ―the Attainment of the
Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel during the
Semester of His performance of the Operation of the Sacred Magick
of Abramelin the Mage,‖ Aleister Crowley invokes the angel Azazel
under the ancient Egyptian names/titles of Azazel, namely Ptah,
Apopphrasz, Khonsu, and Abrasax, calling him the Lion-Serpent in
esoteric reference to the Genesis serpent Azazel‘s later expected
appearance as the false-prophet Messiah Lion-of the Tribe of Judah.
The invocation states: ―Hear me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me;
so that every Spirit (read: every fallen angel) of the Firmament and of
the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in
the water; of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and
Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me‖ invoking ―all Spirits (read:
every fallen angel)…upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry
Land and in the Water.‖

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucians and

the Vril Society were entities closely associated with Madam
Blavatsky‘s powerful and well organized Theosophical Society. In
fact, S. L. MacGregor Mathers was a Theosophical Society member.
The Theosophical Society was ‗formally‘ established in America in
New York City in 1875 A.D. Theosophy is a religious philosophy
based on ancient esoteric religious teachings and associated magic
practices, tasked in comparative religious/comparative mythologic


―Theosophy was the name finally given to the whole vast renaissance
in the world of magic (which involves the invocation of the rebellious
fallen angels) that affected many thinkers so profoundly at the
beginning of the century.‖ – The Dawn of Magic (Louis Pauwells & Jacques
Bergier,1960 A.D.) (aka The Morning of the Magicians)

Magic is an all-important part of The Great Work wrought by the

Theosophical Movement. The Theosophical Society espoused magic:
―We have also to consider another class of entities which are
frequently employed in magic; and this time we are dealing with real
and evolving beings…There are vast hosts of these beings, and an
almost infinite number of types and classes and tribes among them.
Broadly speaking, we may divide them into two great classes (a)
nature-spirits or fairies, and (b) angels or, as they are called in the
East, devas. This second class begins at a level corresponding to the
human (the incarnate angel), but reaches up to heights far beyond any
that humanity has as yet touched, so that its connection with magic is
naturally of the slightest kind, and belongs solely to one special type of
it, of which we shall speak presently. The nature-spirits have been
called by many different names at different periods and in various
countries. We read of them as fairies, elves, pixies, kobolds, sylphs,
gnomes, salamanders, undines, brownies, or ―good people‖ and
traditions of their occasional appearance exist in every country under
heaven. They have usually been supposed to be merely the creations of
popular superstition, and it is now doubt, true that much has been said
of them which will not bear scientific investigation. Nevertheless it is
true that such an evolution does exist, and that its members
occasionally, though rarely, manifest themselves to human vision.
Normally they have no connection whatever with humanity, and the
majority of them rather shun than court the presence of man, since his
ill-regulated emotions, passions, and desires are to them a source of
much disturbance and acute discomfort; yet now and then exceptional
circumstances have brought some of them into direct contact and even
friendship with man…Naturally they possess powers and methods
of their own, and sometimes they can be either induced or
compelled to put these powers at the service of the student of
occultism. Although they are not as yet individualized, and in that
respect correspond rather to the animal kingdom than to humanity, yet
their intelligence is in many cases equal to that of man. They seem,
however, to have usually but little sense of responsibility, and the will
is generally somewhat less developed with them than it is with the
average man. They can therefore readily be dominated by the
exercise of mesmeric powers, and can then be employed in many
ways to carry out the will of the magician. There are many
purposes for which they may be utilized, and so long as the tasks
prescribed to them are within their power they will be faithfully
and surely executed…All this will no doubt seem strange and new to
many minds, but any student of the occult will confirm what I have
said here as to the existence of these beings and the possibility that
they can be used in various ways by one who understands them…The
forces to which I have referred are those most commonly employed in
ordinary types of magic…We may usefully divide the subject of
magic into two great parts, according to the methods which it
employs; and we may characterize these respectively as methods
of evocation and of invocation – of command and of entreaty. Let
us consider the former first. Although it may act through many
different channels, the one great force at the back of all magic of this
first type is the human will...By this magnetic control may be gained
over any of the classes of nature-spirits…Indeed it is scarcely possible
to fix the limits of the power of the human will when properly
directed; it is so much more far-reaching than the ordinary man ever
supposes, that the results gained by its means appear to him astounding
and supernatural…We find abundant traces of this magic of
command in the ceremonies connected with almost every religion
in the world…‖ - Some Glimpses of Occultism Chapter VIII (C.W. Leadbeater, 1919
A.D.;This book treats extensively on the subject of magic)

The following explanation is from Theosophical Society

president Annie Besant:

― truly, as its name implies, the great science (compare to

Francis Barret who calls magic a ―good and laudable science‖)...The
difference between White and Black Magic lies in the motive...when
that Will is set to benefit others, to help and bless all who come within
its scope, then is the man a White Magician, and the results which he
brings about by the exercise of his trained Will are beneficial, and aid
the course of human evolution...But when the Will is exercised for the
advantage of the lower self, when it is employed for personal ends and
aims, then is the man a Black Magician, a danger to the race, and his
results obstruct and delay human evolution...‖ - Study in Consciousness: A
healing, come to our aid. Pour forth your mighty power upon this suffering one.‖ – Healing
Invocation by Theosophical Society author Geoffrey Hodson (1928 A.D.))

Though magic practices were embraced by the learned

members of the Theosophical Society (such as Judge and Leadbeater),
it was not, professedly, a practice meant for the masses. William Q.
Judge, one of the original founders of the Theosophical Society, in his
magazine The Path: Considerations On Magic (1887 A.D.) cautions
his followers: ―Occultism and magic are not child's-play, as many may
learn to their sorrow…Let all who have joined the Theosophical
Society remember this, and search their hearts before taking the first
step in any magical formulary.‖ As Leadbeater explains: ―The highest
system of evolution connected with this earth, so far as we know, is
that of the Beings whom Hindus call the Devas (synonymous with our
word ‗devil‘), and have elsewhere (most specifically, in The Bible)
been spoken of as Angels, Sons of God, etc...Their attention can be
attracted by certain magical evocations, but only Adepts of the First
Ray have power to command their obedience.‖ - Some Fundamental
Teachings (C W Leadbeater)

The Vril Society (also known as The Luminous Lodge) was

such a Hermetic Order which was founded in Berlin, Germany, by a
group of Berlin Rosicrucians being based on author Edgar Bulwer-
Lytton's novel The Coming Race (1871 A.D.) about an advanced
group of men said to be residing within the Earth and of who it is said
will later emerge to rule over the world. Said to once inhabit the
Earth's outer surface, the group was forced to retreat underground
many thousands of years ago by a natural catastrophe similar in nature
to that of the Biblical Flood. This group was said to be trained in the
application of the vril force, which can be used to control the physical
world, including the minds and bodies of others. If this story sounds
familiar it should, the story of course being based upon Bulwer-
Lytton‘s esoteric knowledge concerning Azazel and his group of fallen
angels who are currently entrapped within the earth, including the
influence they exert upon mankind. Bulwer-Lytton, a Grand Patron
(1871-73 A.D.) of the Metropolitan College of the Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia, a magic practicing group which accepted only
Master Masons as members, wrote on many themes including the
occult. Indeed, this novel was, as we learn from the words of Bulwer-
Lytton himself, was predicated on: ―The superstitious belief, common
to miners, that gnomes or fiends dwell within the bowels of the earth,‖
the gnomes and fiends representing, of course, Azazel and his group of
fallen angels. Bulwer-Lytton was a member of the British House of
Lords, a minister of the state.
According to Alan Baker in Invisible Eagle: The History of
Nazi Occultism: ―It is an assumption of many occultists that The
Coming Race is fact disguised as fiction: that Bulwer-Lytton based his
engaging novel on a genuine body of esoteric knowledge. He was
greatly interested in the Rosicrucians, the powerful occult society
which arose in the sixteenth century and which claimed to possess
ancient wisdom…Some writers, including Alec Maclellan, author of
the fascinating book The Lost World of Agharti (1996 A.D.), have
suggested that The Coming Race revealed too much of the
subterranean world (wherein Azazel is entrapped), and was as a result
suppressed in the years following Bulwer-Lytton's death in 1873.
Indeed, he describes the book as 'one of the hardest to find of all books
of mysticism', and informs us of his own search for a copy, which for
some years met with no success.‖ Bulwer-Lytton was a friend of
Eliphas Levi, the French occult writer and magician (―In 1853 he
traveled to London and met Lord Bulwer Lytton, whom he assisted in
various magical evocations and theories.‖ - Gale Encyclopedia of Occultism &
Parapsychology: Éliphas Lévi). Eliphas Levi was an associate of the
President of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society in
England, Anna Kingsford. Kingsford later left this lodge and formed
the Hermetic Society (Hermetic Societies/Hermetic Orders are based
on the writings of Hermes Trismegistus (known as the Corpus
Hermeticum), a god who represented none other than the angel
Azazel). The Hermetic Society was known for giving lectures,
featuring as lecturers the likes of the occultist S. L. MacGregor
Mathers and the ceremonial magician William Westcott. Wescott, a
student of Kabalah, in addition to being a Master Mason, was Supreme
Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (the Rosicrucian Society
of England). Mathers, likewise a Master Mason, gained admittance to
the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (to
which only Master Masons are admitted), eventually being appointed
Junior Substitute Magus. William Wescott, with S. L. MacGregor
Mathers, founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the most
celebrated member of which was the English ceremonial magician
Aleister Crowley. The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia was itself
modelled after Rosicrucian societies in Germany.
The Vril Society in Germany, founded in Berlin, as must again
be noted, by such a group of German Rosicrucians, would later
become the inner circle of the Thule Society (The Thule Society, a
literary club in outward appearance, was founded by German
Rosicrucian Baron Rudolf von Sebettendorf in 1918 A.D., a man
versed in Sufi mysticism (the Sufi holy book, with which he would
have been familiar, entitled The Tawasin of Mansur Al-Hallaj presents
the story of the angel Azazel‘s refusal to prostrate himself before
Adam as God had so commanded). The Theosophic-beliefed Vril
Society (by definition a Hermetic Society) was the first German
nationalist group to use the symbol of the swastika (a Hindu
equilateral cross) as an emblem. This was derived from the
Theosophical Society Seal which likewise employs a swastika within
its emblem). The Thule Society was the organization which sponsored
the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (The German Workers Party) which was
later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party. In fact Azazel
and his angels are the German Nazi ―underground supermen‖ (aka
Unknown Supermen) said to live beneath the Earth‘s surface, of whom
the Rosicrucian author Bulwer-Lytton wrote. It must be noted the
word ‗Thule,‘ from whence the Thule Society derives its name, is a
Greek word which translates as 'isle of the four Masters,' in reference
to the place where Azazel, along with his three angelic companions, lie
entrapped within the earth, the place being located as it is between the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (Arabs call it ‗The Island‘). Hitler
claimed to be in communication with these angels. Hitler‘s ultimate
goal was to free them. Concerning the Thule Society:

―'The inner core within the Thule Group were all Satanists who
practiced Black Magic', wrote Trevor Ravenscroft. 'That is to say, they
were solely concerned with raising their consciousness by means of
rituals to an awareness of evil and non-human intelligences in the
Universe and with achieving a means of communication with the
Intelligences. And the Master-Adept of this circle was Dietrich
Eckart.‖ - Rule By Secrecy (Jim Marrs)

Dietrich Eckhart was Hitler‘s mentor. ―As Eckhart lay dying in

December, 1923, he famously said: "Follow Hitler! He will dance, but
it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the 'Secret
Doctrine'‖ (See "Thule Society." Encyclopedia of Occultism and
Parapsychology. 2001). The ‗Secret Doctrine‘ into which he was
initiated was the teachings of Helena Blavatsky‘s Theosophical
Society, he referring of course to Blavatsky‘s book entitled The Secret

―The 'Secret Doctrine' imparted to Hitler by Eckart and University of

Munich Professor Haushofer was an amalgamation of concepts and
philosophies largely stemming from the work of Madam Blavatsky
and her Theosophical Society…Blavatsky, in forming the German
branch of the Theosophical Society in 1884, brought her belief in
channeling, reincarnation, racial superiority and extraterrestrial
visitation to people who later would form the theological basis of
Nazism. ... 'The rationale behind many later Nazi projects can be
traced back ... to ideas first popularized by Blavatsky,' agreed
Levenda, who detailed connections with other European secret
organizations. 'We have the Theosophical Society, the OTO [Ordo
Templi Orientis or Oriental Templars], [Dr Rudolf Steiner's]
Anthroposophical Society and [the Order of] the Golden Dawn all
intertwined in incestuous embrace. --Jim Marrs, Rule By Secrecy,
154‖– From:

Hitler, it is said, was an Adept of Black Magic (as we learn

from Timothy W. Ryback (director of the Salzburg Seminar) in
Hitler’s Forgotten Library: ―One of the most heavily marked books (in
Hitler‘s Library) is Magic: History, Theory and Practice (1923), by
Ernst Schertel.‖ Hitler‘s personal library also contained a number of
books authored by members of the Theosophical Society, including
books penned by Annie Besant), while members of Hitler‘s feared
secret police, the SS (Schutzstaffel), like Hitler himself, were
practitioners of black magic and students of the occult. Azazel and his
group exerted their influence upon the mind as well as actions of Adolf
Hitler, Hitler being nothing more than a puppet on a string. Indeed,
The Dawn of Magic (by Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier) states:
―When Arthur Machen speaks of the World of Evil, ‗full of caverns
and crepuscular beings dwelling therein,‘ he is referring, as an adept of
the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn, to that other world in
which man comes into contact with the ‗Unknown Supermen.‘ It
seems certain that Hitler shared this belief, and even claimed to have
been in touch with these ‗Supermen.‘‖ End quote. The Unknown
Supermen of which he speaks and with whom Hitler was in contact
was none other than Azazel and his group of fallen angels who are
entrapped within the earth. Amazingly enough, ―with the coming of
Nazism it was the "other world" which ruled over us for a number of
years‖ - The Dawn of Magic (Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier, 1960
A.D.). Azazel controlled Germany through his control of Hitler. It
must be mentioned the Welsh author and mystic Arthur Machen was a
friend of A. E. Waite and, like Waite, was a member of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn (Waite translated fellow Golden Dawn
member Eliphas Levi‘s Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (Dogma
and Ritual of High Magic (1896 A.D.) into English under the title
Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual (1910 A.D.).
(*Author‘s Note: As SRIA member Hargrave Jennings reveals in The
Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries (p. 119): ―the British golden
collar of ―S.S.,‖ which is worn as a relic of the oldest day (in
perpetuation of a mythos long ago buried…and forgotten in the dust of
ages) by some of our officials, courtly and otherwise…belongs to no
known order of knighthood, but only to the very highest order of
knighthood, the Magian, or to Magic.‖ It is this authors opinion the
S.S. sign is the sign of Azazel (‗Az‘ means ‗serpent‘/‘el‘ means
‗shining one‘. The name Az-az-el, thus interpreted, is the ‗shining
one‘ (angel) whose sign is the double serpent, thus represented as two
serpentine S‘s, or SS (‗Esses‘)) (It must be noted, Gnostic talismans
depicting the serpent god Chnouphis, who represented the angel
Azazel, are rendered in the form of a serpentine S)

Other famous practitioners of black magic included the Druids.

In fact, Celtic Druidic rituals (Druidism is popular in Britain) are
included in many modern-day black magic ceremonies. Magic
practices were part and parcel of Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian
religions (ancient Egyptian priests were magicians who practiced black
magic) as well as Coptic Christianity (the Coptic Leiden Papyrus, an
Egyptian Christian magical book, invokes the ―holy gods (read: fallen
angels) of the abyss‖). According to 33° Freemasonic author and
ceremonial magician Albert Pike (circa. 1871 A.D.) in what is
considered the ―Masonic Bible‖ entitled Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: ―The first Druids
were the true children of the Magi, and their initiation came from
Egypt and Chaldaea, that is to say, from the pure sources of the
primitive Kabalah.‖ One essential teaching of Kabalah is the story of
Azazel and his angels, that they are entrapped within the earth, and
that they may in fact be contacted. Indeed, magic was a common
practice amongst the high-degree Freemasonic set, for as we learn
from prominent Freemason and Theosophical Society member C. W.
Leadbeater in Glimpses of Masonic History (circa 1926 A.D.): ―the
seventh ray is beginning to dominate the world - the ray of ceremonial
magic which brings the especial cooperation of the Angelic hosts,
of which Masonry itself with its many coloured pageant of rites is
a splendid manifestation.‖
One of the purposes of the Egyptian system of magic was to
gain mastery and control over Azazel and his angels, who were the
Egyptian ‗gods‘ said to be dwelling within the earth, thereby
compelling these angels to do their bidding. An invocation found in
the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XVI B.D. Chap. XXVII,
speaking of Azazel and the angels who are imprisoned with him within
the earth, exhorts: ―O ye lords of eternity, ye possessors of
everlastingness…be obedient unto me in the underworld.‖ In
deference to the fact that the Egyptian system of magic centered upon
the belief in the angel Azazel imprisoned within the earth along with
his angelic followers, Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XIV B.D.
Chap. XVIII states: ―Now as concerning every (magic) charm and all
the words (spells) which may be spoken against me, may the gods
(read: Azazel and the angels imprisoned with him) resist them, and
may each and every company of the gods withstand them.‖
Practitioners of black magic often used the angels as weapons aimed at
other persons, against other practitioners of magic in particular.
Cunning folk of one type or another were often employed to combat
Magic practices were also common in the 3rd-7th Centuries C.E.
in the Jewish communities of Babylonia contemporaneously with and
in the same communities which created the Babylonian Talmud (See
Dan Levine, ―Rare Magic Inscription on Human Skull,‖ BAR,
March/April 2009 and Hershel Shanks, ―Magic Incantation Bowls‖
BAR, January/February 2007). It must also be noted the composition
of books on magic including The Great Grimoire of Pope Honorious
III (a mediaeval magic manuscript (Sloane MS 313) once in the
possession of British ceremonial magician Dr. John Dee) and The
Enchiridion of Pope Leo are purported to have been authored by popes
of the Roman Catholic Church, although these claims have not been
substantiated. Though unsubstantiated, the fact that in Europe in
medaieval times (before the advent of the printing press) the people
able to perform such tasks as the composition and copying of books
were mostly cloistered in Roman Catholic monasteries must also at
this time be noted, as public education was at the time non-existent.
Monks and priests employed as copyists were akin to ancient Egyptian
scribes/scriveners. (―Benedict IX, John XX, and the Sixth and Seventh, Popes Gregory
are all known in history as sorcerers and magicians.‖ – Isis Unveiled (HPBlavatsky))

According to Manly P. Hall, 50 of the 56 signatories of the

Declaration of Independence were known Freemasons. Likely the rest
were simply unknown members. Famous high-degree Freemasons (as
previously noted, magic ceremonies are performed by high-degree
Freemasons) who played an important role in the foundation of
America included our first American President, George Washington,
as well as John Hancock, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin,
the (French) Marquis de Lafayette, (the German/Prussian) Baron Von
Steuben and Richard Henry Lee, who was related to Confederate
General Robert E. Lee (it must be noted one of the most famous of
Freemasonic documents, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was authored by Confederate
General Albert Pike circa. 1871 A.D. Such Confederate officers were
an essential ingredient of the secret society known as the Ku Klux
Klan, a group whose leader is known as the Grand Wizard. A wizard
is by definition a practioner of magic, a male witch). Tubal Cain, a
descendent of Cain the son of the angel Azazel by Adam‘s wife Eve,
was known as the father of witchcraft and sorcery. His name is a
Freemasonic password (Master Mason (3°)). Magic, which includes
the invocation of fallen angels, is likewise practiced amongst members
of the Bohemian Club at the Bohemian Grove in California, members
of which include many modern-day famous political and corporate
elites. Doubtless many have Freemasonic backgrounds. Possible
players in the modern Theosophical Movement? You make the call.
One should think the Theosophical Movement circa 2010 A.D. to have
progressed to include an organized collection of more worldly, more
august, more secular economic-based organizations and corporations
of high strategic value and import.

Many ancient ―myths‖ contain kernels of truth. Such legends

abound by which rulers and priests sought to prove and justify the
worthiness of their ability to rule by making up stories of trips to the
underworld where the incarnate angel Azazel, the original Magic Man
himself, and his angels, are entrapped. Lucian of Samosota, in his
work Menippus (The Descent into Hades) 6-9, speaks of going to
Babylon to meet one of the many Magi whom he described as being
disciples and successors of Zoroaster as Lucian ―had heard that with
certain (magic) charms and ceremonials they could open the gates of
Hades, taking down in safety anyone they would and guiding him back
again.‖ Now one must remember that Hades represented the place
within the earth where Azazel and his angels were entrapped within
their cherubim, so this was quite an extraordinary claim, and a
completely false one at that. This service they did, however, offer for
a fee, and in this way did the Magi separate the pious fools from their
money. Theosophical Society member William Q. Judge, writing in
1890 A.D., shades of the Magi, states:―There is a world of beings
known to the Indians as that of the Devas (the Devas represent the
rebellious fallen angels)…Into this world the purest theosophist, the
most spiritual man or woman, may go without consent…they (the
Devas) are every now and then awakened or perceived by those who,
while completely ignorant on these subjects, still persist in dabbling
with (magic) charms and necromantic (read: magical) practices.‖
Judge was attempting (as he explains in1892 A.D.) to remove
superstitious elements from traditional Magical practices, bringing this
field into alignment with emerging scientific reasonings in ―a science
called Gupta-Vidya,‖ which translates as ‗Secret oral traditions.‘ And
indeed it is a science, Kabala being the realm today of the modern
physicist and chemist. For more information see The Knowledge of
Wisdom by John of the Gentiles.
The Magi, from whence comes our word ‗magician,‘ employed
the use of magical charms and ceremonies, practiced the invocation of
spirits/angels and were considered to be Gnostics (the word ‗Mason‘ is
also a cognate of the word ‗magic‘). It was such Magi (the three
kings/the three wise men of The Bible were Zoroastrian Magi
(Masons)) who saw the star (a cherub) in the east in Persia and came to
visit Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem as related in Matthew 2:1-2. The
donning of exotic costumes by the Magi was practiced with the
express intent that one should look like the phantoms who represented
the jinn, the jinn being Azazel and his imprisoned angels, whom they
invoked, that in this way they might travel safely to and fro from our
place to theirs. From this practice comes the tradition of wearing
costumes at Halloween. The Zoroastrian priests professed that they
could open the gates of Hades, descending and ascending at will
through their use of ceremonial magic and rituals including animal
sacrifice. Masks are often worn today during Satanic rituals, rituals
which likewise include animal sacrifice. Halloween is a popular
Satanic holiday.
To the Zoroastrian Magi, fire was sacred and this belief
accounts for the Yule fires (Yule logs) and Beltane fires, bonfires (a
word derived from the bone fires of their sacrificial animals) and the
like. According to the Genesis Rabbah (The Bereshith), Nimrod, like
the Zoroastrians/Magi, worshipped fire. In Homily IX of The
Clementine Homilies Chapter V Clement states that: ―Therefore the
magician Nebrod (the Greeks and Egyptians knew Nimrod as Nebrod.
In the Septuagint version of The Bible, the name ‗Nimrod‘ is also
rendered as ‗Nebrod‘), being destroyed by this lightning falling on
earth from heaven, for this circumstance had his name changed to
Zoroaster, on account of the living stream of the star (read: cherub)
being poured upon him (Nimrod was killed by an angel in a cherub,
albeit by an angel of the non-rebellious type). But the unintelligent
amongst the men who then were, thinking that through the love of God
his soul had been sent for by lightning, buried the remains of his body,
and honored his burial-place with a temple among the Persians, where
the descent of the fire occurred, and worshipped him (Nimrod) as a
god.‖ In Chapter VI Clement continues: ―Him (Nebrod/Nimrod) the
Greeks have called Zoroaster.‖ Nimrod was the builder of the Biblical
tower of Babel, and was himself a Mason. In Pseudo-Clementine
Book IV Chapter XXVIII it is related how after Nimrod‘s death
―foolish men…extolled him…raising a sepulcher to his honor, they
went so far as to adore him as a friend of God, and one who had been
removed to heaven in a chariot of lightning (a cherub), and to worship
him as if he were a living star. Hence also his name was called
Zoroaster after his death-- that is, living star.‖ It must be noted the
work entitled The Oracles of Zoroaster and attributed to Zoroaster
(Nimrod) himself speak of the sacred (read: magic) rites employed in
the conjuration of divine beings, these divine beings being, of course,
the rebellious fallen angels themselves. Beltane, a Druidic festival
centered upon the imprisonment of the angels in their subterranean
prisons is derived from the Zoroastrian belief system (the word ‗Druid‘
is a cognate of the word ‗Duidain,‘ the place where Azazel was said to
be imprisoned within the earth). Our modern-day Halloween is
derived from Beltane festivities. Witches and their black magic
practices are mainstay symbols of Halloween.

The 20th Chapter of the 2nd Book of The Book of the Sacred
Magic of Abramelin the Mage states that the basis of many magical
beliefs was that the fallen angels have been made subject by God to
mankind. This fact is the origin of the belief that fallen angels
(demons) can be magically summoned to serve a human master:
―Consider that it is the pride of the Demon (read: rebellious fallen
angel) which hath chased him out of Heaven, and think what a
heartbreaking thing it is for him to see a Man, made of vile earth,
command him who is a Spirit, and who was created noble, and an
Angel (as well); and also that it is necessary that he should submit
himself unto Man, and obey him, not of his own free will, but by force,
and by a power of command which God hath given unto Man, to
whom he is forced to humiliate himself, and to obey, he who had the
greatest difficulty in submitting himself unto his Creator (God). And
yet, notwithstanding all this, he is obliged by his most profound
humiliation, and by his most severe suffering, to submit himself unto
Man, for whom further is destined that Heaven which he himself hath
lost for an Eternity.‖ If the rebel angels would not heed the commands
of God Himself, why would a mere human think they could be made
to obey him? Such is the realm of the megalomaniac.

God abhors such magical practices:

―Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards,
to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God…And the soul that
turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a
whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will
cut him off from among his people…A man also or woman that hath a
familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they
shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.‖ -
Leviticus 19:31,20:6,27 KJV

―There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or
his daughter to pass through the fire (from which is derived the ritual
use of Yule/Beltane fires), or that useth divination, or an observer of
times (an astrologer), or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer (a user
of magical charms or amulets), or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a
wizard (such as a ceremonial magician), or a necromancer (such as a
Spiritist/Spiritualist, performers of seances). For all that do these
things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these
abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them (the populations of
the magic-practicing nations whose lands the Israelis were to
dispossess) out from before thee.‖ - Deuteronomy 18:10-12 KJV

In the Preface to King James‘ book entitled Daemonologie we learn

James (of King James Bible/KJV fame) was well learned in all matters
philosophical, being well read of the works of ancient writers, being
fully immersed in the science of comparative religions/mythologies.
As such he would have certainly been aware of the presence of the
fallen angels and of the magic systems they inspired, which sought to
conjure these angels (James therein specifically makes mention of the
writings of the ceremonial magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa
(―Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was born in Cologne
(Germany) in 1486. His career was "half scientific, and half political,
but always stormy." He was first a soldier, and followed the armies of
the Emperor Maximilian (Holy Roman Empire). He was knighted,
studied law, medicine, and languages. As professor in Hebrew at Dole,
in France, he publicly expounded Reuchlin's work on the Miraculous
Word. Then the monks persecuted him, and he came to London and
lectured there.‖ – Jewish Mystics, An Appreciation (Hirsch))). Many attempted
to and well succeeded in attempts to make contact with the fallen
angels. James defends his institution of the execution of witches
saying the ―assaults of Satan are most certainly practiced and that the
instruments thereof (i.e. witches), merits most severely to be
punished,‖ he putting into actual practice the exhortation found in
Exodus 22:18 of his own King James Version of The Bible quite
literally: ―Thou shalt not suffer (allow) a witch to live.‖ See also The
Realness of Witchcraft in America (A. Monroe Aurand, Jr., 1942
A.D.) which agrees with this author‘s conclusion: "‘Thou shalt not
suffer a witch to live,‘ (Exodus 22:18) was made the basis of the
persecution of witches, with all its horrors.‖ At any rate, England
retained anti-witchcraft laws (Witchcraft Acts) upon its books in one
form or another often mandating the death or imprisonment of the
offender from the year 1542 A.D. until their ultimate repeal in 1951

Simon Magus, who is mentioned in Acts 8:9-24 was known as

Simon the Zealot, commander of the Hebrew freedom fighters who
advocated war against Roman rule in the 1st Century A.D. (Albert Pike
in Morals and Dogma identifies Simon Magus as being the founder of
the Gnostic faith. In fact, the Simonians were a Gnostic sect whose
teachings, known as Simonianism, regarded Simon Magus as its
founder and traced its doctrines back to him). By definition, ‗Magus‘
means: 1. Zoroastrian priest: in the ancient Persian religion of
Zoroastrianism, a priest 2. man with magical powers: especially in
ancient times, a man with supernatural or magical powers (Encarta ®
World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation).
I mention this that one might know the encompassing influence of
magic on all world religions (In King James‘ Daemonologie James
states: ―it is most true indeed, that all these wise men of Pharaoh were
Magicians of art: As likewise it appears well that the Pythoness (no
doubt a witch who summoned Typhon/Azazel), with whom Saul
consulted (See I Samuel 28:7-9), was of that same profession: & so
was Simon Magus.‖ - King James‘ Daemonologie (1597 A.D) Book II Chapter
I). To truly understand the vast extent and widespread use of magic in
nearly every ancient civilization and religious belief system
(Christianity included), including Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Roman, etc,
one should read Amulets and Superstitions by E.A. Wallis Budge,
Dover Publications 1978. In addition, Manly P. Hall, in his book,
America‘s Assignment with Destiny (1951 A.D.), states: ―All the
aboriginal tribes of North America practiced mystical and magical
rites.‖ This was true also of the tribes in South America, such as the
Aztecs, who derive their name from that of the angel Azazel. Magic
practices and beliefs are experiencing a renaissance in the world we
live in today, with Pagan Reconstructionist movements playing a
prominent role. William J. Schnoebelen in The Dark Side of
Freemasonry states: ―Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism
and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft.
Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this (the 20th)
century were Kabbalists.‖ This agrees with what we learn from ―During the nineteenth century a revival of
magic—based in large part upon the Kabala and the identification of
the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (see the Sephira Yetzira, another
Kabalistic mainstay) with the tarot (also known as the Book of Thoth.
The Egyptian god Thoth was the Greek god Hermes, from whom such
Hermetic Orders such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
derive their names)—occurred in France, primarily around Éliphas
Lévi. From Lévi a new appreciation of the Kabala passed to the
magicians of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and through it to
Aleister Crowley, a dominant practitioner of magic in the twentieth
century. It would be difficult to think of modern magic without the
Kabala and its related practices of gematria and path workings.‖

In conclusion, the genesis of all magic systems revolve around

their adherents belief in and of their esoteric knowledge concerning the
rebellious fallen angels (including the angels Satan and Azazel) and of
the disembodied spirits of their dead hybrid offspring, including, in
some cases, actual communication with them!
Chapter 4. Theosophy, European Style
(Secret Teachings of Secret Societies)

From Genesis 7:11 we learn the comet strike which caused the
great Flood and which interred the angels within the earth took place
in the 600th year of Noah‘s life on 2/17 (Iyyar 17) 4340 B.C. The
Celtic holy-day of Beltane was instituted to commemorate the day of
Azazel‘s entrapment within the earth on this day of Iyyar the 17th on
the Jewish Sacred Calendar, which day being the Julian Calendar
equivalent of May 1 (this is the date on which both Beltane and May
Day is celebrated). In Norse traditions, Beltane eve, also known as
Walpurgis Night, was known as the day of the ―Enclosure of the
Fallen,‖ which is to say, it commemorates the enclosure of the fallen
angels in their subterranean earthen prison. As is described in 1Enoch
X.9, the angel/human hybrid children of the Watchers/angels were
gathered together and made to ―destroy each other in battle‖ in a
Biblical Armageddon-like encounter, this event taking place on the eve
of Iyyar 17.
Beltane is a Celtic holy-day celebrated on May 1 which
commemorates the entrapment of Azazel and his angels (along with
Azazel‘s human wife) within the earth at the time of the Biblical Flood
the day following the slaughter of their angel/human hybrid children.
Beltane festivals featured ritual acts designed to protect people from
harm by Otherworldly spirits. Corresponding to a cross-quarter day,
this holy-day was celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere as Samhain.
In medieval Ireland, Samhain became the principle festival where
ritual bonfires were lit on hills, which is to say, on the high-places,
throughout Ireland. The ancient Celtic festival of Samhain included a
ritual celebration of the union of a chieftain god (representing the
angel Azazel) and a mother-goddess (representing Azazel‘s human
wife), additionally seeking the propitiation of the spirits, from whence
comes our celebration of Halloween (October 31), also showcasing the
demons, ghosts and goblins which represented the fallen angels
entrapped within the earth and the spirits of their dead angel/human
hybrid offspring. In commemoration of the deaths of the
human/hybrid offspring of the angels, Samhain is called the ‗Greater
Sabbat of the Dead‘ in Wiccan magic (‗Wicca‘ is the Old English
name for a male witch). Cernunnos is the Wiccan Horned God.
Azazel was known to wear horned-helmets. His ‗death,‘ or rather, his
interment within the earth, is marked on Samhain (October 31).
Needless to say, Cernunnos represents the angel Azazel.
In Wicca, Samhain (October 31) also marks the descent of the
Goddess, who represents Azazel‘s human wife, into the Underworld.
In Celtic legends, the place within the earth where the angels are
entrapped is called the Otherworld (this is also true of the Egyptians,
from whom this concept likely originated. According to noted
Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge in The Egyptian Heaven and Hell
(p.87), the term ‗Other World‘ was synonymous with the term
As noted by Whitley Stokes in KZ 40:245 (1907), the word
‗Samhain‘ is etymologically similar to the Proto-Celtic *samani,
meaning ‗assembly,‘ a word also etymologically similar to the Roman
word ‗manes‘ and the Etruscan word ‗mani,‘ other worldly beings who
represent the assembly of imprisoned fallen angels in whose honor this
festival is celebrated. The Koran 6.128 likewise speaks of such an
―assembly of jinn‖ (from Arabic jinn, collective plural, meaning
"demons, spirits, angels"). The assembled group of jinn, which is to
say, angels spoken of therein include Azazel and his group of
imprisoned fallen angels. The book of magic known as The Greater
Key of Solomon likewise speaks of such ―assemblies‖ of ―Evil and
rebellious Spirits (read: angels) dwelling in the Abysses of Darkness‖
of whom its practitioners sought to ―conjure‖ (See The Greater Key of
Solomon Book I Chapter VII). The Seventh Tablet of the Assyrian
Story of the Creation Line 1 and Fragment-K 3449 Line 4 (See
Records of the Past 2nd series, Vol. I ed. by A. H. Sayce/University of
Oxford (1888 A.D.)) speak of such an ―assembly‖ of ―gods,‖ which is
to say, of the existence of such an ―assembly‖ of angels on our Earth
whom the ancients revered as gods).
In his book entitled The Cloud upon the Sanctuary, Karl von
Eckartshausen reveals his esoteric knowledge concerning this
assembly of fallen angels who are interred within the earth when he
speaks of the presence of an ―interior society,‖ a ―hidden assembly, a
society of the Elect‖ formed ―after the fall of man‖ a ―society of
sages‖ (read: a group of fallen angels) which ―communicated,
according to time and circumstances, unto the exterior societies,‖ with
those humans on the surface of the Earth, or rather, was in
communication with such individuals who sought to conjure them, and
that ―this interior illuminated circle‖ (located within Azazel‘s circular
cherub in the interior of the Earth), was an ―illuminated community‖
(the Illuminati) which ―counts its members from more than one
world,‖ they being originally from the New Earth, and ―which one day
will be the Regent Mother of the whole World,‖ which is to say, will
one day emerge to rule over the nations of our Earth. As such, Azazel
and his group of fallen angels are the mysterious group known as the
Illuminati. This illuminated group of fallen angels emerges to rule the
Earth on July 18/19, 2016 A.D. (ancient days were calculated from
sunset to sunset). As related in Aleister Crowley: The Midnight
Messenger by Mike Culkin: ―Crowley first became aware of the
existence of spiritual powers (read: Aleister Crowley first learned
about the existence of Azazel‘s group of angels who are entrapped
within the earth) in 1898 when he read The Cloud upon the Sanctuary
by Karl von Eckartshausen (as quoted from above). Crowley was 22 at
the time and set out to contact the hidden Order which the book
describes. His efforts led to his initiation into the Hermetic Order of
the Golden Dawn on 18 November, 1898.‖ The ―hidden Order‖
described in The Cloud upon the Sanctuary (circa. late 18th Century
A.D.) was none other than the group of fallen angels headed by the
angel Azazel. Crowley was in actual communication with them!
The fact that one may actually make contact with Azazel and
his group of rebel angels was an ancient Egyptian mystery teaching.
The following excerpt from The Emerald Tablets of Thoth (Thoth is a
god who represents the angel Azazel) speaks of such a ―hidden‖
―order,‖ a secret brotherhood which may be magic-ally conjured as it
were, referring of course to Azazel‘s group of rebellious fallen angels
who are entrapped within the earth:

―Banded together as in order, Brothers (a brotherhood) of Darkness,

they through the ages, antagonist they to the children of men (to
humans). Walked they always secret and hidden, found, yet not
found by the children of man. Forever, they walked and worked in
darkness, hiding from the light in the darkness of night. Silently,
secretly use they their power (the so-called ―spirit of error,‖ the Vril
force; ELF waves; Odic force), enslaving and binding the soul of men.
Unseen they come, and unseen they go. Man, in his ignorance calls
Them (conjures them) from below (from where they lay entrapped
beneath the earth).‖ - Tablet VI of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth (It is this band of
brothers, of Azazel‘s rebel angels, of which Theosophist William Q. Judge speasks when he
explains: ―In the early days of the Theosophical Society the name Mahatma (by which name
they referred to the rebellious fallen angels) was not in use here, but the title then was
"Brothers." This referred to the fact that they were a band of men (angels incarnate) who
belonged to a brotherhood in the East…Indiscriminately with Mahatma, the word Adept has
been used to describe the same beings‖ Echoes from the Orient Chapter X (William Q. Judge,
1890 A.D.)) Thusly, Theosophists know the rebellious fallen angels variously as the
Mahatmas, the Adepts, and the Brothers/the Brotherhood)

Ceremonial Magician A. E. Waite in a tome entitled Devil-

Worship in France Chapter I: Satanism in the Nineteenth Century
(1896 A.D.) wastes no words when he explains that ―the attempt to
form a partnership with the lost angels of orthodox
theology…constitutes Black Magic,‖ that ―the purpose of Black
Magic is simply and obviously to communicate with devils,‖
equivocating that ―the spiritualist…receives the messages of the
spheres (no doubt in the form of ELF waves; the ―spirit of error,‖ the
Vril force, waves being spherical in shape) and establishes a partial
acquaintance with an order which is not of this world.‖ Azazel and
his other worldly order of rebellious fallen angels who are entrapped
within the earth is the original ―Mystical Fraternity‖ (by definition ‗the
quality or condition of being brothers;‘ a brotherhood) from which all
other such magic-related ―secret Fraternities‖ (secret brotherhoods)
were derived due to mankind‘s ―associations from the past‖ with this
angelic group as noted by A. E. Waite in Chapter 2 of his book entitled
The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts (1910 A.D.). It must be noted
A. E. Waite, in addition to being a Master Mason, was a member of
the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and also a member of the
Rosicrucian Society. This fact is importantant when establishing
historical associations. And we most certainly will.

―In the history of psychical phenomena the records of so-called

"spiritualism" in Europe, America, and elsewhere hold an important
place (―In 1854 the (U.S.) Senate was petitioned to bestow its official
sanction upon spiritualism and to make it a national institution. The
matter was discussed in the Senate but was finally rejected.‖ - Devils
Drugs and Doctors Chapter XIII: White and Black Magic (Haggard)). Advisedly I say
that no term was ever more misapplied than that of "spiritualism" to
the cult in Europe and America just mentioned, inasmuch as there is
nothing of the spirit about it. The doctrines given in preceding chapters
are those of true spiritualism; the misnamed practises of modern
mediums and so-called spiritists constitute the Worship of the Dead,
old-fashioned necromancy, in fact, which was always prohibited by
spiritual teachers. They are a gross materializing of the spiritual idea,
and deal with matter more than with its opposite. This cult is supposed
by some to have originated about forty years ago in America at
Rochester, N. Y., under the mediumship of the Fox sisters, but it was
known in Salem during the witchcraft excitement (during the Salem
Witch Trials, circa 1692-1693 A.D.), and in Europe one hundred years
ago (circa 1793 A.D.) the same practises were pursued, similar
phenomena seen, mediums developed, and seances held. For centuries
it has been well known in India where it is properly designated "bhuta
worship," meaning the attempt to communicate with the devil…‖
(Explains Judge: ―Bhuta, devil, and elementary are nearly
synonymous; the first Sanskrit, the other English.‖). - The Ocean of
Theosophy (William Q. Judge 1893 A.D.)

Incredibly enough, a prominent number of novels coming out

of the Spiritualist Movement of the 18th – 20th Centuries in Europe and
America speak of the existence of Azazel and the rebellious fallen
angels and how these angels interact with human societies on our
Earth. In Chapter 12 of The Goal of Life (1908 A.D.) the esoteric
author Hiram E. Butler speaks of Azazel‘s group of rebellious fallen
angels who are entrapped within the earth when he professes the
existence on our Earth of an ―Eternal Brotherhood…gathered from
those who are called in Genesis vi. 2 ‗the sons of God‘ (read: angels),‖
a group which (not so) secretly abides here upon our Earth. In the
pursuit of spiritual truth, writes Butler in 1887 A.D. at the height of the
American Spiritualist Movement in his book entitled Solar Biology,
―We have to confront numerous traditions regarding a fallen race,
tempters of Adam and Eve,‖ who are ―‗the powers and principalities of
the air‘ (read: the angels. See Ephesians 6:12), against which the
people of this earth have to contend.‖ (Hiram E. Butler was (circa 1910 A.D.)
―Professor of Latin at the University of London‖ See The Golden Ass xii 1924 A.D. edition)

The group consisting of Azazel and his rebellious fallen angels

are variously known amongst esoteric orders as the Universal
Brotherhood, the Great White Brotherhood, the Great Brotherhood of
Light, the Great White Lodge, the Brotherhood of the White Lodge,
the Great Chiefs (Tchatchau), the Secret Chiefs, the Illuminati, Inner
Plane Adepti, the Adepts, the Ascended Masters, the Masters, the
Masters of the Hidden Brotherhood (aka Mahatmas; Adept Brothers,
the Elder Brothers), the Ancient Aryan Masters, the Masters of the
Ancient Wisdom, the Masters of Wisdom, the Hidden Directorate and
the Inner Government of the World. These fallen angels are amongst
the true leaders of the New World Order.

Theosophist and one time President of the Theosophical Society Annie

Besant in her book entitled The Masters (1912 A.D.) likewise speaks
of great teachers who are ―Guardians of humanity‖ (read: guardian
angels) forming a ―great Brotherhood‖ who while being ―incarnate,
they remain in retired and secluded spots, away from the tumult of
human life,‖ and who are said to ―aid, in countless ways, the progress
of humanity.‖ C. W. Leadbeater, 33° Mason and prominent early
member of the Theosophical Society (who was once employed as a
tutor to the son of Theosophical Society President A.P. Sinnett and of
Dr. George Sidney Arundale, President of the Theosophical Society
Adyar), writes the following concerning this angelic group as
presented in The Masters and the Path (1925 A.D.) Part I: The
Masters, Chapter I: The Existence of the Masters General
Considerations: ―The possession of extended vision and other faculties
resulting from the unfolding of our latent powers has also brought
within our constant experience the fact that there are other orders of
beings than the human, some of whom rank alongside the Adepts in
a grade of existence higher than our own…whom we call Devas or
Angels…‖ (Theosophists consider the incarnate angels to be a very
real genus higher on the evolutionary scale than normal human beings:
―The highest system of evolution specially connected with this
earth, so far as we know, is that of the beings whom Hindus call
the Devas, and who have elsewhere been spoken of as angels, sons
of God, etc. They may, in fact, be regarded as a kingdom lying next
above humanity, in the same way as humanity in turn lies next above
the animal kingdom‖ (See Devachanic Plane (C.W. Leadbeater, (1896
A.D.))) In The World Mother As Symbol and Fact Leadbeater states
these: ―Angels take a very great part in the direction of evolution.‖ In
Glimpses of Masonic History Leadbeater expands on this subject as he
announces ―human evolution…is being definitely directed from
behind by a body of perfected men (these being the incarnate fallen
angels) which we call the Great White Brotherhood.‖ And again: ―the
evolution of the world is not being left to run its course haphazard, but
that its direction and administration are in the hands of a great
Hierarchy of Adepts, sometimes called the White Brotherhood.‖ - The
Inner Life (Second Series) Volume II by C. W. Leadbeater (―…the movement which is
generally termed Masonic had its roots in that true mysticism which originated…from the
spiritual Hierarchy (read: from the group of the rebellious fallen angels) which guides the
evolution of the world…‖ –Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Mediaeval
Mysticism p.31-32 (Cooper-Oakley, London)). Speaking of this order of angels
Leadbeater goes on to say: ―There has always been a Brotherhood of
Adepts, the Great White Brotherhood; there have always been Those
who knew, those who possessed this inner wisdom, and our Masters
are among the present representatives of that mighty line of Seers and
Sages‖ (See The Masters and the Path Part II: Chapter III: The Way to
the Master (―The Masters of the Path are spiritual beings.‖ - Letters From a Sufi
Teacher: The Theosophy of Islam (Shaikh Sharfuddîn Manerî, 1867 A.D.)).
In fact,
Leadbeater claimed to be in contact with this angelic group: ―many of
us are, and have been for many years, in daily communication with
these Great Ones‖ - Masters of Wisdom (Adyar Pamphlets No. 86) by C. W.
Leadbeater. At any rate, Theosophists such as Leadbeater (in
Spiritualism and Philosophy Chapter IX (518) Leadbeater mentions
the ―séances‖ he has attended) and Madame Blavatsky staged séances
by which they attempted to contact otherworldly ―spirits.‖ Such
séances were a popular past time of the day, one prominent example
being Mary Todd Lincoln‘s hosting of séances in the White House
some of which were attended by President Abraham Lincoln. The
Ouija© Board from Parker Brothers (patented in 1920 A.D.) is based
on the concept of spirit boards made popular during the modern
Spiritualist Movement of which Theosophy was a part (as an example
of the popularitry of such spirit boards in American culture, even
American artist Norman Rockwell executed a painting entitled The
Ouija Board depicting a man and woman happily gathered round a
Ouija board, appearing no less, on the May 1 (May Day!), 1920 A.D.
cover of The Saturday Evening Post). Aleister Crowley was himself
known to employ such spirit boards during some of his Magick
ceremonies. In fact, Aleister Crowley, like Leadbeater, regarded the
Great White Brotherhood as a very real entity, mentioning them in his
book Magick.
In a similar vein, a book entitled Oahspe: A Kosmon Bible in
the Words of Jehovih and his Angel Embassadors Chapter IV: Book of
Wars Against Jehovih v. 14 by John Ballou Newbrough (1882 A.D.), a
purported product of ‗automatic writing‘ (purportedly dictated by a
spirit) during the Spiritualism Movement in America, speaks of the
existence of: ―angels from above…from the colleges of Craoshivi‖
(‗Craoshivi‘ is therein translated as ―God's heavenly place‖) who
―were to sojourn on the earth…as inspiring spirits and protectors (read:
as guardian angels),‖ with Newbrough summising that ―angels‖ have
indeed ―dwelt on the earth.‖
Alice A. Bailey (Theosophical Society) 1922 A.D. in America
speaks of the existence of Azazel and the rest of the rebellious fallen
angels when she explains:

―In Lemurian days (from L. lemures (pl.) "spirits of the dead"), after
the great descent of the spiritual Existences (read: of the rebellious
fallen angels) to the earth (the angels arrived on Earth in 5000 B.C.),
the work They planned to do was systematized (the work these angels
planned to do, it must be noted, included the eternal destruction of the
entire human race). Offices were apportioned, and the processes of
evolution in all the departments of nature were brought under the
conscious wise guidance of this initial Brotherhood. This Hierarchy
of Brothers of Light still exists, and the work goes steadily on. They
(the angels who constitute this ‗Botherhood‘) are all in physical
existence (incarnate), either in dense physical bodies, such as many of
the Masters employ, or in etheric bodies, such as the more exalted
helpers and the Lord of the World occupy (Satan is the Gnostic
Iadabaoth, who was called the ―Lord of the World,‖ being he whose
anger blazed with jealous rage at the created primal man (Adam) who
became superior to himself). It is of value for men to remember that
They are in physical existence (the angels are incarnate), and to bear in
mind that They (angels) exist upon this planet with us, controlling
its destinies, guiding its affairs, and leading all its evolutions on to an
ultimate perfection. The central home of this Hierarchy is at
Shamballa, a centre in the Gobi desert (gobi means ―desert‖), called in
the ancient books the "White Island." (it derives its name from the
place in the desert where Azazel is located, which is called ―The
Island‖ by Arabs, being situated as it is between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers)…Several of the Masters (read: angels) in physical
bodies dwell in the Himalaya mountains, in a secluded spot called
Shigatse (in Tibet), far from the ways of men, but the greater number
(of rebellious fallen angels) are scattered all over the world,
dwelling in different places in the various nations, unrecognised
and unknown (concerning this subject see Hebrews 13:2 which states:
―Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have
entertained angels unawares,‖ the angels being virtually
indistinguishable from the native human inhabitants of the Earth.
Unbeknownst and unawares to many, to be sure, angels stride the
hallways of power and commerce upon this planet)…It might here be
well to point out that, working as members of that Hierarchy are a
great number of beings called angels by the Christian, and devas
by the oriental.‖ Initiation, Human and Solar (Alice A. Bailey, 1922 A.D.) Chapter
IV: The Founding of the Hierarchy

Likely it is this ―Hierarchy,‖ at its core consisting of angels

who as per Alice Bailey ―exist upon this planet with us, controlling its
destinies, guiding its affairs,‖ of which speak the following quotes:
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to
me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the
Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They
know that there is a power (‗power‘ is a word synonymous with the
word ‗angel‘) somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful (a play
on the word ‗Watchers‘/angels), so interlocked, so complete, so
pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they
speak in condemnation of it." - Woodrow Wilson (1913 A.D.) *** "A
power (‗power‘ is a word synonymous with the word ‗angel,‘ this
being a play on words) has risen up in the government greater than the
people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests,
combined in one mass" - John C. Calhoun, Vice President of the
United States *** "Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an
invisible (hidden) government owing no allegiance and acknowledging
no responsibility to the people." - Theodore Roosevelt *** "The real
rulers in Washington are invisible (hidden), and exercise power from
behind the scenes." - Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter (1952
A.D.) *** "There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air
Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to
pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and
balances, and free from the law itself." - Senator Daniel K. Inouye ***
Annie Besant in The Inner Government of Our World speaks of the
shadow government of the world which is composed of rebellious
fallen angels: ―all the activities of our world…are directed by a Group
of great Beings‖ an ―Occult Government of the World…considering
the especial Government of our own world, the Occult Hierarchy as it
is called, the Beings composing that (Occult Hierarchy) having come
to our earth in the middle of the third human Race from the planet
Shukra (Venus)... (read: from an alien planet; the angels came, in fact,
from the New Earth)…They were of Those who originally came to
our world for its helping, and who are still with us…the high Devas
(the rebellious fallen angels)...are the true inner Rulers of our world.‖ -
The Inner Government of Our World (Annie Besant) *** According to
C. W. Leadbeater ―the Great Brotherhood…rules the world.‖ - The Inner
Life (First Series) *** "Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of
society constitute an invisible (hidden) government which is the true
ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded, our tastes are
formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men (read: incarnate angels)
we have never heard of." - Walter Bernays, 1928 A.D. *** "The
drive…is to create a one world government...Do I mean conspiracy?
Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope…"
- Congressman Larry P. McDonald (1976 A.D.) *** "We shall have
World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is
whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
- James Paul Warburg *** The working members of the Hierarchy
constitute a Shadow Government bent on World Government and is
centered in the Valley of the Shadow of Death.Theosophists call the
place where these angels lay entrapped within the earth as Kamaloka
(compare to Camalot, from another legend which we shall discover
revolves around the angel Azazel). "For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood (humans), but against principalities, against powers
(angels), against the rulers of the darkness of this world , against
spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12 KJV. Included in the
‗Hierarchy‘ is Satan and his group of angels: ―And the devil (Satan),
taking him (Jesus) up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the
kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto
him, ‗All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that
is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.‘‖ - Luke 4:5-6).
The world is Satan’s oyster. He gives it to whomever he pleases, and
indeed, has given it, and indeed, will give it. They to whom it has
been given control it now. Globalization of economies under a one-
world government, secretly headed by the leadership of Satan, and
seconded by Azazel, in a New World Order, is the ultimate aim of the
Masons and of Freemasonry, branches of one organization with the
same common goal, all part of The Great Work known as the
Theosphical Movement), which is the Mystery of Lawlessness of
which 2Thessalonians 2:7 speaks, which was already a work in
progress in Jesus‘ time. At the present moment this goal nears its
attainment. Another such incarnation in the Theosophical Movement
is The Bohemian Club. The Bohemian Grove membership list reads
as a ‗Whose Who‘ of American Political, Cultural, Financial and
Defense interests. They are the Masters of the Universe. Bohemian
Grove magic ceremonies invoke these rebellious fallen angels,
invoking the ‗spirit of Bohemia,‘ the word ‗Bohemia‘ being a variation
of the word ‗Behemoth,‘ the name of Azazel‘s cherub.

