Letter Requesting Expert Opinion

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Subject: Request for validation of tool for data collection

Respected Madam/Sir,

We are conducting a dissertation as criterion for the fulfillment of B.SC Nursing

(Bachelor of science in Nursing) program. The research topic is " KNOWLEDGE AND
have enclosed the prepared tool. So, we kindly request your opinion and valuable
suggestion regarding relevance and validity of the tool.

Your kind opinion for expert judgement will be very much appreciated.

Thanking you,

Validated by Sincerely Yours

……………………… Sony Chaudhary
Anuja Koirala
Signature: BSC Nursing (4th Year)


Date: …………………





 To assess knowledge and practices regarding of menstrual hygiene among

adolescent girls in Siddhartha Memorial English School, Kalabanzar, Sunsari


 To assess the level of knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent

girls in Siddhartha Memorial English School.
 To assess the level of practice regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent
girls in Siddhartha Memorial English School.
 To find out the association between socio-demographic characteristics with
knowledge and practices regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls.
 To corelate the knowledge with practice among adolescent girls in Siddhartha
Memorial English School.

Purbanchal University Medical Allied Science

Purbanchal University, Gothgaun, Morang, Nepal
Consent form (English Version)

Study Title: Knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in
secondary level in Sunsari District.

Namaste, We, Sony Chaudhary and Anuja Koirala, students of Purbanchal University
Medical Allied Science are here for research study on “Knowledge and practice of
menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in secondary level in Sunsari District” as a
partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor of Nursing program. The study has
been approved by the Research Committee, Purbanchal University Medical Allied
Science. The study involves no foreseeable risks or harm to you. You will be contributing
in this study by telling about your experiences. The researcher will note down your
response in the tool. It will take around 25-30 minutes to fill the form. Your valuable
answers will help to my study further.

I would like to inform you that your participation in this study is voluntary and you have
the full right to withdraw from the study at any time you want without fear and without
giving any reasons. All the information given by you will be kept confidential and will be
used only for study purpose. Your personal identity will not be disclosed to anyone. I
hope, you will participate in this study by providing your authentic response to the

Do you understand all the information I have given to you and will you agree to be a part
of this research?

Consent: In signing this consent form, I state that I have read this document completely
and I understand its content and purpose. My questions have been answered to my
satisfaction. I hereby give permission to enroll me as a candidate.

By signing this form, I have not waived any of my legal rights in a research study.

Participant’s signature: For participant’s only

Investigator’s signature


Thank you for your support and participation


Instrument in English Version

Purbanchal University, Institute of Medicine

Purbanchal University Nursing Campus

Interview Schedule Questionnaire

Research Title: Knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in
secondary level in Sunsari District.

Objective: To assess knowledge and practices regarding of menstrual hygiene among

adolescent girls in Siddhartha Memorial English School, Kalabanzar, Sunsari district.

Direction: Interviewer will read out the questions to the respondents one by one and tick
mark (√) or write the respondent’s response in the space.

Date of interview: Form

Section 1: Questionnaire regarding demography.

1. Age

a) 13- 15 Years

b) 16-18 Years

c) 19 and Above

2. Education (Class)

a) Class 7-8

b) Class 9-10

c) Class 11-12

3. Mother Education

a) Illiterate

b) Primary level
c) Secondary level

d) Higher education

4. Religion

a) Hindu

b) Muslim

c) Christian

d) Other………

5. Age of Menarche

6. Type of Family:

a) Single Family

b) Joint Family

Section 2 to Section 4: Please tick the appropriate options which is applied to you.

Section 2: Questionnaire regarding knowledge about mensuration

7. What is menstruation?

a) Physiological process

b) Disease

c) Sin

d) Don’t know

8. What is the normal flow?

a) 3-5 days

b) 5-7 days

c) 7-9 days

9. How long does the normal cycle last?

a) 24-27 days

b) 28-32 days

c) 33-36 days

10. Pain during the menstruation is

a) Normal

b) Not normal

c) Mean that she is sick

d) I don’t know

11. From which organ bleeding occurs

a) Uterus

b) Kidney

c) Bladder

d) Stomach

e) Do not know

12. The reason of menstruation is

a) Maturity

b) Hormones

c) Others

13. Who is the source of knowledge of menstrual cycle before menarche?

a) Mother

b) Teacher

c) Friend

d) Relative

e) Sister
Section 3: Questionnaire regarding habitual practices during menstruation

14. What you use during menstruation?

a) Sanitary Pad

b) New cloth

c) Old washed Cloth

15. If you are using cloth or absorbent (re-usable), How do you dry it?

a) Outside room in sunlight

b) Inside room with sunlight

c) Without sunlight

d) Do not use again

16. How often you use cloth or pad?

a) 1 in 1 period

b) Change daily

c) Wash and use again

d) More than two pad/clothes in a day

17. Where u disposes the pad or clothes?

a) Mud

b) Dustbin

c) Burn

d) Separate place

18. Do you wash your hands after changing pads or clothes with soap and water?

a) Yes

b) No

19. When do you clean your genitalia?

a) Morning

b) Every time use toilet

c) During bathing

d) Do not clean regularly

Section 4: Questionnaire restrictions during menstruation

20. Please tick Yes or No for being restricted during your menstruation.

Particulars Yes No

Separate utensils/plates

Cooking/going and working in kitchen

Praying/ going to Pooja room/temple

Avoiding certain foods

Attending school

Playing or doing exercise/routine household works

Visit relatives, friends and neighbors

Should use empty floor/separate place or mat for sleep

Should wash her clothes, utensils and mat separately

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