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A 35 year old woman with G2P1A0 30 weeks comes to the Puskesmas for
pregnancy control. From physical examination within normal limits. It
known that HIV patients are reactive but have not taken ARV drugs .
There are no signs of secondary infection. CD4 550 check result.
What is the appropriate course of action on the patient by the doctor?
a) Immediately give ARVs and recommend cesarean section for
the birth of the baby
b) Give ARVs starting at 14 weeks of gestation
c) Postpone ARV administration
d) Immediately do the delivery normally

2. A 30 year old woman with G2P1A0 10 weeks comes to the Puskesmas for
pregnancy control. From physical examination within normal limits. It it
known that HIV patients are reactive but have not taken ARV drugs .
There are no signs of secondary infection. CD4 550 check result.
What is the appropriate course of action on the patient by the doctor?
a) Immediately give ARVs and recommend cesarean section for the
birth of the baby
b) Give ARVs starting at 14 weeks of gestation and suggest
cesarean section for the birth of the baby
c) Postpone ARV administration and suggest cesarean section for
baby birth
d) Immediately provide ARVs and delivery can be done normally
e) Postpone ARV administration and delivery can be done normally

3. A 24 year old woman with G2P1A0 10 weeks comes to the Puskesmas for
pregnancy control. From physical examination within normal limits. It
known that HIV patients are reactive but have not taken ARV drugs .
There are no signs of secondary infection. CD4 340 check result.
What is the appropriate course of action on the patient by the doctor?
a) Immediately give ARVs and recommend cesarean section for
the birth of the baby
b) Give ARVs starting at 14 weeks of gestation and suggest cesarean
section for the birth of the baby
c) Postpone ARV administration and suggest cesarean section for
baby birth
d) Immediately provide ARVs and delivery can be done normally
e) Postpone ARV administration and delivery can be done normally

4. A 28 year old woman with G2P1A0 30 weeks comes to the Puskesmas for
pregnancy control. From physical examination within normal limits. It
known that HIV patients are reactive but have not taken ARV drugs .
Below are tests to test for HIV antibodies, except ..
b) Western Blot
d) IFA
e) Antigen p24

5. A 30 year old woman with G2P1A0 10 weeks comes to the Puskesmas for
pregnancy control. From physical examination within normal limits. It
known that HIV patients are reactive but have not taken ARV drugs .
There are no signs of secondary infection. CD4 340 check result.
Below are the factors of maternal transmission in HIV transmission,
a) Viral load
b) Kadar CD4
c) Prematuritas dan berat bayi saat lahir
d) Status Gizi saat hamil
e) Penyakit infeksi saat hamil
6. A 26 year old woman with G2P1A0 10 weeks comes to the Puskesmas for
pregnancy control. From physical examination within normal limits. It
known that HIV patients are reactive but have not taken ARV drugs .
There are no signs of secondary infection. CD4 340 check result.
Below are the factors of obstetric transmission in HIV transmission,
a) Jenis Persalinan
b) Masalah di payudara (jika menyusui)
c) Lama Persalinan
d) Adanya ketuban Pecah dini
e) Tindakan Episiotomi, ekstraksi vakum dan forseps

7. A 28 year old woman with G2P1A0 10 weeks comes to the Puskesmas for
pregnancy control. From anamnese asymptomatic and physical
examination within normal limit. What is the stadium of AIDS for the
a) Stage 1
b) Stage 2
c) Stage 3
d) Stage 4
e) Not AIDS
8. A 25 year old woman with G2P1A0 10 weeks comes to the Puskesmas for
pregnancy control. From physical examination within normal limits. It
known that HIV patients are reactive. From anamnese it is also known that
her husband has AIDS. What is the correct mode of transmission for the
a) Hubungan seksual
b) Kontak langsung dengan darah
c) Kontak langsung dengan jarum suntik
d) Intra Uterin
e) Post Partum

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