Azazel is aided in this goal of establishing a New World Order

by Satan‘s group of rebel angels. It must be remembered, there was
rebellion in heaven led by Satan:

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the
dragon (Satan); and the dragon (Satan) and his angels fought, but they
were defeated… Revelations 12:7-8
Satan the Dragon and his fellow seditious angels were thrown
down to our Earth where he secretly resides today:

And the great dragon (Satan in his cherub, ‗Leviathan.‘ The word
‗dragon‘ is synonymous with the word ‗cherub‘) was thrown down,
that ancient serpent (a reference to Satan‘s cherub Leviathan), who is
called the devil (a deva) and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—
he was thrown down to the earth (to our Earth, where he currently
resides), and his angels were thrown down with him (when his
rebellion was defeated). And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying,
―Now the salvation and power and the kingdom of our God and the
authority of his Christ have come, for (Satan) the accuser of our
brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night
before our God. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient
serpent (the words ‗dragon‘ and ‗serpent‘ are synonymous with the
word ‗cherub‘), who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the
whole world-- he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels
were thrown down with him…Woe to you, O earth and sea, for the
devil has come down to you… Revelations 12:7-10,12

Satan was thrown down to our Earth, and his angels were
thrown down with him! They secretly reside here even today! While
Azazel is interred within the recesses of the earth, Satan‘s band of
angels secret themselves within the water bodies of our world (for
greater details, see Evildoer Added to Evildoer: The Story of Satan,
Azazel and the Rebellious Angels by John of the Gentiles). Indeed,
The Testament of Kohath, speaks of: ‗the eternal sinners (the
rebellious angels)…in the depths of the sea and in all the hollows of
the earth.‖
Chapter 5. Azazel: A European Love Affair
According to Rudolph Steiner in Chapter V of Cosmic Energy,
contact between these so-called Lemurians (read: angels) and mankind
―consisted in a kind of ‗thought reading.‘‖ Writing in articles for his
magazine entitled The Path, mystic Theosophist William Q. Judge
(one of the original founding members of the Theosophical Society)
under a variety of aliases professes the existence of ―beings known to
the Indians as that of the Devas‖ ) (1890 A.D.) (the word ‗Deva‘ is a
cognate of the word ‗Devil.‘ The Devas represent the rebellious fallen
angels, and Judge asserts these angelic ―Adepts‖ have in the past and
are now ―assisting all good movements by acting on men from behind
the scenes through mental influence‖ (1893 A.D.)(this mental
influence, the transference of actual thoughts through ELF wave
transmissions, is the ‗spirit of error‘ of which The Bible speaks);
―They (the angels) watch (a play on the word ‗Watchers‘) the progress
of man and help him on in his halting flight up the steep plane of
progress‖ (1883 A.D.); that he and his fellow Theosophists ―are
working with and for the great unseen, but actual, Brotherhood‖ (they
profess to be working with and for Azazel‘s group of fallen
angels)(1892 A.D.); that this Brotherhood of angelic
―Adepts…consciously send messages from a distance‖ and ―impress
thoughts or sentences on the mind of another at a distance‖ (1892
A.D.); this they do through telepathy: ―Telepathy*…is the
communicating of thought or idea from mind to mind. This is a natural
power (a reference to these angels‘ use of ELF (extremely low
frequency) waves), and being well-understood may be used by one
mind (that of an incarnate angel) to convey to another (conveying
‗thoughts‘ to the human mind) no matter how far away or what be the
intervening obstacle, any idea or thought‖ (1894 A.D.). To the
Theosophist, such demonic possession is known by the scientific
designation of Overshadowing (as we learn from Annie Besant in
Superhuman Men in History and in Religion circa. 1913 A.D.): ―Over-
shadowing is the dominating of consciousness for a time by the
Superhuman Helper (by the angel). The consciousness of the man is
dominated, not stimulated. The idea (implanted by the angel)
dominates his thought, and becomes to him apparently his own
(thought). Many a one is overshadowed by a Higher Being who is not
conscious of the source of the thoughts that come into his mind...these
are breathed out from a higher consciousness (the angel) to a lower (a
human), and they dominate the lower (human) and become its ideal.
Ideals, those fixed ideas that guide and control conduct, constantly
come from the overshadowing power (the word ‗power‘ is
synonymous with the word ‗angel‘).‖ Perhaps the people in the
aluminum foil hats aren‘t as crazy as everyone thinks! In fact Judge
flatly states: ―The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in
1875, with the avowed object of forming a nucleus for a Universal
Brotherhood, and its founders state that they believe the Indian
Mahatmas (the rebellious fallen angels with whom they were in
contact) directed them to establish such a society.‖- Echoes from the Orient
Chapter I (William Q. Judge, 1890 A.D.) Simply astounding! William Q. Judge
and his associates were in contact with the rebellious fallen angels
themselves; these angels had in fact ―directed‖ Judge and his fellow
co-founders ―to establish‖ the Theosophical Society. (* ―The term telepathy
is derived from two Greek words, and its literal meaning is ―feeling at a distance,‖ but it is
now generally used almost synonymously with thought-transference, and may be taken to
cover any transfer of an image, a thought or a sensation from one person to another‖ (C.W.
Leadbeater Some Glimpses of Occultism Chapter VII).

It is through thought-tranference by which: ―The members of

the Brotherhood, through Their agents, are constantly trying to work
with the important people of the world, putting advice and suggestions
into their minds‖ - The Inner Life (First Series) by C. W. Leadbeater (Rudolph Steiner
termed this process as being ―Ahrimanic powers working…through human minds,‖
concluding, ―a great part of mankind today is already under the control…of Ahrimanic
forces…‖ - The Ahrimanic Deception (Rudolph Steiner, 1919 A.D.))

In this way the alien angels influence human events, political,

economic and otherwise!

Helena P. Blavatsky describes the thought-transference process as she

experienced it: ―Every word of [esoteric] information found in my
writings comes from the teachings of our Eastern Masters (from the
rebellious fallen angels); and many a passage in these works has been
written by me under their dictation. In saying this no supernatural
claim is urged, for no miracle is performed by such a dictation. Space
and distance do not exist for thought; and if two persons are in perfect
mutual psycho-magnetic rapport, and of these two, one is a great
Adept in Occult Sciences, then thought-transference and dictation of
whole pages, become as easy and as comprehensible at the distance of
ten thousand miles as the transference of two words across a room.‖ -
HPB, "My Books," Lucifer, May, 1891. Per William Q. Judge: ―To
communicate with another mind at any distance the Adept (an angel)
attunes all the molecules (think: entangled particles) of the brain and
all the thoughts of the mind so as to vibrate in unison with the mind to
be affected (think: the transference of information through entangled
particles. See The Knowledge of Wisdom by John of the Gentiles),
and that other mind and brain have also to be either voluntarily thrown
into the same unison or fall into it voluntarily. So though the Adept
(angel) be at Bombay and his (human) friend in New York, the
distance is no obstacle, as the inner senses are not dependent on an ear,
but may feel and see the thoughts and images in the mind of the other
person. And when it is desired to look into the mind and catch the
thoughts of another and the pictures all around him of all he has
thought and looked at, the Adept's inner sight and hearing are directed
to the mind to be seen, when at once all is visible‖ (the angels can, as it
were, read minds, as if it were a spoken word). - The Ocean of Theosophy
(William Q. Judge, 1893 A.D.).(As expressed in Chapter 4 of America‘s Subversion: The
Enemy Within by Sonny René Stermole, the book being a treatise on Freemasonry: ―The
Kundalini serpent force ending in "illumination" of the brain by Lucifer, having Lucifer or
Satan intensely impress thoughts upon one's brain, is what is considered to achieve
occult ‗redemption,‘ ancient ‗Wisdom.‘‖ (Author‘s Note: Such men thus led by ―the spirit of
error‖ were said to be Illuminated) The word ‗kundalini‘ is Sanskrit for `snake.´ In this case
the serpent/snake is analogous of the electromagnetic wave, yet more specifically, and in
relation to Satan‘s ―flaming darts,‖ referring to an electromagnetic wave of a specific
wavelength/frequency (ELF waves), whereby he implants thoughts into the minds of men)

It is the fallen angels of whom the President of the London

Lodge of the Theosophical Society A. P. Sinnett (who, as must be
noted, replaced Anna Kingsford) in Chapter II of his book The Occult
World (1881 A.D.) spoke when he wrote of ―the adepts as they now
exist, or, to use the designation more generally employed in India, of
"the Mahatmas" (rebellious fallen angels)…constitute a Brotherhood,
or Secret Association, which ramifies all over the East, but the
principal seat of which for the present I gather to be in Tibet.‖ He goes
on to say:‖Madame (Helena P.) Blavatsky is constantly in
communication, by means of the system of psychological telegraphy
that the initiates employ, with her superior "Brothers" in
occultism…the Brothers (the rebellious fallen angels)…have been at
work with her…dictating through…her brain‖ her book Isis Unveiled
by means of the ―deific powers which the Brothers enjoy,‖ or, more to
the truth, by the advanced technology they are able to employ. In fact,
Sinnett himself in the Second Edition of The Occult World confessed
to having himself received ―direct revelation from the Brothers (from
the rebellious fallen angels).‖ He identified one of the ―Bothers‖ with
whom he and Blavatsky was in contact as being the Mahatma (the
rebel angel) Koot Hoomi (aka Kuthumi and Master K. H.) (compare to
Ra-Hoor-Khuit (a name derived from the Egyptian god Ra) with
whom Aleister Crowley was in contact to the Cthulu of H.P.
Lovecraft, all presumably one and the same. The Egyptian god Ra
represented Behemoth/Azazel).

It is Azazel‘s group of fallen angels of which the Rosicrucians

speak (circa. 1617 A.D.) when they obfuscate the following:

As far as the Collegium is concerned…The brethren (read: the

brotherhood) are nearer unto thee than thou thinkest…they
are…Theosophi. The Mirror of the Wisdom of the Rosicrucians (aka Speculum
Sophicum Rhodostauroticum) (Theosophi means “wise (soph) gods (theoi)“ in reference
to the angels)

From this group of ―Theosophi‖ composed of Azazel and his fellow

rebellious fallen angels is derived the name of the Theosophical
Society, which is named in their honor. This so-called ―Collegium‖ of
―Theosophi‖ of which the Rosicrucians speak is also the sub-earthly
Ahrimanic school of Rudolph Steiner‘s Anthroposophy spiritual-
movement, a society with links to Annie Besant and the Theosophical
Movement (Ahriman was a Persian god who represented the Genesis
serpent Azazel: ―In Persia…it was the serpent (which represented the
angel Azazel), who, under the name of Ahriman, formed the basis of
the system of Zoroaster; and it is the same serpent who, among the
Jews and Christians, tempted Eve, the celestial virgin…‖ - A General
History of Freemasonry p. 392 (Rebold, 1879 A.D.)). As we learn from Prospects:
the quarterly review of comparative education (Paris, UNESCO:
International Bureau of Education), vol.XXIV, no. 3/4, 1994, p. 555-
572. (©UNESCO: International Bureau of Education, 2000): ―In 1913,
Steiner parted company with Annie Besant (and the Theosophical
Society), above all because of their conceptual differences in regard to
the esoteric interpretation of the life of Jesus Christ (as well, it must be
noted, of the concept of the imminent coming of the World-Teacher).
With the majority of his German followers, he went on to found the
Anthroposophical Society.‖ Rudolph Steiner (1861–1925 A.D.) was
world-famous for his Masonic and Rosicrucian based teachings. In An
Outline of Occult Science Chapter VIII (Rudolph Steiner, 1922 A.D.)
he professes the existence of ―beings of the world of soul and spirit
who influence from hidden worlds the outer manifested world,‖ and
that a person who is so attuned ―receives influences‖ from these
beings, that the―beings of the spiritual world convey them (these
―influences‖) to him.‖
Apparently, mediaeval Kabalists passed along the knowledge of the
existence of Azazel‘s group of fallen angels being present on our Earth
to students of philosophy and of the esoteric arts as Theosophist
Madame Blavatsky writes in 1888 A.D. in her book entitled The
Secret Doctrine (Volume II P.284) concerning the Great White
Brotherhood of rebellious fallen angels: ―The mediæval Kabalists
knew this well, since one of them did not fear to write: "The Kabala
was first taught by God himself to a select Company of Angels who
formed a theosophic school in Paradise. After the FALL the Angels
most graciously communicated this heavenly doctrine to the
disobedient child of Earth, to furnish the protoplasts with the means of
returning to their pristine nobility and felicity" (Quoted by Christian
Ginsburg from the Kabala) (Author‘s Note: I have included Christian David
Ginsburg‘s original quote from The Kabbalah in the paragraph below). This shows how
the event — of the Sons of God, marrying and imparting the divine
Secrets of Heaven to the daughters of men — allegorically told by
Enoch (speaks of The Book of Enoch (IEnoch)) and in the sixth
chapter of Genesis (See Genesis 6:4) was interpreted by the Christian
Kabalists.‖ Blavatsky quoted British Hebrew and biblical scholar
Christian D. Ginsburg in The Kabbalah (1863 A.D.): "The Kabala
was first taught by God Himself to a select company of angels, who
formed a theosophic school in Paradise. After the Fall the angels
most graciously communicated this heavenly doctrine to the
disobedient child of earth, to furnish the protoplasts with the means of
returning to their pristine nobility and felicity. From Adam it passed
over to Noah, and then to Abraham, the friend of God, who emigrated
with it to Egypt, where the patriarch allowed a portion of this
mysterious doctrine to ooze out. It was in this way that the Egyptians
obtained some knowledge of it, and the other Eastern nations could
introduce it into their philosophical systems. Moses, who was learned
in all the wisdom of Egypt, [as] first initiated into the Kabala in the
land of his birth, but became most proficient in it during his
wanderings in the wilderness, when he not only devoted to it the
leisure hours of the whole forty years, but received lessons in it from
one of the angels. By the aid of this mysterious science the lawgiver
was enabled to solve the difficulties which arose during his
management of the Israelites, in spite of the pilgrimages, wars, and
frequent miseries of the nation. He covertly laid down the principles of
this secret doctrine in the first four books of the Pentateuch, but
withheld them from Deuteronomy…. Moses also initiated the seventy
Elders into the secrets of this doctrine, and they again transmitted them
from hand to hand. Of all who formed the unbroken line of tradition,
David and Solomon were most deeply initiated into the Kabala. No
one, however, dared to write it down till Simon Ben Jochai, who lived
at the time of the destruction of the second Temple…. After his death,
his son, Rabbi Eliezer, and his secretary, Rabbi Abba as well as his
disciples, collated Rabbi Simon Ben Jochai's treatises, and out of these
composed the celebrated work called Sohar (Zohar), i.e., Splendor
which is the grand storehouse of Kabalism." (―The Zohar is the Book of
Splendor, -- the book of the ‗shining ones‘‖ – The Blazing Star (William B. Green 1872 A.D.).
It is the book of the angels!)

This statement is repeated nearly word for word by S. L.

MacGregor Mathers in the Introduction to Mathers‘ own 1912 A.D.
translation (entitled Kabbala Denudata: The Kabbalah Unveiled) of an
earlier work entitled The Kabbalah Denudata Vol I (Published in 1677
A.D.) Vol II (Published in 1684 A.D.) of Christian Knorr von
Rosenroth (aka Baron von Rosenroth; pseudonym Peganius Rautner),
the Silesian-born German Evangelical Theosophist: "The Kabbalah
was first taught by God himself to a select company of angels, who
formed a theosophic school in Paradise. After the Fall the angels
most graciously communicated this heavenly doctrine to the
disobedient child of earth, to furnish the protoplasts with the means of
returning to their pristine nobility and felicity. From Adam it passed
over to Noah, and then to Abraham, the friend of God, who emigrated
with it to Egypt, where the patriarch allowed a portion of this
mysterious doctrine to ooze out. It was in this way that the Egyptians
obtained some knowledge of it, and the other Eastern nations could
introduce it into their philosophical systems. Moses, who was learned
in all the wisdom of Egypt, was first initiated into the Qabalah in the
land of his birth, but became most proficient in it during his
wanderings in the wilderness, when he not only devoted to it the
leisure hours of the whole forty years, but received lessons in it from
one of the angels. By the aid of this mysterious science the law−giver
was enabled to solve the difficulties which arose during his
management of the Israelites, in spite of the pilgrimages, wars, and
frequent miseries of the nation. He covertly laid down the principles of
this secret doctrine in the first four books of the Pentateuch, but
withheld them from Deuteronomy. Moses also initiated the seventy
elders into the secrets of this doctrine, and they again transmitted them
from hand to hand. Of all who formed the unbroken line of tradition,
David and Solomon were the most deeply initiated into the Kabbalah.
No one, however, dared to write it down, till Schimeon Ben Jochai,
who lived at the time of the destruction of the second temple . . . . .
After his death, his son, Rabbi Eleazar, and his secretary, Rabbi Abba,
as well as his disciples, collated Rabbi Simon Ben Jochai's treatises,
and out of these composed the celebrated work called ZHR, Zohar,
splendour, which is the grand storehouse of Kabbalism."
Elias Gewurz (circa 1922 A.D.) writes of Azazel and his assembly of
rebel angels and how this group may in fact be contacted in his
Theosophic work entitled Mysteries of the Qabalah, with Gewurz
explaining ―The Brotherhood of the White Lodge (also known as ―the
Masters of Wisdom‖) is a body of great men (read: an assembly of
incarnate fallen angels)‖ who ―watch (a play on the word ‗Watchers‘)
over humanity from their exalted (spiritual) planes.‖ The book states
that ―the White Lodge has its representatives on earth, its messengers
(again, a play on words. Angels are the ‗messengers‘ of God) and
teachers, and pupils (by definition a Collegium),‖ and how it was
possible that certain individuals may become ―channels‖ (mediums)
for The Brotherhood of the White Lodge, for a to ―man become a
servant of the great Lords (a servent of the rebellious angels) and co-
operate with them here on earth,‖ such individuals being made ―to
serve faithfully the Masters of Wisdom‖ and thereby becoming
―messengers of the White Lodge‖ (See Mysteries of the Qabalah Part
I: The Brotherhood of the White Lodge. This book is classified
Hermetic Qabalah). Such an individual in this way ―becomes a
cooperator with those high intelligences whom we call Masters (these
masters are angels), and, under Their guidance and with their help, he
continues his career, ever upward, and ever onward, until he enters the
presence of the Ancient of Ancients, the merciful Teacher of Gods,
angels and men.‖ (See Hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah by
Elias Gewurz (1918 A.D.) Chapter 8). (―Satan obliges himself to the greatest of
Magicians…he will oblige himself to teach them arts and sciences, which he may easily do,
being so learned a knave as he is.‖ Book I Daemonologie by King James 1597 A.D) (Asserts
British occultist and Thesophical Society/Stella Matutina member Dion Fortune in The
Mystical Qabalah: ―the first Qabalists…were angels.‖)

Gewurz explains:

―They (the angels) are always affiliated to those organizations on earth

whose members are single-minded, and true hearted and genuinely
desirous of the welfare of the race (in such a way they masquerade as
‗angels of light‖). Especially are they interested in the advancement of
science, philosophy and religion, and all public bodies promoting these
subjects are helped (without knowing whence the help cometh) by the
Brotherhood of the White Lodge (helped by Azazel‘s group of angels,
who conveys this knowledge to them with ELF waves, also known as
Overshadowing). For the last three decades (from the 1890‘s to the
1920‘s) there has been a steady and growing increase of knowledge in
all departments of human activity. Inventions have multiplied, and
discoveries of unsuspected laws of nature are being made on every
hand. Philosophic and scientific thought has never been so abundant
and so brilliant as it is today, but the receivers of the gifts know not the
givers (the ‗givers‘ are the rebellious angels), and often frustrate the
gracious purposes which were to be served by the bestowal of the
gifts.‖ Mysteries of the Qabalah by Elias Gewurz (1922 A.D.) Part I: The Brotherhood of
the White Lodge) {The ―Collegium‖ of ―Theosophi‖ is also known as ―The Great
School of Natural Science,‖ ‖a school which was hoary of age when the foundation
of the great Pyramid was laid; a School which ante-dates all present authentic history
and records‖ (See Modern World Movements (J.D. Buck, 1913 A.D.)). Is is also
known as the ―Venerable Brotherhood of India‖}

A 17th Century Rosicrucian document explains how:

―…they (Philosophers) have established the existence of mortal beings

between the gods and man (angel/human hybrids) to whom one can
ascribe all that surpasses human weakness yet falls short of divine
greatness." "This is the opinion held in every ancient philosophy. The
Platonists and the Pythagoreans took it from the Egyptians, and the
latter from Joseph the Saviour, and from the Hebrews who dwelt in
Egypt before the crossing of the Red Sea. The Hebrews used to call
these beings who are between the Angels and man (they called the
angel/human hybrids) Sadaim, and the Greeks, transposing the letters
and adding but one syllable, called them Daimonas. Among the
ancient Philosophers these demons were held to be an Aerial Race,
ruling over the Elements, mortal, engendering, and unknown in this
century to those who rarely seek Truth in her ancient dwelling place,
which is to say, in the Cabala and in the theology of the Hebrews, who
possessed the special art of holding communion with that Aerial
People and of conversing with all these Inhabitants of the Air."
The Comte De Gabalis by Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars Discourse III (originally
published in 1670 A.D.) (‗‘if…a man has the natural disposition, he may by the power of his
soul communicate with the divine and angelic world…‖ – p.12 The History of Magic Volume
I (Joseph Ennemoser; German))
Another product of the American Spiritualist Movement was a
tract entitled ‗A Message to All Mystics: The Hindu Magic Mirror‘ by
the Chicago native, publisher and mail order supplier of magic and
occult products Dr. L. W. De Laurence (1910 A.D.) which delivers a
purported ―message‖ from an ―unseen‖ ―astral brotherhood of magic,‖
―an occult organization‖ with the which one may in fact
―communicate directly and personally with the unseen Brotherhood.‖
The unseen brotherhood is of course Azazel‘s group of rebel angels.
They even offer an invitation for mystics to communicate with them.
The 1898 A.D. Hahn & Whitehead, Chicago edition of Three Books of
Occult Philosophy or Magic by the Famous Mystic Henry Cornellius
Agrippa contains an addendum entitled The Magic Mirror which
includes instructions for the creation and use of such a ―Magic Mirror
(derived from the mirror Maja of the Magi, aka the Eternal Mirror of
Wonders; originally it was believed a genii/demon/spirit might be
entrapped within such a devise), that wonderful instrument so long
used by advanced mystics for communication between the two
worlds.‖ While the Magic Mirror may be constructed cheaply, the
steep price you pay is your soul.

In the Commentary section of Comte De Gabalis by Abbé N.

de Montfaucon de Villars (1913 A.D.) (portions of the work were
originally published in 1670 A.D.) Commentary I we find the
following selection concerning Azazel and his group of rebellious
fallen angels (it must be noted this book, as well as The Book of
Enoch from whence this passage originated and from which I have
previously quoted, played an important role in the literary progression
toward a proper 19th - 20th Century Theosophical Movement):

―BOOK OF ENOCH: Enoch the great grandfather of Noah, who had

that surname (Edris) from his great knowledge, for he was favoured
with no less than thirty books of divine revelations, and was the first
who wrote with a pen, and studied the sciences of astronomy and
arithmetic." This quotation is an approved Muhammedan commentary
upon the following references to Enoch in the Koran. "And remember
Edris in the same book; for he was a just person and a prophet, and we
exalted him to a high place." SURA 19, MARY. "The History which
follows is taken from Dr. Grabe's Spicilegium Patrum (Oxford, 1698
A.D.), and supposed by him to be the Genuine Work of Enoch the
Patriarch, whose Name it bears. Many of the first Fathers of the
Church were of this Opinion, who often produce Citations out of it,
and allow it to be of the best Authority. Tertullian, speaking of the
Habit of Women, uses this Expression The same Angels who
introduc'd Gold and Silver, and the mixture of Colours, which advance
the Lustre of Female Beauty, are now condemn'd by God, as Enoch
informs us. Clemens Alexandrinus discoursing upon the disobedient
Angels (The Clementine Homilies Homily VIII Chapter XV speaks of
the angel/human hybrid ―giants…sprung from angels…born of
women…‖), agrees to the Testimony of Enoch, and says, That the
Rebellious Spirits were the Inventors of Astronomy and Divination, as
Enoch delivers the Account. And St. Jude (who cites a Prophecy out of
the Writings of Enoch in the fourteenth and fifteenth Verses of his
Epistle) may be supposed to have recourse to this Fragment before us,
when he records in the Sixth Verse, That the Angels who kept not their
first Estate, but left their own Habitation, are reserv'd in Everlasting
Chains under Darkness, unto the Judgment of the Great Day." (See
Jude 6) THE HISTORY OF THE WATCHMEN (Watchers), (Or the
pass, when the Sons of Men were increas'd, that very Beautiful
Daughters were born to them: With these the Watchmen (the
Watchers/angels) were in Love, and burnt with Desire toward them,
which drew them into many Sins and Follies. They communed with
themselves: "Let us, say they, choose us Wives out of the Daughters of
Men upon the Earth." Semiazas, their Prince, made Answer: "I fear,
says he, you will not execute your Resolution; and so I shall derive
upon myself alone the Guilt of this Impiety." They all reply'd, and
said; "We will bind ourselves with an Oath to perform our Purpose,
and invoke dreadful Imprecations upon our Heads, if we depart from
our Enterprize before it be accomplished." So they oblig‘d themselves
with an Oath; and implored an Arrest of Vengeance upon one another.
They were two Hundred, who in the Days of Jared came down upon
the Top of Mount Hermon. The Mountain receiv‘d that Name from the
Oath by which they bound themselves, and the Imprecations they
wilfully submitted themselves under. The Names of their Princes were
these: 1. Semiazas, the Chief of them. 2. Atarcuph. 3. Araciel. 4.
Chobabiel. 5. Horammame. 6. Ramiel.7. Sampsich. 8. Zaciel. 9.
Balciel. 10. Azazel. 11. Pharmarus. 12. Amariel. 13. Anagemas. 14.
Thausael. 15. Samiel. 16. Sarinas. 17. Eumiel. 18. Tyriel. 19. Jumiel.
20. Sariel. These, and all the rest of them, took to themselves Wives…
and were inflam'd with Lust toward them till the Flood. The Offspring
of these Women were of three sorts: The first race were Giants, or Tall
Men: They begat the Naphelims, and from them came the Eliudæans;
and their Number increased, according to the Proportion of their
Bodies. They instructed their Wives and Children in Sorcery and
Inchantments. Azazel, the Tenth in the Order of the Princes, was the
first inventor of Swords and Breastplates, and all Military
Appointments: He taught his Posterity the Art of extracting Metals out
of the Earth, and the Curiosity of working in Gold and Silver, to make
Ornaments and Female Decorations: He diredted and shew'd them to
polish, and give a Lustre to choice Stones, and to Colours: The Sons of
Men soon furnish'd themselves and their Daughters with these
Vanities; and breaking through the Commands of God, they drove the
Pious and Just into Miscarriages (abortions); insomuch that a
monstrous Appearance of Impiety stalk‘d over the Face of the whole
Earth. Semiazas, their Prince, discover'd the Art of Hatred, to reserve
Envy in the Mind, and to infuse Misfortunes upon others by the Roots
of Herbs. Pharmarus, the Eleventh Prince, found out Witchcraft,
Charms, and Inchantments. The Ninth revealed the Course of the
Stars. The Fourth the Science of Astrology. The Eighth the Inspection
of the Air. The Third of the Earth. The Seventh of the Sun. The
Twentieth explain'd the Signs of the Moon. All of them display‘d these
Secrets of Knowledge to their Wives and Sons. The Giants soon after
began to feed upon Human Flesh, which made the number of Men to
decrease, and sensibly to decay. Those who were left being harass'd
with so many Instances of Wickedness, raised their Voice to Heaven,
and implor'd, That their Memory might be preserv'd in the Sight of
God. The Four Great Archangels, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and
Gabriel, being affected with their Cries, look‘d down upon Earth from
the Holiness of Heaven; and beholding a general Effusion of Blood,
and a Spirit of Universal Impiety, had this Communication among
themselves: "The Spirits and Souls of Men implore our Aid, in
Agonies of Sorrow; Introduce (they cry) our Prayers to the Highest."
Then the Four Archangels calling upon God, deliver'd themselves
thus: "Thou art God of Gods and Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and
God of Men: The Throne of thy Glory endures to all Ages, and thy
Name is Holy and Blessed for evermore; for Thou art the Creator of all
things; Thy Power is over all things; all things are open and manifest
before Thee, nor can anything be conceal‘d from Thee. Thou seest the
Actions of Azazel; the Misfortunes he has occasioned; the Wickedness
and abominable Practices he has taught upon the Earth; how he has
corrupted it with Fraud and Villainy. He has divulg‘d the great Arcana
of Heaven; and the Sons of Men are led, by his Example, to inspeél the
Celestial Mysteries: Semiazas Thou hast ordained to be the Prince of
those who are about him; but they have all turned themselves to the
Daughters of the Men of the Earth, and polluting themselves with
Women have discovered to them all the Methods of Impiety, and
instructed them to perpetrate all degrees of Abomination: And now,
behold, the Daughters of Men have born a Gigantic Offspring to them;
a foul Blemish of Corruption has infected the whole Earth, and the
World is full of Injustice. Lo, the Spirits of the Souls of Men who have
been dead, attend thee: Their Groans have arriv‘d as far as the Gates of
Heaven, and they cannot depart, by reason of the exceeding Impiety
that is committed upon the Earth: Yet Thou knewest these things
before they were effected: Dost Thou see them, and say nothing? What
must be done upon this Occasion?" The Highest made answer, and the
Holy Great One reply‘d; and sent Uriel to the Son of Lamech, saying:
"Go to Noe (Noah), and acquaint him in My Name, Hide thyself: And
inform him, that the End approaches, for the whole Earth shall perish.
And tell him, a Deluge shall overspread the whole Earth, and all
Things shall be destroy'd upon the Face of it. Instruct the Just Son of
Lamech what he shall do, and he shall preserve his Soul unto Life; and
he shall be safe in his Generation: From him shall a new Race be
deriv'd and established, and shall continue to all Ages." THE
Commentary section of Comte De Gabalis by Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars [1913] The
Book . (―Many readers will recall Sir Edward (Bulwer-)Lytton's citation of Comte de Gabalis
(though dated 1715, portions of which was originally published in 1670 A.D. The Book of
Enoch itself dates back to the 3rd-1st Centuries B.C.) in his strange novel Zanoni (published
1842 A.D.), certain portions of which were based upon this source. And others will remember
the high esteem in which the wit and wisdom of the Abbé de Villars' masterpiece (Comte de
Gabalis) were held by litterateurs, as well as occultists, in the early years of the 18th century.
Alexander Pope, in his dedication to the Rape of the Lock, the first draft of which was written
in 1711, says "The Rosicrucians are a people I must bring you acquainted with. The best
account I know of them is in a French book call‘d Le Comte de Gabalis…Alexander Pope's
poem bears the same relation to its inspiration Comte de Gabalis, that a dancing mote does to
the sunbeam whose brilliance it reflects.‖ Comte De Gabalis by Abbé N. de Montfaucon de
Villars (1913 A.D.) The Book. The English poet and satirist Alexander Pope in Rape of the
Lock wrote of Azazel and his group of fallen angels when he wrote of virgins visited by
angelic powers)

Theosophists teach that in times past ―an important event

happened - the most important up to this time upon our planet. This
event was the coming of what the ancient scriptures call the "Shining
Ones," the "Sons of God". These Beings have been called by many
names…They have sometimes been referred to as the "fallen
angels"…The coming (descent) of these divine sons, and their sojourn
in the lower regions ("Hades" of the Greeks, "Amenti" of the
Egyptians) has been the subject of myth and legend of all peoples
since the beginning of time. This is a theme which has been
immortalised by sage and poet.‖ - The Theosophical Seal (Arthur M. Coon, 1958

Theosophy teaches of Azazel‘s group of rebellious fallen

angels who are imprisoned within the Earth!

Azazel is an adept at animal husbandry, being often referred to

as a shepherd (as the shepherd gods Dumuzi and Tammuz; as Osiris
who is oft depicted with the shepherds crook and flail; as the shepherd
god Pan; or as a swineherd (as Euboulos). Many representations of the
angel Azazel in other religious systems depict Azazel in this way as a
shepherd. It must be noted the Egyptian god Thoth was one of such a
myriad of representations of the angel Azazel. One of the names of
the god Thoth (who represented the angel Azazel) was ‗Sheps,‘ this
title being a cognate of the word ‗shepherd,‘ and most notably, of the
Hebrew word ‗Sheol,‘ the name of the place where the angel Azazel
and his rebellious angels are imprisoned underground within the
earth). In this very same capacity Azazel was depicted as the
Celtic/Druidic god of herders named Saman, a god also known as
Samhain (Saman is also the name of a Buddhist Deva (god). The word
‗Deva‘ is a cognate of the word ‗devil.‘ The Buddhist Deva (devil)
Saman represents the angel Azazel (from the word ‗Saman‘ comes the
word ‗shaman.‘ By definition, shamanism comprises a range of
beliefs and practices concerned with communication with the spirit
world (read: communication with the fallen angels. Compare to the
Hindu ‗samaneen‘). Indeed, Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma says:
―The Druidical ceremonies undoubtedly came from India; and the
Druids were originally Buddhists.‖). (Likely the word ‗druid‘ is
derived from the place name of Azazel‘s entrapment, namely,
Duidain. At any rate, the Gaelic word ‗Druidh‘ means ―wise
The root word ‗sam‘ means poison/venom and as such is
associated with the serpent, while ‗an‘ means ‗heaven.‘ The ‗i‘ is the
Sumerian designation for ‗lord‘ (in the Sumerian work entitled
Ninurta's Exploits: A šir-sud to Ninurta (ETCSL translation: t.1.6.2)
Azazel is the ―Lord Saman-ana‖ mentioned therein). This serpent
lord from heaven is the Genesis serpent Azazel (known to ancients as
the gods Baal and Adonis, both epitaphs meaning ‗lord‘) who was the
leader of the assembly of the jinn, also known as the ‗mani.‘ As an
added note, the word ‗azi,‘ the root of the name Azazel, is the Iranian
Avestan word for ‗serpent.‘ Indeed, the Samhain festival is named in
Azazel‘s honor, bearing his Druidic nome de guerre. The festival of
Samhain was also known as the ‗Vigil of Samana.‘ A ‗vigil‘ is
defined as ‗the eve of a festival.‘ We know this vigil in its
Christianized form as Halloween, which is the shortened form of All-
Hallows Eve, which is celebrated on the eve of the festival known as
All-Hollows Day.

The festival which marks the night on which the deaths of the
human/angel hybrids occurred in an Armageddon-like confrontation
was Christianized as All-Hallows Eve (October 31), from whence
comes the name Halloween (from Hallowe‘en, the shortened form of
All-hallow-even, the eve of All-hallows Day), while the following day
which hallowed the celebration of the day on which the angels were
imprisoned within the earth was Christianized by the Roman Catholic
Church under the name of All-Hallows Day, also known as
Hallowmas (November 1), which was the Old English name for our
modern All Saint‘s Day (November 1). In fact, the story of these
angels‘ imprisonment within the earth is the basis for the Roman
Catholic Church‘s concept of Purgatory. All Soul‘s Day is a festival
held on November 2 on the day following All Saint‘s Day when
prayers are offered up in order to hasten the deliverance of those souls
being held in ‗purgatory.‘ Since those held in ‗purgatory‘ are these
earthly imprisoned rebellious fallen angels, such prayers consequently
offered up are an effort to hasten their release. This observance
represented the Christianization of a Pagan practice. (Important Note: The
Balfour Declaration, an agreement which provided for "the establishment in Palestine of a
Home for the Jewish people" and in such a way leading to the creation of the modern state of
Israel, was issued on All Soul‘s Day on November 2, 1917 A.D.)
Beltane is celebrated on May 1, (May Day). According to the
Hutchison Educational Encyclopedia (Helicon Publishing Ltd, 2000),
Beltane is May-Day, an Old Scottish quarter day. As such, All-Saint‘s
Day was in fact moved from this date to November 1. At a period of
time when the day was reckoned from sunset to sunset, the two day
hallowed-day of All-hallow-even and All-hallows Day was originally
a one day event. Liturgically, this day was celebrated at the Vigil of
All Saint‘s (this day was the Christianized version of the Vigil of
Samana, also known as Samhain), hence the name, All Saint‘s Day.
All Saint‘s Day was also the Roman Catholic Church‘s Christianized
substitute for the pagan Roman festival called the Feast of Lemures
(alternatively the Lemuralia or Lemuria), celebrated on May 13 on the
Julian Calendar (April 30, May Eve, also known as Walpurgis Night,
is its Gregorian Calendar equivalent), so named for the dead spirits of
the hybrid children of the angels, the deaths of whom this holy-day
In Ireland today, Oidhche/Oiche Bealtaine is May Eve, and La
Bealtaine is May Day. The Welsh equivalent of Beltane is Calan
Mai/Calan Haf, celebrated on May 1. The celebrations begin the
evening before and this is known as May Eve. May Eve as a pagan
holy-day was Christianized as (St.) Walpurgis Night being celebrated
as it was on April 30 on the eve of the 1st of May at a time when days
were reckoned as beginning at sundown. In German folklore, this day
(Walpurgisnacht) was a witches‘ feast night/sabbat as May Day was
originally a pre-Christian holy-day reserved for the performance of
magical rites (‗sabbat‘ from the word ‗sabt.‘ Sabt is the Egyptian
name for the star Sirius with which Azazel is associated). Beltane is
also a May 1st festival celebrated by those magical New Agers, the

In America and Canada, the secular holiday of Labor Day is

derived from May Day (it was ‗officially‘ secularized (this being akin
to the process of the Chritianization of pagan holy days) as a
celebration of workers when it was first adopted at the 1889 A.D.
International Socialist Congress in Paris where the date was fixed as
being the 1st of May) and became a legal holiday (a word derived from
the term ‗holy day‘) in honor of workers. The Communist celebration
of May Day has this as its origin, where a seemingly irreligious group
esoterically celebrates a wholly religious concept. In Hinduism,
Ribhus was the name of the leader of a small group said to dwell in a
solar sphere. The solar sphere in which they dwell, or more
specifically, within which the small group is entrapped, is
representative of Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth. The name Ribhus is
from ‗rbhu-,‘ a word cognate with the Latin word ‗labor‘ and the
English word ‗elf.‘ Elves are folkloric representations of the
rebellious fallen angels (the word ‗el‘ in the word ‗elf/elves‘ is a root
of the word ‗angel‘) The true esoteric meaning of Labor Day as a
holiday pertains to the veneration of the rebellious fallen angel Azazel
under the Hindu name of Ribhus. Labor Day is Ribhus Day, which is
to say, Azazel Day! In America the observation of Labor Day was
moved to the 1st Monday of September, though many countries still
celebrate Labor Day on May Day (May 1). Of an interesting note, the
first permanent settlement in North America was at Jamestown in
Virginia, officially settled on May 14, 1607 A.D. on the Gregorian
Calendar. The Julian Calendar date of May 14th corresponds to the
Gregorian Calendar date of May 1, May Day.
The Roman Festival of the Bona Dea was also held on May 1
in honor of the virginal goddess Bona Dea, whose name means ―the
good goddess.‖ Bona Dea represents Azazel‘s human wife. May Day
(May 1) games have their origin in the religious celebration associated
with the Roman Secular Games. In fact, the May Queen/Queen of the
May (the word ‗May‘ is derived from ‗Maia,‘ the name of a Greek
fertility goddess who likewise represented Azazel‘s human wife, also
known as Queen Maia) was a virgin young girl(s) who was/were
chosen to act as queen(s) of the May Day games in honor of Azazel‘s
human wife who was alternately known as the Queen of Heaven (some
Roman Catholic Church‘s conduct a May Crowning of Mary
ceremony on May 1, such as that held at St. Gerald‘s in Oak Lawn, IL
at the parish‘s grotto shrine of Mary, the Queen of Heaven, in honor of
the Roman Catholic Church‘s Christianized version of the angel
Azazel‘s human wife. This was a common practice throughout the
Roman Catholic world prior to the reforms of the Second Ecumenical
Council of the Vatican (also known as Vatican II) held between 1962-
1965 A.D.). In medieval times these virgin Queens of the May were
often impregnated during pagan sexual fertility rites (Hiero Gamos
Rituals) which ceremoniously commemorated the sexual union of
Azazel and his human wife.

The tradition of dancing around a May-pole is a scene often

depicted in early American art as May Day was a popular holy-day in
Colonial America. The Puritans who came to North America at
Jamestown, Virginia, were Calvinists who had opposed the power of
the Roman Catholic Church in England and who had supported Oliver
Cromwell‘s overthrow of the English monarchy. After the subsequent
reinstatement of the monarchy in England, many Puritans fled to North
America to avoid persecution. With these European colonists and
settlers came various pagan religious traditions to America. Magic
traditions and Christian practices often went side by side, with some
individuals thereby masking their wholly pagan inclinations through a
veil of Christianity and through the employment of other sorts of
secularized lore to avoid wholesale persecutions, often involving a
brutal death by the zealous Inquisitions of the Roman Catholic Church.
This fact notwithstanding, witchcraft was not an uncommon practice in
early colonial America, and many individuals suffered during the
infamous Salem Witch Trials of 1692-1693 A.D. (witch trials were not
exclusive to Massachusetts, they being also held in other colonies as
well as in England). The illustrious Puritan Cotton Mather (1663-1728
A.D.) wrote several literary works concerning witchcraft in the
colonies, even condoning its use in certain circumstances, while
vessels known as ‗Witch-bottles‘ can be found on both sides of the
Atlantic in the colonies as well as on the European continent which
spawned their usage. Witch bottles were folkloric cures meant to
counter the malevolent effects of the spells of black-magic practicing
witches, often employed by cunning men and women. Early colonial
Dutch Pennsylvanian hex signs also share a magical origin, being
employed as protective charms, and some locales in early America
were indubitably influenced by both the Christian and German
mystical/theosophical movements. Many such adherents had fled
persecution in Europe only to alight upon our American shores. Such
groups include the Quakers. In fact:

―The earliest settlers of America--Spanish, English, Dutch, Swedes,

French, German, etc., all had a "working knowledge," generally
speaking, of religious backgrounds, especially respecting good and
bad--angels and witches. Most of the books brought to America by
either of the above races were of a religious nature, having, of course,
general rules for religious behavior, if not of a moral and civil
behavior, as well.‖ - The Realness of Witchcraft in America (A. Monroe Aurand, Jr.,
1942 A.D.)).

The word ‗Druid‘ by one definition means ‗knowing the oak

tree.‘ What is the esoteric significance of the oak tree? As Giordano
Bruno in The Heroic Enthusiasts so eloquently states: ―the roots of the
oak twist and weave themselves into the veins of the earth,‖ and it is in
the very veins of the earth where, as we learn, Azazel is entrapped.
Indeed, the Druids carried out human sacrifices during religious rites
in sacred groves. Their victims (called hostias) were often burned
alive in wooden wickerwork cages in the shape of humans or in the
shape of enormous human heads. The Beltane Festival held on May
1st featured the burning of such a huge wicker effigy of a man.
Related to this is the Burning Man Fest, an annual event held in the
Black Rock Desert of Nevada. The Burning Man Fest is held from
August 25-September 1. September 1st is, as you recall, Labor Day,
which is to say, Ribhus Day, Ribhus being the Hindu name for Azazel.
This is precisely four months after May 1st on our current calendar,
adjusted to coincide with May 1st in the ancient calendar tradition.
Also related to Beltane traditions is the burning of a marionette effigy
of Zozobra, also called Old Man Gloom (as Azazel is said to abide in
the ‗nether gloom,‘ being also known as Father Time (Cronos), who is
oft depicted as an old man), during the Fiestas de Santa Fe in Santa Fe,
New Mexico during the month of September. The Fiestas de Santa Fe
dates back to the year 1712 A.D., while the tradition of the burning of
Zozobra dates from 1924 A.D. The burning of Zozobra commences a
three day celebration which includes a mass at St. Francis Cathedral.
Another related festival was the worship of the Hittite horned lion-god
Sandan (compare to the Sand Man; the cherubim of the angels are
capable of putting people into a deep sleep), a god who represented the
angel Azazel, the image of which was placed inside a pyre which was
subsequently set afire. These festivals and others like it were all related
to an Egyptian annual rite called the ―Banishing of Apep‖ (in systems
of magic, banishing rituals go hand in hand with the invocation of
spirits/angels/demons). In regards to the serpent characterization of
the angel Azazel, he is represented in the Egyptian stories of Apep (in
Greek, Apophis), who was the great serpent believed to be imprisoned
and still living entrapped within the underworld. During an annual
Egyptian black magic ceremony called the ―Banishing of Apep,‖
Egyptian priests built an effigy of the serpent Apep and burned it in
order to protect the populace from his influences. The Bohemian
Grove Cremation of Care (called ‗Dull Care‘) ceremony also has its
roots in this practice (the term ―dull care‖ can be found in The
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (c. 1123 A.D.), a mystical poem by a
master of comparative religions and of the esoteric teachings found
therein. Stanza 299 relates: ―Cast off dull care, O melancholy
brother!‖ while Stanza 198 speaks of ―care‘s serpent eye‖ (and also
―Rich men, who take to drink, the world defy,‖ they being as it were,
above the law, one definition of the word ‗Bohemian‘ (compare to
Felix Pyat‘s 1834 A.D. description of Bohemians as being ―outside the
law, beyond the reaches of society.‖ Felix Pyat was a high-degree
Freemason who receives special mention on p. 262 of Occult
Theocracy as being a co-conspirator in an international intrigue).
Serpents are a common motif representing the angel Azazel and are
also a common symbol of a cherub. It must be noted at this point that
a serpent is employed as the Bohemian Club logo). Hence the
Cremation of Care ceremony is akin to magic ceremonies which
ritually burn the angel Azazel in effigy, the object being to banish him
after previously invoking him. Apophis (Apep) is also known as
Apophrassz, the ―Stooping Dragon,‖ a dragon being a common
symbol for a cherub, the word ‗dragon‘ often being used
interchangeably with the word ‗serpent‘ in The Bible. The word
‗Apophis‘ is etymologically related to the word ‗Apis‘ and also to the
word ‗Apollo.‘ The gods Apollo and Apis were gods who represented
Azazel/Behemoth. The word ‗Apis‘ is simply the word ‗Apophis‘
with the word ‗oph‘ removed. The word ‗oph‘ means ‗serpent.‘
Serpents are also a common symbol for a cherub (the god known as
Apollo, representative of Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, is also called
Pythius after the serpent Pytho (See The Magus Chapter VII: Of the
Order of Evil Spirits, and their Fall, and Different Natures)). The
word ‗Python,‘ the name for a genus of snakes, is a cognate of the
word ‗Typhon‘ (these words vary simply through the transposition of
the letters ‗t‘ and ‗y.‘ By definition these words are anagrams of each
other. By one definition, a python is a demon). The Greek god
Typhon represented Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth. When Typhon was
defeated by Zeus (Zeus being the name under which the Greeks paid
homage to God), Typhon (Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth) was said to
have been entrapped beneath the earth, being cast by Zeus (God) into
Tartarus (the underworld, within the earth). (One must also note the
similarity between the words ‗Python‘ and Ptah, yet another Egyptian
title of the angel Azazel, he of many names).
The Egyptian word ‗Serapis‘ comes from ‗Soros-Apis,‘ or
‗Sor-Apis,‘ meaning ‗tomb of the bull (ox)‘ (compare to the name of
the Sabine god Soranus, a god who likewise represented Azazel).
Apis (in Egyptian meaning ‗ox‘), it is said, represented the Egyptian
god Osiris (the name by which the Egyptians worshipped
Behemoth/Azazel) in the form of a sacred bull (a male ox), the bull
being a common symbol for an angel (at the giving of the Ten
Commandments, the golden bull calf (the calf signifying the Egyptian
Horus the Child/Harpocrates/Apis the young bull calf and the Hebrew
god Moloch, all of whom represented different characteristics of the
angel Azazel) which the Hebrews worshipped after their Exodus from
Egypt (See Exodus 32:2-8) was such an idolized representation of
Azazel). Serapis was also known as Osiris Apis. From the Egyptian
word ‗Serapis‘ comes the Hebrew word for ‗Seraph,‘ which is a type
of cherub. The word ‗Osiris‘ translates as ―many eyed,‖ a term
descriptive of Azazel‘s cherub (in Ezekiel 10:12, Ezekiel describes the
cherubim as being covered with many apertures called ―eyes‖).
Serapis then, being the tomb of the bull Osiris, is a term referring to
Azazel‘s entombment within his cherub Behemoth, which is to say,
within his seraph, within the dark recesses of the earth. Indeed, as
related by Plutarch in On Osiris and Isis, priests performed ceremonies
in which the god Apis is ritually buried, thereby commemorating the
entombment of Azazel (represented by Apis), within the earth, within
his cherubic tomb. These ritual burial places were located in
underground temples dedicated to the god Serapis, called a Serapeum.
The god Serapis is at times depicted as being crowned with a modius,
which is an Egyptian corn measure. The modius holds 16 sextarii in
allusion to Azazel‘s release in 2016 A.D. It must be noted that Azazel
is also known as a corn god, who is often represented by an ear of
The Great Magical Papyrus of Paris speaks of ―Osiris, king of
the underworld‖ calling him ―King Osiris Onnophris,‖ a title
containing the root word ‗oph,‘ alluding to the god‘s connection to the
Genesis serpent Azazel. The word ‗oph‘ means ‗serpent.‘ Such a
connection was made because serpents inhabit subterranean abodes.
In a like way the magic book known as the Simon Necronomicon
refers to Azazel as a ―Worm‖ in allusion to the fact that he dwells, like
the lowly earthworm, within the earth.

Demeter is one such name under which the Greeks worshipped

the earthly human wife of the angel Azazel. In the Orphic hymn, To
Eleusinian Demeter, Demeter is said to ―dwell in the sacred valley of
Eleusis…beneath the earth.‖ The ―valley of Eleusis‖ esoterically
represents that valley carved out by the comet which struck the earth
therein entrapping Azazel, his human wife, and the angels along with
him, in his cherub beneath the earth. The pagan rites of the
Eleusinians during the Eleusinian mysteries were often performed in
subterranean chambers, as were the Mithraic mysteries and oft times
the Druidic mysteries (this was true of nearly all mystery school
initiations), in commemoration of Azazel‘s and his human wife‘s
subterranean imprisonment. Caves, which are subterranean chambers,
and their cousins, the grottos, are in the mystery religions one and the
same. The Roman Catholic Church‘s use of grottos is related to this
long held pagan belief. By definition, the grotto is a small cave or a
man-made imitation of a cave. The word ‗grotto‘ is derived from the
Italian word ‗grotta,‘ meaning ‗crypt,‘ which, and also by definition
refers to an underground chamber, which is to say, a subterranean
chamber. The common practice of the placement of statues (idols) of
the Queen of Heaven/Virgin Mary in grottos is the Christianized
version of pagan teachings concerning the fact that Azazel‘s human
wife, whom the Roman Catholic Church‘s concept of the Virgin Mary
represents, in Christianized form, is entombed (along with Azazel)
underground within the earth (as an added note, the Sumerian word
‗kur,‘ used to denote a cherub (as in Enlil (Azazel) in the E-kur) by
definition describes an aperture of a window, the eye, or a cave!). (―May
their names remain fixed, and not destroyed for ever before Osiris (Behemoth), Horus
(Azazel), Isis (Azazel‘s human swife), Nephthys (the Tree of Life/artificial womb/fusion
chamber within Behemoth)--those gods and goddesses who are herein mentioned; and before
the gods and goddesses in their entirety who are in the underworld, and in the chambers (read:
who are in the cherubim. The word chamber is a cognate of the word cherubim) and great
shrines existing in the underworld.‖ - Hymn to Osiris-Sokar)

When in Genesis 3:14 God said of the serpent, who

symbolically represents the angel Azazel: ―dust you shall eat.‖ This
was a reference to God‘s sentencing Azazel to interment within the
earth. Serpents make their homes within the earth, hence the analogy.
It is also in this tradition that we find the esoteric teachings of the story
of Azazel‘s entrapment within the earth from the legends of Buddhism
circa the 5th Century B.C. in India when we learn of the serpent king
Mucalinda (who represents the angel Azazel) whose palace (which
represents Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth within which he is entrapped)
was located beneath the earth (it must be noted that L. Ron Hubbard,
father of the Church of Scientology, asserts that Dianetics is in fact
―the spiritual heir of Buddhism in the Western world.‖ Scientologists
also rever Azazel and the fallen angels! Mass murderer Charles
Manson was one of Scientologies most infamous inherents). In
regards to the serpent characterization of the angel Azazel, he is
represented in the Egyptian stories of Apep/Apophis, the great serpent
believed to be imprisoned and still living within the underworld.
‗Nag‘ in Sanskrit means ‗serpent/snake,‘ and Naga is the
Sanskrit name for a snake or dragon. Dragons and serpents are
common Biblical terms for the cherubim of the angels, and most
specifically the cherubim of Azazel and Satan. In Hindu-Buddhist
belief, naga are celestial dragons often able to take human form. This
is based on the story of the incarnation of the celestial serpent Azazel
and of the angels who accompanied him who also came to this Earth in
human form. In European folklore dragons are said to inhabit
underground lairs.

