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E-plane and H-plane slab loaded

waveguide solutions
a a a b
J. Zafar , A. A.P. Gibson , A. Haigh , I. Khairuddin , A.
b c
Abuelma'atti & H. Zafar
Microwave and Communication Systems Research Group ,
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of
Manchester , Manchester, England
ComDev Europe Ltd , Aylesbury, England
Microwave Research Group , University of South Asia , Lahore,
Published online: 27 Nov 2008.

To cite this article: J. Zafar , A. A.P. Gibson , A. Haigh , I. Khairuddin , A. Abuelma'atti & H. Zafar
(2009) E-plane and H-plane slab loaded waveguide solutions, International Journal of Electronics,
96:1, 79-92, DOI: 10.1080/00207210802474912

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International Journal of Electronics
Vol. 96, No. 1, January 2009, 79–92

E-plane and H-plane slab loaded waveguide solutions

J. Zafara*, A.A.P. Gibsona, A. Haigha, I. Khairuddinb, A. Abuelma’attib and H. Zafarc
Microwave and Communication Systems Research Group, School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester, England; bComDev Europe Ltd, Aylesbury,
England; cMicrowave Research Group, University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan
(Received 30 June 2008; final version received 2 August 2008)
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A full design capability for electromagnetic waveguides should include the field solution,
the modal hierarchy, impedance models, the cut-off and propagation planes with the
ability to optimise parameters and synthesise designs. As cut-off frequencies and
optimisation are problematic for numerical methods, closed-form solutions are always
preferred. In this article, we reformulate Maxwell’s equations into two coupled potential
equations to characterise both E-plane and H-plane slab loaded waveguides. An
experimental resonant cavity is constructed to confirm the dispersion characteristics of
the single broadwall H-plane slab and a quarter wavelength impedance transformer is
designed to match a toroidal ferrite phase shifter to rectangular waveguide.
Keywords: mode matching; closed form solution; cut-off plane; propagation plane;
dispersion characteristics; phase shifter

1. Introduction
Inhomogeneously filled waveguides with H-plane or E-plane dielectric slabs can be used to
perform impedance matching or phase shifting and are used in accelerating structures
(Liling, Gai and Sun 2001), polarising beam splitters (Tyan, Salevekar and Pu 1997),
waveguide filters for satellite and mobile communications (Bonetti and Atia 1981; Liu and
Xu 2001), plasma discharge structures (Mallavarpu, Asmussen and Hawley 1978), as
millimetre wave integrated circuit transmission lines (Solbach and Wolf 1978; Deek, Sayed
and Morsy 1984; Tiwari, Bhat and Singh 1986) and directional couplers. Such waveguides
don’t support TE or TM eigensolutions as it is not possible to simultaneously match the
fields at the dielectric boundaries without invoking both the axial electric and magnetic
field components. Hybrid modes propagate and these are labelled as longitudinal sectional
electric (LSE) or longitudinal sectional magnetic (LSM). Although numerical techniques,
such as the finite element method, are now routinely used to analyse these waveguide
structures, closed form methods are always preferred as they are computationally efficient
and support both optimisation and synthesis. In particular, transcendental equations can
be solved for both the cut-off and propagating planes, whereas numerical methods need to
be reformulated and can involve iterative techniques.
There are two general approaches in solving slab-loaded waveguide problems,
depending upon the way in which the boundary conditions are imposed: the mode
matching method (MMM) and the integral equation method. Typically, with the MMM

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 0020-7217 print/ISSN 1362-3060 online

Ó 2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/00207210802474912
80 J. Zafar et al.

