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Aldynanda B.


Belinda Pang
Sensorial Marketing
This lecture held on Saturday, March 6th 2021. Belinda Pang, The speaker on
this lecture,is a regional director, sensory & consumer insights, greater Asia at
International Flavors & Fragrances, Singapore. She explained that human have 5
sense:hearing, sight, smell, taste,and touch. According to research, 75% of the
emotions we generate on a daily basis are effected by smell. Next to sight, it is the
most important sense we have. Of course it has a lot of do with economics. Example
baby powder, like jhonson, my baby, or anything else. Each brand has a distinctive
smell that is different from another.Because this is a brand that can be very large and
used by the people.
Rose Dove, a perfumer, says smell is a driving force. When we smell a scent,
it is as if we enter another world. The smell is said to be very strong; has tremendous
power that can affect a person. Proustian memory linked to memory and emoticon.
Customers are 100x more likely remember what they smell. People can relate a scent
to a memory with 65% accurancy within 12 months. This proustian can influence
human behavior, it makes people linger, increased expenses, repeat business, better
customer service.
The food industry also uses smells to attract people to come and buy their
products. For example a bakery, like a breadtalk. When someone walks past the shops,
people smell it and feel like it buy it again and again. Many shops use flowers as room
fragrances. Each aroma has its own meaning. The scent of flowers should encourage
consumers to linger in the shop. The aroma of leather evokes a feeling of luxury. The
lavender scent promotes relaxation, fantastic for salons and spas. The aroma of
lemongrass is refreshing and energizing, good for hotels or inns. The aroma of vanilla
is used to improve mood, perfect for entertainment venues.
Not only smell, sight also greatly affects the economy. Especially in color,
which allows many people to remember something after seeing these color. Just like
smell, color also has its own meaning. Red colour means aggressive, energetic,
provocative, attention-grabbing, and passionate. Blue colour means trustworthy,
dependable, secure, responsible, and confident. Grey or black colour means prestige,
value, timelessness, sophistication, and power.
Sound marketing is also useful for advertising to introduce product. Like a
“pop” sound when open the champagne may reveal its quality and KitKat's crunchy
sound carried over to the product. In addition, what affects the sight is good lighting
owned products greatly affect 90% of color branding. Branding is also affected by
sensory such as hearing, music can affect food and drink which is being tasted.
Example like Mcd Music. Their try to make crunch sound as a identity in consumer’s
mind and so McD has a song as their symbol, so if customers heard the song, the
customers will know that is a McD symbol song.

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