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CHAPTER 1 principal focus is the exterior environment that surrounds

the organization. FALSE

1. Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in
12. Organizational behavior is defined as the study of three
organizational settings, of the interface between human
interrelated areas, one of which is the individual-
behavior and the organization itself.
organization interface.
2. The scientific method relies on systematic studies that
13. The ability to think in the abstract and visualize the “big
identify and replicate a result using a variety of methods,
picture” is classified as a technical skill. FALSE
samples, and settings.
14. Committed employees gives Costco a competitive
3. Managerial work is fraught with complexity and
15. Organization-level outcomes, including productivity,
4. Most managerial work involves simultaneous use of the
absenteeism and turnover, and profitability, are assessed at
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions.
the individual level as well as at the organizational level.
5. The Hawthorne effect occurs when people improve some
16. According to interactionalism, an individual's behavior
aspect of their behavior or performance simply because
results from a continuous, multidirectional interaction
they are being assessed.
between the characteristics of the person and of the
6. The study of organizational behavior is useful in that it
enables managers to predict behavior patterns before they
17. Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in
develop. FALSE
organizational settings, the interface between human
7. Firms pursuing a cost leadership strategy strive to be the
behavior and the organization, and the organization itself.
lowest cost producer in an industry for a particular level of
18. By its very nature, management requires an understanding
product quality.
of human behavior to help managers better comprehend
8. If a company creates and maintains a culture that
behaviors at different organizational levels, at the same
encourages employees to bring new ideas into the
organizational level, in other organizations, and in
company, it is most likely to be using differentiation.
9. Hypotheses are written predictions specifying expected
19. As you sit at your desk on your first day back after a
relationships between certain variables.
rejuvenating vacation to the Caribbean, you bring your mind
10. Deming believed that when things go wrong, it is almost
back to your work as the head of a beverage bottling plant.
certain that the system rather than the worker is the cause.
You have a lot of work to catch up on, and need to prioritize
11. The study of organizational behavior involves both human
what is most important to address today. Because you need
behavior and characteristics of organizations, but its
to improve the efficiency of your business unit you review
the latest productivity and efficiency metrics to identify
ways to keep inventory costs down. Which of the following 23. Technical skills are the skills necessary to accomplish
basic management functions did you just engage in? specific tasks.
CONTROLLING 24. Interpersonal skills are the ability to effectively
20. Identify the managerial function: communicate with, understand, and motivate individuals
and groups.
Coming up with a new product idea for Apple. CONCEPTUAL SKILLS
25. Controlling involves monitoring and correcting the actions
Checking an accounting report for compliance with company of the organization and its employees to keep them
standards at Tesla. TECHNICAL SKILLS directed toward their goals.
26. Planning involves determining the firm’s desired future
Identifying which employee survey questions predict subsequent position and deciding how best to get there.
turnover at Macy’s. DIAGNOSTIC SKILLS 27. Organizing is the process of designing jobs, grouping jobs
As Facebook grew, Mark Zuckerberg had to redefine employees’ into units, and establishing patterns of authority between
areas of responsibility and increase the number of hierarchical jobs and units.
layers in the organization to maximize efficiency and performance 28. Leading is the process of motivating members of the
during the company’s rapid growth. ORGANIZING organization to work together.
29. Most service-quality experts say that talent is the most
Marco Armen is a production manager at The Iowa Metal Stamping critical element in building a customer-oriented company.
Company. To reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste the 30. The success of a growth strategy depends on the firm’s
company produces, Marco creates a feedback and reward system ability to find and retain the right number and types of
for employees to reduce their amount of non-recyclable scrap employees necessary to sustain its intended growth.
resulting from the company’s stamping process. CONTROLLING 31. Identify the business strategy:
Consumer tastes in snack foods have been changing. Yun Zhang, a Chipotle Mexican Grill lets customers choose the exact ingredients
marketing manager at Frito-Lay, recognizes a new business they want on their burritos. CUSTOMER INTIMACY
opportunity in low-salt and low-fat snack foods and decides that the
company needs to establish a leadership position in this new Harley-Davidson decided that it would only manufacture
market. PLANNING motorcycles, not cars or other types of vehicles. SPECIALIZATION

21. Diagnostic skills are the ability to understand cause-and- United Technologies planned for $1 billion of acquisitions in 2015 to
effect relationships and to recognize the optimal solutions expand its core businesses. GROWTH
to problems. 32. A customer intimacy strategy tries to deliver unique and
22. Conceptual skills refer to the ability think in the abstract. customizable products and services to customers to meet
their unique needs and increase their loyalty.