Contrary to popular belief, angels are capable of sin. Nobody

is perfect, not even the angels of heaven:
Even in his servants (the angels) he (God) puts no trust, and his angels
he (God) charges with error… Job 4:18

Behold, God puts no trust in his holy ones (his angels), and the
heavens are not clean in his sight… Job 15:15

The angels, their offspring and the human women who sired
them were deified by the human population of the Earth, by which
they are represented in a multicultural pantheon of gods, goddesses
and so-called ―mythical‖ figures, and these stories come down to us in
the form of ―mythologies.‖ Many ―mythologies‖ are taught in
educational curriculums throughout the United States. They were
taught to me in the public school system in Chicago, IL, in English
class. I learned of them again later on in a state-run college
Humanities course (in this way they dodge the Constitutional
mandated division of church and state). Amidst these supposed
―myths‖ are contained the true stories of the exploits of the angels
(including their cherubim), their wives and their offspring. Many
religions throughout the history of the world, be they Semitic,
Assyrian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Ugaritic, Phoenician, Ethiopian,
Arabic, etc., have similar archetypes, that is, similar religious symbols
and motifs which are shared by the many systems. This is because
they speak of the same characters and occurrences, being differing
versions of the very same story, much in the way the game Telephone
is played, where as time wore on the versions changed in compliance
with local societal norms and individual interpretations and assertions.
The variety of names by which one individual can be known is
attributed to differences in cultures, languages, attributes and titles.
The 200 angels who appeared in the time of Jared who were
imprisoned within the earth are the ―gods whose dominion is…in
depths of earth and gloom‖ as mentioned in the Roman poet (70-19
B.C.) Virgil‘s Aeneid. These angels are the Titans of Tartarus, the
Sons of Earth (in reference to their being angels incarnate) ―cast
down‖ from heaven to the Earth and ―writhing in the lowest depth‖
thereof. In the Greek Orphic Hymn, ―To the Titans,‖ it is said these
Titans ―dwell down below in Tartarean homes…in the earth‘s
bowels.‖ This is in reference to the angels‘ imprisonment within the
earth, where they are to this day imprisoned within their ―homes,‖
which is to say, within their cherubim. The Greek poet Hesiod (8th
Century B.C.) likewise tells us the Titans were ―bound in bitter chains
beneath the wide-wayed earth.‖ The Greek word for the deities who
dwelled beneath the earth was ‗hypochthonioi.‘ The Sumerians called
these imprisoned angels the Anunnaki amongst which group is the
Anunna, the fifty great gods of the Sumerians, who represent the crew
commanders of the cherubim, each cherub housing a crew of four,
including their commander (50 X 4 = 200)(as exemplified in
Revelations 9:13-15, a scripture which describes the release of
Azazel‘s cherub. There are four angels in Azazel‘s cherub which is
representative of a typical cherub crew). In The Koran these angels
are known as the jinn, from whence comes our word ‗genie.‘ They are
the Hindu goblems and akin to the Germanic elves (which we learn
about at Christmastime in the folkloric form of Santa‘s (read: Satan‘s)
elves). They are the Norse ―Dark-elves‖ mentioned in the 13th
Century Prose Edda Gylfanning said to ―dwell down in the earth.‖
The Irish knew them as Aos Si/Aes Sidhe, elf-like beings who live
underground. The Nordic word for elf, ‗Alfar,‘ contains the root word
‗ar,‘ meaning Watcher/angel (Interesting enough, ALF is used to
abbreviate Alien Life Form). The fallen angels are also known as the
Nordic Vanir (the root ‗ir‘ also means Watcher/angel. I would have to
say ‗r‘ denotes an angel. When considering the word Druid, I would
translate it as angel of Duid(ain). Hence a Druid priest is a priest of
the angels in Duidain. Druids are practitioners of magic). They are
sometimes referred to as the sluagh sidhe, the ―fairy host‖ (note the
etymological similarities between the word ‗sluagh‘ and the name of
the god Lugh, a Celtic name for the angel Azazel. The word ‗sidhe,‘
which refers to the residence in which these beings resided beneath the
earth, referred to the cherubim in which the angels were entrapped.
From the night hag known as Azazel‘s human wife comes the original
Irish concept of the Banshee, a word derived from ‗bean sidhe,‘ which
translates as ―woman of the sidhe.‖ She is the woman entrapped with
Azazel within his cherub.
The Norse knew Azazel‘s cherub entrapped within the earth as
Niflheim. The word ‗Niflheim‘ is derived from the Old English word
for ―dark‖ and a German and Latin root meaning ―cloud.,‖ in essence,
a dark cloud. Clouds in The Bible represent cherubim. Niflheim also
translates somewhat as ―abode of the mist,‖ a cherub being the all-
important source of the mist essential in the transfiguration process
(See 1Enoch XIV.8). The Norse knew the place of Azazel‘s
imprisonment beneath the earth as Hel and Helvete (‗hel‘ means
―concealed cave‖ and is a cognate of the Hebrew word ‗Sheol,‘ the
place where Azazel was imprisoned within the earth), this being the
―location of punishment,‖ which, more specifically, was the location
of Azazel‘s punishment, ‗Hel‘ being etymologically related to the
name of the Greek god Helios, a personification of Azazel‘s cherub,
Behemoth. It is within his cherub in which Azazel is entrapped. It is
also known as Niflhel.
Azazel‘s human wife, imprisoned with him within his cherub
was known variously as Holle, Holla, Holda, Hulda, Hilda, Hilde, Hela
and Hel. As specifically pertains to Azazel‘s human wife, Azazel‘s
cherub within which she is entrapped was called Eljuonir, which
translates as ‗Hel‘s Hall.‘ In the Prose Edda book Gylfanning (circa
1230 A.D.), the place where she is entrapped within the earth is also
called the ―Pit of Stumbling.‖ The human wives of Azazel and his
angels were known by the Norse as Valkyries, the most famous of
whom is Brynhildr/Bromide (whose name means ‗Brynie of Battle‘),
who represents the angel Azazel‘s human wife. Her name is a cognate
of the name of the Celtic goddess Bride/Bridget, and Britannia, the
female figure who is emblematic of the country of Britain, a country
so named in the honor of Azazel‘s human wife. The ‗horses‘ the
Valkyries ride are symbolic of the cherubim of their angel husbands, in
which they travel. Horses are a common symbol for cherubim in The
Bible. The composer Wagner wrote an opera about them entitled The
Ride of the Valkyries. The Valkyries are also known as the disir and
as norns. ‗Dis‘ means ‗lady/ladies,‘ and ‗ir‘ means Watcher/angel.
The ‗disir‘ are the ladies of the Watcher/angels, which is to say, the
human wives of the angels. Germanic operas have long sung the
praises of the rebellious fallen angels, albeit in their archaic
mythological forms.
In the Orphic hymn, To Pluto, Pluto being another such name
under which Azazel was known, we are told: ―Pluto…whose realms
profound are fix‘d beneath the firm and solid ground in the Tartarian
plains (in Tartarus),‖ and that his ―throne,‖ which is to say, the place
where his cherub rests, is ―fix‘d in Hades dismal plains‖ within the
earth where he dwells with Proserpine, one such name under which
Azazel‘s human wife was known, ―deep‖ in the ―cave of Atthis
(Attis),‖ which is to say, in Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth. His entombed
cherub is oft described as a subterranean cave.
The Egyptians used the scarab as a symbol of Azazel‘s cherub.
The Egyptian scarab represents the god Khepera (etymologically
similar to the word ‗serpent,‘ a word synonymous with the word
‗cherub‘) and is often depicted riding through the sea of the sky in the
Boat of the Sun, which represents a cherub. Khepera is known as the
Roller, so-called for a scarab beetle‘s practice of rolling dung balls,
which, like a cherub, also rolls, which is to say, spins. And like
cherubim, a scarab beetle‘s wings, which are extended from its body
while in flight, are retracted when at rest. The idea that Azazel is
entrapped within the earth within his cherub is also paralleled by the
scarab beetle‘s habit of making their homes within the earth. All of
these characteristics made the Egyptian scarab an apt symbol for the
imprisoned Azazel and for his cherub, Behemoth. And last but not
least, Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XVI B.D. Chap. XXXA speaks
of ―the horns‖ of Khepera. Azazel is known as the horned-god.
Another apt symbol. Indeed, one of the many Egyptian titles for
Azazel was ―Lord of the two horns‖ (See the Egyptian Book of the
Dead Plate XXXI).
In the ancient Babylonian religion the god Baal (Baal means
‗lord‘) was known as the ―smiting god,‖ a god of war. Baal is a
representation of the angel Azazel. Azazel taught humans the art of
war (See The Book of Enoch). The humans of the Earth began
worshiping as gods the angels who appeared in the days of Jared in
5000 B.C. (The author is not alone in this belief. According to Zohar
2:7a, the gods of the nations as spoken of in The Bible are not mere
powerless idols but represent actual celestial beings who have
influence over actual events on our Earth). Some gods/angels may
have entered some of the most ancient of temples and possibly had
roles in their construction. The Greek poet Hesiod in the 8th Century
B.C. himself expressed the Grecian belief that in antediluvian (pre-
Flood) times man lived with the angels whom he called ―divine
beings.‖ The Apocalypse of Abraham 31:5-8 also references
mankind‘s aforementioned worship of the angel Azazel.
In Zoroastrianism the angels who accompanied Azazel and
who are entrapped within the earth are called ‗daevas.‘ The Greeks
called these fallen angels ‗daemons‘ (as well as Titans). In the Orphic
Hymn ―To Adonis‖ (Adonis, like Baal, means ‗lord‘), Adonis being
the Greek translation of the Semitic title under which Azazel was
known, Orpheus describes him as being the ―best of daemons‖ who
was ―much-named‖ (as he is known under many different names and
titles) and therein associates him with the desert and with Tartarus.
Recall in The Book of Enoch Azazel was said to be entrapped within
the earth (in the underworld of Tartarus) in the desert called Duidain.
They speak of one and the same being- the angel Azazel. In the hymn
it is said Adonis/Azazel was ―At stated periods doomed to set and rise‖
(in association with his entrapment within the earth, representing his
setting, and with his rising, his later release in the period before the
Second Coming), rising as he does in a ―splendid lamp, the glory of
the skies.‖ His ―lamp,‖ ―the glory of the skies,‖ is his cherub
Behemoth. In The Bible, a ―glory‖ is a common term for a cherub.
From the legend of Azazel‘s entrapment within the earth also comes
the Arabian story of the genie in the lamp (See The Arabian Nights,
also known as The Thousand and One Nights). Our word ‗genie‘
comes from the Arabic word for ‗jinn.‘ According to the Koran 18.50,
the jinn were the rebellious angels who transgressed the word of God.
Azazel‘s cherub was described as a lamp in the Orphic hymn because
a cherub can be brightly lit and it therefore lights up the sky. In this
hymn it is also said his ―orb‖ (his round, wheel-like cherub) would
later ―shine again‖ in the ―heavens.‖ People mistake the angel Azazel
in his various personas as a representation of the sun (a sun god)
because he is thereby associated with a brightly lit orb which
subsequently sets and rises as does our sun.
The jinn (Azazel and his imprisoned angels) are also known as
the shedim (some shedim are invoked during kabalistic ceremonies
such as was the golem of Rabbi Yehuda Loevy. Contrary to popular
belief, there is no such thing as benevolent shedim. Aleister Crowley,
a practitioner of Magick, invoked the shedu Azazel under the guise of
Choronzon, the Dweller in the Abyss. In Arabian countries the
jinn/rebellious fallen angels are likewise associated with magic. Arab
magicians are called Muqarribun, their traditions predating Islam itself
(and of course, Aleister Crowley). Through their use of magic, the
Muqarribun sought to control the jinn and to exploit them to their
advantage. Spells were employed in an effort to control the jinn and to
enslave them and as protection against them. Some of the Dead Sea
scrolls of the Essenes at Qumran contained magic spells. The
Egyptians also had practicing magicians (See Exodus 7:11), as did the
Babylonians (See Daniel 2:10)). The kings of the east, the Persian
Magi who visited Jesus at his birth were likewise, as their names
suggest, magicians (the religion of the Magi, Zoroastrianism,
prophesized the realease of the angel Azazel, as well as practicing the
invocation of thefallen angels)
Chapter 6. Azazel, God of the Ancients
The angel named Azazel was known as the Egyptian god
Horus, teacher of the Lesser Mysteries at his first appearance on Earth,
and teacher of the Greater Mysteries when he makes his second
appearance after his release from his rocky imprisonment within the
earth. The story of the imprisoned Azazel and of his three
accompanying angelic comrades (along with his human wife) trapped
inside Azazel‘s cherub and the two hundred angels who accompanied
him to the earth who are encased within the earth in their cherubim
beneath the windswept desert sands is the origin of the worship of the
legendary demonic seirim, the satyr-like jinn of the desert to whom the
ancient Semites offered religious sacrifices as mentioned in Leviticus
17:7. They are also the jinn (from whence comes our word ‗genii‘)
which are spoken of in The Koran. The jinn, the angels imprisoned
within the earth, are mentioned in The Bible as being the ―satyrs‖ to
whom the Israelites offered sacrifices and ―after whom they play the
harlot‖ as related in Leviticus 17:7. God equates worshipping other
gods than Himself with the act of harlotry. In 2Chronicles 11:14-15
we are told Jeroboam instituted the worship of Azazel and of his
cohorts (the satyrs) and of the calves which represented them in place
of the worship of God (of God Most High, YHWH, the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), the ultimate act of religious harlotry. In
Egypt, the four angels who are entrapped within Azazel‘s cherub are
known as the Four Genii of the Amenthes (of Hades). The Greeks also
worshipped Azazel and his cohorts. Azazel‘s and the imprisoned
angels‘ story was the origin of the myths concerning the satyrs of
ancient Greece. It seems almost every civilization has paid homage to
these rebellious angels in one form or another.
According to The Zohar, in reference to the builders of the
Tower of Babel, the first and foremost being Nimrod, ―Said Rabbi
Abba: ‗They were the subjects of a horrible and demoniacal
infatuation in that they impiously wished to abandon the worship of
the Lord for that of Satan or the serpent (Azazel) to whom they
rendered homage and glory.‘‖ Most religions from that point on
scattered across many different lands and peoples did in fact worship
the rebellious angels under a variety of names and titles in a large
number of religious systems in the post-Noahic Flood period.
Azazel was worshipped in many religious systems under a
variety of different names, as was his cherub Behemoth. Azazel was
known to the Canaanites as Baal (God equates the worship of Allah of
The Koran to the worship of Baal. Indeed, according to the
Encyclopedia Britannica (which derives its name from Brittania, a
goddess who represented Azazel‘s human wife!), ―Muhammad
originally feared that his revelations might be the work of the jinn‖
(the angel Azazel was in fact the first and foremost of the jinn). The
Sumerians knew his cherub as Enlil, god of storms and of the air, a
description of Azazel‘s cherub (En=lord lil=wind, air). Enlil, aka:
Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, was known as the Splendid Serpent of the
shining eyes. A serpent is a Biblical name for a cherub. Azazel‘s
cherub, Behemoth, was also worshipped as Hadad/Adad/Adodos, the
storm god. Behemoth was also personified and worshipped by the
Indians as Indra, the god of war and thunder. The Norse worshipped
Azazel‘s cherub as the storm god Thor (from whence is derived our
word for Thursday, or Thor‘s day, by which we honor him), the
Anglo-Saxons as Thunor, and the Germans as Donar. The Norse also
knew Behemoth as Tyr, and as Odin‘s (Azazel‘s) residence, Valhalla.
The Irish worshipped it as the sun god/storm god Lugh. Azazel‘s
cherub was also worshipped as the Egyptian Aten (and as the god Ra).
The godhead of Aten included a mother (representing Azazel‘s wife),
her male child (the first-born human/angel offspring of Azazel and his
human wife) and an adult male (representative of Azazel). His cherub
was the Greek Dionysus when he appeared as Persephone‘s ―celestial
spouse…in the form of a distant sun…whose rays play‖ about her.
Azazel‘s cherub is the Egyptian Osiris, god of the underworld, later
known as Serapis following the Alexandrian conquest, god of the
subterranean world (Osiris (Azazel/Azazel‘s cherub), was known
under a variety of names as the Hymn of Osiris in the Papyrus of Ani
attests. According to the early church father Athenagoras in Chapter
XXVIII of A Plea for the Christians, ―Osiris is named Dionysos by the
Greeks.‖ Bacchus is another name for Dionysos). The
Greek/Roman/Etruscans worshipped Behemoth as the sun god Apollo.
The Romans knew it as Sol Invictus, which was the Greek Helios.
The Greeks also knew it as Phoebus. The word ‗el,‘ as in elf and
angel, means ‗shining one,‘ while ‗an‘ means ‗heaven.‘ Phoebus is
Latin for ‗Shining One,‘ a moniker used in respect to the god Apollo.
Apollo represents Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth. Azazel‘s cherub
Behemoth is the Mitra of the Indian Rigveda. It is the Zoroastrian
Mithra, the Roman Mithras and the Persian Mehr/Mihr (also related is
the cognate name of the angel Metatron). The Akkadians worshipped
Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth as Erra, the god of plague.
Azazel/Azazel‘s cherub is the so-called sun-god Nergal of the
Chaldeans, god of pestilence and fever (descriptive attributes of
Azazel‘s cherub), who was the King of the underworld of Hades, a
nomenclature descriptive of his entrapment within the earth. He is
also Yama, god of Hades. He is Resheph, the Semitic god of war and
plague. The Phoenicians called Azazel Resheph of the Garden (of
Eden from whence he was exiled). He is the Rephan/Remphan of Acts
7:43. He is the Sumerian god Enki (En=lord Ki=Earth). He is Malki-
Resha, ruler of wickedness. He is the Yucatec Mayan Itzamna (whose
emblem was the Tau cross), the Aztec Tonacatecuhtli. He is the
Sidonian Eshmun, the Scythian Daramah. He was at times worshipped
under the name Adoni/Adonis, and as Aidoneus, Lord of the Lower
World, as well as the ―shepherd‖ Tammuz (Dumuzi) who was said to
have descended to the underworld from which he later arises. He is
Melqart of Tyre, king of the underworld, the Gaulish Orcus, god of the
underworld and the Etruscan Mantus, god of the lower world. He is
Moloch/Molech (See Amos 5:26, Acts 7:43, Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus
20:2-5, 1Kings 11:7, 2Kings 23:10 and Jeremiah 32:35). He is the
Ammonite Milcom/Malcolm (See 1Kings 11:33 and 2Kings 23:13).
He is the Moabite Chemosh (See 1Kings 11:7, 1Kings 11:33 and
2Kings 23:13). In Simon‘s Necronomicon grimoire Azazel‘s cherub is
referred to as Cthulu, a name derived from the Sumerian word for the
underworld. The Sumerians knew Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth as
KUR, a chthonic (underworld) monster.
The angel Azazel is also named as one of the chief demons of
the mystical Jewish Cabala. He is the Judaic Ashmodai/Asmodeus,
king of demons, whom the Zoroastrians celebrated as Aeshma-daeva.
He is the Assyrian Ashur (‗Aschere‘ is Arabic for Sirius and a cognate
of the word ‗Ashur.‘ Compare to the name of the god Ashur, who also
represented Azazel. The name ‗Ashur‘ refers to the dog star Sirius, a
god named for the fact that the heliacal rising of Sirius marked his
future release. It must also be mentioned the word ‗Sirius‘ is a
cognate of the word ‗Osiris,‘ minus the ‗O‘ and plus the ‗u,‘ and like
an ‗O‘, Azazel‘s cherub is circular-shaped). He is the Sabine Soranus
(a word which is also a cognate of ‗Osiris‘). He is Asclepios, the god
of healing (whose sign was a red cross). He is the Roman Saturn, the
Geek Kronos. He is the Celtic/Druidic Saman/Samhain, god of
herders. He is the Abaddon/Apollyon of The Bible. He is Hadad. He
is Mercury. He is the horned-god, Wicca. He is the Norse god Odin,
the German Wotan/Woden (from whence comes our word Wednesday
(Woden‘s day), by which we honor him. The German Wotan is the
Mayan Votan, the self described ―snake‖). He is the Balinese
Setesuyara. He is the Egyptian Set (Aleister Crowley invoked Set
under the name Aiwass). He is the Egyptian Seker/Sokar/Wesir, ‗Lord
of the Mysterious Region of the Netherworld.‘ He is the Phrygian
Atys (Attis). He is the Chaldean Ana, King of the Lower World. He
is the god An. He is the Amorite Anu (compare to Soranus). He is
Anubis (a cognate of Anu as well as Soranus), the Egyptian god of
the underworld in the Ogdoad system. He is the Manichean King of
Darkness whose kingdom lies below the earth. He is Ptah. He is the
Egyptian god Pataikos (the name Patrick is derived from his name. St.
Patrick reputedly brought Christianity to Ireland, but who he really is
is a Christianized version of the Egyptian god Pataikos. One of St.
Patrick‘s symbols, like Azazel, is the snake/serpent. And like St.
Patrick, the god Pataikos was said to protect people from snakes). He
is the Egyptian snake god Nehebkau, invoked for protection from
snakes and cures for snakebites. He is the Aztec Mictlantecuhtli,
who‘s name translates as the ―lord of Mictlan,‖ which is to say, lord of
the underworld. He is Chicunauhmictlan, king of the underworld. He
is the Welsh Arawn, king of the Otherworld, called Annwn (which by
one account translates as ‗underworld‘). He is the Greek messenger
(the word angel translates as messenger) god Hermes (which signifies
a Serpent). He is Hermes Trismegistus, the Greek equivalent of the
Egyptian Thoth (the wise counselor). He is the Ptolemaic
Hermanubis. He is Manungal. He is the
Roman/German/Balkan/Celtic Dis Pater. He is Consus the Councilor.
He is the Celtic Aericurus. He is the Roman Elagabalus, the Syrian
El-Gabal. He is the Druidic Hu (when initiates into the Druidic
Mysteries are buried in a coffin it is to symbolize Azazel‘s interment
within the earth). He is the Greek Dionysos, also known as Bacchus,
the Roman Vulcan and the Greek Hephaestus. Hades/Pluto who ruled
the underworld also represents Azazel and his entrapment within the
earth. Azazel is also known as Sirius, the Hidden God of the
Illuminati, so named as his return is associated with the Dog Star
Sirius. In Simon‘s Necronomicon Azazel is known as AZAG-THOTH
(―Azag‖ in Sumerian means "Enchanter" or "Magician"; ―Thoth‖ is the
Coptic name given to the Egyptian God of Magick and Wisdom,
Tahuti, who was evoked by both the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn and by Aleister Crowley himself (Thoth was known to the
Greeks as Hermes, from whence we get the word "Hermetic." All of
these gods represented the angel Azazel), and also as KUTULU, the
man of the underworld (the story of the angels imprisoned beneath the
earth and those who take refuge in the oceans are the beings on which
H. P. Lovecraft styled the ‗Other Gods‘ in his Cthulhu Mythos. They
were said by Lovecraft to have been imprisoned there after having lost
a war against the good ―Elder Gods,‖ shades of rebellion in heaven).
Azazel is sometimes referred to in Hebrew as Paimon (he is invoked
under this name in the magic system found in The Book of the Sacred
Magic of Abramelin the Mage), the Rabbinic title for Paimon being
OZAZL (from whence comes the name for the Wizard of Oz of
Theosophical Society member L.Frank Baum, a wizard signifying a
male witch). And most innocuously Azazel is the Freemasonic Great

Azazel‘s cherub was known by the Persians as Mithras, the god

of light. Origen confirms Mithraism was of Persian origin (See
Against Celcus 6.22). Firmicus Maternus tells us Mithraism was
based on the Persian rituals of the Magi (See The Error of the Pagan
Religions 5.1-2). The Magi, such as the three Magi (wise men) who
sought Jesus at his birth, were Zoroastrians. The cult of Mithras was
embraced by Roman Legionaries, it being a contemporary religion to
the early Roman Catholic Church by whom was adopted the Mithraic
Sacrament. The worship of Mithras (Azazel) in subterranean chambers
was done to symbolize his entrapment within the earth. Mithras (aka
Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth) was at times referred to under the
religious title of Sol Invictus). Aleister Crowley invoked Azazel under
the guise of Choronzon (aka Khoronzon, the Master of Form in the
Enochian Magic system of the English Dr. John Dee), the Angel of the
Abyss and alternatively as Ra-Hoor-Khuit, ―god of war and
vengeance‖ (See The Book of the Law). Azazel is the Islamic Allah.
There are churches in the United States presently devoted to the
worship of Azazel (one is called The Church of Azazel). He is
Ahriman (Angra Nainyu), the Zoroastrian Prince of Evil, chief of the
daevas, dweller of the nether world. He is the Egyptian Horus the
Child/Harpocrates. Roman Catholics of today themselves venerate
angels, such as St. Michael, an act tantamount in the eyes of God to
that of worship. Likely Azazel is also venerated under the guise of
other obscure Roman Catholic tutelary saints such as the treatment of
St. Patrick. Tutelary saints are the Christianized version of Roman
tutelary demons/guardian spirits called genius loci, the leader of whom
is the Roman Faunus (in Greek, Pan), a god who represents Azazel.
The tutelary demons/guardian spirits represent the jinn, a group
composed of Azazel and the other 199 angels who accompanied
Azazel when he came to the Earth (Manly P. Hall, one of the leading
esoteric scholars of the 20th Century, in Chapter 16 of Lectures on
Ancient Philosophy makes this terse statement: ―Great Pan is not
wholly dead. Some day he will burst the bonds that chain him in the
dark abyss.‖ Hall was indeed steeped in the wisdom of antiquity,
esoterically referring to his knowledge of the angel Azazel‘s expected
future release).

Theosophists would have us revere the Genesis serpent, who

represented the angel Azazel, as ―God‖ and ―Christ‖:

―So little have the first Christians (who despoiled the Jews of their
Bible) understood the first four chapters of Genesis in their esoteric
meaning, that they never perceived that not only was no sin intended
in this disobedience, but that actually the "Serpent" (Azazel) was "the
Lord God" himself, who, as the Ophis (meaning ‗serpent‘), the Logos,
or the bearer of divine creative wisdom, taught mankind to become
creators in their turn. They never realized that the Cross was an
evolution from the "tree and the serpent," and thus became the
salvation of mankind. -- The Secret Doctrine, II, 215-6 (by H.P.
Blavatsky).‖ - Theosophical Light on the Christian Bible (Henry T. Edge, 19th Century)
(the caduceus, a symbol of Azazel, is an allegorical symbol of the ―tree and the serpent‖)
Chapter 7. The False Prophet Azazel
In Revelations 13:11, the beast with the ―horns like a lamb‖
(the horned god) which speaks ―like a dragon‖ is the False Prophet.
According to The Apocalypse of Abraham 29:3-7, at the time when
the President with the mortal wound that was healed begins to be
worshipped, the angel Azazel will be loosed from his prison within the
earth, along with his cherub, by a great earthquake (Azazel makes
everyone worship him under penalty of death. See Revelations 13:12-
15 and Revelations 13:8 concerning this subject). This is why the
False Prophet is said to speak like a dragon. A dragon represents a
cherub. An earthquake will in the future free Azazel‘s cherub from its
rocky prison within the earth. The great earthquake mentioned in
Revelations 16:18 is the earthquake which releases Azazel‘s cherub
from the igneous rock in which it is encased. Azazel/Behemoth is also
―the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit‖ as mentioned in
Revelations 11:7, being freed from the abyss of Tartarus by this great
Azazel will be released along with three other angelic
comrades (See Revelations 9:14-15). The three other angels may be
Jeqon, Asbeel and Semiazaz. These four angels seem to be the four
fallen angels identified by Cornelius Agrippa (1486 - 1535
A.D.)(Cornelius Agrippa, Occult Philosophy), among whom is the
angel Azael (‗Azael‘ is a contraction of Azazel). At least one woman
accompanies Azazel and his three angelic cohorts, the ―night hag‖
(etymologically originating from Ninharsag, a Sumerian title of the
human wife of the angel Azazel. She was known by the Hebrews as
the night-hag Lilith) mentioned in Isaiah 34:14. This woman is
Astarte (Asherah/Inanna/Isis), the angel Azazel‘s human wife (as we
may ascertain from The Descent of Inanna, she is said to have ―dark
locks of hair,‖ while The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi describes
her vulva as being a ―black boat.‖ In effect, we know she has dark,
most likely black, hair). It is possible there may be more individuals
with them, such as the human wives of the three other angels; these
five individuals, though, have received special mention. The
following scripture from the book of Revelations describes their future

Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice from the
four horns of the golden altar before God, saying to the sixth angel
who had the trumpet, ―Release the four angels who are bound (beneath
the earth) at the great river Euphrates.‖ So the four angels were
released… Revelations 9:13-14,15

By the Numbers

Then the sixth (6) angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice from the
four (4) horns of the golden altar before God, (14) saying to the sixth
(6) angel who had the trumpet, ―Release the four (4) angels who are
bound at the great river Euphrates. (15) So the four (4) angels were
released, who were held ready for the hour, the day, the month, and the
year, to kill a third of mankind. Revelations 9:13-15 (as related in this scripture, a
full 1/3 of surviving humankind will be killed in the weeks following the release of Azazel and
his angels. The angel Azazel is the Genesis serpent. The word ‗azi,‘ the root of the word
Azazel, is the Iranian Avestan word for ‗serpent.‘ In Iranian folklore, the Azi Dahaka, whose
name roughly translates as ‗manlike serpent,‘ is a reference to the incarnate angel/Genesis
serpent Azazel. Azi Dahaka/Azazel was also known as ‗Dahag,‘ a cognate of ‗Dahaka.‘
According to Persian prophecy, at the time of the end of the world the imprisoned
Dahag/Azazel will finally burst his bonds and devastate the world, consuming one in three (a
full 1/3) of all humans and livestock! The Persian legend of Dahag/Azi Dahaka is a variant
prophesy of the angel Azazel‘s future release)

The blowing of the Sixth Trumpet heralds the angel Azazel‘s

release from the earth. When we multiply out this scripture, we find it
takes place in the year 2016 A.D.: 6X4X14X6=2016. Continuing, we
find 4X15X4=240. When we subtract 240 from 2016, we get 1776,
the year of the birth of the United States of America. In 2016 A.D,
Azazel is released from his prison within the earth and joins forces
with an American President who is possessed by Satan. Once again
this dynamic duo will deal in deception. The command to release
Azazel is given in Revelations 9:13-15. The action which releases him
is described in Revelations 8:1-5. Azazel‘s release is a much
anticipated event amongst those humans who are currently in contact
with him.

Many pagan holy-days were Christianized by the Roman

Catholic Church to ease the process of the conversion of pagans to
Christianity. These were later secularized as a response to the
American restrictions concerning the separation of church and state.
Some of these were pagan festivals which centered around the
predicted future release of Azazel and his angelic cohorts. This is very
true of Lughnasad (August 1), a festival celebrated in the Southern
Hemisphere whose Northern Hemisphere opposite is Imbolc (February
2; Imbolc translates from the Old Irish as ―in the belly,‖ as in the belly
of Mother Earth, where Azazel and his cohorts are imprisoned), the
Christianized version being Lammas Day (August 1 on the Julian
Calendar, which is July 19 on the Gregorian Calendar). The
Lughnasad festival celebrates Azazel‘s release from his earthen
imprisonment. There‘s even a Scottish Gaelic proverb about Azazel‘s
release at Imbolc: ―The serpent (Azazel) will come from the hole (will
be released from his earthen imprisonment) on the brown Day of
Bride‖ (Bride being the Celtic goddess Brigid, the name by which the
Celts worshipped Azazel‘s human wife). How irresistibly quaint.
The secularized version of Lughnasad is Groundhog Day
(February 2). Groundhog Day (February 2) features an underground-
dwelling creature whose emergence from his lair within the earth is
also awaited with much anticipation, a beast esoterically representing
the angel Azazel. In 1899, members of a Masonic lodge called the
Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville, Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania, composed a song about Groundhog Day, betraying the
true hidden reason for its observance, with lyrics including: ―We hail
the King of Prophets…Today the Groundhog comes! Glory! Glory! To
the Groundhog…Today the Prophet comes.‖ And with a weather
predicting accuracy rate of 37%, the Groundhog, too, like the False
Prophet Azazel, is most certainly a false prophet. One could better
predict the weather by flipping a coin! Why then, the celebration of
Groundhog Day? It is in anticipation of the future release of the angel
Azazel. Because of the American restrictions concerning the
separation of church and state, some Christianized pagan holy-days
(from whence comes our word, holidays) were secularized. High-level
magic-practicing Freemasonry is in essence a secularized version of an
ancient mystery religious organization. Honorary members of the
Slumbering Groundhog Lodge included British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill and U.S. President Harry S. Truman. An article in
the January 31, 1955 A.D. edition of Sports Illustrated Magazine by
John O‘Reilly describes the adherence of Groundhog Day by
Freemasons of the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge as being part of a
―mystic rite‖ which is another way of saying a magic ritual.

The Deluge occurring as it did in 4340 B.C., it is likely that the

Egyptian calendar based upon the heliacal rising of the star Sirius first
came into use in 4243 B.C. in the years following the incident at the
Tower of Babel in Babylon in the period following the dispersion of
the Earth‘s inhabitants as dutifully recorded in the Biblical Book of
Genesis. The heliacal rising of Sirius (Sabt is the Egyptian name for
the star Sirius) in Egypt occurred on July 19th in 4243 B.C. The
beginning of the Egyptian year (1/1) was in 4243 B.C. pegged to (and
prophesied) the future date of Azazel‘s release on July 19th of 2016. In
Egypt, Azazel‘s human wife, represented by Isis, was a goddess linked
to the Dog Star, Sirius, the brightest star in the nighttime sky.
According to the Isis Aretalogy from Cyme, Isis was ―she that riseth in
the Dog Star,‖ which is to say, Azazel‘s human wife, known as Isis by
the Egyptians, was to resurface at the time of the heliacal rising of the
star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star. In fact, the Festival of Sirius
honoring Azazel‘s human wife was linked to the date of the heliacal
rising of Sirius for this very reason. Related to this was the Festival of
Sokar (Seker). The Egyptian god Sokar (-kar means ‗hunter‘), also
spelled Seker, was one of a mariad of names by which the angel
Azazel was known. His festival coincided with the beginning of the
Season of the Inundation, called Akhet, the season beginning the
Egyptian New Year commencing on the date of the heliacal rising of
Sirius (July 19). This season marked the season of the rising of the
Nile flood waters and consisted of four 30-day months, the first month
(beginning on 1/1 (Thoth 1) on the Egyptian calendar) named Thoth
after the god of the same name, this date corresponding to our current
July 19th, and began on the day of the heliacal rising of Sirius (a single
year between heliacal risings of Sirius constitutes a Sothic year.
According to Chapter LXI of On Isis and Osiris from Plutarch‘s
Morals, the god the Greeks called Apollo (a god who represented
Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth) was also known as Osiris, Serapis and
Sothi in the language of the Egyptians. From the word ‗Sothi‘ comes
the word ‗Sothic.‘ The word ‗Sirius‘ is a cognate of ‗Osiris). ‗Thoth‘
was yet another name for the angel Azazel, and the month was so
named because it was at the beginning of this month and on this date
of Thoth 1 on the Egyptian calendar that Azazel in the future was
expected to later be released.

The Word and Revelation of Esdras prophesies Azazel‘s future


―And God said: First I will make an earthquake (this is the earthquake
by which Azazel is released) for the fall of four-footed beasts and of
men; and when you see that brother gives up brother to death, and that
children shall rise up against their parents, and that a woman forsakes
her own husband, and when nation shall rise up against nation in war,
then will you know that the end is near. For then neither brother pities
brother, nor man wife, nor children parents, nor friend‘s friends, nor a
slave his master; for he (Azazel) who is the adversary of men shall
come up from Tartarus (from his prison within the earth), and shall
show men many things.‖ - Word and Revelation of Esdras 18,19

The following scripture also speaks of Azazel‘s release:

―…Behemoth (Azazel‘s cherub) will be revealed (released) from his

place (from his prison within the earth), and Leviathan (Satan‘s
cherub) will ascend from the sea, those two great monsters (cherubim)
which I (God) created on the fifth day of creation…‖ The Apocalypse of
Baruch XXIX.4

Satan and his angels who at this time reside in the sea and
Azazel and the angels who accompanied him to the Earth who are at
this time imprisoned within the earth are the ―eternal sinners‖
mentioned in The Testament of Kohath, which speaks of: ‗…the
eternal sinners…in the depths of the sea and in all the hollows of the
earth…‘ (See The Testament of Kohath (4Q542)). The story of
Azazel‘s entrapment within the earth spawned the Hollow Earth

The people of the world will marvel when they see Azazel in
his cherub upon his release:

―The beast (Azazel) that you saw was, and is not, and is to ascend
from the bottomless pit (Azazel is released from his rocky prison
within the earth) and goes to perdition (this act is related in
Revelations 19:20-21); and the dwellers on earth whose names have
not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world,
will marvel to behold the beast (Azazel), because it was and is not and
is to come (Azazel comes when he is released from his rocky prison
within the earth on July 18/19, 2016 as related in Revelations 6:7-8).‖ -
Revelations 17:8

The angel Azazel is the False Prophet, the ―beast which rose
out of the earth‖ as related in Revelations 13:11, rising out of the earth
upon his release from an earthen imprisonment. Azazel upon his
release will be hailed as the long-awaited Jewish Messiah himself:

―…I know that you have not the love of God in you. I (Jesus) have
come in my Father‘s name (in God‘s name), and you do not receive
me; if another (a reference to the angel Azazel) comes in his own
name, him you will receive (as the promised Messiah).‖ - John 5:42-43

The Didache, also known as The Teaching of the Twelve

Apostles, contains this related revelation:

―…when lawlessness increases, they shall hate and persecute and

betray one another, and then shall appear the world-deceiver (the False
Prophet Azazel) as Son of God (as the Messiah), and shall do signs
and wonders (such as making fire come down from heaven. See
Revelations 13:13), and the earth shall be delivered into his hands…‖ -
The Didache

Azazel will emerge to rule once more. Isaiah 45:8 is an

esoteric reference to the future release of the False Messiah Azazel‘s
release from his earthen prison:

―Let the earth open and bring forth the Saviour." Isaiah 45:8 (See also Part IV
of the Rosicrucian work entitled The Waterstone of the Wise which makes reference to this
scripture, no doubt in reference to Azazel‘s anticipated release)

Azazel is in this regard known as the Ophis-Christos, the so-

called serpent Christ of the Gnostics. The word ‗Ophis‘ means

Azazel upon his release will be thought to be the promised

coming Messiah/Christ. But Azazel is a false Christ, a False Prophet.
Two facts we must remember are (1) Jesus was rejected by the
majority of the Jews who still fruitlessly await their Messiah‘s
appearance to this day (this is the very definition of ―antichrist‖ as
defined in 1John 2:22, 1John 4:3 and 2John 1:7) and (2) Christians still
await their Messiah‘s Second Coming. When Azazel makes his
appearance, he will be accepted as Christ come in the flesh by both
Jews and Christians alike.

In the hymn ―To Adonis,‖ the incarnate Adonis/Azazel is

physically described as being of ―beauteous form‖ with ―tender hair.‖
We learn from the Greek lyric poet Pindar in his 6th and 7th Olympian
Odes as well as from his 2nd Pythian Ode that Azazel has blond hair (in
the Odes, Apollo (Behemoth, and by extension, Azazel) is described as
being a ―golden-haired god.‖ For this reason Azazel is also
represented as the blond-haired serpent god Glycon. Azazel‘s symbol
is the serpent, and his incarnated body has blonde hair). When the
handsome blonde-haired angel Azazel (in reference to this fact, an
extremely handsome man is at times referred to as an ―adonis‖ as an
examination of its definition so attests) arises from his earthy prison
one must not mistake him to be Jesus who is said in Isaiah 53:2 to
have ―no form or comeliness that we should look at him, and no
beauty that we should desire him,‖ Jesus being physically, one might
say, ugly according to today‘s societal norms. When Azazel reappears
in 2016 A.D. he will proffer himself as the promised Messiah, though
he is but a False Prophet and categorically the spirit of antichrist
spoken of in 1John 4:3, who denieth that Jesus Christ the Messiah had
already come in the flesh.

Theosophy and the World Teacher (World-Deceiver)

Some, such as the Theosophists, portray Azazel as being the

Ascended Master, the World Teacher, ‗Maitreya.‘ The Theosophical
Society’s concept of the Maitreya is modeled upon the Buddhist
Matreya. Known as ‗Lord Maitreya‘ (the words ‗Baal‘ and ‗Adonis,‘
both titles of ancient gods who represent the angel Azazel, means
‗lord‘), he is also referred to as the ‗Cosmic Christ,‘ upon his return
reigning as the spiritual leader of the Earth, returning, as it were, in the
words of the Theosophical Society President and occult writer Alice A.
Bailey, from "the place on Earth where He has been for many
generations." In her book Initiation, Human and Solar (1922 A.D.),
Ms. Bailey expounds: ―Group two (the devas/devils) has the World
Teacher (who is the false prophet Azazel) for its presiding Head. He is
that Great Being Whom the Christian calls the Christ; He is known
also in the Orient as the Bodhisattva, and as the Lord Maitreya, and is
the One looked for by the devout Mohammedan, under the name of the
Iman Madhi. He it is Who has presided over the destinies of life…and
He it is Who has come out among men before, and Who is again
looked for. He is the great Lord of Love and of Compassion, just as his
predecessor, the Buddha, was the Lord of Wisdom…He is the World
Teacher, the Master of the Masters, and the Instructor of the Angels,
and to Him is committed the guidance of the spiritual destinies of
men.‖ Per Benjamin Creme (Share International Foundation),
Maitreya‘s Mission (1993 A.D.) Volume Two (p.186): ―Maitreya says:
‗The last time I came, as Jesus, it was written in The Bible that when I
appeared again the very elements of nature would be disturbed.‘"
(Author‘s Note: The name ‗Maitreya‘ is a cognate of the word
‗Mitra.‘ In fact, Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth was the Mitra of the
Indian Rigveda. It is also the Zoroastrian Mithra, the Roman Mithras
and the Persian Mehr/Mihr). According to a Dec 12, 2008 Share
International Foundation press release appearing in Rupert Murdoch‘s
Marketwatch: ―Awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya
is the Christ to Christians, the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to
Hindus, the Messiah to Jews, and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists.‖
According to the Share International website, Maitreya ―has been
expected for generations by all the major religions…Although the
names differ, many believe that they all refer to the same individual:
the World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya.‖ It must be
noted as Crème relates, Maitreya is already here, now, upon this Earth!
It must also be mentioned the Asala Festival associated with the Great
White Brotherhood and which is per Theosophical Society author
C.W. Leadbeater in The Masters And The Path (1925 A.D.) said to be
―held in the private house of the Lord Maitreya…is held on the full
moon day of the month of Asala, (in Sanskrit Asâdha), usually
corresponding to the English July,‖ the date of the full moon in the
month of July in the the year 2016 A.D. being, incidentally, July 19th.
(From the legends concerning Azazel and his subterranean-based angels is derived the
Buddhist concept of the subterranean world known as Agharta and of its capitol, Shamballah,
where was said to dwell its Supreme Ruler, a being who represented the angel Azazel.
Maitreya Buddha is associated with the legendary city of Shamballah) (For more detail, see
also Hidden Truths: A History of the World from Beginning to End by John of the Gentiles)
(According to Theosophist author and one-time Chief of the Ancient Order of Druids in
England Gerald Massey in The Seven Souls of Man: ―It is positively provable that the Christ is
but a type identical with the Horus, the Iao-Heptaktis, the Buddha or Pan of the prior cultus.
According to Irenæus, the Valentinian Gnostics maintained the identity of the Saviour with
Pan, who is called Christum in the Latin text.‖ All of these are gods who represented the
angel Azazel, who is the False Christ who is to come)

Explains Freemason and Theosophical Society member C. W.

Leadbeater in Glimpses of Masonic History: ―Masonry must surely
have a wonderful part to play in the civilization of the future. Not for
naught have the old hallowed rites been preserved in secret and the
immemorial powers of the Mysteries transmitted throughout the ages
to our modern world of the twentieth century; for we stand to-day on
the threshold of a new era, which will be heralded by the coming forth
once more of the World Teacher…The coming of the World
Teacher has always in the past marked a revival or an inauguration of
the Mysteries. Thoth in Egypt, Zoroaster in Persia, Orpheus in Greece
- each of these mighty Messengers (a play on the word ‗angel,‘
meaning, ‗messenger‘) of the White Lodge (of the rebellious fallen
angels), who were yet one Messenger (the angel Azazel) appearing
under different names and in different forms, left behind Him a
glorious rite of initiation to lead men to His feet after He had gone.
That great Teacher of mankind passed from human sight as
Gautama the Lord Buddha; but the sceptre of the Lord of Love
was placed by the spiritual KING in the hands of His successor,
whom to-day we revere as the Lord Christ, whose coming we await
with hearts filled with longing love…He, too, will surely take the
sacred vessels of the Mysteries and fill them anew with His own
wonderful life; He, too, will mould them according to the needs of His
people and the age in which they live. For the influence of the sixth
ray, the ray of devotion which inspired the Christian mystics and the
glorious Gothic architecture of the Middle Ages is passing away, and
the seventh ray is beginning to dominate the world - the ray of
ceremonial magic which brings the especial cooperation of the
Angelic hosts, of which Masonry itself with its many coloured
pageant of rites is a splendid manifestation.‖

Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley invoked the angel Azazel under the guise of

Choronzon (also known as Khoronzon, the Master of Form in the
Enochian Magic system of Dr. John Dee), the Angel of the Abyss and
alternatively as Ra-Hoor-Khuit. One of Aleister Crowley‘s professed
goals (and hence of all practitioners of Magick) is the ―establishment
of the Kingdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit (read: Azazel) upon the earth‖ (See
De Arte Magica). Choronzon/Khoronzon is derived from the name of
the Greek god Chronos/Cronos/Kronos, a god who represented the
angel Azazel.

The Ariosophic False Prophet

―Ahrimanic powers prepare the evolution of mankind in such a way

that it can fall a prey to Ahriman (Azazel) when he appears in human
form within Western civilization…Ahriman (Azazel) will appear in
human form (as the False Prophet) and the only question is, how he
will find humanity prepared. Will his preparations have secured for
him as followers the whole of mankind that today calls itself civilized,
or will he find a humanity that can offer resistance.‖ - The Ahrimanic
Deception (Rudolph Steiner, 1919 A.D.)
―…a great part of mankind today is already under the control…of
Ahrimanic forces…the Ahrimanic influence…will increase in strength
until an actual incarnation of Ahriman (Azazel) takes place among
Western humanity.‖ - The Ahrimanic Deception (Rudolph Steiner, 1919 A.D.)

The Freemasonic Savior

―The (Freemasonic) worshippers of Lucifer…co-operate with him in

order to insure his triumph, and he communicates with them to
encourage and strengthen them; they work to prepare his kingdom, and
he promises to raise up a Saviour among them, who is anti-Christ, their
leader and their king to come.‖ - Luciferian or Satanism in English Freemasonry
(L. Fouquet, 1898 A.D.) Part II (The Freemasonic legend concerning Hiram Abiff was yet
another variation of the story of Azazel‘s entrapment within the earth, including his later
release, whereupon he is hailed as the false prophet/messiah. The Mysteries of Freemasonry
(as written by Captain William Morgan, by George R. Crafts), being an expose on
Freemasonry for which Morgan met his death by enraged Freemasons, sparking a national
outcry, reveals: ―Hiram Abiff represents…the Messiah.‖ The Freemasonic ―Grand Master‖
Hiram Abiff is but a false-messiah, representing the False Prophet who is to come: ―…the
legend of Hiram and his assassins is a Jewish substitute for the Egyptian representation of the
murder of Osiris; and…the legend of Hiram is an allegory of the Saviour; so that the
representation of the death of Hiram is a middle link, connecting the death of the Cross to the
death of Osiris.‖ – Freemasonry (―By a Master Mason,‖ New York, 1828 A.D.)) (As we learn
from Hargrave Jennings in The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries (p.215), the Gnostic
group known as the Ophites maintained the serpent of Genesis (who represented the angel
Azazel) was the Savior, and that the serpent was the emblem of the Destroyer, who is, as we
learn, the angel in the pit/abyss mentioned in Revelations 9:11) (―A very limited knowledge of
the history of primitive worships and mysteries is necessary to enable any person to recognize
in the master mason Hiram, the Osiris of the Egyptians, the Mithras of the Persians the
Bacchus of the Greeks, the Atys of the Phrygians, of which these people celebrated the
passion, death and resurrection, as Christians celebrate to-day that of Jesus Christ.‖ - A
General History of Freemasonry p. 392 (Rebold, 1879 A.D.))

The Eleventh Hour

A crescent-shaped quarter moon takes place at the occult 11th

hour on July 26, 2016 A.D. at precisely 2300 hours, nearly one week
to the day after Azazel‘s release on July 19, 2016. This is the
―eleventh hour‖ of which Matthew 20:6 speaks in parabolic form.
Expect a momentous day. Many shall die for their faith in Jesus at this
time, as this parable so alludes.
As an extra added note, according to the Hutchinson
Educational Encyclopedia (Helicon Publishing Ltd 2000), the word
‗eleventh‘ is etymologically related to the Old English words
‗endlufon/endleofan,‘ the Old Teutonic ‗ainlif-,‘ the Gothic ‗ainlif‘
(from which, incidently, is esoterically derived the acronym for ‗alien
life form,‘ namely ALF, the group to which alien angelic life-forms do
so belong), the Icelandic ‗ellifu‘ and the German and Dutch word ‗elf.‘
‗Elf,‘ plural ‗elves,‘ are the German and Dutch words for Azazel and
his fallen angels. The ‗eleventh‘ hour by definition specifically
pertains to Azazel and his fallen angels. The eleventh hour, which is
to say, the hour of the elves, is Azazel‘s finest hour.

The Location of Azazel‘s Cherub

As we learn from 1Enoch XX.1-8, Uriel (Ur-i-el) is one of the

―holy angels who watch‖ (a Watcher), who is the angel set to watch
―over Tartarus,‖ quite literally. The name of the city-state of Ur,
Abraham‘s home, is referenced in his name. Tartarus, where it is said
Azazel and his angels are entrapped, lies beneath the earth in this
vicinity, this being the same general geographical area as the city-state
of Eridu, located near the Euphrates River. Today on the site of
ancient Eridu is the village of Tell Abu Shahrain in Iraq.
The location where Azazel is imprisoned, and from which
place he is later released, is identified in Revelations 9:13-15 as being
(like Eridu) ―at the great river Euphrates‖ in the Middle East:

―Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice from the
four horns of the golden altar before God, saying to the sixth angel
who had the trumpet, ―Release the four angels who are bound (beneath
the earth) at the great river Euphrates.‖ So the four angels (including
Azazel) were released…‖ - Revelations 9:13-14,15

Azazel is one of these ―four angels‖ and this scripture provides

a clue as to the general location of the desert called Duidain (‗dain‘
means ‗valley‘), also known as Dudael (again, note the similarities), a
word which translates as ‗God‘s Cauldron,‘ where Azazel was
imprisoned within the Earth. Both Ur and Eridu were located along
the Euphrates River (note the etymological similarities between Eridu
and Duidain). A tremendous earthquake will rock this area on July
18/19, 2016 A.D., thereby releasing Azazel‘s cherub, and with it
Azazel and his accompanying cohort, from the igneous coffin in which
he is encased.

The word ‗Pharaoh‘ is the Hebrew form of the Egyptian word

Per-‗o, meaning ‗great house.‘ Related to this is the name Baal-Peor,
which means ‗Lord of the Great House,‘ which was the name of the
Moabite god mentioned in The Bible in Numbers 25:3, a god which
also represented Azazel. The Assyrian word ‗Easagila‘ in a like
manner means ‗magnificent house.‘ The ‗Easagila‘ was the name of
the temple of Marduk, a god who was also known as Ashur, both gods
representing the angel Azazel. The great/magnificent temple/house as
such represents Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth, inside of which he is
entrapped within the Earth. Temples were often built in representation
of Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth in its function as a place wherein the
god/angel Azazel dwelt in idol form under a variety of different
names. Enki‘s (Azazel‘s) E-Abzu, by definition his subterranean
house, was also a representation of Behemoth within which Azazel,
represented as Enki (also known as Ea; note this root in the word
‗Easagila‘), is entrapped within the Earth. The ―four angels‖
mentioned in Revelations 9:14 above, the four angels entrapped within
Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, including Azazel himself, are also
mentioned in the Egyptian ―Pyramid Text of Unas‖ Line 599 where is
mentioned the ―four gods who are in the great house.‖ Angels in
ancient times were often worshipped as gods. The ‗great house‘ of the
―Pyramid Text of Unas‖ represents Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth.
Egyptian Book of the Dead Plates V and VI B.D. Chap. LXXII speaks
of the god Osiris who represents Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth and by
association Azazel as ―lord of brightness, thou who art head of the
Great House (Behemoth), and who dwellest in night and in thick
darkness,‖ within the dark recesses of the Earth. In Egypt, it was
believed the Pyramid of Gizah was the tomb of the god Thoth (who
was the equivalent of the Greek god Hermes and the Roman god
Mercury). Thoth/Hermes represented the angel Azazel and his
pyramid/tomb represented his cherub Behemoth within which he was
entombed within the rock beneath the earth, the so-called Underworld
(E. A. Wallis Budge in The Egyptian Heaven and Hell, explains: ―each
tomb was intended to represent the Underworld.‖ ). This belief
originated in the land of Sumer. Ziggurats (step-pyramids) likewise
representing Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth were found at the city of Ur.
The Biblical Tower of Babel was itself a ziggurat/step-pyramid with a
temple dedicated to the god Marduk/Azazel at its summit. Likely such
a ziggurat was erected over the area where Azazel lay entrapped. And
likely this was the Biblical Tower of Babel. The tower was said to be
built at the site where the descendents of Noah‘s family, the survivors
of the Flood, settled in the ―plain of Shinar‖ (Sumer) as set forth in the
Genesis 11:2. This tower was built over the site where Azazel was
interred within the Earth, built beneath the site where had come to rest
the Majestic Glory of God, the mighty magnificent mother-ship!