method, the waveguide space is split into different homogeneous regions and continuity
boundary conditions are applied in order to produce a characteristic equation for the
propagation constant (Wexler 1967; Wu and Hu 1995; Jiang, Shen and Shan 2002; Jing
and Xu 2003; Kuwano, Deno and Kokubun 2003; Shysoki and Lavrinenko 2003; Boar
and Zhang 2005; Theocharidis, Kamalakis and Sphicopoulos 2007; Selleri and
Detrack). The MMM approach also includes the transverse resonance technique
where the waveguide cross-section is treated as a resonance structure made up of
piecewise transmission line sections. The alternative integral equation approach (Xu,
Yang and Lu 1995; Ottusch, Valley and Wandzula 1998; Boriskina, Bensor, Sewell and
Nosich 2002; Hanson, Nosich and Kartchevski 2003; Min, Tau, Lu and Wu 2005)
involves transforming the wave equation into an integral equation using Green’s
theorem and examples are available for rectangular, circular and coaxial waveguide
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characterisation (Rothwell and Frasch 1988; Crespo, Garcia and Diaz 1996; Alessandri,
Chiodetti, Giugliarelli and Martirano 2004; Catina, Arndt, Fritz and Brandt 2005;
Kesari, Jain and Basu 2005). Each case requires its own unique Green’s function and
the approach can generally suffer from convergence problems leading to inefficient
A classic study by Gardiol demonstrated how the transfer matrix method can be used
to express field–vector relationships at the dielectric interface layer and to determine the
propagation characteristics of inhomogeneous waveguides (Gardiol 1968). Other authors
have developed this approach to characterise a range of waveguide geometries (Hong,
Huang and Mekino 1992; Visser, Block and Lenstra 1995; Menachem and Jerby 1998;
Khatak, Thyagarajan and Shenoy). The ‘transfer matrix method’ suffers from numerical
stability for waveguides containing thick loading layers (Heueh and Lin 2007).
In this article, a pair of coupled equations in terms of the magnetic and electric vector
potentials are derived from Maxwell’s equations and generally used to solve the boundary
value problems for E-plane and H-plane loaded waveguides. These potentials have six
scalar unknowns but for source-free regions only two scalars are required to represent the
fields, therefore reducing the number of equations to be solved. Hertzian potentials
expressed in terms of sinusoidal functions are used to give a complete field solution for
LSE and LSM modes. The method is demonstrated for a single broadwall slab and a single
vertical slab. By setting the propagation constant to zero, the cut-off plane for these
waveguides as a function of geometry are also presented. It is noted that cut-off
frequencies for these geometries decreases with both slab filling factor and permittivity
values for LSE and LSM modes. For validation purposes, a variable length and resonant
cavity is used to experimentally deduce the dispersion characteristics of the LSE and LSM
modes of a single broadwall dielectric slab loaded waveguide. Finally, the method is used
to design an E-plane quarter-wavelength impedance transformer to match a toroidal
ferrite phase shifter to air-filled rectangular waveguide.

2. Coupled potential equations

! !
An electric vector potential
ðF Þ and a magnetic
vector potential ðAÞ can be used
to define the electric ðE Þ and magnetic ðHÞ fields in a charge-free region. For a
homogeneous region with no electrical sources, the magnetic potential field can be defined
in terms of the magnetic vector potential as;
! 1 !
H ¼ r A ð1Þ
International Journal of Electronics 81

Substituting (1) into Maxwell’s curl equation for the electric field yields:
! !
r  ð E þ jom AÞ ¼ 0 ð2Þ

and therefore the argument of this equation can be written as;

! !
E þ jom A þ rje ¼ 0 ð3Þ

where je is an electric scalar potential and is introduced here since, for any scalar function,
the following identity holds;
r  rje ¼ 0 ð4Þ
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Using equations (1) and (4) along with the H curl equation results in;
! ! ! !
rr  A  r2A ¼ k2A  jomerje þ m J ð5Þ

Choosing the divergence of the magnetic vector potential to be defined as;

r  A ¼ jomeje ð6Þ

then Equation (5) can be simplified using Equation (6);

! ! !
r2A þ k2A ¼ m J ð7Þ

The electric field can be defined in terms of A as:

! rðr:A Þ
E ¼ jo A þ ð8Þ

and the magnetic field in terms of F as;

! ! rðr  F Þ
H ¼ joF þ ð9Þ

For a mixed representation, involving both magnetic and electric potentials, a pair of
coupled equations for E and H follow:

! rðr:A Þ ! 1 !
E ¼  joA  ðr  F Þ ð10Þ
jome e

! rðr:F Þ ! 1 !
H ¼  joF þ ðr  A Þ ð11Þ
joem m

where e* and m* are the complex permittivity and permeability!of the propagating
medium, respectively. In practice, for dielectric loaded waveguides, A is an electric Hertz
82 J. Zafar et al.
! ! !
vector potential ðA ¼ joemce Þ and F is a magnetic Hertz vector potential ðF ¼ joemcm Þ.
This is a formulation that yields the complete field solution and characteristic equations
for slab loaded waveguides.