33. A growth strategy expands the firm organically or through 40. Organizations pursuing a strategy of keeping costs and
acquisitions. prices low try to develop a competitive advantage in
34. A specialization strategy focuses on a narrow market operational excellence.
segment or niche and pursuing either a differentiation or 41. Organizations pursuing a differentiation strategy often try to
cost leadership strategy within that market segment. develop a competitive advantage based on product
35. Identify the organizational behavior concept: innovation.
42. Differentiation strategy calls for the development of a
A firm decides to specialize in designing new and innovative apps
product or service with unique characteristics.
for the iPhone and to outsource their production. Focus on problem
43. Human relations movement viewed organizations as
solving and teamwork
cooperative systems and treated workers’ orientations’,
Jeweler Tiffany & Co. is following a differentiation strategy and values, etc.
wants to charge a high price for high quality jewelry. Support a 44. System is an interrelated set of elements that function as a
customer service culture whole.
45. Interactionalism helps better understand behavior in
Starbucks is primarily following a specialization strategy and focuses organizational settings.
on a narrow set of beverage and food products. Increase 46. Organizational citizenship is the behavior of individuals that
operational flexibility and employees’ customer knowledge makes a positive overall contribution to the organization.
Old Navy relies on a cost leadership strategy and needs to keep all 47. Dysfunctional behaviors are those that detract form, rather
of its expenses as low as possible. Automate as many jobs as than contribute to, organizational performance.
possible 48. Absenteeism is a measure of attendance.
49. Turnover occurs when a person leaves the organization.
36. Human Resource Management is desired at attracting, 50. The scientific method includes: Theory, Hypotheses, Data,
developing and maintaining an effective workforce. Verification
37. Competitive advantage gives a firm an edge over rivals in 51. If it is true that whenever a manager encounters a particular
attracting customers and defending itself against situation (such as motivating employees to work harder),
competitors. and a single approach exists (such as raising pay) that will
38. 3 primary business strategies: Cost leadership, lead to the desired outcome, which perspective on
Differentiation, Specialization organizational behavior is being supported? THE UNIVERSAL
39. Cost leadership strategy strive to be the lowest cost PERSPECTIVE
producer in an industry for a particular level of product 52. Identify the aspect of the systems perspective to OB:
After offshoring many employees’ jobs and reducing pay for those 61. Which of the following is not a facet of human resource
who remain, the surviving employees of Acme go on strike. management? Developing incentives to use fewer
OUTPUTS employees
62. Successful business strategies are grounded in creating and
Pete invests $1 million in new robots to improve the efficiency of
maintaining a competitive advantage that is sustainable.
Mattel’s toy manufacturing process. INPUTS
63. Michael Porter says that, to have a competitive advantage,
Hershey has large manufacturing facilities that turn cocoa beans, a company must ultimately be able to give customers
sugar, and milk into a wide variety of delicious chocolate products. superior value for their money.
PROCESS 64. Which of the following is NOT an example of organizational
citizenship? Not asking for raises
53. Situational perspective, in most organizations, situations
and outcomes are influenced by other variables. CHAPTER 2
54. Scientific management proposes that productivity is
1. Race and gender are the only determinants of diversity in
maximized when organizations are rationalized with precise
the United States. FALSE
sets of instructions based on time-and-motion studies.
2. Diversity refers to the variety of observable and
55. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique used to combine the
unobservable similarities and differences among people.
results of many different research studies done in a variety
3. Diversity is considered an important element of the modern
of organizations and for a variety of jobs.
workplace; however, there is little practical benefit to be
56. Dependent variable is the variable predicted to be affected
gained by actively promoting it. FALSE
by something else.
4. Diversity can be the product of combinations of
57. Correlation is the size and strength of the statistical
characteristics; it is not limited to singular properties. TRUE
relationship between two variables.
5. Surface-level diversity refers to observable differences in
58. Intuition is relying on an understanding of many of the
people, including race, age, ethnicity, physical abilities,
norms, expectations, and behaviors of others learned from
physical characteristics, and gender.
living and working with them.
6. Deep-level diversity refers to the “invisible” characteristics
59. Listening to employees, recognizing their work, building
in others that take more time to learn about, but can have a
trust, and behaving ethically has been shown to boost each
strong effect on group and organizational performance.
of the following measures of performance EXCEPT
7. Separation diversity refers to differences in position or
environmental preservation.
opinion among group members.
60. The study of organizational behavior is beneficial to
8. Variety diversity exists when there are meaning differences
managers because working with people is an improvable
in a certain type or category.
9. Disparity diversity reflects differences in the concentration 21. Psychological contracts are like traditional business
of valuable social assets or resources. contracts in that they are negotiated or written in legally
10. Title VII prohibits employee discrimination based on a binding form. FALSE
variety of characteristics. Which of the following is NOT one 22. "Knowledge workers" are valuable to organizations because
of them? SEXUAL ORIENTATION of what they have gained in terms of practical work
11. In collectivist cultures, relationships typically take experience over the course of their careers rather than
precedence over specific tasks or responsibilities. what they know. FALSE
12. Which of the following has NOT contributed to the rise in 23. A company has a tiered workforce when one group of
the volume of international business? The ease with which employees has a contractual arrangement with the firm
companies can obtain financing that is different from that of another group.
13. The United States is a highly individualistic country. 24. Talent shortages are forecast to rise globally.
14. Technology is not a factor in the shift toward a service- 25. “Like me” bias, consciously or unconsciously, we tend to
based economy. FALSE associate with others who we perceive to be like ourselves.
