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Article 1261.

1. What will happen when consignation is made?

2. What are the effects of the consignation?
a. What kind of co-debtors are referred to?
b. From what debt are they released?
Article 1262.
1. When is there a loss?
2. What impossibility of performance includes?
3. Do employees working on a Sunday have a right to be payed by the company if a
law is passed prohibiting working on a Sunday?
4. Is there liability when there is already a compliance with the terms of the bond by
the act of purchasing the property?
5. When is an obligation in the delivery of a determinate thing extinguished?
a. When is an obligation in the delivery of a thing not extinguished?
6. What are the kinds of the obligation to give?
7. What is the general rule if there is a loss on an obligation to deliver a specific
a. When should the loss be incurred?
b. Who bears the loss when the mortgaged property is lost?
8. What happens if the specific thing itself is extinguished?
9. Will a claim before the date of discharge of the last package from the carrying
vessel be regarded as premature and speculative?
10. What are the instances when the law requires liability even in the case of a
fortuitous event?
Article 1263.
1. What happens when in an obligation to deliver a generic thing it was lost or
2. What are the exemptions of this?
3. Is an obligation to pay money such as one under pension be considered generic?
4. Is the borrower still liable for the loan despite the destruction of the crops by
someone else?
Article 1264.
1. What will happen if there is a partial loss of the object of the obligation?
Article 1265.
1. What is the presumption when a thing is lost in the possession of the debtor?
2. When is presumption not applicable?
Article 1266.
1. When is the debtor in obligations to do be released?
2. When must possibility exists?
3. Example of legal impossibility; example of physical impossibility.
4. Is the person’s obligation to pay the price extinguished when it was destroyed by
a fortuitous event?
5. If the act is subjectively impossible but otherwise objectively possible, is the
obligation extinguished?
6. What is the effect of loss through a fortuitous event in reciprocal obligations?
7. What are the exemptions?
8. Is this applicable to partial impossibility?
Article 1267.
1. What happens when the service has become so difficult as to be manifestly
beyond the contemplation of the parties?
2. What obligation is the article not applicable?
3. What are the requisites of Article 1267 to apply?
Article 1268.
1. What is the effect of loss in criminal offense?
2. What is the exception?
3. If the creditor refuses to accept the thing due from the criminal, what is the
remedy of the criminal?
Article 1269.
1. What happens (to the creditor) when the obligation is extinguished by the loss of
the thing?
2. What are the reasons for the transfer of rights?
3. What is right of action?
4. Is the insurance money liable for the damages sustained by the second vessel
even though it was the first vessel who was at fault but sank?
Article 1270.
1. What is condonation or remission? Does it require the acceptance by the
2. What form should condonation or remission be made?
3. What should the express condonation comply?
4. What are the essential requisites for remission?
5. What are the classes of remission?
6. What is the effect if remission is not accepted by the debtor?
7. What does remission include?
8. What happens when waiver or abandonment is defective?
Article 1271.
1. What does the delivery of a private document evidencing a credit, made
voluntarily by the creditor to the debtor imply?
2. What should the debtor and his heirs do in order to nullify the waiver?
3. What is the effect of delivery of private document evidencing the credit?
4. Can a mere fact that the creditor has omitted a certain debt or the name of the
debtor from an inventory made by him imply a tacit remission?
5. Should falsehood be allowed?
6. What should prevail between the presumption of remission and the presumption
of payment?
Article 1272.
1. What is the presumption when the private document in which the debt appears is
found in the possession of the debtor?
2. What is the rule if the instrument of credit is still in creditor’s hands?
3. What is the effect of the presumption in joint and solidary obligation?
Article 1273.
1. What is the effect of the renunciation of the principal debt?
2. What is the effect of the renunciation of the accessory obligation?
Article 1274.
1. What is the presumption when after the delivery of the thing pledged to the
creditor, it is found in the possession of the debtor, or of a third person who owns
a thing?
2. Is possession by third person necessary to be able to use the presumption?
Article 1275.
1. When is obligation extinguished in the merger of rights?
2. What is merger or confusion?
3. What are the requisites of a valid merger?
4. What is the effect of transfer of rights?
5. What happens when real rights are extinguished?
6. How can confusion or merger be revived?
7. What is the effect if mortgagee becomes the owner of the mortgaged property?
Article 1276.
1. Who benefits the merger which takes place in the person of the principal debtor?
2. What happens when there is confusion which takes place in the person of any of
the guarantors?
3. What is the effect of merger to guarantors?
Article 1277.
1. What does confusion not extinguish?

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