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Procurement Department

Shannon Airport Authority Ltd



March 2016

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SAA Procurement Department RFI Version 1.0 (24 Mar 2016)

Content Page

Part 1: Purpose of this Document

Part 2: Introduction to the Contracting Authority

Part 3: Requirements

Part 4: Evaluation Criteria

Part 5: Pre-Qualification Submissions by Consortia

Part 6: Reliance on Resources

Part 7: Procurement Procedure

Part 8: Conflict of Interest

Part 9: Pre-Qualification Questionnaire

Appendix 1: Directive 2004/17/EC

Appendix 2: Pre-Qualification Questionnaire - Particular Requirements

Appendix 3: Scope of Services

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Definition of Terms

‘Candidate’ - An individual bidder, partnership, consortium or any other type of joint venture,
submitting a Pre-Qualification submission in response to the Notice published in the Official Journal
of the European Union (OJEU).

‘Candidate Member’ - Any entity which forms part of a consortium submitting a Pre-Qualification
Submission in response to the OJEU Notice.

‘Contracting Authority’ – Shannon Airport Authority Ltd (SAA)

‘Pre-Qualification Submission’ - The submission which will be made by Candidates in response to this
Request for Information (RFI).

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Part 1: Purpose of this Document

1.1 Terms and Conditions

Issuance of this Request for Information (RFI) is subject to the following conditions:

1.1.1 This RFI and details of the Contract must be treated as confidential. Short listed Candidates
may be required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement.

1.1.2 Each Candidate is responsible for all costs incurred in preparing and submitting a response.

1.1.3 A response from any group of Candidates should disclose any contractual agreements
reached between those parties whether generally or for the purpose of preparing this
information for the Contracting Authority. The party acting as lead Candidate should be

1.1.4 The Contracting Authority may exclude from its evaluation any Candidates who fail to satisfy
it as to their ability and capacity to perform the Contract.

1.1.5 It will be the responsibility of each Candidate to take account of any deficiencies with regard
to the information provided, and to stipulate any assumptions that impact on this policy,
when replying to this request.

1.1.6 All responses will be treated in the strictest confidence by the Contracting Authority.

1.1.7 The Contracting Authority may at any time withdraw, suspend or terminate this RFI in whole
or in part and/or the proposed project without any liability whatsoever to any Candidate.

1.2 Response Required

1.2.1 The Candidates response shall be forwarded with the fully completed documentation.
Responses must be submitted in hard copy (Two (2) copies to be provided) and one (1)
electronic format (fob or disc). Tenders through eTenders website will NOT be accepted,
unless otherwise specified in writing by the Contracting Authority.

1.2.2 It is the responsibility of the Candidate to ensure that their response is delivered to Shannon
Airport on time. Responses must be received not later than the date and time notified to
Candidates during the RFI period and must be returned to: Patricia Cassidy, Shannon Group
Procurement Manager, terminal Building, Shannon Airport, Co. Clare

1.2.3 In responding to this RFI all Candidates must follow the format of the RFI and respond to
each element of the RFI in the order as set out in this RFI.

1.2.4 All responses submitted must be compiled such that they can be read immediately using
word/pdf readers.

1.2.5 The Contracting Authority is not responsible for corruption in electronic documents.
Candidates must ensure electronic documents are not corrupt.

1.2.6 The submission shall be divided into sections with each section clearly responding to each of
the questions asked. Responses should strictly follow the format and sequence of the

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questions asked. Information other than that required to answer the question should NOT
be provided as it will not be evaluated. All submissions shall be in A4 format. The total
submission shall be no longer than 25 (A4) sheets if printed on both sides, excluding financial
statements/accounts and health and safety documentation.

1.3 Communications

Queries regarding this RFI will only be answered through the eTenders questions and answers facility
( Any questions sent directly to the Contracting Authority will not be
answered. The latest date for the receipt of queries is 7 calendar days prior to the closing date for

1.4 Closing Date

1.4.1 Responses must be delivered not later than the closing date stated in the OJEU Notice. It is
the responsibility of each Candidate to ensure that all materials arrive on time at the address
indicated by 12 noon on Thursday April 14th.