15. Ichabod’s company refashions discarded dolls and other 26. Stereotype is a belief about an individual or a group based
toys into furniture, utensils, and decorative items. Which of on the idea that everyone in that particular group will
the following is the most apt label for Ichabod’s behave the same way.
organization? MANUFACTURER 27. Prejudice is an outright bigotry on the part of an employer
16. Harriet’s company makes tax software. It used to take the or its management for or against a targeted group.
company two years to roll out a new version of the 28. Ethnocentrism is one's own language, native country, and
software, but now it only takes one year. The company has cultural rules and norms are superior to all others.
reduced its cycle times. 29. Individualism in a culture define themselves primarily as
17. How an organization treats its employees is not an ethical individuals than as part of one or more groups or
issue. FALSE organizations.
18. What term refers to standards of behavior about how 30. Collectivism is characterized by tight social frameworks.
people ought to act in different situations? ETHICS 31. Power distance (orientation to authority) is the extent to
19. Ethics are a person’s beliefs regarding what is right or wrong which people accept as normal an unequal distribution of
in a given situation. power.
20. Corporate social responsibility refers to businesses living 32. Uncertainty avoidance (preference for stability) is the
and working together for the common good and valuing extent which people feel threatened by unknown situations.
human dignity. 33. Masculinity (assertiveness or materialism) is the extent to
which the dominant values in a society emphasize
34. Long-term values include focusing on the future, working on 49. What level of the corporate ladder is least diverse?
projects that have a distant payoff. UPPERMOST LEADERSHIP
35. Short-term values are more oriented toward the past and 50. Which of the following countries is highly assertive and
the present. materialistic? JAPAN
36. Global perspective is distinguished by a willingness to be 51. An employee in which one of the following countries would
open to and learn from the alternative systems. be most likely to go behind her boss's back in order to finish
37. Cultural competence is the ability to interact effectively a project successfully? ISRAEL
with people of different cultures. 52. Globalization is a new phenomenon. FALSE
38. Technology refers to the methods used to create products. 53. Employment in the service sector is expected to decline in
39. 3 areas of technology: The shift toward a service-based the near future. FALSE
economy, The growing use of technology for competitive 54. Which of the following was a primary cause of the decline of
advantage, Mushrooming change in information technology the manufacturing sector in the United States? FOREIGN
40. Corporate governance is the oversight of a public COMPETITION
corporation by its board of directors. 55. Ethical behavior is not as profitable as unethical behavior,
41. The International Organization for Standardization created a but it has other advantages. FALSE
variety of standards that help organizations gain 56. Expatriate is a person temporarily or permanently living in a
international acceptance of their practices and outcomes in country other than that of legal residence.
areas including sustainability and carbon emissions. 57. What is the primary motivation behind off-shoring?
42. Ethical issues involve beliefs regarding what is right or REDUCED LABOR COSTS
wrong in a given situation.
43. Manufacturing is a form of business that combines and
transforms resources into tangible outcomes. 1. Person-vocation fit refers to the fit between a person’s
44. Outsourcing is hiring other firms to do work previously interests, abilities, values, and personality and a profession.
performed by the organization itself. 2. Person-job fit refers to the fit between a person’s abilities
45. Offshoring is outsourcing to workers in another country. and the demands of the job.
46. Contingent worker is a person who works for an 3. Person-group fit is the match between an individual and his
organization on something other than a permanent or full- or her supervisor and workgroup.
time basis. 4. Person-organization fit is the fit between an individual’s
47. Psychological contract is affected by employment values, beliefs, and personality and the values, norms, and
relationships. culture of the organization.
48. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 allows monetary damages in 5. Personality is the relatively stable set of psychological
cases of intentional employment discrimination. attributes that distinguish one person from another.
6. Which of the “Big Five” personality dimensions is associated 22. General mental ability refers to the capacity to rapidly and
with being imaginative, cultured, curious, broad-minded, fluidly acquire, process, and apply information.
and artistically sensitive? OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE 23. Self-esteem is our feelings of self-worth and our liking or
7. Agreeableness refers to a person’s ability to get along with disliking of ourselves.
others. 24. Authoritarianism is where a person believes that power and
8. Conscientiousness is the extent to which a person can be status differences are appropriate.
counted on to get things done. 25. Machiavellianism is the behavior directed at gaining power
9. Conscientiousness is often a good predictor of performance and controlling the behavior of others.
for many jobs. 26. Tolerance for risk is the degree to which a person is
10. People with MORE neuroticism experience unpleasant comfortable accepting risk, willing to take chances and to
emotions (anger, anxiety). make risky decisions.
11. People with LESS neuroticism experience excitement, 27. Tolerance for ambiguity is the tendency to view ambiguous
insecurities and mood swings. situations as either threatening or desirable.
12. Extraversion is a person’s comfort level with relationships. 28. Who theorized that there are a number of distinct forms of
13. An introvert tends to be less comfortable in social intelligence that each individual possesses in varying
situations. degrees? GARDNER
14. Openness is a person’s rigidity of beliefs and range of 29. Sensory modality refers to any system that interacts with
interests. the environment through one of the basic senses.
