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= Singlet Nadionad — Curio coy cry fie L Ihesis Stodement = Single National griculum |- ea aml Uniformity fo ne Ralucation Fe} |_—Hgystern of obivence culluves awd sociefiesf | 40 achieve dhe cherished! gaat off ational | furl, dnes mot only _oleschtloe | [eset _tp_cheach} lout it alto ignignts [how do teach’ 4s well as Ihow fo ~ aes students _io.__leawnigg. lat coves. Oud kine [ _L | _ Tr TJroelve _ Consid exalis z velyping ~ [Gigle —Nobienal Curricula _ O Sigg otioal Cone Gull Bet AN Ih Tnkegeste A AN en on shel Prasis of Eayual Opportunities B) Equivalent dobs Opportunities +O) Lnesease Reseoveh sul Dsueliphaad wos, ro | i— -_ DGrather __uncler an Umlovella lof _ One — Nationabiem o ©) Provide Qualitative Eclueatton [ Fecus on Values, Life, Sleill lowe) | | Lnclusive Education Le IF) Decveace: Differences between er eed Unites | i | Eppes ob _Unsalit of SNC i lA Witerau Rate — veil] Expa i ID) Tisinteayadion loeb ween __ Fecle i ond | Provinces: pane - ; QF) Dominaney of Sivale Class _on [Ob Movleet ) Blaming Came a V | Pileishons New SNE, G Milecton i Lileven I J) Lneeutivice dhe _Nohon dlnsougla Updabiay Sy llgbous B) Heed to Mache ssalr’s Pupil ()Evalith as q Meoltum pf Tnchiucton Nol ag Subjeot ID) Easuves Minoritier Funolam ental ae Sslam ; F) Moxe Vacancies Pex Teac tens a of Etbical Eclucahton [E) Acs No Misintespretaty, of usil | frome wscyle he, curriculum is Sol much | _ Yaw + omatewial, |_Fou Ve CESS Am si _ Fos che _ Single se @ plamect 4, tented _fox_cthe_goud “Nalionad _Quiolec| _learwin vhs: Hy Grovtalles a educational ihstitubioas |p che. ee Loy deter | rol _ nopjettivesa | | Unifosonity _ fa =] A dlnesce doy. cult “a a on eee ee een a hee ec ealucabien was _Omel Societies —_ cea __ goal of | alescrifbs | ge ier _ensuses _COhe dona itis alsy Ws Acsess bdihout 2 = _ty teach’ an ess __-Stuoley nfs it heve is well as hod suaher at Comes. __ leas vi © as Dan iC Winners (he elite class) _ ard! losexs (lhe. Ie ct} £ocio- Cco' _]Lexist ia Ihe VOW counksy a system will Supp The enti bsinnerc. G; However, —‘Palcistan har __on Lannouriced! Sprifeot SIAC Plan to give Leap ities Gand pvacl ap) edheiot ick ealucation System hic” es: 4 Ly 0 Ce i its Nay of [oy bs si —s | i clhyows, joht« J _ | +4 now SIC. 7 | —— L Single Notional Corsi colum (Srcy L—} fs bein develapect by focus ings Oo, | ——‘ | dewelve”_ Considevahion a include + Qnre | ——{k -Concthukieno! guiddines, Sedastid , A } policies col Btomolavele, —Thitol , Evbrratny t internal — -tvends, Boudlr Outcome bh eat Approach Fil Focus 09 alex l {Alcill ool inclusive educations ith, paomotia: of iakellectual, —-emodit evelopment, Seventh, clevel Spraitual, _gecdthehic social rol oe | O —lexttical onelydical onc exeativedboan Eighth, applicalion of Knowlectge. vith weal Drte , Ninth, rove Oway _ faoh 1 ob amemorizing ad Deets 380) Dupjes Lingyuixy. _Onol “Octuity bared leavwidh [edhe Sictusian of moelexin teaching lar Laccetmment qaactice, Elevedh, ee | of [Toceltlh, cligarsead villa dhe ‘Trew information Onel Communication Aeclnipal egy lin, Tedexnational Mothematin _onrol Ces nee. : Study CTIMS). AIL ove “conticlevalions ‘fos developing. a Ne. Having clealt with the consitlewakon, | ite id presequuizite fo olttcucs the ale of | ee a conebvella . ‘ a a Tbe unite cursiculum fake. 4 1 thle i equal _apperhuities 6 al. me. Citizen ( counts idvecpective [sf cosh _llexeed nel “color «SE. ink Vinkegtates | elle _ nation ancl develop lhawraoray Hecouse. hese