1.4.2 It is not contemplated that the closing date for the RFI responses will be extended under any

1.5 Important Notice

1.5.1 The information provided is offered in good faith for the guidance of Candidates, but no
warranty or representation is given as to the accuracy or completeness of any of it and the
Contracting Authority and their advisers shall not be under any liability for any error,
misstatement or omission.

1.5.2 All costs incurred by Candidates in respect of this competition must be borne by them. The
Contracting Authority and its advisors shall bear no liability whatsoever to anyone whether
participating in this competition or not and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall not be liable
for any costs or losses incurred howsoever arising in connection with the competition
including, without limitation, any loss of profit or other economic loss incurred.

1.5.3 None of the information contained here shall constitute a Contract or part of a Contract
between the Contracting Authority and any Candidate. The Contracting Authority reserves
the right not to follow up this RFI in any way and/or to change the tender procedure in
whole or in part and/or terminate discussions at any time. The Contracting Authority shall
not be obliged to enter into a Contract with any Candidate. No legal relationship or other
obligation shall arise between the Candidate and the Contracting Authority unless and until
the Contract has been formally executed in writing by the Contracting Authority and the
successful Tenderer and any conditions precedent to the effectiveness of such documents
have been fulfilled.

1.5.4 The Contracting Authority reserves the right to amend this RFI, its requirements and any
information contained herein at any time by notice, in writing, to the Candidates.

1.5.5 Nothing contained in this RFI is, or shall be relied upon as, a representation of fact or
promise as to the future. Any summaries or descriptions of documents or contractual
arrangements contained in any part of this RFI cannot be and are not intended to be
comprehensive, nor any substitute for the underlying documentation (whether existing or to

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be concluded in the future), and are in all respects qualified in their entirety by reference to

1.5.6 Reference in this Important Notice to “RFI” shall include all information contained in it and
any other information (whether written, oral or in machine-readable form) or opinions made
available during the pre-qualification stage of the Competition by or on behalf of the
Contracting Authority, their respective advisers, consultants, contractors, servants and/or
agents in connection with this RFI or the Competition.

1.5.7 Defined terms in other communications from the Contracting Authority concerning this
competition shall have the meanings given to them in this RFI.

1.5.8 Candidates should note that any Contract award is subject to production of a current Tax
Clearance Certificate from the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland, or for a non-resident, a
statement from the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland confirming suitability on tax grounds.
Candidates should familiarise themselves with revenue requirements by visiting Any Contract award is also subject to satisfactory confirmation from the
Candidate’s insurers that the Candidate can comply with the insurance requirements of the
contract which will be advised in the RFT.

1.5.9 The information as set out in this RFI is being made available on the basis that it is used only
in connection with the pre-qualification exercise and for no other purpose whatsoever.

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Part 2: Introduction to the Contracting Authority

Shannon Airport Authority Ltd is part of Shannon Group plc. Shannon Group plc is a commercial
semi-state company with a clear strategic and commercial mandate.

Shannon Group plc comprises of four strategic business units with Shannon Airport at its core, a
catalyst for growth for the wider region. It brings together Shannon Airport with the property
ownership and management activities of Shannon Commercial Enterprises Limited trading as
Shannon Commercial Properties (SCP), as well as Shannon Heritage and the International Aviation
Services Centre (IASC) which builds on the aviation related activities already located at the Airport
and in the Shannon Free Zone area.

Headquartered at Shannon Airport, SAA's principal activities include airport management and
airport operations and development. The Airport operates a 24 hour service with no curfews, slots
or noise restrictions. The Airport’s runway is the longest runway in Ireland at 3,199m in length, with
excellent year round weather conditions and capable of handling all aircraft types.