Azazel‘s Workmen

The story of Azazel‘s and his angel‘s entrapment inside their

cherubim within the Earth is also the basis for the legend concerning
the demons said to have been confined by King Solomon in a magic
bronze vessel as related in the 17th Century grimoire called The Lesser
Key of Solomon. This tale also has parallels to the entrapped genie in
the magic lamp of the Arabian Nights stories, as the genie therein
represents an angel whilst the lamp represents the angel‘s cherub. The
evil ifrit are called the ―seed of Iblis‖ (Iblis=Satan) in The Book of
One Thousand and One Nights, also known as Arabian Nights. The
word ‗ifrit‘ means ‗rebellious;‘ the evil ifrit of the book representing
rebellious angels. Arab magicians are called Muqarribun, their
traditions predating Islam itself. Through the use of magic,
practitioners believe they can control the spirits (jinn; genii) and
exploit them to their advantage, by obliging them to serve their master
(compare to the story of Aladdin‘s Lamp). In Arabian countries the
jinn, who represent rebellious fallen angels, are associated with magic.
Spells are used to control them and to enslave them or as protection
against them. In fact, the magical use of talismans and amulets goes
hand in hand alongside Muhammadism itself (as is also true of
Catholicism which employs ‗medals‘ of the Patron Saints which are
likewise worn for protection). The noted Freemason Manly P. Hall, in
his Lectures on Ancient Philosophy reveals that: ―From the Arabians
C. R. C. (the Rosicrucian Christian Rosenkrantz (Rose-Cross)) also
learned of the elemental peoples and how, with their aid, it was
possible to gain admission to the ethereal world where dwelt the genii
and nature spirits. He thus discovered that the magical creatures of the
Arabian Nights Entertainment actually existed…He was further
instructed concerning…the rituals of magic and invocation…and the
binding of the genii.‖ What he learned in truth was of the jinn
entrapped within the desert, of Azazel and of his angels! This
knowledge he brought with him to Germany, and armed therewith he
established the Rosicrucian Society which was dedicated to this goal,
circa 1400 A.D. The group‘s publication of the Fama Fraternitatis in
1607 A.D. and the Confessio Fraternitatis in 1616 A.D. broadcast
these beliefs to the world. Indeed, according to Chapter IV of the
Confessio Fraternitatis, Rosicrucians, like all practitioners of magic,
appeal for help from angels and spirits for the revelation of God‘s
mysteries. It must be noted German Protestant Reformer Martin Luther
(November 10, 1483 – February 18, 1546 A.D.) was a perported
Rosicrucian, with Luther‘s personal seal incorporating a Rosicrucian
(rose-cross) motif. Martin Luther officially split with the Roman
Catholic Church with his posting of the famous 95 Thesis, a decidedly
key event in the Churches storied decline.

The following selection from Egyptian Book of the Dead

Plates V and VI B.D. Chapter I speaks of the Egyptians belief that it
was possible to gain entrance into the underworld where dwelt Azazel:
―Osiris (Behemoth) the chief of Amenta, the lord of eternity (the
eternally living, possessed of an eternal life)…chief of the company of
his gods; and…Anubis (Azazel) [dweller] in the tomb (Azazel‘s
cherub Behemoth, entrapped within the earth, was considered to be his
tomb), great god, chief of the holy dwelling (the Great House, aka
Behemoth). May they grant that I may go into and come out from
the underworld…that I may go forth into the presence of [Osiris]
(Osiris = Behemoth within which Azazel is entrapped)…‖ The
Egyptians falsely taught (and handsomely profited thereby) that the
living might enter and leave the underworld at will. They even wrote
books concerning this subject:

―The beginning of the chapters…of coming forth from and going into
the underworld.‖ - The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate V

Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XII B.D. Chap. XVIII states:
―Grant…that I may enter into and come forth from the netherworld,‖
the ―netherworld‖ wherein was entrapped Azazel and his rebellious

The esoteric knowledge concerning the rebellious fallen angels

formed the fundamental principles underlying all subsequent magick
systems. The grimoire known as The Greater Key of Solomon speaks
of ―assemblies‖ of ―Evil and rebellious Spirits (read: angels) dwelling
in the Abysses of Darkness‖ whom its practitioners sought to
―conjure‖ (See The Greater Key of Solomon Book I Chapter VII).
Translated from manuscripts found in the British Museum, this
manuscript was translated by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, a 19th Century
magician who was head of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
(the Golden Dawn, founded in 1887 A.D., was an offshoot of the
English Rosicrucian Society and consisted largely of leading
Freemasons). This work influenced many magic orders including that
of Mathers‘ himself and of those magic orders founded by such
Freemasonic practitioners of magick Aleister Crowley and Eliphas
Levi. The manuscript itself reveals the rebellious fallen angel Azazel
as being ―ye who by your own sin have been cast down from the
Empyreal Heaven, and from before His (God‘s) Throne; by Him (God)
who hath cast ye (Azazel) down unto the most profound of the
Abysses of Hell (read: Hades, beneath the earth)‖ (See The Greater
Key of Solomon Book I Chapter VI).

Europe itself is steeped in magic tradition: ―cunning folk in

Britain were professional or semi-professional practitioners of magic
active from at least the fifteenth up until the early twentieth century.
As cunning folk, they practiced folk magic - also known as "low
magic" - although often combined this with elements of "high" or
ceremonial magic…One of the most common services that the cunning
folk provided was in combating the effects of malevolent witchcraft
and the curses which these witches had allegedly placed upon
people…One of the best known means by which the cunning-folk
opposed witchcraft was through the use of witch bottles; ceramic
bottles containing such items as urine, nails, hair and nail clippings
which it was believed, when put together, would cause harm to the
malevolent witch.‖ – Wikipedia: Cunning folk in Britain. One may argue that cunning
folk do in fact exist unto this day! It must be noted England retained anti-witchcraft laws
(Witchcraft Acts) upon its books in one form or another often mandating the death or
imprisonment of the offender from the year 1542 A.D. until the day of their ultimate repeal in
1951 A.D.

Witch-bottles have been found on both sides of the Atlantic in

America and Europe.

Cunning folk often provided their services for a price.

Germany and France also had their versions of the cunning folk (one
of the most famous examples of European ‗cunning-folk‘ is the group
known as the Gypsies). Anyways, it is said Aleister Crowley was an
initiate of such an English cunning man named George Pickingill.
Pickingill is said to have been a major influence on the Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) as well as on the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn.
Aleister Crowley, like S. L. MacGregor Mathers, was a
member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In his book Liber
Samekh, which has as its stated goal ―the Attainment of the
Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel during the
Semester of His performance of the Operation of the Sacred Magick
of Abramelin the Mage,‖ Aleister Crowley invokes the angel Azazel
under the ancient Egyptian names/titles of Azazel, namely Ptah,
Apopphrasz, Khonsu, and Abrasax, calling him the Lion-Serpent in
esoteric reference to the Genesis serpent Azazel‘s later expected
appearance as the false-prophet Messiah Lion-of the Tribe of Judah.
The invocation states: ―Hear me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me;
so that every Spirit (read: every fallen angel) of the Firmament and of
the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in
the water; of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and
Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me‖ invoking ―all Spirits (read:
every fallen angel)…upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry
Land and in the Water.‖

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucians and the
Vril Society were entities closely associated with Madam Blavatsky‘s
powerful and well organized Theosophical Society. In fact, S. L.
MacGregor Mathers was a Theosophical Society member. The
Theosophical Society was established in America in New York City in
1875 A.D. Theosophy is a religious philosophy based on ancient
esoteric religious teachings and associated magic practices, tasked in
comparative religious studies (some famous Theosophists include L.
Frank Baum (author of The Wizard of Oz), William Butler Yeats (Irish
poet; prominent member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn),
Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (a
Spiritist; best known as author of the Sherlock Holmes detective
series, less known for authoring The History of Spiritualism. Doyle
was also a Mason), Jack London (author of The Call of the Wild;
honorary member of the Bohemian Grove), James Joyce (Ulysses),
T. S. Eliot (an Oxford University alumni), Thomas Edison (‗The
Wizard (by definition a ‗male witch‘) of Menlo Park‘), Bristish occult
author and practitioner of magic Dion Fortune (The Mystical
Qabalah), Jane Goodall (Jane Goodall Institute), Carl Gustav Jung
(Nazi Psychiatrist), Paul Gauguin (Artist), Elvis Presley (Musician),
Shirley MacLaine (Actress), Henry Wallace (33rd Vice-President of
the U.S.), Jawaharlal Nehru (First Prime Minister of India), Mohandas
K. Gandhi (Indian Independence Movement Leader), G.R.S. Mead
(Author/translater of many esoteric/occult works)( ―Mead became a
member of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's Theosophical Society in 1884.
He abandoned his teaching profession in 1889 to be Blavatsky's
private secretary and also became a joint-secretary of the Esoteric
Section (E.S.) of the Theosophical Society, the E.S. was for those
whom the Theosophical Society deemed more advanced.‖ - Wikipedia:
GRS Mead), Abner Doubleday (Union Civil War General; later President
of the Theosophical Society), and George Bernard Shaw (Irish
playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics.
Shaw was associated with the Fabian Society (founded 1883 A.D.),
which society laid the foundations of the Labour Party in England
(Theosophical Society member Annie Besant was also a member of
and leading speaker for the Fabian Society. For additional
information, see also Chapter CVI entitled The Fabian Society from
Occult Theocrasy by Lady Queensborough, Edith Starr Miller). It
must be noted that Tony Blair, former Labour Party Prime Minister of
the United Kingdom, is the Quartet's envoy to the Middle East
involved in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. This highlights the greater
Theosophical Movement‘s control (read: Azazel and the fallen angel‘s
control) over the great British Commonwealth, as well as the
establishment of its influence over the fate of the modern state of Israel
(it must be noted Tony Blair is a reputed attendee of past Bohemian
Grove ceremonies. Another devotee of Middle East peace, former
U.S. President Jimmy Carter, was a known member of the Bohemian
Club). The Theosophical Society as well as the greater Theosophical
Movement are constructs and governing tools of the rebellious fallen
angels. It is pertinent to note the Latin word ‗labor/labour‘ is a
cognate of the the English word ‗elf.‘ Elves are folkloric
representations of the rebellious fallen angels (the word ‗el‘ in the
word ‗elf/elves‘ is a root of the word ‗angel.‘ Elves are well known
for the magic practices they were said to employ. The Labour Party is
so-named in their honor).


―Theosophy was the name finally given to the whole vast renaissance
in the world of magic (which involves the invocation of the rebellious
fallen angels) that affected many thinkers so profoundly at the
beginning of the century.‖ – The Dawn of Magic (Louis Pauwells & Jacques
Bergier,1960 A.D.) (aka The Morning of the Magicians)

The Theosophical Society is devoted to the study of

Theosophy, hence the name. Magic is an all-important part of The
Great Work wrought by the greater Theosophical Movement. The
Theosophical Society espoused magic: ―We have also to consider
another class of entities which are frequently employed in magic; and
this time we are dealing with real and evolving beings…There are
vast hosts of these beings, and an almost infinite number of types and
classes and tribes among them. Broadly speaking, we may divide
them into two great classes (a) nature-spirits or fairies, and (b) angels
or, as they are called in the East, devas (Author‘s Note: Both of
these classes are one and the same, the first class being folk-loric
representations of the angels of this second class). This second class
begins at a level corresponding to the human (representing an
incarnate angel), but reaches up to heights far beyond any that
humanity has as yet touched, so that its connection with magic is
naturally of the slightest kind, and belongs solely to one special type of
it, of which we shall speak presently. The nature-spirits have been
called by many different names at different periods and in various
countries. We read of them as fairies, elves, pixies, kobolds, sylphs,
gnomes, salamanders, undines, brownies, or ―good people‖ and
traditions of their occasional appearance exist in every country under
heaven (these, however, are simply various folk-loric representations
of the rebellious fallen angels). They have usually been supposed to be
merely the creations of popular superstition, and it is no doubt, true
that much has been said of them which will not bear scientific
investigation. Nevertheless it is true that such an evolution does exist,
and that its members occasionally, though rarely, manifest themselves
to human vision (a Close Encounter of the Third Kind). Normally they
have no connection whatever with humanity, and the majority of them
rather shun than court the presence of man, since his ill-regulated
emotions, passions, and desires are to them a source of much
disturbance and acute discomfort; yet now and then exceptional
circumstances have brought some of them into direct contact and even
friendship with man…Naturally they possess powers and methods of
their own, and sometimes they can be either induced or compelled to
put these powers at the service of the student of occultism. Although
they are not as yet individualized, and in that respect correspond rather
to the animal kingdom than to humanity, yet their intelligence is in
many cases equal to that of man. They seem, however, to have usually
but little sense of responsibility, and the will is generally somewhat
less developed with them than it is with the average man. They can
therefore readily be dominated by the exercise of mesmeric powers,
and can then be employed in many ways to carry out the will of the
magician. There are many purposes for which they may be utilized,
and so long as the tasks prescribed to them are within their power they
will be faithfully and surely executed…All this will no doubt seem
strange and new to many minds, but any student of the occult will
confirm what I have said here as to the existence of these beings and
the possibility that they can be used in various ways by one who
understands them…The forces to which I have referred are those most
commonly employed in ordinary types of magic…We may usefully
divide the subject of magic into two great parts, according to the
methods which it employs; and we may characterize these respectively
as methods of evocation and of invocation – of command and of
entreaty. Let us consider the former first. Although it may act through
many different channels, the one great force at the back of all magic of
this first type is the human will...By this magnetic control may be
gained over any of the classes of nature-spirits…Indeed it is scarcely
possible to fix the limits of the power of the human will when properly
directed; it is so much more far-reaching than the ordinary man ever
supposes, that the results gained by its means appear to him astounding
and supernatural…We find abundant traces of this magic of
command in the ceremonies connected with almost every religion
in the world…‖ - Some Glimpses of Occultism (C.W. Leadbeater, 1919 A.D.) Chapter
VIII (This book treats extensively on the subject of magic)

Leadbeater explains:

―The highest system of evolution connected with this earth, so far as

we know, is that of the Beings whom Hindus call the Devas, and have
elsewhere been spoken of as Angels, Sons of God, etc...Their attention
can be attracted by certain magical evocations, but only Adepts of the
First Ray have power to command their obedience.‖ - Some Fundamental
Teachings (C W Leadbeater))

And again:

― truly, as its name implies, the great science (compare to

Francis Barret who calls magic a ―good and laudable science‖)...The
difference between White and Black Magic lies in the motive...when
that Will is set to benefit others, to help and bless all who come within
its scope, then is the man a White Magician, and the results which he
brings about by the exercise of his trained Will are beneficial, and aid
the course of human evolution...But when the Will is exercised for the
advantage of the lower self, when it is employed for personal ends and
aims, then is the man a Black Magician, a danger to the race, and his
results obstruct and delay human evolution...‖ - Study in Consciousness: A

Though magic practices were embraced by the learned

members of the Theosophical Society (such as Judge and Leadbeater),
it was not, professedly, a practice meant for the masses. William Q.
Judge, one of the original founders of the Theosophical Society, in his
magazine The Path: Considerations On Magic (1887 A.D.) cautions
his followers: ―Occultism and magic are not child's-play, as many may
learn to their sorrow…Let all who have joined the Theosophical
Society remember this, and search their hearts before taking the first
step in any magical formulary.‖ Many a soul has thereby been lost.

One of the purposes of the ancient Egyptian system of magic

was to gain mastery and control over Azazel and his angels, who were
the Egyptian ‗gods‘ who were imprisoned within the earth, compelling
these angels to do their bidding. An invocation found in the Egyptian
Book of the Dead Plate XVI B.D. Chap. XXVII, speaking of Azazel
and the angels who are imprisoned with him within the earth, says: ―O
ye lords of eternity, ye possessors of everlastingness…be obedient
unto me in the underworld.‖ In deference to the fact that the Egyptian
system of magic centered upon the belief in the angel Azazel
imprisoned within the earth along with his angelic followers, Egyptian
Book of the Dead Plate XIV B.D. Chap. XVIII states: ―Now as
concerning every (magic) charm and all the words (spells) which may
be spoken against me, may the gods (read: Azazel and the angels
imprisoned with him) resist them, and may each and every company of
the gods withstand them.‖ Practitioners of black magic often used the
angels as weapons aimed at other persons, against other practitioners
of magic in particular.

The Vril Society (also known as The Luminous Lodge) was a secret
society founded in Berlin, Germany, by a group of Berlin Rosicrucians
being based on English politician (1st Baron Lytton) and author
Edward Bulwer-Lytton's novel The Coming Race (1871 A.D.) about
an advanced group of men said to be residing within the Earth and of
who it is said will later emerge to rule over the world. Said to once
inhabit the Earth's outer surface, the group was forced to retreat
underground many thousands of years ago by a natural catastrophe
similar in nature to that of the Biblical Flood. This group was said to
be trained in the application of the vril force, which can be used to
control the physical world, including the minds and bodies of others.
If this story sounds familiar it should, the story of course being based
upon Bulwer-Lytton‘s esoteric knowledge concerning Azazel and his
group of fallen angels who are currently entrapped within the earth,
including the influence they exert upon mankind. Bulwer-Lytton (a
Grand Patron (1871-73 A.D.) of the Metropolitan College of the
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, a magic practicing group which
accepted only Master Masons as members) wrote on many themes
including the occult. Indeed, this novel was, as we learn from the
words of Bulwer-Lytton himself, predicated on: ―The superstitious
belief, common to miners, that gnomes or fiends dwell within the
bowels of the earth,‖ the gnomes representing, of course, Azazel and
his group of fallen angels. Bulwer-Lytton was a member of the British
House of Lords, as well as a being minister of the state. It is of the
very most of important notes that Bulwer-Lytton was associated with
the California Theatre located in San Francisco, California U.S.A.
(the theatre was built by William Ralston, treasurer of the Bank of
California). In fact, the California Theatre opened on January 18,
1869 A.D. with a performance of a Bulwer-Lytton play (Shakespeare‘s
plays (replete with tales of magic and super-natural beings) were also a
major theatrical mainstay). One of the members of the stock company
responsible for the theatre‘s construction was Henry "Harry" Edwards.
Edwards was a Founding Member of the Bohemian Club (founded in
1872 A.D.) which is also located in San Francisco, California. Other
Founding Members of the Bohemia Club included Daniel O'Connell
and a group of San Francisco Chronicle newspaper staffers, which by
1880 A.D. had become the largest circulation newspaper on the West
Coast of America). The Bohemian Club owns the Bohemian Grove:
―Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at
20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a
private San Francisco-based men's art club known as the Bohemian
Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a three-week
encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.‖ –
Wikipedia: Bohemian Grove). (―Since the first flurry of (UFO) reports in July of 1947,
each July brought a definite peak in reports…The first documented reports of sightings
similar to the UFO sightings as we know them today appeared in the newspapers of 1896. In
fact, the series of sightings that occurred in that year and the next had many points of
similarity with the reports of today. The sightings started in the San Francisco Bay area on the
evening of November 22, 1896…I tried to find out if the people in these outlying communities
saw the UFO before they heard the news from the San Francisco area or afterward, but trying
to run down the details of a fifty-six-year-old UFO report is almost hopeless. Once while I was
on a trip to Hamilton AFB I called the offices of the San Francisco Chronicle and they put
me in touch with a retired employee who had worked on a San Francisco paper in 1896. I
called the old gentleman on the phone and talked to him for a long time. He had been a copy
boy at the time and remembered the incident, but time had canceled out the details. He did tell
me that he, the editor of the paper, and the news staff had seen "the ship," as he referred to the
UFO. His story, even though it was fifty-six years old, smacked of others I'd heard when he
said that no one at the newspaper ever told anyone what they had seen; they didn't want people
to think that they were "crazy."‖ – The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects Chapter 16
(Edward J. Ruppelt, 1956). Excerpted from: ―Edward J. Ruppelt's memoir of his role in the
seminal US Air Force UFO study projects: Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book.‖) (The word
‗chronicle‘ from whence the newspaper takes its name is derived from the name of the god
Chronos/Cronos/Kronos, also known as Father Time and who represents the angel Azazel)
(Author‘s Note: The name of the city of Los Angeles in California means ‗city of angels,‘ the
city also boasting the L. A. Angels baseball team. California has a long occult history)

As was previously noted, the Bohemian Grove membership list

reads as a ‗Who‘s Who‘ of American Political, Cultural, Financial and
Defense interests. They are truly the Masters of the Universe. In fact,
every Republican president since Herbert Hoover in 1933 A.D. has
been an attendee of the Bohemian Grove. Past attendees of the annual
Bohemian Grove festivities include ex-Republican Presidents Dwight
D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald W. Reagan,
George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, these being the majority of
the group known as the Eight Kings of Revelations (See Revelations
17:10-11. For more details, see Hidden Truths: The History of the
World from Beginning to End). Members of the City Club, the
administrators of the Bohemian Grove, is a moniker under which these
Bohos/Grovers are alternatively known, and boast that the Manhattan
Project, America‘s covert project to develop the atomic bomb, was
conceived at the Bohemian Grove in 1942. The Bible refers to nuclear
weaponry as ―wickedness.‖ Interestingly enough, during World War
II, the covert American-led allied effort to seize Nazi nuclear secrets
and scientists was code-named the Alsos Mission. ‗Alsos‘ is the
Greek word for a grove of trees. As per its name, this mission likely
did have its genesis at the Bohemian Grove, as is their boast, ―weaving
spiders‖ excluded or not. In fact, the Bohemian Grovers reference to
―weaving spiders‖ is taken from William Shakespeare‘s A Midsummer
Night‘s Dream. The major ―mythological‖ characters in this book are
a god and goddess and various characters who represent Azazel, his
human wife, and Azazel‘s group of rebellious angelic comrades, and is
replete with tales of magic. By definition, Midsummer Day is July 21,
a date suspiciously close to the date of Azazel‘s future release on the
19th of July in 2016 A.D. Indeed, in reference to the expected release
of these angels, the ceremonial magician/ritualist at the Bohemian
Grove proclaims: ―Midsummer sets us free,‖ speaking for Azazel‘s
group of fallen angels of course, who are at this time in 2016 A.D.
liberated from their earthen imprisonment. Bohemian Grove magic
ceremonies invoke these rebellious fallen angels, invoking the angel
Azazel as the ‗spirit of Bohemia,‘ the word ‗Bohemia‘ being a cognate
of the word ‗Behemoth,‘ the name of Azazel‘s cherub.
The Cremation of Care Ceremony (whose ritualist burns in
effigy a figure which it calls ―Dull Care‖) held annually at the
Bohemian Grove is by definition a magic ―banishing‖ ceremony. This
is the Boho‘s version of the Egyptian annual rite called the ―Banishing
of Apep‖ (in magic systems, banishing rituals go hand in hand with the
invocation of spirits/fallen angels/demons). In regards to the serpent
characterization of the angel Azazel, he is represented in the Egyptian
stories of Apep (in Greek, Apophis), who was the great serpent
believed to be imprisoned and still living entrapped within the
underworld. During an annual Egyptian black magic ceremony called
the ―Banishing of Apep,‖ Egyptian priests built an effigy of the serpent
Apep and burned it in order to protect the populace from his
influences. The Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care magic ceremony
has its roots in this practice (the term ―dull care‖ is taken from The
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (c. 1123 A.D.), a mystical poem by a
master of comparative religions and of the esoteric teachings found
therein. Stanza 299 relates: ―Cast off dull care, O melancholy
brother!‖ while Stanza 198 speaks of ―care‘s serpent eye‖ (and also
―Rich men, who take to drink, the world defy,‖ they being as it were,
above the law). Serpents are a common motif representing the angel
Azazel and are also a common symbol of a cherub. It must be noted at
this point that a serpent, which is a symbol of Azazel, is employed as
the Bohemian Club logo). Hence the Cremation of Care ceremony is
akin to the ceremonies which ritually burn Azazel in effigy, the object
being to banish him after previously invoking him. End of magic
According to Alan Baker in Invisible Eagle: The History of
Nazi Occultism: ―It is an assumption of many occultists that The
Coming Race is fact disguised as fiction: that Bulwer-Lytton based his
engaging novel on a genuine body of esoteric knowledge. He was
greatly interested in the Rosicrucians, the powerful occult society
which arose in the sixteenth century and which claimed to possess
ancient wisdom…Some writers, including Alec Maclellan, author of
the fascinating book The Lost World of Agharti (1996 A.D.), have
suggested that The Coming Race revealed too much of the
subterranean world (wherein Azazel is entrapped), and was as a result
suppressed in the years following Bulwer-Lytton's death in 1873.
Indeed, he describes the book as 'one of the hardest to find of all books
of mysticism', and informs us of his own search for a copy, which for
some years met with no success.‖ Of an interesting note, Annie
Besant (in Adyar Pamphlet No. 30 entitled Communication between
Different Worlds) calls the Theosophical Society ―the nucleus of the
Coming Race.‖
The English author, playwrite and British Lord Edward
Bulwer-Lytton was a friend of Eliphas Levi, the French occult writer
and ceremonial magician. Eliphas Levi was an associate of the
President of the London Lodge of the Theosophical Society in
England, Anna Kingsford. Kingsford later left this lodge and formed
the Hermetic Society (Hermetic Societies/Hermetic Orders are based
on the writings of Hermes Trismegistus (known as the Corpus
Hermeticum), a god who represented none other than the angel Azazel
himself, the writings of which profess the existence of Azazel and his
group of angels and how they may be contacted). The Hermetic
Society of Anna Kingsford was known for giving lectures, featuring as
lecturers the likes of the occultist S. L. MacGregor Mathers and the
ceremonial magician William Westcott. Wescott, a student of
Kabalah, in addition to being a Master Mason, was Supreme Magus of
the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (the Rosicrucian Society of
England). Mathers, likewise a Master Mason, gained admittance to
the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (to
which only Master Masons are admitted), eventually being appointed
Junior Substitute Magus. William Wescott, with S. L. MacGregor
Mathers, founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the most
celebrated member of which was the English ceremonial magician
Aleister Crowley, patron of the British Museum and propounder of the
esoteric writings found therein, including of course, The Book of
Enoch, which tells the story of Azazel and his angels. The Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia was itself modelled after Rosicrucian societies
in Germany. The Vril Society in Germany, founded in Berlin, as must
again be noted, by a group of German Rosicrucians, would later
become the inner circle of the Thule Society (The Theosophic-beliefed
Vril Society (a Hermetic Society) was the first German nationalist
group to use the symbol of the swastika as an emblem. This was
derived from the Theosophical Society Seal which likewise employs a
swastika within its emblem). The Thule Society was the organization
that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (The German Workers
Party) which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi
Party. In fact Azazel and his angels are the German Nazi
―underground supermen‖ (also known as the ‗Unknown Supermen‘)
said to live beneath the Earth‘s surface of whom the Rosicrucian
author Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote, and from whom, Hitler
professed, he took his marching orders. It must be noted Thule is a
Greek word which translates as 'isle of the four Masters,' in reference
to the place where Azazel, along with his three angelic companions, lie
entrapped within the earth, the place being located as it is between the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Arabs call it ‗The Island.‘ Hitler‘s
ultimate goal was to free these angels. Hitler also claimed to be in
communication with them. And Hitler, it is said, was an Adept of
Black Magic, while members of Hitler‘s feared secret police, the SS
(Schutzstaffel), like Hitler himself, were practitioners of black magic
and students of the occult. Azazel and his group exerted their
influence upon the mind as well as the actions of Adolf Hitler, Hitler
being nothing but a mere puppet on a string. Indeed, The Dawn of
Magic (by Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier) states: ―When Arthur
Machen speaks of the World of Evil, ‗full of caverns and crepuscular
beings dwelling therein,‘ he is referring, as an adept of the (Hermetic
Order of the) Golden Dawn, to that other world in which man comes
into contact with the ‗Unknown Supermen.‘ It seems certain that
Hitler shared this belief, and even claimed to have been in touch with
these ‗Supermen.‘‖ End quote. The Unknown Supermen of which he
speaks and with whom Hitler was in contact is none other than Azazel
and his group of fallen angels who are entrapped within the earth.
Amazingly enough, ―with the coming of Nazism it was the "other
world" which ruled over us for a number of years‖ - The Dawn of Magic
(Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier, 1960 A.D.). It must be mentioned the Welsh
author and mystic Arthur Machen was a friend of A. E. Waite and, like
Waite, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (Waite
translated fellow Golden Dawn member Eliphas Levi‘s Dogme et
Rituel de la Haute Magie (Dogma and Ritual of High Magic (1896
A.D.) into English under the title Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine
and Ritual (1910 A.D.).
Azazel and his angels are also the German Nazi ―underground
supermen,‖ creators (fathers) of the Aryan race which were said to live
(or more precisely, are entrapped) beneath the Earth‘s surface. Hitler‘s
ultimate goal was to free them (this group of rebellious angels has a
long history of influencing human affairs. According to an October
26, 2007 article by Peter Tremblay on The Canadian website, Adolf
Hitler‘s: ―chair press officer, Dr. Dietrich testified his belief that Hitler
was possessed by demons." Apparently, "Hitler told his High
Command, his belief in the Superman who had ruled the planet in the
times of Atlantis and Thule, and after the war of the gods that led to
the fall of Atlantis the Superman (the incarnate angel Azazel), who
were the Masters of the World, had gone underground." Hitler said he
"took his orders for the Nazi conquest from the Superman (from
Azazel!) who lived inside the Earth.‖ (Author‘s Note: Thule is a Greek word
which translates as 'isle of the four Masters,' in reference to the place where Azazel, along
with his three angelic companions, lie entrapped within the earth. Arabs call this area ‗The
Island,‘ it being located as it is between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. This concept
originated with the Egyptians. In Egypt, the four angels who are entrapped within Azazel‘s
cherub are known as the Four Genii of the Amenthes (of Hades). The Thule Society was so-
named in reverence to the angel Azazel)

The following selection is excerpted from the February 24th

2010 edition of The Canadian:

Manipulative Extraterrestrials influenced Adolf

Hitler, scholars suggest

When Adolf Hitler spread his message of hatred, genocide, and oppression, as
having been "inspired" by a blond race of superhuman warriors referred to as
"Aryans", it is assumed through historical accounts that this was simply the
contrived mythology of a "madman". These same accounts omit representation
that Adolf Hilter was a member of demonic UFO cult worshipping
cabals, and was an apparent UFO contactee, by the same
Extraterrestrial group which Hilter sought to glorify. "The Nazis
themselves claimed that an extraterrestrial society was the source of their
ideology and the power behind their organization." Nazi mysticism, indeed, was
reportedly a direct product of cult worship to Manipulative Extraterrestrials.
The "Nazis referred to their hidden extraterrestrial masters as underground
“supermen.” Hitler believed in the “supermen” and claimed that he had once
met one of them, as did other members of the Thule leadership."

The Nazis said that their “supermen” resided beneath the Earth’s surface and
were the creators of "the Aryan race". Aryans therefore in Adolf Hitler's
reasoning, constituted the world’s only “pure” race and all other people were
viewed as "inferior genetic mutations". The Nazis under the reported guidance
of Manipulative Extraterrestrials planned to “re-purify” humanity by committing
genocide against anyone who was not an Aryan. Top Nazi leaders believed that
the underground “supermen” would return to the surface of the Earth to rule it
as soon as the Nazis began their racial purification program and established
the Thousand Year Reich.

These Nazi beliefs are very similar to other religions apparently also guided by
Manipulative Extraterrestrials that teach people to prepare for the future return
of supernatural beings who will reign over a "Utopian Earth". As in other such
religions, the coming of the Nazi “supermen” would coincide with a great final
“divine judgment.” Nazi mysticism indeed earned the support of Christian
leaders, who shared what Gnostics referred to as influence by demonic
consciousness linked to a "false God".

Critical historical accounts have linked Adolf Hitler, and other high ranking
Nazis as having communicated with self-anointed "Nordic gods" who were a
part constituency of Manipulative Extraterrestrials which to Gnostics disciples of
Jesus were identified as "demons." This is where the "National Socialist" image
of the ideal man/woman and the program of eugenics apparently originated.
Adolf Hilter was apparently ordered to infiltrate the National Socialist German
Workers Party; in order to counter anti-military sentiments of the defeated
working class, into a populist movement which in turn would worship the
demonic consciousnesses of Manipulative Extraterrestrials.

Though he lost the war, eventually, Manipulative Extraterrestrials apparently

communicated with Nazis that "those chosen by Satan will follow with success
in establishing a "Fourth Reich." "Four" is the number of Satan/Enki. Hitler saw
the ideal human in Satan and his demons who are of the extra-terrestrial race
who looked like human beings with very tall statures, light blonde hair and blue

Nazi technology is also alleged to have been disseminated under guidance by

Manipulative Extraterrestrials. "...the Nazis had everything before any other
country, they had radar in 1933, they had infra-red sensors, heavy water, etc.,
etc. We have been told lie after lie in terms of who invented these things. If
anyone in the world had access to 'alien' technology it was the... 'Aryans'

An interesting article indeed! Additionally, it must be noted,

Hermann Oberth, a trance medium, worked with channel mediums and
claimed to have received channeled information from extraterrestrials
(no doubt these ‗extraterrestrials‘ were the rebellious fallen angels who
hail from a planet known in The Bible as the New Earth). Amazingly
enough, Oberth, called the Father of Nazi Rocketry, professed to being
"helped by people from other worlds.‖ All these men were in contact
with and being influenced by the incarnate rebellious fallen angels!
Chapter 8. Azazel in Popular Culture
The story of Azazel and his earthen imprisonment is also the
source of the Grail legends of Europe. In Liber Samekh Aleister
Crowley invokes Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth under its Egyptian name
Ra, referring to it as ―the Sangraal…the cup of Babalon,‖ which is to
say, the Grail cup, which is also known as the Holy Grail. The
Egyptian term for the area known as Sumeria, Babylonia and
Mesopatamia (from the Greek meaning ‗between the rivers‖) was Sngr
(Sangara) (compare to Shinar). The word ‗sangraal‘ is a cognate of
the word ‗sangara.‘ Sangara is the place where the sangraal is
located, the Sangraal, the Holy Grail, deriving its name thereby
(related to this is the name of the reddish color sanguine). It would
seem Crowley knew exactly where Azazel‘s cherub was located. To
Arabs, Sumeria is known as "The Island" as it existed between two
rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates.
A red cross is also often associated with the Holy Grail, the red
cross said to have been emblazoned upon the very grail itself, the grail
being, of course, Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth. For this reason the red
cross was a symbol of the angel Azazel. All who eagerly search for
the grail search for Azazel‘s cherub, and with it, the angel Azazel. The
Grail Legends themselves symbolize the search for Azazel‘s cherub
Behemoth, and seek to locate the place where it lay entrapped within
the earth. The term ‗rosi crucis‘ (from whence is derived the word
‗Rosicrucian) which is related to the term ‗red cross,‘ also by one
account translates as ‗dew cup,‘ which is the reason the Holy Grail as
we know it today as being cup-like in form was adopted as a symbol of
Azazel‘s cherub.
A.E. Waite, like Aleister Crowley, was a member of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, both being members during the
same period of time, along with S.L. MacGregor Mathers. In the
Preface to The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal by A. E. Waite (1909
A.D.), this being an exhaustive study of the Grail Mystery and its
history, Waite professes as the goal of his work: ―I am about to set
forth after a new manner, and chiefly for the use of English mystics,
the nature of the mystery which is enshrined in the old romance-
literature of the Holy Graal…at the root it has a direct consanguinity
with other mysteries,‖ Mathers himself intimating, ―the literature of
the Graal has its basis in a cycle of legend wherein there is neither a
Sacred Vessel nor a Holy Mystery,‖ such writings representing merely
the ―appropriation of certain myths and legends which are held to be
pre-Christian.‖ As indeed they are. Waite puts the stories of the Grail
Legend into the category of such ―writings which bear…the seals of
allegory and…allusion.‖ The allusion of which he speaks was based
upon the story of the angel Azazel.
Born in Brooklyn New York, A.E. Waite (October 2, 1857 –
May 19, 1942) was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn (joined 1891 A.D.) and of the Rosicrucian Society (joined 1902
A.D.), as well as being a member of the Freemasons (joined in 1901
A.D.). As per Wikipedia: ―Waite was a prolific author with many of
his works being well received in academic circles. He wrote occult
texts on subjects including divination, esotericism, Rosicrucianism,
Freemasonry, and ceremonial magic, Kabbalism and alchemy; he also
translated and reissued several important mystical and alchemical
works. His works on the Holy Grail, influenced by his friendship with
Arthur Machen, were particularly notable.‖ When one considers the
presence of a figure of such historically mystical importance,
immersing his self in such a field, associating himself with such a
legend, one must not underestimate the importance of the subject
matter so involved. In the terminology of A.E. Waite, the search for
the Sangraal, for Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, is known as the ―Mystic
Quest‖ of the ―Great Work.‖

In allusion to the story of Azazel, the collective story of King

Arthur contains the belief that Arthur is not dead but is in fact one day
expected to return along with his band of knights. In this capacity
Arthur is known as ―Rex Quondam Rexque Futurus,‖ the ―Once and
Future King‖ (See Sir Thomas Malory‘s Morte d‘Arthur). Some
traditions tell of Arthur‘s entrapment beneath a mountain, shades of
the legend of Hephaistos/Vulcan (gods representing Azazel), where to
this day he (like Azazel) resides underground awaiting his messianic
return. Indeed, when Azazel is released in 2016 A.D. he is hailed as
the long awaited Messiah, King of the Jews.

Chrétien de Troyes‘ poem Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart ties

King Arthur to Ascension Day (using its esoteric meaning,
‗Ascension‘ is defined as the rising of a celestial body, in this case the
rising of the star Sirius, an event which marks the time of Azazel‘s
release), relating how ―King Arthur (representing Azazel) had come
from Caerleon‖ (in Wales) on that day, holding a ―very magnificent
court at Camelot as was fitting on such a day.‖ To throw more light on
the subject we must consider how the word ‗Camelot‘ was derived.
Camelot as the residence/house (a cherub is oft symbolized as a house)
of King Arthur is a later 12th Century addition to the Arthurian legend.
In the Celtic belief system, the god of war of the Remi tribe was
named Camulus/Camulos (a god who represented Azazel). The name
Camelot is derived from the name of this god. Indeed, his cult can be
traced to Britain. The Camelot of Arthurian legend represents
Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth. The name of the Celtic god Camulos is
related to the word ‗Campe,‘ Campe being the name of a dragon said
to dwell in Tartarus beneath the earth, the dragon being a common
Biblical symbol of a cherub. And the Moabite god Chemosh, another
god who represented Azazel/Behemoth, was known as Kamus
(Theosophists also call the place where these angels lay entrapped
within the earth as Kamaloka.). (Azazel may also be represented by the angel
known as Camael (Latin Camael), (also known as Kamuel, Chamuel, Camiel, Camul,
Camniel), the leader of the angelic forces said to have expelled Adam from the Garden of
Eden. Additionally, Aegean was one of three beings called the Hecatonchires in Greek
―mythology.‖ The Hecatonchires (named after the god Heca/Heka who represented Azazel;
‗heka‘ means ‗magic‘) were giants who represented the offspring of Azazel and his human
wife. It was said these beings were cast into the depths of Tartarus, where they are guarded by
the dragon Campe, which represented Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth, within which Azazel
dwells, entrapped within the earth. Campe, and similarly the Celtic god of war Camulos
(which also represented Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth), is the origin of the legendary location
called Camelot, wherein King Arthur, who represents Azazel, was said to dwell. Camelot as
the residence of King Arthur (Azazel) represents Behemoth, wherein Azazel dwells in his
subterranean abode)

In later times, especially in Christianized pagan locales in

Europe, gods were secularized becoming simply represenred as kings.
Azazel is represented in the person of the Welsh Arawn, King of the
Otherworld, Annwn. The word ‗Annwn‘ means ―very deep,‖ this
being a reference to his imprisonment deep beneath the earth. The
Cauldron of Annwn (which represents Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth)
was said to be located in this Welsh underworld of Annwn, very deep
within the earth. Arawn (Azazel) is depicted as a hunter in the Welsh
work named First Branch of the Mabinogi, where he is said to be
hunting a stag (Azazel is known as the horned-god, one of whose
symbols is the stag). King Arthur is connected to Annwn through a
poem called ―Preiddeu Annwn‖ in the Book of Taliesin, where Arthur
(Azazel) is said to travel to Annwn ―very deep‖ within the Earth in
search of a magic cauldron which symbolically represents Azazel‘s
cherub, Behemoth (the cauldron was also known as the Cauldron of
Cerridwen. Cerridwen was a Celtic goddess who represented Azazel‘s
human wife. She is entrapped with Azazel within his cherub
Behemoth). This story was later Christianized into the search for the
Holy Grail, the Holy Grail, representing Azazel‘s cherub, Behemoth,
becoming the search for the holy cup used at the last supper of Jesus
(See Luke 22: 1-23). Azazel is, as we have noted, hailed as the
Coming Messiah Jesus, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of the Jews.
The Holy Grail does not appear in earlier versions of the Arthurian
legend in its later Christianized form. This was but a later edition to
an amalgamation of stories by other writers. The legend of King
Arthur is an allegorical representation of the story of Azazel and his
Also, as is evidenced in Psalms 149:6, a ―two-edged sword‖ is
a symbol for a cherub. Such is the case with King Arthur‘s (Azazel‘s)
magic sword Excalibur. The two-edged sword Excalibur symbolically
represented Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth. The fact that Excalibur was
said to be lodged within the stone represented the fact that Azazel‘s
cherub Behemoth is entrapped within the igneous rock within the
Earth. When Excalibur/Behemoth is released from the rock,
Arthur/Azazel will rule over men (compare to the story of the god
Mithras who is said to have also emerged from a rock. Mithras
similarly represents Azazel/Behemoth). And like a brightly lit cherub
(such as Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth) and the blindness it may inflict
upon humans, Excalibur was said to have shone with the light of thirty
torches and been able to dazzle the enemy with its brightness, thereby
inflicting blindness on Arthur‘s enemies.

Azazel ascends from within the earth where he is imprisoned

on July 19, 2016 A.D. The heliacal rising of the dog star Sirius occurs
on this very date. For this reason, any allegorical story including a dog
rising on its hind legs in attack mode or even the symbolism invoked
by a dog ascending from within the underworld represents the heliacal
rising of the dog star Sirius. One need only transform the dog rising
on its back legs in attack mode into a lion in such a stance to represent
the angel Azazel‘s future role of False Prophet/Messiah/Lion of the
tribe of Judah. At this time it must be noted, such a lion rising on its
hind legs in attack mode, known as a Lion Rampant, is the symbol of
British royalty, while the flag of Britain employs the red cross on
white background symbol of the angel Azazel. A lion is also in fact a
symbol for a cherub, as is epitomized in the Sumerian hymn A Hymn
to Nanna (Nanna M): ―he (the god Nanna; a cherub) is a powerful
force, a lion, a dragon‖ A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna M). Additionally, it must
also be noted one of the four ―faces‖ of a cherubim is a lion (See
Ezekiel 1:10-11). The lion represents Jesus the Messiah (on right side
of cherub; See Revelations 5:5). When the Genesis serpent Azazel
―returns‖ he will claim to be and will be mistaken for Jesus the
Messiah. This concept is also epitomized by the symbolic Greek
Agathodemon, a serpent depicted with the head of a lion. The Greeks
themselves imported this concept from the Egyptians whose country
they conquered. The Egyptian counterpart of the Greek Agathodemon
is the god Chnoubis.
In this respect Azazel is also the Mithraic Chronos (the
word ‗Chronos‘ being a cognate of the word ‗Chnoubis‘), depicted as a
lion-headed man with wings (Azazel was known for wearing bird‘s
wings). In this tradition also comes the account of the Hindu daeva
Vishnu‘s incarnation as a lion-headed man. In Hinduism, Vishnu
represented the angel Azazel. Vishnu‘s lion-man incarnation
represented the belief that Azazel would be hailed as the long-awaited
Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, the Messiah who is to
come (Assyrian winged human-headed lions are also representative).
Related to this is also the treatment of the Egyptian god Osiris.
According to The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead
Plate XVIII, Osiris, who represents Behemoth/Azazel is known as the
Lion-god, as was the god Ra, who also represented the angel Azazel:
―I am Ra. I am the Lion-god.‖ Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XV B.D. Chap.
LXI. Likewise for this reason in the Crowley Magick system the Lion-
Serpent symbolism represents the Genesis serpent Azazel (Aleister
Crowley was educated at Oxford University in England). Funny that
the symbol of the British royal family, the Lion Rampant, rearing up,
in a country named as it is for a goddess who represents Azazel‘s
human wife, should have as its family crest the esoteric symbol which
represents Azazel‘s ascension at the time of the rising of Sirius at
which time he is hailed as the coming Messiah, the lion of the tribe of
Judah (the unicorn on the British Royal Coat of Arms likewise
represents Azazel/Behemoth. Horses are common Biblical symbols of
cherubim. The unicorn‘s horn refers to Azazel‘s status as horned-god)
(Interestingly enough, the first coat of arms of the British King of
England Richard I ―The Lionheart‖ (1189-1198 A.D.) was ―two
golden lions, combatant, on a red field,‖ rising on their back legs in
attack mode, whereas one of the Egyptian designations for Azazel was
―god in the form of two lions, who comest forth from heaven‖ (See the
Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXXI. In Plate XXVI Azazel is
referred to as ―the double Lion-god‖). Richard traveled to the Holy
Land during the Third Crusade, learning, as it would seem, the legends
concerning the fallen angel Azazel. Britain has long had an
association with the angel Azazel).

The Norse Valkyries represented the human wives of the fallen

angels riding in the cherubim of their angel husbands. They are often
depicted riding horses. Horses are a classic symbol of the cherubim of
the angels. The most famous of the Valkyries was Brynhilder
(German ‗Brunnhilde‘), whose name means ―Brynie of Battle.‖ Her
name is a cognate of the Celtic goddess Bride/Bridget. Both represent
Azazel‘s human wife. Britain is named after her (and the national
emblem of Britain is the red cross, the sign of Azazel). Britain is
steeped in the legends of the fallen angel Azazel, and the Arthurian
legend is no exception. The Knights Templars are also associated with
the Holy Grail, even employing the red cross on white background
symbolism associated with him.
Hitler once said that to understand him and his mission one
must first understand Wagner the German composer. Wagner wrote
many compositions on the subject of Azazel, his human wife, and the
fallen angels and their human wives in the form of ancient gods and
goddesses. The most famous of these is his opera entitled Die
Walkure, which includes the famous Ride of the Valkyries. Wagner
also wrote Arthurian operas about King Arthur. King Arthur
represented the angel Azazel, Queen Guinevere his human wife.
Hitler sought the Holy Grail, seeking Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, and
was willing to risk a world war and the destruction of Germany to
obtain it.

In conclusion we may most certainly deduce the Arthurian

legend concerns the story of Azazel and the fallen angels.

(Author‘s Note: The word ‗Agharti‘ seems to be related to the word ‗grail,‘ the word ‗Agarta,‘
with the word ‗graal‘)

The Tempest of Shakespeare

The British playwright Shakespeare‘s The Tempest is

somewhat of a veiled mystery play containing all of the common
magic elements associated with the story of Azazel, Satan and of the
rest of the fallen angels. It is in itself a story of a shipwreck at sea, its
survivors alighting upon an uncharted isle, this possibly being a nod to
the writings of Theophilus where he likens ―doctrines of error‖
(―heresies‖) to barren rocky islands ―infested by wild beasts‖ which
serve ―only to injure navigators and the storm-tossed, on which ships
(here analogous of men‘s souls) are wrecked.‖ (See Theophilus to
Autolychus Book II Chapter XIV). It must also be noted in Letter
10.1 (NPNF, 2nd series, Vol. 6, 11), Jerome likens the great Flood in
the time of Noah, at which time Azazel‘s cherub was imprisoned
within the earth, to a ―shipwreck.‖ In addition to this, as explained by
John Chrysostom in Homily I of his Three Homilies Concerning the
Power of Demons (NPNF1-09), that: ―to fall in Paradise is to undergo
shipwreck.‖ But most significantly, to Arabs, Sumeria is known as
"The Island" as it existed between two rivers, the Tigris and the
Euphrates. And this is the very area where Azazel and his angels lay
entrapped within the Earth.
In 3Enoch XIX:3 ―The Tempest‖ is a name synonymous with
that of a cherub, as is additionally exemplified in Isaiah 29:5-6, Isaiah
30:30-33, Psalms 50:1-3, Psalms 83:13-15 and Jeremiah 23:19, where
a ―tempest‖ is associated with and is sometimes presented as a word
synonymous with the word ‗cherub.‘ It must also be noted a cherub in
the Egyptian Mysteries was at times symbolized as a boat. This was
originally a Sumerian concept, as The Tempest references such
Sumerian works as Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Nether World (Version
A): ―Enki (a Sumerian god representing the angel Azazel) set sail (in
his ‗boat‘) for the nether world (beneath the earth)…‖ Note the boat
symbolism in reference to Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth. On board the
ship/cherub in Shakespeare‘s play The Tempest is a ―King.‖ It must
be noted the name of the god Moloch, who also represents Azazel,
means ‗king.‘ The story as related by Shakespeare alludes to the
entrapment of Azazel inside his cherub within the earth at the time of
the Flood when it says: ―Had I been any god of power, I
would…within the earth…the good ship (the cherub) so have
swallowed and the freighting souls within her‖ (See Act I Scene II
Lines 10-13).

William Shakespeare, author of The Tempest, was an associate

of Sir Francis Bacon. One of Bacon‘s illustrious friends was the
author of the Enochian Magic system, Dr. John Dee, Astrologer Royal
to the English Queen Elizabeth I. Doubtless Shakespeare incorporates
the prevailing occult magic beliefs of his time within this well-known
mystery play. It must also be noted that Bacon, who, like Dee, was a
prominent Rosicrucian, was alleged by some to have actually
anonymously authored many if not all of the Shakespearean plays as is
exemplified in the following selection: ―Without more ado or any
beating about the bush it may as well be frankly stated at once that the
view of the present editor is…Francis Bacon wrote the "Shakespeare"
plays and poems.‖ Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke (1901 A.D.)

As previously noted, Francis Bacon was cited as having an

inspring role in the creation of the Royal Society of London for the
Improvement of Natural Knowledge. As we learn fron Bacon:

―As to the nature of spirits and angels, this is neither unsearchable nor
morbid; but in a great part level to the human mind, on account of their
affinity. The knowledge of their nature, powers and illusions, appears
from Scripture, reason and experience, to be no small part of spiritual
wisdom.‖ – British statesman and ceremonial magician Sir Francis Bacon

Funny how William Shakespeare is an American educational

mainstay, for as we learn from the Theosophists: ―the Adepts (the
rebel angels) assert that Shakespeare was, unconsciously to himself,
inspired by one of their own number.‖ Echoes from the Orient Chapter IV
(William Q. Judge, 1890 A.D.)

By definition Shakespeare‘s story is a product of automatic-


Azazel in Children‘s Stories

Azazel is sometimes known in Hebrew as Paimon, the

Rabbinic title for Paimon being OZAZL. Azazel is invoked under this
name in the magic system found in The Book of the Sacred Magic of
Abramelin the Mage. Related to this is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
(1900 A.D.) by Theosophical Society member L. Frank Baum which is
esoterically based on the story of Azazel. ‗Oz‘ is simply a shortening
of ‗OZAZL.‘ In this children‘s tale are depicted black and white
magical practices employed by the Wicked Witch of the East and by
the Good Witch of the West (who aids Dorothy), respectively.
Wizards (as in the Wizard of Oz) by definition are practitioners of
magic and it must be noted Azazel was known as the Egyptian god
Heka; the translation of the word ‗heka‘ being ‗magic.‘ The flying
monkeys in the tale represent the fallen angels. Castles (like their
cousins the towers) are occult symbols associated with the Egyptian
goddess Isis, a deity who represented Azazel‘s human wife.
According to L. Fank Baum‘s selection from Wikipedia: ―Baum's
avowed intentions with the Oz books, and other fairy (read: fallen
angel‘s) tales, was to tell such tales as the Brothers Grimm and Hans
Christian Andersen told, bringing them up to date by making the
characters not stereotypical dwarfs or genies.‖ Dwarves and genies as
such represent the rebellious fallen angels. Their stories were the
subject of L. Frank Baum‘s literary works. In addition to The
Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Theosophical Society member L. Frank
Baum penned such magical works as The Magical Monarch of Mo
(1903 A.D.), Mother Goose in Prose (1897 A.D.) (prose retellings of
Mother Goose rhymes), The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (1902
A.D.), The Enchanted Island of Yew (1903 A.D.), John Dough and the
Cherub (1906 A.D.), The Sea Fairies (1911 A.D.) and "The Witchcraft
of Mary-Marie" (1908 A.D.). Baum was quite a big fan of the occult.
In my youth, the Hollywood version of The Wizard of Oz was
broadcast yearly on network television. I had even developed an
affinity for the kindly old man of Oz, who represented none other than
the angel Azazel. Such brainwashing is stereotypical of many
Hollywood offerings.

