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Hyacinth Jade Iwayan November 30, 2020

A. Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on the blank.

1. Adolescentis the stage known for rapid and sudden changes.

2. Abstract thinking, or the ability to imagine something one has not experienced yet, is part of an
adolescent’s cognitive development.

3. Developmental Task are sets of expectations, may it be physical, cognitive, and socioemotional
expectations, that would make an individual happy and satisfied when these are fulfilled.

4. An adolescent feels like he is being watched all the time and is sensitive to criticism of others because
of the imaginary audience that he has developed in his head.

5. Having a set of personal values in the adolescent stage will serve as a guiding compass when making
crucial decisions later on in life.

B. Answer the questions below in a brief and concise manner.

1. Why does an adolescent’s risk-taking behavior lessen in late


The adolescent risk-taking behavior lessen in late adolescent, because he is now able to perceive the
outcomes of his own behavior or actions. Also in this stage, his/her abstract thinking is more developed,
including the ability to imagine different possibilities.

2. How will establishing a strong self-identity help an adolescent?

Establishing a strong self identity help adolescent to make a informed choices that will affect his/her
future. A strong sense of their self will also help them become an individual who is capable of making
right decisions for themselves. With these, they will not be easily swayed and make a right decisions that
will not hinder and affect their growth and development.

3. Why is it important for an adolescent to accept and care for one’s body?

It is important to accept who we are and care for our own body, because how we perceive and accept
who we are will also affect our decisions. If we have a healthy body, we tend to live happily and have a
healthy mind and soul. If we will neglect our own selves and body, it will affect us in some ways.
Maintaining a healthy body and remove the negative comments about ourselves, wiill lead us to a better

C. Synthesis, Analysis Questions

1. James is already an adult and has been moving from one job to the next. He cannot seem to stay long
in one job and always finds reasons to quit. He complains about his present work but does not really
know what to do for a living. Why do you think James is unsatisfied in his professional life?

Maybe because James was not able to properly asses himself, finding his strength and weaknesses, that
would help him to decide in which path he would take. Knowing this will help him better, whether if he
will do this or not, take this path or the other one. If you tend to neglect this, you cannot grow and
become a better version of yourself.

2.Peter enjoys playing basketball, but does not play at all because his friends would rather play video
games. He doesn’t tell them about this and simply follows their lead. He convinces himself that playing
basketball isn’t as cool as playing video games. Do you think this is a healthy attitude? Why or why not?

For me, this is not a healthy attitude to be in, for the reason; that he neglect the development of his
identity. By doing this, he will hard a hard time later on if he will just follow what his friends opinion and
not his decisions. If we have a desire, do it for yourself and not for others. Because in the end it’s not
them who will suffer for the choices that you made, but you. In life the choices and the path you will take
will affect your future. So make sure to follow your own will and not a slave by other peoples opinion
about us.

3. . Maggie is a not skinny like the other girls, but she does not mind at all. She eats healthy food, swims
every weekend and feels good in her clothes. Jessica, on the other hand, has done almost all kinds of
diets and exercises until she’s exhausted just to be able to maintain her slim figure. When she looks at
the mirror, she always wants to change something about herself. Who between the two girls will most
likely grow up to be a healthy adult? Why do you say so?

As what I have observed, Maggie will tend to grow up healthier, because she care and accept herself
that fulfills the developmental task, compared to Jessica. Having a positive view on her body and health
will affect the choices she will make and will allow her to succeed in other aspect in life.

A. Complete the box. Recall the developmental tasks discussed. Write the developmental tasks in the
proper classification – developmental tasks with you or interpersonal development.

Devopmental Task
Accept, care and protect one's physical body;
In Relationship to the Self manage one's sexuality and the roles that go
with it; select and prepare a job or career;
adapt or personal.
Mature relationships with peers f both sexes;
then recreate their relationships with their
parents; next is to build and embrace socially
acceptable behaviors and become socially
responsible; be knowledgeable about family
life and home matters.
B. Explain, using your own words, the importance of the following developmental tasks.