The Airport comprises approximately 855 hectares of land of which approximately 493 hectares are
used for the operation of the airport. The Airport has its own fuel storage farm with hydrant delivery
systems and its own water supply facilities. The Terminal Building has a capacity for 4.5 million
passengers and there are 4,200 surface car park spaces available for airport customers. The Airport
offers U.S. pre-clearance facilities for scheduled and corporate aviation, which means that U.S.
bound passengers arrive in the U.S. as ‘domestic’ passengers and are not required to pass through
immigration control.

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Part 3: Requirements
3.1 Overview and Context

The Contracting Authority wishes to engage a multi-disciplinary consultant to prepare all necessary
feasibility studies, designs, procurement documentation and undertake the contract administration
and as necessitated site supervision for the scope of services as outlined herein (further details
available in Appendix 3).

3.2 Requirements

3.2.1 The Contracting Authority intends to invite up to a maximum of seven (7) Candidates to

3.2.2 The Candidates will be required to assemble multi-disciplinary teams led by a Project

3.2.3 The Contracting Authority makes no guarantee as to the volume of work on offer. The
Contracting Authority reserves the right to proceed with some / all or none of the proposed
Works / or any other Works independently of the projects outlined in this commission.

3.2.4 The purpose of this procurement process is outlined in Appendix 3 below.

3.2.5 The brief shall include acting as the Contracting Authority’s ongoing adviser during any
subsequent construction phase of particular contracts.

3.3 Candidate Team Requirements

It is the Contracting Authority’s intention to appoint 1 (one) Candidate Team and the Team shall as a
minimum include the following disciplines within their multi-discipline consultancy team as outlined

 Civil, Structural, Architectural, Building Services and Quantity Surveying services

 Project, Design & Stakeholder Co-ordination and Management
 Management of all Statutory Processes and Consultations including liaising with all relevant
interest groups, representative bodies and statutory authorities
 Procurement Services including the preparation of tender documentation
 Regulatory Assessment and Management
 Third Party Liaison
 Management of all Project Stages
 Employer’s Representative Services
 Assigned Certifier Services
 Health and Safety services to include being appointed as Project Supervisor Design Process
 Large Industrial building design
 Provision, Co-ordination and Management of all Specialist Skills

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Part 4: Evaluation Criteria

4.1 The RFI evaluation will focus on the capacity of the Candidate, in the opinion of the
Contracting Authority, to undertake the contract according to the following key criteria:

a) Technical Profile including Health & Safety (Ref Part 9.2 & 9.5)

b) Financial / Economic Profile (Ref Part 9.3)

c) Legal Profile (Ref Part 9.4)

4.2 The RFI process may involve Candidate presentations or it may depend upon the Pre-
Qualification submissions only.

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Part 5: Pre-Qualification Submissions by Consortia

5.1 In order to offer the resources and the range of skills required companies may wish to
collaborate to form a consortium which will then apply as a Candidate for pre-qualification.
The entities forming such a consortium shall be known as “Candidate Members”. Such
Candidates should specify in full the identity of their proposed Candidate Members in the Pre-
Qualification submission. Candidates should note that each Candidate Member may be
required to contract on the basis of joint and several liability.

5.2 In the event that a consortium applies then the Lead Candidate must be identified and
included in section 9.1.1 of the Pre-Qualification questionnaire

5.3 Any change in the Candidate or, where applicable, the Candidate Members, or in the control
of the Candidate or any of the Candidate Members, or in the roles of the Candidate Members
after the Candidate has submitted its Pre-Qualification submission may lead to disqualification
of the Candidate unless notified to the Authority in writing and approved by the Contracting
Authority in writing. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to withhold approval for any
such changes and to disqualify the Candidate concerned from any further participation in the
procurement process.

