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if puppies could talk

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: VIXX
Character: Cha Hakyeon | N, Jung Taekwoon | Leo, Kim Wonshik | Ravi
Additional Tags: Crack, Humor
Series: Part 5 of VIXXMAS 2017
Stats: Published: 2017-12-25 Words: 315

if puppies could talk

by Silverdancer


Rumor has it that Taekwoon and Wonshik fought a lot during the preparations of their

Only Hakyeon knows the truth about it.


Written for vixxmas!

You should go check the rest of prompts out!

“Take it back, right now,” Hakyeon heard as he was walking the corridor that would lead to the
stage. It sounded like Taekwoon’s voice, but that couldn’t be. Taekwoon never spoke that loudly.

“I can’t. I’m just speaking the truth,” he heard. That had been definitely Wonshik’s voice, and if
that was the case it was definitely worrying. They were obviously angry, but no matter what had
happened in the past, they had never actually shouted at each other as they were doing now. As he
approached the door at the end of the corridor, he saw a staff member waiting there, hidden behind
the door.

The staff looked up when she heard his steps, and Hakyeon stopped, unsure of what to do. Before
he had the chance to say anything, she walked away, pretending as if that hadn’t happened. If it had
been as bad as to scare the staff it must have been terrible.
He walked to the door, and opened it slowly, trying to not make any noise. They were right at the
center of the stage, the tension almost palpable in the air.

“Take. It. Back,” Taekwoon said with clenched teeth. Hakyeon had to intervene, and fast.

“Guys, guys, what’s happening,” he said, raising his voice so they could hear until he caught up
with them. “You’re scaring the staff with your loud voices.”

It worked, they had heard him, clearly, as they had interrupted their discussion, but they weren’t
looking at him either. He insisted. He was imagining the worst by now. “Guys?”

“He said that…” he stopped, and Hakyeon’s mind provided him with some possible answers. None
of them were the least bit reassuring.

Hakyeon waited, the seconds stretching, heartbeat loud in his ears.

“I said that of course Ondongie is cuter that Siwolie,” Wonshik finished for him.

Hakyeon gasped. Oh no. This was going to be a disaster.

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