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Monday, 8 March 2021 1:23 AM

Reheat-Regen Page 1
Reheat-Regen Page 2
Steam at 6.2 MPa / T = 420 degrees is supplied by a boiler
to a turbine where it is bled out for feedwater heating at
a pressure of 2.5 MPa. It continues to expand at a
pressure of 1.2 MPa where it will undergo reheating until
it reaches 330 degrees. It is extracted to a condensing
unit at a pressure of 0.05 MPa. If mass of steam is at 1 kg
per second, find the following:
Monday, 8 March 2021 2:47 PM

A) Total heat added in KW

B) Turbine work in KW
C) Total pumping power in KW
D) Heat rejected in KW
E) Mass of extracted steam in the open heater in kg/s
F) Work Net in KW
G) Cycle efficiency

Reheat-Regen Page 3
Reheat-Regen Page 4
Reheat-Regen Page 5
Reheat-Regen Page 6
5 kg/s of steam at 8 MPa and 545°C enters the turbine
and expands to 3 MPa where steam is extracted for open
feedwater heating, at the same pressure the remainder is
withdrawn and reheated to 450°C. Expansion occurs
again at 1.2 MPa where steam is extracted again for
feedwater heating. The final expansion now occurs to a
condenser pressure of 20 kPa. Determine the following:
Monday, 8 March 2021 4:13 PM

1. Correct Schematic and Ts diagram

2. Enthalpies, kJ/kg
3. Mass of the steam extracted, kg/s
4. Total heat added and rejected, kW
5. Turbine and Total Pump work, kW
6. Net work and Energy Chargeable, kW
7. Overall cycle thermal and engine efficiency, %

Reheat-Regen Page 7

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