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Part 6: Reliance on Resources

6.1 Where, in order to prove its financial, economic and technical standing, a Candidate or
Candidate Member relies on the resources of entities or undertakings with which it is directly
or indirectly linked, whatever the legal nature of those links may be, (including, for example,
but not limited to, reliance on a parent company’s resources) it must confirm in writing as part
of the submission that it has available to it the resources of those entities or undertakings
which are necessary for the performance of the contract. For example, a letter from such
other entity confirming that it will provide the necessary support, will suffice. If sufficient
evidence is not provided, the Candidate or Candidate Member will be evaluated based on its
own financial, economic and technical standing. A contractual commitment may be required
at Contract execution stage from any such supporting entity.

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Part 7: Procurement Procedure

7.1 Outline Procurement Procedure

Without in any way limiting the Contracting Authority’s discretion, it is anticipated that the
procurement procedure will be as outlined below:

a) Candidates will return their Pre-Qualification submissions with all requested information by
the specified date and time.

b) Candidates must satisfy the mandatory compliance requirements set out in Part 9.1, 9.3 &

c) Candidates will then be evaluated based on the criteria stated in Part 9.2 (technical profile)
and Part 9.5 (Health & Safety) and following the award of marks, Candidates will be ranked.

d) For the purposes of awarding marks, the Contracting Authority will use the following

 Excellent-5,
 Very Good-4,
 Good-3,
 Fair-2,
 Poor-1,
 Very Poor or No Response-0

multiplied by the appropriate weighting (weightings are calculated by dividing the marks
available for a particular criterion by 5).

e) Candidates who are not selected at the pre-qualification stage will be notified in writing by
the Contracting Authority.

7.2 Minimum Requirements

7.2.1 Candidates must demonstrate the required financial and economic standing by providing
details as set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire.

7.2.2 Candidates’ technical capability shall be assessed by our evaluation of the details provided in
response to the requirements as set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire. Candidates
Health & Safety capability shall be assessed by our evaluation of the details provided in
response to the requirements as set out in the pre-qualifications questionnaire.

7.2.3 Candidates must demonstrate the required legal standing by providing details as set out in
the pre-qualification questionnaire.

7.3 Pre-Qualification Information

7.3.1 In order to assist the Contracting Authority to evaluate the extent to which a Candidate
meets the requirements relating to technical capability, legal standing, economic and
financial standing set out above, Candidates are required to provide all of the information
requested in the pre-qualification questionnaire.

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7.3.2 No Candidate may discuss with another Candidate any aspect of their Pre-Qualification
submission or otherwise exchange information or collude in respect of this Competition. Any
Candidate who fails to comply with this requirement may be disqualified.

7.4 Pre-Qualification Requirements

If a Pre-Qualification submission fails to comply in any respect with the requirements set out in this
RFI or the pre-qualification questionnaire or is ambiguous, the Contracting Authority shall be entitled
at its absolute discretion, (but shall not be obliged):

a) to reject the Pre-Qualification submission as non-compliant;

b) without prejudice to the Contracting Authority’s right to reject the Pre-Qualification

submission, to meet with, raise issues and/or seek clarification from the Candidate in
respect of the relevant Pre-Qualification submission;

c) without prejudice to the Contracting Authority’s right to reject the Pre-Qualification

submission, to request the Candidate to provide the Contracting Authority with information
or items which have not been provided or have been provided in an incorrect form; and/or

d) without prejudice to the Contracting Authority’s right to reject the Pre-Qualification

submission, to waive a requirement which, in the opinion of the Contracting Authority, is not
material and/or is procedural.

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Part 8: Conflict of Interest

Any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest must be fully disclosed to the Contracting
Authority as soon as such conflict or potential conflict becomes apparent. In the event of any conflict
or potential conflict of interest the Contracting Authority shall, in its absolute discretion, decide on
the appropriate course of action.