3. General field solution for H-plane slabs

For the case of H-plane slabs supporting LSM (TMy) modes in rectangular metallic
waveguides, the Hertzian magnetic potential is zero and the coupled equations provide:

@ 2 ce jbzmn
Ex ¼ e ð12Þ
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@2 2 e jbzmn
Ey ¼ 2
þ e r ko c e ð13Þ

@ce jbzmn
Ez ¼ jbmn e ð14Þ
Hx ¼ oeo bmn ce ejbmn ð15Þ

Hy ¼ 0 ð16Þ

@ce jbzmn
Hz ¼ joe e ð17Þ

where bzmn is the longitudinal propagation constant.

For the case of LSE (TEy) modes in rectangular waveguides, the Hertzian electric
potential is zero and the coupled equations provide:

Ex ¼ omo bmn cm ejbmn ð18Þ

Ey ¼ 0 ð19Þ

@cm jbzmn
Ez ¼ jomo e ð20Þ

@ 2 cm jbzmn
Hx ¼ e ð21Þ

@2 2 e jbzmn
Hy ¼ þ e r o c e
k ð22Þ

@cm jbzmn
Hz ¼ jbmn e ð23Þ
International Journal of Electronics 83

4. General field solution for an E-plane slabs

In the case of E-plane slabs in rectangular waveguides, supporting LSE (TEx) modes, the
Hertzian electric potential is zero and coupled equations yield;

Ex ¼ 0 ð24Þ

Ey ¼ omo bmn cm ejbmn ð25Þ

@cm jbzmn
Ez ¼ jomo e ð26Þ
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 2 m 
@ c 2 m z
Hx ¼ 2
þ e r k 0 c ejbmn ð27Þ

@ 2 cm jbzmn
Hy ¼ e ð28Þ

@cm jbzmn
Hz ¼ jbmn e ð29Þ

and for LSM (TMx) modes we derive:

 2 e 
@ c 2 e z
Ex ¼ þ e k
r o c ejbmn ð30Þ

@ 2 ce jbzmn
Ey ¼ e ð31Þ

@ce jbzmn
Ez ¼ jbmn e ð32Þ

Hx ¼ 0 ð33Þ
Hy ¼ oeo bmn ce ejbmn ð34Þ

@ce jbzmn
Hz ¼ joe e ð35Þ

5. Application to an H-plane slab loaded waveguide

H-plane slab loaded waveguides have various uses including impedance transformation
and for the generation of circular polarisation at the dielectric/air interface (Gardiol 1974).
Consider the H-plane slab loaded waveguide illustrated in Figure 1.
84 J. Zafar et al.

Figure 1. H-plane slab loaded waveguide.

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To evaluate the LSE (TEy) modes, the magnetic potential is set as;
cm ð0  y  hÞ ¼ 1=jomo ½C1 cos kx x sin ky1 yejbmn 
cm ðh  y  bÞ ¼ 1=jomo ½C2 cos kx x sin ky2 ðb  yÞejbmn 

and by using (18–23) the field components become:

Hx ð0  y  hÞ ¼ ð1=jomo Þ  kx ky1 C1 sin kx x cos ky1 yejbmn

Hx ðh  y  bÞ ¼ ð1=jomo Þ  kx ky2 C2 sin kx x cos ky2 ðb  yÞejbmn

Hz ð0  y  hÞ ¼ ð1=omo Þ  ky1 bzmn C1 cos kx x cos ky1 yejbmn

Hz ðh  y  bÞ ¼ ð1=omo Þ  ky2 bzmn C2 cos kx x cos ky2 ðb  yÞejbmn

Ex ð0  y  hÞ ¼ jbzmn C1 cos kx x sin ky1 yejbmn
Ex ðh  y  bÞ ¼ jbzmn C2 cos kx x sin ky2 ðb  yÞejbmn