Azazel‘s story can also be found in the late 16th Century Chinese
literary classic entitled Journey to the West. Therein he is depicted as
the Monkey King Sun Wukong, who was said to have been imprisoned
within a mountain of stone after staging a failed rebellion in heaven.
Chapter 9. Azazel and the Theosophical Society
―From the first ages of man, the fundamental truths of all that we are
permitted to know on earth was in the safe keeping of the adepts of the
sanctuary. Those guardians of the primitive divine revelation, who
had solved every problem that is within the grasp of human intellect,
were bound together by a universal freemasonry of science and
philosophy, which formed one unbroken chain around the globe.‖ - Isis
Unveiled (Helena P. Blavatsky, 1877 A.D.)

The Theosophical Society was born of this ―universal

freemasonry of science and philosophy‖ with its concerted global
reach. Though the Theosophical Society dismisses the legendary
stories of rebellion perpetrated by the fallen angels as simple allegory
and parable, they do not, however, deny that angels do in fact exist.
On the contrary; they openly embrace the angels.

Annie Besant in The Inner Government of Our World (1920

A.D.) speaks of the shadow government of the world composed of
rebellious fallen angels: ―all the activities of our world…are directed
by a Group of great Beings‖ an ―Occult Government of the
World…considering the especial Government of our own world, the
Occult Hierarchy as it is called, the Beings composing that (Occult
Hierarchy) having come to our earth in the middle of the third human
Race from the planet Shukra (Venus)... (read: from an alien planet; the
angels come, in fact, from the New Earth)…They were of Those who
originally came to our world for its helping, and who are still with
us…the high Devas (the rebellious angels)...are the true inner
Rulers of our world.‖

―Here we should be able to find out really what is going on, the Forces
(the Powers) behind those who are apparently the rulers, the teachers
and the actor in our world, the true Inner Government of the
World…as manifested in the Occult Hierarchy of our world, with the
Four Kumaras at its head.‖ This ―great group of Rulers…the four
Kumaras. There is not very much said about Them. Not many
explanations are given. But they are spoken of as ―the Four‖, the ―One
and the Three‖. He who is spoken of as the Eldest among Those - as to
whom time may be said only to be a name, for They are beyond its
illusions - He is called Sanat Kumara, the Eternal, the Ancient; in later
days He is thought of as the Eldest, but it is better to think of Him as
the Eternal, to whom and in whom time is not.‖ - The Inner Government of
Our World Lecture II (Annie Besant)

Theosophists (as does this Author) believe the mythological

stories of the gods of the nations to be stories about the angels of The

―The Scriptures and religious traditions of all cultures make frequent

reference to non-human entities, variously termed Angels, Devas,
Gods, Spirits of one kind or another. In mythology these beings appear
as nature-spirits, fairies, sylphs, salamanders, to name but a few.
Esoteric Science supports universal tradition in affirming that the
different planes of Nature are peopled by hierarchies of beings, each
with characteristic properties and modes of functioning. In the Bible
there are well-known instances of angelic appearances, singly as "the
angel of the Lord" or as "a multitude of the heavenly host."― Deity,
Cosmos and Man, "The Scope and Framework of the Science," Part I, Chapter II.4 The
Hierarchies of Beings (Geoffrey A Farthing)

―Superhuman Beings...are the builders of civilisations and of religions

in our world...Now, the idea that such Superhuman Beings had much
to do with the affairs of men is no new idea, no mere Theosophical
fad. In Christian antiquity you find the thought put forward that over
every nation there presided a great Angel. Read the way in which
Origen speaks of the Angel Guardians of nations and of the world. The
idea in the East was a little more the East, whilst they
recognised what here would be called ―the ministry of Angels‖,
speaking of them as the Shining Ones (Elohim) - so often
mistranslated ‗God‘ -whilst they recognised their work in many grades
as the older Christians recognised the ministry of the nine great Orders
in the angelic host, they joined side by side with them the men who
had attained perfection...Those who are divine men, who have
perfected the human cycle of evolution, it is They who share with the
angelic host the guidance of evolution in the world in which we are.
For this world is not lonely as it rolls through space, nor confined only
to the men bound still to the wheel of births and deaths. The spiritual
world interpenetrates the physical, as every religion has declared;
Superhuman Beings (incarnate angels) move amongst us and take
their part in the affairs of men.‖ - Superhuman Men in History and in Religion
(Annie Besant, 1913 A.D.)

Indeed, as Besant explains: ―perfected men (read: incarnate fallen

angels) visited the courts of kings in order to see that kingdoms were
well governed and royal duties were honourably performed... In those
days, readily was Their guidance accepted, and, therefore, They
walked openly among the people... the Guardians (a play on the term
‗guardian angels‘) drew back from sight but never from labour, and
worked unseen and unhampered by the growing conditions of
humanity, but with the same heart of love, the same brain of wisdom
as in the elder days. It is They (the incarnate rebel angels) who pull
down Empires and build them up, who bring about equilibrium
between nations and do not allow a single set of national ideals so to
triumph over the world that all others shall give way before them. It is
They (the incarnate rebel angels) who gradually build up a great
Empire and give to some sub-race the ruling of the world; it is They
(the incarnate rebel angels) who are giving to England today the
possibility of the mighty part that she may play in the advancing
humanity of the time, of World-Empire mightier than any Empire
of the past...That is done today, not by direct order from the mouth of
the recognised Superior, but by the subtler working on the ambitions
and the passions and the thoughts of is these greater Ones (the
angels) behind who really pull the strings to which our statesmen and
our rulers dance obediently, and, in the pulling, educate the people,
and so help forward the general evolution of the race.‖ - Superhuman Men
in History and in Religion (Annie Besant, 1913 A.D.))

"The creatures evolved in the four kingdoms of earth, air, fire, and
water, and called by the Kabalists gnomes, sylphs, salamanders,
and undines. They may be termed the forces of nature, and will either
operate effects as the servile agents of general law, or may be
employed by the disembodied spirits — whether pure or impure
— and by living adepts of magic and sorcery, to produce desired
phenomenal results…"Under the general designation of fairies and
fays, these spirits of the elements appear in the myth, fable, tradition,
and poetry of all nations, ancient and modern. Their names are legion
— peris, devs, djins, sylvans, satyrs, fawns, elves, dwarfs, trolls,
kobolds, brownies, stromkarls, undines, nixies, salamanders, goblins,
banshees, kelpies, prixies, moss people, good people, good neighbours,
wild women, men of peace, white ladies, and many more. They have
been seen, feared, blessed, banned, and invoked in every quarter
of the globe and in every age. These elementals are the principal
agents of disembodied but never visible spirits at séances, and the
producers of all the phenomena except the 'subjective' ". — ("Isis",
preface xxix., vol. 1). "In the Jewish Kabala the nature spirits were
known under the general name of Shedim, and divided into four
classes. The Persians called them devs; the Greeks indistinctly
designated them as demons; the Egyptians knew them as 'afrites'.
The Ancient Mexicans, says Kaiser, believed in numerous spirit-
abodes, into one of which the shades of innocent-children were placed
until final disposal; into another, situated in the Sun, ascended the
valiant souls of heroes; while the hideous spectres of incorrigible
sinners were sentenced to wander and despair in subterranean
caves, held in the bonds of the earth-atmosphere, unwilling and
unable to liberate themselves. They passed their time in
communicating with mortals…"—("Isis," page 313, volume 1).
Difference between Elementals & Elementaries (1889 A.D.) (―It is therefore evident that the
world of man exercises a controlling power over this invisible world of "elementals"…‖ -
Nature-Spirits or Elementals (The Theosophical Publishing Society, England, 1889 A.D.))
(―(Immanuel) Kant admitted not only the possibility of the existence of a spiritual
conscious world, but also the possibility of communion with it.‖ - Chapter XVI
Tertium Organum, by P.D. Ouspensky, (1922 A.D.))

―Now it is constantly asked: Where are these Beings (the rebellious

fallen angels with whom the Theosophists claimed to be in
contact)?...We also read, in the legends of the world, of races living in
the interior of the earth (these stories were based on the story of
Azazel‘s imprisonment within the Earth)…They work with a full
knowledge of the law of evolution; the rise and fall of a civilization is
known to them, as the hours on the face of the clock are known to us.
They (the rebellious fallen angels) understand when it is wise to work
through and with some of their agents among men, and they arrange
their appearances in such a way that it is necessary to develop intuition
to discern who they are and what their business is. The majority of
men who have not developed a corresponding consciousness in
themselves might pass a Master (an incarnate angel) in the street and
not recognize him as such. His physical form would probably be
precisely the same as the other physical forms among which he lived,
and unless you knew him by his Light, unless you had developed a
state of consciousness that would respond, in a vibratory sense, to the
vibration coming from him or her, then indeed the Master (the fact that
this being is an angel) would not be known by you.‖ - The Path of
Attainment (D.N. Dunlop, 1916 A.D.) (―The term Master may be used
to mean an Adept and vice versa.‖ - The Path of Attainment (D.N.
Dunlop, 1916 A.D.)
―As I said, we read of races living in certain parts of the interior of the
earth, and of caves that lead to temples and halls and vast spaces (these
stories were based on the story of Azazel‘s imprisonment within the
Earth). I can only speak of them as dreams myself, for I have not yet
been able to visit them in the physical body; but in dreams I have
entered some of these temples in the interior of the earth, places where
there are huge libraries and individuals to answer almost every
conceivable question, Beings (angels) who are aware of all that is
going on on the earth‘s surface, and who have pronounced ideas with
regard to the relative importance of the events that seem to be so
tremendously tragic for mankind.‖ - The Path of Attainment (D.N. Dunlop,
1916 A.D.)

According to Theosophists, the difference between humans

from our Earth and incarnate angels from heaven is an evolutionary
one: ―there are other orders of beings than the human, some of
whom rank alongside the Adepts in a grade of existence higher than
our own…whom we call Devas or Angels‖ (The Masters and the Path
(C. W. Leadbeater, 1925 A.D.)(Part I: The Masters Chapter I: The
Existence of the Masters General Considerations)). Theosophists
consider the incarnate angels to be a very real human genus higher on
the evolutionary scale than normal human beings from Earth: ―The
highest system of evolution specially connected with this earth, so
far as we know, is that of the beings whom Hindus call the Devas,
and who have elsewhere been spoken of as angels, sons of God, etc.
They may, in fact, be regarded as a kingdom lying next above
humanity, in the same way as humanity in turn lies next above the
animal kingdom‖ (See Devachanic Plane, C.W. Leadbeater, (1896

Concerning ―the archangels and the angels of the Christian

faith,‖ explains Annie Besant, Theosophists ―regard those mighty
archangels and angels as the product of the evolution of older worlds
than this‖ - Is Theosophy Anti-Christian Adyar Pamphlets No. 88 (Annie Besant, 1918

The Mahatma (an incarnate angel) is man perfect within the circle of
our evolution. He has completed evolution, and acts freely in the
spiritual world, fully conscious as an individual being. The Path of
Attainment (D.N. Dunlop, 1916 A.D.) (―According to the Ancient Wisdom, an angel is a
member of a parallel stream of evolution which progresses through this solar system side by
side with humanity.‖ – Thus Have I Heard Chapter IX Co-ooperation with Angels (Geoffrey
―Many of the world religions recognize such a spiritual hierarchy of
divine or semi-divine Beings and have given to them various names
and descriptions. The Bible variously refers to them as Angels…A
companion to this thought is the teaching that upon our planet earth
there exists a "body" of ―just men made perfect" (a reference to
Hebrews 12:22-24), an assembly or "communion of saints"; who
constitute a "spiritual brotherhood" of those of our humanity who have
attained perfection so far as this world is concerned, and who live
henceforth as guides and teachers of mankind. As in Revelation, "these
are they which...have washed their robes and made them white" (See
Revelations 7:14), and who stand ever in the presence or
consciousness of God (on this point he is gravely mistaken). This
"Brotherhood" is in a broad sense an organization known in the occult
world as "The Great White Lodge". Its members are known as
"Masters of the Wisdom", and are passionately called "Elder
Brothers", because of the fact that They once stood where we now
stand, and through many lives of selfless service to humanity and by
the perfecting of Their own inner natures, have arrived at that point in
evolution where They can best serve God by helping others to travel
this "Path".‖ - The Theosophical Seal (Arthur M. Coon, 1958 A.D.)

Theosophists believe the incarnate angels to be a more

evolutionarily advanced type of human being:

―That the masters, adepts, or mahatmas (the rebellious fallen angels),

as they have been variously termed, are inaccessible to any but those
who diligently seek, stands to reason. These men (incarnate angels) are
the custodians of the knowledge of the occult powers of nature. They
are men who have advanced so far in front of the race, that the world
in which they live, their moral qualities, and their knowledge and
control of physical law, and of forces of which the modern world
knows absolutely nothing, are so great as to place them on a height,
which to our limited ideas appears to transcend altogether that of the
human.‖ - The Higher Science (William Kingsland, 1889 A.D.) (The rebellious fallen
angels are considered by Theosophists to be ―a mighty Brotherhood, variously spoken of as
Adepts, Arhats, Masters. Mahatmas, Brothers, who are living men (angels incarnate), evolved
further than average humanity.‖ - A Rough Outline of Theosophy (Annie Besant))

Theosophists believe the more advanced angels came to our

planet to aid us lowly humans humans in our evolutionary progression:
―The Occultist calls it the Akashic Record. Science groping after it
says it must be there, but it cannot deal with it. Naturally. It can be
dealt with only by the development of certain faculties in man. In that
way I speak of what I have ―seen.‖ In that way I said that I knew that
the Hierarchy (the angels) came from elsewhere, because I have seen
the coming to our world of those great Lords of Light; I am told They
came from Shukra, Venus (from a different planet), which gave to our
world the beginnings of its Occult Hierarchy. That is beyond my
powers of research I saw only the arrival. There are certain traditions
in some of your books which speak about the coming of the great
Lords. You read in them, for instance, of the four Kumaras (Kumara
means ‗prince/ruler.‘ These are Azazel and his three comrades in his
cherub Behemoth). Where did They come from? Who were They?
They (the angels) came to the world from somewhere. The Occult
Records and Hindu books say of the great Ones (the angels) that They
came from Shukra (from a different planet). They (the angels) came to
our world (they came to our Earth) because our world was ready, was
at a stage of the evolution of men capable of receiving that great wave
of Life which made the intellect of man possible. And They (the
angels) came because, without guidance from higher Beings, the
intellect would have gone wrong, plunged amid a world of passion and
animal nature, with which it was filled, to the great destruction of the
forward evolution of human beings.‖ - The Inner Government of Our World
(Annie Besant)

―There is still one more source, the greatest of all, from which
Theosophy has derived its most important information, and that is
certain perfected men (read: incarnate angels) called sometimes the
Brothers and sometimes the Masters who have completed their human
evolution but remain in touch with the world to assist humanity in its
growth. They…have at their command a great knowledge of
nature‘s laws…They place this knowledge at the disposal of…those
who ask for it…The information which the Brothers have given to
those who have thus qualified themselves to receive it, has rounded out
and completed the theosophical system of thought…it is nothing less
than the bedrock upon which all phases of the world‘s thought and
activity are founded.‖ – Theosophy Simplified (Irving S. Cooper, 1915 A.D. Krotona,
Hollywood, Los Angeles CA)

―The Great Brotherhood, or Great White Lodge, consists in part or

those highly evolved Souls (including Azazel‘s group of four angels)
who have reached that stage or the evolutionary pathway which gives
them membership or what is called in occult literature the Inner
Government or the world, and in part or those who, though far off
from such a stage, are nevertheless sufficiently advanced to be trained
to become members or this Government, compared with which all
outer governments are but toy governments, in the future.
Membership or the Great Brotherhood, or Great White Lodge, is open
to the very earnest and faithful worker who has begun to know the
nature and purpose or life. But he stands on the lowest rungs or the
great Ladder or the Inner Life, is but a student or government, not a
veritable Master in the science.‖ - Footnote 2 from Kundalini (G.S. Arundale, 1938

According to Theosophist George S. Arundale in Thoughts on

"At the Feet of the Master" (1918 A.D.), ―the great White
Brotherhood‖ is ―a brotherhood which some day shall exist in the
outer world.‖

―The present volume would indeed be a very fragmentary fragment if

allowed to go forth without a more detailed account of those spiritually
exalted men (the incarnate angels), the Adept-Teachers of the Esoteric
Doctrine, to whom such constant references have been made in these
pages…There was a time, before the dark shadows of materialism,
ecclesiastical and scientific, spread over humanity, when the Adept
(an angel), as king and as priest, guided the progress of our
race…It has been mentioned before, that at the birth of man, a Dhyan
Chohan came to dwell upon our planet and instruct the children of
Earth…‖ - Man: Fragments of a Forgotten History by "Two Chelâs (Two Initiates)" (In
anti-deluvian times, angels/gods ruled over cities, each his own. Indeed, as we learn from the
early church father Origin in The Philokalia Chapter XXIII v. 1 there were those who
professed (the 2nd century Greek philosopher Celsus amongst them) that God, whom the
Greeks knew as Zeus, ―originally assigned the different parts of the earth to the different
guardian angels‖ and ―having been made into separate realms are that way administered.‖ In
fact, the many gods representing the angel Azazel are often depicted as kings. In fact, there
was a time when the angel Azazel ruled on Earth as a king. In the Sumerian King List,
Dumuzi (Tammuz), who represents the angel Azazel, is listed therein as a king of Sumer
(Sumer itself is named after Azazel. Sumer is a cognate of the name of the god Suman/Saman,
a god who represented Azazel). Azazel is also represented as the Erl-King, king of the elves,
as Ashmodai/Asmodeus, king of demons, Osiris, king of the underworld, the serpent king
Mucalinda, Nergal, King of the underworld of Hades, Melqart, king of the underworld, Ana,
King of the Lower World, the Manichean King of Darkness whose kingdom lies below the
earth, Chicunauhmictlan, king of the underworld, Arawn, king of the Otherworld, Moloch, a
god whose name translates as ‗king,‘ Pan, king of the satyrs, Sylvanus, king of the sylvans,
Oberon, king of fairies, and Enki, king of the Earth (it must be noted Sumer was known as
KI.EN.GIR, the ‗land of the Watchers.‘ If we remove the E, the I and the R from the word
KI.EN.GIR, we are left with the word ‗king.‘ Also the root of the title Enki, who likewise
represented Azazel, namely, -ki, is also the root of the word ‗king,‘ namely, ki-).)
It is claimed the rebellious fallen angels commanded the creation of
the Theosophical Society:

―The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875, with

the avowed object of forming a nucleus for a Universal Brotherhood,
and its founders state that they believe the Indian Mahatmas (read: the
rebellious fallen angels) directed them to establish such a society.”
- Echoes from the Orient Chapter I (William Q. Judge, 1890 A.D.)

Amongst a host of other titles, the rebellious fallen angels are

known as the Mahatmas. Azazel‘s group of rebellious fallen angels
employs ELF waves (as well as does Satan‘s band of fallen angels; all
cherubim have this same capability) which gives them the ability to
implant thoughts within the human brain. From this concept comes
the Theosophic belief in telepathy and thought-transference. In The
Bible, this force is known as the ―spirit of error.‖ This is also known
as the ‗odic force.‘ The Theosophist William Q. Judge writes of the
influence the rebellious fallen angels in this way exert upon the world:
―But, asks the busy man of the nineteenth century who reads the
newspapers and believes in "modern progress," if these elder brothers
(the rebel angels) are all you claim them to be, why have they left no
mark on history nor gathered men around them? Their (the angels‘)
own reply, published some time ago by Mr. A. P. Sinnett, is better than
any I could write. "We will first discuss, if you please, the one relating
to the presumed failure of the 'Fraternity' to 'leave any mark upon the
history of the world.' They ought, you think, to have been able, with
their extraordinary advantages, to have 'gathered into their schools a
considerable portion of the more enlightened minds of every race.'
How do you know they have made no such mark? Are you acquainted
with their efforts, successes, and failures? …What they have done they
know; all that those outside their circle could perceive was results, the
causes of which were masked from view. To account for these results,
men have, in different ages, invented theories of the interposition of
gods, special providences, fates, the benign or hostile influences of the
stars. There never was a time within or before the so-called
historical period when our predecessors (the rebel angels) were
not moulding events and 'making history,' …And we, borne along
on the mighty tide, can only modify and direct some of its minor
currents." (from A.P. Sinnett‘s The Occult World London 1888 A.D.)‖
- From: The Ocean of Theosophy Chapter I (William Q. Judge)
Judge explains:

―Some years ago a well-known Anglo-Indian, writing to the

Theosophical Adepts (Azazel‘s group of rebellious fallen angels),
queried if they had ever made any mark upon the web of history,
doubting that they had. The reply was that he had no bar at which to
arraign them, and that they had written many an important line upon
the page of human life, not only as reigning in visible shape (these
angels reigned on Earth before the Deluge. Humans worshipped
them as gods), but down to the very latest dates when, as for many a
long century before, they did their work behind the scenes. To be more
explicit, these wonderful men (read: incarnate angels) have swayed
the destiny of nations and are shaping events today. Pillars of
peace and makers of war such as (Prussian stateman Otto von)
Bismarck (instrumental in the creation of the country known as
Germany, the leading combatant of World Wars I and II), or
saviors of nations such as (American Presidents‘) (George)
Washington, (Abraham) Lincoln and (Ulysses S.) Grant, owe their
elevation, their singular power, and their astonishing grasp upon
the right men for their purposes, not to trained intellect or long
preparation in the schools of their day, but to these very unseen
Adepts (rebellious fallen angels)… Echoes from the Orient Chapter
IV(William Q. Judge, 1890 A.D.) (And one may argue that the ideas of these men came from
the rebellious fallen angels with whom they were in contact. Master inventor Thomas Edison
was known as the Wizard of Menlo Park, not from his creative prowess, per se, but from the
ceremonial magic practices in which he was involved as a member in good standing of the
mystical Theosophical Society. The rebellious fallen angels were known to implant thoughts
within the minds of humans. Perhaps it is to the angels Edison owes his inspiration)

In an 1883 A.D. article in Theosophist magazine entitled ‗The Adepts

in America in 1776,‘ William Q. Judge divulges: ―The reflecting mind
is filled with astonishment upon reviewing the history of the rise of the
United States of N. America, when it perceives that dogmatic theology
has no foundation in any part of the Declaration of Independence or
Constitution for the structure which it fain would raise and has so often
since tried to erect within and upon the government. We are astonished
because those documents were formulated and that government
established at a time when dogmatism of one kind or another had
supreme sway. Although the Puritans and others had come to America
for religious freedom, they were still very dogmatic and tenacious of
their own peculiar theories and creed; so that if we found in this
fundamental law much about religion and religious establishments, we
would not be surprised. But in vain do we look for it, in vain did the
supporters of the iron church attempt to lay the needed corner stone,
and today America rejoices at it, and has thereby found it possible to
grow with the marvelous growth that has been the wonder of Europe.
The nullification of these efforts made by bigotry in 1776 was due to
the adepts (the rebellious fallen angels) who now look over and give
the countenance of their great name to the Theosophical Society.
They (the rebellious fallen angels) oversaw the drafting of the
Declaration and the drawing of the Constitution, and that is why
no foothold is to be found for these blatant Christians who desire
to inject God into the constitution. In the declaration, from which
freedom sprang, "nature and nature's god" are referred to. In the 2nd
and 3rd paragraphs the natural rights of man are specified, such as life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The king is spoken of as being
unworthy to be "the head of a civilized nation," nothing being said as
to whether he was the head, or worthy to be, of a Christian one. In
appealing to their British brethren, the declaration says the appeal is
"made to their native justice and magnanimity." All reference to
religion and Christianity or God's commands are left out. This was for
the very good reason that for 1700 years religion had battled against
progress, against justice, against magnanimity, against the rights of
man. And in the concluding sentence the signers mutually pledge each
other to its support ignoring all appeals to God. In the constitution of
1787 the preamble declares that the instrument was made for union,
for justice, for tranquility and defense, the general good and liberty.
Art. VI says no religious test as a qualification for office shall ever be
required, and the 1st Amendment prohibits an establishment of
religion or restraint of its free exercise. The great Theosophical
Adepts (the rebellious angels) in looking around the world for a mind
through which they could produce in America the reaction which was
then needed, found in England, Thomas Paine. In 1774 they (the
rebellious angels) influenced him, through the help of that worthy
(Freemasonic) Brother Benjamin Franklin, to come to America. He
came here and was the main instigator of the separation of the
Colonies from the British Crown. At the suggestion of (George)
Washington, (Benjamin) Franklin, (Thomas) Jefferson and other
Freemasons, whose minds through the teachings of the symbolic
degrees of masonry were fitted to reason correctly, and to reject
theological conservation, he wrote "Common Sense," which was the
torch to the pile whose blaze burned away the bonds between England
and America. For "Common Sense" he was often publicly thanked.
George Washington wrote September 10th, 1783, to Paine: "I shall be
exceedingly happy to see you. Your presence may remind Congress of
your past services to this country, and if it is in my power to impress
them, command my best exertions with freedom, as they will be
rendered cheerfully by one who entertains a lively sense of the
importance of your works." And again in June 1784, in a letter to
(James) Madison, Washington says: "Can nothing be done in our
assembly for poor Paine? Must the merits and services of 'Common
Sense' continue to glide down the stream of time unrewarded by this
country? His writings certainly have had a powerful effect upon the
public mind. Ought they not then to meet an adequate return?" In the
"Age of Reason" which he wrote in Paris several years after, Paine
says: "I saw, or at least I thought I saw, a vast scene opening itself to
the world in the affairs of America; and it appeared to me that unless
the Americans changed the plan they were then pursuing and declared
themselves independent, they would not only involve themselves in a
multiplicity of new difficulties, but shut out the prospect that was then
offering itself to mankind through their means." Further on he says:
"There are two distinct classes of thoughts; those produced by
reflection, and those that bolt into the mind of their own accord. I
have always made it a rule to treat these voluntary visitors with
civility, and it is from them I have acquired all the knowledge that I
have." These "voluntary visitors" were injected into his brain by
the Adepts (the rebellious fallen angels), Theosophists. Seeing that
a new order of ages was about to commence and that there was a new
chance for freedom and the brotherhood of man (a key Theosophic
goal), they laid before the eye of Thomas Paine - who they knew could
be trusted to stand almost alone with the lamp of truth in his hand
amidst others who in "times that tried men's souls" quaked with fear, -
a "vast scene opening itself to Mankind in the affairs of America." The
result was the Declaration, the Constitution for America. And as if to
give point to these words and to his declaration that he saw this vast
scene opening itself, this new order of ages, the design of the reverse
side of the U.S. great seal is a pyramid whose capstone is removed
with the blazing eye in a triangle over it dazzling the sight, above it are
the words "the heavens approve," while underneath appears the
startling sentence "a new order of ages." That he had in his mind's
eye a new order of ages we cannot doubt upon reading in his "Rights
of Man," Part 2, Chap. 2, "no beginning could be made in Asia, Africa
or Europe, to reform the political condition of man. She (America)
made a stand not for herself alone, but for the world, and looked
beyond the advantage she could receive." In Chap. 4, "The case and
circumstances of America present themselves as in the beginning of a
world...there is a morning of reason rising upon man, on the subject of
Government, that has not appeared before." The design "of the seal"
was not an accident, but was actually intended to symbolize the
building and firm founding of a new order of ages. It was putting into
form the idea which by means of a "voluntary visitor" (an implanted
thought) was presented to the mind of Thomas Paine, of a vast scene
opening itself, the beginning in America of "a new order of ages." That
side of the seal has never been cut or used, and at this day the side in
use has not the sanction of law. In the spring of 1841, when Daniel
Webster was Secretary of State, a new seal was cut, and instead of the
eagle holding in his sinister claw 13 arrows as intended, he holds only
six. Not only was this change unauthorized, but the cause for it is
unknown. When the other side is cut and used, will not the new order
of ages have actually been established? More then is claimed for the
Theosophical Adepts (the rebellious fallen angels) than the changing
of baser metal into gold (a goal of Alchemists), or the possession of
such a merely material thing as the elixir of life. They (the rebellious
fallen angels) watch (a play on the word ‗Watcher‘) the progress
of man and help him on in his halting flight up the steep plane of
progress. They (the rebellious fallen angels) hovered over
Washington, Jefferson, and all the other brave freemasons who
dared to found a free Government in the West, which could be
pure from the dross of dogmatism, they (the rebellious fallen
angels) cleared their minds, inspired their pens and left upon the
great seal of this mighty nation the memorial of their presence.
Theosophist, October, 1883‖ (Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (father of
Eleuthère Irénée du Pont, the founder of E.I. duPont de Nemours and Company © (DuPont ©,
one of the world‘s largest chemical companies), patriarch and progenitor of one of America's
richest business dynasties) was a French friend of the first United States Ambassador to
France Benjamin Franklin, wrote in his book entitled Philosophy of the Universe of ―immortal
spirits which he called "Optimates" and through whom any illuminé can have
communication. It is always the doctrine of the "ammoneans" gods, the "eons" or
"eloims'' (the Elohim; angels) of antiquity.― - from a Footnote to Occult Theocracy p.213).
As we learn from Wikipedia: Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours: ―Pierre Samuel du Pont de
Nemours (December 14, 1739 – August 7, 1817) was a French nobleman, writer, economist,
and government official, who was the father of Eleuthère Irénée du Pont, the founder of E.I.
duPont de Nemours and Company, patriarch and progenitor of one of America's richest
business dynasties of the 19th and 20th centuries...He was initially a supporter of the French
Revolution and served as president of the National Constituent Assembly. ..he and his entire
family left for the United States in 1799... In the United States, he developed strong ties with
industry and government, in particular with Thomas Jefferson. Pierre engaged in informal
diplomacy between the United States and France during the reign of Napoleon. He was the
originator of an idea that eventually became the Louisiana Purchase…His son, Eleuthère
Irénée, founded what would become one of the largest and most successful American
corporations: E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company‖ (DuPont ©).‖)

And again in an 1884 A.D. article entitled ‗Adepts and


―The communication in your December number from Chhabigram

Dolatram, headed as above, is a piece of special pleading, directed
against the adepts (the rebellious fallen angels), and flowing from a
source not friendly to either the cause of Theosophy or to the Masters.
Personally, I do not believe Mr. Dolatram wrote the article; he simply
allowed his name to be appended to it. It is, to my thinking, the
emanation of a European Christian and royalist mind. It is quite true,
as you say, in your comment that I referred in my article to adepts in
general. But my own unsupported opinion was and is that the
American revolution was a just one, started to accomplish a beneficial
end, and that the Hindu or Tibetan Mahatmas (the rebellious fallen
angels) would not be disgraced by any connection with it,
notwithstanding the royalist and anti-republican feelings of the real
authors of Mr. Dolatram's paper. That revolution was not degraded, in
the American side, by the shedding of blood except in lawful battle for
human rights. Allow me to point to a historical fact in connection with
the Count St. Germain, which will shed some light on the question of
what, if any, connection do some adepts (rebellious fallen angels) have
with justifiable revolutions. One of the well-known generals who
fought with (George) Washington, in the Continental army against the
British, was General Fred. Wm. Von Stueben, a Prussian. In 1777 he
was in Paris, and at the same time the Count St. Germain was Minister
of War there. They were well acquainted with each other, and the
Count induced Von Steuben to come over to America and offer his
sword to Genl. Washington. He did so, was gladly received, and did
splendid service in the cause of liberty. Everybody knows that St.
Germain was an Adept (he was an incarnate, rebellious fallen angel),
and the fact above detailed is set forth in many publications and letters
of authentic force. Mr. Dolatram picks up the expression "brother
Franklin." I never heard, nor ever said, that Franklin was a
Theosophist. He was a Freemason, and therefore a "brother," so was
(George) Washington and (Thomas) Jefferson. A sincere mason will
be a just man who reveres liberty and abhors a tyrant. As Krishna
(who represented the angel Azazel) says in the Bhagavad-Gita of
himself, we may hear the Adept (the rebellious fallen angel) saying: "I
am manifested in every age for the purpose of restoring duty and
destroying evil doing." (they masquerade as angels of light) Ex
Asiatic Theosophist, June, 1884‖

The following is from an 1890 A.D. article by Judge entitled

‗One of the Signs of the Cycle‘:

―The people of all nations now turn their eyes to America, and that
name for them stands for the United States. Its energy, activity, and
freedom hold the imagination of the foreigner, and here he thinks
aspirations may be realized, unfettered by the chains of caste, kingly
prerogative, or religious restraint. With all that, Europeans often laugh
at the newness and crudity of America, yet admiration cannot be
withheld for the tremendous nerve power, the facile adaptability, the
swift onward rush of the civilization beginning to bloom in the United
States. It is the occult forces working in this land and really
affecting all men, whether they know it or not, that is the reason.
Men who are not counted seers often see centuries into the future; and
Tom Paine, the last who could be called a seer, had one such sight
about America, although he called it a thought or "that which he saw
with his mind's eye." When he was yet in England he wrote that he
seemed to see a great vista opening for the world in the affairs in
America. This was before he wrote Common Sense, which, as George
Washington said, did more for our independence than any other thing.
Paine was destined to be a great factor in American affairs, and
naturally-in the occultist's eyes at least-he would see in advance some
slight vision of the "great experiment" in which he was so soon to take
an influential share. This experiment was not conceived alone by
mortal minds, but is a part of the evolutionary plan, for here the next
great movement has already begun and will reach a high development.
Its greatest importance for us is theosophically. We think, quite
naturally, that the theosophic ideas and culture are supreme, but if we
needed confirmation from the outer barbarians we have it in the lately-
written words of the great Frenchman, Emile Burnouf (1821-1907
A.D.), who said that one of the three great factors in religious
development of today is the Theosophical Society. If we assume this to
be true, a glance at statistics will point to one of the signs of the cycle.
In England there are almost 30 million people, yet for fifteen years the
Theosophical Society has not made much progress there. For some
years but one branch existed-the London Lodge, and now there are not
ten. India has a population of 350,000,000, but if a count were taken
we should find that the possible material available for the creation of
T.S. (Theosophical Society) Branches would not reach 1,000,000
souls. The reason for this is that out of the whole of 350,000,000 there
are an immense number who cannot sympathise with the movement,
indeed can hardly know of it, because they are uneducated and unable
to speak or read English; the English-speaking Hindu is one who joins
us there. And we find in India say 175 active Branches. Turning now
to America-to the United States where Theosophy has been
promulgated-we can only reckon on a population of say 50,000,000.
Yet those 50,000,000 have furnished us with 36 Branches, and more
rapidly coming into existence. Those who work for and in the T.S.
(Theosophical Society) in the United States know of the great interest
there is in the subject in every part of the country, and can feel quite
sure that not only may there very soon be one hundred Branches here,
but also that nearly every man, woman, and child will ere long know
of the word of Theosophy and of the Society bearing its name. Several
causes make this possible in the United States as nowhere else. There
is a wider spread of general English education, a more constant
reading of newspapers and magazines by all classes from lowest to
highest, and a keener spirit of inquiry working in a freer mental
atmosphere, than in any other country. The statistics given lead to but
one conclusion: they place the possibilities of theosophical growth in
the United States ahead of India. Anyone can calculate the proportions
in the proposition: given the U.S. with 50 million people and 36
Branches, more than two-thirds of which have been formed within the
last three years, and India numbering one million available people and
175 Branches, of which the greater number have been in existence
many years, which is greater proportional growth and which gives
greater promise for the future? But the analysis must not end here, for
the conditions and the people are different. Most of India's people will
probably for many centuries remain as they are, some technical
idolators, some Jains, some Mohammedans, some Fire worshippers,
and some Buddhists. But here the lines of demarcation between the
different sects are being shaded into disappearance, there are no great
differences of religion and of caste, and people of all avowed religions
are daily finding theosophy creeping into their thoughts and their
literature. It is a sign of the Cycle; it points to India as the conserver of
the ancient wisdom-religion, and to America as its new and vigorous
champion who will adopt those old truths without fear of caste or
prejudice, and exemplify them through the new race to be brought
forth in the old Fifth continent. The careful student of Theosophy will
not fail to see that America alone, of all lands, meets all the
requirements respecting the problem. "Where is the new race to be
born?" H.P. Blavatsky in the Secret Doctrine calls it the Fifth
continent, although for the time including Europe under that head.
Here we see the fusion of all races going on before our eyes, and here
too is the greatest push of energy, of inquiry, and of achievement.
William Brehon Path, May, 1890‖ (It must be noted that the Father of
Indian independence Mahatma Ghandi (October 2, 1869 – January 30,
1948) and the First Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru
(November 14, 1889 – May 27, 1964) were famous historical players
who are in fact known to be Indian Theosophical Society members
(Theosophical Society Adyar). The loss of much of Britain‘s Empire
(most importantly the loss of India due to Ghandi‘s famous non-
violent exertions) as well as the ravishments inflicted on Britain by
Germany during World War II left America pre-eminent on the world
scene, inaugurating the new order of the ages).

―Student—Are there any Adepts (rebellious fallen angels) in America

or Europe? Sage—Yes, there are and always have been. But they have
for the present kept themselves hidden from the public gaze. The real
ones have a wide work to do in many departments of life and in
preparing certain persons who have a future work to do. Though their
influence is wide they are not suspected, and that is the way they want
to work for the present…Nothing is omitted by these Adepts. In
Europe it is the same way...‖ - Vernal Blooms (William Quan Judge)

―The word ―glamour‖ was long ago defined in old dictionaries as

―witchery or a charm on the eyes, making them see things differently
from what they really are.‖ … This power of glamour is used more
often than people think, and not excluding members of the T.S. (the
Theosophical Society), by the Adepts (the rebellious fallen angels).
They (the angels) are often among us from day to day appearing in
a guise we do not recognize, and are dropping ideas into men‘s
minds…as well as also inciting men and women to good acts (as
these implanted ―ideas‖ are put in to action by those who receive
them). By this means they (the angels) pass unrecognized and are
able to accomplish more...‖ Vernal Blooms (William Quan Judge)

The following is from an 1892 A.D. article in Lucifer entitled

‗On the Furture: A Few Reflections‘:

"It seems as if some power (‗power‘ is a word synonymous with

‗angel‘), deliberately planning, had selected North and South America
for the place where a new primary root-race should be begun (America
is indeed a ‗melting pot‘ of races and cultures). These two continents
were evidently the seats of ancient races and not the habitat of wild
undeveloped men. The red man of the Northern one has all the
appearance and beliefs of a once great race. He believes in one God, a
Devachan of happy hunting after death. Some tribes have diagrams of
how the world was formed and peopled, that strangely resemble Hindû
cosmogony, and their folklore bears deep marks of having come down
from an older and better time. Following the course of exploration
southwards, we find accumulating evidences all the way of a prior
civilization now gone with the cyclic wave which brought it up.
Central America is crowded with remains in stone and brick; and so on
south still we discover similar proofs. In course of time these
continents became what might be called arable land, lying waiting,
recuperating, until the European streams of men began to pour upon it.
The Spanish overflowed South America and settled California and
Mexico; the English, French, and Spanish took the North, and later all
nations came, so that now in both continents nearly every race is
mixed and still mixing. Chinese even have married women of
European blood; Hindûs are also here; the ancient Parsî race has its
representatives; the Spanish mixed with the aborigines, and the
slaveholders with the Africans. I doubt not but that someone from
every race known to us has been here and has left, within the last two
hundred years, some impression through mixture of blood…But no
America as we now know it will exist. Yet these men must be the
descendants of the race that is now rising here. Otherwise our
philosophy is all wrong. So then, in America now is forming the new
sub-race, and in this land was founded the present Theosophical
Society: two matters of great importance. It was to the United States,
observe, that the messenger (the word ‗angel‘ is synonymous with
‗messenger‘) of the Masters (angels) came, although Europe was just
as accessible for the enterprise set on foot. Later, this messenger went
to India and then to Europe, settling down in the British Isles. All of
this is of importance in our reflections. For why in America at first
does she begin the movement, and why end her part of it in England?
One might be led to ask why was not an effort made at all costs to give
the last impulse outwardly in the land of promise where she began the
work? Do not imagine for one moment, O ye English brothers of mine,
that London was selected for this because the beauties of your island
called her, or for that she had decided at the finish that after all a
mistake had been made in not going there first. It was all out of stern
necessity, with a wisdom derived from many older heads, having in
view the cycles as they sweep restlessly forward. The point where the
great energy is started, the centre of force, is the more important, and
not the place at which it is ended. And this remains true, no matter
how essential the place of ending may be in the scheme. What, do you
suppose India is not as important? and would not that land have
offered seemingly a better spot than all for the beginning of the
magnum opus? Adepts (the rebellious fallen angels) do not make
mistakes like that. America's discovery is ascribed to Christopher
Columbus. Although it is doubted, yet no one doubts that the Spanish
people did the most at first in peopling it, meanwhile working off
some old and making some new Karma, by killing many of the
aborigines. Thus it is that doomed people rush on to their doom, even
as the troops of insects, animals and men were seen by Arjuna to rush
into Krishna's flaming mouths. But later came the sturdy stock from
England, who, in the greatest nation, the most enduring on this
continent, have left their impress indelibly in the people, in its laws, in
its constitution, its customs, its literature and language. Perhaps
England and Ireland are the gateways for the Egos who incarnate here
in the silent work of making a new race. Maybe there is some
significance in the fact that more lines of steamships conveying human
freight come to the United States from England, passing Ireland on the
way as the last seen land of the old world, than from anywhere else.
The deeds of men, the enterprises of merchants, and the wars of
soldiers all follow implicitly a law that is fixed in the stars, and while
they copy the past they ever symbolize the future. Did H. P. B.
(Helena P. Blavatsky) only joke when she wrote in her book that
Ireland is an ancient Atlantean remnant, and England a younger Isle,
whose rising from the sea was watched by wise men from Erin's
shore? Perhaps the people of that old land may have an important
influence in the new race of America. It would appear from
comparison that they might have had, and probably will in the future.
Perhaps, politically, since many expect social disturbances in America.
In such a case any student of character will admit that the Irish,
ignorant or not, will stand for law and order - for her sons are not
battling here with an ancient foe. Why, too, by strange freak of fate is
the great stone of destiny in Westminster Abbey fixed under the
coronation chair on which the Queen was crowned? Let us also be
informed if there be any finger-shadow pointing to the future in the
fact that England's Queen, crowned over that stone, is Empress of
India, from which we claim the Aryans came, and where their glorious
long-forgotten knowledge is preserved? Her name is Victory
(Victoria). It is the victory for "the new order of Ages"; and that new
order began in America…For in America those whose Karma has led
them there will work for the same end and brotherhood as others left in
India and Europe. The dominant language and style of thought in
America is English, albeit transforming itself every day. It is there that
silently the work goes on…‖ - William Q. Judge, F.T.S. Lucifer,
March, 1892‖

Freemasonry is part of what is known as The Theosophical


―The Theosophical Movement (the creation of which was

influenced by the rebellious fallen angels) being continuous, it is to
be found in all times and in all nations. Wherever thought has
struggled to be free, wherever spiritual ideas, as opposed to forms and
dogmatism, have been promulgated, there the great movement is to be
discerned. Jacob Boehme's work was a part of it, and so also was the
Theosophical Society of over one hundred years ago; (Martin) Luther's
reformation (made possible through the secret Rosicrucian Society)
must be reckoned as a portion of it; and the great struggle between
Science and Religion, clearly portrayed by Draper (See History of the
Conflict Between Religion and Science by John William Draper,
M.D.; 1910 A.D.)), was every bit as much a motion of the
Theosophical Movement as is the present Society of that name -
indeed that struggle, and the freedom thereby gained for science,
were really as important in the advance of the world, as are our
different organizations. And among political examples of the
movement is to be counted the Independence of the American
colonies, ending in the formation of a great nation, theoretically
based on Brotherhood. One can therefore see that to worship an
organization, even though it be the beloved theosophical one, is to fall
down before Form, and to become the slave once more of that
dogmatism which our portion of the Theosophical Movement, the T.S.
(the Theosophical Society), was meant to overthrow. Some members
have worshipped the so-called "Theosophical Society," thinking it to
be all in all, and not properly perceiving its de facto and piecemeal
character as an organization nor that it was likely that this devotion to
mere form would lead to a nullification of Brotherhood at the first
strain. And this latter, indeed, did occur with several members. They
even forgot, and still forget, that H. P. Blavatsky herself declared that
it were better to do away with the Society rather than to destroy
Brotherhood, and that she herself declared the European part of it free
and independent. These worshippers think that there must be a
continuance of the old form (magic based?) in order for the Society to
have an international character. But the real unity and prevalence, and
the real internationalism, do not consist in having a single
organization. They are found in the similarity of aim, of aspiration, of
purpose, of teaching, of ethics. Freemasonry - a great and important
part of the true Theosophical Movement - is universally
international; and yet its organizations are numerous, autonomous,
sovereign, independent. The Grand Lodge of the state of New York,
including its different Lodges, is independent of all others in any state,
yet every member is a Mason and all are working on a single plan.
Freemasons over all the world belong to the great International
Masonic Body, yet they have everywhere their free and independent
government. The American Group, being by geographical and other
conditions outwardly separate, began the change so as to be in
government free and independent, but in basis, aspiration, aim and
work united with all true Theosophists. Path, August, 1895‖ – ‗The
Theosophical Movement‘

The Theosophical Society is one of the latest players amongst a

greater Theosophical Movement of which the Freemasonic and
Rosicrucian movements were a part:

―The Theosophical Society, in its brief history, has produced a vast

field of literature embracing science, philosophy and religion- as well
as mysticism and occultism. The Secret Doctrine by Madame H.P.
Blavatsky is an almost inexhaustible source. Besides the Theosophical
Society, there are other contemporary movements which emphasize
some particular phase of this universal teaching: The Christian
Mystics, the Rosicrucian Fellowship, the Masonic Order, to name only
a few.‖ - PREFACE from The Theosophical Seal (Arthur M. Coon)

These societies had embarked upon The Great Work. The

Great Work was ―the mystery of the lawlessness‖ which was ―already
at work‖ (hence the name, The Great Work) in the time of Jesus, albeit
in the form of its original Masonic incarnation:

―Now concerning the (Second) coming of our Lord Jesus Christ…Let

no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come, unless the
rebellion comes first (a reference to the American Revolution of
1776), and the man of lawlessness (a reference to the beast with the
mortal wound that was healed) is revealed (takes office), the son of
perdition…the mystery of lawlessness (this term ―the mystery of the
lawlessness‖ is in reference to the coming of the lawless one, that is, of
the beast with the mortal wound that was healed, by the activity of
Satan. See 2Thessalonians 2:9) is already at work (the coming of the
lawless one, that is, of the beast with the mortal wound that was
healed, was a scheme of Satan already in the works at the time of
Jesus); only he (a reference to the American Presidential winner of
2012 A.D.) who now restrains it (who now restrains the revealing of
the lawless one) will do so until he is out of the way (until he dies or is
incapacitated, unable to finish out his fully elected term). And then the
lawless one (the beast with the mortal wound that was healed) will be
revealed (then the beast with the mortal wound that was healed will
assume office as a matter of succession)…‖ - 2Thessalonians 2:1,3,7,8

―In time there came degradation of the Mysteries (these Mysteries

were centered around knowledge concerning the existence of the
rebellious fallen angels), and the inner light and life (the knowledge
conveyed by the Mysteries) were largely withdrawn from them, yet
they did not entirely die. In spite of the (Roman Catholic) Church, all
through the darkest times when anyone who was suspected of
unorthodoxy was relentlessly persecuted, when it would seem that
knowledge was dead, and that anything like intellectual progress was
impossible, there were nevertheless certain half-secret societies which
carried on something of the tradition and the (great) work. There
were the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians of the Middle Ages, the
Knights of Light, the Brothers of Asia, and many another occult body.
It is true that in many of these there seems to have been but little
knowledge, and even that heavily veiled; yet then, as ever, it remained
true that there were always in the background those who knew, so that
those who earnestly sought the Truth have always been able to find it.‖
- Some Glimpses of Occultism (C.W. Leadbeater)

The Theosophical Society claims to even have played a part in

sowing the seeds for war in Europe:

―It is true that in that Theosophical Society we had a foretaste of this

endeavour to dominate the world, for the German section of the
Theosophical Society rose against the rest of it and tried to obtain
supreme power in the Society some years ago, before this war (World
War I) was in sight. They employed exactly the same weapons that are
now being employed by the political agents of the German press: the
same unscrupulous lies, the same discovery of spies in all sorts of
unexpected places. We in the Theosophical Society went through - on
paper of course mainly - a small edition of this attempt to capture the
whole organization. We did not understand then; the utter
unscrupulousness of it all astounded us. Now we see that it was only
part of the whole German scheme - an attempt to get hold of a world-
wide Society, through which something might have been done to help
the German plan of world-domination. Fortunately, the scheme was
defeated, with all its attendant calumny and treachery.‖ - Occult View of
War (C.W. Leadbeater) (Hitler did, however, gain control of a society in Germany from
whence he could launch his scheme of world-domination. The Vril Society (also known as The
Luminous Lodge) was a secret society founded in Berlin, Germany, by a group of Berlin
Rosicrucians being based on author Edward Bulwer-Lytton's novel The Coming Race (1871
A.D.) about an advanced group of men (incarnate angels; ‗Underground Supermen‘) said to be
residing within the Earth and of who it is said will later emerge to rule over the world, which
story was based on the story of the rebellious fallen angel Azazel. Indeed, this novel was, as
we learn from the words of Bulwer-Lytton, predicated on: ―The superstitious belief, common
to miners, that gnomes or fiends dwell within the bowels of the earth,‖ the gnomes being
folkloric representations, of course, of Azazel and his group of fallen angels entrapped within
the earth. The Vril Society would later become the inner circle of the Thule Society. The
Thule Society was the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (The German
Workers Party) which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party. Hitler too,
claimed to be in contact with these ‗Underground Supermen.‘ It must be noted the swastika
symbol adopted by the Nazi Party is an element in the design of the Theosophical Society
Seal. Of an interesting note, Annie Besant in Adyar Pamphlet No. 30 entitled Communication
between Different Worlds calls the Theosophical Society ―the nucleus of the Coming Race.‖).

It is of the fallen rebellious angels of which George S.

Arundale, as General Secretary of the Theosophical Society in England
and Wales, speaks when he writes: ―Mr. Dunlop asks us to remember
in these times of stress and turmoil (he is writing during World War I
when England was at war with Germany) that the great Fathers of
the world (the rebellious angels) watch over us (a play on the word
‗Watchers‘) as They have ever done, that there is open to us the same
ancient and narrow way to communion with Them (communication
with these angels) as has existed from time immemorial, testimony to
the existence of which may be found in the Scriptures of every world
religion. We are told of the existence of Masters (the rebellious
angels), our Elder Brethren, Those who have learned the lessons we
are learning now, and Who have dedicated Themselves to the task of
guiding us along the road Their feet have already trodden.‖ - Forward to
The Path of Attainment by D.N. Dunlop, 1916 A.D.
According to 33° Freemason and Theosophical Society
member C.W. Leadbeater:

―Prince (Otto von) Bismarck…had considerable occult

knowledge…Speaking of the War (World War I), he said that if we
(British Theophosists) were servants of the Hierarchy (of the
rebellious fallen angels) and students of Occultism we must know that
Germany was in the right…Further, he said that if we (British
Theophosists) ourselves served the true inner Government of the world
(consisting of the rebellious fallen angels) we must know that it (the
true inner Government of the world, the rebellious fallen angels) is the
very opposite of all democratic theories, and that therefore it is
Germany, and not England, who is fighting for the ideals of the
hierarchical Government (fighting for the ideologies of the angels)…If
any should be inclined to doubt that a whole nation can be so obsessed
from behind (by the rebellious fallen angels), a nation which has a
great deal that is beautiful in its past history, which has produced some
really fine people - if any should be disposed to doubt that, let him
take the official German statements, and read the proclamations of His
Imperial Majesty the Kaiser; the proclamations in which he speaks of
himself (and probably he believes it) as commissioned by God to
govern the world; in which he says:" On me the spirit of God has
descended. I guard my whole task as appointed by heaven. Who
opposes me I shall crush to pieces…Unquestionably it is true that the
powers (angels are called ‗powers‘) from behind are working through
these people now…This is the real explanation of all that seems so
incomprehensible; these people that fight us are not fighting only
of themselves. They are directed by a power (read: angel) of will
far stronger than their own, and they are driven on to do awful
things. They are willing enough to be driven, for that is all part of the
obsession. The men (the incarnate rebel angels) who drive them are
utterly unscrupulous, and will use any means whatever to gain their
end, for they know nothing of what we mean by right or wrong. They
hold it as a manly duty to kill our all emotion or sympathy, because
they consider such feelings a weakness. They are pitiless, exactly as a
shark is. The slaughter or torture of thousands or millions is nothing
whatever to them, so long as they gain their end…We are all
trying, so far as may be, to prepare for the coming of the
Great Teacher (the False Prophet Azazel). Realize that this
great War (World War I) is part of the world-preparation, and that,
however terrible it may be, there is yet the other side - the enormous
good that is being done to individuals. Perhaps in the distant future
when we come to look back upon it all with greater knowledge and
with wider purview, we shall see that the good has outweighed all the
frightful evil, and that though the old order changeth, giving place to
new (the New World Order), it is only that God may fulfill Himself in
many ways.‖ - Occult View of War (C.W. Leadbeater) (―the message of the Coming
of the Teacher—the Jagad Guru (which literally means the Guru of the world), or
any other name that you like to call Him by—that Coming of the Teacher is the latest
message that the Theo-sophical Society has given to the world.‖ – Duties of the
Theosophist (Annie Besant)) (According to the Share International Foundation website circa.
the 21st Century, the ―World Teacher‖ Maitreya ―has been expected for generations by all the
major religions…Although the names differ, many believe that they all refer to the same
individual: the World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya.‖)

All theosophists, whether German, English, or otherwise, were

all striving toward the completion of the very same goal, to prepare for
the coming of the Great Teacher who is the False Prophet Azazel
whom they will hold to be the coming conquering Messiah, in order to
establish Azazel‘s reign upon the Earth, through the establishment of a
New World Order! This is their ultimate goal.