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Part 9: Pre-Qualification Questionnaire

9.1 Candidate Details Evaluation

9.1.1 Lead Applicant/Company Name Information Only

9.1.2 Year Founded and length of trading experience Information Only

Provide name of ultimate parent company together with the

names of any other group of companies who are to be
9.1.3 Information Only
involved in the project (stating their involvement and
confirming they will provide a guarantee if required)

9.1.4 Main Address for Correspondence Information Only

9.1.5 Indicate office from which project will be managed Information Only

9.1.6 Contact(s) Name/Title Information Only

9.1.7 Contact Phone No. Information Only

9.1.8 Contact E-mail Information Only

Technical Profile
(see Appendix 2 for detailed description of requirements)
Submit a list of 3 major large industrial type building
construction projects in excess of 5,000 sq m (minimum of
one (1) to have been undertaken in an airport/restricted Mandatory
environment) including elements of steel frame structure, Marked out of 30
roof and wall cladding, large concrete slab works with (minimum marks
elements of poor ground and significant mechanical and required to pass - 18)
electrical fit–out valued in excess of €5 million (construction
value) undertaken in the past 10 years.

An outline of the Company’s management and technical Mandatory

resources. Submit details of proposed organisation Marked out of 10
structure including any sub–consultants and who will (minimum marks
assume the Project Management Role. required to pass - 6)

Submit details of your quality system and environmental Marked out of 10
management system. (minimum marks
required to pass - 6)

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Mandatory. Failure to
Submit response to Health & Safety questionnaire detailed
obtain the marks
9.2.4 in Part 9.5.
specified will result in
exclusion (see Part 9.5)

9.3 Financial Profile

Provide copy of current (must be issued within the last 3
Compliance Required
months) Credit Rating Report for your company issued by a
Credit Ratings will be
9.3.1 recognised Credit Rating Agency. Reference letters from
reviewed and applicants
Banks or other financial institutions are not acceptable.
may be excluded on the
basis of this review

Submit Audited Turnover Figures showing average annual

minimum turnover of €1.6 million over the last three years
which is required for consideration.
Where the Candidate is a partnership, consortium or any
other type of joint venture then turnover for all members of
the consortium must meet the average minimum turnover
as set out below;
9.3.2 Area of Service/ Average Annual Minimum Mandatory
Business Turnover Compliance Required
C&S €800,000
A €200,000
BS €350,000
QS €250,000
The Candidate shall also provide a signed Declaration stating
detailed Balance Sheets, Profit & Loss and Cashflow
Statements will be provided if successful.

Submit confirmation that the Candidate has not been

subject to material legal proceedings or judgments or court Mandatory
orders (save as disclosed in the audited accounts). Compliance Required

Provide confirmation that you will be able to promptly

9.3.4 produce a current Tax Clearance Certificate from the Irish
Compliance Required
Revenue Commissioners.

9.4 Legal Profile

Provide details of legal structure of proposed team or Mandatory

consortium. Compliance Required

It is a requirement that an authorised official of a firm Mandatory

expressing an interest in this contract sign a declaration Compliance Required
confirming that none of the criteria for exclusion specified in

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Article 45 of Council Directive 2004/17/EC (see Appendix 1)

is applicable to it.

9.5 Health & Safety

Please provide a copy of your company's Safety Statement
in compliance with Section 20 of the Safety Health and Mandatory
9.5.1 Welfare at Work Act 2005, or Candidate’s national Marked out of 10
equivalent. Ensure the Health and Safety Statement is 6 marks required to pass
Provide details and procedures for how the Candidate will Mandatory
9.5.2 meet the duties as set out for Designer’s in Safety, Health & Marked out of 10
Welfare (Construction) Regulations 2013. 6 marks required to pass
List 3 similar projects in size or nature where the Candidate
Mandatory Marked out
was appointed PSDP in accordance with Safety, Health &
of 30
9.5.3 Welfare (Construction) Regulations 2013 (or candidate’s
18 marks required to
national equivalent / prevailing regulations at time of

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Appendix 1: Directive 2004/17/EC


The Contracting Authority may treat a Candidate as ineligible, decide not to select the Candidate, or
at a later date during the competition, disqualify a Candidate if any of the circumstances specified in
Article 54 of Council Directive 2004/17/EC co-ordinating procedures for the award of utility sector
contracts apply to the Candidate as follows:

1. Any Candidate who has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment of which the
Contracting Authority is aware for one or more of the reasons listed below will be excluded
from participation in a public contract:

a) participation in a criminal organisation; or

b) corruption; or
c) fraud; or
d) money laundering.

