1813 - Soal TBI STAN 2017

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Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris
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Nomor Seri Soal :

[Tuliskan Nomor Seri Soal ini pada lembar jawaban Anda.
b Tanpa pencantuman nomor ini, lembar jawaban Anda tidak dapat diproses.

(NOMOR 121 S.D. 180)


Select the correct answer from the four choices given!.,fl
121 . The . . . accountant feels exhausted when ( 127 / Winona could not explain why ... to a

he gets home. \--, convent school.

A. overwork X her parents sent her
B. overworks t'g. did her parents send her 1./
C. overworking C. were her parents sending her
,F overworked D. her parents were sending her

122. Mr. Clarke has ... a big house that it takes (128/ lf we see how the new manager treats us, it
a Iong time to paint the wall and decorate \--/ is very clear that he is ... than the previous
it. one.
A. so A. kind
B. very kinder
C. kindest
--*- such
D. such as D. more kind

Based on the research, as soon as a person {29/ fhe surrounding grew ... after the submarine
..., he will immediately check their phone. \-// descended to the deepest part of the ocean.
A. willwake up A. darken
wakesup darkly/
u. waKe up
d -V
C. darkening
.El woke up D. darkened

124- No sooner ... at the education fair, than the 130. The parents should not risk... the children in
presentation from University of Harvard was the pool without surveillance.
over. -lf to leave
A. had we come B. Ieave
B. we had come C. leaving
C. did we come D. for leaving
D. we come
125. James Dawson, ..., finally became vice 131 . Just because I once got a speeding ticket,
president of the company in 1989. my parents object to ... taking the car for
A. was an administration officer in 1972 even short drives.
B. he was an administration officer in 1972 A. I

$ an administration officer in 1972 B. my

D. whose an administration officer in 1972 C. me
D. mine

126. The study found that many are 132. By the time Judy finishes her breakfast, we
unresponsive to socio-economic and ... at her apartment.
- technological changes in the rural sector. A. will have arrived
A. curricula B. would have finished
B. curricular / .D1 will arrive
C. curriculas \-/ D. arrive

PMB PKN STAN TAHUN 2O].7 Halaman 1dariT

133. ... between Limpopo and Luvuvhu Rivers, 6d lndonesian palm oil production if the
Kruger National Park is the ancestral home L./ government prolonged the forest
of the Makulele people. moratorium.
A. Situating r{ will be hampered
B. Situated B. would be hampered
C. To situate C. would have been hampered
D. Having been D. was hampered
134. We were going to watch ..., but the review 141. This ... statue was made about 100 years
ago by an ltalian sculptor.
A. The movie frightening A. brown wooden interesting
B. The frightened movie B. wooden interesting brown
E The frightening movie C. interesting wooden brown
D. The frighten movie
zP1 interesting brown wooden
135. My sister attends two subjects this (rd) marijuana is known as an iilegat
semester, one is public Administration and
... is Statistics.
\-/ substance in lndonesia, The White Union
has been trying to eradicate that
;l/the other misconception.
B. other Although
C. another -A:
B. ln spite of
D. the others C. Despite
D. Because
136. Susan was self-reliant and hardly ever ... 143. ... the world is round is still debatable.
any assistance from others. A. That
A. she accepted B. tf
B. was she accepted 2.4 Whether
C. she did accept D. What
D. did she accept
137. Kate and her children ... when the police (l++/ As soon as the midftelder ... the bail, the
told her that her husband had died of car \--,' striker will shoot it to the goal.
crash. A. passed
/ B. broke down
_B passes
broke out C. willpass
C. broke up D. have passed
D. broke in
138. ... about Mr. Ron's behaviour sooner, I 145. The bus is about to leave, thus, let,s get into
would have fired him immediately. the bus, ...?
A. Had been known A. are we
/. Had I known
'9 Knowing B. aren't we t/
D. lf I knew --d shan't we
D. shallwe
139. All people ... in the event are given 146. The airline requires that the passenger ...
notebook for souvenir. his seat belt fastened at all times during
.X" tnat participated take-off and landing.
B. which participating A. kept
C. participate B. keep
D. participating C. keeps
D. keeping

Halaman 2 dariT
147 . The professor got the absentee ..: three 149. Madam Levin requires that her employee ."
chapters of management book. more cooperative in the next meeting"
-{B. summarized '" 7
tosummarize -FB. itare
C. summarizes Y C. be
D. summarize D. being
14A. No sooner ... the train station, than she 150. Daniel, accompanied by her parents, ...
changed her mind to go by bus. going to attend his college graduation
A. she reached ceremony.
B. did she reach A. are
C. she had reached Eis
D. had she reached C- were
D. was

Choose the one word or phrre h'hkfi wsuH rct be appmpriate in standard written English!

ts1. The survey found frrat the moe people use social'm.riif'the E+t !X+ they wilt concem about

152. My brother told us that he once hiked a Mount Lawu on the East and Central Java border.
153. Natalie Portman was proud of her when she won an Oscar award for the Best Actress in 2011.
154. Only few people in that meeting aqreed that Nancy deserved qet!9q the appreciation.
A, B C Y
155. On March, the public was shocked by a video of female students mixinq prayer movements with

1b6. Accordinq to the survey, the number of lndonegians people studvinq overseas are very big.
-A )EN D

lST. Neither of those students have a clue to solve the mathematics problem assiqned by the

158. Chinese peOple adore eats much because of their abitity to kill mice, their bravery and halte
smooth fur.

159. Trustworthv legislators must be accountabilitv for the promises they made to tEU voters.
160. West countries always support the principal that all citizens have the equal right reqardless
gender, religion, race or skin color.

