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Nama : Siti Nur Wulan Nur Arifin

NIM : 3402200022

Kelas : Manajemen Reguler A

Matkul : English For Business

Young Business Opportunities in Pandemic Times

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good morning, best wishes to all of us.

Dear English For Business lecturers and friends who I am proud of.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Siti Nur Wulan Nur Arifin, from Management A class at the
Faculty of Economics.

Here I will discuss about young business opportunities during a pandemic.

As we know, in our country, the Corona pandemic has been going on for one year. Even the
whole world is feeling the impact. Starting from offices, restaurants, to street vendors. The
economy is shrinking, life is getting more demanding. Have we thought? What have we been
doing over the past year? Is there any progress? If so, you are a great person. Keep getting up,
when other people are down. What if there are no progress at all? Let's try, before it's too late.
Starting from yourself, one of them with an online business. Based on, it was
noted that internet users in Indonesia in early 2021 reached 202.6 million people. This number
increased by 15.5 percent or 27 million people when compared to January 2020.

Isn't that amazing? With this number of users, we can make money only with a cellphone and
quota. There are many paths that we can take, we just have to choose what goods or services
have become our personal skills. Starting from fashion, food, electronics, beauty, and so on.
Then, what steps should we take in an online business?

First, self-motivation.

Second, prepare capital. Everything must have a sacrifice.

Third, focus and istiqomah, don't be half-assed, so that the results are more accurate.

And lastly, don't forget to always be grateful and share with others.
Okay, from the material that I conveyed about young business opportunities during the
Pandemic, is there anything your friends would like to ask?

The conclusion from this presentation, stay productive regardless of the conditions and find
your inner skills. Pioneering from below is more powerful, willing to process and become a
successful entrepreneur.

Maybe that's all I can say, I'm sorry if there are words that are not pleasing, hopefully it is useful
for all of us and thank you for the participation of all friends in today's presentation.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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