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- Gt Sry hoes co ai ta an Tt abesis Statement + ‘Ihe np, yaccedeat of ( hallan ges In _yesult gumale Chanae hove puche d dhe world to Atownaing Gitualion . Palette Voweves, — ar, jarne cl the Ihewele laf the nioatel to couvd ey the Challenges ord a Iigodes iy6 lefhects bby taking — stepr of Cour fywiole Compar'g nd Hovestatin | aacl —-cc0- Fre iu Aly than spar dotiods U | Trtegcluction Mo factors chat Exgendey Uarale ° Da ! | A) Lemission of Carbon g) Use of Clore! fuoncadath GC) How Cree Houce Gras fem? Dd) Deforestation |) Souatig ypulation -F)_Usbonizotion & i | | t { Reaping OE ee \ letion, _ _____| ~ B) Elevabton | of Epil _ 0) Mefting of — Gracies ID Rising. — Geq level - [El Nokoal “bivasters ft IF) Desextificetton _ . eps ob Pykicton to Counter des — Dupact of Climote Change ai | A Billion Freee © Canpaigan Lod Dp “orld + Fovestation) |e replemendtokion “of Eco- Feinally — Frans ie Post E) Rectibying Climate. Chan | Cloaks te ] 6a Plastic _ Bogs ID Spieacling _Awsrness An dhe Watton ©) Use of Euw-£ fuck el Row 7 Related Agweement fe onclusia 0. | leave _the_Finst_geneiat= ~ elon -to_feel -Ihe _inpact— of Climate eer e | aol ~ | Kast generation IRad car” | do. _ome-lhing, about if’. + (PsS¢ack Obayena.)—- —— —— charge eee peers = [Change _ to 4 __ intensity» 20994 yifucle —_—- _ aud Frequan of som candi | fos long desma an _ depletion} ai ising. — _ gea level ancl ___ snouning empraduse | ate __indicatoss off t- _ Be _U prececlert- aa Challenger — io__vesalt of Clifnoke _|LeNange lnowve_ ihc ahe funded a Tia _athcarin __sihighion. Accoxeling to United Sakion E:nuisomnentoul Pxxagzana._ ____| xepost, — Aap — twenty million ____ people. annually — _forcecl aac “ | home by Climate. _ change - Ieistan howevess has__fotoxd _-ll The hanels of _ worle| +o countey__-the Chelan ages. - — Lael anttigates its effects. | iy Faeing.. tee of — — api Comp alate of freestalin oe eco- freind q : d song(pav i —— loli ' = ~ They voill_cMisealss | he Causes of CUmake _ a4 Ss | imyoacds 00 the wwosle| aud th _ Enormous factors — to__ cours -fhe_ ‘effects of ik. will bighig lat Steps of. Pakitery that To boiqet Climale- chaise Cotbin emiccion is one — them» Fmnion of egubon” lapel due fo Use of ™ “fossil Fuck by fadustyfes a and shanspovtation- - St fe - estimated nat $3 peacent. Carbon-cioxicke (CO) _Conduce | in __ Climate change than _oley | gacces « AGGI- Claivnecl that! C0 | Concemlvatio ia 46 1650 was AUG Paxts Pex Million CRPM), lia a (850 5 aftey 200 cobs “gs We PPM, — o_1980_Caftes_120_yesss)™ 342. |PPM, eae ee voay (dud _aft a 28 beast’) 1435 PPM awl is ebtienceal ” | Calewlatedl_-Ihat we ron it__vsoulel |, veach- =a at. — 600_ PPM .- —Rapicl. CL. _incygacing. — £ CO, concentration is exo: ndli ng. U le fects of climate ch ange. tempevatuse ancl Cb totes nN, can Ge up to One Axe. Cranes lisence _ ics aaa Gkin__comcery, e_canteact, — cleoue in CxoP_ psoeluction. __emel many mose- CFC te Avery &talle | | —Cualhermure, | Greer ) a I Houre _ “Cases. (Gace) acd (Ace! blanket aging eax Loasmedy. Vea _ _Yeaches ____ Mosenvex, _ chloro | lufeocotbon ; CCFC) te og cooling. Goss If _lLis used in _ av Cores Pun a4 relsigisators. 