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Rand International School

2020 - 2021


Grade: ----------

Read Every Day

R.E.D. Folder
Read Every Day
This R.E.D. (Read Every Day) folder is a part of your child’s nightly reading homework.
Your child will need to be able to read when they leave kindergarten. By reading with
your child as often as you can and asking the provided questions, you will promote and
practice fluency and comprehension skills to support this journey!

For homework each night, please do the following:

• Have your child read the book that is in their RED Folder
o Please do not allow your child to struggle through the words. Give him/her a chance to
decode it, but if they continue to struggle, tell them the word so they can continue
• Ask your child 3-4 comprehension questions from the list provided
• When your child is able to read the book fluently and correctly, write
the title of the book, the date, and your signature on the reading log.
• Return the book to school in your child’s RED Folder
o If your child needs additional practice with the book, please keep the folder at home and
continue to practice until they are ready to read it to me!
• When your child returns the folder to me, I will listen to him/her read
the book to me. If they are able to read the book fluently, I will put a
sticker on their log, take the book out, and replace it with a higher level

Important Information
• If you find that a book is too difficult for your child, please return it with
a note and I will gladly send another. The goal is for your child to feel
encouraged and not discouraged.
• The RED books belong to our classroom. Please remind your child the
appropriate way to treat our books and be sure all books are returned in
a timely manner.

I am so eager to witness the excitement as your child’s reading skills come together,
allowing your child to read to you!
Thank you so much for your support!
Read Every Day

Sample Reading Questions

& What is the title of the story? Can you think of another title?
& What is the story about?
& Could this story really happen? Why or why not?
& Is this story real or make believe? How do you know?
& Is this story full of facts? If so, tell me two facts that you learned.
& Where is the setting of the story? (Where does the story take place)
& What time of day does the story take place?
& Who are the characters in the story?
& Is there a problem in the story? If so, what is the problem?
& What is the solution to the problem in the story? Can you think of another
& How do you think your solution will change the ending?
& What happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story?
& Did you like the story? Why or why not?
& Can you think of a different ending for the story?
& What would you do if you were in the story?
& Would you recommend this story to a friend? Why or why not?
Folder Reading Log
Book Title Date Parent Signature Sticker
Folder Reading Log
Book Title Date Parent Signature Sticker
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________
Book Review
Title: ______________________. Author:_____________________
Nonfiction Fiction

How many stars do you think this book should receive?

Why did you give the book this/these star(s)?

Draw a picture about the story /or change the title of the story

What was your favorite part of the book? Why was it your favorite?
This review was completed by _________________________

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