PMB PKN STAN TAHUN 2017 Halaman 3 dariT

). w
l'1 0o om
i'qa- qo
Read the passage carefully and select the one correct answer from the four choices
(A, B, C, or D)!
Reading 1 for questions 161 - 167

Line Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical

lnfection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans throulh mosquiioes.
When a
mosquito with infective stage larvae bites a person, the parasites are deposited
on the person's
skin from where they enter the body. The larvae then migrate to the lymphatic vessels
where they
develop into adult worms forming 'nests' in the humai lymphatic "system. lnfection
is usually
acquired in childhood, but the painful and profoundly disfiguring viiiute manifestations
of the
disease occur later in life. Whereas acute- eprsoqe-s-ot,1rre iis"usu cause temporary
lymphatic filariasis leads to permanent disabi{ity.
. Currently, more than j.3 billion people in g1 countries are at risk. Approximately
65% of
10 those infected live in the WHO South-East Asia Region, 30% in the African Region,
and the
remainder in other tropical areas. Lymphatic filariasii afflicts over 25 million
mei with genital
disease and over 15 rnillion people with lymphoedema. Since the pr"r"i"n""
infection are iinked to poverty, its eliminitidn can contribute to achieving the
r;d i"i;;"ty-;i
United Nations
Millennium Development Goals.
15 Lymphatic filariasis infection involves asymptomatic, acute, and chronic conditions.
majority of infections are asymptomatic, showing no external signs of infection.
asymptomatic infections still cause damage to the lymphatic system te kioneyi as well as
alter the body's immune system. "iO
Acute episodes of local inflammation involving skin, lymph nodes and lymphatic
20 -
often accompany the chronic lymphoedema or elephantiasis. Some of these episodes
are caused
by the body's immune response to the parasite. However most are the result of
bacterial skin
infection where normal defences have been partially losi due to underlying lymphatic
When lymphatic filariasis develops into chronic conditions, it le;dslo-lymphoedema
swelling) or elephantiasis (skin/tissue thickening) of limbs and hydroeele
lnvolvement of breasts and genital organs is common.
inuio u""urnutation).
(Adapted from various sources - pTT BppK)

161. The pronoun its in line 13 refers to .... {16!r' Which of the fottowing is tyglIRUE about
A. prevalence
B. intensity lt transmitted to Jruman by filarial
C. infection '
^Jf parasttes.
D. poverty B. Its infections are mostly asymptomatic.
C. Its chronic episodes can influence
genital organs.
N It commonly affects people living in poor
162. How many people from other tropical areas 165. The word prevalence in line 12 can best be
were moreless infected with Lymphatic replaced by ....
Filariasis? A. delivery
A. 1,3 biilions. B. distribution
B. 845 millions. C. influence
C. 390 miltions. D. occurrence
-E: 65 miltions.

163. The majority of the acute local inflammation 166. Where in the passage does the author
is caused by.... discuss the spread of Lymphatic Filariasis?
A- body's immune's response A. Line 1-4.
B. underlying lymphatic damage
C. bacterialskin infection C. Line 11 - 14.
D. fluid accumulation D. Line 23 - 25.
Halaman 4 dariT
167. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The development of Lymphatic
B. The expansion of Lymphatic Filariasis.
C. The symptoms of Lymphatic Filariasis. 1'

D. The episodes of Lymphatic Filariasi.

Reading 2 tor questions 168 - 174

Line Nikola Tesla, a Serbian by parentage, began working for the phone company in Budapest.
ln 1882, he headed for Paris, where he took a job with the Continental Edison iompany. He was
invited to work stateside after his supervisor wrote a recommendation praising the young man as
a genius on par with Thomas Alfa Edison himself. While he hired Tesla, Edison thought ihe man's
5 ideas were "splendid" but "utterly impractical." Edison relied heavily on tedious exfierimentation
for most of his discoveries, a commitment which some historians attribute partially to his lack of
formal education. Tesla, in contrast, was an emotionally driven dreamer with years of engineering
training, which allowed him to work out theories before physically implementing them.
At same point, Tesla insisted that he could increase the efficiency of Edison's prototypical
10 dynamos, and eventually wore down Edison enough to let him try. Edison, Tesla lat,er clalmed,
even promised him $50,000 if he succeeded. Tesla worked around the clock for several months
and made a great deal of progress. When he demanded his reward, Edison claimed the offer was
a joke, saying, "When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.,,
Edison offered a $1O/week raise, instead. Ever prideful, Tesia quit, and spent the next few months
15 picking up odd jobs across New york City.
Edison's least favorite of Tesla's ''tmpractical" ideas was the concept of using alternating
current (AC) technology to bring electricity to the people. Edison insisted that his own direct currenl
(DC) system was superior, in that it maintained a lower voltage from power station to consumer,
and was, therefore, safer. But AC technology, which allows the flow of energy to periodically
20 change direction, is more practical for transmitting massive quantities of energy,-is is iequired by
a large city. or hub of industry, say. At the time, DC technology only allowed f-or a power grid with
a one-mile radius from the power source. The conflict between the two methods and their masters
came to be known as the War of Currents. ln the end, AC won out. George Westinghouse, an
inventor, entrepreneur, and engineer who had himself been feuding with Edilon for yeirs, futfileo
25 Tesla's dream of building a power plant at Niagara Falls to power New york City, jnd built upon
its principles the same system of local power gnds we use today.
(Adapted from various sources - PTT BppK)

