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Tell me about yourself

 “I am loyal, hard-working, professional and, having studied the
job description for this role in detail, I feel the attributes I possess
are a strong match. Whilst at work, I am someone who takes
pride in delivering each task to a high standard and I achieve this
by working closely with other people within the team. I also make
sure I obtain a clear brief from my manager or supervisor as to
what they want to me to achieve whilst working in the role I am
employed. If successful, I am looking forward to learning the role
quickly and getting to know as much about your products and
services, so I can start contributing and making a positive impact
within the organization.”

2. Why do you want to work for our company ?

 “Having researched your company you are clearly a leader
within the industry and I feel I would be able to excel within the
role and put all of my skills, qualities and experience to good use.
Whilst studying your company online, it is clear to see you have
strong and exciting plans for the future and I would like to be a
part of your journey through the role I am being interviewed for
today. There’s lots of positive comments online about your
company and, if I am successful at interview, I would feel quite
proud to have your name on my CV/resume.”

3. Why should our company hire you ?

 I believe you should hire me because not only I have the
experience and the skills and qualities that are match for the job
description .the experience I have gained means that I will get up
and running in this role very quickly that means you can leave me
to get on with things,im also very good working around people
and I understand the benefits of working in a diverse team, I feel
I am a good motivator so I can get other people to feel motivated
about their work as well.

4. What are your strengths ?

 My strengths are primaly I am a fast learner so if you give me the
job ,I will learn this role really quickly that would be my first day
to get up and running in super fast time I would spend time in my
own time in the evenings learning the role because it would be my
aim to get up and running quickly I want to be a high preforming
member of my team and
I have a positive mindset

5. Whats your biggest weakness ?

 My biggest weakness I believe is that I find it very difficult at
times to say no to people ,now in the past this has resulted in me
taking on sometimes too much work so as hopefully i’ve shown
you today that I will always be the first person to put my hand up
that sometimes. in the past has resulted in me taking on too much
that I’ve become a little bit overwhelmed at time where I think im
going to struggle to get that done and I end up working many
hours in the evening sometimes.

6. What experience do you have ?

 The experience I have is first and foremost dealing with
customers and clients im very good at that I have lots of
experience I used to do it on daily basis in previous roles so if a
client is demanding or they are difficult I have the interpersonal
skills and the communication skills to win them over and make
sure that we provide them with a first class service.

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