Ey ð0  y  hÞ ¼ 0

Ey ðh  y  bÞ ¼ 0
Ez ð0  y  hÞ ¼ kx C1 sin kx x sin ky1 yejbmn
Ez ðh  y  bÞ ¼ kx C2 sin kx x sin ky2 ðb  yÞejbmn

The transcendental dispersion relation is given by,

ky2 tan ky1 h ¼ ky1 tan ky2 ðb  hÞ ð36Þ

International Journal of Electronics 85

where the transverse wave numbers ky1 and ky2 can be expressed in terms of the
longitudinal propagation constant bzmn as;
hmpi2 2
ky1 ¼ e1 k2o  bzmn ð37Þ
hmpi2 2
ky2 ¼ e2 k2o  bzmn ð38Þ

ko ¼ oc is the propagation constant for free space, e1 is the permittivity of air and e2 is
the relative dielectric permittivity of the slab loading the waveguide.
To find the solution for the LSM (TMy) modes, the electric potential is defined as:
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z z
ce ð0  y  hÞ ¼ C1 sin kx x cos ky1 yejbmn ce ðh  y  bÞ ¼ C2 sin kx x cos ky2 ðb  yÞejbmn

and by using Equations (12–17) the dispersion relation follows;

 e1 =ky1 tan ky1 h ¼ e2 =ky2 tan ky2 ðb  hÞ ð39Þ

The dispersion characteristics of both types of mode are plotted in Figure 2.

5.1. Experimental results for the H-plane slab loaded waveguide

A rectangular cavity was constructed from X-band waveguide as shown in Figure 3.
A micrometer was integrated within the cavity in order to vary its resonant length. The
cavity was loaded with dielectric material having dielectric permittivity e1 ¼ 2.56e0 and it
was excited by a centrally located coaxial probe. It was lightly coupled in order to reduce
the cavity loading and perturbation of the resonances. Starting with a certain resonant
length, the resonant frequency was determined via S-parameter (S11) measurements. The

Figure 2. Dispersion characteristics of partially loaded H-plane waveguide for LSEy and LSMy
modes. (a ¼ 22.86 mm, b ¼ 10.16 mm, h ¼ b/3 and e1 ¼ 2.56e0).
86 J. Zafar et al.
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Figure 3. (a) Co-axial probe rectangular cavity. (b) Experimental set-up for the determination of
dispersion characteristics.

resonant length in a cavity determines the guide wavelength from which the propagation
constant can be determined for a particular value of frequency. By varying the cavity
length using a range of dielectric inserts and the micrometer, resonant frequencies were
converted to phase constants for different modes. The extracted data is plotted in Figure 2
for completeness.

6. Application to an E-plane slab loaded waveguide

Figure 4 illustrates an E-plane slab loaded waveguide and for the LSE (TEx) modes the
magnetic potentials are defined as;
cm ð0  x  tÞ ¼ 1=jomo ½A1 sin kx1 x cos ðnp=bÞy

cm ðt  x  mÞ ¼ 1=jomo ½A2 sin kx2 ðm  xÞ cos ðnp=bÞy

cm ðm  x  aÞ ¼ 1=jomo ½A3 sin kx3 ða  xÞ cos ðnp=bÞy

International Journal of Electronics 87

Figure 4. E-plane slab loaded waveguide.

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Using Equations (24–29), the following dispersion relation is obtained after matching
boundary conditions across the dielectric interface.

bzmn ¼ cos kx1 a cos kx2 x sin kx1 d1 =kx1 þ sin kx2 x=kx2  cos kx1 d1
þ cos kx2 x  cos kx1 d1 ¼  sin kx1 d2 =kx1  kx2 sin kx2 x  sin kx1 d1 =kx1

