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The videos are about life. How simple and how complicated it is. The first video entitled
“Life: A simple, smart, & simple shows how simple life is and how a person can outsmart the
complex obstacles of life. The second video entitles “That Sugar Film” aims to be for companies
that invest in refined sugar, a virtually inevitable ingredient in most processed foods on
supermarket shelves. In fact, it is claimed that if all sugar-containing products were removed
from a typical store, only 20% of the stock would remain.
Based on the videos, the essence of a good life is to live it simply. Do not complicate it
and appreciate what you have. Living a good lifestyle is also one way for a person to attain
having a good life.
We all stop being children and become adults at some stage in our lives. Simply recalling
your childhood will return you to that state of mind. You will change your life by tapping into
your inner child and embracing a childlike wonder. Our worldview is already a work in progress
when we are children, and it is subject to change. Even when faced with challenging new
insights, our worldview remains immune to change once it has been established. If this new
insight does not agree with our worldview, we will choose to ignore it rather than change our
The virtues that are taught in the videos are courage, compassion, integrity, self-control,
and creative thinking. The child in the first video showcased the virtues a person must possess to
encounter life which are courage, compassion, and creative thinking. In life, being smart,
persevering, and creative can bring really bring a person up the pedestal. Self-control is showed
in the second film where the actor withhold sugar in his life for 5 years.
Many of the sugars we consume are ‘hidden' in foods, and we are therefore unaware of
their presence. The 40 teaspoons per day will be ‘hidden sugars' contained in foods such as low-
fat yoghurt, cereals, muesli bars, juices, sports drinks, and various condiments, according to the
movie. As a result, there was a strong possibility that all this sugar-eating craziness would be for
naught. However, excessive consumption of sweetened foods and drinks can lead to weight gain,
blood sugar issues, diabetes complications, and an increased risk of heart disease, among other
harmful health conditions.
In life, there is no such need to complicate it. If you want to reach a goal, you need to
find a way to achieve it. On the second film, I must put in mind that foods that claim to be safe
(natural, low-fat, lite, etc.) can be high in sugar and may be the reason you are having trouble
losing weight or managing your health. Sugar restriction may be the solution to your health

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