Candidates requiring further details in relation to the above may contact the Contracting Authority.

2. Where the Candidate:

a) is bankrupt or is being wound up, where his affairs are being administered by the
court, where he has entered into an arrangement with creditors, where he has
suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar
procedure under national laws and regulations; or
b) is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for
compulsory winding up, examinership or administration by the court or of an
arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws
and regulations; or
c) has been convicted of any offence concerning his professional conduct by a
judgment which has the force of res judicata; or
d) has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the
Contracting Authority can demonstrate; or
e) has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in
accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with
those of the country of the Contracting Authority; or
f) has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with the
legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country
of the Contracting Authority; or
g) is guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required under
this Section or has not supplied such information, such Candidate may be
automatically excluded from the competition.

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Each Candidate (or where a consortium each Consortium Member) must submit a statement to the
Contracting Authority advising whether or not any of the circumstances listed above apply to it at
the date of the Pre-Qualification Submission.

I declare and confirm none of the circumstances set out above apply.
Confirmed by:

on behalf of the Candidate

Date: __________________

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Appendix 2: Pre-Qualification Questionnaire – Particular Requirements

Particular requirements in relation to the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, Part 9.2 Technical Profile;

9.2.1 Submit details of 3 major large industrial type, clear span building construction projects in
excess of 5,000 sq m undertaken in an airport/restricted environment including elements
of steel frame structure, roof and wall cladding, large concrete slab works with elements
of poor ground and significant mechanical and electrical fit–out valued in excess of €5
million (construction value) undertaken in the past 10 years.

All Project information submitted shall indicate:

 The value of the project

 Client name and referees
 Current state of project
 Particular areas of expertise provided
 Identification of sub-consultants used and their expertise provided

The Candidate (as either an individual bidder, partnership, consortium or any other type of
joint venture) will need to clearly identify the particular areas of expertise provided on each
similar project and with reference to the areas of expertise identified in Section 3.3.

Where the Candidate is a partnership, consortium or any other type of joint venture then
they must identify how they have worked together previously and on what projects they
have worked together, if not above named projects.

9.2.2 Management & Technical Resources

Management Resources
Provide an Organisational Chart of the Candidate's proposed project design team. The
Organisational Chart should include details of how different elements (and where relevant
different entities of a partnership, consortium or any other type of joint venture) including
specialists will be coordinated and who ultimately takes responsibility for the overall
deliverables (Lead Candidate). Key individuals planned for this project (e.g. PM, team leads,
specialists, PSDP etc.) to be named on this Organizational Chart and in the case of a
consortium, the chart should list the company names of the key individuals. The
Organisational Chart should identify internal reporting structures and Director(s) in charge of
the Project.

Technical Resources

The Candidate is required to list the available resources to the Project Manager to facilitate
project delivery including but not limited to:

 In-house design capabilities

 Technicians or technical bodies which he would intend to use for any specialist design
 External specialists
 Safety advisors
 IT & Software resources

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The Candidate must indicate what expertise is available to them either internally within the
Candidates Group/Organisation or externally. Please provide full supporting documentation
and information where appropriate.

Note: If Health and Safety evidence of the educational and professional qualifications of the
Candidate’s managerial staff, personnel and technicians for the project or projects of a
similar size and complexity in relation to Design and/or PSDP is included here it should then
be cross-referenced in 9.5 as appropriate. Such evidence will always be assessed under that

9.2.3 Submit details of your quality system and environmental management system.

Candidates are to indicate where relevant, with which recognized Quality Management
Systems Standards the Candidate is registered e.g. ISO9001, ISO9002, other European
Standard or none. If “other European Standard” state which and give full details.

Candidates are to indicate where relevant, with which recognized Environmental

Management System Standards the Candidate is registered e.g. EN ISO 14001:2004 other
European Standard or none. If “other European Standard” state which and give full details.