4 — contwiluted in _ _|Hhe ~ clesttuction OF = OZone, oyex , f A GBOteclor “quer of cally | ftom UN way Ff incyxe are eal - molecule. Gla Causes : ee _ Seni it tthe ea _ sunPace , Sh cary _betther Teed lg back into Space| 0% absorbecl ey a ae That Says Sake ao water _ hap os Ht), 0, avol rmelhane + th Absotl ene events | lhe The loss of heat space + || Averlol Meteologic col “Deparienend — he total euayar wg effect —| GHG added fey human €avlly _edmosphey whi chinese b St escent . Gace (99 : Percent. Aclditionaily. , ole! fore enhances impact of Climate c henge. __ De farestyahion — mearag loscley +o accon%clate viceul lexpancion of agsiculluse tn acttuity , mins pexations_, 4 rei Gey - ord ach Be United —Niatons Faced. Agpicultuve Ox anizatin ( FAQ). rat Zighteen ~ million AC ves _|antllion_| ectayes) of xe sh a cath Yent, —_ushich. [SP ee “Augmented Ua |. LCleasing of __Fovest covey] [tees plantation. 4 happens : a 4 i veported Nhat Pron _1990__to Role J S00 O. lustyia( est uities._ ; tol Sasol _ $3 Ase aize Of che _ P. catia : it mee € laime, 5 sino ten dy Ale, dex clhe__¥e. Gokectaaki, sade. “686 cuk chon ‘population, is ale an Lconbatbutoy fo CUimadge. femstion , Consum piven _o Onl wore use of Lascil fuel. J i = _ ables one jot Planted. Tn Ptsien — Tit afer ok ae EAB i Plevke Tot ly a i Cae a. J because lolue to —atunking.. pope Her || ere ACH will. dkhance automatically, A babel lead sousarde_ eae Pepe delosectytion, — -vnre (0. _scanfe eke + SS [Tevelipect onl _olevelopigs i courdxies | fate shat fe OvesConse _ + | ff —pipulotion seitsue aud | aa : goo ra cielo — coud js L0f cthe Cemmtever _coulel Lvl | canduol | | on ite a 1 Countytex A stusth 7 note ft one to_ Awo_ ‘paced, ace, : Fu __do_ -Ihvee ere ond. Average gecesi gate is a2 to alt : escent | - On the ‘obey hand; (climate | Chousce fe not Only. Concluced boy a | nounia hog —spapuasio O oi a - alsa _ species ey bloat Tara «| | bthantzedt ce 2. tal _| -__ | people. - Luar Owe - faci uti 4 Os of Be sousces, am rayte tN —— g iNoloilty | |-exceecl __USe— | defose station anol USE — of |rwore - z Ayaneperdastivo which — cprolued _eaxbon —-ennissior 5 fey, _ nich, _ _ | Cltmake Chawe heppess a —— Hs ev, ac tes _nealto buicg | ae dl | | Cause fie gee i | dtseurs med f Climate || Chawse vohicl et wovlel 1s _ fi ot recponsifele | Soe the ey __ Sttemtitt Nach. | exploxecl _ Soba | Change Contivucuely, Uacherkect | : | Continue. _ = Junprececlout challenges of | | Change — ond hs | Conceaenc pusbetdin eoabiguDus situation . i Ciycumelancer _ Pa leiedan | Sabaigx — err gx will Jt Noli Ilnghencling. 5 a +H —_ dakex ame Bteps dp omniinnize ee | ab fected ft Oxest Nore st Lowyet Ra uy ria fs tne Jewuission, List Counteies «that wil) buf lhe Kagiorr Store's elawale acl oe in August 201F. ‘The | puve ithe effeeds of ie a Dir - Rlcisdan ts also am dig he be art hy Globel — wowing’, Te UN Yeconmended — twelve percent Cney ¥eaion 40. sIhe | Counays a Agledt “y Covey Janel ortea — Aloud toro excert de tive cpece. Hovoere ¥5 hil ds Billion flees a also cplaanect_ fox _ Ter es | Bilton Teves. _Tsdingrni? — vwhidle dewill Be_ ac coneplished io nea Tn spite of thet, af cline _axract 8 