sill__be 00 ow dikcatmink tion e Dmevican Presieuk, fatal ia edueaton. As John __F Kerrey r 6 dbile - > all_of us oo nol__have _ eayui bout ol af us shawel thave doled, ~ | fncltyielual uth ac Cling Ruusste, Mala Loyual oxtunt to olevelop au mie: At rainy ee Se hj Aust sabig Cresmory onl UK Fallows thet _ewi form Cumiewo. L. he Sic! offers ediual __| room fox job iosteqol of ize syllatou © —_llancl. educati On clase bore. Due Av sinale _pabten “cn Go pace__enother Clas. dobs will bb oworlel - [~ CA 20F lonly ag! i gecepted celelnwated. Ss elements | ust a G Stuce OF tclentiftey, — chared| Htoncporency,. Each of these ele: tl ul i Ex pesion er be vende efforts Qf choo On o Conyre hencly sleet | cr . . values of Dike hy toc ludve edu akon. i +i — Moyeevess the one — cusmtcud Jivetll ckerences Uifevences — Federal aod provinces. The xe jhe ane cprlicy nel : vill toe allo we = Freag F010 lhe oyunt —__deelpnreat of education. Pe he ical help ae Lmrovides orem Dvivile dyes andl — uncuailahitily. "af _ Svc Lary raiol__Gttblen ta Society , an _gfven be hous. . eg . ____Didferxeut curriculums lefveace 1 Comapitition ond incyeme —_ ill rae yale. _ Is ptodures Feelings of beemnce 7 | Progress of one clare will be ettective thay Othexe andl dhe vest Clases yuill { | And H E dime _housine ye kd n ac} a education. Ms q “Meebars Prormulgedes rH sod —— Shout Collaboration our -gporin + e lis . Limited 40 Guy ow Pexsp chive | | MThees Absence of ane Cunyt pina 4 akin 4 “expanding lle Bey dy 4 | che edeval . «Dae: Ao] Lack And 7_ ursicul~ - wel. jqroinces 4 hos a Aoelierel 2 Ja Conceanend|y . _ bac kusayef “poi law tb Gccuted Ihe ~ edhes (Province Meo ifth Combye sill “Fonsiderecl oy heglewarclnes. Furlhersroye . i cheiv cepavate policies of a Can ” aye trelseen. 7 ase ceudyeh operat « eh Curpicutuns _Cautes 4, euche. Laactutec| m In addition. wothout lene to a shste. Tie sas af jolo _mosleet, ro —= Pad mo ml they. _Poscess [— : ten i peas Kona dincl__Compe tency | : il _alepsive dhe rest clase Pom al [ye ard the ed Class, _ultin [eine GHle heel dp eolurcalia, wae apklys ulasec, eud oy zthes wil) be ales Fudhermore, —_unavoy lalpili Ldowinohon & # one Class on _ ht Gf Untfed Cursiculum Createc a Ly _evwviroment of lolame joumne c Class psi! bhme _eacholhey Crsou ey Go evil accuse One anoihey, ad dhe ices. ble. Federal sll be Consiclevee| Sespons fo it. A chaotic gtluction Ls be evel apecl oad hate will da | %onm Among People « exe sill a Cussiculnn do duexcime | dhe a ae I é y. ‘ . — Ss Lf wesgueces ond Al Ovey Aloe _Chesithed gaa of devo Ie log he. ae cdheiy education. On ch olher enrol gq Len experiencing. ___ilffeetive Sioale Rate Cui culume Paleictan IGace Again fotveduced 9 ovitles Anas STINE. pe | Selamabael locewtiviz ect 1 upadalings its | polices, St le vat | _ petted — by che _Qvesramnes al fen r |Can deach ine \ HO Seere __lansuasse. vob. > Hostel of memorizing. Accorol | Stuclenks Peed Combbydable _to i _ Theol it pupil __ Can Compyeched JUINICER a 3.g a Vin hud #4 Pupils will energize fo Schools. closing dy sepoxt Rlersdan — Childsen Comnal veacdl 2 cfs E tee da_Pateishin. By “Haig — 4 Naviwals » Beseavcher, _Assesds that sl siete in Peshawat | Amoup delve girle 2 girl cans | 4 senknce in Urol y 1 baaea ange 0K thety native Donsuage _ bh cannot Ow athey’ language. Moveoves,\-Ihe- fal axel they Can Understand dhe’ Tess ate ot qnveruelt vill encourage! HOS unhedttvhingly- “Whereas, Some — dhvee illion Childyen —_ Cuvvendly. set amaalvess ahr pducorbien, fen [fa clhe