Sub: - Refund of Pension in R/o EX NO JC 201224W Sub Hans Raj, Ho No. 14919 A/C No. 10705564156

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No. DPDO/ROPAR/14919
Dated / 04 / 2013

The Branch Manager

State Bank of India

Sub: - Refund of Pension in r/o EX NO JC 201224W Sub Hans Raj , HO NO. 14919
A/C No. 10705564156
Ref: This office letter no even dated 08/03/2013.

In this context, it is intimated that this office was under the jurisdiction of PCDA
(WC) Chandigarh now the same has been changed into CDA (PD) Meerut Cantt. The refund for
Rs 13236/- as called vide this office letter under reference may please be refunded to this office
in favour of CDA (PD) Meerut Cantt payble at ropar.
Your office copperation will be highly appreciated in this regard.

Singh O/o the DPDO ROPAR
Dated 04 / 10 / 2013
The CDA (PD)
Meerut Cantt.

Subject Arrear of Pension L/NTS-17082 Maj Gurdial Singh AMC F/P to his
wife Smt Harbhajan Kaur w.e.f. 15.01.1987 to 30.03.1999

Reference:- Your office letter no CC/ORD/2368/Ropar/13 Dated 03.10.2013

In this connection it is submitted that no record of PPOs mentioned

in your letter cited under reference i.e. S/M/08/97, M/2079/97 & M/2089/97 is
available in this office. After tracing all available record in this office it is found
that one Corr PPO bearing No M/2262/97 Dated 26.11.97 was received in this
office 01.12.97 which was forwarded to DPDO Chandigarh vide this office no
DPDO/ROPAR/Corr/PPO Dated 12/1997 as per the entry of Corr PPO register
(Photocopy enclosed Page No18).

However, photocopies of entire correspondence available in this

office regarding Gurdial Singh are also enclosed for your ready reference. From
the enclosed correspondence it is clear that Late Gurdial Singh never drawn
pension from this office. He got expired on 14.01.1987 and all these PPOs were
published after his death i.e. during the period 1997. His widow got transferred
her pension to DPDO Chandigarh in April 1989. Since, PPOs were published after
his death question of making payment against the above PPOs by this office
doesn’t arise. And as per the record in this office PPO bearing no M/2262/97
dated 26.11.1997 was forwarded to DPDO Chandigarh, since his widow Smt.
Harbhajan Kaur was drawing pension from that office during that period. The
widow expired on 30.03.1999 and the ibid PPO was forwarded on 26.11.1997
hence, LTA against the PPO No M/2262/97 would have been paid to the widow
by DPDO Chandigarh.

Copy to :- DPDO ROPAR

DPDO For information please.


Dated: / 10 / 2013

The Branch Manager

Punjab & Sind Bank

Sub: - Refund of Pension in r/o Gian Kaur, HO No 0122F, A/C No 300122

Ref: This office letter no even dated 22/07/2013 (copy enclosed).


Refund of pension as asked vide this office letter under reference is still awaited.
Please expedite as our higher authorities are pressing hard for clearance of refund.

Encls : One only. DPDO ROPAR

Dated: / 10 / 2013

The Branch Manager

Punjab & Sind Bank
Distt : Roper

Sub: - Refund of Pension in r/o Mohinder Kaur, HO No 02860F, A/C No 14185

Ref: This office letter no even dated 22/07/2013 (copy enclosed).


Refund of pension as asked vide this office letter under reference is still awaited.
Please expedite as our higher authorities are pressing hard for clearance of refund.

Encls : One only. DPDO ROPAR

raya (Pension Disbursement System)
lation of Arrear or Recovery 06/2008 to 06/2009 in r/o HO No. 05153, Name:
ension Pension Month & Year Month & Year No of Total Pension Total Pension Pensi
Due) (Drawn) From To Months Due Drawn Arrea
71 881 06/2008 06/2008 1 12 1088 987 101
71 881 07/2008 12/2008 6 16 6762 6132 630
71 881 01/2009 06/2009 6 22 7110 6450 660
14960 13569 1391

Arrear Calculated from 06/2008 to 06/2009 = Rs 1391

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