15. Sensing people are detail oriented. 30. Divergers are superior in generating alternative hypotheses
16. Judging people are decisive and tend to plan. and ideas and tend to be imaginative and people- or feeling-
17. Locus of control is where people believe that their behavior oriented.
has a real effect on what happens to them. 31. Convergers depend primarily on active experimentation and
18. A person who has an external locus of control believes that abstract conceptualization to learn.
most of the things that happen to her are out of her hands. 32. Assimilators depend on abstract conceptualization and
19. Self-efficacy is our confidence in our ability to cope, perform reflective observation.
and be successful on a specific task. 33. Accomodators rely mainly on active experimentation and
20. General self-efficacy reflects generalized belief that we will concrete experience.
be success at whatever challenges. 34. Towler and Dipboye developed a learning style orientation
21. David is self-aware, manages his emotions, expresses measure to address some of the limitations of the Kolb
empathy for others, and possesses social skills. He has high inventory.
self-efficacy. 35. Individual preferences are the personal attributes that vary
from one person to another.
36. Nurture concerns the extent to which personality attributes job soon. Which of the following does Boris lack? PERSON-
are shaped by our environment. VOCATION FIT
37. Sensing/Intuition is part of the Myers-Briggs personality 51. Sheryl is cooperative, forgiving, and understanding. She has
framework. high agreeableness.
38. When should the Myers-Briggs be used in making 52. Arthur appears to be poised, calm, resilient, and secure. He
organizational decisions including hiring and promotions? displays low neuroticism.
NEVER 53. Type A personality is impatient, competitive, ambitious, and
39. Extroverts are sociable, talkative, assertive, and open to uptight.
establishing new relationships. 54. Type B personality is more relaxed and easygoing and less
40. Self-awareness is being aware of what you are feeling. overly competitive.
41. Self-motivation is persisting in the face of obstacles, 55. Confusion is NOT one of the seven universal emotions.
setbacks, and failures. 56. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is most important for
42. Self-management is managing your own emotions and firefighters.
impulses. 57. Emotional intelligence includes the ability to perceive and
43. Empathy is sensing how others are feeling. express emotions.
44. Social skills relate to effectively handling others’ emotions. 58. Gustatory is LEAST important to learning.
45. Discovery learning is an inclination for exploration during 59. Workplace bullying is a repeated mistreatment of another
learning. employee.
46. Experiential learning is a desire for hands-on approaches to 60. General mental ability is the capacity to rapidly and fluidly
instruction. acquire, process, and apply info.
47. Observational learning is a preference for external stimuli 61. Information processing capacity involves the manner in
such as demonstrations and diagrams to help facilitate which individuals process and organize information during
learning. learning.
48. Structured learning is a preference for processing strategies 62. Linguistic: words and language Logical-mathematical: logic
such as taking notes, writing down task steps, and so forth. and numbers Musical: music, rhythm and sound Bodily-
49. Group learning is a preference to work with others while kinesthetic: body movement and control Spatial-visual:
learning. images and space Interpersonal: other people’s feelings
50. Boris works as a receptionist. He's happy with his salary, he Intrapersonal: self-awareness
gets along well with his coworkers and his boss, there's no 63. Learning style refers to individual differences and
stress, and he can get all of his tasks done proficiently. preferences in how we process information.
However, he feels unfulfilled and hopes to get a different 64. Visual: learning by seeing Auditory: learning by hearing
Tactile: learning by touching Kinesthetic: learning by doing
CHAPTER 4 16. Eustress is the pleasurable stress that accompanies positive
1. Attitudes are more stable than personality attributes. FALSE
17. Time management is often recommended for managing
2. Attitudes are usually viewed as stable dispositions to
behave toward objects in a certain way.
18. Cognition is the knowledge a person presumes to have
3. Core self-evaluations is the fundamental premises people
about something and is based on perceptions of truth and
hold about themselves and their functioning in the world.
4. Personality clashes are an example of interpersonal value
19. Affect is similar to emotion and is a person’s feeling toward
5. Intrinsic work values relate to the work itself.
20. Intention is a component of an attitude that guides a
6. Extrinsic work values relate to the outcome of doing work.
person’s behavior.
7. When does intrapersonal value conflict occur? When highly
21. Cognitive dissonance is an incompatibility or conflict
ranked instrumental and terminal values conflict
between behavior and an attitude or between two different
8. Attribution theory says that we evaluate behavior in terms
of all of the following EXCEPT the nature of the job.
22. If we value honesty and integrity, we may form especially
9. Stereotyping is categorizing or labeling people based on a
favorable attitudes toward a manager whom we believe to
wide range of attributes. FALSE
be very honest.