Separately for LSM modes the final transcendental equation is derived as:

bzmn ¼  cos kx1 a  ð cos kx2 x  sin kx1 d1 þ kx2 =er  sin kx2 x cos kx1 d1 Þ
þ kx1 sin kx1 d2  ðer kx1 =kx2  sin kx2 x sin kx1 d1  cos kx2 x cos kx1 d1 Þ ¼ 0

where the transverse propagation constants are given by;

hnpi2 2
kx1 ¼ kx3 ¼ e1 k2o  bzmn ð42Þ

hnpi2 2
kx2 ¼ e2 k2o  bzmn ð43Þ

and e1 and e2 are the permittivity values for air and the dielectric slab loading the
waveguide, respectively.
The cut-off plane characteristics for the E-plane dielectric slab positioned at the
waveguide center are derived by setting the propagation constant bzmn to zero in Equations
(42,43). The result is illustrated in Figure 5.
For this geometry, the dominant mode is the LSE10 and the first higher order mode is
LSE11 which is responsible for limiting the bandwidth. Higher order modes are LSM11,
LSE20, LSE21 and LSM21. Shifting the slab towards the guide wall changes the modal
hierarchy to LSE10, LSM11, LSE20 and LSE11 and this is presented in Figure 6.

6.1. Characteristic impedance calculations for an E-plane slab loaded waveguide

The power flow down the waveguide is calculated by;
1 ! !
P¼ ðEx  Hy Þ:a!z ds ð44Þ
88 J. Zafar et al.
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Figure 5. Cut-off frequency against slab filling ratio (a ¼ 20.86 mm, b ¼ 10.16 mm, and er ¼ 4).

Figure 6. Propagation constant against slab filling ratio (a ¼ 20.86 mm, b ¼ 10.16 mm, d1 ¼ 0
and t ¼ b and er ¼ 4).

Za Zb
P¼ Ex Hy dxdy ð45Þ
x¼0 y¼0

and the current I on the waveguide wall is evaluated as;

I¼ Hy dy ð46Þ
International Journal of Electronics 89
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Figure 7. Characteristic impedence Zc against frequency (a ¼ 22.86 mm, b ¼ 10.16 mm, x ¼ b/5
and e1 ¼ 4e0).

Figure 8. Characteristic impedence against slab filling ratio (x/a) (a ¼ 22.86 mm, b ¼ 10.16 mm
and e1 ¼ 4e0).

The above expressions can be used in conjunction with the power-current impedance
relation Zc ¼ 2P I2
to determine the characteristic impedance of an E-plane loaded
waveguide. The effect of frequency and slab filling ratio on the characteristic impedance
is illustrated in Figures 7 and 8.
The closed formulation is now applied to the calculation of the impedance and length
of a quarter-wavelength transformer used to match a toroidal ferrite phase shifter to an air
waveguide. For the purposes of maintaining symmetry, a centrally located E-plane slab
was selected. The dielectric constant of the slab used was 4. From a previous publication
90 J. Zafar et al.
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Figure 9. The front view of twin toroid ferrite phase shifter.

Figure 10. Return loss against frequency.

the impedance of the phase shift section was determined to be 252 O and that of the air
waveguide is 284 O for a centre frequency of 10.1 GHz (Abuelma’atti et al. 2009). Figure 9
shows how the full-height dielectric slab section is abutted to the phase shifter in order to
form the impedance transformer.
The overall dimensions of the dielectric slab were 6.35 mm long with 4.31 mm slab
width. The return loss was measured over a frequency band of 9.5–10.5 GHz for various
levels of magnetisation. A typical result is illustrated in Figure 10.

7. Conclusions
A closed form expression for the fields and propagation constant of E-plane and H-plane
slab loaded rectangular waveguides has been presented and tested against experimental
results. The closed form approach offers the advantage of providing a full field solution,
the propagation characteristics, the cut-off planes and impedance expressions as a function
of geometry and dielectric constant. The final example illustrates how the expressions can
be used to design a quarter-wavelength impedance transformer for the purpose of
matching a complex toroidal ferrite phase shift section.
International Journal of Electronics 91

This work was completed with support from ComDev Europe Ltd. (CDE). The authors wish to
acknowledge ESTEC for providing financial assistance, TEMEX for supplying ferrite powder and
Applied Functional Materials (AFM Ltd)/University of Birmingham for the manufacturing of
ferrite samples. Mr. Simon Liller and Mr Barry Duffy contributed in the material development and
Mr. Keith William helped in experimental measurements. Mr. Junaid Zafar is funded by an Overseas
Research Scholarship Award.

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