Predictor1 / Reason1 + Explanations and Example (A Vs B)

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(Paragraph1 / Introduction)  Intro.sentences + Thesis statement

(answering the
Thesis Statement: I like watching humorous film rather than action Film
Because of its Story, Roleplayer, and Values.

 2. Content (3 cont ideas followed by explanations and example for each

     (Par.2) Predictor1 / Reason1 + explanations and example (A Vs B)

Topic Sentence 1: in humorous film we can find enjoyable story.

SD1/Reason1 (+): The Characters

SD2/Reason2 (+): Storyline
SD3/Reason3 (+): Conflict
CS: That's why I like watching humorous films, because it has a simple
and real very good story to be enjoyed.

 (Par.3) Predictor2 / Reason2 + explanations and example (A Vs B)

Topic Sentence1: Humorous film Role-players has its own characteristic

SD1/Reason1 (+): Cheerful Face

SD2/Reason2 (+): Free shape of body
SD3/Reason3 (+): Acting improvement
CS: that's why I like watching Humorous film, because of role-player's
 (Par.4)  Predictor3 / Reason3 + explanations and example (A Vs B)
Topic Sentence1: Humorous film has a Good value to watch

SD1/Reason1 (+): Moral Value

SD2/Reason2 (+): Ending
SD3/Reason3 (+): Entertaining
CS: that's why I like watching Humorous film, because it is contain of
good value

CP: In conclusion, I really love watching humorous film. Beside it is

enjoyable and entertaining, some Humorous film also contain of great
values that inspired people who watch, to do something. But, don't forget
to choose your film with wisely, because some of bad humorous film
contain of harassment and moral violence.


Many people watching, rating, talking, and comparing about film.

Two most famous genres of movies that contribute influence to the
society are action/detective films and humorous films. Some people say
action films are, but some others said the opposite. For me, humorous
film is more fun to watch than action or detective film. (Thesis
Statement/TS) I like watching humorous film rather than action Film
Because of its Story, Role-players, and Values.

(TS 1): in humorous film we can find enjoyable story through its
character, Storyline and Conflict. (SD1/Reason1 (+)) The characters in
Humorous film are made to make every scene as funny as possible.
(Explanation) They are made to act ridiculous, and be the trigger for
people who watch to laugh. (Example) Like a couple of best friends in
film "Bridewars", those two brides struggle for one-date and one-place of
wedding reception. Both of them are trying to sabotage each other
wedding needs in very ridiculous ways. On the contrary, when I watch
action/detective film, almost all of the scenes are about fighting,
threatening, killing, and other tense and serious things.
(SD2/Reason2 (+)) The next thing why the story is enjoyable, is because
the Storyline. (explanation) Most of Humorous films use onward
storyline. For me, that kind of storyline makes a film more simple and
easy to watch (Example) Like "Mr. Bean", "Bruce Almighty" and others.
It is hard to find Humorous film, which use backward storyline such as
"Forest Gump". On the contrary, so many Action/detectives movies use
backward storyline like "Snake Eyes", "Vantage Point", "Sherlock
Holmes". Backward storyline is complicated and make people think hard
in a logical way.

(SD3/Reason3 (+)) Third reason why I like Humorous film story, is the
Conflict. (Explanation) The conflicts that are made in Humorous film,
are the common conflict that usually happened in our real life. (Example)
Like "Bridewars", two of brides that struggle for 1 day wedding because
of the Wedding organizer mistake, "The Big Year" bunch of people that
compete to identify birds, "50 First Date" A guy who struggle to make his
amnesiac girlfriend fall in love again on 50 days, and etc. Different than
Action/detectives movie, which have many unreal conflicts. That's why I
like watching humorous films, because it has a simple, real, and very
good story to be enjoyed.

(TS 2) Second Reason why I like watching Humorous film is

because the role players have its own characteristic. (SD1/Reason1 (+))
First of its characteristic is Cheerful Face. (Explanation) The director of
humorous film, always choose an actor or actress that has happy face, and
easy to smile. (Example) Like three young comedian Actor "Owen
Wilson", "Adam Sendler", and "Jack Black". All of them are have
Cheerful, Smiley, and not stressful face. On the contrary, Action film
Actors like "Arnold Schwarzenegger", " Matt Damon" has a serious,
tense face

(SD2/Reason2 (+)) next thing why I like Role players characteristic is

because the body shape. (Explanation) Becoming Humorous film role
players, are free to having their own body shape. (Example) As you
could see, the body Shape of comedian Actor "Owen Wilson", "Adam
Sendler", and "Jack Black" that are not be regulated. Different from
Action films, those actor and actress must have good shape body like
"Jason Statham", "Gerard Butler", or "Bruce Willis"

(SD3/Reason3 (+)) The third reason why I like Humorous film Role
player characteristic is their acting Improvement. (Explanation) In order
to make one scene become funnier, good actor and actress should have
abilities to improve their act, outside the script. (Example) like The line
“My name is Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump” it was ad
libbed by Tom Hanks while filming the scene. On the contrary, Action
films Actor/actress are usually act under the script to reduce the flaw.
That's why I like watching Humorous film, because of role-player's

(TS 3): The last reason why I like Humorous film rather than
action/detectives film, because Humorous film has a Good value to
watch. (SD1/Reason1 (+)) A lot of Humorous films teach such a great
moral values. (Explanation) Usually we could find the moral value, after
the first character has solving the problem. (Example) Film "Devil Wears
Prada" taught me to stay true to your self, "Shallow Hal" Taught me to
love others by the person inner beauty not physical appearance, "The Big
Year" Taught me that if you want to get something, you have to let
something go. On opposite, many Action films have bad values, through
the act, it teach people how to killing, doing revenge, fighting, torturing
and other bad things.

(SD2/Reason2 (+)) The typical of Humorous film that made me enjoy

watching, it is because most of Humorous film has happy ending.
(Explanation) It feels glad to see film that end with happiness after
watch for a couple of hours. (Example) like ending film of "Bridewars"
and "Confession of a shopaholic", the both of brides forgive each other,
and become a best friend again. Or "Forrest Gump" Film that end with
having a son from beloved wife and a lot of company. Some of Action
movies may end with happiness too, but some of them also end with
tragic tragedy.

(SD3/Reason3 (+)) The biggest reason Humorous film has a Good value
to watch is because it is entertaining. (Explanation) Funny story,
Ridiculous Characters and role-players jokes, help people who watch to
remove their stressful and pressure that they get from daily life.
(Example) All of Humorous films are made to entertain people by
making them laugh. Besides that, Action/Detectives movies are made for
people to think hard, feel the tense, getting stun because the character

CP: In conclusion, I really love watching humorous film. Beside it is

enjoyable and entertaining, some Humorous film also contain of great
values that inspired people who watch, to do something. But, don't forget
to choose your film with wisely, because some of bad humorous film
contain of harassment and moral violence.

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