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To : Sid Ahmed AIT YAHIA

From: Soraya Khalili

Subject : Apology letter


Following our last discussion, during which you told me about the many
problems your employees experienced during their last professional trips, I
would first of all present to you on behalf of BTS Travel our most sincere
apologies, we will do our best to ensure you that this will not happen again .

I send you below the decisions which were taken for each problem exposed :

Hotel problem: indeed, we understand that it was very unpleasant for you, we
received some complaints concerning this hotel and we therefore decided to
terminate our agreement with them, I am pleased to inform you that from now
on we will accommodate our partners in the four seasons hotel, we have just
signed an exclusive contract with them. the hotel is up to the required
standards in addition it is very well located and offers excellent services. Be
assured that we cannot afford to lose our privileged customers!

Lost Luggage : we understand your inconvenience, there are indeed often

problems of lost luggage, for this reason we have created a department
dedicated to follow up on these matters, in the event that your luggage will
not be found we will request the services of our travel insurance company
which will study the reimbursement of your losses.

Car retal problem: this is indeed unacceptable, we will have a meeting with this
car rental agency and review with them the terms of our arrangement in which
case we will be forced to cancel all our next reservations with them, this
represents 40% of their turnover and I am sure that we will obtain a
reimbursement of your expenses and compensation for the damage caused,
why not a larger car for your next trips at the same price of course, does it suit

Diverted Flight
we fully understand that it was very unpleasant for you, you would agree with
us that it will be difficult for us to control the weather, on the other hand we
have planned to anticipate this kind of problem, by providing a card for our
privileged customers that you will be able to present in any hotel on our
partner list in the event of a deviated or canceled flight and you will be taken
care of according to our standards.

I hope that all these provisions will suit you and I remain at your disposal for
any other proposal.

Best regards

Mrs. Soraya Khalili

Account Manger BTS Travel Agency

Philadelphia . USA

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