State. the were _olepstuecl evatltic oF dechnatos ical educabion. £ hee | pxoclaimedt * hed Shey. will, lov kitten || Macksescah pupil in she Compethan Oriel all classes, Jn every Islamic || Scheel cllnvce _deaehess “usill be _ a fst Monae Sonic siete Aslee s Thysice | Mod fad Ch There chudeuk, will Bet Pew Aso itt Afle Mie | 7 educalion The cusill have _ | vilhey Mex a a Aeath in {| Blndyesgh Ge to clo fh Py hey freld. - 4 Mong wilh Sor polar ney Curriculum English 95 @ wuediurd} 0 _snshiuction _not_os sity cH A yeport prec lainee al Palerstanr a ~ students i Percent olvep oud Pevceuta ge__| one of df vosild. We me q | Ligh _becoute — childven are toudl P in Euglih 5 hen pupil euro i ~ 8 Te. School hey Comnot _ _cligest oe 7 | reheud dhe Nestin, Sin dhe evi) | ———_ of — English th tue Up Sone | i = | cthool, Wilson Center’ Aste, galsr C ped ded tn _(Paleistany “should, _ | Ode Jessen because hey | i incre it, Fras the new Leussiculuw, will encourage thot childyen dp fain or kematn fo Commiu ti | DCO yom it. | Aro! aight. sitwlin wail Table lhe Ie Cursfeulum 1 § ade. : { |_edlue pot Nakeral Cuvsteulum, Fieatedge 2 Now = Musts hety clei croucips _edailyy A! rou, ly the Upconsilg "_(paous fh mon Muslin Sunclomicutal axjyht te eNyical — cubjects tat occal Pe lerstar _ Concdtdledion's ay prorrud gates Pp waivol agains! _ Fecieving. _| | welisiaus OIhex dha chet _owh. I Hes fox rece ¢_ McUtolect inthe ome | Qeureval —__ dhiscomfpydec| Te neo SNC har| deter : lomiaf was llrece. _dapics. __dsom Senesad Knadbleelg.< tue then -thetr constitution ol | Contzol _Neverhlese, the SNC ill | Foy athe “on nmi nitex pact adion 0f | Selon. Riletetan, faci Pixet Sime to histowy f _nepsetentetive Psave, tae fue of THehaol _Tanzimatall \MMadaris Palentan, were pay che cusyfculum of team They Pocuseet eect based _oliMexencee « Hence, 07 Commonalidies tacheedl Sf adie. “fe Curviculum i ‘fsee from Sg. —Toc}| ae Lay cect of Selanne “Selawns Covvespon bingy -lnsou: ores _uyifted —cureeiouduna 2 Nacencies will be! ro vided. The] aminidyy of —_educahion gssex bed dhaf ~ ta evewy Maokvessalr. cls teachers poll 4 Hengle non-xeligia eS Subsjects (Math, (DPluystes Chemi stay) « iS Maclveccal’s ved uate gets ay eopuivalevcy, fer of rmasters ia Aslanuief. evel! beable dy teach _Av4uphere he wank. I is ecdimahedl “Heck ‘ by Economic Suevey- 7 Dales har Joj-20 dhat herve pve oud P72, S00. Yegistesedl — ovinazy Bthools ono 260, 660 all feinelll of schol 1 dhe. County TP ertyslauing two madifettah — certific deachexs het kath !Schoo| — owounts five fobs to £8h,00 _ mmodla wis Cexdifiedd 4506 in public owal_Gpihade —_echoale | Moeepr eatel mi dheve 25° ereheverl owe _unrxeaistevecl mad sescaby 15 the Countyy, That means he Stoke ill emBlayed——onaunel | 1085 G00. deachess in Seb orni Schoole. alo Conclude., Single Lnvel Curdiculum Conc iver tate — aa Pop) Lefsueduve dy encure _ Capahilitiec | Cf —eelercarbiny ord encuies lox Quidline Wegorcling __evhad a owhad all © Cucumis ado! in Achieve aakional Goal "af ecb —— babe. — ney “chudew ould — Kuro , —edetfand ead see *- |_ Cow tetion of __pecific bevel | zitsal i na. Ag Cunning haw Clase tf e — hounds GF oitist (Teacher) dorado! __ tis material Qupil) accoxding to his foleg Cobjecttvet) tn het _||_stuchio_ | C schol)? Moveoves, Paleishan thas _[pvomulgstel a Climacteric SINC -thsoyaln oleh - _|L dhe Can el level ft] Qihewaoy oud _¢ “eee No ne |curviculum fs 4 ae a ngtion Lan se i e stsue destination.

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