10. The halo effect refers to drawing a general impression
23. Employees of Boston Children’s Hospital often say that they
about something or someone based on a single (typically
choose to stay with the organization because they share its
good) characteristic.
goal of providing top-quality health care to kids. Of what is
11. Functional stress refers to manageable levels of stress for
reasonable periods of time that generate positive emotions
24. Organizational commitment reflects the degree to which an
including satisfaction, excitement, and enjoyment.
employee identifies with the organization and its goals and
12. Burnout refers to exhaustion of physical or emotional
wants to stay with the organization.
strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged
25. Affective commitment refers to a positive emotional
stress or frustration.
attachment to the organization and strong identification
13. Which stress stage is triggered we first encounter a
with its values and goals.
stressor? ALARM
26. Normative commitment refers to feeling obliged to stay
14. At this point, the person may feel some degree of panic and
with an organization for moral or ethical reasons.
begin to wonder how to cope. ALARM
27. Continuance commitment refer to staying with an
15. Distress is the unpleasant stress that accompanies negative
organization because of perceived high economic and/or
social costs involved with leaving.
28. Individual-organization value conflict occurs when an 41. Fairness is a primary concern in relationships where
employee’s values conflict with the values of the subordinates must rely on others.
organization. 42. Interactional fairness is whether the amount of information
29. Intrapersonal value conflict is conflict between the about the decision and the process was adequate.
instrumental value of ambition and the terminal value of 43. Perceived unfairness increases the chances that employees
happiness. will file lawsuits against their employers.
30. Cultures that have MORE traditional values also tend to put 44. Trust is the expectation that another person will not act to
a higher emphasis on religion. take advantage of us regardless of our ability to monitor or
31. Extrinsic work values, including pay and benefits, relate to control them.
the outcomes of doing the work. 45. Procedural fairness addresses the fairness of the procedures
32. Intrapersonal value conflict is conflict between the used to generate the outcome.
instrumental value of ambition and the terminal value of 46. Distributive fairness refers to the perceived fairness of the
happiness. outcome received.
33. Interpersonal value conflict occurs when two different 47. A victim of interactional unfairness often has increased
people hold conflicting values. expressions of hostility toward the supervisor or company,
34. Individual-organization value conflict is when an employee’s which can lead to negative work behaviors and decrease the
values conflict with the values of the organization. effectiveness of organizational communication.
35. Terminal values reflect our long-term life goals, and may 48. Employee engagement refers to a heightened emotional
include prosperity, happiness, a secure family, and a sense and intellectual connection that an employee has for
of accomplishment. his/her job, organization, manager, or coworkers that, in
36. Instrumental values are our preferred means of achieving turn, influences him/her to apply additional discretionary
our terminal values or our ways of behaving. effort to his/her work.
37. Selective perception is the process of screening out 49. Affectivity refers to a general tendency of an individual to
information that we are uncomfortable with or that experience a particular mood or to react to things in a
contradicts our beliefs. particular way or with certain emotions.
38. Stereotyping is the process of categorizing or labeling 50. Projection refers to attributing our own characteristics to
people on the basis of a single attribute. other people.
39. Attribution is the way we explain the causes of our own as 51. Luck, lack of resources, and other people are examples of
well as other people’s behaviors and achievements, and external factors.
understand why people do what they do. 52. In the study of stress, what does GAS stand for? General
40. Projection occurs when we project our own characteristics Adaptation Syndrome
onto other people. 53. Stress is a person’s adaptive response to a stimulus.
54. The third stage of GAS, exhaustion, does not always 4. Formal rewards play a bigger role in a person’s perceptions
happen. TRUE of equity than do informal rewards. TRUE
55. Job satisfaction reflects our attitudes and feelings about our 5. A person who feels equitably treated is motivated to keep
job. things as they are.
56. Values are ways of behaving or end-states that are desirable 6. Value is NOT a dimension of self-efficacy.
to a person or group. 7. Self-efficacy refers to a person’s confidence in his or her
57. Traditional/secular-rational values reflect the contrast ability to organize and execute the courses of action
between societies in which religion is very important. necessary to accomplish a specific task.
58. Survival values emphasize economic and physical security. 8. What psychologist’s work laid the foundation for the study
59. Self-expression values emphasize subjective well-being, self- of behavior modification? B.F. SKINNER
expression and quality of life. 9. Who developed scientific management? FREDERICK TAYLOR
60. Emotions are intense, short term physiological, behavioral, 10. In the Equity Theory of Motivation, what is the meaning of
etc. “equity?” Belief of fair treatment relative to others
61. Moods are short-term emotional states that are not 11. Power refers to valuing control of situations and other
directed toward anything. people.
62. Perception refers to an individual who becomes aware of 12. Whose theory is the Hierarchy of Needs? ABRAHAM
and interprets information about the environment. MASLOW
63. Self-fulfilling prophecies seem to work best in newly 13. Generality refers to beliefs about the degree to which
established relationships. similar tasks can be accomplished.
64. Organizational fairness refers to employees’ perceptions of 14. Magnitude refers to beliefs about how difficult a task can be
organizational events, etc. accomplished.
15. Strength refers to beliefs about how confident the person is
that the task can be accomplished.