fr Teomtsibutors do Cline _€ ee — Gecourmting. QS percent _ of Catkors _n_aledace of effective amass _chansid schemes | Bas, iattiotive _ Falcistan nag been dal to Aaunch sop rlyan pordation. systema _ayoss | Ihe ounty RecemMly Tr is _dwnnunced -prtbst the Sky wel Aulomraboile | | clevelopme ul amiechanism. har daken —jnihedive thy foynl €ca-freindly — fuel eucl boa Sing onthe _ Shopping pladic begs Acceuiy ida. 5 post che County. ~ hay uparadedl. fuel Fuso -S 50 (Ow erntisior bemells | fa_a__ biel do counter aty 7 Jt ak estinuted dak coud. ) [lhe 2500 pups owned! byl, Mavect B60 sunlliany to Law electric buses Yer Oora) 2 Also dhe clate nl is__evwsivomeucdyt Aretvelly yun o elecdyic ity . St ; Coss’ Chlovorluisoc qaborrs) Auel alsa fastyum ental io yeeluedi Or. 2yarssiom ‘Thsough Cle _ _ Besicler thet, Sel Of Cabin Suet, €nwixoment Paleistorn Ctote_ Oil COso) _a county SG ove alrcecaly in Pale ieborr ts Stew'teel___ Oyang ¢ Cine Medvo Train (Oem) +, CAhoxe_C Payal) dhe ew low GHG “il | of Wo nabacl ducing pollution. of oct “\he supplyieg. Eut-5 — stanolodel fuel which Te | wor lei Caw pepatyas i Penal Bin [offexedl “at apiontimsls ti Blow | [hi Wer’ “than = “es “hs 4 | dbz fuel, she Year —— af} | banneck 00 riasie “Ble sacle — | the Clean. Creer lst - The. . Cowshyy- — cxnnayinedt 1 Paducy A. bags ap pi & £00, 000» Ws upto gelless ae be Gined_—_UPro} — -— — | Rs $0, 000 + nck | owe caug = eg —Voags | will fined _ Rs S000. 7 cl ype of Raleistouy Aas “ensusedy . ae _| ontyal ——ethe ——cthuotion, J _ Paleistera’e ee ha Sox __pesgc _iceerien _ has | been! _ fle. ah Peeple_ Ose ith Abe avexament _: Copperaring wx | toy als vg. dhe use __ 6 | Plast _| bags “plawtic _dveese oxeove % Ae ctee i tredin _ ts also q lan important ole to_infoat! dhe Citizens yom immined Circumstance ss Ma yg. Private lrotediiq’s Clrawnels Nave Stow Lawuiding, Use ra pla ste— Eioailesly che (pur . Lona paige _ for Guteen Paletstna — Plating dvces trent Ohael nage Oaso Using pwalic__ Ay Ay auispomr. oS (acl — _ Algae — Counkeies do Ye | atone - Grover ey, ale | stl che vso2'lol to Ayo dhe issues avcl Chall eper Lewhich have beeen pased ae = hor vahiBiec| die Pears jeer ent _ g dandmaale pack. hod : __ [oloat —wesrmniage. _ Jalarnaloal 7 | SAvugsled __to__ Ime es _ dine. previous greene wk seen Climate __ issue = “The__Courk Nols fue 1 alsa — re Ka oy io exCOW1E. | cUmate Clransre. laud ~e contag tous __chiseqse 5 ehan has exacerbates | epee te _ ele shoxta isk of To Conclude, chi make CUxwic_ LAOS cle mics Lincyease._slhe quakes mrgse Obey ) (ce meet, | St is exigency da__ctoles 84 Peiubieneyy haLlenges— | Conk onting— _ on ena hh oavific Renja min mever Know alvu2. _ Howere¥, nea _ Beth iin — Global Cala emission — Capita. “Hout ane County | _| feileing _eFeetive__ ae Sf _tountey___dhe Climate __ Chau _L Yreas _paoject __Shifting _ctyancpextativa fy _emisement ely _ dose owe _appoectaked _; “T evetlele —Nlo_cloudst che lstey wold, whest trave to ve wel fos sl __ besos COvr ery UC CES 5 — | Feenklin $94 — Fe -lhe . word water untill well ec Tavtesel — Vel bene | pre 4 Gt | ts Wwe owe |. do Save ft Ps0m iwanin: Ch allenges.

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