In order to further understand the prophecies concerning the

beast with the mortal wound that was healed, we must first consider
Daniel‘s prophecies concerning the United Nations. The book of
Daniel describes four beasts, each of which are different from one
another. The following Biblical reference to a lion with eagles‘ wings
being plucked off is a pictographic prophecy referring to the American
colonies gaining their independence from England. This is the
rebellion described in 2Thessalonians above. England is represented
by the lion and the eagles‘ wings are a representation of the United
States. The lion standing on two feet (the Lion Rampant, a symbol of
Azazel) is depicted on the English coat of arms, more specifically that
of Wales, and symbolizes the English monarchy:

Daniel said, ―I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds
of heaven were stirring up the great sea. And four beasts came out of
the sea, different from one another. The first was like a lion and had
eagles‘ wings. Then as I looked, its wings were plucked off, and it
(the lion) was lifted up from the ground and made to stand upon two
feet like a man (as a Lion Rampant, the symbol of Britain), … Daniel

Daniel then goes on to describe Russia:

And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. Daniel 7:5

The beast like a leopard, the third beast, is a reconstitution of

the old Roman Empire, that is, the countries it once incorporated,
which is for the most part today‘s European Union. This beast also
includes the Middle East and North Africa (in the form of the Union
for the Mediterranean), lands conquered by the legions of the Caesars.
The four wings of a bird on its back symbolizes the sign of the Euro,
the European Union‘s monetary unit:

After this I looked, and lo, another, like a leopard, with four wings of a
bird on its back… Daniel 7:6

The following scripture found in the book of Hosea is a

reference to the very selfsame beasts just described in Daniel 7:2-6 and
prophesies the invasion of Israel by a U.N. force during a seven-year
covenant (of 2009-2016), the covenant mentioned in Isaiah 28:15 (this
may be a secret treaty such as that secretly signed during World War II
which carved up the lands of Germany amongst the victors). The
invasion it prophesies occurs in 2013 A.D. (for details, see Hidden
Truths: A History of the World from Beginning to End by John of the

…they (Israel) forgot me (God). So I will be to them like a lion, like a

leopard I will lurk beside the way, I will fall upon her like a bear
robbed of her cubs, I will tear open their breast, and there I will
devour them like a lion, as a wild beast would rend them. Hosea 13:6,7-8
(See also Lamentations 3:10-11)

―A bear robbed of her cubs‖ prophesies Russia in the period

following the collapse of the Soviet Union. At that time Russia lost its
empire. She is indeed a bear robbed of her cubs. The Russian bear
lost its cub-like satellite states at the end of the Cold War. It must be
noted the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1989 A.D. opened the way
for America‘s war with Iraq in 1991 A.D. (Authors Note: the modern
state of Iraq incorporates the area where Azazel is entrapped).
For the lion with plucked off wings (the British/American
beast), World War II begins with the British declaration of war against
Germany in 1939 and formally ends with America‘s official
termination of the war by President Truman in 1946, a period spanning
seven numerical years (1946-1939=7). These dates are very
important. Seventy years after 1939 brings us to 2009 A.D., the
beginning of the infamous seven-year covenant with death (a secret
treaty) as related in Isaiah 28:15. Seventy years after 1946 is 2016
A.D., the year of the advent of the Second Coming of Christ (as well
as the year of Azazel‘s release). It should be noted that the time
between the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D. and the
destruction of the Rebuilt Temple in 2016 A.D. is precisely 1946
The lion with plucked off wings (Britain and offshoot
America), the bear (Russia) and the leopard (the lands constituting the
old Roman Empire, including modern day Europe (the EU), the
Middle East and North Africa (The Union for the Mediterranean) are
combined into a fourth hated beast, the United Nations (the Union for
the Mediterranean was launched with what can only be described as
extremely little fanfare of an almost secretive nature on July 13/14
2008 A.D.). The United Nations is an abomination in the sight of God
and the requisite seventy years is ordained till its destruction. On
January 10, 1946 the U.N. held its first session of the United Nations
General Assembly including representatives from 51 nations
representing 4/5 of the world‘s population. The fourth beast of Daniel
began its reign (―…and the beast (the U.N.) had four heads; and
dominion was given to it.‖ - Daniel 7:6) While the U.N. beast was
incepted in 1945 A.D., dominion, as prophesied in Daniel 7:6, was not
given it until 1946 A.D.
It must be mentioned the so-called Quartet on the Middle East
devoted to the mediation of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process at this
present time include America, Russia, the European Union (including
Great Britain) and last but not least in Biblical significance the United
Nations, an organization of which these Biblical beasts are themselves
part and parcel. These nations play prominent roles in Biblical end-
time prophecies.
Some, such as the Theosophists of the Theosophical Sociey,
portray Azazel as being the Ascended Master (World Teacher)
‗Maitreya. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is techinically an
offshoot of the Theosophical Society through alliances formed by
ousted former Thesophical Society President Anna Kingsford. Aleister
Crowley, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
invoked the rebellious fallen angel Azazel under the guise of
Choronzon (also known as Khoronzon, the Master of Form in the
Enochian Magic system of Dr. John Dee), the Angel of the Abyss and
alternatively as Ra-Hoor-Khuit. One of Aleister Crowley‘s professed
goals (and hence of all practitioners of Magick) is the ―establishment
of the Kingdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit (read: Azazel) upon the earth‖ (See
De Arte Magica). This was one of the goals of what was known as
The Great Work. One must remember founding Theosophical Society
member William Q. Judge‘s revelation:

―The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875, with

the avowed object of forming a nucleus for a Universal Brotherhood,
and its founders state that they believe the Indian Mahatmas (the
rebellious fallen angels) directed them to establish such a society.‖ -
Echoes from the Orient Chapter I (William Q. Judge, 1890 A.D.)

It must be noted the Theosophical Society was founded by a

group which included magic-practicing Freemasons. The
Theosophical Society was at its establishment the latest incarnation in
a long string of movements (which began with the placement of the
cornerstone, of the very first brick in the masonary construct which
was the legendary Tower of Babel in year 1 A.L. on the Masonic
Calendar in 4000 B.C.) and which was established through the direct
actions of the rebellious fallen angels as part of a larger movement
known as the Theosophical Movement for the express purpose of re-
establishing the now-interred rebellious fallen angel Azazel‘s reign
upon our Earth. This is a mystery most profound! The angels work
through secretive societies within a corporate structure to make
humans do their will:

―The Rosicrucian fraternity, the Freemasons, (the Ancient Order of)

Foresters, are all remnants of former endeavours to inculcate and
implant the Wisdom-Religion in the hearts of men.‖ - Modern Theosophy:
An Outline of Its Principles (Claude Falls Wright, FTS, 1894 A.D.)

In The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (1923 A,D,) Manly P. Hall states

Freemasons ―must realize that the ancient mystic (Author‘s note: the
word ‗mystic‘ is synonymous with ‗magic‘) teachings as perpetuated
in the modern (Freemasonic) rites are sacred (being based on ancient
religious systems), and that powers (read: angels) unseen and
unrecognized (Hall refers to Ephesians 6:12) mold the destiny of those
who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the
obligations of the Fraternity (of Freemasonry).‖ Satan is ‗the Spirit of
Freemasonry‘ who influences the lives of such Freemasonic men
through his use of the spirit of error. The Freemasonic order is
wrongly regarded as a secular organization, and skirts the
Constitution‘s injunction mandating a separation of church and state:
―Although today Masons do not call their Craft a religion, it has
nevertheless a religious origin‖ – The Hidden Life in Freemasonry (C.W.
Leadbeater). Albert Pike writes in the Legenda: ―Masonry has and always
had a religious creed.‖ Pike also informs us: ―Every Masonic Lodge is
a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion‖ Morals
and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike (circa.
1871 A.D.).

L. Fouquet in Luciferian or Satanism in English Freemasonry Part II

(1898 A.D.) identifies Albert Pike as being the ―King and Pope of the
Freemasons.‖ He explains: ―We have enough of Masonic quotations
to form a pretty fair idea of Charleston (South Carolina) and its Pope
aping Rome and the Pope…Rome is the Mother Church of all other
churches (dioceses); likewise Charleston is the Mother of all
(Freemasonic) Supreme Councils. The Bishop of the Mother Church
of Rome has the primacy over all the other churches (dioceses), over
their bishops and their diocesans; likewise the Grand Commander of
the Mother Supreme Council of Charleston has the primacy over all
the other Supreme Councils, their subordinate lodges, and their
members…Likewise there were Pikeans who believed in the primacy
of the Grand Commander of the Mother Supreme Council, of
Charleston, and were in alliance and submission to the uncrowned
King and the untiared Pope, as were the future King of Great Britain
and future Emperor of India, with many British peers.‖ He goes on to
note: ―The late Albert Pike, of Charleston, as an able Mason, was
undoubtedly a Masonic pope, who kept in leading strings all the
Supreme Grand Councils of the world, including the (Freemasonic)
Supreme Grand Councils of England, Ireland and Scotland, the first of
which includes the Prince of Wales, Lord Lathom and other peers,
who were in alliance with him and in actual submission.‖ He
concludes: ―Does not the Vicar of Satan in the secret society in which
is offered, since the Middle Ages, the Black Mass, deserve the title of
'Satanic Pope'?‖ (―Lying is their rule, Satan is their God, and shameful deeds their
sacrifice.‖ - Traditae Humilitati Nostrae (Pope Pius VIII, 1829 A.D.))

Theosophist author Claude Falls Wright speaks of the greater

Theosophical Movement circa 1894 A.D.:

―…all great philosophers and thinkers who have offered any

explanation of life, the founders of every great religion, have been
Theosophists, and, we affirm, have all taught, consciously or
unconsciously to themselves, some aspect or other of the vast system
which has been so roughly outlined in this volume. Christian writers
ascribe the development of the ancient Eclectic Theosophical System
to the third century of their era; but there were Theosophists before
that time. Diogenes Laertius speaks of the philosophy as antedating the
dynasty of the Ptolemies, disclosing its founder in the Egyptian
Hierophant, Pot Amun - a Coptic name, signifying a priest consecrated
to Amun, the god of wisdom. History shows its revival in the Eclectic
System of Ammonius Saccas, in whose time certainly the word
Theosophy originated. The object of this philosopher was almost
identical with our own- to reconcile all sects, peoples and nations
under one common faith, and to establish a belief in one Supreme,
Eternal, Unknown and Unnamed Power or Principle, through which
the Universe came into being, and by which it was governed with
immutable and eternal laws. Again, we find Theosophists in Germany
in the 12th century, holding identical views of life and working to the
same end, and also in the 15th century. There was a society formed in
London in or about the year 1665 (a reference to the Royal Society of
London, originally comprised of a group of scientists known as the
Invisible College, one of whose members was Ireland-born Sir Hans
Sloane, whose collection of manuscripts upon his death became the
foundation of the British Museum, his collection including many
mediaeval magic manuscripts), which strove after a like purpose. All
these, not to speak of the host of seers who have appeared from time to
time, of the Swedenborg and Bohme type, whose explanation of nature
differed but in minor detail from that offered by the modern
Theosophists. Theosophy is the Wisdom-Religion, the archaic
philosophy which was the fount of knowledge in every ancient country
having claims to civilization, and from which have descended in less
mystic garb the sciences of the present day known to the professors of
our colleges as Chemistry, Astronomy, etcs. However much said
professors may object to the statement. But whether known as
Theosophy or by any other name, the same Wisdom-Religion has
existed always and will show itself on earth and among men for all
eternity: the sequence of martyrs to the great universal truths has never
once been broken; known or unknown they will appear and suffer
again and again, ever adding to their ranks however, until some day, at
the birth of the purified seventh race, mankind will reawaken to find
the chair of materialistic philosophy vacant and decayed. It was said
in another part of this work that about once every hundred years
special efforts to regenerate mankind are made by those in whose
guardianship is the philosophy, and a retrospective glance would show
where many of these have been undertaken and under whose
management. But to trace them all completely would now be a
difficult task, for the simple reason that all have not been made in the
shape of public movements. They have been in a manner suitable to
the exigencies of the times. It is only in our cycle that an open attempt
has been made, and this for the reason that the age demands it.
Formerly work was often done through kings and rulers, instead of
through public movements, because people had then less independence
and the king held more the position of dictator than he does in this age.
We constantly hear of wise men, alchemists, soothsayers, appearing at
various courts and working marvels sufficient to attract the attention
and wonder of the monarch. These, however, were but their outward
signs; in truth they worked to other ends than miracles. They often
influenced the prince's mind (through their use of ELF waves), so
that he altered his method of ruling his kingdom, thereby perhaps
bringing about results which not only affected his own subjects,
but, by reaction, the peoples of other countries, and afterwards the
world as a whole. But although it is for these reasons hard to trace the
uprising of all such efforts, yet with some we have no difficulty.
Toward the end of the 14th century we may place the founding of the
later Rosicrucian fraternity (―do you imagine that there were no mystic
solemn unions of men, seeking the same end through the same means,
before the Arabians of Damus, in 1378, taught to a wandering Jew the
secrets which founded the institution of the Rosicrucians?" Bulwer
Lytton in Zanoni), one of the brightest and most successful of bodies
of philosophers, although a secret one. The labours of Jacob Boehme
and of his teacher, John George Gichtel, had their effect at the close of
the 17th century. (In 1672, when Louis XIV, laid siege, to Amsterdam,
Gichtel, by the power of his will, is reported by his disciples to have
exercised influence enough to cause the raising of the siege, and
afterwards the names of the very regiments andn squadrons he had
seen in his vision were found in the papers. Princes of Germany and
even sovereigns consulted him."). The one however which comes
nearest to our own time is that which directly preceded the
Theosophical Society, at the close of the 18th century of the Christian
era. This was the famous "Société de l'Harmonie," founded by Mesmer
in Paris in 1783. The success of these efforts is not, it should be
remembered, any more absolutely certain than is anything else in
nature. The Adepts are not infallible. Their extended insight into the
workings of natural law enables them to place the cause farther back,
the effect further forward, than our more limited vision permits us to.
But this is all they claim. The mistakes of one century are corrected in
the efforts of the next, so that in course of time they may lessen
enormously with respect, at least, to that race whose development is
being forwarded; but so long as there is a limitation of vision, finity-
and work on the material plane of necessity implies such, there must
be error. The effort of last century was a failure because of the too
socialistic aspect of the mystical doctrine put forward. There was a
definite teaching albeit a secret one- similar to Theosophy as now
known, given to the members of Mesmer's society. But the true
philosophy did not come to the front. "Fraternité, Liberté, Egalité"
constituted the only philosophy the people of the period would listen
to. Hence the Reign of Terror of 1794 (in France during the French
Revolution). Even such as Count St.Germain and the wonder-working
Cagliostro (June 2, 1743 – August 26, 1795; Alessandro Cagliostro
was an Italian/Sicilian magic-practicing Freemason. Pope Pius VI
accused him of threatening the very survival of the Catholic Church
(See The Seven Ordeals of Count Cagliostro: The Greatest Enchanter of the
Eighteenth Century by Iain McCalman (2003 A.D.)). From Sicily emerged
the secret brotherhood known as Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian mafia,
which emerged during the mid 19th Century), the successor of Mesmer
(May 23, 1734 – March 5, 1815. Mesmer was the father of hypnosis
and master of the trance. To him we owe thanks for the word
‗mesmerize‘), could not stay the torrent of materialism; they were
laughed at, and accounted charlatans and falsifiers (by, amongst others
as in Mesmer‘s case, Benjamin Franklin). In her "Theosophical
Glossary" (article Mesmer) Madame Blavatsky says: "Of these three
men (St Germain, Mesmer, Cagliostro) who were at first regarded as
quacks, Mesmer is already vindicated. The justification of the two
others will follow in the next century (1892)…Of course each
movement makes use as far as possible of the work of its predecessors;
so that, for instance, the "revival of Freemasonry" has become almost
a byword, nobody being able to tell exactly when or where the craft
(Freemasonry is known as ‗the craft‘) had its origin or founding. The
same thing may be said of Rosicrucianism, and indeed of Theosophy
itself. It is therefore not surprising, in view of the fact that Cagliostro
and others worked to reestablish lodges of Freemasonry, to find
H.P.Blavatsky, the nineteenth century messenger, offering herself at
the outset of her career as the new leader of the Freemasons. This she
did before 1875 to some of the heads of the craft (to the heads of the
Freemasons) in America, naming herself as the messenger from the
eastern Brotherhood. It was but the Karma of Freemasonry, which was
the movement that had been carried over from the last century to the
present one. But even if the Freemasons had wished to accept her as
their head, they could not have done so, since the traditions of that
Fraternity militate against the admission of women. This was probably
a later introduction than the days of Cagliostro, who is said to have
organized more than one "lodge" composed entirely of women.
Madame Blavatsky's services being declined, she set to work to form
the nucleus of a new body. Gathering together some of those on earth
who had previously worked with her, she started the Theosophical
Society, with Col. H.S. Olcott, William Q. Judge and others… The
Theosophical Society, as at present constituted, has three objects (the
second of which is intended ―To promote the study of Aryan and other
Eastern literatures, religions and sciences‖), which three, if properly
carried out and fully understood, must result in the recognition of the
mystical (read: the magic) system known as Theosophy (Wright also
refers to it as ―the mystical system known as Theosophy‖). Thus the
(Thesosophical) Society is bound by no beliefs, no dogmas, throws its
doors wide open to all, and has only endeavour, that of uniting all sects
and peoples into one harmonious whole- producing a humanity of
philo-sophers, or true lovers of wisdom…Then, religionists and
mystics at heart, whether subscribing to a creed or not, let them study
under the Second Object, and they will find that humanity has ever
placed its hopes elsewhere than on this globe. They will find that from
the dawn of the Aryan race down to the present time mystics and sages
have always walked the earth and taught the peoples the one truth,
Universal Brotherhood- the one doctrine, Theosophy. No wonder than
they are Theosophists. For once the keynote has been struck, once the
Wisdom-Religion is shown to have existed ever, in all creeds, it takes
very little to convince anyone with higher perceptions than those
which look on clay, of its verity… It seeks to reveal the true origin of
our various religions, and to show that the same mysticism which
inspired the founding of Christianity sowed the seed for the growth of
all the creeds of the world…External differences are due merely to
incidental causes diversity in the methods of giving their wisdom
among individual teachers, natural modifications and changes of the
original philosophy after lapse of time, or the varied interpretations of
it by the priests into whose keeping it was entrusted. Theosophy
therefore in this sense is the Religion of religions. But Theosophy is
distinctly a science. It is religion with a philosophical basis…In
Theosophy therefore science blends with religion. Religion,
according to that theosophical view, being but a clearer perception of,
a deeper insight into life, by man, freed from superstition and emotion
and grounded in true philosophy, it must lead to wisdom…If the
insight it gives be added to the practical and intellectual powers of our
modern scientist we can set no limit to his advance in
knowledge…The truth is that each of the world's great religions is but
the remnant of an ancient science…it is the hope…that by the light of
Theosophy the old wisdom (first introduced to mankind by the fallen
angels) may be restored.‖ - Modern Theosophy: An Outline of Its Principles (Claude
Falls Wright, FTS, 1894 A.D.) (both magic and Freemasonry are known as the ‗Craft.‘ This
hearkens back to the days of the mystery religions and their guild-like, quasi-Freemasonic
structured ceremonial magic groups. Indeed, for this reason the archaic definition of the word
‗mystery‘ is craft/trade, ‗a body of persons engaged in a particular trade, business, or
profession‘ (See: Freemasonic degtrees are akin to
military/police ranks)

The Theosophical Society was formed in part by magic

practicing Freemasons. Such magic practices involve the invocation
of fallen angels, including the angels Satan and Azazel. As we learn
from the Theosophical Society member, Freemasonic ceremonial
magician and occult author A.E. Waite in Chapter XV of Devil-
Worship in France (1896 A.D.) concerning this association of magic
with Freemasonry:

―When the history of Freemasonry becomes possible by the possession

of materials, its chief philosophical interest centres in one country of
Europe; there is no doubt that it exercised an immense influence upon
France during that century of quakings and quickenings which gave
birth to the great revolution, transformed civilisation in the West, and
inaugurated the modern era. Without being a political society, it was
an instrument eminently adaptable to the sub-surface determination of
political movements. At a later date it may have contributed to the
formation of Germany, as it did certainly to the creation of Italy, but
the point and centre of Masonic history is France in the eighteenth
century. To that country also is mainly confined the historical
connection between Masonry and mystic science, for the revival of
Mysticism which originated in Germany at the close of the eighteenth
century, and thence passed over to England, found its final field in
France at the period in question (―From thence at a later period it
returned to England through the exertion and zealous propagandism of
Waite and his friends and through the work of A. Pike, Woodford and
their confreres and comperes, both in the British Empire and in the
United States…‖ - Luciferian or Satanism in English Freemasonry (L. Fouquet, 1898
A.D.)). There Rosicrucianism reappeared, there Anton Mesmer
recovered the initial process of transcendental practice, there the
Marquis de Puységur discovered clairvoyance, there Martines de
Pasqually (―Jacques de Livron Joachim de la Tour de la Casa Martinez
de Pasqually (1727? -1774) was a theurgist and theosophist of
uncertain origin. He was the founder of the l'Ordre de Chevaliers
Maçons Élus Coëns de l'Univers - Commonly referred to as the 'Elus
Cohens' in 1761. He was the tutor, initiator and friend of Louis-Claude
de Saint-Martin and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, and therefore regarded
as the originator of martinism.‖ – Wikipedia: Martinez de Pasqually)
instructed his disciples in the mysteries of ceremonial magic; there the
illustrious Saint-Martin, le philosophe inconnu, developed a special
system of spiritual reconstruction; there alchemy flourished; there
spiritual and political princes betook themselves to extravagant
researches after an elixir of life; there also, as a consequence, rose up a
line of magnificent impostors who posed as initiates of the occult
sciences, as possessors of the grand secret and the grand mastery;
there, finally, under the influences of transcendental philosophy,
emblematic Freemasonry took root and grew and flourished,
developing ten thousand splendours of symbolic grades, of romantic
legends, of sonorous names and titles. In a word, the Mysticism of
Europe concentrated its forces at Paris and Lyons, and all French
Mysticism gathered under the shadow of the square and compass (of
Freemasonry). To that, as to a centre, the whole movement gravitated,
and thence it worked. There is nothing to show that it endeavoured to
revolutionise Masonry in its own interest. The Fraternity naturally
attracted all Mystics to its ranks, and the development of the mystic
degrees took place as the result of that attraction. By the year 1825 a
variety of circumstances had combined to suspend transcendental
activity, and the connection with Masonry ended, but the present
revival of mystic thought is rapidly picking up the links of the broken
chain; secretly or unobtrusively the spirit of transcendentalism is
working within the Fraternity, and the bogus question of Lucifer is
simply a hostile and unscrupulous method of recognising that fact. If
Masonry and Mysticism could be shown in the historical world to be
separated by the great sea, the consanguinity of their intention would
remain, which is more important than external affinity, and they are
sisters by that bond. But they have not been so separated, and on either
side there is no need to be ashamed of the connection. With all
brethren of the Fraternity (of Freemasonry), "we also do believe in the
resurrection of Hiram" (which action represents the release of the
angel Azazel from his earthen imprisonment), and we regard the
Temple as "an edifice immediately realisable, for we rebuild it in our
hearts." We also adore the Grand Architect (aka the Great Architect),
and offer our intellectual homage, to the divine cipher which is in the
centre of the symbolic star; and we believe that some day the Mason
will recognise the Mystic. He is the heir of the great names of
antiquity, the philosophers and Hierarchs, and the spiritual kings of
old; he is of the line of Orpheus and Hermes (Trismegestes), of the
Essenes and the Magi. And all those illustrious systems and all those
splendid names with which Masonry has ever claimed kindred belong
absolutely to the history of Mysticism (magic).‖

William Grimstad poses the question: ―Practically everyone who has

looked into the role of clandestine control groups behind the scenes of
everyday political and social ―reality‖ eventually has arrived at the
question: Is there some central authority above the diverse
Trilateralists, Zionists, Freemasons, KGB/CIAS, central banks,
multinational cartels, and other furtive power blocs at work shaping
our world?‖ Rene Guenon in Theosophism, History of a Pseudo
Religion (1921 A.D.) likewise asks: ―might there not be, behind all
these movements, something far more dangerous, which their leaders
perhaps know nothing about, being themselves in turn the unconscious
tools of a higher power?‖ In answer this author would unequivocally
answer: ―Yes. It is the rebel alien angels.‖
Chapter 10. The Story Continued
Theosophy, like Rosicrucianism before it, was predicated on magic
practices, with magic itself originating from the terrific tales of the
rebellious fallen angels, most importantly of which was this group can
be actually be contacted (whether or not they respond may be an
entirely different story). For it was taught one may actually converse
with one‘s personal guardian angel. Around these teachings religions
grew, most revering these angels as gods, all of them predicated upon
magic: ―Egypt had priests…Babylon had the Caldeans, Persia had
magicians, India had Brachmans, Ethiopia had the Gymnosophists;
amongst the Bactrians was Zamolsis, amongst the Corinthians was
Fido, amongst the Nilesians was Hippodamus, amongst the
Carthaginians was Charonda, lastly amongst the Britons and French
the Druids.― - Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross (Maier, 1656 A.D.).
Magicians all. Of such ilk were modern-day magicians the likes of the
French occult author Eliphas Levi (February 8, 1810 - May 31, 1875),
the American mystic Arthur Edward Waite (October 2, 1857 – May
19, 1942), and the English occultist, mystic and master ceremonial
magician Aleister Crowley (October 12, 1875 –December 1, 1947)
these individuals being the latest links in a long chivralic chain.
Eliphas Levi himself was a trainee-dropout from the Roman Catholic
priesthood, who finally left his seminary without being ordained. Per
Wikipedia: ―In 1853, Lévi visited England, where he met the novelist
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who was interested in Rosicrucianism as a
literary theme and was the president of a minor Rosicrucian order.
Levi's first treatise on magic appeared in 1854 under the title Dogme et
Rituel de la Haute Magie, and was translated into English by Arthur
Edward Waite as Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual.‖
This work had a profound impact upon Crowley and the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn and also on the Ordo Templi Orientis
(OTO). It also influenced the writings of A. E. Waite, the ―co-creator
of the popular and widely used Rider-Waite Tarot deck‖*: ―Waite was
a prolific author with many of his works being well received in
academic circles. He wrote occult texts on subjects including
divination, esotericism, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and ceremonial
magic, Kabbalism and alchemy; he also translated and reissued several
important mystical and alchemical works. His works on the Holy Grail
(a legend also built upon the story of Azazel and his rebellious angels),
influenced by his friendship with Arthur Machen, were particularly
notable. A number of his volumes remain in print, The Book of
Ceremonial Magic (1911), The Holy Kabbalah (1929), A New
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (1921), and his edited translation of
Eliphas Levi's Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual (1896)
having seen reprints in recent years.‖ – Wikipedia: Arthur Edward Waite (*The
Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXIX equates fate/fortune with
Osiris/Behemoth: ―I am fate and Osiris.‖ Indeed, as we learn from Wikipedia, the word:
―sorcery was taken in ca. 1300 from Old French sorcerie, which is from Vulgar Latin
*sortiarius, from sors "fate", apparently meaning "one who influences fate."‖ In Egypt,
Azazel was also known as Tahuti, who was also known as Thoth, the god of magic, the
determiner of fates, guider of destinies. Azazel‘s cherub is known as the Wheel of Fortune
and can be found on the Tenth Major Arcana of the Egyptian Tarot. The Tarot is alternatively
known as The Book of Thoth)

It is interesting to note the direct relationship between A.E. Waite and

Arthur Machen.

Ground zero of the ‗modern‘ magical Theosophical Movement

led by the rebellious fallen angels has long been the Oxford University
in the city of Oxford, with the British Museum playing a supporting
role, an establishment in which was contained and where could be
studied such works as The Book of Enoch and many other such works
which reveal the story of the rebellious fallen angels, many, many
manuscripts on magic practices amongst them. The Book of Enoch
was made widley available in print form by Oxford University‘s
Clarendon Press in 1893 A.D. Included in Oxford Universities
offerings was the collection called The Sacred Books of the East: ―The
Sacred Books of the East is a monumental 50-volume set of English
translations of Asian religious writings, edited by Max Müller and
published by the Oxford University Press between 1879 and 1910
(over half of which had been published by 1885 A.D.). It incorporates
the essential sacred texts of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, and Islam.‖ - Wikipedia: Sacred
Books of the East (The German academic ―Friedrich Max Müller (December 6, 1823 –
October 28, 1900), ―Müller moved to England in 1846 in order to study Sanskrit texts in the
collection of the East India Company…Müller's connections with the East India Company and
with Sanskritists based at Oxford University led to a career in Britain, where he eventually
became the leading intellectual commentator on the culture of India, which Britain controlled
as part of its Empire. This led to complex exchanges between Indian and British intellectual
culture, especially through Müller's links with the Brahmo Samaj. He became a member of
Christ Church, Oxford in 1851, when he gave his first series of lectures on comparative
philology. He gained appointments as Taylorian Professor of Modern European Languages in
1854. Defeated in the 1860 competition for the tenured Chair of Sanskrit, he later became
Oxford's first Professor of Comparative Theology (1868 – 1875), at All Souls College.‖ –
Wikipedia: Max Müller). (The Rosicrucian ―adepts‖ Robert Flood (―the great English
Rosicrucian‖) and Thomas Vaughn (―a scholar of Oxford…a Rosicrucian adept if there ever
was one‖) belonged to the University of Oxford (which name is derived from the esoteric
symbol for Azazel, namely, the ox), as did Hargrave Jennings, from whence come these
quotes: ―On this side of his powers, on this dark side of his character, the alchemist (rather
now become the Rosicrucian) works in invisible light, and is a magician.‖ - The Rosicrucians:
Their Rites and Mysteries p.204 (Hargrave Jennings))

As a matter of fact: ―(Henry Steel) Olcott had visited (Max) Muller in

Oxford in 1888 and corresponded with him on many issues.‖ - Max
Müller and H. P. Blavatsky — Comparative Religion in the 19th Century (Bas Rijken van
Olst) from Sunrise magazine, June/July 2006; copyright © 2006 Theosophical University

At this point it is important to note:

―Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (August 2, 1832 – February 17, 1907)

was an American military officer, journalist, lawyer and the co-
founder and first President of the Theosophical Society.‖ – Wikipedia:
Henry Steel Olcott (Turn now to Appendix E)

Prior to being made available to the masses, such esoteric

works concerning magic and knowledge of fallen angels would have
been been available to those who frequented the British Museum
Reading Room: ―The British Museum Reading Room, situated in the
centre of the Great Court of the British Museum, used to be the main
reading room of the British Library. During the period of the British
Library, access was restricted to registered researchers only…The
Reading Room was used by a large number of famous figures,
including notably Mohammad Ali Jinnah (the founder of Pakistan),
Karl Marx, Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker, Mahatma Gandhi (University
of London graduate, Indian independence leader. Gandhi edited a
"Youth Movement" newspaper called Young India), Rudyard Kipling,
George Orwell, George Bernard Shaw, Mark Twain, (Russian
Revolutionary/Bolshevik leader, Vladimir) Lenin, Norbert Elias (a
leading academic within the German-Jewish youth movement who
was a Senior Research Assistant with the London School of
Economics founded by Theosophical Society member George Bernard
Shaw), (English writer and publisher) Virginia Woolf, (French poet)
Arthur Rimbaud and H. G. Wells (author of ―War of the Worlds‖
depicting an alien invasion of our Earth)…Room 2 has also had
distinguished users, including Thomas Babington Macaulay (1st Baron
Macaulay, British poet, historian and government minister), William
Thackeray (secretary to the board of revenue in the British East India
Company), Robert Browning, Giuseppe Mazzini, Charles Darwin
(evolutionary proponent and author of ―On the Origin of Species‖) and
Charles Dickens (author of ―A Christmas Carol‖ and early member of
The Ghost Club of London specializing in the study of paranormal
activities which is still in existence today).‖ – Wikipedia: British Museum
Reading Room (English occult author, poet and one-time Chief of the Ancient Order of
Druids in England Gerald Massey also studied extensively at the British Museum. Massey
wrote for and submitted articles which appeared in the Theosophical Society‘s Lucifer

And one must add the likes of high-degree Freemasonic magicians

Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers to this list, well known
members of the magic order known as the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn. In fact, the three founders of the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott,
and S. L. MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons and members of
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.) (the S.R.I.A., which
accepted only Master Masons, was originally founded in 1867 A.D.).
William Wynn Westcott and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were
also Theosophical Society members (founded 1875 A.D.), as was
Theosophical Society President Annie Besant who exclaims in her
very own words: ―I would go out and study all day at the British
Museum.‖ - Annie Besant: An Autobiography (―Filled with the spirit of Satan, who knows
how to transform himself into an angel of light, Freemasonry puts forward as its pretended aim
the good of humanity. Paying a lip service to the authority of law, and even to the obligations
of religion, it aims (as its own statutes declare), at the destruction of civil authority and of the
Christian priesthood, both of which it regards as the foes of human liberty.‖ - Parvenu a la
Vingtcinquieme annee (Pope Leo XIII,, 1902 A.D.)) (―What Jerusalem is to Jews and Mecca
to Mohammedans, and Rome to Catholics, that London is to Freemasons.‖ – Mysteria (Rhyne,
1895 A.D.))

One such ghost which haunted the British Museum was

Giuseppe Mazzini, an important figure when one realizes that
Freemasons and Theosophical Society members are often accomplices
in a greater Theosophical Movement. In fact, Freemasonic groups and
the factions they‘ve founded have always been used as international
instruments of subversion the world over. And assassination and
espionage was the name of the game (such groups were often riddled
with spies and citizen informants):

―(Giuseppe) Mazzini developed and taught, in his grandiloquent style,

as well as practised the doctrine of assassination which formed, we
know, a part of the system of all secret societies‖ - Freemasonry Unmasked (a
purported product of ‗automatic writing‘ entitled Letters from the Other Side (―prefaced and
edited by Henry Thibault,‖ London, 1919 A.D.) connects the workings of Giuseppe Mazzini
to the rebellious fallen ―guardian angels‖)

One infamous such assassination carried out by such a Freemasonic

group, namely the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian
throne, led to the onset of World War I: ―On 28 June 1914, Gavrilo
Princip, a Bosnian-Serb student and member of Young Bosnia,
assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz
Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo, Bosnia.‖ –Wikipedia: World War I

The Young Bosnia society in which Gavrilo Princip played an

active role was a Freemasonic creation from the get-go, a single
faction of what was known as the greater Youth Movement of the day.
As we learn from the pages of Occult Theocracy (to which list we may
add ‗Young Bosnia‘ and ‗Young India‘):

―(Giusseppe) Mazzini had already established his reputation as an

international intriguer. The "Youth Movement" of the day was already
organized: — The societies composing it were: —
Young Italy — founded by Mazzini 1831
Young Poland — founded by Simon Konarski.... 1834
Young England — founded by Benjamin Disraeli 1834
Young Europe — founded by Mazzini 1834
Young Switzerland — founded by Melegari (Emery) 1835
Young Ireland — founded by Smith O'Brien 1843
Young Germany — founded by Hecker & Struve.... 1848‖ - Occult
Theocracy (Lady Queensborough, Edith Starr Miller) (Author‘s Note: Perhaps the Hitler
Youth Movement belongs to this list also: ―The plan of (the British Freemasonic statesman
and two-time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Lord) Palmerston—or the plan of the
deadly council which plotted under him—was to separate the two great conservative empires
of Russia and Austria, while, at the same time, dealing a deadly blow at both. It was easy for
Palmerston to make England see the utility of weakening Russia, which threatened her Indian
possessions.‖ - Freemasonry Unmasked. Perhaps it was this long term plan which would
ultimately lead to the rise of Adolf Hitler. It is said Hitler was a British secret agent. (See
Hitler Was a British Agent (Greg Hallet, 2005 A.D.))

―Freemasonry, under the direction of (the British Freemasonic

statesman and two-time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) Lord
Palmerston, attempted and effected after the failure of the
revolutionary movements, conducted by the party of action, under
(perennial revolutionary Giuseppe) Mazzini, in 1848. These were
fomented to a large extent by British diplomacy and secret service
money manipulated by Lord Palmerston. Under his guidance and
assistance, Mazzini had organized all his revolutionary Sects. Young
Italy, Young Poland, Young Europe, and the rest sprang as much from
the one as from the other.‖ – Freemasonry Unmasked
Mazzini also had an American connection:

―(Giuseppe) Mazzini set himself to study the problem of the

international organization of Freemasonry, and in 1870 reached an
agreement with (former Confederate general Albert) Pike for the
creation of the Supreme Rite. The Franco-Prussian (German) war (July
19, 1870 – May 10, 1871), which, enabled the King of Piedmont,
already called King of Italy, to take Rome, favoured the abolition of
the temporal power of the Pope (for a feel for the historic apathy
between Freemasonry and the Roman Catholic Church, see Appendix
B), and at this time the constitution of central high masonry was
decreed and signed between Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini. The
act of creation is dated Sept. 20, 1870, the day upon which the army of
invasion, commanded by the Freemason, General Cadorna, entered
the Eternal City. The two founders divided their powers according to
the following plan. To Pike was given dogmatic authority and the title
of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, while Mazzini held
the executive authority with the title of Sovereign Chief of Political
Action. Mazzini evinced great deference towards the views of the
Patriarch of Charleston (Albert Pike) and begged him to draw up the
statutes of the grades of the (Freemasonic) Supreme Secret Rite which
would thus be the liturgic bonds of the members of centralized high
masonry. Albert Pike, in honour of his Templar Baphomet (the
Knight‘s Templar god Baphomet; this word is a cognate of the word
‗Behemoth,‘ which is the name of Azazel‘s cherub. Azazel‘s cherub
Behemoth, and by extension, Azazel, was known to the Knight‘s
Templar as Baphomet), which was in the keeping of his first and
historic Supreme Council, named the order the New and Reformed
Palladian Rite or New and Reformed Palladian (from Gr. Palladion,
the sacred image of Pallas Athene, a goddess who represented
Azazel‘s human wife; related to this is a palladium, a serpent
entwining the form of the mystic tau, the serpent and the tau being
symbolic of the angel Azazel).‖ - Occult Theocracy (Lady Queensborough, Edith
Starr Miller; published in 1933 A.D.) (In a chapter entitled Cabalistic Masonry or Masonic
Spiritism in Freemasonry Unmasked we are told: ―Before proceeding further with the history
of Freemasonry, I shall stay a moment to consider a very remarkable feature in its strange
composition, without which it (Freemasonry) scarcely ever appears. The world was never
without wizards, witches, necromancers, jugglers, and those who really had, or through
imposture, pretended to have, intercourse with demons (read: who were in communication
with the fallen angels). Masonry in its various ramifications is the great continuator of this
feature of a past which we had thought departed for ever. Spirit-rapping, table-turning,
medium-imposture, etc. (of the Spiritualism Movement), distinguish its adepts in Protestant
countries and in Catholic ones. We have almost incredible stories of the intercourse with the
devil and his angels, which men like the Carbonari of Italy maintain. However, from the very
beginning Freemasonry has had a kind of peculiar dark mysticism connected with it. It loves
to revel in such mysteries (Kabalism) as the secret conclaves that the Jews used to practise in
the countries in which they were persecuted, and which were common among those unclean
heretics, the Bulgarians, the Gnostics, the Albigenses, and the Waldenses. The excesses
alleged against the (Knights) Templars were also accompanied by secret signs and symbols
which Masonry adopted. But whatever may have been the extent of this mysticism in Masonry
before, a spurious kind of spiritism became part of its very essence since the advent of the
celebrated Cagliostro, who travelled all over Europe under the instructions of Weishaupt, and
founded more lodges than did any individual Freemason then or since. The real name of this
arch-imposter was Balsamo. He was an inveterate sorcerer, and in his peregrinations in the
East, picked up from every source the secrets of alchemy, astrology, jugglery, legerdemain,
and occult science of every kind about which he could get any information. Like the Masonry
to which he became affiliated at an early period, he was an adept at acting and speaking a lie.
He suited Weishaupt, who, though knowing him to be an imposter, nevertheless employed for
him the diffusion of Illuminism. Accompanied by his no less celebrated wife, Lorenza, he
appeared in Venice as the Marquis Pelligrini, and subsequently traversed Italy, Germany,
Spain, England, the Netherlands, and Russia. In the latter country he amassed, at the Court of
Catherine II, an immense fortune. In France, assisted by the efforts of the Illuminati, he was
received as a kind of demigod, and called the divine Cagliostro. He established new lodges in
all parts of the country. At Bordeaux he remained eleven months for this purpose. In Paris he
established lodges for women of a peculiarly cabalistic and impure kind, with inner
departments horribly mysterious. At the reception of members he used rites and ceremonies
exactly resembling the absurd practices of spirit mediums, who see and speak to spirits, etc.,
and introduced all that nonsense with which we are made now familiar by his modern
followers. He claimed the power of conferring immortal youth, health, and beauty, and what
he called moral and physical regeneration, by the aid of drugs and Illuminated Masonry. He
was the father and the founder of the existing rite of Misraim—the Egyptian rite in
Masonry…Masonry does much to disown Cagliostro; but with a strange inconsistency it keeps
the Egyptian rite founded by him, and clings to mysticism of the debased kind he introduced.
It is wonderful how extremes thus meet,—how men who make it a sign of intellectual strength
to deny the existence of the God that made them bow down stupidly and superstitiously before

Enter the Oddfellows:

"Oddfellow is the name adopted by the members of a society founded

in London (England) towards 1788. Their meeting places were called
Lodges, as in Masonry, and many were dissolved under the suspicion
that their character was subversive, though the visible aims of the
fraternity were simply mutual help and diversion. But the society,
changing its location and its name, continued a precarious existence
till, in 1809, several members founded a new lodge at Manchester
(England). Then some of them separated in 1813 and formed the
independent Order of Oddfellows (I. 0. 0. F.) the members of the
general council of which were all to reside at Manchester. The order
was introduced in America, in 1819, by the blacksmith (Thomas)
Wildey, who founded Washington Lodge No. 1, at Baltimore
(Maryland). This town became the headquarters of the American and
Canadian Oddfellows and, thanks to the energy of Wildey, the order
made great headway and spread with rapidity. Longfellow and
Holbrook, while exchanging views on the Cabala, had formed the
project of creating a Satanic rite in which the adepts would be
instructed in Black Magic…Longfellow obtained from Wildey the
authorization secretly to use the Order of the Oddfellows for the
initiations of the second class, which was to form an absolutely secret
rite and to have its centre at Hamilton (Canada). The adepts of the
second class Oddfellows, practicing Satanism, then took the name of
Re-Theurgist-Optimates 2(used by the Palladists also) and Longfellow
became the Grand Priest of the ‗New Evocative Magic.‘‖ - Occult
Theocracy (Lady Queensborough, Edith Starr Miller) (2. Gerard de Nerval, Les Illumines, p.
172. Translation: "Several philosophers of this period followed Quintus Aucler in this revival
of the ideas of the school of Alexandria (Egypt). It is towards the same period that Dupont (de
Nemours) published his Philosophy of the Universe, founded on the same elements of
adoration of planetary intelligences. Likewise, he established, between man and God, a chain
of immortal spirits which he called "Optimates" and through whom any illuminé can
have communication. It is always the doctrine of the "ammoneans" gods, the "eons" or
"eloims'' (angels) of antiquity. Footnote to Occult Theocracy p. 213 (by Lady
Queensborough, Edith Starr Miller). Magic practices invoke the fallen angels, themselves part
of a group known as the Elohim/eloims, as spoken of above. This Dupont was none other
than: ―Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (December 14, 1739 – August 7, 1817) was a
French nobleman, writer, economist, and government official, who was the father of Eleuthère
Irénée du Pont, the founder of E.I. duPont de Nemours and Company, patriarch and progenitor
of one of America's richest business dynasties of the 19th and 20th centuries.‖ – Wikipedia:
Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours) (Wrote Giuseppe Mazzini to Albert Pike in 1870 A.D.:
―we must create a supreme rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those
Masons of high degree whom we shall select (Jan. 22, 1870).‖ - Occult Theocracy (Lady
Queensborough, Edith Starr Miller)

Albert Pike himself: ―became an Oddfellow, some time in the

forties (1840‘s), and in 1850 entered the Masonic Fraternity…Soon
becoming prominent in Masonry he advanced rapidly to the highest
honours…Towards this epoch, Pike and (―Pike's great friend,
Gallatin‖) Mackey received the visit of Longfellow. This Longfellow
was a Scottish Rites Mason who, in 1837, had taken up his residence
in the United States, becoming the intimate friend and private
secretary of Moses Holbrook, then Sovereign Commander of the
Supreme Council of Charleston. The intimacy between Longfellow
and (―the Jew, Moses‖) Holbrook became quickly serious as both
had thoroughly studied the occult sciences and enjoyed discussing
the mysteries of the Cabala.‖ - Occult Theocracy (Lady Queensborough Edith
Starr Miller) (―Freemasons and Odd-Fellows, have been used, often against their own
knowledge or consent, by the great masters of secret political associations, as so many
subordinate cog-wheels in the great machinery of insurrection and rebellion.‖ - Preface to The
Cradle of Rebellions by Lucienne De La Hodde, ―member of the detective police,‖ 1864 A.D.)
These men studied the Cabala/Kabala/Qabala as first taught to
the fallen angels by God (before their fall) who then taught these
mysteries to select members of mankind when they descended to our
The Independent Order of Oddfellows (I.O.O.F.) is in existence
today in both Britain and the United States (in the U.S. it is organized
as a Mutual Benefit Corporation), and in about 27 other countries
around the world. Per Wikipedia concerning the I.O.O.F.: ―notable
men and women who were members of the fraternity (include):
Warren Austin, Mayor, Senator (Vermont 1931-1946), Ambassador to
the UN; Hugo Black, politician and jurist, Owen Brewster, lawyer,
politician, Governor, Senator; Wilber Brucker, Governor of Michigan
(1931–1932), William Jennings Bryan, U.S. Secretary of State (1913–
1915); Robert C. Byrd, U.S. Senator (1959–2010); Edwin Hubbell
Chapin, Universalist minister, author, lecturer, and social reformer;
John J. Cornwell, Governor (WV) and Senator (MD); Charlie Chaplin,
comedic actor and film director; Ernest E. Cole, Commissioner of
Education for New York State (1940–1942); Schuyler Colfax, U.S.
Vice President (1869–1873); Wyatt Earp, law officer in the American
Old West; Ulysses S. Grant, 18th U.S. President (1869–1877); Warren
Harding, 29th U.S. President (1921–1923); Rutherford Hayes, 19th
U.S. President (1877–1881); Thomas Hendricks, 21st Vice President
of the United States; Anson Jones, Last President of the Republic of
Texas; Nathan Kelley, architect of Ohio State House; Goodwin
Knight, Governor of California; Charles Lindbergh, American aviator,
author, inventor, explorer, and social activist; William McKinley, 25th
U.S. President (1897–1901); William Marsh Rice, Founder of Rice
University; Franklin Roosevelt, 32nd U.S. President (1933–1945);
Levi and Matilda Stanley, considered as King and Queen of the
Gypsies; Lucy Hobbs Taylor, first U.S. female dentist; Earl Warren,
U.S. Chief Justice (1953–1969); Thomas Wildey, Founder of Odd
Fellows in the U.S.; Albert Winn, Major General of the U.S. Military
(1810–1883). ―The IOOF continues in the 21st century with lodges
around the world, and is claimed to be the "largest united international
fraternal order in the world under one head", with every lodge working
with the Sovereign Grand Lodge located in the United States. Also, the
British "Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity", and the
IOOF have recognized each other inter-fraternally; members of the
Manchester Unity and the IOOF can visit each other's lodges, and are
welcome as brothers and sisters. Currently, there are about 12,000
lodges with nearly 600,000 members.‖ – Wikipedia: Independent Order of Odd

Related to Freemasonry is Rosicrucianism. The Freemason‘s

Rosicrucian brothers are fellow players in the greater Theosophical
Movement. The word ‗Rosicrucian‘ is German for ‗Rose Cross.‘ The
18th Degree in Freemasonry is commonly known as the Rose-Croix
(Rose Cross), a fact showing their relation to and establishing a link
between these two otherwise seemingly diverse organizations. Dr
Sigismund Bacstrom, an important Rosicrucian scholar of the
alchemical sciences, wrote in Bacstrom’s Rosicrucian Society (circa
late 18th to early 19th Centuries A.D.) of ―the August most ancient and
most learned (Rosicrucian) Society, the Investigators of Divine,
Spiritual and Natural Truth (which Society, more than two centuries
and a half ago, did separate themselves from the Freemasons…).‖

The Dawn of Magic (aka The Morning of the Magicians)