168. Which one is NOT TRUE about Nikota ' '6) What is the main idea of the passage?
Tesla? --,/ -}, The rivalry between Tesla and Edison.V
A. He worked for Edison's company. B. The superiority of AC system.
-W He built a power plant at Niagara Falls. C. The invention of AC and DC system.v
C. He had a better educational D. The biography of Nikola Tesla.
background than Edison.
D. He worked out theories before
physically implementing them.
169. The rivalry between Tesla and Edison took (lZl) The word its in line 26 refers to ....
place in .... \-/ A. New york City
1 century
17th B. power plant
B. century
"€ AC sysiem
.Q: 19Ih century D. The combination of AC and DC
D. 20th century principles


PMB PKN STAN TAHUN 2017 Halaman 5 dariT

172. Which one is the adrrantage of DC system? 174. The word tedious in line 5 is closest in
meaning to ....
//: lt maintains a lower voltage from Powey A. diverse
station to consumer.
B. lt allows for a power grid with a one- B. dull
mile radius from the Power source. C. dynamic
C. lt is more practical for transmitting D. tenacious
massive quantities of energY.
D. lt is more economicalto be applied.

173. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. George Westinghouse and Nikola
Tesla were best friend.
B. George Westinghouse has invented
the generator that we use todaY.
C. George Westinghouse admired
Edison's work.
D. George Westinghouse rarely agreed
with Edison.

Reading 3 for questions 175 - 180

Line Also known as Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome, Progeria Syndrome is an extremely rare

genetic disease. ln this disease the aging process of the body accelerates much faster than what
it does in normal humans. This process of aging gallops to about seven times the normal rate.
Because of this, a child of ten years would have a look of 70 years old. He orshe mayalso have
similar respiratory, cardiovascular, and arthritic conditions that a 70-year-old would have.
There is no cure for this disease. The exact cause is unknown, but it is believed due to a
single abnormal (mutant) gene. Normally for each gene there are two copies, one from each
parent. Progeria is considered to be the result of a dominant mutation because the gene in question
has one noimal copy and one abnormal copy, as opposed to a recessive mutation in which both
10 copies are abnormal. Because neither parent carries or expresses the mutation, each case is
believed to represent a sporadic new mutation which happens at the time of conception.
Progeria affects between 1 in I million (approx.) children, with a total reported incidence
of just over i00 in the century since it has been identified. There are currently between 30 and 40
known cases worldwide of Progeria. Children from all races and cultures from arcund the world
15 have been affected.
Because of the lack of a specific laboratory test at this time, the diagnosis must be based
on the physical appearance of the individual. The diagnosis is usually made in the first or second
year of life when skin changes and failure to gain weight become apparent.
Research indicates that a chemical (hyaluronic acid) may be found in greatly elevated
20 Ievels in the urine of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome patients. The same abnormality has
been found in Werner Syndrome, which is sometimes called 'progeria of the adult'.
(Adapted from various sources - PTT BPPK.)

175. The pronoun it in line 13 refers to .... 176. The following paragraph will most likely talk
A. century about ....
B. mutation A. the symptoms of Progeria of the adult
p progeria B. the research about Werner Syndrome
1D. incidence C. the process of level of urine elevation
D. the chemicalfound in Progeria patients

Halaman 6 dariT PMB PKN STAN TAHUN 2017

177. The author's main purpose in the passage 179. According to the passage, which of the
is to .... fo/owing is NOT TRUE about Progeria?
A. show the cause of Progeria syndrome ,rX lt is believed to be the result of recessive
B. state the result of Progeria syndrome mutation.
research B. lt shares similar abnormality with Werner
C. give examples about the spread of Syndrome.
Progeria syndrome C. lt can be diagnosed from the patient's
give explanation about Progeria skin changes.
syndrome D. lt is a genetic disease which affects the
aging process.

pA/me word apparent in line 18 is closest in 180. The word gallops

v rneanino
in line 3 can best be
to .... replaced by ....
ffi *oir" A.
B. obvious expanses
C. severe ,€f accelerates
D. dominant b. continues


PMB PKN STAN TAHUN 2017 Halaman 7 dariT



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