1. Extinction is most appropriate when a manager realizes he 16. The human resource approach assumes that people want to
or she has been rewarding the wrong thing and wants to contribute and are able to make genuine contributions.
stop the behavior. 17. Need for power reflects a desire to control one’s
2. Maslow helped to increase managers’ awareness of the environment, including financial, material, informational,
motivating potential of giving employees greater and human resources.
responsibility, challenge, and continuous development. 18. The two-factor theory proposes that satisfaction and
3. A performance bonus is an example of positive dissatisfaction are distinct constructs.
19. Equity theory focuses on people’s desire to be treated with 32. Classical conditioning is a simple form of learning in which a
what they perceive as equity and to avoid perceived conditioned response is linked with an unconditioned
inequity. stimulus.
20. Expectancy theory suggests that people are motivated by 33. Scientific method relies on systematic studies that identify
how much they want something and their perceived and replicate a result using a variety of methods, samples,
likelihood of getting it. and settings.
21. Effort-to-performance expectancy is the probability that the 34. Most managerial work involves simultaneous use of the
effort will lead to performance. planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions.
22. Performance-to-outcome instrumentality is the probability TRUE
that performance will lead to certain outcomes. 35. The Hawthorne effect occurs when people improve some
23. Outcome is anything that might potentially result from aspect of their behavior or performance simply because
performance. they are being assessed.
24. Valence is the degree of attractiveness or unattractiveness a 36. The study of organizational behavior is useful in that it
particular outcome has. enables managers to predict behavior patterns before they
25. Porter and Lawler expectancy model provides interesting develop. FALSE
insights into the relationships between satisfaction and 37. Firms pursuing a cost leadership strategy strive to be the
performance. lowest cost producer in an industry for a particular level of
26. The two-factor theory identifies motivation factors, which product quality.
affect satisfaction, and hygiene factors, which determine 38. Deming believed that when things go wrong, it is almost
dissatisfaction. certain that the system rather than the worker is the cause.
27. Expectancy is a person’s perception of the probability that 39. The study of organizational behavior involves both human
effort will lead to successful performance. behavior and characteristics of organizations, but its
28. Negative reinforcement is based on the removal of current principal focus is the exterior environment that surrounds
or future unpleasant consequences. the organization. TRUE
29. Learning is a change in behavior/behavioral potential 40. Organizational behavior is defined as the study of three
resulting from direct/indirect experience. interrelated areas, one of which is the individual-
30. Social learning occurs when people observe the behaviors organization interface.
of others, recognize their consequences, and alter their own 41. Organization-level outcomes, including productivity,
behavior as a result. absenteeism and turnover, and profitability, are assessed at
31. Behavior modification is the application of reinforcement the individual level as well as at the organizational level.
theory to influence the behaviors of people in FALSE
organizational settings.
42. Motivation is the set of forces that cause people to engage 57. Variable-ratio is an unpredictable number of behaviors. (ex:
in one behavior. a supervisor praises a call center representative after the
43. Job performance depends upon Performance = Motivation x third, seventh call)
Ability x Environment 58. Variable-interval is an unpredictable amount of time has
44. Physiological needs: food, sex, air Security needs: safety elapsed. (ex: not knowing when a regional supervisor will
and security (housing & clothing) Belongingness needs: visit your location for an inspection.
love and affection Esteem needs: positive self-image and
self-respect Self-actualization needs: potential
45. ERG theory describes existence, relatedness and growth. 1. When a firm shares the value of productivity gains with the
46. Motivation factors are intrinsic to the work itself and workforce, it is called gain sharing.
includes achievement and recognition. 2. The job characteristics theory says that task identity is
47. Hygiene factors are intrinsic to the work itself and includes critical to motivating workers because it helps them identify
pay and job security. with their work and its tangible outcome.
48. Acquired needs framework centers on the needs for 3. Job characteristics theory focuses on the motivational
achievement, affiliation and power. properties of jobs.
49. Need for achievement is to accomplish a task or goal more 4. Worker productivity and motivation can be improved
effectively than was done in the past. through positive work-related experiences, according to the
50. Need for affiliation is the need for human companionship. theory of job enrichment.
51. Need for power is the desire to control the resources in 5. Skill variety is the degree to which the job requires a variety
one’s environment. of activities that involve skills.
52. Process-based perspectives focus on how people behave in 6. Task identity is the degree to which the job requires
their efforts to satisfy their needs. completion of a “whole” and an identifiable piece of work.
53. Reinforcement theory is a function of its consequences. 7. Task significance is the degree to which the job affects the
54. Behavioral modification is the reinforcement theory to lives or work of other people.
influence the behaviors of people in organizational settings. 8. Autonomy is the degree to which the job allows the
55. Fixed-ratio is specified number of correct responses. (ex: individual substantial freedom, independence, and
receiving pay bonuses for every 10 error-free pieces made discretion to schedule the work and determine the
per hour) procedures for carrying it out.
