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Class 6th S.

st Notes
Chapter One

Words & Meanings

Continents Strategically Bloc Routes Ganges Bay of Bengal Delta Plateau
Irrigation Sheltered Herds Extends Tributaries Vegetation Estuary

Question & Answers

Q1. (a) Where are most Islamic countries located? Why are they in this part
of the world?
(b) In which parts of the world are there no Islamic countries?
(a) Most Islamic countries are located in the middle east, northern Africa and
central Asia. They are located in this part of the world because Islam spread
from Saudi Arabia which is at the center of this whole area.
(b) There are no Islamic countries in Europe, east Asia and Americas.

Q2. In which parts of Pakistan are the deserts located?

In the south are the deserts of Sindh and Balochistan. The Thar desert which
extends far into India and the Thal desert in the Indus Valley.

Q3. Why, do you think, does the Punjab have the highest population in the
Punjab is irrigated by a well-developed canal system that uses water from
the river Indus and its tributaries and is very fertile, producing the bulk of
agricultural produce in Pakistan.

Q4. Make a list of all the mountain ranges in Pakistan and northern India.
(a) Hindu Kush, Karakoram ranges.
Potwar Plateau
Salt range
Indus Valley
(b) Toba Kakar Range
Sulaiman Range
Indus Valley
Thar desert

Chapter Two

Words & Meanings

Weather Arctic region Climate Showers Bitterly Cold Interior Ocean currents
Determining Measurable Southern Hemisphere Sheltered

Question & Answers

Q1. Why is the amount of rainfall so important for the climate?
Rainfall is very important to determine the climate of a place, Warmer places
tend to have less rainfall compared to cooler places and deserts and dried
lands tend to have less rainfall compared to planes and mountains.

Q2. How high would the rainfall in Cherrapunji reach in your school, if it all
stayed on the ground?
The rainfall in Cherrapunji was nearly 23 meters or 75 feet, enough to go
over the tops of many buildings.

Q3. Can you think of any other factors that might affect climate?
Ocean currents, Wind, Elevation and Distance from the Equator are some
other factors alongside rain which affect the climate.

Q4. Can you see how air pressure is linked to fine or rainy weather in
different parts of the country?
Air rises in a low-pressure area and falls in a high-pressure area. In a low-
pressure area, the rising air cools and this is likely form clouds, and
consequently rain. The opposite is true in a high-pressure area, which is why
high pressure tends to give cloudless skies.

Chapter Four

Words & Meanings

Funnel Mounted Pole Instantly Collapsible Fragile Float Forecasting Attached
Question & Answers
Q1. Why do you think glass measuring cylinder of the rain gauge is inside an
outer container?
It is supposed to be protected from sunlight to prevent evaporation affecting
results on hot days/low precipitation which is why it is inside an outer

Q2. Why is it important to know which direction the wind is blowing from?
Why does the vane have a ‘tail’?
Knowing from which direction the wind is blowing aids in weather
observation and forecasting. The tail is heavier than the arrow so it helps the
wind in pointing the arrow towards its direction.

Q3. Which weather-measuring devices is also used in cooking/candle-

Cooking uses a thermometer, which measures temperature.

Q4. Why do we need to measure weather and keep a record?

Measuring and predicting the weather has the capacity to help people,
businesses, farmers, transport systems and provide warning systems. It is
also important in determining an area's climate, which involves measuring
the weather over a long period of time.

Chapter Five
Words & Meanings
Irrigation Farmland Barrages Ditches Shallow Stabilize Worth Trickle
Wandering Herds Vegetation Flocks Coarse Countryside Foothills Destination
Tourists Timber Equator Slopes Inhabited

Question & Answers

Q1. People who use wood for construction and fuel cut down trees without
much thought. How does this affect forests?
The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change,
desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems.

Q2. Why is firewood needed in some parts of Pakistan? What is the

government trying to do to solve this problem?
Firewood is used for cooking and heating in many parts of Pakistan where
people cannot afford those things. The government is trying to provide
people with gas and electricity to reduce this problem.

Q3. What is the importance of agriculture for Pakistan? What are the sources
of water for agriculture?
Agriculture is an important sector of Pakistan's economy. This sector directly
supports the country's population and accounts for 26 percent of GDP. The
total water supply available to agriculture comes from three sources: rainfall,
surface water from the River Indus and its tributaries and ground water.
Q4. (a) Find out the names of the major rivers in India and Bangladesh.
(b) From your atlas look up the name and height of the highest peak in Sri
(c) Name the capitals of Nepal and Bhutan.
(a) Ganga, Brahmaputra, Teesta and Surma-Kushiara
(b) Pidurutalagalathe is tallest mountain in Sri Lanka, at 2,524 m
(c) Thimphu and Kathmandu are the capitals of Nepal and Bhutan

Chapter Seven

Words & Meanings

Exports Yarn Aroma Lentils Unrefined Boiled Produces Suitable Statistics
Poultry Adjoining Occupation Trawlers Coastal Regions

Question & Answers

Q1. Find out more about the major crops: wheat, rice, sugar cane, and
cotton, in Pakistan.
The most important crops are wheat, sugarcane, cotton, and rice, which
together account for more than 75% of the value of total crop output.
Pakistan's largest food crop is wheat. As of 2018, Pakistan wheat output
reached 26.3 million tonnes.

Q2. What dishes are gram and pulses used in? Name some of the pulses you
have eaten.
They are used in Daal and channa chat etc. I have eaten Lentils, Chickpeas,
Pigeon Peas and Dry Beans.

Q3. Why is butter difficult to store and transport in hot weather? List the
names of some companies that make dairy products.
Butter melts easily in hot temperatures and spoils which is why it is difficult
to transport in hot weather.
Adam's Milk Foods, Engro Foods Limited and Nestle are some companies
which make dairy products.

Q4. In comparison to India, Pakistan produces a crop in a much larger

quantity. What is this? What is the advantage Pakistan has in this regard?
Sugarcane is the crop which Pakistan produces in a much larger quantity. It is
because of our fertile land and hard work.

Chapter Nine

Words & Meanings

Minerals Valuable Modern Develop Construction Emeralds Requirement
Industry Precious Imported
Question & Answers
Q1. What is Pakistan’s most useful mineral resource?
Q2. What advantages does natural gas have over oil? In what ways is oil
more useful?
Q3. Which mineral does Pakistan have to import in large quantities? What
are its uses?
Q4. Why is Pakistan’s own coal not very important in the industry at the
moment? Why may it be much more important in the future?
Q5. Find out what ‘mica’ is, and for what it is used.

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