―About the year 1880, in France, in England and in Germany some secret societies of
Initiates and members of hermetic orders were founded to which a number of very
influential people belonged. The story of this mystical post-romantic crisis has not
yet been written. It deserves to be, as it might throw light upon the origin of several
important trends of thought which have determined certain political tendencies. In
two letters written by Arthur Machen to Toulet we find the following remarkable
passages. In the first, written in 1899, he says: "When I was writing Pan and The
White Powder I did not believe that such strange things had ever happened in real
life, or could ever have happened. Since then, and quite recently, I have had certain
experiences in my own life which have entirely changed my point of view in these
matters....Henceforward I am quite convinced that nothing is impossible on this
Earth. I need scarcely add, I suppose, that none of the experiences I have had has any
connection whatever with such impostures as spiritualism or theosophy. But I
believe that we are living in a world of the greatest mystery full of unsuspected and
quite astonishing things." In 1900 he wrote as follows: "It may amuse you to know
that I sent a copy of my Great God Pan to an adept, an advanced 'occultist' whom I
met in secret, and this is what he wrote me: 'The book amply proves that by thought
and meditation rather than through reading, you have attained a certain degree of
initiation independently of orders or organizations.'" Who was this "adept?" And
what were Machen's "experiences?" In another letter, after Toulet had been to
London, he wrote: "Mr. Waite, who likes you very much, asks me to send you his
best regards." We were interested to learn the name of this friend of Machen and to
discover that he was one of the best authorities on alchemy and a Rosicrucian
specialist. We had reached this point in our researches into the intellectual interests
of Arthur Machen, when a friend revealed to us the existence in England, at the end
of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, of a secret "initiatory"
society of Rosicrucian inspiration. [See Nos. 2 and 3 of the review La Tour Saint-
Jacques, 1956: 'L'ordre hermetique de la Golden Dawn' by Pierre Victor.] This
society was called the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn, and its members
included some of the most brilliant minds in the country. Arthur Machen was himself
a member. The Golden Dawn, founded in 1887, was an offshoot of the English
Rosicrucian Society (the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA)) created
twenty years earlier by Robert Wentworth Little, and consisted largely of
leading Freemasons (composed entirely of Master Masons, members of which
practiced ceremonial magic rituals (involving the conjuration and evocation of
Azazel‘s group of rebel angels, with whom they would have established contact.
It must be noted England retained anti-witchcraft laws (Witchcraft Acts) upon its
books which specifically forbade such magic practices as witchcraft, sorceries and
conjurations in the British Isles in one form or another often mandating the death or
imprisonment of the offender from the year 1542 A.D. until their ultimate repeal in
1951 A.D. Such magic activities as practiced by the SRIA and amongst high-degree
Freemasons and cunning persons in England were against the law which most
definitely accounts for the secretive nature of these secret societies). One must not
underestimate the importance of Masonic influences upon the geopolitical landscape
in 19th - 20th Century Europe. Many of the Masons who founded various political
factions were ceremonial magicians). The latter society (the S.R.I.A.) had about 144
members, including Bulwer-Lytton, author of The Last Days of Pompeii. The
(Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn, with a smaller membership, was formed for
the practice of ceremonial magic and the acquisition of initiatory knowledge and
powers. Its leaders were Woodman (Dr. William Robert Woodman (1828-1891
A.D.) was one of three co-founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He
became Supreme Magus of the SRIA after the death of Robert Wentworth Little),
(S.L. MacGregor) Mathers (Junior Substitute Magus in the SRIA) and (William)
Wynn Westcott (the "occultist" mentioned by Toulet in his letter of 1900 (Wescott
succeeded Woodman as Supreme Magus of the SRIA upon his death. Concerning
Wescott‘s credentials, see Appendix E). It was in contact with similar German
societies, some of whose members were later associated with Rudolf Steiner's
famous anthroposophical movement and other influential sects during the pre-
Nazi period (Rudolph Steiner (1861–1925 A.D.) was world-famous for his Masonic
and Rosicrucian based teachings. In An Outline of Occult Science Chapter VIII
(Rudolph Steiner, 1922 A.D.) Steiner professes the existence of ―beings of the world
of soul and spirit who influence from hidden worlds the outer manifested world,‖
and that a person who is so attuned ―receives influences‖ which the ―beings of the
spiritual world convey…to him.‖ Steiner taught of the existence of the rebellious
fallen angels being present upon our Earth, and how it was possible to communicate
with them). Later on it (the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) came under the
leadership of Aleister Crowley, an altogether extraordinary man who was certainly
one of the greatest exponents of the neo-paganism whose development in Germany
we have noted. S.L. Mathers, after the death of Woodman and the resignation of
Westcott, was the Grand Master of the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn, which
he directed for some time from Paris (France), where he had just married (French
philosopher) Henri Bergson's daughter. Mathers was succeeded in his office by the
celebrated poet W.B. Yeats, who was later to become a Nobel Prize-winner (1923
Nobel Prize in Literature ―for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic
form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation.‖ The spirit being, of course,
Azazel!). Yeats took the name of "Frere Demon est Deus Inversus." He used to
preside over the meetings dressed in a kilt, wearing a black mask and a golden
dagger in his belt. (Welsh author and mystic) Arthur Machen took the name of
"Filus Aquarti." The (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn had one woman:
Florence Farr, Director of the Abbey Theatre and an intimate friend of Bernard Shaw
(George Bernard Shaw (Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of
Economics. Shaw was associated with the Fabian Society. Shaw‘s teachings form
the basis of the Labour Party in England. Shaw, most notably enough, was also a
member of the Theosophical Society). Other members (of the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn) included: Algernon Blackwood (a member of the Ghost Club of
London, during World War I, Algernon Blackwood took up spying while reporting
to the Scottish Oxford (University) graduate John Buchan 1st Baron Tweedsmuir,
who became 15th Governor General of Canada (2 November 1935 – 11 February
1940). From 15 June 1939 – 11 February 1940, John Buchan held the title Knight
Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO) bestowed upon him by the royal
line: ―Queen Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was
the sovereign of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June
1837, and the first Empress of India of the British Raj from 1 May 1876, until her
death…Her reign is known as the Victorian era.‖ – Wikepedia. The Royal Victorian
Order was established in 1896 A.D. by Queen Victoria. The WWI British spy
Algernon Blackwood was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, as
was his contemporary Arthur Machen), Bram Stoker (the author of Dracula)(a
Theosophical Society member, Stoker was also a member of the Hermetic Order of
the Golden Dawn. As ―business manager of (Sir Henry) Irving's Lyceum Theatre,
London (whose productions included The Lady of Lyons by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
in 1878 A.D)…Stoker particularly enjoyed visits to the United States, where Irving
was popular. With Irving he was invited twice to the White House, and knew both
(U.S. Presidents) William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.‖ – Wikipedia), Sax
Rohmer (aka. Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward (February 15, 1883 - June 1, 1959 A.D.),
also a member of one of the factions of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
This English novelist was best known for his Dr. Fu Manchu detective series, a
number of which were made into Hollywood movies spanning a period of four
decades from 1929 – 1969 A.D.), Peck, the Astronomer Royal of Scotland (member
of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), the celebrated engineer Allan Bennett
(―Charles Henry Allan Bennett (1872 – 1923 A.D.) was a member of the Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn. He was a friend, mentor and associate of author and
occultist Aleister Crowley‖ - Wikipedia), and Sir Gerald Kelly)(Sir Gerald Festus
Kelly P.R.A. (April 9, 1879 – January 5, 1972 A.D.), President of the Royal
Academy (the Royal Academy of Arts, located in London, England, was founded in
1768 A.D. by King George III). ―His sister, Rose Edith Kelly, was briefly married to
Aleister Crowley,‖ - Wikepedia). It seems that on these exceptional people the
(Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn exercised a lasting influence, and they
themselves admitted that their outlook on the world was changed, while the activities
(most specifically, ceremonial magic rituals invoking the fallen angels, with whom
they were in contact) they indulged in never failed to prove both efficacious and
uplifting. The Earth is hollow (the Hollow Earth Theory was popular in Nazi
Germany). We are living inside it. The stars are blocks of ice. Several Moons have
already fallen on the Earth. The whole history of humanity is contained in the
struggle between ice and fire. Man is not finished. He is on the brink of a formidable
(evolutionary) mutation which will confer on him the powers the ancients attributed
to the gods (read: fallen angels). A few specimens of the New Man exist in the
world, who have perhaps come here from beyond the frontiers of time and
space. Alliances could be formed with the Master of the World or the King of
Fear who reigns over a city hidden somewhere in the East. Those who conclude
a pact (a magic pact with the devil) will change the surface of the Earth and
endow the human adventure with a new meaning for many thousands of years.
Such are the "scientific" theories and "religious" conceptions on which Nazism was
originally based and in which (Adolf) Hitler and the members of his group believed -
- theories which, to a large extent, have dominated social and political trends in
recent history. This may seem extravagant. Any explanation, even partial, of
contemporary history based on ideas and beliefs of this kind may seem repugnant. In
our view, nothing is repugnant that is in the interests of the truth. It is well known
that the Nazi party was openly, and even flamboyantly anti-intellectual; that it burnt
books and relegated the theoretical physicists (such as Albert Einstein) among its
"Judaeo-Marxist" enemies. Less is known about the reasons which led it to reject
official Western science, and still less with regard to the basic conception of the
nature of man on which Nazism was founded -- at any rate in the minds of some of
its leaders. If we knew this it would be easier to place the last World War (he speaks
of World War II) within the category of great spiritual conflicts: history animated
once again by the spirit of La Legende des Siecles ("The Legend of the Centuries," a
collection of poems by French author and statesman Victor Hugo. As we learn from
Hugo‘s religious epic La Fin de Satan (The End of Satan, 1886 A.D.) where he
cryptically writes ―with a stone (from heaven)…he hid his (Azazel‘s) complices
three 'neath the earth,‖ along with Azazel, we discover Hugo is well immersed in the
mysteries of Kabbalah. Of such was the substance of the personas inhabiting the
Romantic Era of the mid 18th to mid 19th Centuries in Europe). Hitler used to say:
"We are often abused for being the enemies of the mind and spirit. Well, that is what
we are, but in a far deeper sense than bourgeois science, in its idiotic pride, could
ever imagine." This is very like what (Hollow Earth Theory proponent) Gurdjieff
(the Russian magician and metaphysician George Gurdjieff (Gregor Ivanovich
Gurdyev) met (British) Captain John G. Bennett (―John Godolphin Bennett (8 June 1897
– 13 December 1974) was a British mathematician, scientist, technologist, industrial research
director, and author. He is perhaps best known for his many books on psychology and
spirituality, and particularly the teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff…Chairman and Director, Institute
for the comparative study of History, Philosophy, and the Sciences, Kingston upon Thames,
1946-1959‖ – Wikipedia: John G. Bennett) in Istanbul, the then head of British Military
Intelligence in Constantinople (who would obviously, be subject to the head of the
British Military Intelligence in England!). Later, Bennett would become a follower
of Gurdjieff and of Ouspensky (See John G. Bennett (1983) Witness). This is yet
another association with British intelligence networks) said to his disciple (P.D.)
Ouspensky after having condemned science: "My way is to develop the hidden
potentialities of man; a way that is against Nature and against God" (writes
Gurdjieff‘s disciple, P.D. Ouspensky, in Chapter XVI of Tertium Organum, (1922
A.D.): ―(Immanuel) Kant admitted not only the possibility of the existence of a
spiritual conscious world, but also the possibility of communion with it.‖). This idea
of the hidden potentialities of Man is fundamental. It often leads to the rejection of
science and a disdain for ordinary human beings. On this level very few men really
exist. To be, means to be something different. The ordinary man, "natural" man is
nothing but a worm, and the Christians' God nothing but a guardian for worms. Dr.
Willy Ley, one of the world's greatest rocket experts, fled from Germany in 1933. It
was from him that we learned of the existence in Berlin shortly before the Nazis
came to power, of a little spiritual community that is of great interest to us. This
secret community was founded, literally, on Bulwer-Lytton's novel The Coming
Race. The book describes a race of men (of incarnate angels) psychically far in
advance of ours. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that
make them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They live in caves in
the centre of the Earth. Soon they will emerge to reign over us (again, if the story
sounds familiar it is as this is a variation of the story of Azazel who is imprisoned
within the earth, and who is later to be released). This appears to be as much as Dr.
Ley could tell us. He added with a smile that the disciples believed they had secret
knowledge that would enable them to change their race and become the equals of the
men (incarnate angels) hidden in the bowels of the Earth (a decidedly Theosophic
belief evolutionarily speaking. Compare to the promise the serpent Azazel made to
Eve as related in Genesis 3:4, namely, that if she should follow his advice, they too
would also be like gods, that she and Adam would become like the angels
themselves!)…This Berlin group called itself The Luminous Lodge, or The Vril
Society. The vril [the notion of the 'vril' is mentioned for the first time in the works
of the French writer Jacolliot, (Louis Jacolliot (October 31, 1837 – October 30, 1890
A.D.), author of Occult Science in India) French Consul in Calcutta under the
Second Empire] (Theosophical Society founder Helena Blavatsky quotes from
Jacolliot‘s works in Isis Unveiled) is the enormous energy of which we only use a
minute proportion in our daily life, the nerve-centre of our potential divinity.
Whoever becomes master of the vril will be the master of himself, of others round
him and of the world (the vril force is known in The Bible as the ―spirit of error‖).
This should be the only object of our desires, and all our efforts should be directed to
that end. All the rest belongs to official psychology, morality, and religions and is
worthless. The world will change: the Lords (Azazel‘s group of rebellious fallen
angels) will emerge from the centre of the Earth. Unless we have made an
alliance with them and become Lords ourselves, we shall find ourselves among
the slaves, on the dung-heap that will nourish the roots of the New Cities that will
arise (the members of the Theosophical Society and its associated societies and
offshoots had made such a pact with these angels, and considered their group to be
the nucleus of the Coming Race). The Luminous Lodge had associations with the
theosophical and Rosicrucian groups. According to Jack Fishman, author of a
curious book entitled The Seven Men of Spandau, (Thule Society member and
German General) Karl Haushofer (August 27, 1869 – March 10, 1946)
(teacher/mentor of Rudolph Hess, Adolf Hitler's Deputy in the Nazi Party
Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician Gregor
Ivanovich Gurdyev (George Gurdjieff)) was a member of this (Freemasonic) lodge
(of The Luminous Lodge) (also known as the Vril Society). We shall have more to
say about him later, when it will be seen that his association with this Vril Society
helps to explain certain things. The reader will recall that the writer, Arthur Machen,
we discovered was connected with an English society of Initiates, the (Hermetic
Order of the) Golden Dawn. This neo-pagan society, which had a distinguished
membership, was an offshoot of the English Rosicrucian Society (speaks of Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) (the Rosicrucian Society of England)) ―derived from
the 18th century German Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross…The society claims a
link to the original Rosicrucian Brotherhood and bases its teachings on those found
in the Fama and Confessio Fraternitas published in the early 17th century in
Germany.‖ - Wikipedia) (―The Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross (Orden des
Gold- und Rosenkreutz, also known as the Fraternity of the Golden and Rosy Cross)
was a German Rosicrucian organization founded in the 1750s by Freemason and
alchemist Hermann Fichtuld. Candidates were expected to be Master Masons in
good standing (the SRIA was its British counterpart). Alchemy was to be a central
study for members. Much of the hierarchical structure for this order was used in
S.R.I.A. and from there, the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn.‖ - Wikipedia),
founded by (Robert) Wentworth Little (1840 - April 11, 1878 A.D.) in 1867. Little
(and his group of British Master Masons) was in contact with the German
Rosicrucians (Little was in contact with the German Master Masons who made up
this group). He recruited his followers, to the number of 144, from the ranks of the
higher-ranking Freemasons (the SRIA was a magic group composed of Master
Masons). One of his disciples was Bulwer-Lytton. Bulwer-Lytton, a learned man of
genius, celebrated throughout the world for his novel The Last Days of Pompeii,
little thought that one of his books, in some ten years' time, would inspire a mystical
pre-Nazi group in Germany (or did he?). Yet in works like The Coming Race or
Zanoni (Zanoni: A Rosicrucian Tale (by Sir Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, 1842
A.D. The Guardian/Dweller of the Threshhold of which he writes in his own words
represents none other than (among others) ―the Snake which tempted Eve,‖ who is
the Genesis serpent Azazel), he set out to emphasize the realities of the spiritual
world, and more especially, the infernal world (where Azazel lay imprisoned within
the earth). He considered himself an Initiate. Through his romantic works of fiction
he expressed the conviction that there are beings (speaks of the incarnate angels)
endowed with superhuman powers. These beings will supplant us and bring about a
formidable mutation in the elect of the human race. We must beware of this notion
of a mutation. It crops up again with Hitler, and is not yet extinct today. Hitler's aim
was neither the founding of a race of supermen, nor the conquest of the world; these
were only means towards the realization of the great work he dreamed of. His real
aim was to perform an act of creation, a divine operation, the goal of a biological
(evolutionary) mutation which would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the
human race and the "apparition of a new race of heroes and demigods and god-men."
(Dr. Achille Delmas) We must also beware of the notion of the "Unknown
Supermen." It is found in all the "black" mystical (black magic) writings both in the
West and in the East. Whether they live under the Earth or came from other
planets, whether in the form of giants like those which are said to lie encased in
cloth of gold in the crypts of Thibetan monasteries, or of shapeless and terrifying
beings such as (H.P.) Lovecraft describes, do these "Unknown Supermen," evoked in
pagan and Satanic rites, actually exist? When (Aurthur) Machen speaks of the World
of Evil, "full of caverns and crepuscular beings dwelling therein," he is referring, as
an adept of the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn, to that other world in which
man comes into contact with the "Unknown Supermen." It seems certain that Hitler
shared this belief, and even claimed to have been in touch with these "Supermen"
(Hitler was in actual communication with the angel Azazel). We have already
mentioned the (Hermetci Order of the) Golden Dawn and the German Vril Society.
We shall have something to say later about the Thule Group. We are not so foolish as
to try to explain history in the light of secret societies. What we shall see, curiously
enough, is that it all "ties up," and that with the coming of Nazism it was the
"other world" (synonymous with the underworld in reference to the place
where Azazel is entrapped) which ruled over us for a number of years (Author‘s
Note: this isn‘t the first time and won‘t be the last). That world has been defeated,
but it is not dead, either on the Rhine or elsewhere. And there is nothing alarming
about it: only our ignorance is alarming. We pointed out that Samuel Mathers (S.L.
MacGregor Mathers) was the founder of the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn.
Mathers claimed to be in communication with these "Unknown Supermen" (in
communication with Azazel‘s group of fallen angels) and to have established contact
with them in the company of his wife, the sister of Henri Bergson. Here follows a
page of the manifesto addressed to "Members of the Second Order" in 1896: "As to
the Secret Chiefs (Azazel‘s group of rebellious fallen angels) with whom I (Mathers)
am in touch and from whom I have received the wisdom of the Second Order which
I communicated to you, I can tell you nothing. I do not even know their Earthly
names, and I have very seldom seen them in their physical bodies....They used to
meet me physically at a time and place fixed in advance (while impossible to meet
with Azazel and his group, it is quite possible he may have met other incarnate fallen
angels from Satan‘s group of rebel angels). For my part, I believe they are human
beings (incarnate angels) living on this Earth, but possessed of terrible and
superhuman powers....My physical encounters with them have shown me how
difficult it is for a mortal, however "advanced," to support their presence....I do not
mean that during my rare meetings with them I experienced the same feeling of
intense physical depression that accompanies the loss of magnetism. On the contrary,
I felt I was in contact with a force so terrible that I can only compare it to the shock
one would receive from being near a flash of lightning during a great thunderstorm,
experiencing at the same time great difficulty in breathing....The nervous prostration
I spoke of was accompanied by cold sweats and bleeding from the nose, mouth and
sometimes the ears." Hitler was talking one day to Rauschning, the Governor of
Danzig, about the problem of a mutation of the human race. Rauschning, not
possessing the key to such strange preoccupations, interpreted Hitler's remarks in
terms of a stock-breeder interested in the amelioration of German blood. "But all
you can do," he replied, "is to assist Nature and shorten the road to be followed! It is
Nature herself who must create for you a new species. Up till now the breeder has
only rarely succeeded in developing mutations in animals -- that is to say, creating
himself new characteristics." "The new man is living amongst us now! He is here!"
exclaimed Hitler, triumphantly. "Isn't that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I
have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him." "In uttering
these words," added Rauschning, "Hitler was trembling in a kind of ecstasy." It was
Rauschning, too, who related the following strange episode, about which Dr. Achille
Delmas, a specialist in applied psychology, questioned him in vain: It is true that in a
case like this psychology does not apply: "A person close to Hitler told me that he
wakes up in the night screaming and in convulsions. He calls for help, and appears to
be half paralysed. He is seized with a panic that makes him tremble until the bed
shakes. He utters confused and unintell- igible sounds, gasping, as if on the point of
suffocation. The same person described to me one of these fits, with details that I
would refuse to believe had I not complete confidence in my informant. "Hitler was
standing up in his room, swaying and looking all round him as if he were lost. 'It's
he, it's he,' he groaned, 'he's come for me!' His lips were white; he was sweating
profusely. Suddenly he uttered a string of meaningless figures, then words and scraps
of sentences. It was terrifying. He used strange expressions strung together in bizarre
disorder. Then he relapsed again into silence, but his lips still continued to move. He
was then given a friction and something to drink. Then suddenly he screamed:
'There! there! Over in the comer! He is there!' -- all the time stamping with his feet
and shouting. To quieten him he was assured that nothing extra- ordinary had
happened, and finally he gradually calmed down. After that he slept for a long time
and became normal again..." [Hermann Rauschning: Hitler m'a dit. Ed. Co-
operation, Paris, 1939. Dr. Achille Delmas: Hitler, essai de biographie psycho-
pathologique. Lib. Marcel Rivimere, Paris, 1946]. We leave it to the reader to
compare the statement of Mathers, head of a small neo-pagan society at the end of
the nineteenth century, and the utterances of a man who, at the time Rauschning
recorded them, was preparing to launch the world into an adventure which caused
the death of twenty million men. We beg him not to ignore this comparison and the
lesson to be drawn from it on the grounds that the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden
Dawn and Nazism, in the eyes of a "reasonable" historian, have nothing in common
(au contriere! the common denominator is the fallen angels). The historian may be
reasonable, but history is not. These two men shared the same beliefs: their
fundamental experiences were the same, and they were guided by the same force (the
spirit of error/Overshadowing/mental manipulation). They belong to the same trend
of thought and to the same religion. This religion has never up to now been seriously
studied. Neither the Church nor the Rationalists -- that other Church -- have ever
allowed it. We are now entering an epoch in the history of knowledge when such
studies will become possible because now that reality is revealing its fantastic side,
ideas and techniques which seem abnormal, contemptible or repellent will be found
useful in so far as they enable us to understand a "reality" that becomes more and
more disquieting. We are not suggesting that the reader should study an affiliation
Rosy Cross-Bulwer Lytton-Little-Mathers-Crowley- Hitler, or any similar
association which would include also Mme Blavatsky and Gurdjieff. Looking for
affiliations is a game, like looking for "influences" in literature; when the game is
over, the problem is still there. In literature it's a question of genius; in history, of
power. The (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn is not enough to explain the
Thule Group, or the Luminous Lodge (also known as the Vril Society), the
Ahnenherbe (a Nazi think-tank). Naturally there are cross-currents and secret or
apparent links between the various groups, which we shall not fail to point out. Like
all "little" history, that is an absorbing pastime. But our concern is with "big" history.
We believe that these societies, great or small, related or unrelated, with or
without ramifications, are manifestations, more or less apparent and more or
less important, of a world other (a play on the term ‗other world‘) than the one
in which we live. Let us call it the world of Evil, in Machen's sense of the word.
The truth is, we know just as little about the world of Good. We are living between
two worlds, and pretending that this "no-man's-land" is identical with our whole
planet. The rise of Nazism was one of those rare moments in the history of our
civilization, when a door was noisily and ostentatiously opened on to something
"Other." What is strange is that people pretend not to have seen or heard anything
apart from the sights and sounds inseparable from war and political strife. All these
movements: the modern Rosy-Cross, (the Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn,
the German Vril Society (which will bring us to the Thule Group where we shall
find Haushofer, Hess and Hitler) were more or less closely associated with the
powerful and well organized Theosophical Society. Theosophy added to neo-
pagan magic an oriental setting and a Hindu terminology. Or, rather, it provided a
link between a certain oriental Satanism and the West. Theosophy was the name
finally given to the whole vast renaissance in the world of magic that affected
many thinkers so profoundly at the beginning of the (20th) century…might there
not be, behind all these movements, something far more dangerous which their
leaders perhaps know nothing about, being themselves in turn the unconscious tools
of a higher power?" (the higher power is of course, the fallen angels) - Excerpted
from: The Dawn of Magic by Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier 1st published in France
under the title "Le Matin des Magiciens" 1960 by Editions Gallimard, Paris From: (It must be noted during the World
War II German Blitz, as many cities in Britain were being bombed into oblivion, Oxford
(where is located Oxford University) itself was miraculously spared, this being attributed
interestingly enough to ―the magical properties of the bells in the belfries of Oxford.‖ I must
say that those who believed this must have had bats in their own belfries) (All esoteric/occult
roads lead to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO,
established in 1945 A.D.), heir of the League of Nations' International Commission on
Intellectual Cooperation (ICIC, established in 1922 A.D.), which included as an august
member Nobel prize-winner Henri Bergson. The ICIC included such distinguished members
as Royal Society Foreign Member Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann (Nobel prize winning author
of such books as The Magic Mountain (1922 A.D.) and Mario and the Magician (1929 A.D.)
and Spanish diplomat Salvador de Madariaga, Professor of Spanish at Oxford University (he
earned his Masters of Arts at Oxford University), later appointed ambassador to the United
States of America and permanent delegate to the League of Nations. The first Director-
General of UNESCO was Dr. Julian Huxley. According to Wikipedia: ―Huxley also presided
over the founding Congress of the International Humanist and Ethical Union and served with
John Dewey, Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann on the founding advisory board of the First
Humanist Society of New York. The First Humanist Society of New York was founded in
1929 A.D. by Charles Francis Potter whose advisory board included Julian Huxley, John
Dewey, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Mann. In 1930 he and his wife, Clara Cook Potter,
published Humanism: A New Religion. By definition, a ‗humanist‘ is a proponent or
practitioner of humanism. Humanism is rooted in and wholly embraces the practice of magic.
As previously noted, according to the Italian Renaissance philosopher Count Giovanni Pico
della Mirandola writing in what is considered to be the Renaissance Manifesto and a key
document of Humanism, in a document entitled the Oration on the Dignity of Man, states:
―magic has two forms. One consists wholly in the operations and powers of demons, and
consequently this appears to me, as God is my witness, an execrable and monstrous thing. The
other proves, when thoroughly investigated, to be nothing else but the highest realization of
natural philosophy. The Greeks noted both these forms. However, because they considered the
first form wholly undeserving the name magic they called it goeteia, reserving the term
mageia, to the second, and understanding by it the highest and most perfect wisdom…The first
(goeteia) is the most deceitful of arts; the second (mageia), a higher and holier philosophy.
The former is vain and disappointing; the later, firm, solid and satisfying. The practitioner of
the first always tries to conceal his addiction, because it always rebounds to shame and
reproach, while the cultivation of the second, both in antiquity and at almost all periods, has
been the source of the highest renown and glory in the field of learning. No philosopher of any
worth, eager in pursuit of the good arts, was ever a student of the former, but to learn the
latter, Pythagoras, Empedocles, Plato and Democritus crossed the seas.…That first form of
magic cannot justify any claim to being either an art or a science while the latter, filled as it is
with mysteries, embraces the most profound contemplation of the deepest secrets of things and
finally the knowledge of the whole of nature.‖ (―Renaissance humanism (14th -15th Centuries)
saw a resurgence in hermeticism and other Neo-Platonic varieties of ceremonial
magic...Alongside the ceremonial magic followed by the better educated were the everyday
activities of folk practitioners of magic across Europe, typified by the cunning folk found in
Great Britain.‖. - History of Magic. Falling into this category are the
writings of the German ceremonial magician and invoker of fallen angels, Heinrich Cornelius
Agrippa). Humanist activities are anti-Christian in nature) (A major Humanistic training
institute called The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies was founded in Aspen, Colorado in
1949 A.D. with its central office in New York City in order to carry out advanced seminars in
global ideology and humanistic studies. The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies trains
―leading officials of the Trilateral commission, the White House, the Ford Foundation, the
Rockefeller Foundation…the World Bank, the Council on Foreign Relations…etc‖ (See
―Global Ideology, Humanistic Studies and the Aspen Institute,‖ Freeman Digest, Michael
Loyd Chadwick, 1979 A.D.)

Hermann Rauschning (August 7, 1887 – February 8, 1982),

Governor of Danzig, called Hitler‘s brand of government ―magic
socialism‖ and Hitler a ―high priest of a secret religion.‖ Indeed, as we
read in the pages of The Morning of the Magicians: ―it was under the
influence of Karl Haushofer that the (Thule) Group took on its true
character of a society of Initiates in communion with the Invisible
(read: in communication with the rebel fallen angels), and became the
magic center of the Nazi movement (which hid beneath the cloak of
National-Socialism). Hitler was born in Braunau-am-Inn…an Austro-
Bavarian frontier town, where two great German states met…It
enjoyed the singular reutation of being the birthplace of a number of
mediums…Jean de Pange wrote, in 1940: ―Braunau is a center for
mediums. One of the best known is Mme. Stokhammes who, in 1920,
married in Vienna Prince Joachim of Prussia. It was also from
Braunau that the Munich spiritualist, Baron Schrenk-Notzing,
recruited his subjects, one of whom was in fact a cousin of Hitler‘s.‖
Occultism teaches that, after concluding a pact with hidden forces, the
members of the Group cannot evoke these forces save through the
intermediary of a (ceremonial) magician who, in turn, can do nothing
without without a medium. It would seem therefore that Hitler must
have been the medium, and Haushofer the magician. Rauschning, in
describing the Fuhrer (Hitler), wrote as follows: ‗One cannot help of
thinking of him as a medium…beyond any doubt…Hitler was
possessed (Overshadowed) by forces outside himself—almost
demoniacal forces of which the individual named Hitler was only the
temporary vehicle.‘ … the medium who is possessed by outside forces
is not necessarily conscious of their strength, nor in the direction they
are leading him. He dances to a tune that is not his own.‖ It continues:
―Rudolf Hess had been Haushofer‘s assistant when the latter was a
professor at the University of Munich. It was he who had brought
Haushofer and Hitler together…Hess, the last survivor of the Thule
Group, is said to have stated formally that Haushofer was the magician
(See The Seven Men of Spandau by Jack Fishman)).‖ This
represented: ―a magical preparation for the coming of a Man-God
(read: the beast with mortal wound which was healed), the New Man
who the Powers (read: the rebel fallen angels) will establish on the

―Ariosophy (as proffered by Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von
Liebenfels) is an ideological system (including magic practices) based
on Germanic paganism (on the Germanic god Wotan/Wodan, a god
who represented the angel Azazel) influenced by Theosophy as well as
the Theosophical Society which inspired numerous others as well a
number of organizations in Germany and Austria during the years of
the occult revival in Austria and Germany of the late 19th and early
20th centuries. The Thule Society was considered to be such an
ariosophic organzization: ―The Thule Society (a Germanic (völkisch)
study group/literary group called the Thule Gesellschaft), from which
the NSDAP (the National Socialist German Workers‘ Party)
originated, was one of the ariosophic groups of the 1920s. Thule
Gesellschaft had initially been the name of the Munich lodge of the
Germanenorden (Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail; the god
Walvater is Wotan in triple form, Wotan representing of course, the
angel Azazel. The Holy Grail represented Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth).
It took its name from an alleged lost continent Thule, which was
assumed to be the mythical homeland from which the Aryan race had
originated. Atlantis at least, and most likely also Hyperborea, were
taken to be identical with Thule. The superiority of Aryans over all
other races was a key concept and the members of various
Germanenorden lodges (based on a Freemasonic order) saw
themselves (as Teutons or Germanic peoples) as the 'purest' branch of
the Aryan race.‖ – Wikipedia: Ariosophy)

Another man whose influence was apparent on various

members of the Thule Society was German
author/poet/journalist/playright Guido von List: ―Guido von List
(October 5, 1848 – May 17, 1919) was strongly influenced by the
Theosophical thought of (Theosophical Society founder) Madame
(H.P.) Blavatsky, which he blended with his own racial religious
beliefs, founded upon Germanic paganism… A look at the signatories
of the first announcement concerning support for a Guido-von-List-
Gesellschaft (Guido von List Society), circa 1905, reveals that List had
a following of some very prestigious people and shows that List, his
ideology and his influence had widespread and significant support,
including that amongst public figures in Austria and Germany.‖ –
Wikipedia: Guido von List

―In 1918 Sebottendorff made contact with Walter Nauhaus, a member

of the Germanenorden who headed a "Germanic study group" called
the Thule Gesellschaft (Thule Society). The name of Nauhaus' original
Thule Society was adopted as a cover-name for Sebottendorff's
Munich lodge of the Germanenorden Walvater (Walvater was the god
Woden, who represented Azazel) when it was formally dedicated on
August 18, 1918.‖ - Wikipedia: Ariosophy
If you learn anything from this chapter let it be these three things:

1. ―Theosophy was the name finally given to the whole vast

renaissance in the world of magic that affected many thinkers
so profoundly at the beginning of the (20th) century‖

2. ―All these movements: the modern Rosy-Cross (the

Rosicrucians), (the Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn, the
German Vril Society (which will bring us to the Thule Group
where we shall find Haushofer, Hess and Hitler) were more or
less closely associated with the powerful and well organized
Theosophical Society.‖ (Thule is a Greek name which translates as 'isle
of the four Masters,' in reference to the place where Azazel, along with his
three angelic companions, lie entrapped within the earth, being located as it
is between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Arabs call it ‗The Island.‘ It is
also known as the ‗White Island.‘)

3. ―…with the coming of Nazism it was the "other world" (read:

Azazel and his group of rebel angels) which ruled over us for a
number of years…‖ (And still do!)

British spies, English Rosicrucian Master Mason magicians, Irish.

French and English playwrights and poets, Theosophical Society
members. Adolph Hitler. What was the common thread amongst such
a peculiar ad-hoc group? The rebellious fallen angels of course!
These humans were in contact with these angels. (Author‘s Note: This
association with practitioners of magic and secret services/intelligence
agencies hearkens back most famously to the days of the illustrious
British ceremonial magician Dr. John Dee (purportedly the original
007), in the service of her royal majesty Queen Elizabeth I.
Interestingly enough, the Witchcraft Act of 1562 was passed early
during her reign which effectually softened pre-existing anti-witchcraft

The Theosophical Society represented some rich and powerful

interests. The following is exemplary:

―In 1891, Henry Ford became an engineer with the Edison

Illuminating Company, and was promoted to Chief Engineer in 1893.‖
- Wikipedia: Edison Illuminating Company

―While at the Edison Illuminating Company he (Henry Ford) met

Thomas A. Edison (1847–1931), who eventually became one of his
closest friends.‖ -

As noted previously, Thomas Edison was a member of the

Theosophical Society, and though professedly acceptable of every
creed, many members were decidedly anti-Semetic in truth (indeed,
the rebel angels have long ruthlessly persecuted the descendents of
Adam, the image of God). Undoubtably such views would be shared
amongst such learned friends, for as people were fond to say, birds of
a feather flock together. One may also presume an agreement of
principles amongst such kindrid sprits as they (and of a most important
note, Henry Ford was a member of the Bohemian Club, owners of the
Bohemian Grove). Indeed, as regards the charge of anti-Semitism:

―In 1918, Ford's closest aide and private secretary, Ernest G. Liebold,
purchased an obscure weekly newspaper, The Dearborn Independent
for Ford. The Independent ran for eight years, from 1920 until 1927,
during which Liebold was editor. The newspaper published "Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion" (a text describing a Jewish design to
attain global domination), which was discredited by The Times of
London as a forgery during the Independent's publishing run. The
American Jewish Historical Society described the ideas presented in
the magazine as "anti-immigrant, anti-labor, anti-liquor, and anti-
Semitic." In February 1921, the New York World published an
interview with Ford, in which he said "The only statement I care to
make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on."
During this period, Ford emerged as "a respected spokesman for right-
wing extremism and religious prejudice," reaching around 700,000
readers through his newspaper (See Glock, Charles Y. and Quinley, Harold E.
(1983). Anti-Semitism in America. Transaction Publishers. p. 168)… During the
Weimar Republic in the early 1920s, the Protocols was reprinted and
published in Germany, along with anti-Jewish articles first published
by The Dearborn Independent and reprinted in translation in Germany
as a set of four bound volumes, cumulatively titled The International
Jew, the World's Foremost Problem. Ford is the only American
mentioned in Mein Kampf. Steven Watts wrote that Hitler "revered"
Ford, proclaiming that "I shall do my best to put his theories into
practice in Germany, and modeling the Volkswagen, the people's car,
on the model T." (See Watts, The People's Tycoon (2005) p. xi)…‖ – Wikipedia: Henry
Ford (the model T was so designated in honor of the angel Azazel, one of whose symbols was
the tau cross, which was rendered in Greek as a T. See Appendix A at the end of this book)
In years prior:

―He (Henry Ford) opened Ford assembly plants in Britain and Canada
in 1911, and soon became the biggest automotive producer in those
countries. In 1912, Ford cooperated with Agnelli of Fiat to launch the
first Italian automotive assembly plants. The first plants in Germany
were built in the 1920s with the encouragement of (U.S. President)
Herbert Hoover and the Commerce Department (additionally, Ford
also built the Soviet Union‘s first automobile plant in Gorki during the
1930‘s, all World War II Axis combatant countries)...On February 1,
1924 Ford received Kurt Ludecke, a representative of Hitler, at his
home. Ludecke was introduced to Ford by Siegfried Wagner (son of
the famous composer Richard Wagner) and his wife Winifred, both
Nazi sympathizers and anti-Semites (―Years later, in 1977, Winifred
claimed that Ford had told her that he had helped finance Hitler‖) (See Max
Wallace The American Axis: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the Rise of the Third Reich,
(Macmillan, 2004), pp.50-54)...In July 1938, prior to the outbreak of war, the
German consul at Cleveland gave Ford, on his 75th birthday, the
award of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the highest medal
Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner...‖ – Wikipedia: Henry Ford (In
the December 20, 1922 A.D. edition of the New York Times it was reported that Ford was
financing Adolf Hitler)

―In the United States The Protocols (of the Elders of Zion) are to be
understood in the context of the Red scare, the First Red Scare (1917–
1920). The text circulated in 1919 in American government circles,
specifically diplomatic and military, in typescript form, a copy of
which is archived by the Hoover Institute.‖ - Wikipedia: The Protocols of the
Elders of Zion

The Red Scare followed the Communist Bolshevik Revolution in 1917

Russia at the height of World War I. The idea of Jewish Bolshevism
was based on the belief that Jews were responsible for the modern
Communist movement, most specifically of the Russian Bolsheviks
(#2 Bolshevik Leon Trotsky was Jewish). Could Hitler‘s rise to power
(in some minds) be a covert U.S.-British attempt at thwarting an
alleged Zionist plot? You make the call. It seems to bear all the marks
of an American modus operandi, however, a modern example being
the CIA‘s support of Saddam Hussein in his early revolutionary
endeavors, over whose person they later lose control, prompting war.
Indeed, as we learn from the November 20, 2010 Haaretz article
entitled CIA created 'safe haven' for Nazis following WWII, report
finds: New York Times obtains complete version of U.S. Justice
Department report detailing the CIA's use of Nazi émigrés for post-
war intelligence purposes: ―American intelligence officials created a
"safe haven" in the United States for Nazis and their collaborators
following World War II, the New York Times reported over the
weekend, citing a 600-page U.S. Justice Department report that it
obtained. According to the Times report, the Central Intelligence
Agency used Nazi émigrés for post-war intelligence purposes.‖

‗Coincidentally‘ enough, in 1919 as The Protocols of the

Elders of Zion circulated within American diplomatic and military
circles, the anti-Semitic Adolf Hitler makes a timely appearance
(Hitler it is said, was a British spy (See Hitler Was a British Agent
(Greg Hallet, 2005 A.D.))):

―On 5 January 1919, the locksmith Anton Drexler, and five other men,
founded the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP — German Workers'
Party), the predecessor of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche
Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP — National Socialist German Workers’
Party). In July 1919, the Reichswehr intelligence department
dispatched Corporal Adolf Hitler, as a Verbindungsmann (police
spy) to infiltrate and subvert the DAP. His oratory so impressed the
DAP members, they asked him join the party, and, in September 1919,
the police spy Hitler became the party's propagandist. On 24 February
1920, the DAP (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; German Worker’s Party)
was renamed the National Socialist German Workers‘ Party, against
Hitler‘s preferred ―Social Revolutionary Party‖ name. Later, in
consolidating his control of the NSDAP, Hitler ousted Drexler from
the party and assumed leadership on 29 July 1921.‖ – Wikipedia: Nazism

(Enter the Golden Dawn):

―In 1888 (alternatively, 1887), the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
was born, beginning a renaissance of interest in the occult that has
continued to the present day. It is impossible to overstate the importance
of the Golden Dawn to modern occultists; not only through its rituals, but
also through its personalities and, of course, the Order‘s making available
a large body of occult lore that would otherwise have remained unknown
or hidden in obscurity…We cannot look at the (Hermetic Order of the)
Golden Dawn in isolation from its own origins. It is descended from a
myriad of esoteric traditions including Rosicrucianism, Theosophy and
Freemasonry – the latter in its own right, as well as via the Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), a scholarly and ceremonial association
open to Master Masons only…Whether the German Lodge or its obliging
representative Frau Sprengel actually existed is a matter still under debate
but, either in fact or in spirit, these were the source for the Cipher
Manuscripts which were used to found the Isis-Urania Lodge in 1888.
Isis-Urania was founded by Dr. William Wynn Westcott, Dr. William
Woodman, and Samuel Liddell (“MacGregor”) Mathers. Not only
were all three Master Masons, Westcott and Mathers were also
members of the Theosophical Society. Most importantly though, the
three were a ruling triumvirate that managed the affairs of the SRIA.
This is significant, for the SRIA numbered among its members Hargrave
Jennings, who is reputed to have been involved with a Pagan group at the
end of the 19th century which drew its inspiration from Apuleius‘ The
Golden Ass. But back to the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn.
Whether the Cipher Manuscripts actually existed (the Cipher Manuscripts
were ―a collection of 60 folios containing the structural outline of a series of magical
initiation rituals…used as the structure for the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn…The Cipher Manuscripts are the original source upon which the rituals and
the knowledge lectures of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn were based. The
basic structure of the rituals and the names of the Grades are similar to those of the
Rosicrucian orders Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) and the German 'Orden
der Gold- und Rosenkreuzer'.‖ - Wikipdeia), or Westcott manufactured them is now
largely irrelevant (they are similar to that of high-degree Freemasonry and
Rosicrucianism). Mathers was commissioned to edit the rituals into a workable
shape, and thus the Golden Dawn was born. Members of the Isis-Urania Lodge at
various times also included Allan Bennett (―Charles Henry Allan Bennett (1872 –
1923) was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He was a friend,
mentor and associate of author and occultist Aleister Crowley. Bennett received the
name Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya at his ordination as a Buddhist monk and spent
years studying and practicing Buddhism in the East. He was the second Englishman
to be ordained as a Buddhist monk (Bhikkhu) of the Theravada tradition and was
instrumental in introducing Buddhism in England. He established the first Buddhist
Mission in the United Kingdom.‖ – Wikipedia), Moina Mathers (―sister of French
philosopher Henri Bergson, the first man of Jewish descent to be awarded the Nobel
Prize for Literature in 1927. She is, however, more known for her marriage to the
English occultist, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, one of the founders of the
organization Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and, after his death in 1918, for
being the head of a successor organization, called the Rosicrucian Order of the Alpha
et Omega.‖ - Wikipedia), Aleister Crowley, Florence Farr (―Florence Beatrice Emery
(née) Farr (7 July 1860—29 April 1917) was a British West End leading actress,
composer and director. She was also a women's rights activist, journalist, educator,
singer, novelist, leader of a secret occult order, and one time mistress of playwright
George Bernard Shaw. She was a friend and collaborator with Nobel laureate
William Butler Yeats, poet Ezra Pound, playwright Oscar Wilde, artists Aubrey
Beardsley and Pamela Colman Smith, Masonic scholar (and Theosophical Society
member) Arthur Edward Waite, theatrical producer Annie Horniman, and many
other literati of London's Fin de siècle era…Farr practiced magic, including the
classic mystical techniques of invocation and evocation‖ – Wikipedia), Maud Gonne
(English-born Irish revolutionary, best known for her turbulent relationship with
William Butler Yeats), Annie Horniman (―Annie Elizabeth Fredericka Horniman (3
October 1860 – 6 August 1937) was an English theatre patron and manager. She
established the Abbey Theatre in Dublin and founded the first regional repertory
theatre company in Britain at the Gaiety Theatre in Manchester. She encouraged the
work of new writers and playwrights, including W. B. Yeats, George Bernard Shaw
and members of what became known as the Manchester School of dramatists.‖ –
Wikipedia), Arthur Machen (at the age of 39 Machen became a traveling actor,
touring England with Sir Frank Benson‘s Shakespearean company before joining the
St. James Theatre), (Scottish writer and poet) William Sharp (aka novelist ―Fiona
Macleod‖), Arthur (Edward) Waite (A.E. Waite) and (Irish poet) WB Yeats. Also
associated were Lady Gregory (―Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory (15 March 1852 –
22 May 1932), born Isabella Augusta Persse, was an Irish dramatist and folklorist.
With William Butler Yeats and (Irish political and cultural activist and playwright)
Edward Martyn (January 30, 1859 – December 5, 1923), she co-founded the Irish
Literary Theatre and the Abbey Theatre (26 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin, Ireland),
and wrote numerous short works for both companies. Lady Gregory produced a
number of books of retellings of stories taken from Irish mythology.‖ – Wikipedia),
and GW Russell or ―AE‖ (George William Russell, April 10, 1867 – July 17, 1935
A.D.) whose The Candle of Vision was included in the bibliography of The Meaning
of Witchcraft. The literary and Celtic influences within the (Hermetic Order of the)
Golden Dawn were immense. From the Isis-Urania Lodge sprang all the others,
including the so-called Dissident Orders derived through Crowley. It is this line that
some commentators trace to modern Wicca (Wicca pays homage to the Horned God,
who is Azazel, as well as to his human wife), so it is upon the one that we will now
concentrate. Aleister Crowley was initiated into the Isis-Urania Lodge on November
18, 1898. He later quarrelled with Mathers, and in 1903 created his own Order, the
Argenteum Astrum (Silver Star). In 1912, Crowley was initiated into the OTO, and
in 1921, succeeded Theodor Reuss as its Chief…‖ - History of Wicca in England: 1939
to the Present Day (Julia Phillips, 2004 Edition)

Prior to the advent of television, theatrical/operatic companies and

productions as well as reading, literary clubs and study groups were all
the rage in Europe. Often these groups were organized as fronts for
other organizations, with many groups containing smaller secret inner
circles. Many of these groups during the inter-war period between
World Wars I and II were known to be infiltrated by various countries
military spies and their civilian collaborators (Many of these literary
groups were magic-based. Such occult magic groups have long been
known as espionage fronts. In fact, Britain had a department known as
the Occult Bureau within its MI5 intelligence agency, as did Hitler‘s
feared SS secret police agency (the Ahnenerbe)). Such groups often
provide the nucleus for subversive groups as well as political parties
and social movements, etc. Such a theatrical group, housed at the
California Theatre in San Francisco, California, gave rise to the the
Bohemian Club, owners of the Bohemian Grove, where an annual
meeting of the world‘s most powerful men is held, where is included
amongst the activities cermenial magic rituals which invoke the angel
Azazel. Significantly enough, the story of magic and the rebellious
fallen angels was a favorite theme of the period, being widely
ingrained within the popular culture: ―Druids (who were practitioners
of magic) began to figure widely in popular culture with the first
advent of Romanticism. Chateaubriand's novel Les Martyrs (1809)
narrated the doomed love of a druid priestess and a Roman soldier;
though Chateaubriand's theme was the triumph of Christianity over
Pagan druids, the setting was to continue to bear fruit. Opera provides
a barometer of well-informed popular European culture in the early
19th century: in 1817 Giovanni Pacini brought druids to the stage in
Trieste with an opera to a libretto by Felice Romani about a druid
priestess, La Sacerdotessa d'Irminsul ("The Priestess of Irminsul").
The most famous druidic opera, Vincenzo Bellini's Norma was a
fiasco at La Scala, when it premiered the day after Christmas, 1831;
but in 1833 it was a hit in London. For its libretto, Felice Romani
reused some of the pseudo-druidical background of La Sacerdotessa to
provide colour to a standard theatrical conflict of love and duty. The
story was similar to that of Medea, as it had recently been recast for a
popular Parisian play by Alexandre Soumet: the diva of Norma's hit
aria, "Casta Diva," is the moon goddess, being worshipped in the
"grove of the Irmin statue".‖ – Wikipedia: Druid. This theme
concerning mythologies and magic and the fallen angels in popular
culture is also apparent in the works of German composer Richard
Wagner (May 22, 1813 – February 13, 1883 A.D.) and in the works of
other composers of his period. And the works of the English bard
Shakespeare, abounding with tales of magic, gods and goddesses, were
famous on the European theatrical stage small and large. Wagner‘s
compositions are replete with tales of magic and of the fallen angels
and the gods who represented them. The fairy tales of Danish author
and poet Hans Christian Andersen (April 2, 1805 – August 4, 1875
A.D.), the subject of which was likewise magic and the rebellious
fallen angels and their offspring, also circulated at this time. These are
but a few of many examples. By their very nature, poets and authors
(using Shakespeare as a prime example) are major players in the world
of the occult. Culturally speaking, Europe was (and is still) immersed
in traditions of magic and myth. Many of the major players in this
realm are associated with otherwise seemingly innocuous theatrical
groups. As a major example, Gerald Gardner, creator of the system of
magic known as Wicca, was associated with the Rosicrucian Theatre
at Christchurch in England: ―Gerald Gardner (who worked for the
British government in the Civil Service as a Customs officer in the Far
East, later serving as an archaeologist) became a Co Mason when
(upon his retirement) he returned to England in 1936. He joined (the
Fellowship of) Crotona, a Co Masonic group (a Masonic Order
established by Mrs. Besant Scott, daughter of Theosophical Society
president Anne Besant) that had formed "The First Rosicrucian
Theater in England" (which presented plays with occult themes). It
was within The First Rosicrucian Theater that Gerald found the coven
(of witches) that initiated him.‖ – (―In 1902 she (Annie
Besant) established the International Order of Co-Freemasonry in England and over the next
few years established lodges in many parts of the British Empire.‖ – Wikipedia: Annie Besant)

This mystical theatrical tradition eventually wound its way into the
culture of Hollywood, California. In fact, named after the Fellowship
of Crotona was a town in California known named Krotona: ―Krotona
was one of three important Theosophical "colonies" in the U.S. during
the early part of the 20th century. Originally built in Hollywood during
1912, the colony was eventually relocated to Ojai, California in 1926,
where it operates today as the Krotona Institute of Theosophy.‖ –
Wikipedia: Krotona. Most notably, in this tradition was Republican
President Ronald Reagan, a former player on the Hollywood scene in
the land where Kabalists are truly kings. In fact, Reagan was made an
Honorary Scottish Rite Mason. As must also be noted, in the finest
Babylonian mystic tradition, according to a May 16, 1988 A.D. Time
Magazine© article ―the most closely guarded domestic secret of the
Reagan White House‖ was ―First Lady Nancy Reagan's reliance on a
San Francisco astrologer to determine the timing of the President's
every public move.‖ God abhors such magic practices (See
Deuteronomy 18:10-12), astrology included. Ronald Reagan is also
known to have attended Bohemian Grove ceremonies where
ceremonial magicians invoke the angel Azazel. As must be
additionally noted, Vice-President during the Reagan years was former
President George H.W. Bush (father of former President George W.
Bush), who was also a Bohemian Grove attendee. George H.W. Bush
was former Director of Central Intelligence for the CIA (1976-1977).
He was also a 33° Freemason, high-degree Freemasonry exhibiting a
long tradition of invoking and establishing contact with rebellious
fallen angels. This association with practitioners of magic and secret
services/intelligence agencies cooperating with and being guided by
the fallen angels hearkens back most famously to the days of the
famous British magician Dr. John Dee (purportedly the original 007),
in the service of her majesty Queen Elizabeth I. America‘s
Intelligence Agencies are modeled on and established in co-operation
with British Military Intelligence agencies.

(Author‘s Note: One of the most influential books of the 1960‘s

appeared at the beginning of the decade, becoming a best seller in
America, Britain, and Europe, this book being, namely The Morning
of the Magicians (by Pauwels/Bergier), thus sparking a newfound
interest in all things magic and occult, its release having a major
influence on the leaders of popular culture on both sides of the
Atlantic. Following its release, Zen and tantric yoga make an
appearance on the cultural scene. The 1960‘s and early 1970‘s most
famously saw an occult revival in the counterculture in San Francisco,
California, most notably at Haight-Ashbury. At this time Aleister
Crowley‘s face appears on the cover of the Beatles‘ Sergeant Pepper‘s
Lonely Hearts Club Band. The Beatles also traveled to India to meet
the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The Rolling Stones at this time introduce
Sympathy for the Devil, a decidedly Sufi/Theosophical Society style
treatment of our age old adversary. Heavy Metal as a music genre also
enters the music mainstream celebrating all things devil-ish. Occult-
based New Age authors also become overnight best sellers. At this
time familiar old names are re-introduced, namely Helena Blavatsky,
Rudolph Steiner, H.P. Lovecraft and Russian ceremonial magician G.I.
Gurdjieff. Blavatsky herself was a major 60‘s counterculture icon. In a
most revealing way, 1970 A.D. article by Kurt Vonnegut in McCall’s
Magazine hails Madame Blavatsky as ‗the Founding Mother of the
Occult in America.‘ The list of occult associations with American
popular culture goes on and on, including the pop-phenomenon
Dungeon’s and Dragons © fantasy role playing game replete with
mystical worlds of magic and occult themes. As Gary Lachmann
explains in Turn Off Your Mind (2001 A.D.): ―…in 1960s France a
literary time bomb exploded. It was called Morning of the Magicians
by two French alchemists, Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier. The
publishers Gallimard had expected a modest success but by the end of
the decade the mayflower English language paperback alone had sold
1 million copies…within weeks of its publication, The Morning of the
Magicians had both banks of the Seine talking about alchemy,
extraterrestrials, lost civilizations, esotericism, Charles Fort, secret
societies, higher states of consciousness and the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn…It was a magical revolution - a revival of the occult.
Previously rejected and ridiculed beliefs took centre stage, reaching
the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, saturating the hippies and flower
power, hitting the big screen with Rosemarie‘s Baby [a film that
featured Anton Le Vey in cameo role as Satan] and the bookshelves
with Lord of the Rings. The Tarot, I Ching, astrology, kabbala, yogis,
witchcraft, UFOs. Aleister Crowley, yin-yang and The Tibetan Book
of the dead became the common currency they are today.‖ - Turn Off
Your Mind (Gary Lachmann, 2001 A.D.)

