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ad anuncio I saw a betting ad in a sporting broadcast
sporting programa de deportes I saw a betting ad in a sporting broadcast
hub centro The sporting clubs are pretty much the hub of those
team work trabajo en equipo learning about team work
Transfer Transferir, trasladar, trasbordo (en medios de transporte), traspaso o Real Madrid paid a lot of money for Cristiano Ronaldo's
fichaje (en fútbol) transfer
Midfielder Centrocampista, en fútbol jugador que juega en el centro del campo He didn't score many goals last season, he is a midfielder
Islamisation Islamización. In VIII Th century a Islamization process in Iberian
Peninsula was started
No 10 Número 10 de Downing Street. Residencia en Londres del Primer The Prime Minister lives in No 10
Ministro Británico
Focus Enfocar, centrarse sobre algo, concentrarse en un asunto We have to focus on this problem, it is very important
Labour Labour Party. Partido Laborista Labour had a list of objections about the new law
Eurosceptic Euroescéptico, que no cree o confía en la estructura de la Unión Eurosceptics think UK should leave European programs
Far-reaching. De amplio alcance, trascendental The Administration has a far-reaching program to help
unemployed people
Welfare Prestaciones, ayudas sociales I have to fill in some forms for a welfare request
EU Unión Europea There are 28 countries in the EU
US Estados Unidos US and UK have an excellent relationship
Hamper Enlentecer, dificultar, obstaculizar The traffic jam is hampering us, we will be late
pay attention to… Prestar atención a
I’m not a fan of… No soy partidario de…
To be more likely to… Ser más probable de que…
Be mad at somebody estar enfadado con alguien
Counter-terrorism Lucha antiterrorista
28-member bloc La Europa de los 28

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