56. Fixed-interval is a certain amount of time has passed. (ex: 9. Performance appraisal systems that evaluate individual
receiving weekly paychecks) performance tend to rank employees' performance at the
same general level. TRUE
10. Management by objectives efforts are typically designed to correspondence are demonstrating which of the following?
accomplish all of the following EXCEPT allow individual goals JOB ROTATION
to determine organizational policy. 23. Job enrichment is based on the two-factor theory of
11. In most appraisal systems, who is an employee’s primary motivation and entails giving workers more tasks to perform
evaluator? THE SUPERVISOR and more control over how to perform them.
12. Managers should have sole responsibility for evaluating 24. Job enlargement is expanding a worker’s job to include
employees since studies have shown that employees are tasks previously performed by other workers.
not capable of evaluating their own performance. FALSE 25. Job specialization is breaking jobs down into small
13. Setting unattainable goals to maximize worker productivity component tasks and standardizing them.
would be LEAST likely to result in improved performance. 26.
14. The monotony associated with each task makes job 27. Goal acceptance is the extent to which a person accepts a
specialization difficult to implement, even though it seems goal as his or her own.
as if it would be highly effective. 28. Goal commitment is the extent to which a person is
15. Most firms have found that tying direct compensation to personally interested in reaching the goal.
the amount of time an employee has spent with an 29. Goal difficulty is the extent to which a goal is challenging
organization is the most effective way to maintain a high and requires effort.
level of motivation. FALSE 30. Goal specificity is the clarity and precision of a goal.
16. Increasing commitment to training would be most likely to 31. The balanced scorecard identifies financial and nonfinancial
support an organization's empowerment efforts. performance measures and organizes them into a single
17. Allowing work teams to plan, organize, direct, and control model.
their own work is known as empowerment. TRUE 32. Which is true of the evidence concerning the validity of the
18. Base pay is NOT considered a form of incentive program. balanced scorecard approach to performance
19. Allowing employees to decide what hours they work on the management? Most of the evidence is anecdotal in nature
days they are required to work would be an example of 33. A flexible reward system allows employees to choose the
flextime. combination of benefits that best suits their needs.
20. Job design is how organizations define and structure jobs. 34. Perquisites are special privileges awarded to selected
21. Job rotation involves systematically moving workers from members of an organization, usually top managers.
one job to another in an attempt to minimize monotony 35. Base pay is the amount of pay received as a reward for
and boredom. work.
22. A work group of three secretaries who take turns answering 36. A participative pay system may involve the employee in the
the phones, sorting mail, and typing and filing system's design, administration, or both.
37. Incentive systems are plans in which employees can earn 51. A 360-degree feedback system includes a wide range of
additional compensation. feedback, as well as intangible and subjective measures of
38. Piecework programs which tie a worker’s earnings to the performance.
number of units produced. 52. MBO has value as a way to motivate employees. TRUE
39. Gain-sharing programs which grant additional earnings to 53. Management by objectives is a collaborative goal-setting
employees or group works. process through which organizational goals cascade down
40. Bonus systems which provide managers with lump-sum throughout the organization.
payments from special fund based. 54. What is the second step in the performance appraisal
41. Long-term compensations which give managers additional process? DOCUMENTATION
income based on stock price performance, earnings, etc. 55. In collectivistic cultures such as Japan, performance
42. Merit pay plans which base pay raises on the employee’s appraisals tend to be group-based.
performance. 56. Humphrey and Lina, who work at different firms, each
43. Profit-sharing plans which distribute a portion of the firm’s receive a 3% raise. Most of Humphrey's coworkers receive a
profts to all employees. 5% raise, and he is unhappy with his raise. Most of Lina's
44. Employee stock option plans which set aside stock in the coworkers receive a 1% raise, and she is happy with her
company for employees to purchase at a reduced rate. raise. Humphrey and Lina most likely have different
45. Compensation package is the total array of money (wages, reactions to their raises because their raises have different
salary, commissions), incentives, etc. symbolic value.
46. Workers are likely to improve their performance when they 57. Albert works as a salesperson making $8 an hour plus 5% of
believe that needs that are important to their well-being every sale he makes. He receives two weeks of paid
will be satisfied if they do so. TRUE vacation a year as well as 50% matching in a 401K
47. Employees may improve their own productivity if they are retirement fund. In this scenario, "$8 an hour" represents
able to participate in making decisions about how their jobs Albert's base pay.
are done. TRUE 58. Paid time off is an example of indirect compensation.
48. Employees who are expected to work unusual and 59. Compressed work schedule is a work schedule which
demanding schedules are usually satisfied receiving employees work a full forty-hour week in fewer than the
additional time off and do not require higher pay. FALSE traditional five days.
49. Empowerment refers to the degree to which an employee 60. Extended work schedule requires relatively long periods of
has the authority to make and implement decisions. work followed by relatively long periods of paid time off.
50. Participation entails giving employees a voice in making 61. Flexible work schedules give employees more personal
decisions about their own work. control over the hours they work each day.