1. Build and embrace socially acceptable behavior and become socially responsible.

As an adolescent, it is important to build and embrace socially acceptable behavior in order for you to
become socially responsible and mindful of your actions.

2. Establish mature relationships with peers of both sexes.

It is easier for adolescent to be more competent in terms of their academic, social and other aspect, if
they have mature and establish relationship.

3. Recreate relationships with parents.

According to what I have read, recreating relationships with their parents will help them develop their
self identity.

C. Analyze each scenario.

1. Nathan was not that close to his parents back in his Grade 9 years. He always preferred spending
time alone, listening to music after school in his room, and talking to his friends online. He does not
share much about what happens to him in school. But later on, when he got into Grade 12, he started
asking his parents for advices. He asked them about what life is like working in the corporate world and
how they were able to build a life for their family. How will this change affect Nathan’s development?

He will be able to have a great relationship with his parents , and help him establish his self identity. Also
his independency from his parents will mature both physical and in emotional aspect.

2. Carissa, Elmer, Xavier, and Lyka have been friends since they were in their elementary years. They
encourage each other to pursue their dreams are free to be themselves around each other. They are
confident that they will still be friends even after they graduate senior high school. When one of them
has a problem, they always support each other’s back. How will this affect their development?

They will have a strong relationships with each other, knowing that they fully support and cheer each
other when one of them have problems. Other than this, both sexes will avoid conflict in the future and
continue to have a healthy bonds.

3 Mina is a senior high school student. She is studying hard to prepare for her dream of becoming
a veterinarian. It is a dream of hers to be able to help animals, especially dogs, since she really
loves them. She makes sure to volunteer at the animal shelter every weekend. Mina also makes
it a point to help raise awareness for animals during her free time by putting up posters around
her village. She tries to get her village friends and their families involved in animal-related
projects. How will this affect Mina’s development?

Mina will turn out to be a responsible adult in her community, knowing that her actions help people in
her surroundings. An adult who is mindful in her actions and how these actions of hers affect others.
A. Recall / Comprehension Questions. Complete the sentence by writing the correct word or words on
the blank.

1. Compromising, negotiating and solving conflicts are just a few of the leadership skills that peers help

2. Adolescents compare as a way of coping with the many changes they experience.

3. Envy and the need to present oneself in an appealing way is a negative effect brought about by
comparisons in social media.

4. Upward comparison take place when a person compares himself with someone better than him.

5. The Social comparison Theory states that individuals determine their self-worth based on how they
measure up against others.

B. Application. Write your answers on the space provided below the questions.

1. When is comparing oneself to others considered healthy? When is it unhealthy?

Comparing oneself to others will only healthy if you tend to compare yourself to others in a positive
way, such as making them as your motivation or your inspiration. It is unhealthy when you compare
yourself to others in a negative way, like comparing that others is better than you and neglect your own
capabilities, because of your insecurities.

2. What do you know about development that can explain why adolescents compare?

It is because the changes you go through in the different domains of your development, this behavior of
comparing is almost inevitable. Development is gradual and individualized, means that changes among
individuals are not the same. Some changes take longer than others to appear, while some experience
the changes early. Plus, there are factors in the environment that make each experience different from
others. That’s why when adolescent notice these, he/she cannot avoid but compare it to others.

3. How can social media have a positive effect on a person’s identity?

We all know how can social media affect us. But it will have a positive effect on a person’s identity of this
kind of platform is used to inspire, lift up others and teaching everyone how valuable they are, then it will
really have a positive effect to the person reading the message. That’s why one should be mindful
regarding on what they are posting, because you will never know how it will affect them.

C. Synthesis, Analysis Questions. Write your answers on the space provided below the questions.

1. Tanya always competes with Janice in class. She is so focused on getting a higher grade than her in all
subjects. What can you advise Tanya?