Note: Health and Safety evidence in relation to Works, Design, PSDP, PSCS or Health and
Safety Coordinator should NOT be provided here – it is to be dealt with 9.5 as appropriate.

9.5.1 Please provide a copy of your company's Safety Statement in compliance with Section 20
of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, or Candidate’s national equivalent.
Ensure the Health and Safety Statement is signed.


9.5.2 Provide details and procedures for how the Candidate will meet the duties as set out for
Designers in Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013.

The responses here should include explanation of how the General Principles for Prevention
are incorporated into the design process and when Designer Risk Assessments are
undertaken and how such information is conveyed to the PSDP. In the case of partnerships,
consortiums or any other form of joint venture, the lead designer whose responsibility it will
be to collate and collect risk assessments should be identified.

The Candidate should confirm and demonstrate its competency to meet its obligations as
‘Designer’ under the Safety, Health & Welfare (Construction) Regulations 2013 by providing
evidence of attendance at a course run by one of the professional bodies or other reputable
training organisations.

9.5.3 List 3 projects similar in scale in which the Candidate was appointed PSDP in accordance
with Safety, Health & Welfare (Construction) Regulations 2013 (or candidate’s national
equivalent / prevailing regulations at time of appointment).

The Candidate should confirm and demonstrate its competency to meet its obligations as
‘PSDP’ under the Safety, Health & Welfare (Construction) Regulations 2013, particularly
where the 3 similar projects differ from those listed in 9.2.1.

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Details of client references for the above projects as well as relevant experience and
qualifications of the proposed person to undertake this role on behalf of the Candidate
should be included here.

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Appendix 3: Scope of Services

Background & Objectives

The development of further aircraft paint hangar activity, with a particular focus on lease transition
activity is a core element of the plans for Shannon Group and its International Aviation Services
Centre. In addition to lease transition, other potential hangar-based activities include normal heavy
maintenance and aircraft recycling/dismantling. There is an immediate requirement for additional
hangar space to support already committed lease transition activity. The availability of hangar space
will allow the Airport Authority to respond to existing demand as well as attracting future business.

The key aim of this project is to proceed immediately with the design and construction of a large
circa 6,720 (72,300 sq ft) Painting Hangar of which 500 sq m (5,380 sq ft) relates to offices, canteen and
ancillary storage / work place, 400 sq m (4,300 sq ft) relates to plant and storage areas while the balance
relates to the high bay hanger accommodation for various aircraft. The project is expected to consist of
an insulated steel painting hangar with all associated site development and concrete apron works to
accommodate both narrow-body and wide-body aircraft with Shannon Airport. The final agreed
facility requirements will be subject to the design process.

The proposed location for the hangar is adjacent to existing MRO/Painting hangars and a fire training
area to the north and south respectively. The unused Taxiway 7 lies to the west and the access road
to the site on the east coming through the Shannon Free Zone (SFZ). The current airside/landside
fence is located along the western boundary of this access road.

Figure 3.1 – Site Location

There is a short delivery period for this project (82 weeks) and the successful tendering firm must be
able to fully participate in the project according to this timetable. It is estimated that there will be
maximum of five to six months for detailed design and tender documentation. There will be a
minimum of one design team meeting every two weeks. A representative from each member of the
design team (including representation from all Specialist Skills providers) is required at all design

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SAA Procurement Department RFI Version 1.0 (24 Mar 2016)

team meetings. Additional design team meetings may be required during the detailed design stage.
Additional fees will not be paid for attending additional design team meetings.

The schedule for this project is to appoint the Lead Consultant (with associated Specialist Skills) in
June 2016, following prequalification and tender submission by the successfully prequalified
Consultants, with a view to preparing and submitting the necessary applications for statutory
consent in August 2016. It is estimated that the design stage will conclude in November 2016 and
tenders will be sought from suitable building contractors (prequalified) during the same month,
November 2016. Construction works are to commence in January 2017 and must be completed in
October 2017. There will be a minimum of one site meeting every two weeks. A representative
from each member of the design team (including representation from all Specialist Skills providers)
is required at all site meetings. Additional site meetings may be required. Additional fees will not be
paid for attending additional site meetings.

