Deed of Assignment and Transfer of Rights-Flaviano

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        This deed, made and entered into this ____________at the
Municipality of Bindoy, Negros Oriental by and between:
Mr. FLAVIANO BALDOMAR, Filipino Citizen, of legal age,
widower, with residence and postal address at Danao,
Bindoy Negros Oriental hereinafter referred to as the
MUNICIPALITY OF BINDOY, represented by Mayor, Hon.
Valente D. Yap, Filipino Citizen, of legal age, married, with
residence and postal address at Poblacion, Bindoy Negros
Oriental Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the
        WHEREAS the ASSIGNOR is the actual possessor of a forestall
land located at Danao, Bindoy, Negros Oriental embraced by Tax
Declaration No. 06-009-0084 which he purchased from previous
possessor, LUIS DEVERO by virtue of a Deed of Absolute Sale
notarized by Atty. Roque V. Amante Sr., under Doc No. 109, Page No.
22, Book No. XXXIV and Series of 1996, a copy was attached herewith
for reference. That said forestall land was bounded as follows;

North: Robenson Devero 375m. South: Sofia Vailoces 365m.

East: Mateo Maribao 95m. West: Luiz S. Devero 90m.
Containing an area of 2.5175 hectares
        WHEREAS, the ASSIGNOR has offered to assign and waive his
rights, title and interest over a portion of said parcel of forestall land
its cultivation and improvements with an area of .525 hectares as per
attached sketch as Annex “A”.

WHEREAS the ASSIGNEE hereby accepts the assignment which

will utilize the said area as relocation site;
        NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing
premises and the sum of TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS
(25,000.00), PHILIPPINE CURRENCY, which the ASSIGNOR hereby
acknowledged to have received from the ASSIGNEE, the ASSIGNOR
hereby assigns, transfers and waives unto the ASSIGNEE, all his rights
of possession and interest to the aforementioned property.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands
on the date and place first above written.
Municipality of Bindoy represented by
FLAVIANO BALDOMAR                               VALENTE D. YAP
ASSIGNOR                                       ASSIGNEE    

Signed in the presence of:

_____________________________                  ______________________________

Republic of the Philippines)
Municipality of Bindoy ) S.S
BEFORE ME, a notary , personally appeared:
  Name                       Proof of Identity   
FLAVIANO BALDOMAR CTC no. 22412167, 8/29/12, Bindoy Neg. Or.
VALENTE D. YAP CTCNo.26012941, issued on 1/9/12 at Bindoy Neg. Or.                 
known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Deed
of Assignment and Waiver of Rights and acknowledged to me that the same is their free
and voluntary act and deed.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.

Doc No.__
Page No.__
Book No.__
Series of 2012

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