62. Telecommuting is a work arrangement in which employees 11. When all other options have failed, what strategy may be
spend part of their time working off-site. used for dealing with challenges faced by multicultural
63. Performance appraisal is the process of assessing and teams? EXIT
evaluating an employee’s work behaviors. 12. Members have widely varying titles or duties within the
64. Benefits are rewards and incentives provided to employees organization is NOT typically true of an affinity group.
in addition to their wages or salaries. 13. Group members tend to ask the leader about a group’s
purpose and goals during which stage? STORMING
14. When implementing teams, sometimes small performance
1. The most dangerous cost of teams is the possibility that improvements are seen in the initial stage due to
new team may take a long time to perform at prior levels. excitement or anticipation for teams. TRUE
FALSE 15. Which of the following is not one of the five basic group
2. When all team members from all teams are rewarded based performance factors? COOPERATION
on the performance of the organization, division, or plant, 16. Which of the following is the core strength of problem-
this system is called gain-sharing. solving teams? As employees, team members usually know
3. A functional team is a team with members from different the job best.
departments or function areas. FALSE 17. In business organizations, most employees work in
4. There is emerging evidence that emotional intelligence of command groups.
group members can promote cohesiveness. 18. Self-directed teams set their own goals and pursue them in
5. A group works effectively toward accomplishing its goals ways the team decides.
during which stage? PERFORMING 19. Self-directed teams can improve commitment, quality, and
6. Informational diversity is diversity in knowledge and efficiency.
experience. 20. Virtual teams have geographically and/or organizationally
7. Informal leadership is always an asset to teams in dispersed members who communicate using the Internet
organizations. FALSE and other information technologies.
8. Informal leader is a person who engages in leadership 21. Problem-solving teams solve problems and make
activities but whose right to do so has not been formally improvements at work.
recognized by the organization or group. 22. Global teams have members from different countries.
9. A team’s shared belief that it can organize and execute the 23. Interest groups are organized around a common activity or
behaviors necessary to reach its goals is known as team interest, including networks of working women.
efficacy. 24. Diversity increases the importance of group composition.
10. Changing the shape of a team is known as structural 25. Group cohesiveness the extent to which a group is
intervention. committed to remaining together.
26. Social loafing occurs when a group member does not invest 38. Social facilitation happens when people are motivated to
as much effort as he or she could because of an assumption look good to others.
that other group members will pick up the slack. 39. Which of the following is NOT an important role played by
27. Social facilitation happen(s) when people are motivated to top-management when implementing teams? Delegating
look good to others and want to maintain a positive self- new responsibility to individuals
image. 40. At what phase of team implementation is performance
28. In the start-up phase of implementing teams, the focus is on usually above prior levels? PHASE 4
sending the message that management is firmly committed 41. When changing to a team-based organizational structure,
to the move to teams and to training employees in great progress is often seen almost immediately. FALSE
teamwork related skills and competencies. 42. Informational diversity has a positive impact on team
29. Communication abilities include the ability to maximize the performance; demographic diversity often has a negative
congruence between nonverbal and verbal messages and to impact.
recognize and interpret the nonverbal messages of others. 43. Seeing a problem as a cultural difference, and not a
30. Which of the following distinguishes an informal group from personality issue is known as adaptation.
a formal group? An informal group is formed by its 44. Teams are an interdependent collection of at least two
members. individuals who share a common goal.
31. Which of the following is NOT a strength of cross-functional 45. Workgroups are formal groups established by the
teams? Specializing in a specific area organization to do its work.
32. In business organizations, most employees work in 46. Command group is relatively permanent and is
command groups. characterized by functional reporting relationships.
33. Group composition is the degree of similarity or difference 47. Affinity groups are relatively permanent collection of
among group members on factors important to the group's employees from the same level in the organization who
work. meet on a regular basis.
34. Group cohesiveness can be increased by competition or the 48. Functional teams come from the same department or
presence of an external threat. TRUE functional area.
35. Social loafing is less common when tasks are VERY 49. Cross-functional teams come from different departments or
important. functional areas.
36. Process gain refers to the performance improvements that 50. Self-directed teams set their own goals and pursue them in
occur because people work together rather than ways defined by the team.
independently. 51. Problem-solving teams are created to solve problems and
37. Process loss refers to performance decrements that occur make improvements.
when a team performs worse than the individual members.
52. Venture teams are operating semi-autonomously to create
and develop new products, etc.
53. Virtual teams are geographically and/or organizationally
dispersed coworkers who communicate using
54. Informal groups are formed by their members and consist
of friendship groups.
55. Friendship groups are relatively permanent and informal
and draws its benefits from the social relationships among
its members.
56. Interest groups are relatively temporary and informal and is
organized around a common activity or interest of its
57. Norm is a standard against which the appropriateness of a
behavior is judged.
58. Mutual acceptance stage is characterized by members’
sharing information about themselves and getting to know
each other.
59. Communication and decision-making stage is discussing
your feelings more openly and agree on group goals.
60. Motivation and productivity refers to which members
cooperate, help each other and work toward accomplishing
61. Control and organization, the group works effectively
toward accomplishing task.
62. Team contract is a written agreement among team
members establishing ground rules.

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