Now back to Gardner:

―Having looked at the development of the magical orders which resulted

from the British occult revival of the 19th and 20th Centuries, we can see
where this ties in with Wicca and (Gerald) Gardner‘s claim of traditional
initiation.‖ - History of Wicca in England: 1939 to the Present Day (Julia Phillips, 2004
Edition) (An interesting note: ―Robert Cochrane (26 January 1931 - 3 July 1966), who was
born as Roy Bowers, was an English Neopagan witch who founded the tradition known as
Cochrane's Craft…In 1966, he committed ritual suicide.‖ – Wikipedia)

Magic, which involves the invocation of fallen angels, is

practiced in high-degree Freemasonry:

―The (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn was not the only influence
upon (Gerald) Gardner. Freemasonry has also had a tremendous impact
upon the Wicca. Not only were the three founders of Isis-Urania
Temple Masons, so too were (Aleister) Crowley (a 33° Freemason)
and Arthur Waite (A.E. Waite). Gardner and at least one member of
the first Coven, Edith Woodford-Grimes, were both Co-Masons.‖ -
History of Wicca in England: 1939 to the Present Day (Julia Phillips, 2004 Edition)

―It is vital to understand that this past interchange between Masonry

and these various occult groups did not stop in the 18th century. If
anything, it has grown more prominent in the past century. There is
something about the Lodge that has always attracted sorcerers. The
historical list of occultists and Witches in the last century who
were Freemasons reads like a Who‘s Who of 20th century
occultism: Arthur Edward Waite—occult writer and Masonic
historian; Dr. Wynn Westcott—member of the Societas Rosicruciana
in Anglia and founding member of the occult (Hermetic) Order of the
Golden Dawn—the most influential magical society of the 19th - early
20th century; S. L. MacGregor Mathers—co-founder of the (Hermetic
Order of the) Golden Dawn; Aleister Crowley—master Satanist of this
century and founder of the anti-christ religion of Thelema—claimed to
be "The Great Beast 666"; Dr. Gerard Encaussé—(Papus) masterful
author, teacher of the Tarot and leader of the occult Martiniste society
(―Gerard Encausse (July 13, 1865 - 25 October 1916), whose esoteric
pseudonym was Papus, was the Spanish-born French physician,
hypnotist, and popularizer of occultism, who founded the modern
Martinist Order…As a young man, Encausse spent a great deal of time
at the Bibliothèque Nationale (the National Library in Paris, France)
studying the Kabbalah, occult tarot, the sciences of magic and
alchemy, and the writings of Eliphas Lévi. He joined the French
Theosophical Society shortly after it was founded by Madame
Blavatsky in 1884 – 1885…In 1888, he co-founded his own group, the
Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix…Encausse was also a member of
the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light and the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn temple in Paris, as well as Memphis-Misraim (a
Freemasonic group) and probably other esoteric or paramasonic
organizations, as well as being an author of several occult books.‖ –
Wikipedia: Gérard Encausse) (One of the secrets passed down during the high-degree
rituals of the Masonic Rite of Memphis is the existence of the ―genii‖ which ―dwell
under the earth‖ (See The Secret High Degree Rituals of the Masonic Rite of
Memphis p.26 (John Yarker, 1911 A.D.)); Dr. Theodore Reuss—head of the
O.T.O., a German occult/satanic society which made (Aleister)
Crowley its head for the British Isles; George Pickingill (1816-1909
A.D.) —the Grand Master Witch of 19th century England, leader of
the "Pickingill covens" (Pickingill is what is known as a cunning man.
―The cunning folk (men and women) in Britain were professional or
semi-professional practitioners of magic...‖ - Wikipedia: Cunning folk in
Britain; the magician Aleister Crowley was said to have been a
Pickingill initiate. It must be noted the pop-icon magic man Harry
Potter© is a British invention the result of a long tradition in the
English Isles); Annie Besant—leader of the occult Theosophical
society and Co-Masonic hierarch (Yes, there are female Masons!);
Alice Bailey—founder of the proto-New Age organization, Lucis
(formerly Lucifer) Trust; Bishop Charles W. Leadbetter—Theosophist
(and Theosophical Society member), mentor to the failed New Age
(false) "Christ", Krishnamurti, and prelate in the occult Liberal
Catholic Church; Manly P. Hall—Rosicrucian adept (high-degree
Freemason), author, founder of the Philosophical Research Society;
Gerald B. Gardner—founder of the modern Wiccan (white Witchcraft)
revival and Alex Sanders —self-styled "King of the Witches" in
London (―Alex Sanders (June 6, 1926 - April 30, 1988), born Orrell
Alexander Carter, was an English occultist and High Priest in the
Neopagan religion of Wicca, responsible for founding the tradition of
Alexandrian Wicca during the 1960s.‖ – Wikipedia: Alex Sanders (Wiccan))
and one of the most influential leaders of Wicca after Gardner.‖
Freemasonry: The Witchcraft Connection by William J. Schnoebelen: ―William Schnoebelen
was deeply involved in both Witchcraft as a Wiccan high priest and the Masonic order for
many years. He was a Mason for nine years and a Witch for sixteen years. In the Lodge, he
held offices of Junior Warden in the Blue Lodge, Prelate in the Commandery of the York Rite,
Master of the Veil in the Royal Arch degree, and Associate Patron in the Order of the Eastern
Star. Additionally, he was a 32° Mason and a Shriner‖

―There were numerous sources other than Murray, however. In 1899,

Charles Godfrey Leland‘s Aradia: Gospel of the Witches was published.
Most of (Aleister) Crowley‘s work was available in published form
during the pre- and post-war years, as were the texts written and
translated by (S.L.) MacGregor Mathers and (A.E.) Waite. Also readily
available were works such as The Magus by Francis Barrett and, of
course, the many classics from which (occult author Gerald) Gardner
drew much inspiration.‖ - History of Wicca in England: 1939 to the Present Day (Julia
Phillips, 2004 Edition)

―Another book that has had a profound influence on many Wiccans, and
would undoubtedly have been well known by Gardner is The Golden
Bough by Sir JG Frazer (according to Wikipedia: ―The Golden Bough:
A Study in Magic and Religion is a wide-ranging, comparative study
of mythology and religion, written by Scottish anthropologist Sir
James George Frazer (1854–1941).‖). Although the entire book was
written based upon purely secondary research, it is an extensive
examination of many Pagan practices from the Ancient World, and the
emphasis of the Sacrificed God could certainly have been taken from here
equally as well as from Murray. It is likely that some the Gardnerian
ritual practices (ceremonial magic rituals) were derived from The Golden
Bough, or from Frazer‘s own sources listed in its bibliography.‖ - History
of Wicca in England: 1939 to the Present Day (Julia Phillips, 2004 Edition)

―Apparently one evening in 1949, Kenneth Grant (―Kenneth Grant (born

May 23, 1924) is a British occultist and head of the magical order
previously known as the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) but
which is now referred to as the Typhonian Order… He met and began
personal tutelage in magick under Aleister Crowley in 1944, at the age
of twenty. Crowley was sixty-nine…Grant was a great admirer and
close friend of Austin Osman Spare. Together they founded the Zos
Kia Cultus in 1952.‖ – Wikipedia) and his wife, Gardner (English Wiccan
and Father of Garderian Wicca, Gerald Brousseau Gardner (June 13,
1884 - February 12, 1964), Dolores North (Madeline Montalban) (She
was an ―English ceremonial magician known for founding the occult
organisation known as the Order of the Morning Star, through which
she taught her own form of Luciferian magic.‖ - Wikipedia), and an
unnamed Witch (probably Olive Green) met to perform a (magic) ritual
together, supposedly to contact an extraterrestrial being. The material
basis for the rite was a drawing by AO Spare (English artist Austin
Osman Spare (December 30, 1886 – May 15, 1956) was a practicing
magician, authoring such books as A Book of Satyrs (1907 A.D.) and
Anathema of Zos (1927 A.D.)).‖ History of Wicca in England: 1939 to the
Present Day (Julia Phillips, 2004 Edition)

In fact, according to the magic order Ordo Templi Orientis‘

journal Khabs, "the central concern of magic is communion
with…extraterrestrial intelligences." These so-called
―extraterrestrial intelligences‖ with whom they seek to communicate
are the alien rebellious fallen angels themselves. Magic systems
invoke these angels and seek to communicate with them. And do.
The magic tradition lives on today, most notably at the Bohemian
Grove in northern California U.S.A. Any organization, political or
otherwise, demonstrating or participating in such a magic tradition,
must be suspect at best.

It is important to note this extraterrestrial connection with

magic, as one most interesting offshoot of magic is the so-called UFO
cults and UFO religions of 20th Century America. The most famous
(infamous) amongst modern UFO cults/UFO religions is The Nation of
Islam (founded by Wallace Fard Muhammad, 1930 A.D.), Heaven’s
Gate (founded by Marshall Applewhite, 1970‘s A.D.; on March 26,
1997 A.D., 39 of its members committed ritual mass suicide) and The
Church of Scientology (founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 A.D.).
Theosophy (such as evidenced in the teachings of the Theosophical
Society) is also considered to be a UFO religion. What these
organizations adhere to is what is known as the Ancient Astronaut

―According to certain authors, intelligent extraterrestrial beings

called ancient astronauts or ancient aliens have visited Earth, and
this contact is connected with the origins or development of human
cultures, technologies, and religions (some authors cite verses of The
Bible such as Genesis 6:1-4 as proof!). A common variant of the idea
includes proposals that deities from most, if not all, religions are
actually extraterrestrials, and their technologies were taken as
evidence of their divine status…Proponents of ancient astronaut
theories often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations
of beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. An associated
idea is that much of human knowledge, religion, and culture came
from extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times.‖ – Wikipedia: Ancient
Astronauts (―In their 1966 book Intelligent Life in the Universe astrophysicists I.S. Shklovski
and Carl Sagan devote a chapter to arguments that scientists and historians should seriously
consider the possibility that extraterrestrial contact occurred during recorded history.‖ –
Wikipedia: Ancient Astronauts) (One of the books which falls into this category is a book by
Erich von Däniken entitled Chariots of the Gods?: ―Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries
of the Past…is a book written in 1968 by Erich von Däniken. It involves the hypothesis that
the technologies and religions of many ancient civilizations were given to them by ancient
astronauts who were welcomed as gods.‖ – Wikipedia: Chariots of the Gods?)

The Theosophical Society itself fits the definition of a ‗UFO

Cult.‘ The following selection from Theosophical Society President
Annie Besant (circa 1911 A.D.) offered the following spin on an age
old story:

―If you could look backwards beyond historical periods; backwards

still across the mist of legend and of myth; backwards into the
darkness of the past where even legend and myth have ceased to be;
backwards ever, into the far night of time, into the beginnings of
humanity, as humanity, on our globe; then would you see a brilliant
golden cloud (an alien spacecraft, more commonly known by its
Biblical name, ‗cherub‘) flashing down to earth from a far-off
planet — the planet which you know as Shukra, and which we call
Venus in the West (in actuality the angels hail from the New Earth).
From that planet far away in space a radiant cloud (a brightly lit
cherub/spacecraft) is coming, a cloud (cherub/spacecraft) of fire and of
light; and as it descends through the ambient air, as the clouds of
heaven roll away dispersing at its coming, the fire-cloud
(cherub/spacecraft) sinks gently to earth like some huge Bird of
Heaven, and settles down upon an island — the White Island, it is
called in the Purãnas (in Eastern religious texts) — the island on which
later was built the sacred City of Shamballa. There the fiery cloud
(cherub/spacecraft) comes to rest; there the glorious Beings
(angels) who were borne in it, as in a chariot of fire, descend. They
are the Sons of the Fire, the Lords of the Flame: They come to this
planet as the Messengers (the word ‗messenger‘ may be used
synonymously with the word ‗angel‘) of the Logos, of Îshvara (a
deva/god) Himself; They (the angels) come as the Helpers of our
infant humanity, to guide its tottering steps along the path of
evolution.‖ - The White Lodge and it's Messengers Adyar Pamphlets No. 149 (Annie
Besant, 1911 A.D.) (Besant‘s use of the phrase ―chariot of fire‖ to denote a cherub-type
spacecraft is not without precedence. 2 Kings 2:11 describes the presence of such a ―chariot of
fire‖ when Elijah was said to be taken up to heaven)

Most legitimate UFO sightings today may be attributed to the

activities of the saucer-shaped cherubim of the rebellious fallen angels.
The angels were particularly notably active in the mid 20th Century

―The beginning of the modern UFO era is often traced back to June 24,
1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold sighted "a formation of very
bright objects" while flying over the Cascade mountains of
Washington State…Arnold described the objects as moving "like a
saucer would if you skipped it across the water." Bill Bequette, a
reporter with the East Oregonian newspaper, recalled Arnold's
description when he later placed his story on the AP wire. His use of
the phrase "saucer-like" gave the phenomenon a name: "flying
saucers" … Kenneth Arnold's sighting was one of the first of over
850 UFO reports to appear in the US media by the end of July,
1947. Approximately 150 reports made their way into the files of
Technical Intelligence, T-2, at Wright Field. Today these files are part
of the USAF Project Blue Book files located at the National Archives
in College Park, Maryland… Perhaps even better known than
Kenneth Arnold's sighting is the so-called Roswell Incident, the
alleged retrieval and cover-up of a crashed flying disc somewhere
near Roswell, New Mexico, in June/July, 1947.‖ - PROJECT 1947: UFO
REPORTS - 1947

Some four months following this incident at Roswell:

―The newly created United Nations approved the Partition Plan for
Palestine (United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181) on
November 29, 1947, which sought to divide the country into two
states—one Arab and one Jewish. Jerusalem was to be designated an
international city—a corpus separatum—administered by the UN.‖ -

Soon after came the declaration of the state of Israel by David

Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948 A.D. successfully bringing
to an end the British Mandate for Palestine which provided for "the
establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people"
the commission of which was established by the League of Nations
after World War I with the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire under
the terms of the Treaty of Sèvres signed on the 10th of August, 1920

The Treaty of Versailles which was signed on June 28, 1919

A.D. formally brought Germany‘s participation in World War I to an
end and contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the onset of World
War II. The Second World War brought reports of mysterious round,
lighted UFO‘s known as Foo Fighters capable of moving at incredible
speeds, the reported sightings of which occur in both the European and
Pacific Theaters of Operation.

The rash of UFO sightings in America following World War II

produced a number of government investigatory projects, these often
being highly secretive in nature:

―Project Sign was an official U.S. Government study of unidentified

flying objects (UFOs) undertaken by the United States Air Force in
late 1947 (following the incident at Roswell) and dissolved in late
1948… Some of Sign's personnel including director Robert Sneider,
favored the extraterrestrial hypothesis (that credible UFO reports can
be credited to UFOs which are extrarerrestial in nature) as the best
explanation for UFO reports. They prepared the Estimate of the
Situation arguing their case. This theory was ultimately rejected by
high-ranking officers, and Project Sign was dissolved and replaced by
Project Grudge.‖ – Wikipedia

The age of cover-up began in earnest:

―Project Grudge was a short-lived project by the U.S. Air Force to

investigate unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Grudge succeeded
Project Sign in February, 1949…The project formally ended in
December 1949, but actually continued on in a very minimal capacity
until late 1951…and was then followed by Project Blue Book. Project
Blue Book was one of a series of systematic studies of unidentified
flying objects (UFOs) conducted by the United States Air Force
(U.S.A.F.) (which) Started in 1952‖ – Wikipedia

The era of coverup and secrecy continued. One notable

incident occurring in 1952 A.D. included:

―The 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident, also known as the

Washington flap or the Washington National Airport Sightings, was a
series of unidentified flying object reports from July 12 to July 29,
1952, over Washington D.C. The most publicized sightings took place
on consecutive weekends, July 19– 20 and July 26– 27. Longtime
ufologist Richard H. Hall, who served as the assistant director of
NICAP and as the director of the Fund for UFO Research, writes "The
summer 1952 UFO sighting wave was one of the largest of all time,
and arguably the most significant of all time in terms of the credible
reports and hardcore scientific data obtained." … The sightings of July
19–20, 1952, made front-page headlines in newspapers around the
nation (note this date. It is one with which we are quite familiar).‖ –

On July 19/20, 1952 A.D. (coincidentally enough the very

same date of Azazel‘s expected future release, this date also coinciding
with annual Bohemian Grove festivities which include the conjuring
of/communication with, rebellious fallen angels), seven unidentified
flying objects (recall the Maskims, Satan‘s group of seven cherubim)
appeared over the White House, the official residence and principal
workplace of the President of the United States of America, also
appearing over the United States Capitol building, which is the
meeting place of the United States Congress, located on the new
Capitoline Hill. The House of the Temple, headquarters of the (33°)
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the Southern Jurisdiction, is also
located in Washington, D.C., 13 blocks away from the White House.
Turn and be healed. Go in peace. Serve the LORD.

John of the Gentiles

Christian Scribe

Amen. Come Lord Jesus.

Appendix A
The Rose Cross of Azazel
According to an esoteric reading of the Tarot, a Red Rose
represents Venus (Azazel‘s human wife), while a Red Cross represents
the angel Azazel. The combined Rose-Cross in one respect represents
the sexual union of Azazel and his human wife. The word
‗Rosicrucian‘ is German for ‗Rose Cross,‘ a term synonymous with
Red Cross. In addition to this, the word ‗rose‘ is an anagram for Eros,
the name of the Greek god of Love, who was the first-born son of the
angel Azazel and of his human wife. The 18th Degree in Freemasonry
is commonly known as the Rose-Croix (Rose Cross), a fact showing
the relation to and establishing a link between these two seemingly
diverse organizations. In fact, the ascension of Freemasonry as we
know it today correspondingly relates to the decline of the Rosicrucian
order in Europe (Dr Sigismund Bacstrom, an important Rosicrucian
scholar of the alchemical sciences, wrote in Bacstrom’s Rosicrucian
Society (circa late 18th to early 19th Centuries A.D.) of ―the August
most ancient and most learned (Rosicrucian) Society, the Investigators
of Divine, Spiritual and Natural Truth (which Society, more than two
centuries and a half ago, did separate themselves from the
Freemasons…).‖ In addition, and of a most interesting note, The
Order of Maat Supreme Grand Lodge owns a web site called Links
Central of Maat, by their own profession ―a web ring for
Rosicrucians,‖ which employs a rose-cross ankh symbol (a rosetau).
This is derived from the name of the Egyptian god Seker, who
represented the angel Azazel, who was called ‗He of the rosetau,‘
which is to say, he of the rose (red) cross. In Scene 2 of the 3rd
Tableau of the Initiation of Plato, it is revealed that Azazel‘s symbol,
―the red cross,‖ was ―traced upon the banner of Egypt,‖ on what
amounted to being the national flag of Egypt. And according to Flying
Roll No. 10 (in Roman numerals, 10 = X, named in honor of Azazel)
of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, ‗X‘ (a cross variant) is the
occult sign of Osiris risen (it must also be noted The Church of
Scientology employs a similar logo, called the Cross Saltire. Compare
to Aleister Crowley‘s OTO Rose Cross Lamen. This signifies
Azazel‘s (represented by the ‗X‘) future appearance as the false Christ
(represented by the cross). When the symbol for Azazel (x) is
superimposed upon the cross (+), it forms what is known as an eight-
point compass rose. For this reason a classical wooden ship‘s wheel,
which resembles an eight point compass rose, is at times used as a
symbol of Azazel. A ship's anchor is also used as a symbol for the
union of Azazel and his human wife, as it represents the union of the
tau cross, representative of Azazel, with the crescent moon, the
crescent moon being a symbol of Azazel‘s human wife). In Egyptian
hieroglyphics the god Ptah (a god who represented Azazel) is always
associated with an ‗x‘ within a circle (for this reason an ox has become
an esoteric symbol of Azazel. A male ox is called a bull, a common
angel symbol. By extension, Azazel‘s human wife may be symbolized
as a cow. Egyptian cow goddesses represent Azazel‘s human wife)
(compare this to the Cross of Wodan, also a cross within a circle. The
Germanic god Wodan is yet another god who represented the angel
Azazel/Behemoth. In some circles the ‗cross within a circle‘ motif is
also known as the Mark of Cain. Cain was the son of Azazel by Eve.
The so-called Freemasonic Scottish Rite 18th Degree Rose Croix
quartered circle is a variant of the ‗cross within a circle‘ motif. The
quartered circle was the badge (talisman/charm) of the Grand Master
of the Knights Templars). The red cross (in appearance a red X), was
emblazoned upon Azazel‘s cherub (―Lamia is the ―snake‖ among the
Ophidian; Lama is the hand: lamh, hand, is a divine name in the
Scythian tongue. It also means the number 10, and the Roman
numeral X, which is a cross….which, according to Eastern allegory, is
placed…upon the Rebellious Spirits (angels) in their ‗abyss‘ or
‗prison.‘― - The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries (SRIA member Hargrave
Jennings, 1870 A.D.)). The Egyptian god Osiris represented Azazel‘s
cherub Behemoth. According to the Ritual Magic of the Golden Dawn
(King 1987), the rising of Adonai, of Mithra the Lord of Wide Pastures
was by the ancient mysteries symbolized under the form of a rose. In
a like way, the gods Adonai and Mithra represented Azazel/Behemoth.
Azazel will in the future arise within his cherub being loosed from his
earthly imprisonment. In respect to the angel Azazel, the rose cross
symbolizes the future rising of Azazel/Behemoth.
The red cross as a symbol of Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth also
hearkens back to the Egyptian mysteries of Osiris. The god Osiris
represented Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, and by extension, Azazel. In
the Egyptian Hymn to Osiris, the ―disk‖ of Osiris (Osiris = Behemoth)
is identified as the ―rosetau,‖ the rose (red) cross (―Divine oblation to
Osiris (Behemoth) Khent-Amenti, lord of Abydos… the disk… the ro-
sta-u‖ Hymn to Osiris). Cherubim are disk-shaped. It must also be
noted the tau cross (rendered in Greek as a T) is the 19th letter of the
Greek alphabet. Azazel‘s prophesied release takes place on the 19th
day of July 2016 A.D. The Rosicrucians, whose name means ―rose
cross‖ in German, names their secret organization after it). The
Germanic name Christian Rosenkreuz, which in English translates as
‗Christian Rose Cross,‘ represents no other persona than the rebellious
angel Azazel himself. The name is a play on words which may be
interpreted as the christ of the red cross, representing Azazel, whose
sign is the red cross, in reference to his future appearance as the false-
christ/false prophet/messiah (See Revelations 16:13) (According to the
Rosicrucian Hargrave Jennings (The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and
Mysteries, p.142), the color red is male and represents the Salvator, a
Latin word meaning ‗Savior‘). (It must also be mentioned when one
adds a disk (O) (Azazel‘s cherub is disk-shaped), to the word Sirius, it
becomes Osirius, and when one drops the ‗u‘ it becomes Osiris. The
heliacal rising of the star Sirius in 2016 A.D. takes place on the 19th
day of July, the day Azazel is to emerge from his earthen
imprisonment, claiming to be Christ. In this same way, the god Ea,
alternatively spelled Ia (another such god which represented
Azazel/Behemoth), becomes Iao (the name of the Gnostic god) with
the inclusion of the disc (O)).
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn also esoterically
derives its name from Azazel. Hermes was another Egyptian name for
Azazel, he of a thousand names. The Golden Dawn is analogous of
the solar disk, the sun, which like Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, is disk-
shaped and rises at dawn, which is the expected time of Azazel‘s
future release (―the holy one (read: the angel Azazel in his cherub)
appeared…; as a golden dawn did he appear…‖ Aleister Crowley‘s
NOMINA EORUM) (in Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXI B.D.
Chap. XV it was said the Egyptian god Ra, who represented the angel
Azazel, ―risest at dawn‖ in allusion to the time of Azazel‘s release).
Israeli Regardie, a Rosicrucian who later joined the Stella Matutina, a
successor organization of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
writes in his book entitled The Golden Dawn: ―‗The Rose-Cross‘… is
a glyph…of the higher Genius (read: angel) to whose knowledge and
conversation the student is eternally aspiring‖ (in reference to Aleister
Crowley‘s ―attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the
Holy Guardian Angel‖). The ‗Genius‘ of which Regardie speaks with
whom such individuals sought to converse is a so-called ‗guardian
angel,‘ the angel Azazel. His glyph/symbol is the rose cross/red cross.
According to a footnote to The Dionysian Artificers: ―Thamuz
(Tammuz) signifies the name of a month, and likewise the name of an
idol or divinity, which even in the opinion of St. Jerome is the same as
(the god) Adonis (both are gods who represent the angel Azazel).
Plutarch says that the Egyptians called Osiris Ammuz, and from
thence was corruptly derived the name of Jupiter Ammon. Robertson
(Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae) says that the word Ammuz (read
Ammoum) used by Herodotus and Plutarch, were corruptions from the
Hebrew Thamuz (Hebrew ‫{ תםוז‬Hebrew TMWZ}). I would rather say
that the word was originally Egyptian, and made Hebrew by the
addition of the formative ‫{ ת‬Hebrew T})…‖ And so was an Egyptian
name for Azazel, namely Ammuz, changed into the name Tammuz by
the addition of the sign for Azazel, namely, the tau cross (rendered in
Greek as a T). It must be noted The Dionysian Articifers (circa. 1820
A.D.) is an essay written by an eminent Brazilian Freemason. (Notable
quote: ―The TAU is the central figure of the Theosophical Seal and the heart of its message.‖ -
The Theosophical Seal (Arthur M. Coon, 1958 A.D.)) (The Thames River in England is named
after Thamuz/Azazel: ―The Thames through Oxford is often given the name the River Isis,
although historically, and especially in Victorian times, gazetteers and cartographers insisted
that the entire river was correctly named the River Isis from its source until Dorchester-on-
Thames. Only at this point, where the river meets the River Thame and becomes the "Thame-
isis" (subsequently abbreviated to Thames) should it be so-called; Ordnance Survey maps still
label the Thames as "River Thames or Isis" until Dorchester.‖ – Wikipedia: River Thames.
Isis, it must be remembered, is an Egyptian name for Azazel‘s human wife))

The Rose Window (the rosette window) on the façade of the

Rosslyn Chapel (aka the Collegiate Chapel of St Matthew) located at
the village of Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland, employs such rose cross
symbolism in its architechural design. This is a symbol of the future
release of the angel Azazel. Other architetural features of Rosslyn
Chapel include over 110 ‗Green Man‘ carvings. The Green Man
represents the angel Azazel (the Egyptian god Osiris, a god who
represented Azazel/Behemoth, was depicted with green skin). Ancient
Sumerian depictions of Azazel show him wearing rosette bracelets. It
must be noted the Rosslyn Chapel was erected by 15th Century Masons
acting under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church.

Ceremonial magician A.E. Waite and one-time Chief of the

Druid Order in England Godfrey Higgins believed that the secret to
forming the Philosopher‘s Stone with the aid of dew was the secret
concealed in the Rosicrucian name. One interpretation of the Rose
Cross is that the rose represents the dew in an alchemical process, as
Rosi Crucis translates as ‗dew cup.‘ The following scripture
esoterically refer to regeneration as it refers to the Resurrection. Note
the use of the rose motif to symbolize regeneration. Flowers are often
used as symbols to represent the human body:

…your body is the garden of flowers. The Songs of Kabir

Listen to me, you holy sons, and bud like a rose which grows by a
watercourse; exhale fragrance like a frankincense tree, and blossom
like a lily. Give forth an odor and sing a song, bless the Lord (God)
for all His works. The Wisdom of Sirach 39:13-14

How glorious he was…Like roses in the days of first fruits, like lilies
by a spring of water, like a sprig of frankincense, on summer days, like
fire and incense in the censer… The Wisdom of Sirach 50:8,9

I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. Song of Songs 2:1

The rose and the cross of the Rosicrucians also symbolize

regeneration. To Rosicrucians, the rosy cross can represent the
formula for the Universal Medicine, the panacea for all forms of
disease. In addition to the Rosicrucians, the Rose/Cross motif is
shared by the Masons (as evidenced by The Scottish Rite ‗18th degree
Knight of the Rose Cross‘). To the Masons the rose/cross was in one
respect the symbol of regeneration: ―The rose is the ancient emblem of
spring. Upon the cross it signifies…man regenerated‖ (Ancient
Masonry C.C. Zain 1994 p. 249). It must be noted a five-petaled rose
is used to represent a pentagram, while a six-petaled rose represented a
hexagram. The cross is an esoteric symbol for a transverse
electromagnetic wave.

The Rose/Cross motif is also a symbol of (as evidenced by the

Rosy Cross lamen of) the magic group known as the Hermetic Order
of the Golden Dawn. These organizations are all associated and the
use of shared motifs, vis a vis, evidence these organization‘s shared
beliefs, as well as their shared associations. Members of one such
order are often members of similar orders. These organizations are
cell-like and dynamic, and like the hydra of old, they have many heads
working towards the same final goal, so the loss of one does not result
in the destruction of all, while others will spring up in its stead. The
beast lives on to fight another day.
The ancient Roman practice of adorning with roses the door of
a room in which confidential matters were discussed gave birth to the
phrase ―sub rosa,‖ which translates as ―under the rose,‖ meaning, ―to
keep a secret.‖ These were secret meetings of secret societies
discussing secret matters. The Romans called the rose the ‗Flower of
Venus.‘ The goddess Venus represented the angel Azazel‘s human
King Arthur and his Round Table used Rosicrucian motifs, or,
rather, vice versa. The rose/cross symbol was said to be drawn upon
the Round Table used by Arthur and his Knights (the Tree of Life is
also a common symbol amongst Medieval knightly themes).
Arthur‘s/Azazel‘s Round Table represented Azazel‘s cherub
Behemoth. The red cross was also associated with the Holy Grail
which in the Arthurian legends was the Christianized symbolic version
of the long sought after cherub of Azazel (Behemoth). A rose is also
the central motif for the links of the chain upon which the ―Great
George‖ is suspended amongst the jewels of the Order of the Garter.
The symbol of the Knights of the Garter is a red cross on a white
shield. Both were/are Masonic organizations. One symbol of the
Knights Templar was the red cross on a white background, also by
design symbolic of Azazel‘s cherub (the rose/cross combination was
also the badge (talisman/charm) of the Knights Templar group). The
tradition continues today with the Red Cross organization. It must be
mentioned many of the gods which represented Azazel were gods
associated with healing. The Sumerians worshipped Azazel as
Ninazu, the god of healing and of the underworld. The Romans knew
him as Aesculapius, the god of medicine, and he was known to be as
well the Greek and Phoenician god of healing. The red cross which
represents the god-angel of healing Azazel is for this reason used as a
symbol of the medical organization known as the International
Federation of the Red Cross, most commonly known as the Red Cross.
Aesculapius was the Roman god of medicine as well as the
Greek and Phoenician god of healing. He was often depicted wielding
what is known as the Staff of Aesculapius. Various medical
organizations adopted the Staff of Aesculapius as its medical insignia,
the staff itself consisting of an axial rod with a single winged serpent
entwined about it. The U.S. Army Medical Corp has the Staff of
Aesculapius as its insignia. The winged staff/serpent symbolism was
also employed in the symbol of the Caduceus of Hermes. Enki‘s
emblem (Enki who also represented Azazel) was two entwined
serpents and was the symbol of his ‗cult center‘ at Eridu, same as that
of the medical profession. This symbolism is also reminiscent of the
Sumerian underworld god of healing, Ningishzida (Nin- means
‗divinity‘), who‘s symbol was two snakes entwined around a central
axial rod (the Rod of Ningishzida is the symbol of the great guild of
physicians in England) (It must be noted one of the many Egyptian
titles for Azazel was ―the two-headed serpent‖ (See the Egyptian Book
of the Dead Plate XXXI)). The satyrs themselves carried a similar
instrument known as a thyrsus, also known as the rod of Dionysus, a
stick wound round with ivy and tipped with a pine cone. The Sidonian
god of healing, Eshmun, was also depicted holding a serpent entwined
staff in his right hand. All of these healing ‗gods‘ represented the
angel Azazel. In fact, Azazel was what was known as a ‗rapha,‘ a
surgeon, a member of the medical profession. The Book of Enoch lists
medical practices as being amongst the secrets which were revealed to
mankind by Azazel and his group of fallen angels. Many early doctors
were students of the occult, as many folk cures can be found amongst
the folklore of civilizations.

The fact that the cross (X) is linked with Azazel, who is oft
confused by some as being the devil Satan himself, is the reason the
horned devil, who represents the horned god Azazel, is associated with
crossroads. In fact many Egyptian mummies are laid to rest with arms
crossed in the sign of ‗Osiris Risen,‘ the crossed arm symbol of Azazel
being depicted on numerous Egyptian statues and reliefs (a man sitting
cross-legged may also be thusly interpreted). Two crossed swords in
the form of an ‗X‘ is a symbol of the Roman god of war Mars who
likewise represented the angel Azazel, as is the ‗skull and crossbones‘
insignia said to have been originally flown on Knights Templars ships,
though being more famously flown on many of the pirate ships of
British persuasion (these being known collectively as ‗Jolly Roger‘
flags). Interestingly enough, this symbol for Azazel, namely the ‗skull
and crossbone,‘ is a design used in the logo of Yale University‘s Skull
and Bones secret society, of which ex- Republican-presidents George
H. W. Bush and George W. Bush were prominent members. The
swastika is also a variant form of the sign representing the angel
Azazel. The swastika employed by German Nazis, Neo-Nazi Aryan
groups and the Theosophical Society itself is but the Indian/Hindu
form of the sign representing Azazel (X).

It must be noted that the Roman emperor Constantine the Great

(c. 285-337 A.D.), who made Christianity the official religion of
Rome, of ―In this sign, conquer‖ fame, conquered under the sign of
Azazel (as did the ancients Egyptians, England, and later Hitler, also
similarly conquer under the sign of Azazel) when he emblazoned the
red cross on white background insignia on the shields of his
conquering legions (see also the Labarum of Constantine which
incorporates the sign of ―Osiris risen,‖ namely, the ‗x‘). The Knights
Templars (c. 12th - 13th Centuries) likewise employed a red cross on
white field motif, as did their Crusading contemporaries the Knights
Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem who ran a hospital there in
Jerusalem in Israel. Today the Hospitallers are headquartered in
Rome, as is the Vatican, and the Grand Master of the Knights
Hospitallers group is considered the world‘s highest-ranking Catholic
lay person. The modern contemporary of the Knights Hospitallers of
St. John of Jerusalem is the medical organization known as the
International Organization of the Red Cross which likewise employs a
red cross on white background insignia, this being the sign of Azazel.
The British Red Cross Society works closely with a group called the
St. John Ambulance Association, named after the leader of the Knights
Hospitallers, St. John of Jerusalem. The red cross, also known as St.
George‘s Cross, is the English national emblem, with the British flag
incorporating a red cross on a white background motif within its
design (however, the Flag of England is simply a red cross on white
background!). Consider also the May-pole, one of the central motifs
of May Day celebrations in England: ―In olden times nearly every
village had its May-pole, around which, decorated with wreaths of
flowers, ribbons, and flags, our merry ancestors danced from morning
till night. The earliest representation of an English May-pole is that
published in the Variorum "Shakespeare"…The pole is planted in a
mound of earth (planted in the earth, representing Azazel‘s
encapsulation within the earth), and has affixed to it St George's red-
cross banner (the red cross being the sign of Azazel)…‖ Folk-lore of
Shakespeare Chapter XI (T.F. Thiselton Dyer, 1883 A.D.).

All of these motifs represent and honor the angel Azazel whose sign
was the red cross on white background.

(Of an interesting added note, the American Eagle such as that

depicted on the back of the dollar bill (a decidedly Masonic emblem)
is often pictured with its wings unfurled and its legs outstretched
forming an esoteric ‗X‘ the sign of Azazel. And Azazel, it must be
remembered, often dressed in bird costumes)
Appendix B

All high-degree Freemasonic magic groups invoke the

rebellious fallen angels, including the angels Satan and Azazel. No
wonder membership in the fraternal organizations of Freemasonry is
condemned by the Roman Catholic Church with membership in such
an organization being considered a ―grave‖ and mortal sin. As a
matter of fact, the Catholic Church considers Freemasonry to be a
conspiratorial organization hostile to the Church and its doctrines.
Pope Leo, in his Encyclical Letter dated April 20, 1884 A.D.,
Humanus Genus (On Freemasonry), describes Freemasonry and
Freemasonic Organizations as being a ―foul plague,‖ and that people
should ―tear the mask from Freemasonry…to let it be seen as it really
is,‖ and ―as our predecessors have many times repeated, let no man
think that he may for any reason whatsoever join the Masonic sect…as
the whole principle and object of the sect lies in what is vicious and
criminal, to join with these men or in any way to help them cannot be
lawful,‖ and that ones association in such a group is regarded by the
Church as being a ―grave sin,‖ in that ―these evil sects, in which is
revived the contumacious (rebellious) spirit of the
demon…Satan…together with his unsubdued perfidy (deliberate
treachery) and deceit.‖ The letter states that ―at this period, the
partisans of evil seem to be combining together, and to be
struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that
strongly organized and widespread association called the
Freemasons…that this Apostolic See denounced the sect of the
Freemasons, and publicly declared its constitution, as contrary to law
and right, to be pernicious no less to Christendom than to the State,‖
and ―that it is against the Church that the rage and the attack of the
enemies are principally directed.‖ It also states that ―its
(Freemasonry‘s) ultimate purpose…(is) the utter overthrow of that
whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian
teaching has produced (read: the Old New Order), and the substitution
of a new state of things (read: a New World Order) in accordance with
their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from
mere naturalism,‖ and that ―the fundamental doctrine of the
naturalists…is that the human nature and human reason ought in all
things to be mistress and guide,― that ―they deny that anything has
been taught by God.‖ It is the Church‘s belief ―their ultimate
purpose‖ is ―the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political
order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the
substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of
which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.‖
The Church says ―they (Freemasons)…teach the great error of this
age-- that a regard for religion should be held as an indifferent matter,
and that all religions are alike.‖
As an affirmation to past denunciations of Freemasonry by the
Roman Catholic Church, including condemnations by at least nine
different popes in seventeen different pronouncements, and at no less
than six Church councils, in the ―Declaration on Masonic
Associations,‖ signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (who is now the
current pope) with the approval of Pope John Paul II and dated
November 26, 1983 A.D., states that ―the Church‘s negative judgment
in regard to Masonic organizations remains unchanged, since their
principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the
doctrine of the Church, and, therefore, membership in them remains
forbidden. The faithful, who enroll in Masonic associations are in a
state of grave sin…‖ Indeed, speaking out against the supposed
infallibility of the popes, eminent Freemason Albert Pike states: “No
man or body of men can be infallible, and authorized to decide what
other men shall believe, as to any tenet of faith.‖ (See Morals and
Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by
Albert Pike (circa. 1871 A.D.)).

The Roman Catholic Church‘s condemnation of Freemasonry

is not unique in the annals of Christian history. Several Protestant
churches, organizations and Christian ministries such as the Church of
England and the Southern Baptist convention also reject various
Freemasonic teachings as incompatible to the doctrines of Christianity.

The Roman Catholic Church has warred against those Masonic

organizations at odds with itself beginning, the most notable group
being the Knights Templars of the 13th Century A.D. We must not
forget, America was founded by a group of persecuted pilgrims,
victimized by a Roman Catholic Church which allowed no variance
from their stated beliefs. America was in the beginning peopled by
enemies of the Roman Catholic Church. America became a Mecca for
those persecuted for religious reasons, the vast majority victims of the
Roman Catholic Church and the Roman Inquisition established to
combat the growth of Protestantism. Amongst this population were
many Freemasons (indeed, 50 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of
Independence were known Freemasons). Freemasons became affluent
and influential, thriving in early America and throughout its
generations up until today, at such time as their authority has reached
its peak, a power unsurpassed in all the annals of the world, while
during this same period the Roman Catholic Church has seen its
supremacy increasingly wane. Is it any surprise their Freemasonic
descendants should be bent on its destruction?
Many current Freemasons unknowingly (and some knowingly)
do the bidding of Satan. The Skull and Bones (which derives its name
from the flag flown by ships of the Knights Templar group who sought
the overthrow of the power of the Roman Catholic Church), an
organization of which many prominent American politicians of today
enjoy membership, including ex-American President George W. Bush,
is a Masonic organization, a secret-society. Many prominent
American politicians throughout the history of the United States
(including crucial members of our Founding Fathers, George
Washington included) are or have been Freemasons, including George
H. W. Bush, who once proudly and prematurely announced the
establishment of the Freemasonic New World Order, the ultimate goal
mentioned in the Masonic Fama Fraternitis (as opposed to the Old
Word Order headed by the Roman Catholic Church).

By the Freemasons, Satan is known as the Unknown Superior,

Azazel as the Great Architect. The number of Freemasons in the
United States today numbers in the millions; most are oblivious to
their complicity with rebellious fallen angels. Others have willingly
joined their rebellion against God.‖
Appendix C
Ancient Descriptions of the Cherubim

In the sacred text of the Babylonians, The Seven Evil Spirits, we find
descriptions of the cherubim of the angels. They are called:

―Raging storm, evil gods are they, ruthless demons, who in heaven‘s vault (in the
Majestic Glory) were created, are they (the cherubim). Workers of evil are they,
they lift up the head to evil, every day to evil destruction to work.‖
The seven cherubim of which they speak are identified as being
―messengers,‖ the very definition of the word ‗angels.‘ The cherubim are also in this
work analogized by the Babylonians as ―horses,‖ a common symbol for the cherubim
in The Bible. The cherubim in The Seven Evil Spirits are described as ―A hurricane
(which spins), which mightily hunts in the heavens, are they, thick clouds, that bring
darkness in heaven…gusts of wind rising, which cast gloom over the bright day, with
the Imkhullu the evil wind, forcing their way…mighty destroyers, are they… In the
height of heaven, like lightning flashing…to wreak destruction forward go they, in
the broad heaven…evilly do they arise, and none to oppose…From the heaven (from
the Majestic Glory), like a wind, over the land they (the cherubim) rush…The seven
evil gods, death-dealing, fearless are they, the seven evil gods, like a flood, rush on,
the land they fall upon, do they, against the land, like a storm, they rise…Neither
male nor female are they. Destructive whirlwinds are they.‖ These Babylonian
descriptions have Biblical parallels because they all describe the same objects, the
cherubim. The seven evil spirits are the seven cherubim of the seven angels who
stand in the presence of God (the seven spirits of God).
The cherubim, who wrought destructive judgments from God upon them,
were considered evil gods by the erring Babylonians who in rituals involving
fornication worshipped the rebellious fallen angel Azazel, known to Babylonians as
the god Tammuz, and Azazel‘s human wife, known as the goddess Ishtar,
worshipping the angels and their human wives as gods and goddesses. Satan also
continuously contested the Babylonian‘s worthiness as members of mankind to
supplant the angels as heirs to God‘s promised kingdom in the angels‘ stead. As
related in the Biblical Book of Job, Job was from Babylon and he suffered from the
very same treatment (See Job 1:6-22 through Job 2:1-8), being in a like way
detrimentally and destructively tested by Satan as related in the Book of Job (the
following is exemplary: ―The fire of God is fallen from heaven (originating from
Satan‘s cherub), and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed
them…‖ - Job 1:16 (KJV)). It must also be noted that both the prophets Daniel and
Ezekiel experienced their cherubic visitations as residents of Babylon.
In the Mithraic literary work known as ―The Great Magical Papyrus of
Paris‖ a cherub is described as a ―Heavenly Wheel‖ which would ―hurl thunder and
thunderbolts, earthquakes and lightning against the race of the impious.‖
From the judgmental destruction these cherubim meted out comes the
Roman conception of the Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune (Rota Fortunae),
or more specifically, the Wheel of the Roman goddess Fortuna (and her Greek
counterpart, Tyche. Fortuna is mentioned in Isaiah 65:11), esoterically represents
Azazel‘s cherub Behemoth, within which Azazel and his human wife are entrapped
within the earth. Fortuna was one of the many names by which the human wife of
the incarnate angel Azazel was known. That the Wheel of Fortune represents a
cherub is evidenced by the esoteric teachings of the Tenth Major Arcana of the
Egyptian Tarot (The Tarot is alternatively known as The Book of Thoth. Thoth is an
Egyptian name for Azazel) where the Wheel of Fortune is therein associated with the
four faces of a cherub, namely, the man, the lion, the eagle and the ox. The ―living
creatures,‖ which is to say, the cherubim described in Ezekiel 1:10-11 are also
similarly adorned, each having upon them four divisions of ―four faces.‖ The Wheel
of Fortune of the Tarot is similarly depicted with four such divisions.
The Mithraic literary work known as ―The Great Magical Papyrus of Paris‖
invokes Azazel/Behemoth as ―the great Sun God Mithras‖ and his human wife under
the name ‗Fortune‘ (Fortune being the translation from the Greek of pronoia kai
tyche, ‗pronoia‘ being a known epithet of the goddess Athena who represented the
human wife of the angel Azazel, and Tyche being the name of the goddess whose
Roman equivalent was Fortuna, both goddesses likewise representing the angel
Azazel‘s human wife. The Wheel of Fortune represented Azazel‘s cherub
Behemoth. This magical work speaks of Behemoth calling it a ―Heavenly Wheel‖
(which like Ezekiel‘s description of the cherubim as being ―whirling wheels‖ (See
Ezekiel 10:6,13), this ―Heavenly Wheel‖ was said to ―turn‖ on its ―Axis‖).

Descriptions of the Wheel of Fortune, memorialized in Shakespeare‘s

Henry V as ―Fortune‘s wildly spinning wheel,‖ and described in the Burana Codex
in a poem called ―Fortune, the Empress of the World‖ as being a ―malevolent‖
―whirling wheel‖ echo the Book of Ezekiel in its description of the cherubim as
being ―whirling wheels‖ (See Ezekiel 10:13). The word ‗Fortuna‘ is derived from
the Latin word ‗vortumna,‘ meaning ‗turner,‘ or that which ‗turns/revolves.‘ It was
believed by the Romans that the fickle Fortuna decided one‘s fate (The secret Yale
society of the Skull and Bones employs a similar concept when it spins a wheel of
fortune when deciding a participants‘ fate-- whether one becomes a Senator, a
President, etc. Members, hailing from rich influential families then work to make it
so. George W. Bush was such an initiate, which in itself explains so very much).
The Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXIX equates
fate/fortune with Osiris/Behemoth: ―I am fate and Osiris.‖ Indeed, as we learn from
Wikipedia, the word: ―sorcery was taken in ca. 1300 from Old French sorcerie,
which is from Vulgar Latin *sortiarius, from sors "fate", apparently meaning "one
who influences fate."‖ In Egypt, Azazel was also known as Tahuti, who was also
known as Thoth, the god of magic.

In the Babylonian work, Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave, we also are

provided with eyewitness accounts of a description of a cherub. It describes ―a
storm‖ (a cherub) whose ―good bright metal, stepped down from heaven to the great
earth (it descended and landed on the ground). His head (the top of the cherub)
shines with brilliance, the barbed arrows flash past him like lightning…‖ It also goes
on to describe a sight witnessed by a group of ―young men,‖ who saw what they
described as a ―shield (a dome-shaped cherub) standing on the ground,‖ ―resting
among the cypresses,‖ in a grove, or forest, which began ―rising up from the
horizon‖ and which ―extended his holy, shining rays down from heaven.‖ It goes on
to describe the cherub‘s illuminating ―brilliance,‖ and how it ―hovered‖ in the sky
nearby. Concealing itself amongst the cypress trees by definition marks its pilot as
an angel of the forest.
For greater details, as well as a study of Biblical descriptions of the cherubim of the
angels, see Evildoer Added to Evildoer: The Story of Satan, Azazel and the
Rebellious Angels by John of the Gentiles.
Appendix D

The History of Freemasonry (From: The Provincial Grand Lodge of Buckinghamshire website)
circa. 2011 A.D.) (HRH = His Royal Highness) Note the Royal Association with High-Degree
Masonry which involves the practice of ceremonial magic, invoking fallen angels.

18th Century
1717 Grand Lodge convened. Anthony Sayer becomes Grand Master. 'First Assembly' of the
Grand Lodge, 24 June.
1723 Book of Constitutions published.
Secretary to Grand Lodge first appointed.
1729 Grand Stewards first appointed.
1730 Duke of Norfolk, Grand Master, presented sword of Gustavus Adolphus to Grand Lodge.
1751 Atholl or Ancient Grand Lodge formed.
1765 HRH Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, initiated, 27 July.
1766 HRH Prince William Henry, 1st Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, initiated, passed and
raised, 16 February.
1767 HRH Prince Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn, initiated, passed and
raised, 16 February. Charter of Compact under which the Grand Chapter was constituted,
signed 22 July.
1771 3rd Duke of Atholl installed Grand Master, Antient Grand Lodge.
1773 Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, London committee appointed.
1775 Freemasons' Hall foundation stone laid.
1776 Freemasons' Hall dedicated.
1782 HRH Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn elected Grand Master.
1786 HRH Prince William Henry (later King William IV) initiated 9 March.
1787 HRH George, Prince of Wales (afterwards Prince Regent and George IV) initiated, 6
1788 Royal Masonic Institution for Girls founded.
1789 HRH Prince Edward Augustus (later Duke of Kent and Strathearn), initiated 5 August
1791 HRH Prince George, Prince of Wales (later Prince Regent and George IV), installed as
Grand Master, May.
1793 HRH Prince William Frederick (later 2nd Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh), initiated 12
1796 HRH Prince Ernest Augustus (later Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale and King Ernest I
of Hanover), initiated 11 May.
1798 HRH Prince Augustus Frederick (afterwards Duke of Sussex), initiated 20 December. Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys founded.
19th Century
1813 HRH Duke of Kent elected Grand Master. HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and
Strathearn, elected Grand Master of the Atholl or Antients Grand Lodge. Both Grand
Masters signed the Articles of Union on 25 November, subsequently ratified by each
constitution on 1 December. Both signed the Warrant of the Lodge of Reconciliation on 7
December. HRH Duke of Sussex elected Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of
England, 27 December.
1814 HRH Duke of Sussex installed as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, 2
1815 Constitutions of the United Grand Lodge published.
1817 Union of the Grand Chapter with Antient Royal Arch Masons, 18 March.
1830 Charity Jewel instituted. William IV became Grand Patron.
1842 Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution founded.
1843 Duke of Sussex died. Fund in his memory started in his memory and devoted to the Royal
Free Hospital, Gray's Inn Road, London.
1852 Queen Victoria became patroness of the Masonic Boys' School.
1868 HRH Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), initiated in Sweden, 21 December.
1874 HRH Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), elected Grand Master.
1875 HRH the Prince of Wales installed at the Royal Albert Hall as Grand Master, 28 April.
1880 Foundation stone of Truro Cathedral laid by the Prince of Wales, Grand Master.
1882 Queen Victoria became Chief Patroness of the Masonic Girls' School.
1885 HRH Prince Albert Victor (later Duke of Clarence and Avondale), initiated 21 March.
20th Century
1910 George V became Grand Patron of the three Masonic institutions.
Queen Mary became Grand Patroness and Queen Alexandra Chief Patroness of the Royal
Masonic Institution for Girls.
1917 Bi-centenary of the United Grand Lodge of England.
1919 HRH Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII and then Duke of Windsor), initiated 2
HRH Prince Albert, (later Duke of York and George VI), Initiated, 21 December.
Appeal for a Masonic Peace Memorial and subsequent Establishment of the Masonic Million
Memorial Fund.
1921 Hall Stone Lodge Medals first conferred, 7 December.
1927 Foundation stone of Peace Memorial Building at Great Queen Street laid (by electrical
connection) in the Royal Albert Hall.
1928 HRH Prince George (later Duke of Kent), initiated 12 April. 1933 George V, accompanied
by Queen Mary, opened the new Freemasons' Hospital and Nursing Home, later named, by
Royal authority, the Royal Masonic Hospital.
1934 Visit to the Masonic Peace Memorial by George V and Queen Mary.
1937 George VI invested as Past Grand Master at the Royal Albert Hall.
1939 HRH Duke of Kent installed as Grand Master by George VI, at Olympia, 19 July.
1942 HRH Duke of Kent killed on active service, 25 August.
1943 Earl of Harewood installed as Grand Master by George VI, at Freemasons' Hall, London.
1953 HRH Duke of Edinburgh initiated, 5 December.
1963 HRH Duke of Kent initiated, 16 December.
1966 Bi-Centenary of Supreme Grand Chapter.
1967 HRH Duke of Kent elected Grand Master.
250th anniversary of United Grand Lodge of England.
Trust fund set up for surgical research under the direction of the Royal College of Surgeons.
1974 HRH Prince Michael of Kent initiated, 13 March.
1975 Masonic Housing Association registered as an exempt charity.
1980 Grand Charity established.
1986 Physical penalties removed from Obligations, 11 June.
1990 New Masonic Samaritan Fund established.
1992 275th anniversary of Grand Lodge held at Earls Court.
Appendix E

From: A Guide to Theosophy (Tukaram Tatya, 1887 A.D.)


The Bible
Revised Standard Version
American Bible Society
New York 1971

The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary

Zondervan Publishing House
Grand Rapids, Michigan 1963

Reader‘s Digest Who‘s Who in the Bible

The Readers Digest Association, Inc.
Pleasantville, New York Montreal 1994

The Oxford History of Byzantium

Oxford University Press
Oxford, United Kingdom 2002

The Bible
King James Version
Thomas Nelson Publishers
New York 1984

The Book of Enoch

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893

The Book of the Secrets of Enoch

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1896

The Holy Bible

With the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books
New Revised Standard Version
American Bible Society
New York 1989

The Apocrypha: An American Translation

Vintage Book/Random House
New York 1959

The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered

Barnes and Noble
Great Britain 1994

The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus

San Francisco 2005

The Forgotten Books of Eden

San Diego; The Book Tree 2006

The Lost Books of the Bible

Bell Publishing Company
New York 1979

The Book of Jubilees

Wipf and Stock Publishers
Eugene 2005

The Origin of Biblical Traditions

Oxford University Press
New Haven 1923

Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism

Peter Eckler, Publisher
New York 1869

The Talmud
San Diego: The Book Tree 2003

The Zohar
Stanford University Press
Stanford, California 2004

The Apocryphal New Testament

Oxford: Clarendon Press 1955

The Works of Josephus: Complete and Unabridged

Hendrickson Publishers
Massachusetts 1987

Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth:

Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer
Harper and Row, Publishers
New York 1983

The World of Myth

Oxford University Press
New York Oxford 1990

Little, Brown and Company
Boston 1942

Enochian Magic: A Practical Manual

Llewellyn Publications
St. Paul 1985

The Greater Key of Solomon

de Laurence, Scott and Company
Chicago 1914

Angels: An Endangered Species

Simon and Schuster
New York 1990

The Forest in Folklore and Mythology

Dover Publications, Inc.
New York 2002

Angels and Devils

Tan Books and Publishing
Rockford 1999

The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry

George Allen and Unwin LTD
London 1920

Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of

Albert Pike, 1871 A.D.

Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power

Princeton University Press
Princeton 1994

The Leyden Papyrus: An Egyptian Magical Book

The Book Tree
Escondido 1999

The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage

John M. Watkins
London 1900

The Magus
Lackington, Alley, and Co.,
Temple of the Muses, Finsbury Square
London 1801

The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries

Hotten, Piccadilly, W.
London 1870

Amulets and Superstitions

Dover Publications
New York 1978

The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook

Harper and Row, Publishers
San Francisco 1987

The Dawn of Magic

by Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier
1st published in France under the title
"Le Matin des Magiciens"
1960 by Editions Gallimard, Paris

The Tempest
Simon and Schuster, Inc.
New York, 1961

The Templar Revelation

Simon & Schuster
New York, 1998
Avon Books
New York, 1980

Ritual Magic of the Golden Dawn

Destiny Books
Rochester 1987

Theosophical Glossary
H.P, Blavatsky 1892

Webster‘s World Encyclopedia 2001

The Hutchison Educational Encyclopedia 2000

Encarta World English Dictionary

Microsoft Corporation 1998-2005


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