Details of the consultancy services required are outlined in the following sections and will be
detailed further in the second stage of this procurement process (Invitation to Tender). The design
team will commence with Stage 1 Preliminary. This stage will include a full review of all collated
design and survey information prepared to date with a detailed assessment and presentation to the

DESIGN STAGE 2a - Developed Sketch Design
STAGE 2 STAGE 2b - Planning Design (up to full grant of planning)
STAGE 2c - Detailed Design & Cost Plan

Consultancy Services
Shannon Airport Authority Ltd will make a single appointment (Lead Consultant) to a suitably
qualified firm of design consultants, which have been prequalified and whom have been invited to
tender, to provide and co-ordinate full Design, Project Management (to include Employer’s
Representative and Assigned Certifier) and Project Supervisor Design Process consultancy services to
complete all stages 1 to 5 inclusive. The appointment will also include for provision, coordination
and management of all additional required consultancy services and specialist skills required (Stages
1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, 4 and 5).

Lead Consultant
 Project & Stakeholder Co-ordination and Management
 Management of all Statutory Processes and Consultations including liaising with all relevant interest
groups, representative bodies and statutory authorities
 Procurement Services including preparation of tender documentation
 Regulatory Assessment and Management
 Third Party Liaison
 Management of all Project Stages
 Employer’s Representative Services
 Assigned Certifier Services
 Health and Safety Services to include being appointed as Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP)
 Large Scale Industrial Construction Design
 Provision, Co-ordination and Management of all Specialist Skills

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SAA Procurement Department RFI Version 1.0 (24 Mar 2016)

The scope of services will include the planning, design, cost planning, procurement and project
management of all required hangar and apron development works. The commissioned services will
also include for provision, coordination and management of all additional required consultancy
services and specialist skills required (Stages 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3, 4 and 5) namely Civil & Structural
Design, Architectural Design, Building Services Design and Quantity Surveying services. The
following table indicates a sample scope of specialist skills services required. This is a non-
exhaustive list of design services.

Civil & Structural Architectural Building Services Quantity Surveying

Aircraft Hangar Design Architectural & Building Mechanical Design Project Cost Management
Civil Design including Design Services Electrical Design QS Services including prep.
services Fire Safety Design & Fire Suppression Design Of BOQ and Pricing
Structural Design including Certification Aircraft Hangar Fit-out Document
Geo-structural design Design for Disabled Access Design Contractor Procurement
Environmental Impact Statutory Consent Process Emergency Systems Design Services
Assessment & Management Information Systems Tender, Value and Cost
Environmental Services Traffic Management Design Design Management Services
Habitat Directive Design & Management of
Assessment Utilities Services
Flood Design
Site Investigation
Gantry Crane Design

Project Stages

The Contracting Authority reserves the right to tender or award individual elements of this project as
they see fit. The Consultant shall provide all of the necessary services to progress the project
through the following stages:
 Board approval of capital expenditure required
 Collation of information & consolidation of project brief stage
 Detailed design stage
 Tendering and Procurement stage of association Construction works including Pre-
Qualification and Final Tender stages
 Tender report, recommendations and debrief
 Construction stage supervision including comprehensive site supervision
 Certification of interim and final account payments
 Handover, Snagging & Commissioning stage
 Project Safety File compilation and handover
 Staff training and familiarisation
 Presentations to third parties and external agencies as required.

As part of the project process and to facilitate effective engagement with the consultant, Shannon
Airport Authority Ltd (SAA) reserves the right to base an SAA project manager or other SAA staff in
the consultant’s office to aid in efficient running of the project.

As part of this commission the consultant shall advise SAA of international best practice where
appropriate in relation to all aspects of this commission and the Contracting Authority’s objectives
for this project.

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