My advice is that, Tanya should not compete with others, but to herself only. In this world your only
competition is yourself. Competing with others will only lead you to disappointment, if others tend to get
more higher grades than you. That’s why it is better to avoid this for your sake and concentrate on
becoming the best version of yourself, that there’s no room for competing and being pressure.

2. Sarie only dwells on what she doesn’t have. She is always envious of her friend’s new and expensive
clothes. What can you advise Sarie?

For me, I think it’s normal for us humans to feel jealous, especially when others have those things that
you don’t have. But don’t make it a reason to hate that person and being harsh on yourself. Instead
make it an inspiration and motivation to strive hard and achieve those things you want to achieve
without harming others and yourself. Be grateful for the things you have right now. Because one day you
will be able to have those things, those expensive clothes, designer bags, and other expensive things you
want to have, you can have it. Work hard and be positive in life, it’s ok to be envious to someone, but
make it an inspiration to do your best and believe that one you can have it also.

4. Patrick used to feel bad about not being good-looking enough. But then he observed that his
peers made fun of Richard who had a severe case of acne. He now feels good about himself. Is
Patrick right to feel this way? What can you tell him about this situation?

He knows already how does it feels when someone make you feel bad about yourself, so he should not
feel good at the expense of others. He should be reminded, not just him, but also us, that everyone has
flaws and beautiful in their own way. You may not be as good looking as others, but you have your own

A. Read each statement carefully. Identify the words or concepts to complete the statement.

1. Responsibility is a trait that separates a child from an adult.

2. Moral refers to man’s obligations to do the right thing because to ignore it would be wrong.

3. Responsibility is a personal choice_.

4. Personal responsibility means an individual has an awareness of and control over his actions and

5. Responsibility also develops the maturity of an adolescent as he eventually takes on the emotional
and mental traits of an adult.

B. Answer the following questions in a brief but concise manner.

1. Why is being responsible a personal choice?

Being responsible is a choice, because it depends on the person if he/she chooses to be a
responsible human being. Responsible enough about the decisions they will going to make and
accept the consequences no matter what.

2. How can taking more responsibility make one more responsible?

Taking more responsibility and more obligations will help us to be more confident in taking
more task, especially when we finish it. It will develop our sense of responsibility. As a person
accomplishes more tasks, he believes it in himself that he is indeed a responsible person who is
capable on accepting and challenge himself to take more responsibilities.

3. .How does knowing about oneself develop a sense of responsibility?

Knowing yourself will help you develop your sense of responsibility, because it allows you to
know in what core your hood at. It will help you to know your strength and weaknesses when it
comes to taking responsibilities.

C. Synthesis, Analysis and Application. Read each situation carefully and answer the questions
for each item.

1. What would result if an individual were forced into a responsibility?

If an individual is being force into responsibility, it depends on them if they will finish, do it or
not. Just like a student, when the teacher’s will give them a requirements, it is their
responsibility to do it in order for them to not fail. If they tend to think that this requirements
will help them to develop their mind to accept and finish such obligations. If not then they will
not be able to practice that and maybe in the future when someone assign them to do such
things, they cannot handle it properly and along the way they will just keep complaining.

2. Nathan’s groupmates assigned him to be in-charge of submitting their final

paper on the day of the deadline. However, he overslept and was not able to
submit on time. What can he do to show that he takes personal responsibility for
his actions?

Everyone knows that you cannot undo things. If he overslept, then he should face the
consequences of his actions and apologize to his groupmates. They may get angry, but you need
to accept it, because it’s your fault to begin with. Take a full responsibility regarding that matter
and respect the teacher’s decision if he or she will still accept it or not.

2. Describe an adolescent who is prepared for adulthood.

An adolescent who is prepared for adulthood, is that they know that whatever decisions they
make in life will affect their future. Also they know how to accept the outcome of that
decisions. An individual who is open that life is full of unknown things and willing to strive for
the better and knows their weaknesses and strength, in order for them to make the right
decisions base on what they know about themselves.

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